HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-10Newcastle BIA MINUTES October 10, 2019 www. vi llageof newcastle. ca Attendance: Marni Lewis, Janeen Calder, Donna Wood, Ken Easby, Lina Schmahl, Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Jane Black, Adam Jeronimo (CBOT), John Thistle, Valentine Lovekin, Granville Anderson, Tracey Yates Regrets: Leslie Ray, Greg Lewis, Ann Harley, Karen Bastas, Helen Vatandoust, Debbie Miller Attendance taken. 1. Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. Approval of September Minutes: Janeen Calder Seconded by: Jane Black 4. Business Arising from Minutes: The Firehall report will be available for the November meeting 5. Council Report: Granville attended the Harvest Festival and thought it was a great event. There is a college/co-op student working with the Orono BIA. If we had anything for the student to help with we can contact Justin at the MOC. The MOC does not hang the event banners on the over street poles. 6. President's Report: The budget meeting will be postponed until Leslie Ray is available to attend. 7. Treasurer's Report: n/a 8. Committee Reports: Safety It Decor: Sheard Display is keeping the price the same to hang wreaths and banners for this years contract. Lina has contacted MOC bylaws about the sidewalk in front of the old Busters. It is wide open and is a risk to anyone walking on the sidewalk. It should be clearly marked and roped off. Advertising: Facebook likes are up to 1537, posts are reaching 10,200. Top posts are: Paint n' Pour, Benny the Barber, Famers Market, Home Hardware mugs, Harvest Festival - Haute Goat, Buddha Belly - Harvest festival food Special Events: a) Town Hall Lighting - The Lights are going up October 11th. Paint n' Pour fundraiser is October 17th. A letter was send out to businesses if they would like to participate the night of the Town Hall lighting please confirm with janeenrmt@hotmail.com b) Breakfast with Santa- All the plans are moving along and things will be ready to go November 30th. c) Santa Parade - Buttons are now available, they sold them at the Harvest Festival. A letter for business support will be going out shortly. d) Harvest Festival - Weather cooperated and it was a great day, with a huge turnout. Vendors were happy and most sold out of their products. The BIA businesses were busy all day, made lots of sales, some doubled their sales for a Saturday. The t -shirts went over well. Banner placement was great, lots of people commented on them. Some vendors mentioned the event should end at 3 or 4pm. The Harvest Festival committee will be sending a letter to Mike Pollard the performer they hired, saying his action regarding Andrew Sheer on stage was not the BIAS position. :=09M Space available to Newcastle - the old LCBO has a 2nd offer on it now and the Old Busters building has 1 firm tenant and 3 others are still available. There are lots of upcoming events, they are all listed on the CBOT website. 10. Chamber News: Their Hospice Dinner fundraiser was a huge success, they had a full house and it was a great evening. The Newcastles of the World 2020 conference will be in Switzerland and the committee is welcoming any businesses that would like to get involved and attend to contact the Chamber. The All Candidates meeting is October 10th at the Town Hall. 11. CIP: They are having a meeting next week. 12. New Business: A motion was made that the BIA supports laying a wreath representing the downtown business community rather than individual wreaths from downtown businesses. Approved: Valentine Lovekin Seconded: Theresa Vanhaverbeke Jane Black will look after ordering the BIA wreath this year. Karen Bastas received a message from the Bowmanville BIA about sending a letter to the MOC regarding the request to purchase plants/flowers in the downtown core. We are going to coordinate a joint meeting with the Bowmanville, Orono and Newcastle BIAS in the next month. Adam from CBOT will help coordinate contacts information. 13. Next meeting, Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 9am. 14. Motion to adjourn meeting by Tracey Yates seconded by Jane Black