HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-069-08 Addendum~(.11.J Leadtag the Way REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL URPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: December ~ , 2008 ~~~ ~~ ~~{} -~ ~ Report #: COD-069-0 ~ (Addendum) File #_ By-law # Subject: RFP2008-9 SALE OF TOTAL HOCKEY ASSETS & LICENSING OF TOTAL HO KEY TRADE MARK Recommendations: It is respectfully recommenc ed that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the Ilowing: 1. THAT Report COD- ~69-OS (addendum) be received for information; I 2. THAT the Request f ~r Proposal, RFP2008-9 process for the sale of Total Hockey Assets and lease of the Tot I Hockey Official Mark be cancelled and the proponents be advised accordingly; ~ 3. THAT the artifacts stored and staff review the options with respect to the disposition of the artifacts and port back to Council with a recommendation, at the appropriate time; 4. THAT the requireme l nts of the Purchasing By-law be waived; and 5. THAT staff be autho { ~ized to explore opportunities for the licensing or release of the Total Hockey Official Mar and report back to Council with a recommendation, at the appropriate time. Submitted by: Reviewed by: c ar' era o, H.B.Sc., C.M.O., Franklin Wu, D' ct orporate Services Chief Administrative Officer eph P. aruana irector of ommunity Services MMWD61km CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, I I OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 ~q3-b8 REPORT NO.: COD-069-08 PAGE2 1. BACKGROUND A ND COMMENT 1.1 At the General Pu se and Administration Committee meeting of November 17, 2008, Report COD-069-0 (copy attached as Schedule "A") was referred back to Corporate Services and Com unity Services staff and the Chief Administrative Officer for a report providing a respons to the following: • Why the collecti n is worth less now than when it was originally purchased; • Why the Munici ality can not sell the Trade Mark; • A complete upd to of the collection inventory; • An apples to ap les comparison of the inventory appraisals. 1.2 The recommendati n as outlined in the report is to continue with only one amendment to the reference of the Trade Mark, which is now referred to as the Total Hockey Official Mark. 2. ANALYSIS 2.1 The following is pro ided for information and in response to the above noted request for information: 2.1.1 Why the collection is worth less now than when it was originally purchased? This question is difficult to answer because we are dealing with items whosevalue is driven by the market or demand. We have an appraisal that estimat the value of the artifacts to be in the area of $51,800 whereas we have a bid t at suggests a value of $16,437.00. The appraiser provided an estimate of hat he feels the artifacts are worth on the market. The bidders in this instance~choose to place a value on the artifacts much lower than that of the appraisal si ply because that is what the bidder felt they were worth to him. This approach or hilosophy is confirmed by comments made during the viewing which indica d that the bidder was not interested in all of the items, for example lots 2, 7, 12, 15 and 17 to 21, but would provide a token bid. If he was successful, t at would be fine; if not then this was not a concern. It is possible that the high bidder was planning to break up the lots and resell some or all of the items. If t is was the intent his approach would be to buy as low as possible hoping tom e a profit on the sale. Please note that during a discussion with the bidder he di indicate that he felt the overall value was close to the appraisal, however, thi is list price. REPORT NO.: COD-069-08 PAGE3 It is unfortun to that others who expressed interest in the offering were not in a position to b d. For example there was a museum that obtained the RFP document a d they expressed interest but later learned that they could not obtain the fu ding necessary to make a bid submission. In addition t~ the above, it is possible that the down turn in the economy may have influenbed the decision of some not to bid. Although it i$ not possible to not respond directly to the Committee's request, the above explanation offers suggestions as to what may have influenced the response. 2.1.2. Why the Municipality can not sell the Trade Mark? When the municipality registered th II Total Hockey mark it was registered under the legislation covering intellectual p operty. As such, when a public body registers a mark it is designated a Official Mark as apposed to a trade mark that we are familiar with and register d by the private sector. When a public authority registers an Official Mark it Cann t be sold, however it can be offered for use by another party and the Municipality nay charge a fee but the municipality retains ownership. The other option is to ithdraw the official mark so that a new applicant can apply to Trade Mark the na a Total Hockey. Once again a fee can be applied to this withdrawal. copy of the letter provided by the firm of Thomson Law Firm, Barrister, Sol'citor and Trade Mark Agent that speaks to this issue is attached as Schedule "B". 2.1.3 A complete i~ventory of the Total Hockey assets (Schedule "C") has been provided for ouncil's review. The inventory is separated into 4 sections: • Appendix 1 ~ Transferred Assets from Brian McFarlane • Appendix 2 -~ Loaned Assets from Brian McFarlane • Appendix 3 -~ Items Donated (independent of Brian McFarlane) • Appendix 4 -~ Items Purchased (independent of Brian McFarlane) REPORT NO.: COD-069-08(addendum) PAGE 4 2.1.4 A comparison of the 1998 & 2008 appraisals has been completed and is attached as Sched le "D°. While it is not possible to make a direct comparison on each item, wherever pos ible staff have made those comparisons in order identify the major differences in value 2.2. In addition to the information requested and provided above, attached to this report is the following additiglnal documentation: • Schedule "E" - Bri$n McFarlane Museum Appraisal, December 8, 1998 • Schedule "F" - Tot~l Hockey Collection Appraisal, June 5, 2008 • Schedule "G" - Agreement of Purchase and Sale, October 29, 2003 • Schedule "H" - Bri$n McFarlane Hockey Museum, List of Inventory, July 2003 3. CONCLUSION 3.1. The foregoing repo responds to the areas of concern raised at the GP&A Meeting of November 17`h. Th possible reasons for the disparity in the appraisal versus the actual bids have been pro ided in addition to the "apples to apples comparison° for the inventory appraisal . It is respectfully recommended that report be received for information and the recommendations as proposed in Report COD-069-08 as amended (Trade Mark vs Offi ial Mark) be approved. 3.2. Subsequent to the losing of the RFP, there have been two (2) contacts expressing an interest in the artifa ts. At the appropriated time staff will report back to Council should any future expression or interest dictate either a re-issue of the RFP or alternative options for disposal of the artifacts, that may be in the best interest of the Municipality. REPORT NO.: Attachments: Schedule "A" -Report Schedule "B" -Letter from Schedule "C" -Total Schedule "D" -1998/2008 Schedule "E" -Brian Schedule "F" -Total Schedule "G" - PAGES Thomson Law Firm Inventory Comparison Hockey Museum Appraisal, December 8, 1998 Collection Appraisal, June 5, 2008 Purchase and Sale, October 29, 2003 Schedule "H" -Brian McFahane Hockey Museum, List of Inventory, July 2003 Clar~ngto~ Leading the Way SCHEDULE "A" -COD-069-08 REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: November 17, 2008 Report #: COD-069-08 File # By-law #. Subject: RFP2008-9, SALE OF TOTAL HOCKEY ASSETS 8~ LICENSING OF TOTAL HOCKEY TRADE MARK Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-069-08 be received; 2. THAT the Request for Proposal, RFP2008-9 process for the sale of Total Hockey Assets and lease of Total Hockey Trade Mark be cancelled and the proponents be advised accordingly; 3. THAT the artifacts be stored and staff review the options with respect to the disposition of the artifacts and report back to Council with a recommendation, at the appropriate time; and 4. THAT the requirements of the Purchasing By-law be waived; and 5. THAT staff be authorized to explore opportunities for the licensing of the Total Hockey Trade Mark and report back to Council with a recommendation, at the appropriate time. Submitted by: Reviewed by: arie Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.O., Director of Corporate Services MMIJDB1km t~=.._~-~'-- ~-~~-. Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 SCHEDULE "A" -COD-069-08 REPORT NO.: COD-069-OS PAGE 2 1. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1.1. Request for Proposal RFP2008-9 for the sale of Total Hockey Assets and the Lease of the Total Hockey Trade Mark was advertised on the Municipality's website, the Ontario Public Buyers website and also in the local newspaper. In addition, known potential bidders were contacted by fax to advise of the opportunity. 1.2. In conjunction with the promotion of the sale, viewing days were established to allow interested parties to inspect the artifacts in preparation for a bid submission. Arrangements were also made to accommodate interested parties who could not make the schedule viewing dates. 1.3. Two submissions were received and tabulated as per schedule "A" attached. 2. ANALYSIS 2.1. On review of the bid submissions it was noted that only one firm bid on all lots for sale. A second bidder offered prices on three lots, # 3, 6 and 8. There were no bids for Lot 25 Total Hockey Trade Mark Licence Agreement. 2.2. The best overall bid received was submitted by Glory Days Sports, Toronto, for Lots 1 to 24 inclusive. The total bid amount before taxes totals $16,437.00. Prior to issuing the RFP the artifacts purchased from Brian McFarlane were appraised and valued at $51,810.00. 2.3. Because the appraisal was conducted in a different format than the actual lots established for the RFP, it would be extremely difficult to relate the appraised value to the individual lots with a couple of exceptions. Lot 5 -Skates; Lot 6 -Jerseys and Crests and Lot 8 -Sticks are readily identifiable and these prices are shown in Schedule "A" attached for comparison purposes. 2.4. Given the appraised value of $51,810.00 compared to the total bid received of $16,437.00 (32 % of appraised value), staff are not prepared to recommend the sale of the artifacts. SCHEDULE "A" -COD-069-08 REPORT NO.: COD-069-0$ PAGE 3 2.5. As noted, there was no interest shown in the lease opportunity for the Total Hockey Trade Mark. As this asset is unique and has a limited application and cannot be sold our options are limited to offering the trade mark for use on a license or lease basis. Prior to .issuing the RFP there was some interest from a U.S. firm in purchasing the trade mark, however, as noted, this is not an option. There may be some interest in entering into a license arrangement but this will entail some further investigation. 3. CONCLUSION 3.1. In view of the poor response to the bid opportunity and the low return on investment, staff is recommending that the RFP be cancelled and the bidders be so informed with a return of all surety deposits. 3.2. Staff is proposing to place the collection in storage and undertake a review of the options .for consideration and will report back to Council with further recommendations on disposition of the collection. 3.3. With respect to the trade mark, staff is recommending that the Purchasing By-law be waived and staff be authorized to pursue licensing opportunities on an informal basis with a report to be provided on the outcome. 3.4. Queries with respect to the collection and its storage etc. should be referred to the Director of Community Services. 3.5. This report has been reviewed for recommendation by the Purchasing Manager and the appropriate department and circulated as follows: Concurrence: Director of Community Services Attachments: Schedule "A" -Bid Tabulation SCHEDULE "A" -COD-069-08 THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON RFP2008-9: SALE OF TOTAL HOCKEY ASSETS AND LICENSING OF TOTAL HOCKEY TRADE MARK SCHEDULE"A" TABULATION Don Breen Courtice Glory Days Sports Toronto Appraised Value Lot # Descri lion Bid Price S Bid Price S S Lot # 1 Games, Cards, Stickers and Tickets 1, 400.00 Lot # 2 Banners, Pennants and Pins 105.00 Lot # 3 Pucks 96.00 310.00 Lot # 4 Equipment 715.00 Lot # 5 Skates 505.00 2,700.00 Lot # 6 Jerseys and Crests 680.00 4,035.00 7,090.00 Lot # 7 Books, Programs and Magazines 105.00 Lot#8 Sticks 1,800.00 3,510.00 7,900.00 Lot # 9 The Stanley Cup 327.00 Lot # 10 Wayne GreTzky 140.00 Lot # 11 Boston Bruins 165.00 Lot # 12 Chicago Black Hawks 85.00 Lot # 13 Detroit Red Wings 655.00 Lot # 14 Montreal Canadiena 145.00 Lot # 15 New York Rangers 55.00 Lot # 16 Toronto Maple Leafs 2,305.00 Lot # t7 Post-Expansion Teams 55.00 Lot # 18 Women's Hockey 65.00 Lot # 19 Team Canada 85.00 Lot # 20 Hockey Movies - Sticks in Flicks 25.00 Lot # 21 Goaltending Greats 75.00 Lot # 22 Heritage Hockey 525.00 Lot # 23 Brian McFarlane -The Voice of a Generation 335.00 Lot # 24 Maple Leaf Gardens -Hockey Mecca 710.00 Lot # 25 Total Hockey Trade Mark License Agreement -Annual License Fee No Bid No Bid Subtotal 2,576.00 16,437.00 51,810.00 GST 128.80 821.85 PST 206.08 Exem t Grand Total 2,910.88 17,258.85 Bid De osit 293.70 7,500.00 SCHEDULE "B" -COD-069-08 THOMSON LAw FIRM BARRISTER, SOLICITOR Rt TRADE MARK AGENT 117 KING STREET P.O. f3ox 358 WHITBY, ONTARIO L1N 554 .IENNIFER S. THOMSON Direct Disl: (905) 668-7704 ext. 234 Email: JThomson@Thomsonlawfirm.ca Assistant: Leanne Ray-Finlay Direct Dial: (905) 668-7704 ext. 233 Email: Leanne@Thomsonlawfirm.ca Fax: (905)668-1268 July 22, 2008 Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 Attention: Jennifer J. Cooke Dear Ms. Cooke: Re: TOTAL HOCKEY -Official Mark My File No. 10715 I acknowledge receipt of your a-mail to my assistant confirming that the Municipality does not wish to release the TOTAL HOCKEY official mark at this time. I have heazd and read some announcements via the media with respect to the TOTAL HOCKEY official mark; some to the effect that the Municipality may "sell the "TOTAL HOCKEY trade-mazk" along with the hockey artefacts as a complete package to any prospective purchasers. I remind you that the TOTAL HOCKEY mark cannot be sold as it is an "official mark" as opposed to a "trade-mazk". As discussed at the time the official mazk was registered, when a party with "public authority status" seeks to register intellectual property rights in a word or design, such mark is designated as an "official mark". With the foregoing principles in mind, the Municipality can do either with respect to the TOTAL HOCKEY official mark: Give its consent to anyone seeking to use the mark. The Municipality can charge a fee for the consent if it wishes, however the Municipality would still remain the registrant of the official mark; or SCHEDULE "B" -COD-069-08 -2- Withdraw the official mark so that a new applicant can apply to trade-mark the name "TOTAL HOCKEY" or a similar mark. The Municipality can charge a fee to the new applicant in consideration of the withdrawal. Needless to say, in this instance the Municipality would have no further rights with respect to the mazk. If the Municipality wishes to reconsider its decision, please advise; otherwise I will inform the Vancouver law firm that the Municipality is not prepared to sign the requested documents or otherwise authorize the use of its client's proposed trade-mazk. Kindly confirm your instructions either way. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Yours truly, \ ,, n fer S. Thomson /l~r SCHEDULE "C" -COD-069-08 ~• Leading the Way Total Hockey Inventory Schedule "C" II Schedule "C" Iterrps Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storage) 1 Game Gotham Push/Pull Hockey Game, early tabletop hockey game 2 Game Big League / Gotham tabletop game, in box 3 Game Roll'n Score Toronto Maple Leafs board game, instructions, score cards, die included 4 Game Ice Action hockey board game, red/blue backdrop, yellow "hockey" lettering, plastic casing over game 5 Game Top Comer Push/Pull tabletop hockey game, white base, puck duct-taped, red/blue players 6 Game Munro Push/Pull tabletop hockey game, wooden, red base 7 Game Face-off board game, still in box/wrapping, 3-D Title, red vs green player; 2 identical game boards outside of box 8 BeeHive photo Gord Drillon of Maple Leafs BeeHive photo with replica autograph, framed 9 BeeHive photo Bob Davidson with Maple Leafs 10 BeeHive photo Bucko McDonald as Maple Leaf 1 1 BeeHive photo Max Bentley as Maple Leaf 12 Matchbook cover Ralph Bowman 13 Matchbook cover Ching Johnson 14 Matchbook cover Merv'Red' Dutton 15 - Matchbook cover . Glen Brydson 16 Matchbook cover i Johnny Gottselig 17 Matchbook cover Harald March 18 Matchbook cover Eddie Burke 19 Matchbook cover Frank Boucher 20 Matchbook cover Rabbit McVeigh 21 Matchbook cover Marty Burke 22 Hockey card--early 1930's Ace Bailey 23 Hockey card--early 1930's ' Andy Blair 24 Hockey card--early 1930's Dit Clapper 25 Hockey card--early 1930's Bill Cook 26 Hockey card--early 1930's Harold Cotton 27 Hockey card--early 1930's ' Hap Day 28 Hockey card--early 1930's Red Dutton 29 Hockey card--early 1930's Lionel Hitchman 30 Hockey card--early 1930's '.. Red Horner 31 Hockey card--early 1930's ' Busher Jackson 32 Hockey card--early 1930's Davey Kerr 33 Hockey card--early 1930's Alex Levinsky 34 Hockey card--early 1930's Sylvia Mantha 35 Hockey card--early 1930's ' Armand Mondou 36 Hockey card--early 1930's Baldy Northcott 37 Hockey card--early 1930's George Patterson 38 Hockey card--early 1930's '. Joe Primeau. 