HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-208 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW#2000- 208 Being a By-Law to establish a Reserve Fund For Public Works Equipment To Repeal By-Law 83-46 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington considers it desirable to establish a Reserve Fund for Public Works Equipment. AND WHEREAS Chapter M.45, Section 163(1) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990, provides that, "Every municipality as defined in the Municipal Affairs Act and every board, commission, body or local authority established or exercising any power or authority with respect to municipal affairs under any general or special Act in an unorganized township or in unsurveyed territory may in each year provide in the estimates for the establishment or maintenance of a reserve fund for any purpose for which it has authority to spend funds, but if the approval of the council is required by law for a capital expenditure or the issue of debentures of or on behalf of a local board, the approval of the council of a provision in the estimates of the local board for a reserve fund shall be obtained". NOW THEREFORE, Be It Enacted and It Is Enacted, as a By-Law of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington as follows: 1. THAT the Treasurer be authorized to establish a reserve fund entitled "Reserve Fund—Public Works Equipment"; 2. THAT the balance in the Public Works Equipment Reserve be deposited into this reserve fund, and 3. THAT the Council may,by resolution passed by a majority of members present, direct the use of the funds for municipal purposes. By-Law read a first and second time this 18th day of December 2000. By-Law read a third and finally passed this 18th day of December 2000. (22 Mavor Clerk ` CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE _ Page msof2u AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE 8D984 PURCHASER , ............................................... ................................................. offers tO buy from VENDOR..................CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CL/\R|NGT[)N' through Vendor's AGENT. -----.--..—.-----...--..N/f......................................................... the following PROPERTY: �*ROKm8�Rl�y#5, 2727yNoqgana Road, y�o�hpart of Lot 1O, Concession 2. knovxn &4u-�oipo|k/ oo \ULLA��EC]FN the K8Uy�|(�|PAJ-\TY {JF (�LAFl|Y�[�T[�N and homin� snameaof8S24'-',s '' as mr less, at aF'urch@aePhcoof..—...---..—.---..----.------.. ��anadion ~ (�(�en ' ---n" '- following terms: Dollars ` ''--''--/ - ~'~ 1. Purchaser submits with this offer 1O96OF THE TOTAL BID PRICE ..............................Dollars ($.----...-----) to Vendor's Agent Gmadeposit tobe held bvhiDlintrust pending completion or other teFnlinat�Oofth� 4nFeeOleOt and tObe credited towards ' ePurchase F�[�eoOoonmp|e�oO. � - 2. Purchaae[agrees 10 PAY BALANCE OR PURCHASE PRICE ON CLOSING SUBJECT TO USUAL ADJUSTMENTS' -^^---^^—^----'----''''—'--''-'---'''--'--''—'—^'—'~—'--''''—'—'--'- --.—..—..—.--.—.-----,—~—........,—....—'--..--.—...—.—..—...--.----... `--'---^--'--''---------'-'--''''----^''-----'------'''-----'' 3. Purchaser and Vendor agree that all existing fixtures are included iO the purchase price. ........................... .....................N/A................................................. z[ Purchaser agrees that this Offer shall be irrevocable bv him until .............. PO the ---. day oL_---., after xvhkchtime, �not . 