HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-15Clarbgton Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes October 15, 2019 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee held on October 15, 2019, at 7:00 PM, at the Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1 C. Members Present Were: Steve Conway, Ron Sproule, Katherine Warren, Noel Gamble, Victor Suppan, Peter Vogel, Councillor Hooper Regrets: Bob Malone (NVDHS), Jason Moore (ACO), Marina Ross (Museum), David Reesor Staff Present: Faye Langmaid, Amy Burke, Sarah AIIin, Planning Services Guests: E. Mittag, Community Services; R. Groen, Supervisor of Buildings & Property, Operations; N. Swerdfeger, BBA; M. and S. James 1 Declaration of Pecuniary Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 2 Adoption of Agenda 19.28 That the Agenda be adopted with the following amendment under Delegations/Presentations to add a delegation by M. and S. James. "Carried" 3 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 19.29 Moved by N. Gamble, seconded by R. Sproule That the minutes of the September 17, 2019 Clarington Heritage Committee meeting be adopted. "Carried" 4 Delegations/Presentations 4.1 Land Acknowledgement Statement; Presentation by E. Mittag, Community Services E. Mittag presented an overview of the process undertaken to develop the Land Acknowledgement statement for the Municipality of Clarington. The process included a review of best practices, consultation with the Indigenous Community, and a draft statement prepared for Council's consideration. The draft Land Acknowledgement statement was before the General Governance Committee on October 15th, and will be presented to Council at the end of October for ratification. E. Mittag shared information about the Gunshot Treaty, the Williams Treaty of 1923, and the Williams Treaties Settlement Agreement that helped to inform the development of the Land Acknowledgement statement. 4.2 66 King Street West, Bowmanville Heritage Permit Application; M. James and S. James - 1 - Clarbgton Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes October 17, 2019 S. James provided an overview of the changes they are proposing to the ground floor commercial fagade of 66 King Street W. in Bowmanville to accommodate their business. The building is designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act by By-law 98-34. The business owners propose to replace the large window with a double door to improve access for their customers who often have strollers. The modifications also include the replacement of the transom above the window, and the removal of four rows of original red brick below the existing window frame to accommodate the door. It was indicated the intent would be to reuse the brick on the interior of the building in the retail space. The detailed arch above the transom will be retained. Committee members asked questions relating to the style and material of the new door, and the whether the existing trim will be retained. S. James advised the new door will be of aluminum and glass. Best efforts will be made to retain as much trim as possible, but some may have to be removed to accommodate the new door within the existing frame. 4.3 Introduction to the Committee; A. Burke, Planning Services A. Burke, Planning Services introduced herself to the Committee as the Acting Manager of Special Projects. A. Burke advised she is involved with the ongoing Neighbourhood Character Study in Bowmanville, and will be providing an overview of the project at an upcoming Heritage Committee meeting. 4.4 Works at Orono Town Hall; R. Groen, Operations Department, and N. Swerdfeger, BBA R. Groen and N. Swerdfeger presented revised drawings illustrating the upcoming works to improve accessibility of the Orono Town Hall. The revised drawings considered the Committee's June 2019 comments on the 1St draft design. Revisions include the relocation of the entrance to the addition, changes to the style of the windows, and integration of roofline architectural details from existing building. Committee members appreciated the modifications to address their comments on the June 2019 first draft, and asked questions relating to the relocation of the entrance, the height of the addition, and the colour of the brick to be used. N. Swerdfeger advised the entrance to the vestibule was relocated around the back of the addition to create a safer area to enter/exit the building away from the street. Given the split level floor plan of Orono Town Hall, the interior of the addition will be 1.5 storeys. A historic mason will be consulted to match the brick as closely as possible, similar to the previous kitchen addition. Committee members made the following comments on the revised drawings in the context of ensuring the work is sympathetic to the historical characteristics of the building: x The proposed design is much improved; x Consider incorporating the dentils close to the roofline, similar to the existing building; -2- Clarbgton Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes October 17, 2019 x Match the foundation height and material, and carry through the brick articulation approximately 3 feet above grade; x Match the arch shape and detailing of the upper and lower windows to that of the existing building; and x Ensure the fagade of the addition remains subordinate to the corner pilaster of the existing Town Hall. R. Groen advised the intent is to finalize the drawings for tender within the next 1- 2 weeks. 5 Business Arising 5.1 Fletcher Tree Planning Services staff provided a draft statement of cultural heritage value or interest for the Fletcher Tree for the Committee's review. Committee members discussed whether a younger (100+ years) European Beech to the east of the Fletcher Tree might also be mentioned in the statement, and decided to conduct further research independent of the Fletcher Tree initiative. Planning staff will revise the statement to incorporate the sub -committee's assessment, and circulate to the Committee for review in advance of the November meeting. 