39 Hockey card--early 1930's '~. Hooley Smith 40 Hockey card--early 1930's ' Nels Stewart 41 Hockey card--early 1930's Roy Worters 42 Hockey Card Eric Lindros.hockey card, colour photo, grey steel; slats for 1994-1995, 1995-1996 43 Hockey Albums Red hockey album with hockey cards 44 Hockey Albums Red hockey album with hockey cards 45 Hockey Cards Binder Collection of hockey cards, 3" binder 46 Team Canada Phone Cards in Book Team Canada Book, logo on cover, phone cards in plastic sleeve pages 47 Vintage Pro Set Cards 18 cards in a 9 card page, plastic sleeves 48 Original Six Box with Cards Attached to Eric Lindros Coin, box contains several cards, different variety 49 Oversized Islanders Cards Billy Smith 50 Oversized Islanders Cards Bob Nystrom 51 Oversized Islanders Cards Mike Bossy 52 Oversized Islanders Cards Denis Potvin Page 1 of 35 Schedule "C" Items Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storage) 53 Hockey Superstars Album Book Soft cover, Wendel Clark on front 54 Pogs Box of pogs, white box, two rows of pogs 55 Hockey sticker "Morzine-Avoriaz Hockey Club" white sticker 56 Hockey stickers "Morzine-Avoriaz Hockey Club" yellow sticker 57 Ticket Ticket for Hockey Hall of Fame Induction gala in 1999 (Gretrky, Van Hellemond, Morrison), hologram 5g Hockey Tickets Unused Mighty Ducks tickets for 1993 games vs. Detroit, San Jose, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh and New York 59 Hockey Tickets Two tickets to the 1997 Gold Medal Game at Women's World Championships 60 Banner Greensboro Generals (ECHL) souvenir banner 61 Banner Toronto Maple Leafs (NHL) 1970 souvenir banner 62 Banner Colorado Avalanche 1996 Stanley Cup victory souvenir banner 63 Banner Detroit Red Wings (NHL) 1970 souvenir banner 64 Banner ' Canada vs. Russia 1972 Summit Series banner 65 Banner California Golden Seals (NHL) souvenir banner 66 Banner Salt Lake Golden Eagles (CHL) souvenir banner 67 Banner Team Canada Women's 1992 souvenir banner 68 Banner Atom 1984 souvenir banner 69 Banner Women's World Championship 1987 souvenir banner 70 Banner Women's World Championship 1987 souvenir banner 71 Flag White Team Canada flag from 1992 in Calgary, vintage logo, "go for gold" at bottom 72 Russian Pin Collection Twenty 2"x.75" gold pins with colour logos, One 2"x2" black and gold Russian pin. All from World Olympic Tournaments (1954-1984). Mounted on 9.5"x9.5" cardboard. 73 Puck--autographed LA Kings (autographed by Gretrky) 74 Puck--autographed Rock'em Sock'em 7 (autographed by Don Cherry) 75 Puck Canadian Society of New York 76 Puck Travelrite 77 Puck Travelrite 78 Puck Firepuck 79 Puck Oshawa Generals (OHL) 80 Puck Oshawa Generals (OHL) 81 Puck Stanley Cup 1993-1994 82 Puck Square puck (replica of 1880's) 83 Puck Wayne Gretrkyfoam puck 84 Puck Cleveland Barons acrylic puck 85 Puck Allan Cup--Stony Plain 2007 86 Puck Toronto Maple Leafs 87 Puck New York Islanders 88 Puck Toronto Toros (WHA) 89 Puck Wooden 90 Puck NBC Sports 91 Puck Montreal Canadiens 92 Puck European Hockey League--IIHF 93 Puck OtympicWinterGames-Torino--2006 94 Puck Chicago Black Hawks 95 Puck Team Canada 96 Puck Hockey Night in Canada 97 Puck WHA experiment--red 98 Puck WHA experiment--white 99 Puck WHA experiment --orange 100 Puck Hockey Night in Canada acrylic puck 101 Puck Black plastic street hockey puck 102 Puck Orange plastic street hockey puck 103 Puck Orange plastic street hockey puck 104 Puck ' Black plastic street hockey puck with 3 rollers 105 Goalie pads Cooper on outside of each goalie pad Page 2 of 35 II Schedule "C" Iterrps Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storage) 106 Goalie pads Thick leather goalie pads 107 Goalie pads Louisville TPS pads, black, red trim, white wool padding 108 Goalie pads Brown leather goalie pads 109 Goalie pads Brown, Cooper across pad at knee 110 Goalie catching glove Left-handed catching glove, kids, black leather and Winn Well logo in palm 111 Goalie catching glove Light brown leather, Cooper logo on wrist, kid's size, left hand 1' 12 Goalie catching glove Vintage Cooper catching glove, brown leather, tape around wrist, laces very fragile 113 Goalie catching glove Right-handed vintage goalie glove, Kenesky patch on wrist, thick leather padding on wrist 114 Goalie catching glove Kids, left-handed catching glove, brown leather, Cooper logo on wrist, "CB" written on wrist 115 Goalie catching glove Left-handed, adult, catching glove, leather with vinyl, Cooper, white strap around wrist 116 Goalie catching glove Child's vinyl left-handed catching glove, Cooper 117 Goalie catching glove Goalie glove, brown leather mitt 118 Goalie catching glove Left-handed catcher has "Favell" (with "Parent' crossed out) written on wrist. 119 Goalie blocker Right-handed Cooper,. massive amounts of wear, Belonged to Doug Favell 120 Goalie blocker Cooper right-handed blocker, laces worn on trim; "Bathurst" written on front of blocker 121 Chest protector '~. Chest protector, all white, "Cooper", ends of sleeves torn 122 Chest protector Kenesky chest protector, terrible condition 123 Goalie mask ' Black Jofa helmet, white I-Tech cage and throat protector attached 124 Goalie mask Black Itech Goalie Mask, never worn, blue Itech case included --new 125 Vintage goalie mask Used by Fred Hill in 1920's -- metal frame covered in tape, corresponding skates (see inventory #057) 126 Chest protector Three distinct pieces, unattached, white padding, tape holding arms together 127 Street hockey mask Plastic replica mask with black straps 128 Street hockey mask Plastic replica mask with white straps 129 Street hockey mask Goalie mask with, cage, blue white and black (blue cage) straps included -- Felix Potvin model 130 Street hockey mask Grey plastic street hockey goalie mask with white straps 131 Vintage helmet Vintage leather helmet, red with yellow elastic 132 Helmet ' Old white bubble helmet, ear flaps, no strap, #19 on back with piece of tape; CSA approved sticker on inside --belonged to NHLer Bobby Lalonde 133 Helmet Blue I-tech helmet, foam, double layered protection 134 Shin pad Black felt with brown kneecap. Child's. Single pad 135 Shin pads Red shin pads, light brown leather band, felt padding, one knee cracked 136 Shin pads Vintage shin pads, wool padding, brown plastic, slightly oversized knee pads 137 Shin pad Bobby Hull-endorsed CCM shin pad (one), red knee cap; black shin pad and foam 13g padding 139 Shin pads Syl Apps-endorsed navy blue leather shinpads, blue plastic knee cap 140 Shin pads Red shin and knees, CCM 38 141 Hockey gloves Red, white and black, leather, white laces 142 Hockey gloves Grey vinyl wrists and brown gloves, youngster's 143 Hockey gloves Light brown leather, Mastercraft patch on wrist, "Don Smith" written on wrist 144 145 Hockey gloves CCM hockey gloves, blue,. green and white; thick white lace at wrist, "Canucks"written above wrist -- used by Bobby Lalonde 146 Hockey gloves - Cooper Weeks gloves, blue, green and white, thin lace at wrist; 17 printed on wrist 147 Hockey gloves Blue, yellow and white; "Custom Pro 1000" printed on wrist; white laces at wrists 148 Hockey gloves Gloves, donated by Ivan Irwin, palms cut out, wide/thick fingers 149 Kid's hockey gloves Red, white and blue, Sherwood logo on thumb 150 Hockey socks Vintage hockey stockings, redlwhite striped, grey foot 151 Hockey socks Montreal Canadiens' (replica) socks 152 Women's 1990 Worlds socks Pink with white leaf at bottom, blue trim, elastic ankle 153 Shoulder pads Children's shoulder pads, red plastic protectors, white laces, donated by Dave Lumley Page 3 of 35 II Schedule "C" tterJ~c Purrhased from Brian McFarlane (in storagel 154 Shoulder pads Child's shoulder pads,'BObby Hull model', white with red trim and black shoulder caps (CCM written on), white lace 155 Hockey pants Black hockey pants 156 Hockey pants Women's World championships, 1990, white pants, laces and belt, bluelpink stripe down side 167 Hockey coat Women's 1990 World Championships coat, blue, white sleeves, logo on left chest, thick nylon 158 Hockey jacket Showdown Confrontation jacket, plain white, spring nylon jacket, logo on left chest 159 Hockey jacket 1974 Philadelphia Flyers jacket, bright orange nylon with Flyers logo on left chest 160 Hockey Bag #26 on side, Philadelphia Flyers logo on the other side, black with orange trim, grey zipper 161 Scarf Manchester Storm Supporters Club Scarf, white background, blue front, yellow lace on end 162 Boxing Gloves Red leather, white laces -- both signed by George Chuvalo in 2007 163 Vintage skates Pristine Starr'Aero'skate blade, size 12, in original box. Would be fastened to boot 164 Vintage skates Bootless blades, Starr brand, size 9, unused, would be attached to boot (in box) 165 Vintage skates Single, ancient, extended blade on curved wood. Attach by leather strap (portions of which remain) 166 Vintage skates Pair of ancient blades with curved toe on wooden frame, would screw into boot 167 Vintage skates ' Pair of ancient blades with curved toe on wooden frame, with leather attachment to secure to boot 168 Vintage skates Pair of blades manufactured by Hudora Eiszepp, would clamp onto bootancie 169 Vintage skates I Pair of very old A.J.Spalding Canadian Club blades, with leather attachment to secure to foot, size 9 17p Vintage skates Pair of blades, very old and rusty, would fasten to a skater's boot. Heavy and long. 171 Vintage skates Pair of Hudora blades, German made, would attach to skaters boot 172 Vintage skates Pair of blades, rusty, manufactured by Union Hardware Company. Would attach to a boot. 173 Vintage skates Pair of blades stamped Hockey Club and logo. Would be attached to a boot. Size 9 112 174 Vintage skates Single blade with leather attachment for foot, terribly rusted 175 Vintage skates Pair of blades, Klipper Klub brand, size 10. Screw device in bottom for sizing. Would clip to boot 176 Vintage skates Pair of Starr Acme Club blades, size 11. Would fasten to boot. Mildly rusted 177 Vintage skates Pair of Starr Acme Club skate blades, size 9. Spring device underneath. Would fasten to boot. Good condition. 178 Vintage skates Child's Blazer Franklin skates, black boot, brown trim 17g Vintage skates Child's bob skates, with leather attachment for boot, made by Dominion Skate Company 180 Vintage skates Child's double-bladed bob skates, leather straps to attach to boot, Venco SpeedBob 181 Vintage skates Daoust "Silver Arrow' skates wom by Garth Boesch of Leafs in the 1940s and 1950s; black boot, brown sole, yellow laces. Size 12 182 Vintage skates 1970 Daoust skates, nylon protector, blacklwhite boot, size 10 183 1 gq Vintage skates Lake Placid brand kid's skates, double bladed, black booUlaces, red trim; Lake Placid tag 185 Vintage skates Child's skates, black/brown boot, yellow laces, leather strap running across laces, blades made from Biltile Tempered Steel 186 Vintage skates Steel shank leather skates, black brown boot, toes taped up and brown ankle protector 187 Vintage skates Skates with black boot, brown trimltoe and Maple Leafs logo on blade 188 Vintage skates Child's double-bladed skates, black boot, black laces 1 gg Vintage skates Black nylon boot, plastic toe, leather ankle protector and white laces, Bauer Little Beaver skates 190 Vintage skates Brown leather boot, white laces, size 7 1/2, "Mem's Auto" on blade Page 4 of 35 I Schedule "C" Items Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storage) 191 Vintage skates ~~ Bauer skates, black boat, very heavy, white laces, size 9 (on blade) and thick toe 192 Vintage skates Ancient skates -- metal blade with wood base, donated by Mickey Walker 193 Vintage skates Skates with black boot, brown trim/toe, yellow laces and wooden CCM marked skate guards 194 Vintage skates ' All black leather, blades very rusted and Red Homer on blades 195 Vintage skates Black leather skates, bottom of sole has "Bauer 12" 196 Vintage skates Skates, laces intact, all brown leather, blades are rusty 197 Vintage skates Skates, black boot, brown trim, brand new laces, size 10, "Silver Arrow" on blade 198 Vintage goalie skates . CCM goalie skates 'Steel Shank; black boot and off white sole 199 Vintage goalie skates CCM goalie skates, 1929-30, brown boot, brown sole, size 11.5 marked on bottom, rusty, donated by Fred Hill (corresponding mask) 200 Hockey jersey--autographed St. Louis Blues jersey, blue with gold trim, #16 and Hull on back, "A" on shoulder, signed by Brett Hull 201 Hockey jersey--autographed White Calgary Flames jersey with red and yellow trim, Roberts and #10 on back, signed inside by Gary Roberts 202 Hockey jersey-autographed Chicago Blackhawks jersey, red with black and white trim, Pilote and #3 on back, signed by Pierre Pilote and Jack Valiquette 203 Hockey jersey--autographed New York Rangers jersey, blue with red and white trim, signed by Pat LaFontaine 204 Hockey jersey--autographed (no NHLers) ~ Dawson City Nuggets jersey, signed by team, #92 on back, navy blue with red and yellow trim 205 Hockey jersey Toronto Maple Leafs jersey, dark blue with white trim, "C" on left shoulder, no name, # 27 206 Hockey jersey Toronto Maple Leafs jersey, white with blue trim, lace at neck, #7 on back, no name 207 Hockey jersey Chicago Blackhawks white jersey with black and red trim, #21 on back (no name) -- purported to be from Stan Mikita 208 Hockey jersey Dallas Texans jersey (USHL), mid-1940's, #19 on front, red with blue trim and white font, #19 repeated on back 209 Hockey jersey Gruen Oldtimers jersey with white trim, red font, #21 210 Hockey jersey Gruen Oldtimers jersey, white with red trim, #21 21 Y Hockey jersey Toronto Toros jersey (W HA), blue with white and orange trim, #27, worn by Frank Mahovlich at media conference announcing his signing 212 Hockey jersey Royal Canadian Air Force jersey, white with blue trim, #14 213 Hockey jersey White Chiefs jersey with blue and yellow trim, no name or number, replica from'Slapshot' 214 Hockey jersey W hite jersey with red trim, Tim Horton's NHL AI I-Stars, #1 215 Hockey jersey Toronto Maple Leafs replica 1930's, dark blue with white trim, no name or number, vintage logo 216 Hockey jersey Winnipeg Jets jersey, white with blue and white trim, #25 and Steen on back; game- ready for Thomas Steen 217 Hockey jersey Blackhawks jersey, white, #24, no name on back 218 Hockey jersey Team Canada women's jersey, red jersey, vintage logo, Kellar #11 on back 219 Hockey jersey Red jersey, CCCP #17 220 Hockey jersey New York Rangers jersey, white, #9 on back -- purported to have been worn by Andy Bathgate 221 Hockey jersey Edmonton Oilers jersey, blue with orange.white trim, Gretzky and #99 on back 222 Hockey jersey Toronto Maple Leafs jersey, blue with white trim, NHL 75th anniversary patch on left shoulder, no name or number on back 223 Hockey jersey Boston Bruins jersey, black with gold trim, #4 on back, 'Orr" inside collar 224 Hockey jersey Russian name on back, #20, blue jersey with white and red trim 225 Hockey jersey Mike Bossy jersey, New Islanders, white with blue and red trim, #22 on back and arms, "Bossy" on back 226 Hockey crest Cincinnati Cyclones felt logo, goalie with old mask on 227 Hockey crest Navy Senior Champs 1943 228 Hockey crest Toronto Marlboros (OHA) 229 Hockey crest Toronto Maple Leafs --World Champs 1941-1942 230 Hockey crest ' Toronto Maple Leafs --World Champs 1946-1947 231 Hockey crest American Hockey League Champions 232 Hockey crest Pittsburgh Hornets (AHL), owned by Bob Hassard 1951-1952 Page 5 of 35 II Schedule "C" Oerrts Purrhased from Brian McFarlane (in storaoel 233 Framed Toronto Maple Leafs crest ~ Leaf logo crest taken from Ace Bailey's jersey 234 Book--autographed I Hockey Book for Kids, soft cover, cartoon hockey player on front, autographed by author Brian McFarlane 235 Book--autographed History of Hockey, hard cover, hockey greats pictured on front, autographed by author Brian McFarlane 236 Book--autographed Hockey'76, soft cover; Bobby Clarke photo on cover, autographed by author Bdan McFarlane 237 Book--autographed Hockey Annual, hard cover, cartoon photo on front; autographed by author Brian McFarlane 238 Book--autographed Still More It Happened in Hockey, soft cover, Canadiens' logo on front, autographed by author Brian McFarlane 23g Book--autographed Stanley Cup Fever, soft cover, photo of Stanley Cup on front, autographed by author Brian McFarlane 240 Book--autographed The Leafs, soft cover, Leafs logo on front, autographed by author Brian McFarlane 241 Book--autographed The Habs, hard cover, Canadiens' logo on front, autographed by author Brian McFarlane 242 Book--autographed More It Happened in Hockey, soft cover, Leafs logo on front, autographed by author Brian McFarlane 243 Book--autographed It Happened in Baseball, soft cover, cartoon baseball on front, autographed by author Brian McFarlane 244 Book--autographed Proud Past, Bright Future, heritage photo of ladies' hockey on cover, autographed by author Brian McFarlane 245 Book--autographed Peter Puck et le Vol de la Coupe Stanley, French version of above, autographed by author Brian McFarlane 246 Book--autographed Peter Puck's Greatest Moments in Hockey, soft cover, photo of Miracle on Ice on cover, autographed by author Brian McFarlane 247 Book Goaltending, photo of Jacques Plante on cover (book falling apart) 248 Book Faceoff of the Century, black cover, Canada/Russia hockey on front 249 Book Stanley Cup: The First 100 Years, Cup on cover, black cover 250 Book Hockey, Bobby Hull face plant on cover, 251 Book Pro Hockey Heroes of Today, hard cover, yellow background 252 Book Howie Meekers Hockey Basics, soft black cover, 3 players 253 Book Wayne Gretzky, hard cover, Wayne skating on front 254 Book Hockey Superstars, hard cover, Gretzky in middle, four small pictures surround 255 Book The Stanley Cup, hard cover, black, teams celebrating on cover 256 Book Hockey Superstars (updated), hard cover, Gretzky in middle of cover, four small pictures surround 257 Book Scrubs on Skates, red, hard cover 258 Book Boy on Defence, hard cover, off white 259 Book The Calgary Challengers, hard cover, white with players (red and green) 260 Book Hockey...Here's Howe, hard cover, white cover, picture of Howe in action 261 Book ~ The Bobby Orr Story, hard cover, black, Orr on front 262 Book The Best of It Happened in Hockey, hard cover, action shots on front 263 Book A Thinking Mans Guide to Pro Hockey, hard cover, orange, statue on front 264 Book The Story of Hockey, hard cover, photo of Beliveau and Armstrong on cover 265 Book The Story of the National Hockey League, hard cover, white, Hawks and Canadiens on cover 266 Book Pride and Glory: 100 Years of the Stanley Cup, hard cover, blue, Cup with teams on cover 267 Book Ken Dryden: The Game, hard cover, Dryden on cover 268 Book Great Goalies of Pro Hockey, hard cover, Ken Dryden making save on cover 269 Book Real Stories from the Rink, soft cover, dressing room shot on cover 270 Book Peter Puck and the Stolen Stanley Cup, soft cover, cartoon image of Peter Puck, magnifying glass and the Stanley Cup on cover 271 Book Peter Puck's Colouring Book, soft cover, cartoon of Peter Puck with paint brush on cover 272 Media Guide Colorado Rockies media guide, 1981-82, soft cover, Rockies assorted shots, logo in middle Page 6 of 35 II Schedule "C" IterOs Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storage) 273 Guide Book 1983-1984 Official Guide Book, 630 pages, black cover Guide book 1994-1995 Ofricial Guide Book, 450 pages, Mark Messier on cover with Stanley Cup 274 275 Guide Book Ice Sports Guide book, soft cover, Team Canada and figure skaters on cover 276 Guide Book - Arena Locations 1995-1996, soft cover, open ice on cover 277 Rule Book 1982-83 Rule Book, soft cover, black with white and orange front Cookbook ~I Done Like Dinner Cookbook by Tiger Williams, bound by rings, Tiger Williamson cover 278 279 Magazine Sports Illustrated, June 8th 1992, Mario Lemieux on cover 280 Magazine Time Magazine, February 11, 1935; Lorne Chabot on cover 281 Magazine Sports Illustrated cover from March 3, 1980 with US'Miracle'team (colour) 282 Program Les Canadiens magazine, Gilbert Dionne on cover 283 Program The Oilers magazine, January 7, 1994; Bill Ranford on cover 284 Program The Oilers magazine, February 9, 1994; Doug Weight on cover 285 Program Sabre magazine, February 9, 1995; Dominik Hasek on cover 286 Program New Jersey Devils magazine, Scott Neidermeyer on cover 287 Program Hockey Night in Toronto Magazine, December 1991, Mark Osborne on cover Program Niagara Falls Flyers program, 1967-68; white/yellow cover, Derek Sanderson on cover 288 Program The Official Year Book of the Hockey Hall of Fame, soft cover, red border, Stanley Cup 289 on cover 290 Program '. 