1h� [�ffe[sh8l| beDuUaDdVP�� aOdth� shall be returned to Purchaser without interest or deduction, not later than the 30thday following acceptance of th� oferbvUleVeDdo� un|eeoothemieeoB[emdiDwhbngbxtheVaDdorandF�unohaae[ ' 5. This Agreement shall be completed oO the ...TO BE NEGOTIATED... Upon completion, vacant possession of the property shall bo given to Purchaser............................................................. -------------'---------- 8. Purchaser shall be allowed ten (10) days next fo Ilowing the date of acceptance of this Offer to: examine the title to the property mt his own expense. ............................................................... . —.—.----.-----------.........—...—...—......—.........—......—...—.........---.— 7. Vendor and Purchaser agree that there b; Do condition, express or implied, representation O[vvarrantv of any kind that the future intended use Cf the pnJpodvhvpurchoae[iGmrvvi|| be lawful exce�� �� 0 ' be speci�cGUystipU|atedheFeuOda[ � ' .............EXJ'FZACT|\/E INDUSTRIAL (K83).....—...............................................-...-...-..--'..-' 8. Purchaser acknowledges having inspected the property prior to submitting this Offer and understands that upon Vendor accepting this Offer there shall-be a binding agreement of purchase and sale between Purchaser and Vendor. S. Provided that the title to the property is good and free from all encumbrances, and except for any registered restrictions o[covenants that run with the land providing that such are complied with and except for any minor easements to public utilities required for the supply of domestic utility services to the property. If within the time allowed for examining the title any valid objection to title, is made in writing to Vendor and which Vendor is unable or unwilling to remove, remedy or satisfy and which Purchaser will not waive, this Agreement, notwithstanding any intermediate acts or negotiations iO respect of such objections, shall be at an end and all monies theretofore paid shall be returned without interest or deduction and Vendor and Vendor's Agent shall not be liable for any costs of damages. Save as to any valid objections so made by such day and except for any objection going to the root of the title, Purchaser shall he conclusively deemed to have accepted Vendor's title tothe property. 10. Purchaser shall not call for the production of any title deed, abstract, survey or other evidence of title to the property except such as are iO the possession or control ofVendor. Vendor agrees that, if requested by the purchaser, he will deliver any sketch or survey of the property in his possession or within his control to Purchaser as soon as possible and prior to the last day allowed for examining title. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE Page 27 of 28 11. All buildings on the property and all other things being purchased shall be and remain until completion 7 at the risk of Vendor. Pending completion, Vendor shall hold all insurance policies, if any, and the proceeds thereof in trust for the parties as their interests may appear and in the event of substantial damage, Purchaser may either terminate this Agreement and have all monies theretofore paid returned without interest or deduction or else take the proceeds or any insurance and complete the purchase. 12. Provided that this Agreement shall be effective to create an interest in the property only if the subdivision control provisions of the Planning Act are complied with by Vendor on or before completion and Vendor hereby covenants to proceed diligently at his expense to obtain any necessary consent on or before completion. 