HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-04-10Clarington Museums & Archives Meeting of the Board: April 10, 2019 MAC Meeting Room 11C, 163 Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: A. Foster, S. Middleton, M. Morawetz, S. Reiner, M. Ross, K. Warren, H. Ridge (ED) Regrets: A. Anderson 1. Call to Order: K. Warren, Chair of the Board, called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: A. Foster THAT: The agenda be approved. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: None 4. Delegation — Rob Groen, Supervisor, Buildings and Property R. Groen came as a delegation to discuss Museum building maintenance scheduled for this year, as well as projects for the next few years. Maintenance this year will include structural repairs in Waverly Place, including work in the upstairs rooms, beams in the basement and other conservation efforts to the porch and balcony. The Clarington Heritage Committee and Municipal staff representatives will be consulted Several training opportunities associated with the Municipality were brought up including: a Training and Information day for Municipal boards, CPR/AED, Asbestos Awareness, Food Handling and Ladder Safety. R. Groen mentioned that the walkway that connects the Sarah Jane to Waverly Place would be the next large project that may require additional funding. Action: That R. Groen contact the Heritage Committee in order to get their input on a better material for the finials on the porch balcony. 5. Approval of Previous Board Meeting Minutes: Moved by: S. Reiner Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: The minutes be approved. 1 of 4 MOTION CARRIED 6. Business Arising from Minutes: None 7. Correspondence: 1) Letter from S. Jethalal sent on behalf of the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism regarding the Museums Assistance Program, March 13, 2019: Through a grant, applied for by Curator J. Steen, the Museum will receive $50,000 towards obtaining compact shelving, which will allow the Museum more space to store artifacts. 2) Letter from J. Roantree to Chair, March 22, 2019: Inquiring about collections policy. J. Roantree's correspondence was recieved and discussed. K. Warren proposed a response to the letter, as well as a conference call. 8. Announcements: H. Ridge (ED) reminded the Board of the volunteer appreciation Clue event the following night from 6:30-8 PM, and invited Board Members to attend. 9. Reports: a) Finance: H. Ridge requested motions regarding new signing officers required with the appointment of the new Board. Questions were asked regarding the types of reserves that the Museum currently has. H. Ridge confirmed that all bequests were included in the reserve funds. K. Warren brought up potentially exploring the idea of placing some funds into a GIC or other investment account. Moved by: A. Foster Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: M. Morawetz be removed as a signing officer. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: M. Ross Seconded by: A. Foster THAT: S. Reiner be added as a signing officer. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: M. Morawetz Seconded by: S. Reiner THAT: The Museum release non -restricted reserve funds in the amount of $15,000 for the Museum's contribution to the Museum Assistance Program (MAP) grant project. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: S. Reiner Seconded by: S. Middleton RZOTCH THAT: The Finance Report of April 2019 be received. MOTION CARRIED b) Membership: A question was asked regarding the availability and ease of access of the Museum's membership information. H. Ridge mentioned that all of the benefits and cost of being a member is listed on the membership forms that can be found at the front desk of the Museum. Action: That H. Ridge research past membership numbers at the Museum. Moved by: S. Reiner Seconded by: M. Morawetz THAT: The Membership Report of April 2019 be received. MOTION CARRIED c) Property: S. Middleton asked for an update on the accessible washroom project. K. Warren indicated that the project was not finished yet, but that it should be completed by the next Board meeting. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: M. Morawetz THAT: The Property Report of April 2019 be received. MOTION CARRIED d) Curatorial: Item 1.3 of the Curatorial report, regarding the Visual Arts Centre exhibition, was noted. The art exhibit will include some items that were deaccessioned from the Museum's collection. H. Ridge, J. Steen and K. Warren are able to answer any questions regarding the de -accessioning process. Moved by: M. Morawetz Seconded by: A. Foster THAT: The Curator Report of April 2019 be received. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: M. Ross Seconded by: S. Reiner THAT: The Deaccession List 3 be approved. MOTION CARRIED e) Programming: Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: S. Reiner THAT: The Program Coordinator Report of April 2019 be received. MOTION CARRIED MUCH f) Executive Director Report: Susan Laing, a former member of the now disbanded "Friends of the Museum" group which operated to support the Museum through fundraising initiatives, stopped by the Museum to discuss closing a bank account and donating the remaining funds to the Museum. H. Ridge suggested putting forward a few options of projects for the funds. S. Reiner asked if all reports could be accepted at the end, instead of each one as we go along. A. Foster mentioned a consent agenda, where the Board would only bring up items that it specifically wanted to talk about. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: S. Reiner THAT: The Executive Directors Report of April 2019 be received. MOTION CARRIED 10. Strategic Plan Working Group: S. Reiner distributed a timeline for Strategic Planning meetings to all members. She reminded the Board that the new Strategic Plan would require Board approval by June 6t" 11. New Business a. Strategic Planning — SWOT Analysis The Board participated in a SWOT analysis to identify what they believed were the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats surrounding the Museum. 12. In Camera None 13. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting: The next meeting will be held on May 8, 2019 at 7 p.m. Location: MAC Meeting Room 1C, Bowmanville Library 14. Adjournment: Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: M. Ross THAT: The meeting be adjourned at 9:31 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives 4of4