HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-08-08Newcastle BIA MINUTES August 8, 2019 www.villageofnewcastle.ca Attendance: Marni Lewis, Janeen Calder, Councillor Marg Zwart, Leslie Ray, Donna Wood, Ken Easey, Lina Schmahl, Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Jane Black, Karen Bastas, Adam Jeronimo (CBOT) Regrets: Helen Vatandoust, Tracy Yates, Greg Lewis, Ann Harley,Granville Anderson, Debbie Miller Attendance taken. 1. Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. Approval of July Minutes: Jane Black Seconded by: Leslie Ray 4. Business Arising from Minutes: n/a 5. Council Report: Marg is going to look into the MOC cleaning around the flower boxes at the Beaver/King St. E. corner. As well, inquire about the state of the old firehall and if it can be cleaned up? It looks like garbage bins have been placed at the back of Busters for tenants to dispose of their garbage, and fix the rats problem. 6. President's Report: n/a 7. Treasurer's Report: Current bank balance is $34,476 . $5000 Canada Day grant money is still in there. 8. Committee Reports: Safety & Decor: n/a Advertising: Facebook likes are up to 1499, posts are reaching 5300. Top posts are: Art Show, Buddha Belly/Mt. Everest post, Sticks & Tones, Shop downtown Newcastle, Ice Cream truck - First customers. Website stats- 660 people have looked at the events page, Lovekin Law, Business Directory, LCBO, Harvest Festival, Town Hall. Special Events: The Hall rental contract has come up with the Hall Board. They require separate contracts for every event (even if 2 community groups are using the hall in the same day/evening ). Theresa moved that the BIA, when renting the Hall is strictly for their own event for liability purposes. Seconded by Karen Bastas. a) Town Hall Lighting - The horse and buggy have been booked. The lights are going to be installed before Halloween at a reduced rate. b) Breakfast with Santa- Hall is booked for November 30th. Santa is booked. Entertainment is booked. Plans are coming along c) Santa Parade - they have 4 new committee members, November 17th, 5:30pm start with fireworks, please share the Facebook page to help spread the word. e) Harvest Festival - Scheduled for October 5, 2019. If the Harvest Festival comes out with a positive balance after the event, they will motion to use those funds for the 2020 event. The committee is looking at getting new bag signs to go up the week before. They have the funds in their budget. They are going to reach out to the Firefighters, Algoma, Pine -Ridge Rent -All to help hang the banners across the street poles. f) Canada Day - A full report will be submitted at the September meeting. Next year the Gift of Art will hold this event on their own and apply for the Grant through their non-profit. 9. CBOT: They are working with the listing agent for the old Busters building and continue to follow up if they can help in any way. The old LCBO has a conditional offer on it right now. The Mayor's address is September 19th at the Newcastle Town Hall. August 19-25 is Clarington Food Week, promoting local foods, restaurants and farmers 10. Chamber News: Next meeting is in September. They are looking into a Hospice fundraiser in the Fall, stay tuned for details. 11. CIP: n/a 12. New Business: Ken from Gold Reflections is looking into a new event for 2020, he will follow up with this in September. As of December this year, Karen Bastas will be stepping down as Vice -Chair of the BIA. After 20 years of hard work and dedication to Newcastle, we are so grateful for all that she has done. 13. Next meeting, Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 9am. 14. Motion to adjourn meeting by Leslie ray seconded by Theresa Vanhaverbeke