13. Purchaser shall be credited towards the Purchase Price with the amount, if any, which it shall be necessary for Purchaser to pay to the Minister of National Revenue in order to satisfy Purchaser's liability in respect of tax payable by Vendor under the non-residency provisions of the Income Tax Act by reason of this sale. Purchaser shall not claim such credit if Vendor delivers on completion'the .prescribed certificate or his statutory declaration that he is not then a non-resident of Canada. 14. Rents, mortgage interest, taxes, local improvements, water and assessment rates and the cost of fuel shall be apportioned and allowed to the date of completion (the day itself to be apportioned to Purchaser). 15. The deed or transfer shall, save for the Land Transfer Tax Affidavit, which shall be prepared and completed by the Purchaser, be prepared in registrable form at the expense of Vendor and the Mortgage at the expense of Purchaser. 16. Time shall in all respects be of the essence hereof provided that the time for doing or completing of any matter provided for herein may be extended or abridged by an agreement in writing signed by Vendor and Purchaser or by their respective solicitors who are hereby expressly appointed in this regard. 17. Any tender of documents or money hereunder may be made upon Vendor or Purchaser or their respective solicitors on the day for completion of this Agreement. Money may be tendered by bank draft or cheque certified by a chartered bank, trust company or Province of Ontario Savings Office. This Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between Purchaser and Vendor and there is no representation, warranty, collateral agreement or condition affecting this Agreement or the property or supported hereby other than as expressed herein in writing. This Agreement shall be read with all changes of gender or number required by the context. -• ' I" PM&M odra.rio i mnsfef/+QtIR�41'n I�al��Jnd s SoIlvwts Ltd • (41a}32-0111 (1) Y Tom❑ M P41 or � 3 dc (3)�la) Bbac _ Prap.rty �► .Mc 0033(R) schedule ❑ coo �o %; (4)�dwdl T 'c SIXTY SEVEN THOU AND parrs$67,000.00 W') °_ c" � a pq DsserMflon This N a P p� PmPuty �" ^� wol ❑ �_ r-i `--�i � Conaaidatfon ao ,� V 4 CCC..vvviiilll` Part of Lot 16,Co 2 v c —being Parts 1,2 and 3 on 4OR 19736 ^'PropmV IdwMarx x- Muicipi ty of Chiria=t (formerly in the Township of Clarke) opal M>Imk%N ty of rs.. ❑ scn.eur Executions Addrbrrt See ❑ �= s sche" ts►� h)�+ ro)sa,.arr.for (n F«sr T a C°"M'"` wows EMOMWA ❑ ;D«�r"- ❑ P� ❑ oa,.r ® � (h Trendwor(s)Thetrar4Ww hu.by tarwh rs the land to bra trarstar« I 11 11 111 6 ft DOW r � THL i OF TM M[iNICIPALIMOFM ARINGTOH 8 _ _ _ -• _`�t^-" '.f+3: "`far*. a have withalft to hind the CUnim3don t •.•�• nW.� to =2)of Trarslwal)t twaby to thk trsnsacbon •.a + ' .agtrolkne Id D (11)��or(slAddrsss 40 Temperance Shxet, Ontario,L1C3A6 ' i 5' 1111 rwn.tw«lsl Dal.of esbr V ;M 0 �— 9E, _ i c i i a i ( for Ad*"s R.R.#8,471 East Townline Ro Newcastle,Ontario,LIB 1L9 113)Trandwor{a)The turWrw VWMft the b the heat f to tWAWoft con of bi WWP and ft tvd r don rat raw section 50 Ac j V I M + D V M iD i i t actor Transhror(sli haw ergrlakrd the Mat of aadbn 50 o(ft P 11 i Varraferor WWI haw made ingu4Ma of the bu Wamr to defia bW aft#wWw does not cm*avww 1*sa Mm u4 band on ft tlfomldim ugPAed by+the ft*W r,to the bast of my WoMedge and bWd,t A two w don not ccrdraww tlW eecbon I sm an Onhrto soileft b good sisndhp O N- lye ar Sloltw pts So1Cbr nve.tlpa�d SlgcWUM-.-_� oaitravurliar ou3 b subcWw SO tM tltl.to thk Ird and b iwr!wlMwa nlerud and 1 am saYdNd tlfat tla/Ne ponds reveal ombarwu s.ebon 50 of the Pimping Act I ad(clfndpa dw y tl�soBeMor ft tnuWwa(s)amend I as man Orbit sokbr In good to A CL ^ PA&I d DYAD of SW rsb" a ! c 116)Awawrwd Rol Number i av Mw i Map i Sub Par NOT IGNED Fsss and Ta:� Y (1st iWNdpd Ad*asa of hoPwty (17)Doerarrwrt P qm by: ttegbtratbn f« John A.Cooney kandTraWwTax 2727 Morgans Road I bins,A Str+ suite 2500 Toronto,Ontario MSH 2M2 Totd o.a.nrrl�'buMn.tee oSchedule oo ...sE.