HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-12-180'�ej0 iS December 1'i, L,p� Pi iirlCr;STL CO U1%I i 3 '•- IC .3 PL,,.... i G BOi+.{D •linutes of an additionally schedu Lid meeti.nq (re: grant requests) of.' the Newcastle Community Services Planning 'soard, held on December 18, ]<?85 in ;oust room ;;=? of the :'ire an -9 Police Bldg., Bowmanville. "hairman foiilt Dakin called the meetin to order at 7:00 n.m. roll Call Milt Dakin 'ailliam Humber Lorraine Lover Noel .;fivers Bill Tomlinson .rank Stapleton Brian Ferguson Bernhard Hemin Andy Tielemans Also Present J. Devantier D. Johnson J. Mayer aesolution CSB -233-85 Moved by Noel rivers, seconded by Bill Humber THAT the minutes of the December 4, 1985 meeting ofthe NCSPB be approved with the following corrections: 1) 3de: aesolution CSB -328-85 Add the following to the list of reductions: 1985 1986 1986 NCSPB Anovd ieguest recommend Orono Figure Skating Club 2,625 1,969 1,969 Newcastle Bowling Assoc. 544 363 363 2) re: resolution CSB -231-85 Add Bill Tomlinson as a member of the 'Service' sub -committee for 1986 grant requests. CARRIED Resolution CSB-2?4-85 .loved by Bill Humber, seconded by Bernie Heming THAT the recommendations contained in the sub -committee report on 1986 grants for Cultural and Civic organizations be approved. (N.B. Durham legion Gladiolus CAi{;tIED & Dahlia Society - recommend ;1750. is a one-time grant) ...12 page o!' )eCem},,,r 1 ?85 resolution SB -235_85 moved by Bernhard Herring, seconded by Noel rivers THAT the recommendations contained in the sub -committee report re: Operating Grants ..ecreational 1986, be approved with the exception of Appendix A - Nev;castle Figure Skating Club. CARRIED Resolution CSB -236-85 Moved by Frank S apleton, seconded by Lorraine Lover THAT we recommend that the Newcastle i'i-gure Skating Club be granted :$6000.00 for 1986 and be out on the following decreasing grant formula: 1986 - t6,000. 1987 - ,f4, 500. 1988 - ,>3 , 000. 1989 - y1,500- 1990 --- Vote called DEFEATED .Resolution CSB -237-85 `Moved by Bernhard Heming, seconded by Noel 3ivers THAT the NCSPB recommend the Newcastle Figure Skating Club be granted $,3, 000. CARRIED Resolution CSB -238-85 {Moved by Bill Tomlinson, seconded by Andy Tielemans THAT we approve the recommendations put forth by the sub -committee re: 1986 Service Grant Allocations, including the Clarke Pioneer Cemetary Board, with the CNIB and St. John's Ambulance applications pulled from this motion. Vote held for amendments CARRUED Motion to Amend CSB -2)8-85 Moved by Bernhard Heming, seconded by Brian Ferguson THAT no grant allocation be made to the CNIB. AMENDMENT LOST Motion to Amend CSB -238-85 (Moved by Frank She own —seconded by Bill Humber THAT the NCSPB recommend a ,rant of 1;500, to the CNIB. AD{i%NOMENT LOST Motion CSB -238-85 relative to CNIB - CARUED - 4� Dec ber 13, 1935 resolution CSB -2"39-8'; Rioved Dy Lorraine hover, seconded by Prank Stapleton THAT the NCSPB approve a grant request of :j;9,500. to the Orono Town Hall. CAf f,=D Resolution CSB -240-3 �17 by Noel Rivers, seconded by Bill Humber THAT we refer the Newcastle Community Hall Board to a sub -committee to review operating grant request. (See notes.) CARRIED .Resolution CSB -241-85 Moved by Bill Tomlinson, seconded by Bill Humber J JLf THAT this Board recommend that the Visual Arts Centre be connected to the sewer system at Town expense and that the Town in conjunction with this Board develop a policy to deal with capital repairs or improve- ments to Town owned buildings when the health and safety of the popu- lation may be threatened. CARRIED resolution CSB -242-85 Moved by Lorraine Lover, seconded by Andy Tielemans THAT the NCSPB approves a grant allocation of $1,500 to the Newtonville Hall Board, CARRIED Resolution CSB -249-85 Moved by Brian Ferguson, seconded by crank Stapleton THAT the NCSPB approve a grant allocation of $6,000 to the Solina Community Hall Board. CARRIED Resolution CSB -244-85 .Roved by Noel Rivers, seconded by Brian Ferguson THAT the Town of Newcastle Baseball Association's capital grant request be denied. 3eso].ution CCSB -2115-8S CARRIED Moved by Pulliam Humber, seconded by Bill Tomlinson THAT the Orono and Darlington Cemetery's capital grant requests be Forwarded directly to Council for consideration. CAR:tIED :�e Cnmber 1F3, 1985 10V^;+ }���� B.171 `1'0.'171ina0ll, 380011'1."'1 by Andy T1`:12mans THAT a policy for payment o,: capital grant monies to Town owned properties be developed at our January 8, 1986 NCSPB meeting. CA.kl;j I 'D esolutlon CSB -247-85 1•!Oved by Bill Tomlinson, seconded by Andy Tielemans THAT the NCSPB budget be tabled for the January 8, 1986 NCSPB meeting. CA.iP IED .resolution CSB -248-85 `4oved by Bill Humber, seconded by Lorraine _over THAT the meeting be adjourned at 11:)0 p.m. N0T', The following sub -committees were appointed at the above meetin.-. Sub -Committee lMembers Purpose/review Brian Ferguson Bernhard Heming Review operating and capital grant requests for the following: Newcastle Community Hall Board Newcastle Memorial Arena Haydon Community Hall Pdilt Dakin Tyrone Community Centre Bill Tomlinson Solina Park Board Andy Tielemans Enniskillen Community Athletic Assoc, Lorraine Lover Bowmanville Museum Noel Rivers Clarke Museum and Archives ✓lilliam Humber Gail Degroot declined with regret to maintain her position on the NCSPB until position could be filled. Francine Newton has agreed to maintain her position on the NCSPB until a new appointment can be made to the Board. She regrets that she cannot attend the January 8th meeting. Future NCSPB meetings will be held at the regular time of 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise specified. As I have not as yet received replies regarding the schedule of locations Cor our NCSFB meetings - the location will be specified on ,your agenda. Aegardless of what is mentioned at the last meeting the location specified on the Agenda will be the verified location. (Hall Boards will be voting/discussing (at their January meetings) our request for the use of their faciii.ties). /;m