HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-06-13Newcastle BIA MINUTES June 13, 2019 www.villageofnewcastle.ca Attendance: Marni Lewis, Janeen Calder, Helen Vatandoust, Jane Black, Councillor Marg Zwart, Councillor Granville Anderson, Leslie Ray, John Thistle, Ann Harley, Karen Bastas, Donna Wood, Ken Easey (new BIA member from Gold Reflections), Lina Schmahl Regrets: Sheila Hall (CBOT), Greg Lewis, Theresa Vanhaverbeke Attendance taken. 1. Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. Chaired by Karen 2. Approval of May Minutes: In the Council report please amend Alldread Cres. to read Donald Powell Cres. Motion to accept: Helen Vatandoust Seconded: Ann Harley 4. Business Arising from Minutes: n/a 5. Council Report: Theresa spoke to Granville about different Municipal grants available to the BIA, he directed her to speak to Ron Hooper from Bowmanville BIA. We asked Granville to provide an update on what's happening in Newcastle at future BIA meetings. Marg updated us that the townhouses on Donald Powell Cres. will now be available for purchase, and not rentals. What's happening at Busters? There is no dumpster available for tenants garbage, and there have been lots of rats and garbage issues going on since they gutted the building. Shouldn't the landlord have to supply something? Is this a Municipality issues? Granville will look into this. What's going on with the old fire station? The BIA is going to send a letter to the Municipality supporting the GO bus route be changed to travel along Brookhouse to Edward Street. With the new Brookhouse condos at the east end, many seniors would benefit with a closer stop to the GO bus. 6. President's Report: n/a 7. Treasurer's Report: Current bank balance is $36,500 . The Harvest Festival money is starting to come in. 8. Committee Reports: Safety & Decor: n/a Advertising: We are getting 2700 views on the website. Top searches are the Gift of Art, Town Hall and events. Facebook has 1451 likes, and reached 1600 Top 5 posts: Vatandoust Open House post reached 604, Farmers Market post, reached 2300, Mothers day post, reached 945, Refinery Salon and Barber -new barber post reached 700, Da Taste -Curry chicken special reached 790. Special Events: a) Town Hall Lighting - They are waiting for a quote from a new light company, but not getting any response. They will contact the company that hung the lights last year for a quote. b) Breakfast with Santa- Hall is booked for November 30th. Santa is booked. More details at the next meeting. c) Santa Parade - They need 2-3 new people to join their parade committee. John Thistle volunteered to help. The theme this year is "Christmas Lights". e) Harvest Festival - Scheduled for October 5, 2019. There was a discussion about the $1400 cost to hang the banner and the event budget of $2000. The committee will have to decide if there is money to hang it. They may just advertise and promote the event through social media, posters. f) Canada Day - July 1, 2019- The event planning is going well, they have a great committee working hard. Posters are around town with the details. This is a free event for the community. 9. CBOT: Lots of events coming up, check their website for event details. 10. Chamber News: They had a successful Home Show. The new Directories are out. They are having a networking event June 19 at BOAA. 11. CIP: n/a 12. New Business: The Gift of Art's 12th Annual Artist ad Artisans Show and Sale is July 13-14, 2019 at the Newcastle Memorial Arena. At the July meeting we will discuss ideas to use the West End money. 13. Next meeting, Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 9am. 14. Motion to adjourn meeting by Helen Vatandoust, seconded by Janeen Calder