1993 Hockey Hall of Fame program, soft blue cover, Hockey Hall of Fame logo 291 Magazine ScotiaBank Hockey College News Magazine, Boston Bruins player on front 292 Magazine ScotiaBank Hockey College News Magazine, New York Islanders player on front 293 Magazine ScotiaBank Hockey College News Magazine, Toronto Maple Leaf player on cover Magazine ScotiaBank Hockey College News Magazine, Montreal Canadians player on front 294 295 Magazine Scotia Bank Hockey College News Magazine, Buffalo Sabres player on cover 296 Colliers Magazine Cover Enclosed in plastic sleeve, Red and Blue dressed players on front 1931 The Hockey News The inaugural issue of The Hockey News, 1959, pages laminated, brownish cover, two 297 action shots on cover Hockey Stick--autographed Bauer 3000 stick, right, not used, white shaft, autographs on one side of shaft and blade, including Maloney, Harris, Nesterenko, Selling, Linseman, Markwart, Carleton, Awrey 298 and Edestrand Hockey Stick--autographed Straight, souvenir wooden stick, no tape, blue double stripe at end of shaft, Maple Leaf autographs on one side: Keon, Walton, Pelyk, McLellan (x2), Oliver, Quinn, Gamble, Horton (x2), Armstrong, Pulford, Ellis, Ullman, Smith, Selby, Harrison, Henderson 299 Hockey Stick--autographed CCM Custom Pro stick, left, not used, autographed by NHL alumni (Redmond, Howell, Stanfield, Pilote, Prentice, Ullman, Henderson, Bathgate, Ellis; Bower, Bucyk, White, McKenzie, P. Mahovlich, Wesffall, Mikita, Giacomin, Hodge, Cheevers, Brewer, Flaman, 300 Gadsby, Geoffrion, Schmidt) Hockey Stick--autographed Yvan Cournoyer stick, Sherwood, left, used, red lwo sided shaft, #12 on shaft, 301 autographed Hockey Stick--autographed Victdriaville stick, left, not used, wood, black, no tape, autographed by Litrenberger and 302 many others (unreadable) Hockey Stick-autographed Northland Pro, stamped Gerry Coshy & Co., Lie 6, straight blade, wood stick, used, autographed on shaft by 1959-60 Rangers: Worsley, Cullen, Henry, Gadsby, Howell, - Hanna, Hebenton, Sullivan, Shack, Bartlett, Schinkel, Fontinato, Bathgate, Prentice, 303 Kobel, Bownass, Popein, Hockey Stick--autographed Joey Mullen stick, right, not used, Canadian C50, tape on upper shaft, autographed on 304 blade Hockey Stick--autographed Alyn McAuley stick, used, fibreglass, Koho Revolution, caption on shaft, autographed 305 Hockey Stick--autographed Daniel Alfredsson stick, rookie, right, used, white tape weaving shaft, black tape on knob, 306 autograph on blade Hockey Stick--autographed ' Russian hockey stick, left, not used, white shaft, Soviet symbol at top; leaf at bottom, autographed by Bobby Hull, Darryl Sittler, Jean Beliveau and Gordie Howe on blade 307 Page 7 of 35 Schedule "C" Ite s Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storage) 308 Hockey Stick--autographed Adam Graves stick, Bauer, left, used, white shaft, black blade, signed by Graves and Jean Beliveau 309 Goalie stick--autographed Terry Sawchuk goalie stick signed by early-1960's Red Wings, straight, used, black tape, wood, Northland on shaft 310 Mini-Stick--autographed Wooden mini-stick, mini plaque on blade, Detroit vs. Toronto Old-Timers, March 15, 1973, autographed by players 311 Hurley Stick Wooden, personalized plaque on blade commemorating Brian McFarlane's visit to Windsor, Nova Scotia 312 Vintage hockey stick Broken in two pieces, 100+ year-old stick, split in two in the middle of the shaft, joined with tape 313 Vintage hockey Stick Ancient straight wooden stick, no marking, no branding 314 Vintage hockey stick Ancient stick, used, wire holding blade together, no tape 315 Vintage hockey Stick Vintage hockey stick, straight, used, bound by tape 316 Hockey Stick Sherbrooke, wood stick, lie 5, used, white tape on blade 317 Hockey Stick Used, wooden, "Mustang Northland" in blue on side, double black line, right 318 Hockey Stick . Shanahan, not used, Easton, wood, no tape 319 Hockey Stick ' Reptor Canada stick, left, not used, red font on shaft, no tape 320 Hockey Stick Guy Lapointe stick, left, notused, no tape, fibreglass, name on shaft 321 Hockey Stick . Not used, Wayne Gretzky Titan 2020 stick, white shaft, red font, left 322 Hockey stick Gordie Howe stick, CCM Professional, straight, not used, white tape 323 Hockey Stick '. Terry O'Reilly used stick, right, white shaft, fibreglass, black font, no tape on blade 324 Hockey Stick Pierre Lacroix stick, left, not used, fibreglass, white shaft, black font 325 Hockey Stick Dave Maloney stick, left, not used, fibreglass, black font 326 Hockey Stick . Jones, Victoriaville stick, right, used, wooden, black font, black tape 327 Hockey Stick Yvan Cournoyer stick, straight, Sher-Wood, rubber knob, no tape 328 Hockey Stick Doug Gilmour Titan stick, right, blue/black shaft, black tape on knob and shaft, badly cracked at bottom 329 Hockey Stick Mario Lemieux stick, Koho, used, fibreglass, black tape, black font 330 Hockey Stick Russian stick, straight, used, wooden, black fonUtape, Russian words 331 Goalie Stick Curtis Joseph Louisville TPS goalie stick, left, black, white/red font, not used 332 Hockey stick Guy Lapointe stick, Canadien, left, #5 on knob, white shaft, black font 333 Hockey Stick Bobby Clarke Sher-Wood stick, left, not used, wooden, black font 334 Hockey Stick Koho stick, left, used, white tape on blade, black tape on knob, five blue stripes on shaft, no indication of player 335 Hockey Stick Danny Gare stick, right, used, white shaft, black tapelfont, name on shaft 336 Hockey Stick Drummondville Canadien stick, wood, straight, used, "Toronto Maple Leafs" on shaft, blade has tape ripped off 337 Hockey Stick Mike Bossy Titan stick, right, used, white shaft, red font, black tape 338 Hockey stick Steve Larmer Sher-Wood PMP 5030, wood, right, used, barcode on shaft, broken blade 339 Hockey Stick Russian stick, right, not used, red shaft, white font, Leader'For export only' 340 Hockey Stick Jocelyn Guevremont stick, right, Sherwood, not used, wood, black font, clear tape on blade 341 Hockey stick Used Sherwood stick, straight, white tape on blade, rubber knob 342 Hockey stick Larry Robinson stick, Victoriaville, left, not used, no tape, Pro Vic 1000 written on shaft 343 Hockey Stick '~.. Finnstar Cladding stick, left, used, #16, rubber know on knob, red tape under knob 344 Hockey Stick Serge Savard Canadien stick, left, used, white shaft, black tape on blade 345 Hockey Stick , Ray Bourque stick, Sher-Wood, left, not used, wood, Bourque 7 on shaft 346 Hockey Stick I Bobby Clarke Sher-Wood stick, PMP 5001, left, not used 347 Hockey Stick Brad Park Sherwood stick, left, not used, wood, Sherwood on shaft, Park 22 on shaft 348 Hockey Stick Phil Esposito stick, Northland, left, not used, wood, white/blue stripe 349 Hockey Stick Red Titan Custom Pro stick, left, used, red shaft, big knob 350 Hockey Stick Dave Keon stick, Sherwood, straight, used,. wood, black tape on half of blade, white tape on knob 351 Hockey Stick Lindy Ruff stick, Canadien, left, not used, white shaft, black font Page $ of 35 I Schedule "C" Itertts Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storage) 352 Hockey Stick Ray Bourque Sher-Wood PMP stick, left, used, wood, black font, black tape 353 Hockey Stick ' Mario Tremblay stick, Canadien, right, not used, white shaft, name on shaft, black font, #14 354 Hockey stick Wayne Gretzky Titan stick, left, used, white shaft, black tape on blade, white tape on knob, name on shaft 355 Hockey stick Bruce MacGregor Sher-Wood stick, right, not used, wood, name on shaft, no tape 356 Hockey Stick CCM Comet stick, straight, not used, wooden, black font, no tape, facsimile autographs of 1960's Leafs plus HNIC broadcast crew 357 Hockey Stick Soviet stick, left, used, Michailow, #2, red shaft, black font BAIKAL 358 Hockey stick Replica of early hockey stick, straight, not used, description on shaft 359 Hockey Stick Bill Fairbairn stick, used, wooden, straight, Sherwood, black tape 360 Hockey Stick Victoriaville stick, used (blade cracked, some white tape), left, lie #5, Tom Hartman on shaft 361 Hockey Stick Replica of early hockey stick, straight, not used, description on shaft 362 Hockey Stick Straight, used hockey stick, Playmaker on shaft, 100 83-4003 363 Hockey Stick Straight, CCM Comet, wood, not used 364 Hockey Stick ' Hespeler Airmaster, straight, used, wood, tape on knob 365 Goalie Stick Ken Dryden goalie stick, straight, wood, not used, name near top of shaft, Canadien 366 Goalie stick Mario Gosselin goalie stick, used, straight, wooden shaft, big knob with white tape, blue tape on blade 367 Goalie stick Michel Plasse goalie stick, straight, used, wood, Sherwood, signed, white tape on knob 368 Mini-stick CCCP Russian goalie mini-stick, replica autographs 369 Mini-stick Plastic Mini-Stick from Women's Ice Hockey World Championship, off white colourlblue front, Finland logo on blade 370 Mini-Stanley Cup--autographed ' Miniature silver Stanley Cup signed with approximately 15 autographs from 1967 team 371 Framed photo--autographed 1966-1967 Toronto Maple Leaf Stanley Cup-winning team, autographed by all surviving members 372 Framed photo--autographed Maple Leafs with Stanley Cup, George Armstrong kissing the bowl, autographed by Johnny Bower (colour) 373 Photo Scott Stevens holding Stanley Cup with Devils 374 Photo . Devils' captain Scott Stevens receives Stanley Cup in 1995 (colour) 375 Photo New Jersey Devils on ice with Stanley Cuo (colour) 376 Poster Picture of Devils celebrating regular win 377 Photo Devils celebrate Stanley Cup win on ice 378 Photo Mark Messier cradles Stanley Cup after victory with Rangers (colour) 379 Photo Mark Messier holding Stanley Cup with Rangers 380 Photo Newspaper article with Mark Messier elated about receiving Stanley Cup with Rangers (colour) 381 Framed photo 1932-33 NY Rangers Stanley Cup Champions -- full team in individual photos (b&w) 382 Photo . NHL president Frank Calder presents Stanley Cup to New York Rangers in 1933. Left to right, unidentified, Andy Aitkenhead, Ching Johnson, ,unidentified, Bun Cook, Frank Boucher (b&w) 383 Photo ' Old Islander fan with fake Stanley Cup 384 Photo Old man in mask and Islanders jersey holding facsimile Stanley Cup 385 Photo Civic reception in Philadelphia for Stanley Cup win 386 Photo Philadelphia Inquirer; Philly Wins Cup 387 Photo 1974/75 Philadelphia Flyers (trophies on ice) 388 Photo Canadiens group shot on ice with Stanley Cup, 1993 389 Photo Patrick Roy hoisting Stanley Cup with Montreal 390 Photo Canadiens celebrate Stanley Cup win with champagne 391 Photo Henri Richard posing with mini-Stanley Cups 392 Photo Jean Beliveau with Conn Smythe Trophy and Cup 393 Photo 1977-78 Stanley Cup champion Montreal Canadiens (colour) 394 Photo Dick Irvin glances at Stanley Cup (colour) Page 9 of 35 Schedule "C" Ite s Purchased from Brian McFarlane in stora e 395 Photo Cover of Sports Illustrated from June 2, 1986 featuring Montreal Canadiens winning Stanley Cup (colour) 396 Photo 1966 Prince of Wales and Stanley Cup champion Montreal Canadiens (colour) 397 Photo Maurice Richard of Montreal hugs the Stanley Cup (b&w/sepia) 398 Oversized mounted poster Back 2 Back Penguins 399 Photo Penguins on ice Stanley Cup photo 400 Photo Mario Lemieux and Jaromir Jagr back to back with Stanley Cup 401 Photo Newspaper article with Joe Sakic of the Avalanche hoisting Stanley Cup (colour) 402 Photo Red Wings on ice with Stanley Cup (colour) 403 Photo Detroit's Steve Yzerman hoists Stanley Cup (colour) 404 Photo Brett Hull celebrates overtime winner that secured Stanley Cup for Dallas in 1999 (colour) 405 Photo Dallas Stars on ice with Stanley Cup (colour) 406 Photo Hockey News cover from July 2, 1999 with Stars' Mike Modano and Stanley Cup (colour) 407 Photo ' In-net view of Brett Hull's 3OT winner for Dallas in 1999 (colour) 408 Photo Brett Hull's 3OT Stanley Cup-winner in 1999 for Dallas from above (colour) 409 Photo Derian Hatcher hoists Stanley Cup with Dallas in 1999 (colour) 410 Photo ' Lanny McDonald drinking from Stanley Cup 411 Photo Newspaper article about'Night The Cup was Stolen' (b&w) 412 Photo Nick Metz, Wally Stanowski and Dan Metz look at Stanley Cup after Toronto won in 1942 (b&w) 413 Photo Jubilant Leafs jump over the boards after winning the Stanley Cup (late-1940's) (b&w) 414 Photo Toronto Maple Leafs leap boards after winning Stanley Cup (b&w) 415 Oversized photo Toronto Maple Leafs leap boards after winning Stanley Cup (b&w) 416 Photo '~ Red Kelly sips champagne with Leafs owner Harold Ballard (colour) 417 Oversized mounted poster Red Kelly, Harold Ballard, Stanley Cup 418 Oversized mounted poster ' Turk Broda with Stanley Cup (b&w) 419 Photo Frank Mahovlich immersed in a sea of fans during Toronto Maple Leafs Cup celebration (b&w) 420 Photo 1967 Stanley Cup champion Toronto Maple Leafs (b&w) 421 Photo Toronto Maple Leafs celebrate Stanley Cup win in 1964, including Mahovlich, Harris, Pappin, Armstrong, Pulford, Baun and Kelly (b8w) 422 Photo - Maple Leafs surround Stanley Cup in 1964, with Bower, Stanley, Bathgate, etc. (signed 423 by Johnny Bower) (colour) 424 Photo 1964 Maple Leafs enjoy Stanley Cup celebration at Toronto City Hall. Johnny Bower, Andy Bathgate, Dave Keon and Frank Mahovlich pose with Cup (b&w) 425 426 Photo Leafs with Stanley Cup in 1964, including Armstrong, Pullford, Baun (b&w) 427 Framed photo Conn Smythe with Stanley Cup 428 Photo Hap Day, Syl Apps, Conn Smythe, W.A. Hewitt(?)and unidentified on ice for Stanley Cup presentation to Toronto Maple Leafs (b&w) 429 Photo Stanley Cup surrounded by American and Canadian flags (colour) 430 Photo Original Stanley Cup bowl, now retired at Hockey Hall of Fame (b&w) 431 Photo Montreal Amateur Athletic Association, first winners of the Stanley Cup (1893) (b&w) 432 Photo Carl Petersen holding miniature Stanley Cup (b&w) 433 Photo Carl Petersen engraving names onto ring on Stanley Cup (b&w) 434 Photo Baby situated in bowl of the Stanley Cup (b&w) 435 Framed photo Lord Stanley, (b&w) 436 Photo Portrait of Lord Frederick Stanley (b&w) 437 Photo Lord Stanley and family ride on cowcatcher of train during tour of western Canada in 1889 (b&w) 438 Photo Lord Stanley and his family road on the train's cowcatcher as they proceeded through western Canada during 1889 (b&w) 439 Photo Lord Stanley and his family travelled in style as they crossed Canadaby train in 1889 (b&w) 440 Oversized mountedposter Kenora Thistles with Stanley Cup Page 10 of 35 II Schedule "C" Ite(ns Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storage) 441 Mounted poster 1925 Stanley Cup champion Victoria Cougars 442 Photo Young goaltender on ill-fated Dawson City team that challenged for the Stanley Cup in 1905 (b&w) 443 Photo Stanley Cup champion Ottawa Silver Seven, 1905 (colourized) 444 Photo Welcome Home parade for Stanley Cup-winning Ottawa Senators (b&w) 445 Photo Collection of NHL Trophies 446 Framed photo Quebec Bulldogs with Stanley Cup 447 Framed photo Dawson City Nuggets, StanleyCup challengers 448 Framed photo Montreal Victoria's team photo, Stanley Cup champions (b&w) 449 Framed photo 1941 Boston Bruins celebrating 450 Framed photo Montreal Maroons Stanley Cup Champs 34135 451 Framed photo MAAA Stanley Cup Champs 452 Oversized mounted poster Older Stanley Cup 453 Oversized mounted poster Stanley Cup, greyish-blue background. 