HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-10n r� ® VII UOI ell Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Thursday, October 10, 2019 Members Present: Eric Bowman Jennifer Knox Les Caswell Ted Watson Richard Rekker Councillor Zwart Tom Barrie John Cartwright Henry Zekveld Don Rickard Brenda Metcalf (Chair) Regrets: Ben Eastman Staff: Amy Burke and Faye Langmaid - Planning Services Guests: Councillor Hooper; Mani Rajendran and Ron Trewin - Region of Durham Works, Simon Gill — Region of Durham Director of Economic Development and Tourism Brenda welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. Simon Gill, the Region's new Director of Economic Development and Tourism, introduced himself to the Committee. Mr. Gill stated that in his new role, updating of the Durham Region Agricultural Strategy and the Durham Region Broadband Strategy and Action Plan will continue to be priority initiatives, and expressed an interest to present on these to the Committee in the future. The benefits of a combined office for economic development and tourism were discussed. The Committee thanked Mr. Gill for the Region's involvement in resurrecting the Gates Open festival. No pecuniary interests declared. Adoption of Agenda 019-20 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Don Rickard "That the Agenda for October 10, 2019 be adopted" Carried Approval of Minutes 019-21 Moved by Richard Rekker, seconded by Eric Bowman "That the minutes of the August 22, 2019 meeting be approved" Carried Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington October 10, 2019 Presentation: Mani Rajendran and Ron Trewin, Region of Durham Works — Design of Roundabout at Intersection of Bowmanville Ave. (Regional Road 57) and Regional Road 3 / Concession Road 8 Mr. Rajendran provided the Committee with an overview of the roundabout design process that is underway. Bowmanville Avenue is a major arterial road and a designated truck route, including aggregate hauling traffic from near -by quarries. Bowmanville Avenue also receives traffic flows from the completed portion of the Highway 407 extension, and this is expected to increase. There is a history of safety concerns at this intersection. A traffic signal was installed at the intersection in 2016. Despite this, collisions have still occurred. The Region, through a traffic study, has determined that the existing intersection could be modified to a roundabout to improve the overall safety and operations at this intersection. The roundabout design is underway. A Public Information Session was held on October 2 in Haydon. The current draft design presented to the public has considered the comments and experience the Region had gained through two prior rural area roundabouts constructed in the Region (RR8/Brock St. W. and Conc. 6, Uxbridge and Lake Ridge Rd and RR12/Pefferlaw). Mr. Rajendran noted that as the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process does not require an Environmental Assessment or planning phase and related public consultation for modifying an intersection into a roundabout, the Region did not have an opportunity to reaching out to public prior to this design phase. Now the Region is seeking feedback from all stakeholders including the agricultural community to consider in the design. Mr. Rajendran answered questions from the Committee respecting the "semi - mountable" curb design that farm equipment and trucks can mount on and drive over if needed, the single lane design, and the widths of the access (approximately 8 m, including sem-mountable curb and paved shoulder) and circular roadway including truck apron width (approximately 10 m). As the Region completes their construction planning, the Committee requested concerns respecting the infiltration of traffic to local roads during construction be taken into consideration. The Committee also underlined the importance of communicating the safety benefits of roundabouts and education on the design features and use of roundabouts. Project information, including the information presented at the October 2 Public Information Centre, can be found on Durham Region's Public Works Projects Portal at www.durham.ca/publicworksprojects. Mr. Trewin provided the Committee with an overview of other Regional capital road program elements that the Region is considering and has implemented. This includes a review of road entrance width minimums for the accommodation of increasingly large farm equipment, future road widening purchases, the addition of paved shoulders on rural roads to accommodate cycling (2-2.5 m on the cycling network and 1.5 m for other rural roads), and a growing need for drainage improvements in response to a changing climate. The Committee requested that farmers with property along roadsides where work is being proposed be contacted in advance so that tile drain locate information can be provided. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington October 10, 2019 Business Arisina from Minutes Resolution regarding enforcement for safety on farms: Township of Warwick Resolution regarding enforcement for safety on family farms adopted by Warwick Township Council on June 17, 2019 was endorsed by Clarington Council on September 16, 2019. Corresaondence. Council Items and Referrals Notice of Public Information Centre: Notice of the Region of Durham's Public Information Centre for the Roundabout Construction at Intersection of Bowmanville Ave. (Regional Road 57) and Regional Road 3 / Concession Road 8 was circulated to the Committee prior to the session on October 2, 2019. Liaison Reports: Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: Tom shared highlights from the October 8 DAAC meeting. Introduction of Simon Gill as the Region's new Director of Economic Development and Tourism. Presentation on the Growth Management Consultation for Envision Durham. Discussion of the increasing spread of the fleabane weed in the Region, often on properties cleared for development that are then left idol for a period before construction commences. Staff to confirm whether the Municipality and/or the Region have a Weed Inspector on -staff. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: Richard provided an update in his e-mail to all prior to the meeting. DRFA continues to work on coordinating a local roundtable on enforcement for safety on family farms; waiting for responses from invited guests. DRFA requests clarification from Clarington on the new "Clean and Clear" by-law (refer to New Business). Clarington Board of Trade: Jenni updated the Committee on recent events, including a storytelling session and the annual Mayor's Address. CBOT will host the Clarington Economic Summit on November 20, 8:00 am — 2:00 pm at Garnet B. Rickard. The summit will explore Clarington's economy and the synergies and opportunities with emerging sector, including hemp production. Details available at https://www.cbot.ca/events/economic-summit/. Durham Farm Connections annual Celebrate Agriculture Gala takes place on October 24. Details available at https:Hdurhamfarmconnections.ca/celebrate-agriculture-gala/. New Business Clarington "Clean and Clear" By-law 2019-047: By-law passed July 2, 2019 respecting keeping land clean and clear in the Municipality. By-law prohibits the accumulation of debris, accumulation of standing water and the growth of grass and weeds to a height higher than 20 cm, with the exception of lands zoned Environmental Protection. Replaces the lawn maintenance by-law. By-law Enforcement will be invited to attend a future meeting. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington October 10, 2019 Burn Permits: Fire Chiefs in Durham Region have received requests that burning permits be addressed by one common by-law across all of the Municipalities. The Municipality does not charge for burn permits, while other municipalities do. Continued discussion. ZONE Clarington: The Committee requested clarification on the status of a series of resolutions discussed by Council respecting ZONE Clarington. Staff clarified that on September 16, Council directed Staff to delete the Environmental Review Area (90 metres) and Minimum Vegetation Protection Zone (30 metres) from the draft zoning by- law amendment, and that these changes will not appear in the draft zoning by-law mapping until a second draft is released at some point in the future. Further, Council has directed Staff to pause work on the rural portion of ZONE Clarington for three months while other provincial reviews (e.g. review of the Provincial Policy Statement) are being carried out an LPAT appeal respecting zoning for environmental protection is underway in East Gwillimbury. A series of additional motions are being considered by Council, but not have not yet been approved. These relate to how provincial policy for environmental protection was incorporated into the Clarington Official Plan and the provision of notice about proposed changes to environmental protection zoning to rural landowners. Future Agendas Clarington By-law Enforcement re: "Clean and Clear" By-law 2019-047 Clarington Engineering Services and Region of Durham Works re: 2020 rural area capital projects Robert Schafer re: Tyrone Mills Ltd. Brianna Ames of Fairlife (Coca-Cola) Clarington Engineering Services (Building Division) re: National Building Code changes for farm structures anticipated for 2020 (once the changes have been confirmed) Simon Gill, Durham Region Economic Development & Tourism re: an update on the Durham Region Agricultural Strategy and Durham Region Broadband Strategy John Cartwright moved to Adjourn. Next Meeting: Thursday, November 14, 2019 @ 7:30 pm - Fred Horvath, Clarington Operations Department re: Emerald Ash Borer Program and General Operations Department Update Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington October 10, 2019