HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-05-09Newcastle BIA MINUTES May 9, 2019 www.villageofnewcastle.ca Attendance: Marni Lewis, Janeen Calder, Helen Vatandoust, Jane Black, Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Joanna Bastas, Tracy Yates, Councillor Marg Zwart Regrets: Sheila Hall (CBOT), Greg Lewis, Granville Anderson, Donna Wood, Leslie Ray Attendance taken. 1. Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. Chaired by Theresa 2. Approval of April Minutes: Motion to accept: Joanna Bastas Seconded: Janeen Calder 4. Business Arising from Minutes: n/a 5. Council Report: Marg is trying to coordinate with Granville about timing of meetings and attendance. A Public meeting is being held on Monday April 15, in Bowmanville regarding Townhouses being built on Alldread Cres. in the Gracefield subdivision. 6. President's Report: n/a 7. Treasurer's Report: The Municipality suggested we consider getting a bridge loan in reply to our request for the $10,000 west end money buffer. 8. Committee Reports: Safety & Decor: Banners will be going up mid-May. Advertising: Page likes are now 1432, We've had 4,513 post engagements in April. Top 5 posts: New dollar store in town had 1.5K views and 275 post engagements. Greek Night at Massey House had 2.5K views and 143 post engagements. Easter Scavenger Hunt had 847 views and 37 post engagements. Town of Clarington post about the Bowmanville expansion project had 2.1 K views with 218 post engagements. Scavengers Hunt winners had 1.1 K views and 151 post engagements. Special Events: Town Hall Lighting - Janeen is getting a quote from a light hanging company, and will provide it at the next meeting. b) Breakfast with Santa- Hall is booked for November 30th. Marni will get in touch with entertainment and Santa. c) Santa Parade - They have had their first meeting. They are working on permits. Planning has started for the Christmas Tree raffle fundraiser. d) Easter Scavenger Hunt - Buddha Belly had over 100 kids in their business, they felt it was successful for a new business. e) Harvest Festival - Scheduled for October 5, 2019. f) Canada Day - July 1, 2019, behind the library, watch for posters, advertising around town 9. CBOT: Lots of events coming up, check their website for event details. 10. Chamber News: Their Annual Home Show is May 26 at the Newcastle Arena. 97 booths are booked 11. CIP: The 4 communities received a grant from OMAFRA for $110,000. The money will go towards sculptures in Newcastle. The committee is always looking for new members if you are interested in getting involved. 12. New Business: n/a 13. Next meeting, Thursday, May 9, 2019 at 9am. 14. Motion to adjourn meeting by Helen Vatandoust, seconded by Tracy Yates