454 Oversized mounted cut-out poster Stanley Cup, cut to shape 455 Stanley Cup pencil sharpener Package included but ripped from cardboard backing 456 Photo--autographed Wayne Grelzky in Oilers jersey, head shot, autographed to Brian 457 Photo--autographed A young Wayne Gretrky gets photo taken with Jean Beliveau (autographed by Beliveau) (b&w) 458 Photo Walter and Walter Gretzky in on-ice pose (colour) 459 Photo Wayne Gretrky and his mother, Phyllis (b&w) 460 Photo Phyllis and Walter Gretrky in family's trophy room (b&w) 461 Photo Wayne Gretzky with Sault St. Marie Greyhounds (colour) 462 Photo Brantford sign 'Home of Wayne Gretzky' (b&w) 463 Photo Wayne Gretrky's Brantford Nadrofsky Steelers Novice All-Stars scare sheet with 378 goals, 139 assists and 517 points (colour) 464 Photo Photo of Wayne Gretrky's hockey card from Nadrofsky Steelers (colour) 465 Photo A young Wayne Gretrky gets his picture taken with his hero, Gordie Howe (2 copies) (b&w) 466 Photo Wayne Gretzky tying up his skates with Nadrofsky Steelers (b&w) 467 Photo A young Wayne Gretrky on tractor (colour) 468 Photo Childhood photos of Wayne Gretzky high-jumping (left) and feeding chickens (right) (b&w) 469 Photo Childhood photos of Wayne Gretrky catching a baseball (left) and jumping near chickens (right) (b&w) 470 Photo Wayne Gretzky playing minor hockey (b&w) 471 Photo Wayne Gretzky playing minor hockey (b8w) 472 Photo Wayne Gretzky playing defense in minor hockey (b8w) 473 Photo A young Wayne Gretzky head shot wearing helmet (b8w) 474 Photo Wayne Gretzky celebrates a goal during minor hockey career (b8w) 475 Photo Wayne Gretzky wearing #11 shoots on goaltender during minor hockey career (b8w) 476 Photo Wayne Gretzky in hockey uniform on outdoor rink (colour) 477 Photo Wayne Gretzky as a youngster stopping on outdoor rink (b8w) 478 Photo Very young Wayne Gretzky in Maple Leafs uniform on outdoor rink (b8w) 479 Photo Walter Gretrky shovels snow on outdoor rink (b8w) 480 Photo Wayne Gretzky portrait from Nadrofsky Steelers era (two copies) (b8w) 481 Photo Wayne Gretzky sporting a perm (colour) 482 Photo Wayne Gretzky playing in All-Star game (colour) 483 Photo Wayne Gretzky kneels in front of net during time with Oilers (colour) 484 Photo Wayne Gretzky and BrettHull pose at All-Star game (colour) 485 Photo Wayne Gretzky poses in suit with Gordie Howe after breaking his heroes point record (colour)t 486 Photo Wayne Gretzky with Art Ross Trophy, Wales Trophy, Pearson Trophy, Stanley Cup and Hart Trophy (colour) 487 Photo Wayne Gretrky holding 67 puck (b8w) 488 Photo Wayne Gretrky dressed in a suit (colour) Page 11 of 35 II Schedule "C" IterPs Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storage) 489 Photo ~ ' Wayne Gretrky in a suit with Gordie Howe holding 1850 and 1851 pucks representing career points (colour) 490 Photo Wayne Gretrky and Janet Jones on their wedding day (colour) 491 Photo Emotional Wayne Gretrky at press conference announcing trade from Edmonton to Los Angeles (colour) 492 Photo Wayne Gretzky wipes away tear at press conference announcing his trade from Oilers to Kings (colour) 493 Photo Wayne Gretrky with Oilers (colour) 494 Photo Wayne Gretrky with Edmonton Oilers (colour) 495 Photo Duplicate of 320 (colour) 496 Photo Wayne Gretrky in action with Los Angeles Kings (colour) 497 Photo Wayne Gretzky in Oilers jersey talking to kids during 7-Up commercial (b&w) 498 Photo Wayne Gretzky looking on from bench with Oilers (colour) 499 Photo Duplicate of 324 (colour) 500 Photo Wayne Gretrky coming out from dressing room while with Oilers (b&w) 501 Photo Wayne Gretzky celebrates a Canada Cup goal (two copies) (colour) 502 Photo Wayne Gretzky with Kings (cclour) 503 Photo Wayne Gretzky waves in Kings' jersey at press conference (colour) 504 Photo Wayne Gretrky shows elation during Stanley Cup presentation (colour) 505 Photo Wayne Gretzky wearing suit holds Stanley Cup and book (colour) 506 Photo Mark Messier, Wayne Gretrky and Paul Coffey with Edmonton (two copies) (colour) 507 Photo Cover o1 Sports Illustrated from February 15, 1982 with Wayne Gretzky (colour) 508 Photo '~, Wayne Gretrky grimaces (b&w) 509 Photo Cover of Sports Illustrated from January 23, 1984 featuring Wayne Gretzky (colour) 510 Photo Wayne Gretzky hoists Stanley Cup with Oilers (labelled as 348 a,b,c) (colour) 511 Photo Print of sweating Wayne Gretrky painting (colour) 512 Photo ' Duplicate of 334 (colour) 513 Photo Wayne Gretzky, L.A. King, shoots on edmonton's Bill Ranford (cclour) 514 Photo L.A.'s Wayne Gretzky scores on Edmonton's Bill Ranford (colour) 515 Photo L.A.'s Wayne Gretrky celebrates in front of Bill Ranford of Oilers (colour) 516 Oversized photo Edmonton All-Stars Mark Messier, Grant Fuhr, Wayne Gretzky and Paul Coffey (colour) 517 Oversized mounted poster Wayne Gretzky tribute, including two photos and caption 518 Framed photo 1990-91 Edmonton Oilers Team Photos; Individual Shots 519 Menu Wayne Gretrky's Restaurant menu, Kings/Oilers on cover 520 Menu ~. Wayne Gretrky's Restaurant menu, used April 29, 1999 (day Gretzky retired from hockey) 521 Photo End view of Boston Garden in game against Capitals (colour) 522 Photo Gerry Cheevers and the Bruins thwart a Montreal attack 523 Photo Johnny Bucyk photo with Boston (colour) 524 Photo Bep Guidolin, the youngest player ever to play in the NHL, poses in uniform of Boston Bruins (b&w) 525 Photo Gerry Cheevers of Boston stops Montreal's Claude Larose as Ed Westtall and Ted Green look on (colour) 526 Photo Gerry Cheevers in goal #30 527 Photo Bobby Orr and Don Marcotte of the Bruins lead a rush (colour) 528 Photo Bruin (Esposito) crashing Canadiens net 529 Photo Boston Bruins team photo with Shore, Clapper 530 Photo '. Milt Schmidt, posed in Boston Bruins uniform (colour) 531 Photo Artist depiction of Eddie Shore in action with Bruins (colour) 532 Photo '. Phil Esposito in action with Boston against Montreal (colour) 533 Photo '. Willie O'Ree posed for Burins (b&w) 534 Photo Willie O'Ree, player who broke NHL colour barrier, poses for Boston Bruins (colour) 535 Photo ~. Art Ross holding autographed goalie stick sitting in-between two Bruins 536 Photo Maclean's magazine cover from Apol 1972 featuring Derek Sanderson (colour) 537 Photo Gerry Cheevers action shot with Boston (two copies, labelled 678a,b) (b&w) Page 12 of 35 Schedule "C" Ite s Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in stora e 538 Laminated print Large head shot of Eddie Shore with action shot, loosely laminated, no frame 539 Framed photo '. Eddie Shore laminated print; depiction of the greatest Boston Bruins of all-time (colour) 540 White framed photo Eddie Shore getting dressed for Boston (b8w) 541 Oversized. photo Boston Bruins and Montreal Maroons stand for national anthem in 1930's (b&w) 542 Oversized photo--autographed Boston's Bobby Orr flies through air after scoring 1970 Stanley Cup-winning goal (autographed) (b&w) 543 Photo Orr talking (wearing 27) 544 Photo Orrin action with Bruins 545 Photo Orr famous Stanley Cup-winning goal, reproduced autograph 546 Photo Orr visiting in hospital 547 Photo Orr rounding the net in yellow Bruins 548 Photo Orr in Oshawa Generals jersey 549 Photo Orr skating down the ice with Esposito 550 Photo Orr being chased by Blackhawk, reproduced autograph 551 Photo Orr chasing pocket around net 552 Photo Double of 0372 553 Photo Orr (2 Bruins, 1 Canadien) 554 Photo Bobby Orr being chased by Blackhawk 555 Photo Cover of Sports Illustrated from February 3, 1969 featuring Bobby Orr (colour) 556 Laminated print Large laminated head shot with action shot of Bobby Orr; loosely laminated, no frame 557 Oversized photo Bobby Orr poses with trophies 558 Oversized mounted poster Bobby Orr tribute, including photo and caption 559 Oversized mounted poster Print of Bobby Orr painting 560 Oversized photo--autographed Don Cherry & Blue cartoon, autographed 561 Oversized photo--autographed Don Cherry with his dog, Blue, autographed (colour) 562 Photo Young Don Cherry on skates 563 Photo Don Cherry & Blue with Boston backdrop 564 Photo Don & Rose Cherry on their deck 565 Photo Don & Rose Cherry's wedding 566 Photo Dan Cherry (b&w) 567 Photo Don Cherry head shot (Playing days) 568 Photo ' Don Cherry on bench holding grapes 569 Photo Don Cherry receiving trophy 570 Photo Don Cherry in hockey pose in Kingston uniform 571 Photo Ron McLean and Don Cherry on Coach's Corner 572 Photo Don Cherry in suit, red tie 573 Stand-up sign Don Cherry in plaid suit, Iifesized, cardboard 574 Stand-up sign Don Cherry in suit, Iifesized, cardboard 575 Don Cherry tie Wrapped in plastic; green 576 Don Cherry tie Wrapped in plastic; black 577 Don Cherry tie Wrapped in plastic; black 578 Don Cherry tie Wrapped in plastic; red 579 Don Cherry tie Wrapped in plastic; green 580 Photo--autographed St. Catharines Teepees of 1957, featuring Bobby Hull, Johnny McKenzie, Chico Maki, Stan Mikita, coach Rudy Pilous and Matt Ravlich (b&w) (autographed by McKenzie) 581 Photo Chicago's Bobby Hull and Stan Mikita smiling, showing missing teeth (b&w) 582 Photo Bobby Hull of the Black Hawks leaps while wearing Indian headdress (colour) 583 Photo Bobby Hull and Stan Mikita pose on ice 584 Photo Bobby Hull & Stan Mikita holding '200' B&W 585 Photo Bobby Hull of Chicago signs autographs for kids. Hockey author Scott Young looks on (b&w) 586 Photo Larry Hillman of Toronto checks Chicago's Bobby Hull (b8w) 587 Photo Bobby and Brett Hull pose in tuxes at NHL Awards (colour) 588 Photo Chicago's Stan Mikita & Bobby Hull pose (colour) Page 13 of 35 Schedule "C" Ite s Purchased from Brian McFarlane in stora e 589 Photo Black Hawks coach Charlie Conacher talks with goalie Frank Brimsek (1949-50) (b&w) 590 Photo Glenn Hall in action pose for Chicago (b&w) 591 Photo Glenn Hall in posed action shot for the Black Hawks (b&w) 592. Photo Bobby Hull does face plant 593 Photo Tony Esposito deflects puck into corner 594 Photo Glenn Hall in action for Chicago (colour) 595 Photo Bobby Hull reads story to infant (b&w) 596 Photo Bobby Hull of the Hawks falls on face during action (colour) 597 Photo Lionel Conacher, battered and bruised, undressing after game (b&w) 598 Photo Stan Mikita of Chicago poses, with inserted childhood photo (b&w) 599 Photo Bobby Hull action shot early in career with Chicago (colour) 600 Photo Bobby Hull works on farm (b&w) 601 Photo Unidentified Chicago Black Hawk player helped off ice by teammates in game against Maple Leafs (b&w) 602 Photo Chicago's Bobby Hull comes out of a scrap with a bloody nose (colour) 603 Photo Chicago's Bill Mosienko scored 3 goals in 21 seconds to establish an NHL record (b&w) 604 Photo John Gottselig of Chicago Black Hawks (bF,w) 605 Framed photo Bobby Hull fires on Roger Crozier 606 Framed photo ' 1937 - 1938 Chicago Black Hawks 607 Framed photo Stan Mikita of Chicago is parked on the doorstep as Montreal's Charlie Hodge makes a kick save (colour) 608 Framed photo Chicago's Bobby Hull faces Detroit's goaltender, Roger Crozier (colour) 609 Oversized photo Dick Irvin Sr., posed shot as captain of Chicago Black Hawks (b&w) 610 Oversized photo Bobby Hull of the Black Hawks chased by Dave Balon and Jacques Laperriere of the Canadiens, with referee on left (colour) 611 Oversized photo Roy Conacher in action pose for Chicago Black Hawks (b&w) 612 Oversized photo Chicago coach Charlie Conacher talks to team (left to right: unidentified, Emile Francis, Bill Gadsby, Johnny Mariucci) (b8w) 613 Oversized photo Black Hawks' Bill Mosienko after scoring 3 fastest goals 614 Oversized photo Denis DeJordy makes diving save on charging Red Wings Larry Jeffrey and Gordie Howe (duplicate of 941) (colour) 615 Oversized mounted poster Denis DeJordy makes diving save on charging Red Wings Larry Jeffrey and Gordie Howe (duplicate of 941) (colour) 616 Oversized mounted poster Stan Mikita battles Red Wings 617 Bobby Hull Skate Sharpener Package included, sharpener inside plastic 618 Brick from Chicago Stadium Genuine brick from Chicago Stadium, certificate included, gold plate on brick 619 Photo--auto ra hed Frank Mahovlich in action as a Red Win auto ra hed b&w 620 Photo Paul Coffe with Detroit Red Win s 621 Photo Steve Yzerman of Detroit leanin on net colour 622 Photo Production Line of Howe, Abel and Lindsay, beside shot of Gordie Howe and Ted Lindsa in civilian clothes b&w 623 Photc Red Berenson of Detroit Red Win s from ma azine cover colour 624 Photo Detroit's Terry Sawchuck dives across crease to make save against Bert Olmstead ? of the Ma le Leafs b&w 625 Photo Alex Delvecchio and Tim Horton 626 Photo 1961-62 Hamilton Red Wings team photo (individual) Season's Greetings to fans b&w with s of colour 627 Photo Mud Bruneteau of the Detroit Red Win s b&w 628 Photo Terry Sawchuck of Detroit searches for puck in goal-mouth scramble against Toronto b&w 629 Photo . Terry Sawchuck of Red Wings dives to make save as Johnny Wilson of the Leafs looks on b&w 630 Photo Ter Sawchuck of the Red Win s with stick raised b&w 631 Photo Ter Sawchuck of the Red Win s with stick raised b&w 632 Photo Detroit's Willie Huber ar ues oint with referee Bruce Hood colour 633 Photo . After having received a death threat, Detroit's Ted Lindsay pretends to shoot a fan in crowd at Ma le Leaf Gardens b&w/se is Page 14 of 35 Schedule "C" Items Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storage) 634. Photo Unidentified Detroit Red Win colour 635 Photo Detroit's Terr Sawchuck makes love colour 636 Photo Jack Adams while with Vancouver of PCHA b&w, colourized se is 637 Photo Jack Adams hugs Harry Lumley and Eddie Bruneteau of his Red Wings (b&w) 638 Photo Garr Un er as a kid wearin Canadiens' sweater beside friend b&w 639 Photo Gar Un er in wild olf attire ets hair ad ustment from oun lad b&w 640 Oversized photo Detroit Times newspaper announces 'Bruneteau wins longest game ever played, 1-0 on March 25, 1936 b&w 641 Oversized hoto Detroit's Steve Yzerman read for action colour 642 Oversized photo Detroit's Terry Sawchuck watches puck go wide. Wings include Vic Stasiuk, Marcel Pronovost, Warren Godfrey and Norm Ullman. Leafs are Frank Mahovlich, Red Kell ,Allan Stanle & Bob Nevin b&w 643 Mounted Oster Alex Delvecchio 644 Oversized mounted Oster Steve Yzerman 645 Oversized mounted Oster Alex Delvecchio turns to chase uck 646 Framed photo Frank Mahovlich with Detroit, Canadiens Laperriere, Harris and Beliveau in back auto ra hed b Mahovlich 647 Dou Barkle file Dou Barkle wall file in sized box 648 Dou Barkle file Dou Barkle wall file in sized box 649 Detroit Red Win s coffee mu Off-white coffee mu with Detroit Red Win s to 0 650 Detroit Red Win s coffee mu Off-white coffee mu with Detroit Red Win s to 0 651 Photo Gordie Howe and Wayne Gretzky holding 1850 and 1851 pucks 652 Photo Gordie Howe with Whalers 653 Photo Young Gordie Howe headshot 654 Photo Gordie Howe being patted on face near bench 655 Photo Duplicate of 0514 656 Photo Gordie Howe wearing NHL Heroes jersey 657 Photo Gordie Howe wearing #16 658 Photo Gordie Howe and Eric Lindros with cake 659 Photo Gordie Howe and Jean Beliveau shaking hands B&W 660 Photo Gordie Howe fishing off dock 661 Photo Painted print of Gordie Howe as Red Wing, Whaler and Aero 662 Photo Sports Illustrated cover of Gordie Howe from March 1974 663 Photo Gordie Howe as Whaler with two others 664 Photo Gordie Howe on one knee talking with his goaltender 665 Photo Action shot of Gordie Howe (print) 666 Photo Gordie Howe shoots on Gump Worsley 667 Photo Duplicate of 0523 668 Photo Gordie Howe in fight 669 Photo Gordie Howe in white/green "W"jersey 670 Photo Caricature of Mark and Marty Howe 671 Photo Caricature of Mark and Marty Howe 672 Photo Gordie Howe taped up in hospital holding letters 673 Photo Gordie Howe shoots on Toros 674 Photo Gordie Howe on ice with sons (stopping) 675 Photo Gordie Howe in action with Detroit (colour) 676 Photo Gordie Howe of the Red Wings shakes hands with Montreal's Maurice Richard during the 1950's (b&w) 677 Photo Painting of Detroit's Gordie Howe (colour) 678 Photo Gordie Howe in action pose with WHA's Houston Aeros (colour) 679 Photo Gordie Howe in bandaged hospital shot after 1950 playoff accident (b&w) 680 Photo (upper left) Marilyn Howe and baby; (upper right) Mark and Marty Howe; (bottom) Gordie, Mark and Marty Howe (b&w) - 681 Photc Team photograph of minor league champions, including young Gordie Howe (to right of woman in back row) (b&w) 682 Photo Gordie Howe taking batting practice with Detroit Tigers (b&w) 683 Photo Gordie Howe in action with Red Wings (colour) Page 15 of 35 I Schedule "C" Items Purchased from Brian.McFarlane (in storage) 684 Photo Cesare Maniago in net, Howe with puck 685 Framed photo Gordie Howe being chased by Frank Mahovlich 686 Oversized photo Roger Crozier and Gordie Howe of the Detroit Red Wings in action (colour) 687 Mounted poster Gordie Howe circles behind Roger Crozier's net 688 White framed photo Gordie Howe and Roger Crozier 689 Photo ~ Scotty Bowman looking on, B&W 690 Photo Guy Lafleur action shot, Montreal Canadiens 691 Photo Guy Lafleur breaks up ice; Ken Dryden in net 692 Photo Ken Dryden looking down on puck (away Habs)' 693 Photo Ken Dryden on one knee in action (home Habs) 694 Photo Larry Robinson on ice looking on; away Habs 695 Photo 1945-46 Montreal Canadiens team portrait (b&w) 696 697 Photo A determined'Rocket' Richard of the Canadiens tries to stuff the puck past Toronto's 698 Harry Lumley (b&w) 699 Photo Montreal's'Rocket' Richard challenges Boston's 'Red' Henry (b&w) 700 Photo 1967-68 Montreal Canadiens team photo (colour) 701 Photo Jean Beliveau in posed action shot for Montreal (facsimile autograph) (colour) 702 Photo Danny Gallivan profile shot 703 Photo Boom Boom Geoffrion of Montreal attempts a wraparound against Denis DeJordy of Chicago (colour) 704 Photo Bernie Geoffrion and wife look at Howie Morenz (her father) memorial photo (b&w) 705 Photo Bernie'Boom Boom' Geoffrion shoots on New York Rangers netminder (b&w) 706 Photo Henri Richard posed action shot (bRw) 707 Photo Bruce Hood (referee) looks on as linesman tries to break up fight between Canadiens and Nordiques (two copies) (colour) 708 Photo Jean Beliveau, playing Senior hockey with Quebec Aces, poses with coach's son, Brent Imlach, who later played in NHL (b&w) 709 Photo ' Montreal's'Rocket' Richard laughing with coach Toe Blake (b&w) 710 Photo ' Head shot of Guy Lafleur as a junior with Quebec (b&w) 711 Photo Sprague Cleghom, posed in Montreal Canadiens uniform (b&w) 712 Photo Joe Hall posing in Montreal Canadiens uniform (b&w) 713 Photo Brothers Henri and Maurice Richard of the Montreal Canadiens (colour) 714 Photo Maurice Richard dekes out Harry Lumley of the Maple Leafs (b&w) 715 Photo Long distance action shot of Maurice Richard scoring on the Maple Leafs (b&w) 716 Photo Posed portrait of Maurice 'Rocket' Richard (b&w) 717 Photo Montreal's Aurel Joliat sadly lookes at locker of his teammate, Howie Morenz, who died of broken leg (b8w) 718 Photo Aftermath of'Richard Riot' in Montreal on March 17, 1955 (b&w) 719 Photo Doug Jarvis with the Stanley Cup during time with Montreal Canadiens (b&w) 720 Photo Doug Jarvis of Hartford Whalers with armoured knight (colour) 721 Photo Montreal Canadiens' netminder Georges Vezina (b&w) 722 Photo Maurice'Rocket' Richard in an intense pose while playing with Montreal (b&w) 723 Photo Howie Morenz posed in Montreal Canadiens uniform (b&w) 724 Photo Billy Couture poses as Montreal Canadien (b&w) 725 Photo Unidentified Montreal Canadien (b&w) 726 Photo Patrick Roy ready for shot 727 Photo Yvan Cournoyer in dark red behind net 728 Photo Ken Dryden crouches down, facing right side of ice B&W 729 Photo Jean Beliveau and Tim Horton behind net 730 Photo Cover of Sports Illustrated from November 25, 1974 featuring Ken Dryden (colour) 731 Photo Cover of Sports Illustrated from February 7, 1977 featuring Guy Lafleur (colour) 732 Photo Cover of Roch Carrier's book "The Sweater' (colour) 733 Photo Maurice Richard talking with Montreal coach Toe Blake (b&w) 734 Photo Jacques Plante of Montreal leaps over Leaf player sliding into the Montreal net (b&w) Page 16 of 35 Schedule "C" Iter}rs Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storage) 735 Photo Aurel Joliat of the Canadiens poses wearing peaked cap (plastic frame) (b8w) 736 Photo Gump Worsley makes diving save for Montreal against St. Louis Blues (colour) 737 Postcards Patrick Roy (2) 738 Oversized photo Team selected for All-Star Game in memory of deceased Howie Morenz (b8w) 739 Oversized photo Doug Harvey 740 Framed photo Danny Gallivan portrait (same as 922) 741 Framed photo Canadiens' Punch Line, with Maurice Richard, Elmer Lach and Toe Blake (b8w) 742 Framed photo Rocket Richard at table on radio airwaves 743 Framed photo Yvan Cournoyer of Montreal attempts to score on Toronto's Terry Sawchuk (colour) 744 Framed photo Montreal's Jean Beliveau follows puck, sandwiched by Bob McCord and Ed Johnston of the Bruins (colour photograph) 745 Framed photo Yvan Cournoyer attempts to score on Toronto's on Gary Smith (colour) 746 Framed photo 'Boom Boom' Geoffrion of New York passes Jacques Laperriere of Canadiens (colour) 747 Framed photo 1957-1958 Canadiens (colour) 748 Mounted poster Yvan Cournoyer attempts to score on Toronto's on Gary Smith 749 Mounted poster Gump Worsley, Bobby Rousseau, J.C. Tremblay and Jacques Laperriere box in Boston's Phil Esposito 750 Mounted poster Ken Dryden and Serge Savard guard against Dennis Hull 751 Oversized mounted poster Print of painting of Rocket Richard, bleeding from eye, shaking hands with Bruins goalie Sugar Jim Henry 752 Oversized mounted photo Boom Boom Geoffrion beats Ed Chadwick of the Leafs 753 Photo Rod Gilbert in action for Rangers (colour) 754 Photo Buddy O'Connor of New York Rangers posing with trophies (b8w) 755 Photo . New York Rangers dressing room, including Allan Stanley and Charlie Rayner (b8w) 756 Photo ' Harry Howell beats Detroit's Bruce McGregor to puck 757 Photo Arnie Brown attempts to block shot in iron of Jacques Plante, while Wings look on 758 Photo Gump Worsley of Rangers makes save on Toronto's Tod Sloan as Allan Stanley looks on (March 21, 1953) (b8w) 759 Photo Vic Hadfield of the Rangers shoots on Montreal s Ken Dryden (colour) 760 Photo Singer Cher with NHL star Vic Hadfield at 1982 charity hockey game (b8w) 761 Photo Rangers' coach Frank Boucher congratulates Bryan HeMall, who scored the Stanley Cup winning goal in 1940 (b8w) 762 Photo New York Rangers circa 1930's with Muzz Patrick (right) (b8w) 763 Photo Jean Ratelle of Rangers passes out from behind net as Roger Crozier and Bert Marshall of Detroit attempt to prevent the goal (colour) 764 Photo Bill Cook posed with New York Rangers (b8w) 765 Photo . 