5.2 Toll House Plaque F. Langmaid reached out to staff at Durham Region regarding the relocation of the plaque to a more visible location. Regional staff has acknowledged the historical toll house at the subject location, and seems willing to provide for the plaque to be located within the right-of-way. V. Suppan also contacted Regional staff via email. Planning staff is following up with regards to the timing of the sidewalk installation in the area. 5.3 Works at Waverley Place Operations Department staff presented an overview and drawings of the proposed repair and restoration works required to be undertaken at Waverley Place (37 Silver St.) at the September 2019 Heritage Committee meeting. Committee members provided comments. The works are scheduled to commence in the Spring of 2020. As the property is designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, a heritage permit is required. The Heritage Committee consider the proposed repairs appropriate and necessary to maintain the designated building in good repair. 19.29 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by K. Warren That the Clarington Heritage Committee has no objection to the proposed works at 37 Sliver Street or to the issuance of a heritage permit for such works, which include the repair of the roof over the porch deck and porch columns, addition of extra downspouts and rain water leaders, repair of the chimneys, and structural repairs to align the load of the second floor and belvedere, with the load bearing walls down to the basement. "Carried" -3- Clarbgton Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes October 17, 2019 5.4 Ontario Heritage Trust Award Nominations: Planning Services staff forwarded an email regarding Ontario Heritage Trust Award Nominations, submissions for which are due October 18t". Staff was not advised of any nominations for 2019. The Committee discussed potential properties to consider 2020, including the restoration of a house at 3792 Concession Rd. 8, Clarke. 5.5 Heritage Permit Applications x 66 King Street W.: The Committee received a delegation from business owners M. and S. James providing an overview of proposed modifications to the ground floor facade of 66 King Street W. (designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act) to replace an existing window with a double door to improve customer access. Committee members considered the proposed modifications to be appropriate in the context of the designation By-law 98-34. 19.30 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by N. Gamble That the Clarington Heritage Committee has no objection to the above noted works at 66 King Street W., Bowmanville, and recommends the approval of this minor heritage permit, to be issued by the Director of Planning, for works as detailed in Section 4.2 above, provided the detailed wood archway above the transom is retained, and the removal of the any brickwork is undertaken in a manner that enables the retention and reuse of the brick, either on or within the building. "Carried" x Orono Town Hall (5315 Main Street): The Committee received a presentation from Operations Department Staff and consultant N. Swerdfeger regarding proposed works to improve accessibility at Orono Town Hall, detailed in Section 4.4 above. 19.31 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by S. Conway That the Clarington Heritage Committee has no objection to the proposed works at Orono Town Hall (5315 Main Street), or to the issuance of a heritage permit for such works, which include an addition to the rear of the Orono Town Hall to accommodate a 3 -stop accessible elevator, and interior alterations to provide an accessible path of travel from the elevator to a universal washroom in the basement, subject to the following modifications: x Incorporating the dentils close to the roofline, similar to the existing building; x Matching the foundation height and material, and carrying through the brick articulation approximately 3 feet above grade; x Matching the arch shape and detailing of the upper and lower windows to the existing building; and x Ensuring the fagade of the addition remains subordinate to the corner pilaster of the existing Town Hall. "Carried" M Clarington Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes October 17, 2019 5.6 Camp 30 Official Plan Amendment: The Official Plan Amendment (OPA) will be before the Planning and Development Committee on October 22nd 5.7 DocVille (816 Regional Road 17): A meeting was held between Planning Services staff, V. Suppan, Councillor Zwart, and Mr. Holliday and his real estate representative. The matter of the addition of the property to the Register has been deferred until the November 12th Planning and Development meeting. 6 Correspondence and Council Referrals: None. 7 Reports from other Committees 7.1 Bowmanville, Orono & Newcastle CIP - Meetings are being held in October. 7.2 Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO), Clarington Branch: - The Annual General Meeting was held. B. Norton is the new President, as T. Ali stepped down. S. Storey is staying on as Treasurer. K. Warren has accepted the role of Secretary, and will co -lead with Suzanne Reimer Doors Open 2020 which will focus on Courtice. 7.3 Newcastle Village District Historical Society (NVDHS) - No Report. 7.4 Museum — The Museum and Library Boards are merging. Upcoming events include: Spirit Walks (throughout October), Halloween Hijinks (October 26), Pumpkin Parade (Nov. 1). Clarington Board of Trade is holding its next meeting at the Museum. 7.5 Wilmot Creek Heritage Park — V. Suppan and B. Malone met with Chief D. Mowat in Alderville on October 9 to obtain input on how to represent the heritage of First Nations communities in the development of the Wilmot Creek Heritage Park. A number of concepts were discussed for consideration in the design of the Park. 8 Project Reports 8.1 Municipal Inventory and Register Committee: None. 8.2 Outreach/Education Committee: K. Warren received a response from Veterans Affairs. Staff is gathering information, however it may take some time. Once the information is received, sub -committee members will reach out to the Legion. 9 New Business 9.1 Heritage Committee funds for 2020: 19.32 Moved by S. Conway, seconded by R. Sproule That the Clarington Heritage Committee requests $1500 from its account in the 2020 budget for the Municipality. "Carried" 10 Adjournment K. Warren moved Adjournment, seconded by R. Sproule at 9:15 pm. Next Meeting: November 19, 2019, 7:00 p.m. Clarington Municipal Offices, Room 1C -5-