� . (4,�arza,,, Form 5—LOW RwlMnllon ACL PM, 2 S 1. Pursuant to the Regional Music�ty of Durham Act,R.S.O. 1980,0.434 the names of The Corporation of the T wnship of Clarke, The C on of the To waft of D ell The Corporation of the Town of'Bowman a find The Corporation of the Village of Newcastle; were changed to The Corporation of the Town of New*e. g 2. Pursuant to the Regional Municipality of Durham(Newcastle-Clarington)Act S.O. 1993 c.3 the name of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastlej was changed to The Corporation of the f Municipality of Curington. E p� a *J V a 2 Y Y� p C h _ t S 4 LLJ 6z " oxwn.Mrr...ra uWy tr.c..nw.� - - WE a oua aN co, _�,,,,�,loo Affidavit of Re,4idence and of ValuePr 2 INC-a he Consideration Form Y — Land Transfer Tax Act am 41 E MATTER OF revom CONVEYANCE of rwee.n(reanr T 16 COW. 2 DESIGNAM AS PARTS OF MEW Boom Room BY erhr,rmas r r awleeiera h AQ TO(whasriewr 7 aw/rMR srtie of r sansyser h ea) 1 pr aaearerlaw/dw-erenayhlaf MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: _ S Fam aseeeleaer ewer AasMagegarar MtyikrM AYeey/aaarraAAs eret eraEreeeM ant ai/wiw�here hrucywt>0 ❑ (a)A prscn intrust for whom the land conveyed in the above•dacr,bed conveyance m bang conveyed ❑ (b)A trustee named in the above deeaf-ad conveyance to whom the land is being corn eyed ® (c)A transferee named In the above•duaWad conveyance, E ❑ (d)The authorized agent or solicitor story in this tranwotton for paver nrui(N r s described in paregraph(s) (a) ), (c) Wove (rlMr cur rsrriarsek hia�a^arlk/ra♦epiy ❑ (a)The Presidant Viorrresident,Wringer,Secretary,Director or Treasurer authorize to act for p+aanawsaliyarapwaum ry F k daaribed in paragraphs) (a) ). (c) above,yeneevtrwaaarsrLhyeerebpeeiiprel ❑ (f)A trainsfarm described in penpraph( )~a*ww ererynsM(4 M r(o)aaove at takesWlSl and am making this affidavit on my own behalf and on [ behalf of prearu MrterN who is my spouse described ` in paragraph 1pae,ta*scare.arerrolRlpfrllyareisr+MSerarr)andasseh I have personal knowldgeof the facts herein deposed to - 2 (ro be enerrI I scum fare valbe of air awrarwa-1 for M 41 0) aeaesds#600 AM. i haversed and considered thedef nitlon at'argis family resldmce'sstout in clause 1(1)(p)of the Act The land conveyed in the abovrdaacnbad conveyance ❑ comairwat Mastoneandrwt monthen two arple faintly residences New C t)(d)latreaea an additional tam at the raw of en 4wit at ape PW ❑ does not contain a single family residence um upon the ralueaf setrMeradw in exesasaf trop goo erftere the seeiisy ❑ contains more than two simple family residences ow rrrafte s) um IaaR arse aMt neR slMase tfies 1Mie M01a tbrniRY resleeaiees 3 1 have red and considered tha defmftions of"non resident corporation"and"nonresident "set out respectively in clauses 1(1)(f)and(g)of the Act and each of the followuv personsto whom or Intrust for whom the land Is being conveyed in the abov►decr conveyance if a"narnMklent corporaton" or a"non+wident person"n set out in tM Act sew heweerle taw' 4 THE TOTAL CONSIDERATWN FOR THIS TRANEACMN 0 ALLOCATED AS FO LOUR: e la)Momma Raid or tuba pad m cesh $ 57-0`O-0 (btMongagn W Aseuind Mrnradreerwniwss►awaAlwveasrrluaviwlrw) $ . (li)Given back m vendor _ $ r l (c)Prq rty Usnaland in exchange Mwawat S nil ANNOW - (d)SearkM transferred to the value of~Met S rdl yow M (a)Liens legacies,annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer is subject S nil )each It)Other valuable consideration subject to Ind transfer tax patrawaiq S nil Giant tee` (a)VALUE OF LAND,BUILDING,FIXTURES AND GOODWILL.SUBJECT TO LAND TRANSFER