HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-201 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW #2000-201 being a by-law to authorize the execution of Minutes of Settlement between the Municipality of Clarington and Gordon White and others respecting claims for compensation arising out of the expropriation of certain lands in the Cove Road area WHEREAS at a special meeting held on October 25, 2000, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington adopted the verbal report of the Solicitor respecting compensation claims arising out of the expropriation of certain lands in the Cove Road area; NOW THEREFORE THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute Minutes of Settlement between the Municipality of Clarington and Gordon White and others respecting claims for compensation arising out of the expropriation of certain lands in the Cove Road area By-law read a first and second time this 25th day of October 2000. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 25th day of October 2000. MAYOR NIC " CLERK NOV 07 2000 1027 FR ROBINS APPLEBY TAUB 416 868 0306 TO 630 90007294#9361 P.02/06 CLAIMS FOR COMPENSATION U?4DER THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT, R.S.O. 1990,c.E26,AS AMENDED BY: GORDON WHITE("White") mARY.ON a RICIIARDSON("Richardson")and ORCHARDSCOVI+;HOLDINGS LIMITED ("Orchardscove") (hereinafter collectively referred to as the"Owners") AGAINST: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARE-;GTON (hereinafter referred to as"Clarington") rrr g QE SETTLEMENT WHEREAS: A. On May 3, 1999,Clatwgton deposited Expropriation Plan D533723 C'Expropnation Plan°') against the title to certain lands within RegisWeed Plan of Subdivision 198 and 318 and part of the unsubdivided Lot 12, Broken Front Concession, former Town of Bowmanville (now the Municipality of Clarington)("Lot 12,B.F.C:').Plan 198 is a plan of subdivision of the area known as the"Cove' B. The expropriated lands included the following Parts shown on Platt D533723:Part 2,owned : in fee simple by Orchudscove, subject to certain easements; Part 5, owned,by White, subject to certain easements; Part 6, owned in fee simple by White and Richardson, subject to certain easements;and Part 7 owned in fee simple by White, subject to certain easements. The balance of the unsubdivided Lot 12,B.F.C.also is owned by White, subject to certain easements; NOV 07 2000 11:1B FR ROBINS APPLEBY TAUB 416 868 0306 TO 630#0007294#9361 P.02i02 -z- G. Fart 2 an the Expropriation Plan comprises Block D on flan 198,Parts 5 and 6,respectively, comprise portions of Lots 12 and 13 including the portions of the Beach Block associated with Lots 12 and 13 all on Plan 198; and Part 7 comprises.a portion of unsubdivided Lot 12,B.F.C., D. White has the authority of the Owners to execute these Minutes of Settlement on behalf of the Owners. 'White also has the authority of Orchardscove Developments Limited to bind that corporation to the terms of these Minutes of Settlement which refer to it; E. The Parties have agreed to resolve their differences rather than to have them determined by arbitration pursuant to the Expropriations Act, NOW •IT C,REFORE NUMESSETH THAT in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein,each of which with the exception of paragraph 8 hereof,is interdependent on the performance of each of the other covenants by the covenanting Party,the Parties agree as follows: I. Clarington agrees to purchase and the Owners agree to sell the Owners' respective estates in fee simple in Part 2 on Plan D533723, Lot 12 on Plan 198, Lot 13 on Plan 198 and the unsubdivided portion of Lot 12,B.F.C.comprising Part 7 on Plata D533723 and the portion of the unsubdivided Lot 12,13.F.C. situated between Part 7 and Lake Ontario. The titles shall be free of all encumbrances and restrictions except easements registered against the title to the respective lands on May 3, 1999. 