1927-28 New York Rangers 766 White framed photo Ranger defenseman Arnie Brown attempts to block Detroit shot as Jacques Plante makes the save (colour) 767 White framed photo Lou Fontinato of the Rangers in penalty box (b8w) 768 White framed photo Vic Hadfield rings one off the post behind Ken Dryden 769 White framed photo Vic Hadfield of the Rangers in action (colour) 770 771 Oversized photo Muzz Patrick, AA Coulter, Ott Heller and Babe Pratt of the New York Rangers circa 1940 (b8w) 772 Oversized photo Gump Worsley of New York Rangers makes save on Toronto's George Armstrong as Harry Howell looks on (b8w) 773 Oversized photo Lester Patrick with sons Muzz and Lynn during time with Rangers (b8w) 774 Oversized photo Bill Cook in Rangers jersey (b8w) 775 Oversized photo Harry Howell poses for New York Rangers (colour) 776 Oversized mounted poster ' Rod Gilbert in action 777 Oversized mounted poster Harry Howell beats Detroit's Bruce McGregor to puck 778 Mounted poster Mike Keating does face plant into twards B8W 779 Magazine Rod Gilbert magazine profile enclosed in plastic sleeve (colour) 780 Magazine Vic Hadfield magazine profile enclosed in plastic sleeve (colour) Page 17 of 35 Schedule "C" Itertts Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storaael 781 Framed mirror Mirror with photo of Bill Cook, Frank Boucher, Bun Cook 782 Rangers 45 Record Phil Esposito and the Ranger Rockers 783 Rangers 45 Record Phil Esposito and the Ranger Rockers 784 Photo--autographed Johnny Bower (autographed) 785 Photo--autographed Frank Mahovlich of Toronto scares on Bruins' Ed Johnston (b&w) (autographed by Mahovlich) 786 Oversized mounted poster-- autographed Pavel Bure (signed by Red Kelly, Carl Brewer and Paul Terbenche) 787 Maple Leaf Hockey Talks-- autographed Contained in plastic sleeve; Johnny Bower (autographed) 788 Maple Leaf Hockey Talks Contained in plastic sleeve, Ron Ellis 789 Hockey Tips record Ron Ellison skating tips 790 Toronto Maple Leafs calendar Export'A' hanging calendar, one page per month 791 Sheet Music Crumpled music notes and lyrics far "Clear the Track Here Comes Shack" song written by Brian McFarlane (3 sheets stapled single sided) 792 Photo Doug Gilmour off ice pose (wearing ring) 793 Photo ' Toronto's Doug Gilmour posed (colour) 794 Photo Leafs play at McIntyre Arena in Timmins (b&w) 795 Photo Danyl Sittler action shot, turning right Home leafs 796 Photo Harold Ballard in Santa Claus outfit with King Clancy as elf 797 Photo Frank Mahovlich 798 Photo Harold Ballard in wheelchair accompanied by partner, Yolanda (b&w) 799 Photo Cartoon of Lanny McDonald (colour) 800 Photo Leafs' Darryl Sittler in action (duplicate of 418) (colour) 801 Photo Maple Leaf trophy winners Pat Burns with Jack Adams and Doug Gilmour with Selke (colour) 802 Photo Gus Bodnar portrait shot with Maple Leafs (b&w) 803 Photo Jim Thomson of the Maple Leafs (b&w) 804 Photo Billy Taylor wearing Maple Leafs sweater from time when he'd entertain Toronto fans between periods (b&w) 805 Photo Toronto Maple Leafs' Billy Taylor (b&w) 806 Photo Bloody battle between Maple Leafs and Red Wings during early-1940's (b&w) 807 Photo Cad Brewer program cover 808 Photo Leafs driving their cars 809 Photo Program cover with Danny Lewicki 810 Photo Allan Stanley of Toronto and Johnny Bucyk of Boston look on as Johnny Bower makes acrobatic save (b&w) 811 Photo Bobby Baun in posed action for Toronto (b&w) 812 Photo Lorne Chabot in net for Toronto (b&w) 813 Photo Simulated shot of Terry Sawchuck with career's worth of facial injuries (b&w) 814 Photo Bob Pulford of Leafs tries to score on prone Jacques Plante from near impossible angle (b&w) 815 Photo King Clancy dressed in beard, crown and robes, pulled on sleigh on'King Clancy Night' at Maple Leat Gardens March 17, 1934 (b&w) 816 Photo Billy Taylor posed in Maple Leafs uniform (b&w) 817 Photo Print of autographed program from Maple Leaf Gardens, November 1936. Reproduced signatures include Charlie Conacher, Syl Apps, Turk Broda, Red Horner and Conn Smythe (velour) 818 Photo Dave Keon posed with Leafs (colour) 819 Photo Toronto's Red Kelly (colour) 820 Photo Turk Broda crouching 821 Photo Syl Apps of the Toronto Maple Leafs (colour) 822 Photo Turk Broda sitting on weigh scale (b8w) 823 Photo Felix Potvin ready for shot 824 Photo Toronto Maple Leafs on blue line prior to first game at Air Canada Centre, 1999 (colour) 825 Photo Mats Sundin of Toronto Maple Leafs celebrating with Danny Markov, Steve Thomas (colour) Page 18 of 35 II Schedule "C" Iterhs Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storage) g2g Photo Red Kelly of the Leafs takes flight as Allan Stanley and Tim Horton hold back Chicago's Bobby Hull (colour) 827 Photo Maple Leafs' Curtis Joseph makes save on John LeClair of Flyers (colour) 828 Photo i Howie Meeker of the Maple Leafs in action pose (b&w) g2g Photo Empty Maple Leaf Gardens (b&w) 830 Photo Duplicate of 0504 831 Photo Red Kelly scores on Bruins 832 Photo Terry Sawchuck in action for the Maple Leafs (colour) 833 Photo Howie Meeker head shot (b&w) 834 Photo '. Toronto looks to score on Montreal's Jacques Plante as Doug Harvey (Montreal) and Allan Stanley (Toronto) look on (b&w). 835 Photo Maple Leafs All-Star contingent: Borje Salming, Lanny McDonald, trainer Joe Sgro, Ian Turnbull (colour) 836 Photo Toronto's Darryl Sittler scores on Detroit goalie (b&w) g37 Photo Bee Hive Golden Corn Syrup advertisement featuring Leafs' SyI Apps, Bingo Kampman, Bob Davidson and Gord Drillon (b&w) 838 Photo Cartoon of King Clancy 'Tribute to the King (colour) 839 Photo King Clancy in referee attire chatting with NHL president Red Dutton (b&w) 840 Photo Newspaper article chronicling Sittler's 10-point night (b&w) 841 Photo Young Foster Hewitt head shot, signed to CCM hockey fans (b&w) 842 Photo Foster Hewitt in gondola (b8w) 843 Photo Foster Hewitt in action, program in front (b8w) 844 Photo King Clancy 75th birthday cake (b8w) 845 Photo Harold Ballard and Stafford Smythe wearing Beatles' wigs to promote Beatles' appearance at Maple Leaf Gardens (b8w) 846 Photo Harold Ballard in Leafs' uniform on skates in shooting pose (colour) 847 Photo Darryl Sittler of the Maple Leafs in action (colour) 848 849 Photo Harold Ballard in Santa Claus suit and King Clancy as elf from 1980 Christmas card (original had been signed) (colour) 850 Photo (605a & 605b) Clarence'Hap' Day's 1927-28 contract with Toronto Maple Leafs (colour) 851 Photo Picture of Maple Leaf Gardens program featuring Syl Apps circa early-1940's (colour) g52 Photo '. Picture of Maple Leaf Gardens program featuring Hank Goldup circa early-1940's (colour) 853 Photo Picture of Maple Leaf Gardens program from 1930's (colour) 854 Photo Picture of program featuring King. Clancy 855 Photo Photo of program featuring Bucko McDonald 856 Photo Photo of Maple Leafs program spotlighting Bob Goldham, circa 1947 (colour) 857 Photo Ace Bailey in civilian clothing shakes hands with uniformed Eddie Shore of Boston (b8w) 858 Photo Conn Smythe of the Maple Leafs chats with his coach, Dick Irvin (b8w) 859 Photo Program cover with Billy Harris 860 Photo Hap Day's Canada Dryad 861 Photo Player pose Ken Doraty 862 Photo Crowds line up down Church Street to get Maple Leafs playoff tickets in 1940's (b8w) 863 Photo Inside view of Maple Leaf Gardens as it was nearing completion (b8w) 864 Photo Beatles with hand holding $5.50 tickets to concerfat Maple Leaf Gardens on September 7 (b8w) - 865 Photo Shot of Church and Carlton streets in Toronto before Maple Leaf Gardens was built (b8w) 866 Photo Aftermath of Leafs/Rangers on-ice brawl (colour) 867 Photo Ron Ellis of Toronto in action against Chicago (colour) 868 Photo Les Costello shown as Toronto Maple Leafs and as a priest (b8w) 869 Photo Three phases of Howie Meeker's career: player, broadcaster, analyst (b8w) 870 Photo Bobby Baun'sgome-winning goal in 1964, scored on broken leg (b8w) 871 Photo Bobby Baun's posed action shot with Maple Leafs (b8w) Page 19 of 35 Schedule "C" Ite s Purchased from Brian McFarlane in stora e 872 Photo ' Ace Bailey in civilian clothes shakes hand with Boston's Eddie Shore (b&w) (duplicate of 1159) 873 Photo Toronto's George Armstrong, Detroit's Red Kelly and referee Red Storey argue at penalty box (b&w) 874 Photo Fan Photo Day at Maple Leaf Gardens in the late-1950's or 1960's (b&w) 875 Photo Posed shot of trio, including Gord Drillon, Syl Apps and unidentified player labelled 'Toronto Leafs on their Way to Stanley Cup' (b&w/sepia) 876 Photo Bill Barilko congratulated by owner Conn Smythe (duplicate of 1259) (b&w) 877 Photo Toronto's Bill Barilko congratulated by team owner Conn Smythe as teammates Joe Klukay and Harry Watson look on (b&w) 878 Photo Ace Bailey as Maple Leaf (b&w) 879 Photo Frank Finnigan posed in Toronto Maple Leafs uniform, circa early-1930's (colour) 880 Photo Sports Illustrated: Doug Gilmour May 93 881 882 Photo Cover of Sports Illustrated Canada from May 10, 1993 featuring Doug Gilmour (colour) 883 Photo Frank Mahovlich of Toronto tried to tuck puck past Gerry Cheevers of the Bruins (colour) 884 Photo ' Cover of Maple Leaf magazine titled 'Victory of Vision' (colour) 885 Photo Elvis Presley on stage at Maple Leaf Gardens (b&w) 886 Photo Photographer Bruce Bennett at Maple Leaf Gardens 887 Photo Lefty Wilson with Maple Leafs wearing a cartoon sign reading Traitor' around neck 888 Photo Leaf Assistant Captain and an all star 889 Photo Esso actor Murray Westgate's profile photo (b&w) 890 Old car advertising Maroons/Leafs 891 Photo Church service at Maple Leaf Gardens (b8w) 892 Photo Tiger Williams of Vancouver rides stick after scoring (b&w) 893 Photo Tiger Williams riding stick after goal with Canucks (colour) 894 Photo Gord Drillon, Syl Apps and unidentified player in posed action (b&w/sepia) 895 Photo Ted Kennedy of the Toronto Maple Leafs in posed action (b&w) 896 Photo Chimpanzee dressed in Toronto Maple Leafs uniform (b&w) 897 Photo Hockey-playing chimpanzee dressed in Maple Leaf uniform (b&w) 898 Photo Tiny Tim is helped onto the ice at Maple Leaf Gardens by Mike Walton and Jim McKenny (b&w) 899 Photo Entertainer Tiny Tim with Maple Leaf Gardens usherettes (b&w) 900 Photo '. Harold Ballard postcard 901 Program covers 4 Leafs highlighted, including Gord Drillon 902 Sittler's 10 Points News Clipping Cardboard copy of article 903 Bob Pulford mini-poster Page from Canadian Weekly magazine 904 Framed photo (original frame) Brothers Lionel and Charlie Conacher outside plane (b&w; framed) 905 Framed photo Program cover (Cartoon of Leafs vs Maroons) 906 Framed photo Leaf program with Charlie Conacher profiled 907 Framed photo 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs: Team Photo, Individual Shots 908 Framed photo Turk Broda squatting position 909 Framed photo Location at Church and Carlton where Maple Leaf Gardens was later built 910 Framed photo Foster Hewitt in broadcast booth, program in front (b&w) 911 Framed photo "He Shoots,He Scores" Foster Hewitt book jacket 912 Framed photo ' Punch Imlach postcard 913 Framed photo Radio version of Hot Stove Lounge 914 Framed photo Program cover w! Gardens and 6 Flags on front 915 Framed photo Barilko scores famous overtime winner in 1951 916 Framed photo King Clancy player pose 917 Framed photo The Kid Line; Jackson, Primeau, Conacher 918 Framed photo Dunlop Tire poster of 14 Maple Leaf players and their cars 919 Framed photo King Clancy night at Maple Leaf Gardens (Clancy in sleigh) 920 Framed photo 1926-1927 Toronto St. Pats 921 Framed photo . 1931-1932 Toronto Maple Leafs -- Stanley Cup team (b&w) Page 20 of 35 Schedule "C" Items Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storage) 922 Framed photo Dave Keon dekes out L.A. goalie Gerry Desjardins (b&w) 923 Framed photo Maple Leafs 8 All Stars group photo from Ace Bailey Benefit Game, Feb. 14, 1934 924 Framed photo Dave Keon of Toronto faces Gerry Cheevers of Boston as George Armstrong and Dallas Smith look on (colour) 925 Framed photo Frank Mahovlich tries to score on the Rangers' Ed Giacomin (colour) 926 Framed photo Advertisement for Hearn Pontiac featuring hockey players (b&w) 927 Mounted poster Red Kelly of the Leafs battles Montreal Canadiens 928 Mounted poster Oversized Foster Hewitt poster 929 Oversized poster Print of painting of Bill Barilko's dramatic overtime goal that won Toronto the Stanley Cup in 1951 (colour)I 930 Oversized photo Maple Leaf players in military attire (Red Horner, Syl Apps and Hap Day) greet owner Conn Smythe (b&w) 931 Oversized photo Red Kelly of Toronto chases Detroit's Gordie Howe as goalie Hank Bassen looks on (b&w) 932 Oversized photo Red Homer player pose (b&w) 933 Oversized photo Allan Cup champion Toronto Marlboros (seniors), including George Armstrong, Bill Johansen, Harold Ballard, Flash Hollett, Joe Primeau, John McLellan, Hugh Bolton, etc. (b&w) 934 Oversized framed photo Construction of Maple Leaf Gardens in 1931 (labelled 633a,b,c,d) (b&w) 935 Oversized framed photo Collage of different action shots of Leafs and Red Wings 936 Oversized mounted poster ' AI lafrate'Wild Thing' 937 Oversized mounted poster Bell All Tire Great Leaf Team 19 Players 938 Oversized mounted poster Andy Bathgate stands in front of Montreal goal 939 Oversized mounted poster Andy Bathgate in a sea of Habs 940 Oversized mounted poster Letter to Maple Leafs from Toronto's Mayor 941 Oversized mounted poster Dave Keon of the Leafs shooting on Vancouver Canuck 942 Oversized mounted poster Toronto Sun front page'DONE LIKE DINNER' 943 Oversized mounted poster Bill Barilko montage -- hockey and missing 944 Oversized mounted poster Darryl Sittler 945 Oversized mounted poster Max and Doug Bentley 946 Contract Copy of King Clancy's first contract. Two page single-sided signed contract (copy); contained in plastic sleeve holder 947 Photo--autographed . Buffalo's Eddie Shack rides on back of Seals' Gerry Ehman (b&w) 948 Photo . Gilbert Perreault in pose for Buffalo (colour) 949 Photo Gilbert Perreault lugs the puck away from goalie Roger Crozier (colour) 950 Photo Cover of Sports Illustrated from February 26, 1973 featuring Gilbert Perreault (colour) 951 Photo Alexander Mogilny in action with Buffalo Sabres (b&w) 952 Photo Duplicate of 0496 953 Photo Peterborough Petes 1991 cut-out photo (colour) 954 Framed photo Tim Horton of Sabres eludes Pete Mahovlich (colour) 955 Framed photo--autographed Gary Roberts as Flame (autographed) 956 Photo--autographed Joe Nieuwendyk in action with Flames (autographed) (colour) 957 Photo Joey Mullen wedding photo (colour) 958 Photo Lanny McDonald on ice looking on away with Calgary Flames 959 Photo AI Maclnnis, Mike Vernon and 2 Canadiens 960 Photo Theo Fleury & Larry Robinson 961 Photo Caricature of Lanny McDonald with his oversized moustache (colour) 962 Photo--autographed Marcel Dionne action shot with Kings (autographed) 963 Photo Alexei Zhitnik of Kings checks Blackhawk (duplicate of 539) (colour) 964 Photo Alexei Zhitnik body checks Blackhawk 965 Photo Gerry Desjardins of the Los Angeles Kings makes save with Toronto's Ron Ellis looking on (colour) 966 Oversized photo Kings/Penguins play in Tropicana Field 967 Photo ' Minnesota North Stars (b&w) 968 Photo Gump Worsley in net for North Stars (b&w) 969 Photo Bill Masterton of the Minnesota North Stars (b&w) 970 Photo--autographed Billy Smith playing puck (autographed) Page 21 of 35 II Schedule "C" Items Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storage) 971 Photo Bob Nystrom goes in on Flyers Goalie 972 Photo Bob Nystrom celebrates OT goal 973 Photo Bryan Trottier of the Islanders salutes fans (colour) 974 Photo Mike Bossy on ice looking on 975 Photo Cover of Sports Illustrated from May 14, 1984 featuring Mike Bossy (colour) 976 Photo Cover of Sports Illustrated from April 16, 1979 featuring Denis Potvin (cover) 977 Photo Bernie Parent interviewed after Stanley Cup victory 978 Photo Kate Smith sings Gad Bless America 979 Photo Toothless Bobby Clarke on ice (b&w) ggD Photo Fred Shero wearing plaid jacket behind bench for Philadelphia