HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-12-04Communications Information I - 4 cw.✓�/E J/j�'/ �0.�00 December 4/85 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY SERVICES PLANNING BOARD Minutes of a regular meeting of the Newcastle Community Services Planning Board, held on December 4/85, Court Room 1, Bowmanville. Chairman Milt Dakin called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call Noel Rivers Lorraine Lover Bill Humber ,. Milt Dakin Francine Newton Bernhard Heming Frank Stapleton Brian Ferguson Andy Tielemans Absent Gail Degroot Bill Tomlinson Gord Robinson Also Present David Johnson, Chief Admin. Officer Jan Devantier, Director, Community Services Janet Mayer, Recording Secretary Delegations Grant Requests - Orono Town Hall Board - Beverly Wakefield - Boy Scouts of Canada, West Durham District Quinte Region Conference Committee - S. Leetooze - LACAC - Phylis Dewell - Newtonville Hall - Wallis Blughen - Community Care - Jane Crane - Clarke Township Museum - Barney Barnette - Durham Agricultural Fair Board - Harold Ransberry - Orono Cemetery - Solina Community Hall Board - Marion Luke - Recreation & Activation Program (for Group Homes) - Jean Clarke - Visual Arts - Bowmanville - Eva Graff Enniskillen Community Athletic Group - Wayne Beckett ,.Z page 2 of 4 December 4/85 Resolution CSB -324-85 Moved by Frank Stapleton, seconded by Lorraine Lover THAT the minutes of the November 6/85 NCSPB meeting be approved with the following corrections: 1. Francine Newton - absent Andy Tielemans - present 2. Resolution CSB -314-85 should read as follows: THAT we amalgamate Recommendations 43 and 54 under one sub- committee consisting of Bernhard Heming (Chairman) Milt Dakin Gail Degroot Frank Stapleton Noel Rivers CARRIED Resolution CSB -325-85 Moved by Lorraine Lover, seconded by Noel Rivers THAT we hear the delegations (noted previous page) as regards the 1986 Grant Requests. CARRIED Resolution CSB -326-85 Moved by Lorraine Lover, seconded by Bernhard Heming THAT we receive the communications for information. CARRIED Resolution CSB -327-85 Moved by Francine Newton, seconded by Bill Humber THAT Bernhard Heming represent the NCSPB at the "Recreation Planning for Smaller or Rural Communities - Orientation" as per invitation/ correspondence received (dated Nov/11/85) from the Town of Pickering. CARRIED Resolution CSB -328-85 Move by Lorraine Lover, seconded by Noel Rivers THAT we concur with the Grant Request Reductions (as follows) and that a starting figure be determined for the Newcastle Figure Skating Club in co-operation with the Community Services Director. continues I page 3 of 4 Resolution CSB -328-85 continued Reductions: Bowmanville Lions Club Town of Newcastle Baseball Assoc Bowmanville Figure Skating Club Newcastle Girls Slowpitch Assoc. Bowmanville Minor Hockey Assoc. ($5 per regstd player - 565) December 4/85 1985 S 1986 $ 1986 NCSPB Approved Requested Recommend S 4,500 5,000 2,250 1,125 800 750 3,750 6,000 2,500 525 550 350 5,790 8,475 2,825 N.B. Newcastle Figure Skating Club request 1986 - $7,000. CARRIED Resolution CSB -329-85 Moved by Bernhard Heming, seconded by Noel Rivers THAT grants for the Bowmanville and Clarke Museums be based on previous NCSPB recommendations as specified in the Museum Study. CARRIED Opposed - F. Stapleton Resolution CSB -230-85 Moved by Lorraine Lover, seconded by Noel Rivers THAT we receive for information the sub -committee report re: Recommendations 54 and 43. CARRIED Resolution CSB -231-85 Moved by Bernhard Heming, seconded by Francine Newton That Grant Requests be referred to sub-committies as follows, with report due on 18 December/85. Culture (including LACAC) Recreational Lorraine Lover Bill Humber Noel Rivers Bernhard Heming Francine Newton Frank Stapleton continues .../4 I page 4 of 4 Resolution CSB -231-85 continued Service Other (includes Cemetery Boards and NCSPB Budget) December 4/85 Milt Dakin Andy Tielemans Brian Ferguson Milt Dakin in co-operation with Jan Devantier and Dave Johnson CARRIED Resolution CSB -232-85 Moved by Bi -IT Humber, seconded by Andy Tielemans THAT the meeting adjourn at 11:10 p.m., with the next meeting to be held on Wednesday, December 18, 1985 in Courtroom 1, Bowmanville. N.B. Courtroom 1 booking made by JM/Dec/5/85. CARRIED