HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-039 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2001- 039 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Governor General of Canada as represented by the Chief Herald of Canada and the Municipality of Clarington for the Grant/Registration of our Armorial Bearings WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Clarington, at their meeting held on June 26, 2000, adopted the recommendations contained in Report CD-27-00, allowing for the Municipal Clerk to proceed with the process of having the Coat of Arms granted by the Chief Herald of Canada: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington: 1. THAT the Mayor and Municipal Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and seal with the Corporate Seal a contract between the Governor General of Canada as represented by the Chief Herald of Canada and the Municipality of Clarington for the grant/registration of our armorial bearings; 2. THAT the agreement attached hereto shall for part of this by-law. By-law read a first and second time this 26th day of February 2001. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 26th day of February 2001. MA OR RPFA CLERK the:?? > <>>'> 0 AGREEMENT made as o <;<»<«zal ><<< >: >::; G f day 1 ff '' is 2:%>i2:s`•;2>: ::'xf`:>::>'::'::.`•::; RD in le our c7e ; ACCORD I BETWEEN ENTRE AND ET As the Petitioner has applied to the Canadian Heraldic Authority (hereinafter referred to as the 'Authority")for the grant/registration of armorial bearings; And the Authority, acting on behalf of the Governor General of Canada and the Chief Herald of Canada, has advised the Petitioner that it is prepared to consider such an application upon the receipt of an appropriate design of the armorial bearings and the related calligraphy; And the Petitioner wishes to engage the Artist to prepare in cooperation with the Authority the design and artwork of such armorial bearings. Etant donne que le(la) candidat(e)a sollicite de l'Autorite Wraldique du Canada (denommee ci-apres l'Autorite) la concession/ Venregistrement d'armoiries; Et que Z'Autorite, agissant pour le compte du Gouverneur general du Canada et du Heraut d'armes du Canada, a avise le(la) candidat(e) qu'elle etait disposee a examiner sa demande a condition que celle-ci soit accompagnee dune conception graphique appropriee des armoiries et des textes connexes calligraphies; Et que le candidat est dispose a retenir les services dun(e)artiste pour concevoir graphiquement les armoiries susmentionnees et les dessiner en collaboration avec l'Autorite, The Petitioner hereby engages the Artist to/Par la presente, le (la) candidat(e)retient les services de l'artiste aux fins de: prApare concept renderings of armorial bearings as directed in writing by the Authority; ©concevoir graphiquement lesdites armoiries et les dessiner selon les directives ecrites que lui fournira Z Autorite; prepare finished artwork (excluding calligraphy)of armorial bearings for a Letters Patent document as directed in writing by the Authority; executer un dessin fini des armoiries (sans la calligraphie)sur les lettres d'armoiries, selon les directives ecrites formulees par Z'Autorite; prepare calligraphy for a Letters Patent document as directed in writing by the Authority. MI executer la calligraphie sur l'annexe aux lettres d'armoiries, selon les directives ecrites formulees par Z'Autorite. 2. The Artist agrees to perform the foregoing services for the Petitioner, and L'artiste s'engage a fournir les services ci-apres decrits, et a : 3 (i) to consult in respect of the design of the arms and the artwork with the Authority and comply with any directions from the Authority or the Chief Herald of Canada in respect of such design or artwork. consulter l'Autorite concernant la conception graphique des armoiries et leur representation et a se soumettre a toute directive reCue a cet egard de l Autorite ou du Heraut d acmes du Canada; (ii) to complete all of the services on or before' - an' .f avant,ournir lesdits services le :r.�..... �� ;::.�.......:..::<....�::.:,.:n::<:::»::»::;<:?:»::»»:::<::;<:>::>::>::> > e t ou a (iii) to deliver the finished artwork or calligraphy to the Authority for forwarding to the Petitioner. remettre le dessin fini des armoiries'ou la calligraphie a l'Autorite qui la transmettra au(a 1a) candidat(e). The Petitioner agrees to pay the Artist, on completion of the work and services to be provided by the Artist pursuant to this Agreement within thirty (30) days of the receipt of an invoice in respect of such services and work performed at the firm all-inclusive rate of .:.: :< perhour/word, but,.inany event,_a sum not to exceed� �. Stiivtz"Y t`acc.. I'ssement par Vartiste du travail ou des services stipules'dizns to presertC aocora, °le (ta)'Candidat(e)s°engage a payer a l'artiste, dans un delai de trente jours apres reception de la facture correspondant au travail accompli ou aux services rendus, les sommes >: r t mans rte devant as en aucun cis d9 passer etabhes au taux de »::::>::«.»<>::::::>::»::>::>:�a l heu a/le_mo, P p ...................._................................ (the Artist) (Z'artiste) Signature Date (the Petitioner) [le(la) candidat(e)] �i11117 ('' (the Authority) dt' q'Autorite) Signature '? 7 Z� Date l�1 ®;j d Date Distribution/diffusion:White/blanc-Governor General/Gouverneur general, Yellow/jaune-Petitionerlcandidat(e),Pink/rose-Artist 11 artiste, Gold/or-Finance 4.1 7-he Chief Herald of Canada shall review such sketches/caliig rap hy all artwork as Hay reasonably be submitted by the Artist and,if required,the Chief Herald of Canada shall provide such advice in respect of the design of the armorial bearings and the artwork, if any,as tray be required in the discretion of the Chief Herald of Canada. 4.2 It is acknowledged and agreed by each of the parties that neither the Governor General of Canada nor the Authority(including any person acting on behalf of either of them)shall be liable to pay any money to the Artist under or as a result of this Agreement:any money which the Artist becomes entitled to receive under or as a result of this Agreement shall be paid by the Petitioner. 4.3 Upon delivery of the concept renderingslcalligraphy or the final artwork and upon payment by rite Petitioner,all right title and interest in the final renderings and the artwork shall vest in the Petitioner and in the approved renderings shall vest in the Authority. 5. Discretionary Termination 5.1 This Agreement may be terminated by the Petitioner or the Artist in whole or in Part with respect to all or any part or parrs of the work not completed by giving 5.2 Where the Agreement is terminated by the Petitioner, a) All work completed by the Artist to the satisfaction of the Authority before the giving of such notice shall be paid for by the Petitioner in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement and,for all work not completed before the giving of such notice,the Petitioner shall pay the Artist's costs as determined under the provisions of the Agreement and,in addition,an amount representing a fair and reasonable fee in respect of such work, b) In addition to the amount that the Artist shall be paid under Section 5.2(a), the Artist shalt be reimbursed for the Artist's costs of and incidental to the cancellation of obligations incurred by the Artist pursuant to such notice and obligations incurred by or to which the Artist is subject with respect to the work, c) Payment and reimbursement by the Petitioner under the provisions of Section 5 shall be made only to the extent that it is established to the reasonable satisfaction of the Authority that the costs and expenses were actually incurred by the Artist and that the sane are fair and reasonable and are properly attributable to the termination of the work or the part thereof so terminated, d) The Artist shall not be entitled to be reimbursed by the Petitioner any amount that,taken together with any amount paid or becoming due to the Artist under the contract,exceeds the agreed price applicable to rite work or the particular part thereof.-and e) The Artist shall have no claim for damages, compensation,loss of profit, allowance or otherwise by reason of or directly or indirectly arising out of any action taken or notice given by the Petitioner except as expressly provided herein. 5.3 Where the Agreement is ternnated by the Artist,the Artist shall not be entitled to any further reimbursement or payment. 6. Termination due to Default of Artist 4.1 Le Heraut d'armes du Canada exandizera lesdirs dessins/la calligraphie qui devront se conformer aux regles et normes de la discipline ei,s'il le juge a propos,prodiguera des conseils afire d'atneliorer la concepdor'graphique ou le dessin des armoiries. 4.2 Toutes les parties recontraissent et sons d'accord que m le Gouverneur general du Canada ni I Autorite(y inclus route personae agissant au r on?de I'un ou de l autre)ne seront redevables des sommes dues a!'artiste en fonction de cer accord,tout argent revenant a I*artiste en fonction de cet accord sera paye par le(la)candidar(e). 4.3 Des que!'artiste aura remis le dessin/la calligraphie ou le dessin f?ni et que le (la)candidar(e)Iiii aura paye les sommes dues,tout droit, titre ou avaniage Us au traitement artislique du,dessin j"ud appaniendrom am(a ta)candidat(e) ators que tout droit,titre ou avantoge ties aicx idees et concepts inherems a ce dessin appartiendront a I Autorite heraldique du Canada,- 5. Resiliation discretionnoire 5.1 Le(la)candidate)on l'artisie pourra resilier cet accord en entier ou err panie pour le travail qui nest pas termine en exprimant son intention par ecrit a 1'aiutre partie et a i Autorite. 