Flyers (colour) 981 Photo AI Conroy of the Flyers shoots on San Jose's Arturs Irbe (duplicate) (colour) 982 Photo AI Conroy of Flyers upended as he shoots at the Sharks' Arturs Irbe (colour) 983 Photo Bobby Clarke of the Flyers hooks Guy Lapointe of the Canadiens (colour) 984 Photc Kate Smith and Flyers netminder Bernie. Parent (colour) 985 Photo Bernie Parent makes pad save 986 Photo Bernie Parent talks to reporters g$7 Photo Eric Lindros in warm up turning right g$$ Photo Rick Leetch in action for Flyers (b&w) 989 Photo Flyers' Bill Barber and St. Louis player in net (colour) 990 Photo Eric Lindros of Philadelphia in action shot (colour) 991 Photo Eric Lindros of Flyers in action (colour) 992 Photo Ran Sutter shoots on Grant Fuhr 993 Photo Philadelphia Flyers 1973-74 team photo (colour) 994 White framed photo Bobby Clarke of Philadelphia shows intensity in game against Toronto (colour) 995 Oversized mounted poster Eric Lindros photo, including information 996 Photo Mario Lemieux action shot skating, leaning right 997 Photo Scotty Bowman behind Penguins' bench (colour) 998 Photo Mario Lemieux fights off Flyer 999 Photo Cover of Sports Illustrated from February 6, 1989 featuring Mario Lemieux (colour) 1000 Photo Pittsburgh's Mario Lemieux ready for face-off (colour) 1001 1002 Plaque Mario Lemieux wooden plaque 1003 Oversized mounted poster ' Mario Lemieux 1004 Oversized mounted poster Jaromir Jagr 1005 Mario Lemieux Stand Up figure '.. Standing, fully dressed in white uniform; cardboard 1006 Poster Full size poster with Joe Sakic as Avalanche; dark jersey 1007 Photo Joe Sakic in action with the Nordiques (colour) 1008 Photo Joe Sakic of Avalanche up close (colour) 1009 Plaque Guy Lafleur in Quebec wooden plaque 1010 Photo Brett Hull of the Blues during warm-up (colour) 1011 Photo Brett Hull action shot with St. Louis (colour) 1012 Photo Brett Hull in warm up 1013 Photo Newspaper article titled '(Brett) Hull Answers Back' (colour) 1014 Photo The entire Sutter family dressed up for special occasion (colour) 1015 Oversized mounted poster Brett Hull 1016 Photo Nilsson, Hull and Hedberg squat in net for Winnipeg Jets (colour) 1017 Photo Teemu Selanne on ice looking on away Jets 1018 Oversized mounted poster Teemu Selanne 1019 Oversized mounted poster Winnipeg Jets 1D20 Photo Unidentified player with Washington Capitals (colour) 1021 Oversized mounted poster Florida Panthers 1022 Oversized mounted poster San Jose Sharks Logo 1023 Photo--autographed Action shot of Brooke White (Western Women's Hockey League); autographed, push pin holes 1024 Photo Manon Rheaume in position far Atlanta (colour) 1025 Photo Manon Rheaume head shot with Atlanta (colour) Page 22 of 35 Schedule "C" Ite s Purchased from Brian McFarlane in stora e 1026 Photo 'She's an All Star' magazine article about Abby Hoffman (lwo copies, 741a & 741 b) (b8w) 1027 Photo University of Toronto women playing hockey in early-1900's (b8w) 1028 Photo ~ Manon Rheaume in Atlanta jersey (colour) 1029 Photo Team Canada's Women's Hockey Team that won the World Championship in 1990 (colour) 1030 Photo 'Abby's own story' article (red border) 1031 Photo Team Canada Women's Team photo, 1992, including Manon Rheaume, Vicky Sunohara, Danielle Goyette and Angela James (colour) (x2) 1032 Photo Posed shot of Eva Ault of Ottawa Alerts circa 1918 (b8w) 1033 Photo British women's hockey team dressing for game in 1949 (b8w) 1034 Photo Women's hockey in Wimbledon Park, England, in 1893 (b8w) 1035 Photo Prairie women using tree branches for sticks (b8w) 1036 Photo Turn of the century women's hockey team wearing ribbons (b8w) 1037 Photo Women's hockey game -- Okotoks versus Vulcan, Alberta (b8w) 1038 Photo Women's hockey team surrounding young man (b8w) 1039 Photo Women's hockey team posed in uniform (b8w) 1040 Photo Posed shot of Margie Copping of McGill, Montreal (b8w) 1041 Photo Women's hockey team (b8w) 1042 1043 Photo Two ladies face off in front of other women on outdoor rink (b8w) 1044 Photo Young girls enjoy an outdoor skate (b8w) 1045 Photo Female hockey player posed (b8w) 1046 Magazine cover Women's hockey, February 23, Saturday Evening Post cover 1047 Oversized photo Cobalt Ladies Hockey Team (1910-11) of Temiskaming League (b8w) 1048 Oversized photo Women's hockey, including photos of NHL players with their daughters 1049 Oversized photo Ottawa Alerts Ladies Champions of 1923 1050 Oversized mounted poster Manon Rheaume 1051 Oversized mounted poster Manon Rheaume with information 1052 Oversized framed poster original Port Dover Ladies Hockey Club poster far upcoming game 1053 Framed photo Vintage women's hockey team, K on sweater (Kananites) 1054 Framed photo Female hockey player, smiling (b8w) 1055 Framed photo '. Preston Rivulettes team photo on bus (b8w) 1056 Framed photo Dr. Marian Hillard player pose 1920's 1057 Framed photo Ahby Hoffman on ice with figure skater (b8w) 1058 Framed photo A ladies' hockey team from Toronto 1059 Framed photo Marm Schmuck on shoulders of Hilda Ranscombe, Nellie Ranscombe and Helen Schmuck (b8w) 1060 Framed photo Margaret Topp (now Carter) player pose (b8w) 1061 Framed photo Isobel Stanley in white on Rideau Hall Rink in Ottawa. Earliest photo of women playing hockey (b8w) 1062 Framed photo Abby Hoffman with Leafs' Jim Thomson and Jim Morrison (b8w) 1063 Framed photo Early women's hockey team, posed (b8w) 1064 Framed photo Early women's hockey game, outdoors 1065 Photo--autographed Team Canada's Darryl Sittler scores in 1976 Canada Cup (colour) ***autographed*** 1066 Photo Dennis Potvin head shot Team Canada 1067 Photo Lafleur, Bossy, Gretzky -- Team Canada 1068 Photo 3 chronological photos of Paul Henderson's series-winning goal in Game 8 during Summit Series of 1972 (labelled 477a,b,c) (b8w) 1069 Photo Team Canada's Darryl Sittler celebrates winning goal in 1976 Canada Cup (colour) 1070 Photo Vladislav Tretiak 1071 Photo Duplicate of 0502 1072 Photo Canada's Mike Bossy scores on Soviets during 1984 Canada Cup 1073 Photo Canada/Russia player battle in corner 1074 Photo Gilbert Perreault bust shot with Team Canada (colour) 1075 Mounted poster Oversized Paul Henderson goal print, painted originally and signed by Andre Larcheveque Page 23 of 35 II Schedule "C" Itertts Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storaael 1076 Oversized mounted poster Russian and Canadian teams stand during anthem prior to game in 1972 Summit Series 1077 Oversized mounted poster ' Team Canada 1996 1075 Oversized mounted poster Team USA vs. Team Canada action 1079 Oversized mounted poster Same as 0896 1080 Oversized mounted poster Calgary 1988 Olympic Winter Games 1081 Oversized photo Team Canada's Paul Henderson scores winning goal in 1972 Summit Series against Soviets (three frames in one shot) (b8w) 1082 Photo--autographed The Hanson Brothers on bench from'Slapshot' (autographed by Brothers Jeff Carlson, Dave Hanson and Steve Carlson)(b8w) 1083 Photo Paul Newman on ice from'Slapshot' (b8w) 1084 Photo Paul Newman with George Ray Hill during shooting of'Slapshot' (b8w) 1085 Photo Paul Henderson posed photo, original signed (colour) 1086 Photo Paul Newman tussles with goalie from'Slapshot' (b8w) 1087 Photo Fight scene from film, 'Slapshot' (b8w) 1088 Photo Weekend magazine cover with Paul Newman from 'Slapshot' (colour) 1089 Photo Jahn Wayne and unidentified actor from'Idol of the Crowds,' early Hollywood hockey film (b8w) 1090 Photo John Wayne separated from opponent by woman in still from early Hollywood hockey film, 'Idol of the Crowds' (b8w) 1091 Photo John Wayne with youngster on ice from hockey film'Idol of the Crowds' 1092 Photo ', Action shot from Hollywood film 'Idol of the Crowds' starring John Wayne (b8w) 1093 Photo ~ John Wayne prone with actress and actor looking on from 'Idol of the Crowds' still (b8w) 1094 Photo Advertisement for Hollywood film 'It's a Pleasure' starring Sonja Henie (colour) 1095 Photo Movie still of fight between Wildcat and Seal from old Hollywood hockey movie (b8w) 1096 Photo Movie still of old Hollywood hockey film with Wildcats and Seals (b8w) 1097 Photo--autographed Johnny Bower makes pad save (autographed) 1098 Photo--autographed Glossy photo of Johnny Bower, action shot, autographed on blocker 1099 Photo Masked Jacques Plante in action (b8w) 1100 Photo Print of painting of Montreal's Jacques Plante (colour) 1101 Photo ' Jacques Plante wearing toque (b8w) 1102 Photo Jacques Plante of Montreal wearing dark mask and holding clear mask (b8w) 1103 Photo Jacques Plante with a variety of masks he created (b8w) 1104 Photo ' Collection of Jacques Plante masks (colour) 1105 Photo Jacques Plante holds up two of his early masks (b8w) 1106 Photo Gump Worsley of the North Stars and Rick Kehoe of the Leafs converse on ice (b8w) 1107 Gump Worsley of the North Stars and Rick Kehoe of the Leafs converse on ice (b8w) 1108 Photo ! Gump Worsley makes diving save for Rangers with Bill Gadsby looking on (b8w) 1109 Photo Terry Sawchuck with computer generated facial scars (b8w) 1110 Print Terry Sawchuck painting 1111 Photo Collage of 5 goalies and colourful masks, titled Snapshots (colour), also Terry Sawchuk in action with Leafs (colour) 1112 Photo ' Rangers' Gilles Grafton wearing his well-remembered lion mask (b8w) 1113 Photo '. Close up of GiIleSGratton's lion mask (colour) 1114 Photo Close up of Gilles Gratton's lion mask (colour) 1115 Photo Rangers' Gilles Grafton wearing lion mask (duplicate of 599) (b8w) 1116 Photo Close up of Gilles Gratton's lion mask (colour) 1117 Photo Scary goalie mask (colour) 1118 Photo Scary goalie mask (colour) 1119 Photo Side view of Cheevers mask (colour) 1120 Photo Gerry Cheevers wearing mask (colour) 1121 Photo Gerry Cheevers wearing mask (sideview) (colour) 1122 Photo Time Magazine with Bernie Parent mask on cover 1123 Photo Cover of Time Magazine from February 24, 1975 featuring Bernie Parent (colour} Page 24 of 35 II Schedule "C" Itepns Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storage} 1124 Photo Lester Patrick standing in for injured netminder with New York Rangers (b&w) 1125 Photo Lester Patrick, coach of New York Rangers, suits up for injured goaltender (b&w) 1126 Photo Picture of painting of Lester Patrick preparing to step into goal for New York Rangers (colour) 1127 Photo Bill Ranford of the Oilers in action (colour) 1128 Photo Andy Brown, the NHL's last maskless goalie, in action with Pittsburgh (colour) 1129 .Photo Soviet goalie wearing primitive mask (b&w) 1130 Photo Roy Worters posed with New York Americans (original was signed) (colourized) jersey 1131 Photo _ Roy Worters posed with New York Americans (original was signed) (colourized) jersey 1132 Photo Alex Connell with the Montreal Maroons (b8wlsepia) 1133 Photo Team USA's Jim Craig celebrates 'Miracle on Ice' (colour) 1134 Photo Ed Giacomin tends goal for Rangers (colour) 1135 Photo Greg Stefan in net for Red Wings (original was autographed) (colour) 1136 Photo Unidentified goalie for Ottawa Senators in action (colour) 1137 Photo Unidentified goalie for Quebec Nordiques (colour) 1138 Photo Goaltender for Harvard University 1139 Photo Alex Connell of the Montreal Maroons (b8w) 1140 Photo Elaborate mask worn by unidentified goalie (colour) 1141 Photo Elaborate mask worn by unidentified goalie (colour) 1142 Photo Elaborate mask worn by unidentified goalie (colour) 1143 Photo Collection of elaborate goalie mask designs (colour) 1144 Photo Goaltender Gerry Desjardins of the Buffalo Sabres (colour) 1145 Photo Philadelphia goaltender sprawls to thwart St. Louis Blues (b&w) 1146 Photo Soviet netminder Vladislav Tretiak and wife (colour) 1147 Photo Felix Potvin looking to his left 1148 Photo Turk Broda skims across crease 1149 Photo Turk Broda and Bill Durnan (b&w) 1150 Photo Frank McCool, Toronto's goaltending hero in 1945 (b&w) 1151 Photo George Hainsworth of the Toronto Maple Leafs (b&w) 1152 Photo Bill Durnan makes posed glove save for Montreal Canadiens (b&w) 1153 Photo Ken Dryden playing goal at the age of 8 (colour) 1154 1155 Photo Elaborate mask worn by New York Rangers goalie (colour) 1156 Photo Don Keenan of the Boston Bruins in his only NHL game (b&w) 1157 Photo Don Keenan of the Boston Bruins in his only NHL game (b&w) 1158 Photo Ambidextrous Frank Brimsek of the Bruins shows off his gloves (b&w) 1159 Photo Frank Brimsek, goalie for Boston Bruins (b&w) 1160 Photo Tony Esposito looking at shooter 1161 Photo Alfie Moore in replacement role with Chicago Black Hawks (b&w) 1162 Photo Chuck Gardiner of the Chicago Black Hawks (b&w) 1163 Photo Glen Hall in action for St. Louis (b&w) 1164 Photo Sam LoPresti with Black Hawks (b&w) 1165 Photo Time Magazine cover from February 11, 1935 with Chicago's Lorne Chabot on cover (colour) 1166 Photo Wooden goalie stick from Stanley Cup final in 1899 (colour) 1167 Framed photo Jacques Plante of Montreal putting on mask with bloody face (b&w) 1168 Framed photo Whitey Merritt (white pads) with Winnipeg Victorias (b&w) 1169 Framed photo Framed print of Ranger goalie Lester Patrick's famous game against Maroons (colour) 1170 Framed photo Clint Benedict with early mask 1171 Framed photo Charlie Teno in net 1938139 1172 Oversized photo Print of a painting of Ken Dryden, signed by artist (colour) 1173 Oversized mounted poster Eddie Belfour 1174 Oversized mounted poster Ed Belfour's Eagle mask 1175 Oversized mounted poster Dominik Hasek tribute, including two photos and caption Page 25 of 35 Schedule "C" Items Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storage) 1176 Oversized mounted poster Molson Canadian masks 1177 Photo I Artist depiction of Wanderers, Quebec, Waterloo and Ottawa sweaters 1908-1910 (velour) 1178 Photo Artist depiction of Americans, Bruins, Rangers and Brooklyn Americans' sweaters 1937- 1942 (colour) 1179 Photo Artist depiction of Black Hawks, Canadiens, Canadiens and Maple Leafs sweaters 1943- 1945 (colour) 1180 Photo _ Artist depiction of Canadiens, Cobalt, Haileybury, Renfrew sweaters 1910-1911 (colour) 1181 Photo Artist depiction of Victoria, Shamrocks, Winnipeg, Montreal sweaters 1898-1902 (colour) 1182 Photo Artist depiction of St. Pats, Pirates, Detroit, Brack Hawks sweaters 1926-1927 (colour) 1183 Photo Artist depiction of Seattle, Canadiens, Regina, Ottawa sweaters 1920-1922 (colour) 1184 Photo Artist depiction of St. Pats, Bruins, Detroit, Chicago sweaters 1927-1930 (colour) 1185 Photo Artist depiction of Canadiens, New Westminster, Quebec, Canadiens sweaters 1911- 1912 (colour) 1186 Photo Artist depiction of Sydney, Tecumsehs, Portland, Victorias sweaters 1913-1926 (colour) 1187 Photo ' Artist depiction of Edmonton, Montreal, Montreal, Americans sweaters 1924-1926 1188 (colour) 1189 Photo Artist depiction of Quebec, Victoria, Toronto, Vancouver sweaters 1913-1915 (colour) 1190 Photo Artist depiction of Tigers, St.Pats, Saskatoon, Calgary sweaters 1922-1924 (colour) 1191 Photo Artist depiction of Quakers, Bruins, Rangers, Ottawa sweaters 1931-1933 (colour) 1192 Photo Artist depiction of Toronto, Americans, Detroit, St. Louis sweaters 1934-1935 (colour) 1193 Photo Haileybury Hockey Club (b&w) 1194 Photo Toronto's Riverdale Park, with multiple hockey games on-going (b&w) 1195 Photo Wembley Cubs work on pasture during a hockey practice in England (b&w) 1196 Photo "Would you Believe It?" poem (b&w) 1197 Photo Picture of Gotham Hockey Push/Pull hockey game (colour) 1198 Photo 'A Star in the Making' newspaper articl@ about Brett Armstrong of Cavan, Ontario (b&w) 1199 Photo U.S. president Ronald Reagan taks shot on goalie (colour) 1200 Photo Yogi Berra squatting down in New York Yankees uniform (colour) 1201 Photo Duplicate of 658 1202 Photo Irma Coucill line drawing of Arthur Farrell, who wrote first hockey book (b&w) 1203 Photo St.Paul vs. Minneapolis playing for a Kiwanis convention in 1925 (b&w) 1204 Photo Playing hockey on frozen river in Alberta (b&w) 1205 Photo Artist depiction of skating at new rink in Saint John, NB circa 1869 (b&w) 1206 Photo The Million Dollar Player caricature, created by Ted Michener in the 1970's (b&w) 1207 Photo 'Cyclone' Taylor portrait (b&w) 1208 Photo Philadelphia Quakers team shot (individual poses) from 1930-31 (b8w) 1209 Photo Zamboni with'Buffalo Savings Bank' on side (b&w) 1210 Photo Early Zamboni (b&w) 1211 Photo Early ice resurfacing machine, photo taken outside (b&w) 1212 Photo Modern Zamboni (b&w) 1213 Photo Nels Stewart posed in New York Americans sweater (colourized) 1214 Photo Artist depiction of aboriginals playing hockey-like game (lacrosse?) on frozen pond (colour) 1215 Photo Women's baseball being played on floor of Maple Leaf Gardens (b&w) 1216 Photo Hippodrome in St. Paul, Minnesota (b&w) 1217 Photo St. Catharines Orioles -- Canada's only'all-coloured team' (b&w) 1218 Photo Ralph'Scotty' Bowman of St. Louis Eagles in action pose (b&w) 1219 Photo Early artificial ice rink in Soviet Union//Soviet hockey team (b8.w, combination photo) Page 26 of 35 II Schedule "C" Itefns Purchased from Brian McFarlane !in stnranal 1220 Photo Advertisement far McNiece & Orchard and Hardisty-Proulx hockey sticks (b8w) 1221 Photo Bradford Wood Products hockey stick manufacturing factory circa 1936 (b8w) 1222 Photo The Hats that Click in the NHL 1223 Photo Photo of program cover with 46-47 All Stars 1224 Photo Referee Red Storey's final game (1959) pointing out fan with gun (b8w) 1225 Photo RCAF Flyers 1942 Allan Cup Champions team photo (b8w) 1226 Photo Jean Pusie goes after fans in crowd during game in Wichita (b8w) 1227 Photo Advertisement for Bradford hockey sticks circa 1936 (b8w) 1228 Photo Winners of Asdale Shield 1913 1229 Photo 3 referees 1230 Photo Coach talking to Harlem Globetrotters 1231 Photo Print of December 1, 1934 issue of Collier's cover with material goalie (colour) 1232 Photo Print of January 24, 1931 Collier's cover with hockey illustration (colour) 1233 Photo BeeHive Golden Com Syrup advertisement with NHL picture offer (b8w) 1234 Photo Manny McIntyre, Herb Carnegie and Ozzie Carnegie formed the'All-Coloured Line' that terrorized senior hockey in the 1940's (b8w) 1235 Photo Cree and Ojibway Indian Hockey Tour (b8w) 1236 Photo New York Americans' team photo (b8w) 1237 Photo Hec Pozzo and Don Grosso of 1947-48 St. Louis Flyers (AHL) with local baseball great Yogi Berra (b8w) 1238 Photo . O'Brien Trophy for winner of the National Hockey Association (b8w) 1239 Photo International contest played outdoors (b8w) 1240 Photo Unidentified figure skater (b8w) 1241 Photo Hockey team sporting striped uniformsposes for team photo (b8w) 1242 Photo Team with championship trophy circa 1920's (b8w) 1243 Photo Goal judge stands behind net with fur coat and bell (b8w) 1244 Photo . Two teams (one is McGill) compete in game outdoors (b8w) 1245 Photo Intemational hockey player being congratulated. (b8w) 1246 Photo Print of painting of aboriginal stick and ball game being played on frozen lake. (colour) 1247 Photo Print of painting of children playing hockey on snow-covered street. (colour) 1248 Photo Frank Nighbor of Pembroke, Ontario (b8w) 1249 Photo Unidentified New York Americans player in action (b8w) 1250 Photo ~~ Two teams in action, one likely St. Michael's College (b8w) 1251 Photo , Queen of the Ice -unidentified hockey player (b8w) 1252 Photo Dionne Quintuplets with hockey sticks and skates (b&w/sepia) 1253 Photo Collection of early hockey sticks plus early goalie gloves (b&w) 1254 Photo Early outdoor hockey game (b8w) 1255 Photo Early outdoor hockey game (b8w) 1256 Photo Early outdoor hockey game (b8w) 1257 Photo Early outdoor hockey gamebeside pleasureskaters 1258 Photo Kids poke sticks through ice (b8w) 1259 Photo '~ Early outdoor hockey game (b8w) 1260 Photo Lester Patrick Trophy for contributions to hockey in United States (colour) 1261 Photo , Print of painting of Joe Malone of Quebec Bulldogs (colour) 1262 Photo '~,. Unidentified team (b8w) 1263 Photo Youngsters pull on their skates (b8w) 1264 Photo Hockey game from turn of the 20th century (b8w) 1265 1266 Photo Men and women play informal game of hockey on frozen lake (b8w) 1267 Photo Print of painting of young boys playing hockey outdoors (colour) 1268 Photo Print of painting of boys and dog playing hockey outside of farm (colour) 1269 Photo Print of painting of boys playing outdoor hockey while adult and dog observe (colour) 1270 Photo Print of painting of Victorian-era gentleman tying lady's skates (colour) 1271 Photo Print of painting of youngster scaring goal in arena (colour) 1272 P hoto Print of painting of people skating on frozen river running through town (colour) 1273 P hoto T oddler with stick, sweater and helmet (b8w) Page 27 of 35 Schedule "C" Iteans Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in stora e 1274 Photo Boys playing street hockey circa 1960's (b&w) 1275 Photo First Nations hockey team circa 1930's (b&w) 1276 Photo ~ Pumpkin farmer Howard Dill of Windsor, Nova Scotia, owner of Long Pond where hockey is reputed to have been bom (colour) 1277 Photo Pumpkin farmer Howard Dill of Windsor, Nova Scotia, on whose property hockey is reputed to have been first played (colour) 1278 Photo Print of painting of children playing street hockey (colour) 1279 Photo Print of painting of two teams playing hockey (colour) 1280 Photo Print of photo of shinny being played outdoors (colour) 1281 Photo Print of photo of Victorian era outdoor skating party (colour) 1282 Photo Print of photo of outdoor hockey game played on boarded rink (colour) 1283 Photo Bandy being played on frozen lake (b&w) 1284 Photo Baby carriage being pushed on frozen river by skating couple (b&w) 1285 Photo Goal judge behind net signals goal in early hockey game (b&w) 1286 Photo Couples ice dancing on outdoor rink (b&w) 1287 Photo Print of painting of early hockey game, played indoors (b&w) 1288 Photo ' Hundreds enjoy outdoor winter activities (b&w) 1289 Photo Family in skates and with sticks on frozen river circa 1920 (b&w) 1290 Photo Outdoor skaters propelled by kite (b&w) 1291 Photo Early hockey players practise shooting on net prototype (b&w) 1292 Photo Boy with skates, stick and his dog, circa 1930's (b&w) 1293 Photo Hockey players pose lying on stomachs with skates in air, behind a championship trophy (b&w) 1294 Photo Outdoor hockey game from turn of last century (b&w) 1295 Photo Victoria Rink in Montreal, home of the first official hockey game (b&w) 1296 Photo Two boys face off on small outdoor frozen pond (b&w) 1297 Photo Outdoor hockey game being observed by single fan (b&w) 1298 Photo Choosing teams for outdoor hockey game (b&w) 1299 Photo Pittsburgh Arena at turn of the last century (b&w) 1300 Photo Edmonton Eskimos Hockey Team, comprised of individual player shots (b&w) 1301 Photo Red Green with the New York Americans (b&w) 1302 Photo Dawson City Arena, circa 1900 (b&w) 1303 Photo Referee prepares boys playing hockey outdoors for faceoff (b&w) 1304 Photo Picture of artist depiction of early hockey player (colour) 1305 Photo The rules of hockey as published on February 27, 1877, superimposed on heritage 1306 hockey team photo (b&w/sepia) 1307 Photo Football player Dan Marino, encased in plastic sleeve, note says: "Dan Marino was a Museum Guest Aug 1997 1308 Photo Costumed skating party at Victoria Rink in Montreal (colour) 1309 Magazine cover Saturday Evening Post, January 18, 1936--hockey theme 1310 Magazine cover Macleans--illustrated image of family watching hockey on TV (cover only) 1311 Magazine cover Macleans--illustrated image of referee and young boy, January 15, 1951 1312 Framed photo Outdoor game with standing spectators (b&w) 1313 Framed photo MAAA team photo, posed (b&w) 1314 Framed photo Early settlers posed on outdoor rink 1315 Framed photo Hockey played outdoors (colour) 1316 Framed artwork Print of illustration depicting Team USA and Team Canada competing, kids' version (colour) 1317 Framed photo Print of kids playing on ice, Montreal vs Toronto, with Dad hosing ice while fading, 'Saturday Night Hero' 1318 Framed photo Bandy on ice (b&w) 1319 Framed photo Print of painting depicting backyard hockey game (colour) 1320 Framed photo ' Clearing the ice before an outdoor hockey game 1321 Framed photo Outdoor shinny game t 322 Framed photo Typical Winter Sports -Hockey; Painting of Victoria rink (colourized) 1323 Framed photo Kenora player pose 1324 Framed photo Kenora Thistles team portrait (b&w) 1325 Framed photo Montreal Wanderers 1911 Page 28 of 35 Schedule "C" Ite s Purchased from Brian McFarlane in stora e 1326 Framed photo Early team posed on ice (b&w) 1327 Framed photo Skating at Grenadier Pond in Toronto (b&w) 1328 Framed photo Team photo of RCAF Flyers (b&w) 1329 Framed photo Vancouver Millionaires 1330 Framed photo Seattle world hockey champions 1917 1331 Framed photo Ad for hockey picture rings through BeeHive Corn Syrup (b&w) 1332 Framed photo i Baby carriage being pushed across pond 1333 Framed photo Fred 'Cyclone' Taylor shot, autographed (not original) (b&w) 1334 Framed photo Ottawa Hockey Club Team Shot (individual photos) 1335 Framed photo Truro Shieks Hockey 1930 B8W 1336 Framed photo Haileybury NHL Team 1910 Team Photc 1337 Framed photo 1909-10 Renfrew Hockey Team (Group Photo; Individual Framed) 1338 Framed photo Vancouver's Asah Athletic Club of 1919-20 (colour) 1339 Framed photo Toronto Wellingtons Hockey Team, 1899-1900 Senior OHA champions (b&w) 1340 Framed photo O'Keefe's beverages advertisement 1341 Framed photo (original frame) Victoria Harbour Hockey Club, 1905 (b8w) 1342 Framed photo Framed, Philly Quakers with captain 1343 Poster Cardboard Team signs, includes G clips tc attach signs 1344 Poster Cardboard Team signs, includes G clips to attach signs 1345 Poster Cardboard Team signs, includes G clips to attach signs 1346 Poster Cardboard Team signs, includes G clips to attach signs 1347 Poster '. Cardboard Team signs, includes G clips to attach signs 1348 Poster Cardboard Team signs, includes G clips to attach signs 1349 Poster Cardboard Team signs, includes G clips to attach signs 1350 Cardboard cut-out of vintage skates Two brown cartoon-like skates, one piece, laces in, double sided. 1351 Oversized mounted poster Brooklyn Americans 1352 Oversized mounted poster 1904 Portage Lake Pioneers 1353 Oversized mounted poster Evolution of skates 1354 Oversized mounted poster ' 1896 Baltimore Hockey Club 1355 Oversized mounted poster Showdown Confrontation (labelled 859a,b) 1356 Oversized mounted poster Henry Burchell Gardner & Alvin Foye Shortwell of Harvard 1357 Oversized mounted poster 1942-72 Legends of Hockey 1358 Oversized mounted poster Hockey Hall of Fame 1359 Oversized mounted poster NHL All Stars, 1940's vintage 1360 Oversized mounted poster NHL logo 1361 Framed oversized photo Framed photo of Dionne quintuplets 1362 Oversized photo NHL's 1948-49 FirstAll-StarTeam 1363 Oversized photo Hobey Baker story 1364 Oversized photo Gibson Cartoon Series: Chummy Hill Scores 1365 Oversized photo Gibson Cartoon Series: Two goalies in net 1366 Oversized photo Gibson Cartoon Series: Fans outside Montreal arena 1367 Oversized photo Gibson Cartoon Series: Esposito in hospital bed 1368 Oversized photo Gibson Cartoon Series: Replica of 0924 1369 Oversized photo Gibson Cartoon Series: Referee Finlay 1370 Oversized photo Gibson Cartoon Series: Haileybury/Cobalt 1371 Oversized photo Gibson Cartoon Series: Replica of 0925 1372 Oversized photo Gibson Cartoon Series: Bigger version of 0931 1373 Oversized photo 1912-13 Quebec Hockey Club Bulldogs (b&w) 1374 Oversized photo Clarence Campbell shaking hands 1375 Oversized photo NHL All Stars 1376 Oversized photo Toronto Wellingtons Hockey Team, 1899-1900 Senior OHA champions (b&w) 1377 Oversized photo Mervyn 'Red' Dutton posed as New York American (b&w) 1378 Oversized photo New York Americans in street clothes, February 1929 at Bear Mountain Inn, New York. Players identified in pen (b&w) 1379 Oversized photo Quebec Colisee (colour) 1380 Mounted newspaper article Old newspaper article on "Dionne Quints" laminated, crumpled and creased 1381 Hockey Figurine Child's hockey player, plaster-type material, brown stick, blue uniform Page 29 of 35 Schedule "C" Ite)ns Purchased from Brian McFarlana !in stnranal 1382 Framed photo--autographed Brian McFarlane (in Leafs sweater) with Ted Lindsay of Red Wings (autographed by Lindsay) (b&w) 1383 Framed photo--autographed Johnny Bower of Toronto Maple Leafs faces Bobby Hull of Chicago Black Hawks (autographed by Bower) (colour) 1384 Framed photo--autographed Brian McFarlane with Mario Lemieux (autographed) (colour) 1385 Framed photo--autographed Brian McFarlane interviews Detroit's Dennis Riggin (autographed) (b&w) 1386 Photo ' Brian McFarlane in front of Hockey Hall of Fame logo (colour) 1387 Photo Brian McFarlane with Inkerman Rockets in 1950-51 (two copies) (b&w) 1388 Photo Brian McFarlane holding his 'Stanley Cup Fever' book (b&w) 1389 Photo Brian McFarlane, Dave Hodge, Bill Hewitt HNIC Control Room 1390 Photo Brian McFarlane interviewing Phil Esposito on NBC (b&w) 1391 Photo Ghost of The Hardy Boys cover 1392 Photo '~. Sport Story Magazine cover from January 1937, with 'Rink Buddies'story by Leslie McFarlane (colour) 1393 Photo Cover of'McGonigle Scores' by Leslie McFarlane (colour) 1394 Photo 'Hockey Night in Canada' broadcast crew (colour) 1395 Photo List of donors to Brian's original hockey museum (b&w) 1396 Photo Brian McFarlane interviews Punch Imlach on NBC 1397 Photo Brian McFarlane, Glenn Resch, Howie Meeker and Ed Westtall on NBC (b&w) 1398 Photo Brian McFarlane at Hockey Hall of Fame with Builder Bill Torrey (colour) 1399 Photo Inkerman Rockets team photo from 1950-51, including Brian McFarlane (seated, 2nd from right) (b&w) 1400 Photo Brian McFarlane and Dick Irvin Jr. (b&w) 1401 Photo Brian McFarlane with St. Lawrence University (b&w) 1402 Photo Brian McFarlane and King Clancy (b&w) 1403 Photo Brian McFarlane with Fred 'Cyclone' Taylor (colour) 1404 Photo NHL Oldtimers: Ed Litzenberger, Ivan Irwin, Murray Henderson, Wally Stanowski, Pete Conacher, Danny Lewicki, Gus Bodnar, Sid Smith, Mike Trenton (goalie), Johnny McCormack, Harry Watson (colour) 1405 Photo Brian McFarlane posing with Stanley Cup (colour) 1406 Photo Brian McFarlane at Hockey Hall of Fame when he was selected as a Media Honouree (colour) 1407 Photo Brian McFarlane, unidentified, Ted Lindsay in NBC Sports jerseys (colour) 1408 Photo Advertisement far Brian McFadane's original hockey museum (colour) (x2) 1409 Photo Caricature of 1970's broadcasters Don Cheerier, Bill Hewitt, Tom Cheek, Brian McFarlane, Russ. Jackson, Mike Wadsworth and Dave Hodge (b&w) 1410 Photo Peter Puck gets whacked by cartoon goalie (colour) 1411 Photo Brian McFarlane and Wayne Gretzky on'Hockey Night in Canada' (colour) 1412 Museum guestbook page Mounted on foam, one page, 14 entries, dating June 24th -June 29th, 1995 1413 Mounted poster Magazine article of Brian McFarlane's Niagara Falls museum 1414 Framed photo 'Hockey Night in Canada' team versus Toronto Maple Leafs from 1960's (b&w) 1415 Framed photo McFarlane with Esposito on crutches 1416 Framed photo Brian McFarlane and Don Cherry 1417 Framed photo Brian McFarlane reading to Peter Puck (b&w) 1418 Framed photo Bill Hewitt with Brian McFarlane 1419 Peter Puck clock Soft face, takes 1 AA battery, face contains Peter Puck logo, displays 12, 3, 6., 9 1420 Peter Puck postcards Peter Puck (5, assorted) 1421 Peter Puck crest Peter Puck crest 1422 Hockey Hall of Fame tokens Approximately 200 tokens in a plastic bag and a mini garbage bag 1423 Hockey Night in Canada Album Bright blue cover, vintage logo 1424 Hockey Night in Canada jacket l ight blue, wom by Brian McFarlane, along with a white shirt and tie 1425 Hockey Night in Canada Ball Cap ' Farmer style ball cap; Hockey Night in Canada emblem at center 1426 Brian McFarlane's Hockey Museum ' Signs Grey, with white and maroon font 1427 Brian McFarlane's Hockey Museum '~, Signs Grey, with white and maroon font and arrow in left corner 1428 Maple Leaf Gardens Turnstile Black casing, silver turnstiles Page 30 of 35 I Schedule "C" Items Purchased from Brian McFarlane (in storaael Four Red Seats from Maple Leaf Connected leather seats, wooden backdrops 1429 Gardens Four Blue Seats from Maple Leaf ', Connected wooden seats and wood backs 1430 Gardens 1431 Mark License Agreement Page 31 of 35 Appendix #B Items Loaned b Brian cFarlane and Returned in Accordance with Resolution GPA -437-08 1 Gordie Howe Hocke Stick 2 Dennis Hull Hocke Stick -auto ra hed b members of Team Canada 1972 3 Ted Kenned Hocke Stick - auto ra hed b Maple Leafs Team 4 Bill Nicholson Goalie Stick from ontreal AAA Stanle Cu win in 1902 5 Hand-painted Goalie Stick white 6 Hand-painted Goalie Stick blue 7 Dou Favell Goalie Skates 8 Re lica Ger Cheevers Goalie Mask 9 Re lica Montreal Goalie Mask 10 Replica Toronto Goalie Mask The items above were identified as "Loaned Assets" through the July, 2003 List of Inventory, subsequently Brian McFarlane also loaned the Municipality a framed "Tapestry" which was also returned to him with the items listed above. Page 32 of 35 Appendix #C Items Donated and Retained 1 Puck Game- sed, Toronto Marlies 2 Puck Game-wsed, Rochester Americans 3 Puck Game-used, Manitoba Moose 4 Puck Game-wsed, Milwaukee Admirals 5 Puck Game-used, Philadelphia Phantoms 6 Puck Game-wsed, Lowell Devils 7 Puck Game-used, San Antonio Rampage 8 Puck Game-wsed, New York Islanders 9 Puck Game-wsed, Washington Capitals 10 Puck Game-used, Buffalo Sabres 11 Puck Game-WSed, New York Rangers 12 Puck Game-wsed, Minnesota Wild 13 Puck Game-used, Hamilton Bulldogs 14 Puck Game-used, Hamilton Bulldogs 15 Puck Game-used, Montreal Canadiens 16 Puck Game-used, Binghamton Senators 17 Puck Game-'sed, Manchester Monarchs 18 Puck Game-wsed, Chicago Wolves 19 Puck Game-wsed, Boston Bruins 20 Puck Game-wsed, New Jersey Devils 21 Puck Game-wsed, Atlanta Thrashers 22 Puck Game-wsed, Houston Aeros 23 Puck Game-used, Bridgeport Sound Tigers 24 Puck Lindsay Muskies 25 Puck UOIT Ridgebacks 26 Puck Bowmanville Eagles 27 Puck Total Hockey opening 28 Puck Beaver Cup Pond Hockey 29 Hocke loves Brown Mastercraft gloves 30 Hocke loves Brown Cooper gloves 31 Mini-stick--autographed Wooden stick autographed by Jayna Hefford and Vicky Sunohara from the 2002 and 2006 gold medal-winning Canadian Women's Olympic hockey team 32 Hocke loves Sommer West Game Worn Hockey Gloves 33 Hocke stick Sommer West Game Stick 34 Hocke stick Etobicdke Dolphins Autographed Goal Stick 35 Jerse Justin Caruana Peterborough Petes Jersey 36 Jerse Brian Bickel) Jersey 37 Hocke loves Brian Bickel) Game Worn Gloves 38 Jerse Team Canada Adult Jersey 39 Framed Photo Chicago Black Hawks team photo, 1948-49 (photo not perfect), autographed by Johnny Bower 40 Framed Photo Belleville McFarlands, World Cahmpions, 1959, pen marks on photo 41 Baseball Ca Norfolk Admirals, 2006-07 42 Pennant Norfolk. Admirals, 2006-07 43 Photo Autogrpahed photo, Justin Caruana, Peterborough Petes 44 Photo Autographed photo, Jeremy Booker, Sledge hockey 45 Photo Autographed photo, Dustin Ekelman, St. Mike's Majors 46 Photo Autographed photo, Matt Lahey, Ottawa 6Ts 47 Photo Autographed photo, Brent Hughes, Flyers (b&w photocopied photo) 48 Photo Brett Liscomb, Ottawa 67's, colour 49 Photo Players involved in 1947 trade between Chicago and Toronto (b&w) 50 Photo Whitby Dunlops, circa 2005 51 Calendar Etobicake Dolphins, 2006-07 52 Pro ram Norfolk Admirals, 2006-07 53 Hocke card Brent Clemens 54 Pla ue Shoot, Score and Totally Win plaque, 2006 55 Loo Total Hockey Logo 56 Photo Ray Preston, Hamilton Tigers, 8x10, b&w (photocopy) Page 33 of 35 Appendix #C Itams I~nnated and Retained 57 Photo Winnip g Victorias, 1896 Stanley Cup Champions,. including Fred Higginbotham, b&w, photoc py 58 Photo Ernie Dickens, Maple Leafs, 6x8, b&w 59 Photo Les Colvin, Oshawa Truckmen, 4x6, b&w 60 Photo Buck Dlavies, Providence Reds, 8x1D, b&w (HHOF) 61 Photo Breslin's Red Raiders, Juvenile Champions, team photo, sepia, 11X13 Page 34 of 35 Appendix #D Items Purchased and Retained 1 Jerse ' Chris Kelly Ottawa Senators.Jerse $250.00 2 Photo Chris Kelly Binghampton Senators Photo $20.00 3 Photo ' Brent Hughes Kansas Cit Chief Photo $5.00 4 Photo Mike Keenan New York Rangers Coach Photo $5.00 5 Photo Tom Simpson Toronto Toros Photo $5.00 Page 35 of 35 J a a m 0 D Z Q of m m LL O z 0 Q a O U N w O N Q } W Y p U O N = ~ J N Q y O N d N N Q N C R O J d C N N LL U N 3 Y O' O U L H ti' j 3 m ~ C ea ~ N N > N U C N O O - U £ O N ~ N N N O N N d d O o ~ L Y Q Q ~ N ~ 3 ~ a o y Q ¢ U U y Q' `y ~ 9 ~ "O Y 9 C C ~ " N N N N ~ N y W ',W : i~ C N O O O O U O N t9 .. ~~ J J J J Q J C ".i J ~ L N y C C C C y C d _ N t0 9 « i N N a0 N f6 t0 N N > > 6W J a O E _ O O +~O ~ ~~ U U U U U U U Q. 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N d N ~ ~ ~ ~ d N Y 9 O ~ ~ a m U o c IL u m E m ~ o oU' m ~ a m vi ~ W m D m y N W N J a C V ~ N X C O . a y ~^ Q C 3 IL ~ N ~= c d ~ ~ °a-' yaE °o. c°S~E~ o~°~' wy m } 0 v O. d r~ C tb ~ T~ O T N O y ~ p0 m W ro O d E.O c j OHU Z.