HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-06-11Draft minutes ❑ Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY JUNE 11, 2019 6:30 PM On-site Present: Rod McArthur Kate Potter Leo Blindenbach Evan King Regrets Staff Present 1. AGENDA Meaghan Vandenbrink Councillor Corinna Traill Doran Hoge Tom Hossie Tyson Brooks Brian Reid Patrick Bothwell MOVED: by Kate Potter SECONDED by Evan King THAT: the agenda for June 11, 2019 be accepted CARRIED 2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Approval of Minutes MOVED: by Leo Blindenbach SECONDED by Tom Hossie THAT: the minutes of April 9, 2019 be approved CARRIED 3. UPDATES Spring Clean-up Saturday April 27 at 10:OOAM Leo provided an account of another successful cleanup campaign. 189 volunteers were involved in this combined project involving the Port of Newcastle, the community of Bond Head and the SWNAAC. Approximately 2200 pounds of assorted garbage was gathered and disposed of. SWNA June 2019 minutes OPG Pollinator Planting event Saturday May 25 at 10:OOAM Tom spoke about this event. Despite the foul weather, volunteers from the community did join committee members in planting along the eastern end of the Newcastle waterfront park fronting on Lakebreeze Drive. 500 pollinator plants were added to the 1200 planted in the past two years in this area. Thanks to OPG for providing the plants again this year. Friends of Second Marsh Festival May 25, 10:OOAM-3:OOPM Friends of Second Marsh in partnership with General Motors of Canada hosted a Feathered Friends Festival at General Motors of Canada head -quarters overlooking the McLaughlin Bay Wildlife Reserve and Second Marsh Wildlife Area in Oshawa. The event is a festival celebrating the return of migratory birds. Kate staffed our information table for the morning; Brian covered in the afternoon. Kate provided an overview of the festival and our role there in having a display/information table. There seemed to be considerable interest in the SWNA. Attendance was quite good for a very rainy day (the event was moved indoors). This is certainly something we want to continue doing in the future. It increases our profile and provides opportunities for linkages with other like-minded groups and individuals. We do need to have maps and directional materials available for distribution. Wildflower Seed Grant Application Members will recall that Leo circulated information about a program by which organizations such as ours could potentially access additional funding for plantings such as that described above. At the time of preparation of these minutes, Peter had submitted a formal application on our behalf. Proposals will be assessed in late July. Thank you to Leo for bringing this to our attention and to Leo, Kate, Tom and Peter for pulling things together. 4. OTHER BUSINESS iNaturalist Project iNaturalist is a citizen science project and online social network of naturalists, citizen scientists, and biologists built on the concept of mapping and sharing observations of biodiversity across the globe. iNaturalist may be accessed via its website or from its mobile applications. The app can be used for scientific research, or more casually. Tom Hossie has set it up for the SWNA as a "Collection" style project so that any observations submitted to iNaturalist within the SWNA are automatically compiled. 23 observations of 20 species have already been submitted through the app. Tom Hossie provided an excellent overview of the INaturalist program and how it can be used to inventory and identify flora and fauna. Several ideas were suggested concerning how we might be able to utilize this program for practical and educational purposes ❑ e.g. hosting events at SWNA to demonstrate how the program works and involve the public in capturing data; inviting student groups to do field trips to SWNA and using their smart phones to do mini bio -blitzes. We will endeavor to arrange a day in late summer for a public event. Tom and Kate have offered to take the lead in this initiative. SWNA June 2019 minutes Doran Hoge, Clarington Climate Change Coordinator Brian introduced Doran Hoge to the group. Doran assumed the role of Climate Change Coordinator for the Municipality of Clarington approximately 2 months ago. Doran provided an overview of his role: to articulate what climate change will mean for Clarington and to develop a strategy/action plan including an assessment of risks and opportunities. He noted that a working group has been assembled and that a EFRP P -IIFTWadvisory group TLCObe established. Some discussion took place about possible collaboration with SWNAAC ranging from hosting public presentations to tree planting 5. MOTION TO ADJOURN MOVED: by Kate Potter SECONDED by Tyson Brooks THAT: the meeting be adjourned. :x_ :7:7 11 1] Adjournment 7:20 PM Next Meeting: August 13, 2019 Notes prepared by: Brian Reid