5.2 Lorsque leaa)'candidat(e)demanders 1'annulation de!'accord a) Tout le travail termini par!'artiste selon les normes de l Autorite avant to date d'annulation devra etre paye par le(a)candidar(e)en confornute aver !'accord et il(elle)payera aussi a!'artiste les montants stipules dans le contrat pour le travail reste inacheve et aussi un tarif equitable et raisonnable applicable d ce travail. b) En plus des montants qui lui seront payes eat vertu de la section 5.2(a), le(la)candidat(e)devra rembourser a 1°artiste les coats lies ou afferents a 1'annulation de ses engagements suite er 1'avis d onmilation de l'accord et aussi les coats d'autres depenses qu'il(elle)a pu faire en prevision du travail a effectuer, c) Les paiernenis ou remboursements prevus 6 la section 5 rte seront effectt4s que lorsque Partiste pourra demontrer a I Autorite dens des timites raisonnables qu'il(elle)a verirablement encouru les coats ou les faiis reclames et aue les montants sont equttabies ei raisonnables et soot nettement imputables a Pinterruption en entier ou en panie de ses engagements. d) En formulant sa reclamation,1°artiste devra s'assurer que des son bites reclora&s dude la)candidat(e),lorsqu ajoutees as r montants'deja pages ou dus,ne depassent pas les prix applicables an travail ou d une panie di., travail en raison du contrat. e) En plus,!'artiste ne pourra reclamer aucun dedommagement, compensation,manque a gagner ou indemnite en raison des mesures que Mao)candidat(e)aura prises ou des Avis qu'il(elle)aura com uanigiies outre ce qui est ici precise, 5.3 Lorsque c'est!'artiste'qui met fin k!'accord,il(elle)ne pourra reclamer aucun remboursernent ou payentent additionnels. 6. Resiliation par defaut del artiste. 6.1 The Petitioner may,by notice to the Artist,terminate the whole or any part of the 6.1 Lela)candidat(e)pourra aviserVartiste qu'il(elle)annule,l'accord en entier work if, ou en partie i) the Artist fails to perform any,of the Artist's obligations under the agreement i) si'1'artiste ne respecte pas ses obligations conformement-a!'accord ou si or.in the Authority's reasonable view,so faits to make progress as to I Autorite juge daps des limites raisonnables,que['artiste accuse des endanger performance of the agreement in accordance with its terms,or retards graves de nature a compromettre la realisation des dispositions de!'accord; ii) the Artist becomes bankrupt or insolvent,or a receiving order is made it) si!'artiste fait failiite on devtent insolvable,ou qu'une ordonnance de against the Artist,or an assignment is Made far the benefit of creditors,or tf mise sous sequestre esi emise contre lui(elle)pit gu'il(elle)execute le the Ariist takes the benefir of any statute relating to bankrupt or insolvent travail pour paver des creanciers-ou si`1'arnste bemefacie de la liquidation debtors. des biens dun debiteur en faillite ou insolvable; 6.2 In the event that the Petitioner terminates the work in whole or in part under 6.1, the Authority may arrange,upon such terms and conditions and in such manner its the Authority deems appropriate,for the work to be completed that was so terminated,and the Artist shall be liable to the Petitioner for any excess costs relating to the completion of the work. 62 Upon termination of the work under 6.1, the Petitioner shall pay the Artist for all finished work delivered pursuant to such direction and accepted by the Authority. The Petitioner may withhold from the amounts due to the Artist such sums as tire Authority reasonably determines to be necessary to protect the Petitioner against excess costs for the completion of the work. 6.2 Dons le cas oil le(la)candidat(e)annule l'accord en entier ou en partie en vents de lo section 6.1,'l'Autorite pourra-etablirde nouvelles rnodalites et conditions qu'elle juge appropriats pour assurer l acheventent du projet interrompu et Vaniste deviendra redevable des coats additionnels que[as nouvelles mesures pourront entrainer. 6.3 Lorsque I'i rret all travail s'effectue en fonction de la section 6.7. le(la) candidar(e)devra paver a!'artiste les rarifs applicables au travail deja termini et livre avant on an moment de recevoir l'avis d'annulation et avant ete approuee par!Autorite.Le(la)candidate)pourra dlminuer le payement da a Partiste dune somme que I Autorite etabliera darts des timites raisonnables e€ visant a proteger le(la)candidar(e)de coats excessifs lies a C'achc ventent du travail. 6.4 Tie Artist shall not be entitled to be reimbursed by the Petitioner any amount that, 6.4 En formulant sa reclamation,1°artiste devra s'assurer que les sommes taken together with any amount paid or becoming due to the Artist under the reciamees dude la)candidat(e),lorsqu'ajoutees auz montants deja paves ou Agreed, exceeds the agreement price applicable to the work of the particular pan --dus.ne depassent;pas les prix applicables am travail ou a une partie du travail thereof en raison du contrat. 6.5 If,after the Petitioner issues a notice of termination under 6.1,it is determined by 6.5 Larsque le(a)condidat(e)inset 1'avis d'annulation de 1 accord en fonction de to Me Aurhority that the default of the Artist is due to cause beyond the control of the section 6.1,s'il est demontre par 1 Autorite que le marque a ere cause par des Artist,such notice of termination shall be deemed to have been issued pursuant to circonstances en dehors de to volonte de!'artiste;la section 5,1 s`appliquera a 5.1 and the rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be governed by I'avis d annulation et les droits et obligations des parties sousmentionnees Section 5. seront assu/ettis a la section 5.