HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-01-08T —Lt 35- 6,9 /ro January 8, 198E TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY SERVICES PLANNING BOARD Minutes of a regular meeting of the Newcastle Community Services Planning Board, held on January 8th, 1986 at the Ontario Hydro Darlington Nuclear Information Centre. Chairman Milt Dakin called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Roll Call Milt Dakin Noel rivers Andy Tielemans Bill Humber Bill Tomlinson Bernhard Heming Frank Stapleton Brian Ferguson Absent Lorraine Lover Francine Newton Also Pres Jan Devantier, Dir, Community Services David Johnston, CAO Janet Mayer, Recording Secretary Mayor Winters Con. A. Cowman (in support of Courtice/Area Com. Assoc.) Delegations 1. Courtice and Area Community Association - Doug Dearden 2. Rotary Club of Bowmanville - Ray Simser 3. Enniskillen Community Association - Wayne Beckett tesolution CSB -249-86 Moved by Bernie Heming, seconded by Noel Rivers F �, ;fir ryh J)1!'! 17 1u THAT the minutes of the December 18th/85 meeting be approved with the following correction to :Resolution CSB -239-85: "THAT the NCSPB approve a grant request of $9,500 to the Orono Town Hall for capital expenditures and .2,000 for operating." CARRIED Resolution CSB -250-86 Moved by Noel Rivers, seconded by Bill Tomlinson THAT we thank the delegations for the Courtice and Area Community Assoc. (Doug Dearden) and the Notary Club of Bowmanville (flay Simser) f'or their presentations. (Appendices A & B attached) CA.i3IED Page 2 of 3 January 8, 1986 Resolution CSB -251-86 Moved by Bernhard Heming, seconded by Brian Ferguson THAT the NCSPB approves the recommendations contained in the sub- committee report re: grant requests 1986 for Hayden Community Centre ($4,850•) and the Newcastle Community Hall ($8,000/operating and $5,000/capital). (Appendices C & D attached) CARRIED Resolution CSB -252-86 Moved by Bill Tomlinson, seconded by Andy Tielemans THAT the NCSPB recommend purchase and development of said parkland per Enniskillen Community Association proposal, Phase 1. (Appendix E -- Sub -committee CARRIED report) Resolution CSB -253-86 Moved by Bill Humber, seeonded by Brian Ferguson THAT as per sub -committee report dated January 8/86, re: Tyrone Community Centre, the NCSPB recommend a grant of $11,200 as outlined. (Appendix E) CARRIED Resolution CSB -254-86 Moved by Noel Rivers, seconded by Bill Humber THAT the recommendations contained in the sub -committee report dated January 8/86 re: Tyrone Community Centre be approved. (Appendix E) CARRIED Resolution CSB -255-86 Moved by Bernhard Heming, seconded by Noel Rivers THAT we recognize Mr. Doug Dearden as the official spokesperson for the Courtice and Area Community Assoc. until such time as a new President is elected and request that he keep the Planning Board informed of the progress of the Association. CARRIED Resolution CSB -256-86 Moved by Bill Humber, seconded by Noel Rivers THAT the Rotary cairn (Project B) incorporate the inscription outlined in Project A and that such cairn be incorporated into the proposed park land in Project C and that said park land be subject to dis- cussion between the Rotary Club and the Town. (Appendix B) CARRIED Opposed - B. Ferguson B. Heming 1-� Page 3 of 3 January 8, 1.986 _Resolution CSB -257-86 Moved by Brian Fb rguson, seconded by Bernhard Heming THAT we place on the table and approve the proposed NCSPB 1986 Budget. CARRIED Opposed - A. Tielemans B. Humber Resolution CSB -258-86 Moved by Bill Tomlinson, seconded by Bill Humber THAT a policy for payment of capital grant monies to Town owned properties be developed. CARRIED Resolution CSB -259-86 Moved by Bill Tomlinson, seconded by Noel Rivers THAT the 1986 grant reports be prepared and forwarded to Council. CA ?R IED Resolution CSB -260-86 Moved by Brian Ferguson, seconded by Bill Humber THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:20 p.m. CARRIED Next meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on February 5/86 in the Memorial Park Community Centre Bowmanville. * = letter sent N.B. January 21/86 at 7:30 p.m. - Courtice High School Meeting will be held for Courtice and Area Community Association