TAX (Total o1(a)to(111 S 67.0()0100 S 67.000.00 waae ; (h)VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS-nemsof taigibla personal Property w S nil W Other consideration for transaction not included in(g)or(h)above $ nil s ())TOTAL CONSIDERATION $_ 5 If consideration Is nommal,describe relationship between varixfror and tramfree and sust I purpose of conveyance Aar hessoar A ` a t 6 if the consideration is nominal,is the land subject to any a+oumbranq7 a e 7 Othr ranarks and explaranions,d riroewry ri a c t Sworn before me at the 7,,,' [ ,„,,,,,�� TOWRl Of Wlit 7 tshe q �y __'_ tY'of Durbam a ACommimanrfortakn ffdavitsete RE'jai E Property Womutim Racal ra Lend%gWy om"(he ONy A Describe nature of instrument LM A Gies'y"No B W Address of property being A es tLe tario - (i3)Armament Roll No paawbo# 18 17 30- 137 _ C Medirig addresefes)for future Notices of Amy merit under the Assessment Act for properly being 00-0l+11(see instruction 7) 471 East Townlirlie Road, 4 [girv;—iy.Vso Lane-grey Me No g Newcastle. Ontario LIB 1L9 D (i) Reostrstxm number for last conveyance of property being conveyed(Ireic-'1 03)Legal description of property conveyed Same as hi D W above Yes❑ No Not known❑ E NameLa and addrer es of each rnfrea's solicnor FffCNAEiS & QiAII , Barristers and Solictiors, School Tax Support(Voluntary Becdon) See reverse for esraisn itIM ! (a) Are all aadni W tranaarese homan Catholic 7 Yes❑ No❑ (b) ii Yes.do r+rx11vx1aAr aaralfiraes wah ID ids Rahan CaNhdc SsperaM Scholl Suppo-eA t �'ss0 No Q (C) Do all mckvxluai trartllerew have French Language Educes on Rghts 7 Yes fI No rl (d) 0 Yea do r sidmdua VWWW s Waal to support the French Language$d of eoerd(where estabisheW Yes Q No❑ rV PARCEL REGISTER (ABBREVIATED) FOR PROPERTY IDENTIFIER LAND PAGE 1 OF 1 Ontario Serviceontario REGISTRY PREPARED FOR JBarchard OFFICE #40 26668-0033 (LT) ON 2012/04/11 AT 11:10:46 * CERTIFIED BY LAND REGISTRAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAND TITLES ACT * SUBJECT TO RESERVATIONS IN CROWN GRANT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: PT LT 16 CON 2 CLARKE PT 1-3 40R19736; S/T CK13504; CLARINGTON PROPERTY REMARKS: ESTATE/QUALIFIER: FEE SIMPLE LT CONVERSION QUALIFIED OWNERS' NAMES EDGAR, ROBERT ALLEN RECENTLY: RE-ENTRY FROM 26668-0128 CAPACITY SHARE ROWN PIN CREATION DATE: 2011/01/31 REG. NUM. DATE INSTRUMENT TYPE AMOUNT PARTIES FROM PARTIES TO CERT/ CHKD ** PRINTOU2 INCLUDES ALL, DOCUMENT TYPES AND DELETED INSTRUMENTS SINCE: 2011101128 ** **SUBJECT, ON FIRST REG STRATTON UNDER THE LAND TITLES ACT, 0: ** SUBSECTION 44 (1) OF THE LAND TITLES ACT, EXCEPT P RAGRAPH 11, PARAGRAPH 14, PROVINCIAL SUCCESSION DUTIES ** AND ESCHEATc OR FORFEITURE TO THE CROWN. ** THE RIGHTS OF ANY PERSON WHO WO LD, BUT FOR THE L4ND TITLES ACT, BE ENTITLED TO THE LAND OR ANY PART OF ** IT THROUGH 1ENGTH OF ADVERSE POSSESSION, PRESCRIPTION, MISDESCRIPTION OR BOUNDARIES SETTLED BY ** CONVENTION. ** ANY LEASE TC WHICH THE SUBSECTION 70(2) OF THE REGISTRY ACT APPLIES. **DATE OF CONVERSION TO LAND TITLES: 20111C1131 ** CK13504 1942/03/25 TRANSFER EASEMENT THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA C N106369 1982/02/26 NOTICE OF CLAIM C 40R19736 2000/05/10 PLAN REFERENCE C REMARKS: PART 2 - SUBJ. TO EASE. AS IN 13504 D546827 2000/05/19 TRANSFER $67,000 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON EDGAR, ROBERT ALLEN C NOTE: ADJOINING PROPERTIES SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED TO ASCERTAIN DESCRIPTIVE INCONSISTENCIES, IF ANY, WITH DESCRIPTION REPRESENTED FOR THIS PROPERTY. NOTE: ENSURE THAT YOUR PRINTOUT STATES THE TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES AND THAT YOU HAVE PICKED THEM ALL UP.