HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-18CORPORATION OF THE 'TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 3 6r �z 3.<t. 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 18th,1982 FROM: COUNCILLOR DIANE HAMRE SUBJECT: RESOLUTION GPA -1157-82 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RECOMMENDATION: That this report be received for information. This report to Council is in response to a motion by the Mayor seconded by Councillor Prout that I report to Council on the Social Services Committee meeting held Tuesday, October 12th, 1982 with Mr. R. M. McDonald, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Community and Social Services and Mr. D. Alfieri, Director, Operational Support Branch, Ministry of Community and Social Services to discuss the financial impacts (both direct and indirect) to the Region of Durham on the FBA/GWA Integration and Employment Support Initiative Program. Employment Support Initiatives Program: Durham Region has been invited to participate in a "test period" on this program. This program is intended to reduce the dependency of employable persons by provision of employment serivices. It is intended the Region will provide: 1. employment counselling 2. preparation of employment and training plans 3. information and reff.rral to appropriate programs or opportunities 4. pre -training and pre-employment financial assistance 5, job search and training assistance 6, assistance with travelling and child care requirements. It is intended that two of the Region's family counsellors will be purchased on an 80-20 basis to handle this program. These employees are presently funded 50-50 but it must be remembered at present they are serving Regional clients where with the Employment Support Incentive Program, they will be serving what are now 100 percent Provincially funded clients. ....../2 REPORT TO COUNCIL -Page 2- MEETING OF OCTOBER 18th, 1982 The main question that remains in my mind is why should the Regional taxpayer have to take on the added 20 percent of what is at present a 100 percent Provincial client. Though the intent is very worthwhile, and that is to assist long term (particularly sole support parents) social assistance receivers to become independent and have an improved lifestyle and sense of selfworth, it is, in my opinion, the responsibility of the Provincial Government to fund this program 100 percent, not only through the test period, but indefinitely. The property taxpayer CANNOT be asked to take on any additional responsibilites particularly this that involves very costly, long term financial implications. Some of the added areas it will impact on are: 1. Regional staffing 2. Regional space requirements 3. Present Regional salary and benefit levels 4. Regional caseloads, etc.. Rather than lengthen this report by discussing the proposed FBA/GWA Integration, let it suffice to say that the proposed integration has the same previously mentioned intent and goals and as Mr. McDonald stated,will save the Province millicns of dollars, but again, the question remains, how can the Regional taxpayer be expected to take on this additional responsibility. It is the writer's opinion that the Province could achieve the very worthwhile goals of better serving the FBA recipient at the same time saving millions of provincial dollars by purchasing service from the Region with 100 percent dollars. It is true they would not save as much as on an 80-20 percent basis, BUT, what is to be gained if the Provincial taxpayer continues to pay the present level of Provincial taxation PLUS an additional program cost on their property taxes? Respectfully submitted, (Mrs.) Diane Hamre Regional Councillor DH/mr October 18th, 1982