2. The Parties agree that the total purchase price of the lands which are to be conveyed by the Owners to Glarington is$132,835.10 calculated as follows. Part 2 on Plan D533723 $60,000.00 Lot 12 on Plan 198 22,500.00 Lot 13 on Plan 198 22,500.00 TOTAL PAGE.02 ** NOV 07 2000 1027 FR ROBINS RPPLEBY TRUB 416 868 0306 TO 630900072943#9361 P.04/06 .3. part of iinsubdivided Lot 12,B.F.C. .20,000.00 Interest(rte 6%p.a.from and including May 3, 1999 to and including October 24,2000 calculated on$79,910.00 TOTAL Prior to the Closing Date,the,Owners may give notice in writing to Claringtan's Treasurer requiring the reallocation of the total purchase price among the individual parcels of land to be conveyed to Clarington as set out in the notice. 3. The total unpaid purchase price of the lends shall be paid by Clarington to White in exchange for the lands referred to in paragraph 2 which are:to be conveyed by the Owners to Clarington on the Closing Date is$92,745,00,plus the Owner's reasonable legal and appraiser expenses as provided below. 4. The Closing Date shall be ten(10),business days after the date on which these Minutes of Settlement are executed'by the last party to execute them,unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties,and in any event no later than November 10,2000. 5. In addition to the unpaid purchase:price which is to be paid by Clarington in exchange for the lands which are to be conveyed by the Owners to Clafingtvn,C1aTington shall pay to the Owners or as directed by thein in writing on the Closing Date the Owners' reasonable legal and appraiser costs in achieving this settlement. Clarington shall administer the transfer of title. 6. On or prior to the Closing Date,White,Richardson and Orchardscove shall discharge all arrears of municipal taxes on their respective lands which the Owners shall convey to Clarington on s NOV 07 2000 1027 FR ROBINS APPLEBY TAUB 416 868 0306 TO 630#0007294#9361 P.05/06 -4- the Closing Date. They shall also withdraw the assessment appeals now pending in respect of such lands with the exception of the appeal in respect of the lands shown on the assessment roll plate which includes Part 2 on Plan D533723. The latter appeal way be pursued by the Owner to have the roll corrected to show the owner of Part 2 to be Clarington on and after May 3, 1999. 7. Clarington at its expense shall erect two signs,one on each of the spur roads in the Cove, indicating that the spur road is a private road the use of which is at the risk of the persons using it. 'Me content and location of the signs shall be subject to White's approval before the signs are erected. 9. It has been agreed that Clarington may feather the intersection of Spur Redd A,provided that Clarington gives an indemnity to White respecting the constriction of that feathered,portion of the road. 9. The Owners on behalf of each of them,iheir respective heirs,successors,administrators and assigns C Releasoe)release and forever discharge the Municipality,its agents,employees,officers, elected officials,successors and assigns("Releawe")from any and all manner of claims, actions, causes of actions and demands for loss or dame of any kind whatsoever which the RReleasor ever had, now has or hereafter can, shall or may have against the Releasee as a.consequence of the acquisition by the Municipality of the lands referred to in:Recital B hereof, including any claims for compensation, whether.for market value, injurious affection, disturbance damages, costs or otherwise. 10. Time shall be'of the essence of these Minutes of Settlement. 11. These Minutes of Settlement evidence;the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and contain all of the covenants of the Parties with iespect to the subject after hereof. 12. These Minutes of Settlement may be dx cuted by the Parties in counterparts. -5- 12. These Minutes of Settlement may be executed by the Parties in counterparts. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parries hereto have affixed their signatures. DATED at this day of November, 2000. SIGNED, SEALED AND ) in the present of ) Gordon Alexander White Marion H. Richardson ORCHARDSCOVE HOLDINGS LIMITED } Per: Gordon,Alexandcr Whitc,Prosidcnt I have authority to bind the corporation. THE CORPORATION OF THE } MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON } Mayor } Cl R:WEFFCR�MC1.AlU1VOlCOVC.RD\SL'i"�LEMT.i 88MOr 10/10 d M-1 D19-19£-91b-1 100 HNOV1 N3O WW Ja 9011 00-ZO-AON