~ ~t a yQ 'n O ua~o- x o=- cwomdmo bZ`~mTnU m- c~ A a ~ m ~ F - E O T L d E a U y U N E~ d c m y N 6 C c W A N N m _ ~ ~j~ =(nLL y d ~N `d HmUmfgO~H00° Q LL'm ~tA f JJ N O V N m N a SCHEDULE "E" -COD-069-08 HOCKEY HALL of FAIVIE BCE Place, 30 Yonge Street, Toraito, Ontario M5E 1X8 Tel: (416) 360-i735 Fax: (416) 360-1501 www.hlnof.com BRIAN MCFARLANE MUSEUM APPRAISAL Hockey Hall of Fame Philip Pritchard/Craig Campbell . December 8,1998 ,~ - HOCKEY HALL ~~f FAME BCE Place, 30 1'onge Street, Toro~ito, Ontario ti15E 1X8 Tel: (416) 360-7735 Fax: (4l6) 36U-1501 wcvw.hhof.com Overview One of hockey's premier historians, photographic collectors and authors, Brian Mcfarlane has been part of hockey for over 50 years. As a fan, collector, player, broadcaster, journalist, author, historian his days around hockey date back to the days when he was a kid. Today, Brian McFarlane is considered by many to be hockey's authoritative voice on early hockey, women's hockey and of course the makings of the National Hockey League. As an author, McFaraani= has written dozens of books about team histories, league histories and stories, early hockey, women's hockey and children's hockey. As a broadcaster/colour commentator, McFarlane was part of the NBC Hockey broadcasts and ockey Night in Canada's crew for years. His contacts, hockey fri~ds are endless and is a focal part of any hockey family. In recent years, Brian hajs star..ted his own Hockey Museum, where he has taken his collections, video and audio tapes and produced a small museum that is portable.. He also has had Museums in Cobourg and Niagara Falls, Ontario. The Brian McFarlane Museum focus's on hockey at all levels and concentrates on the great of the games as well as arenas, hockey personalities and women's hockey. The images, artifacts and videos are unique and often one-of-a-kind. The Brian McFarlane Muueum is primarily a photo museum with an emphasis on the chronological history of the game. 'tt Photographs. Each and every photograph in the Museum is mounted and has a unique script explaining the image and/or event. The graphics aze black and white, colour and seppia-tone. Sizes range from 5" x 7" up to 20" x 36" and every size in between, and contain action, posted, portrait shots as well as sketches, drawings and commercial use of the players/teams. There aze many images that are autographed as well as personalized to Brian McFazlane. The raiity and uniqueness of these photos can only be documented by Brian himself, as he has perspnally collected over the years through his journeys in hockey. Several photos are from players' own collections, families, vaiious archives, the Hockey Mall of Fame and of course Brian s own collection. With well over 700 images mounted, scripted and documented, the photo collection covers eazly:hockey, the National Hockey League, Lord Stanley of Preston, women s hockey, great goalies and their masks. Also covered are the greats of the game: Howe, Hull, Orr, Sittler, Richard, Lindsay, Schmidt, Gretzky to name a few, owners, arenas, Zambonis, hockey in the movies, broadcasters, great moments and of course Brian's own story to name a few of the themes. Many of the images are original, one-of-a-kind images never seen before other than in Brian McFazlane's publications. The graphics have been cazefully mounted on archival foam core by a company out of Northern Toronto called ProFrame Design Concepts Inc. The images that are not mounted on foam core are azchivally preserved in a non glare glass, wooden/steel frame. .There are a few images that aze wrapped in clear plastic to protect the image. In all cases, the images are well preserved, and often meet museum standards. Based on the above information, a value for these graphics aze as follows: 600 images various sizes/styles @ $50.00 each 600 images mounted/scripted ®$10.00 each 50 approx framed (originals) ®$100.00 each 50 approx autographed, personalized ®$100.00 each rarity, uniqueness of each photo Total $30,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $10;000.00 $56,000.00 Hockey skates The collection of skates date back to the early days of hockey which include a pair of Starr skates in the original box. The majority of the skate collection are. early skates without the boot. Doug F'avell and Garth Boesch skates highlight the players skates. Old skates (24 pair, i odd) ®$100.00 each pair $2,450.00 Garth Boesch skates (40's -50's) $ 250.00 Doug Favells' skates $ 250.00 Starr skates in box $1,000.00 Total $3,950.00 Gloves and Pads The collection of hockey, gloves, goalie pads, shin pads, shoulder pads is not as extensive as the hockey tick collection, however it does cover a good period of hockey history. The coll ction is a mix of game used NHL equipment along with traditional hockey equipment. 3 pair of hockey gloves vazious eras 0 $100.00 each $ 300.00 2 pair NHL used gloves 0250.00 each $ 500.00 9 pair goalie gloves various eras 0250.00 each $2,250.00 1 pair NHL; used goalie gloves 0 $1,000.00 each $1,000.00 2 pair NHL used goalie pads 0$1,500.00 each $3,000.00 1 pair goaliie pads (small) $ 200.00 varioussh3n pads (1 odd one) $ 500.00 1 pair NHL used goalie shoulder pads/arm pads $ 500.00 1 pair shoulder pads (kids) $ 100.00 1 chest protector (Kenesky) $ 100.00 1 hockey pants (Women's worlds) $ 250.00 Total $8,00.00 Artifacts Through the contacts Brian McFarlane has gathered over the years, he has been able to compile quite a list of artifacts. Several aze unique and aze often sought after by vazious archives and Museums throughout Cananda. Ranging from skates, jerseys, player equipment, goalie equipment, helmets, goalie masks, hockey sticks, pucks etc. Brian has compiled quite an impressive list of artifacts. However if, these artifacts need to be prepared and stored or displayed in an azchival manner, they znay deteriorate over time.. Proper lighting, display pieces etc. should be used to preserved these unique artifacts. A consideration should be to have them displayed in a permanent museum. Hockey sticks With close to 60 hockey sticks in his collection, Brian has been able to document the history of the hockey and goalie stick. His prize possessions include a 1902 Stanley Cup stick, an autographed Terry Sawchuk goalie stick, and a Dennis Hull stick from the far~-ous Canada/Russia 72 series. Also in his collection are several sticks from the Bill Galloway/Hockey Hall of Fame collection. 47 hockey sticks various yeazs ~ $50.00 each $2,350.00 10 autographed vazious names ~ $250.00 each $2,500.00 Terry Sawchuk autographed sticks (Red Wings) $3,000.00 1902 Goalie stick (Stanley Cup, Billy Nicolson) $1,500.00 Dennis Hull 1472 Canada Russia stick $1,000.00 Total $10,350.00 1t, Helmets and masks Unique masks and hockey helmets tell the story of the evolution of the headgear. Featured is an old hand made mask from 1929-30, also included a several replicas of NHL goaltendiers masks. 8 goalie masks (replicas, hand painted) C~ $250.00 $2,000.00 1929-30 hand made mask (rare) used $1,000.00 NHL game used hockey helmet $250.00 Hockey helmet $ 50.00 Total $3,300.00 jerseys, Jackets, etc. The Brian McFarlane collection of jerseys and jackets consists of 27 hockey jerseys and 3 hockey related jackets. Each jersey/jacket tells a story which Brian has scripted himself. There aze many jerseys from the Bill Galloway/HHOF collection. Featured is a Toronto Toros (WHA) initial jersey, a New York Islander (sandow) Mike Bossy jersey as well as a traditional Hockey Night in Canada powder blue jacket. . 2 hockey jackets women's/meri s Q100.00 each $ 200.00 Hockey Night in Canada jacket $ 500.00 Toronto Toros (initial jersey #27) $1,000.00 RCAF Flyers jersey (late 1940's) amateur) $ 500.00 Mike Bossy; game ready jersey (sandow make) $1,000.00 McFazlane's Oldtimers jersey $ ~0•~ Team Canada jersey (Keller) $ 250.00 Bykoy (Russia club team jersey) . , $ 250.00 Winnipeg Jets (Steen) jersey $250.00 20 various jerseys (styles, names etc.) Q $100.00 each $2,000.00 Total $6,200;00 Hockey Pucks With just over two dozen pucks, you cannot consider this collection an extensive one, however the collection does contain some rare and obscure pucks; Wayne Gretzky autographed puck $ 100.00 3 WHA pucks (raze) ®250.00 $ 750.00 NHIC clear puck $ 100.00 Chicago Blackhawk puck (old logo) $ 250.00 20 various pucks ~ 20.00 $ 400.00 broken puck N/A Total $1,600.00 Publications, Magazines, etc. The Brian McFazlane library consists of a who's who of hockey publications. The books range fromhard-cover/soft-cover and fiction/non-fiction. The publications aze not just limited to the National Hockey League. Being an author, Brian McFaz1anR has had access to various books and magazines that the public do not get to read (books that were submitted but never printed), which increases the strength of his collection. The collection consists of early books as well as statistical books as well as biographies (both authgrized and unauthorized) covering hockey from various authors and publishers from around the world. Brian's books are often first printing, and in some cases autographed by the author or subject. Hockey Book collection 35 books ~ $10.00 each $ 350.00 Commemorative issues $ 250.00 Scotiabank hockey news (rare) vaiious copies $1 ,000.00 Inaugural issues $ 250.00 Media Guides/ yearbooks . $ 500.00 Unique game programs various levels $ 00 50,0. ` Total $2,850.00 Artwork There are 19 pieces of hockey art on display within the Museum. They range hom originals, to lithos and cover hockey at all levels. Hockey art consists of colorized images, drawings, advertisements and some limited hockey cards. The majority of the art is framed and matted, and often autographed. Hockey art (19 pieces) (~3 250.00 $4,750.00 Originals/raze $2,500.00 ~ Total $7,250.00 Hockey collectibles Brian McFarlane has gathered some unique and rare hockey cards, match box covers, hockey cutouts, etc. over the yeazs. Although they are not a lot in quantity, they are a valuable addition to the collection. Hockey cards (various) $ 300.00 Ice Kings. (16) various $200.00 each $3,200.00 1930's cards (4} various $150.00 each $ 600.00 Match box covers (5 in total) $25.00 each $ 125.00 Cut outs ' ~ $ 200.00 Total $4,425.00 Table top hockey games Over the years, table top hockey games have been very popular with Canadian children, the games date back to the 1940's. The earliest game is in very good shape. Gotham game 1940's $ 750.00 Munro game 1950's $ 250.00 2 modern table top/board games Q $50.00 each $ 100.00 Total $i,1bP00 Peter Puck Collection Peter Puck is as recognizable to a hockey fan as a hockey stick. Although Peter Puck is currently not on television he is an important part of the game in Canada, almost a cultural icon. Various collectibles were made over the years of Peter Puck. Ie: Plastic Puck, dolls, clock, signage. Peter Puck memorabilia Total Mist $2,000.00 $2,000.00 As in all collections and'museum archives, there aze several dozen items that make the collection what it is. These items consist of hockey seats from arenas, crests, dolls, nit-Hats, mini trophies, turnstiles, banners, signage etc. Signage(autographed) Banners/pennants Turnstiles (reported to be from Maple Leaf Gardens 8 seats from Maple Leaf Gardens C~ 250.00 each dasher board from azena crests, logos, etc. misc. $ 500.00 $ 100.00 $1,500.00 $2,000.00 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ 500.00 Total $5,100.00 ~~~ Conclusion The Brian McFarlane Arluseum offers a unique overview of the game of hockey. It covers all levels from the grass roots all the way to International hockey and everything in between. The museum offers the fan (guest) a great walk through of the game of hockey.. Listed below is a summary of an appraisal for the memorabilia: Photographs $56,000.00 Hockey nicks $10,350.00 Hockey skates $ 3,950.00 Gloves and pads $ .8,700.00 Helmets and Masks $ 3,300.00 Jerseys, Jackets, etc $ 6,200.00 Hockey pucks $ 1,600.00 Publications, magazines, etc $ 2,850.00 Artwork Hocke colle tibl $ 7,250.00 y c es $ 4,425.00 Table Top Hockey $ 1,100.00 Peter Pucl~ memorabilia $ 2,000.00 Misc. $ 5,100.00 Total $112,825.00 Y ~~ h .+ Appraisal This document was completed by the Hockey Hall of Fame's Resource Centre. Information gathered has been researched and compiled through the various collectors and memorabilia shops within North America. Craig Campbell and Plip Pritchard spent a day on December 1,1998 at Brian McFazlane's Museum i Niagara Falls, Ontario reviewing each and every piece of memorabilia within a museum. Between the two of them they have 18 years combined experience working within the museum world, dealing with artifacts dealers, collectors, appraisers etc. Also they have both been collectors themselves bringing over 40 years experience within the sports especially hockey mazket. To the best of their knov~ledge and ability the above appraisal is precise and accurate. However, in a~l appraisal situations, the price is always an approximation, as the mjemorabilia mazket is a very fast paced changing market. Enclosed aze copies of vazious collections, etc. that are currently Eor sale, that give a rough idea of prices within today's market. 1 i '~~_:; _ ~ ~ f ~v~u-L C,U ul~f'~1... ~ 1 -~ POSTSCRIPT TO APPRAISAL Several years have passed since the Hockey Hall of Fame made an appraisal of the Brian McFarlane Hockey Museum in Niagara Falls. Since then there have been additions to the Museum in the form of photos and artifacts, making the overall value of the Museum considerably more than the Hall of Fame apprai~ai. Also, when the Hall of Fame appraisal was made, there was no evaluation included on miscellaneous items such as wall boards, Hanna, designed fixtures, display cases, track lighting etc. which should be taken into account '~~ 66-BBBL Melneid uoseag - frwN Ae~lonH 841 ~ lL ~ .Tit i ~~ 85i53~ ~ ~ k' ,°.k'~,^. gg8 9,K'8 ~~^. ii:i ~i ~ i i i ~ ;iii-. ~ ~ ~:: is?ii 'iE .i?: ~.~~~ .:: ~ ~ Y $ 'd s z8< 1 xi~<i ~ o ° 70 q° ~~::: ~~y ~,8 s ~~ ~ ~;:::: ~~ ~$: ~~ ~ ... ~4 ! .. ! `@~ ~e ~.~tl ~~aBAf~~~r-rim ~ '~~ _.~ ~ ~S .~~~ ~~ ..: ~8_~. •~ •~ a ~~ A ti~ ti F ~ ~ ~ .~ ~~, ~': ~' ~' <~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~j ~ 1= ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~6aaf. ~~~ ~~ ^~ ..........~ .e ~-:'R~'~ `~:; ~~ ~ ~;t# ~~~ ~~ .. .... ..[~'e ~S: ;~~~ ~ ~~ r .~ ~~~~ 3 . ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~g~ 1 ~ ~~ ~' ~a ~ ~~~. .v a_ ~~ `~. §~ 7i8 ~~ *; ~ .~~... .. ~ ;:iiiiii " iiiiiifiE~i>ii.'[i'ifiii~i!:i:;:i ! b_ ~ .~~a:.~. ~~^ ~°P1_:1C..~~.tz_..i"~`~~3~'.si~~~_5~~+<E ~lie~ _,R'.~.5 ~..a.t-1~_: . f ~~~ ~~, 6 `s.~~ _~ ~ ~~ ~r :~ ~_~ sC ~~~ i. ^ ~~_, ~~ ~, 1 ~n~ 1 1 1 1417 ON 1117-11 ar Twt n eeRnbb bm Ieb aM ~ unary hm M NH Taa mamm. nel eeaaa alp 1labrd ih Ina ben rm bllabw 1610MI Rlerln ar Ma• nl u I91.ela a IIR44 ngbrAaba1T0tl1. m eMe N pr pree7ap r, a b Raeblh M IIM I710nblRapnIWI/. lab glNq , 'pain hanbtana7 u1MM Im•N aRarw. 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NYw Nwlj.-41Yn14 as Yaw•4NrIRalNaa 1i~r •••••••••••••••1r .:.Jrr awrr ............. reael.NNM ..................J1a r1.Oabc Mp -a. MrNNnI......'r Yr.annwRRarRrwN.........Aa ar.aa-ao.altlr Yllliaw•R~ a~a~Ya Nrwi.a.rNOnNIRnA ........ JIO ...Jr ~~.wRrwn'Ill........an an loilYar .....................:.as Rlrlaw-Rirlltlr...... _...na Jblrar-au 4nlb~eRl rar.aWwa.ryNyN yaNr.a.rRw.Ir......Jlf w1Y1r.NMrr.r ..............jla •... ...m rRe ............. ........... ......JR anr.0Y 111Llrny...............As ~..J• w1111r~a.IN R/Ir1.CaM•.. Ale iwalr.la~laaNIMnYR.R `r~~~aeN111waLL..... JJ~ 1 1 . aalrw .... ............... .._..q raRwaaaa.r~r.r......a a.lar.rMrli .........:Ab ar l.Ar MI~1•N1~, Rnl allYw.:.. t110 M161M1101Lq 1181 YwY1s.aYwYrl. .........Aa e~`aYiNwwilw wawe-nI1i.N~M,rswwa..An - r4r.waewrr .............Aa liwa ...Ar Ireaw•fnl.Areaanr.rlr biwrarwrJl,arR rlrR•n.Nrar .............Aa Ir ar . .......... nr.alealr .......... rR _Ar ..............>A w4iaw14NaWa:M1YW ...JA Irlww-a.wrtlar.........Jr YIYIa- bN R18rA......An Arlar•tl.Oar ...............Aa NIwTOa Nw{p{AYK.. All LNr.rRwlrieailr...... Ail Irl ..)r rlela,tl awrnlaA r1= •NrarlrNlr .....M Iaw .Jr a4lntMt w... NIa.1R ..................A ...... N. -s ~ wYr.a Ywit¢ii:iL ......lr r~a•RYliwas ................i ~yJ :' ..Jr nw.lelse. . s elr alwrNr...........a ~t: ii:ilb_ rrr m...iaari ... Irr-rNrrr. .Ae neaasw rAwn rlr-rarrr ' ..Ar rrwl1ayi1l,~r lneanwnl...AS w ~ .Ir+...lrr ':i rw ..: .N :.nr rrrrbaaap lrr....r rlr.l.e.wr .s 1~w, rap erllxe rarwlr ~ ~Narrnr .....~~aa .slr rawl~n Ra.aeln ....An rrarw•-awrwr. ~ .p Rrlil:e°wrn~u~r.fr.~::":l6Y _ Ar '..,r aallluelo lTxM ....r rr.IRewrewer 1R IYir'Yw f J leRw IYaI... Cr r Nw41r.11.N lww NI41Y. nap ::::.:::::::::::::Ji waTI rri'..°'..^..^...:::Tr~ J~ N SPIVACI{&KRAUT,IlVC. ~ Iv N. HyeAraaR~%IM. Neanoan PA 18910 I Tel: (215) 579-8895 __ Fax: (215)579.4047 ... r .• ..11...-.-. ..... ,1 _ a ' • 7935 • 36 AMALGAMA7E0 PRESS CHAMPION MAGAZINE 15 ^ p Ead RxM.00. RC IO0.0D I5. 200 W ^ p 60 Bab Oraeel0. Ba. RC tOD.00 1 100.00 ^ Ola Helen, NYR Namb lama NYA 15 ^81 HK IOaa.Od. 100.00 1500 200.00 ^ , LJawlAldunm 8a 15. ^ b CaoleY WeaM, OIL, RC 280.00 778.00 15000 ^ . WaNer(Redl Jadson NYA ~. ^61 Fad lBunlCrolt NYR•RC 175.00 705.00 750.00 ^ , RoBer Jaaka Chi: ^ 67 Jain RmM (G), DN 190.00 28000 775.00 ^ , Aw6bJdat Mel 15. ^ BB Muay Madodt NYR. 100.00 150.00 700.00 ^ BIaA BAeMKe~ Keeeng CN SD.00 1500 p p DaeryCOa, CYL, R.C., LC 100.00 15000 200.00 ^ , . YAOam Kergary Cld ^ 70 Dute Roche, HtlJd.RC, LC 10000 150.00.. 700,00 ^ , Lloyd pall NYA 15.00 ^ 71 Lome Ch~ol (G), Mtl. 700.00 700.00. 100,00 ^ . Joe ^m0. Boa 1500 ^72 Syd NOwe, 011., RC 700.00 700.00. .600-00 ^ . WAbrlarad 15.00 e 1837.31ICE KMILS PAEAINM 71e klMapthaM ae raNn a8as ban he ke Nige "rgppala. cadsltarx9• Fax. Bbl! and wlda; Name Bak 81at MpkC Nara lpdrrlpBtla Yell6 eagle 1780.00 2100.8D 7500.W ~ ~ VB Ei ETIIMIR ^..1 Fltlnde 0011g(CWry, ia. BOD.00 -900.OA 1200.00 ^ Y HgDy, Ta. 1300 185.08 258.80 ,..^3 AuelhJafeL Mtl.C 588.00 7500 1.000.00 ^ 1 Howls Moml¢, AM.C 1,30.08 1,558.00 250000 ^ 5 NSNNOA GIL 180.08 158.00 200.00 ^8 1hdeY8mMA ARN 13-08 185.00 25.08 1133 -~ DULMOND MATCH SILVER SERFS TMe iN hoe Im 8 aAwr 6itll wtlA Amen ant bhat ppu nnrwg wwtedy on tr M ddeal tle 0owr. The Ood ooar hFt a PhWe plwweN xill M bed giukg M phyMe mlap. The bad alN b hhEll mpaed arosh«1lnrutrr Feat BMHcrewBtlh MNvedouaepaka bads Nam; TahIN Ppue ~ Bhet ~ on ~ shldetl ~Y tram antlddl cad tMa ~ OlAllf)ND WTCH C0. NY.C DaaFMMSellae^ak tao5ro 1,80D..002,000Op GeewdnPhyr. 1500 12-00 30.00 ^ Oaaa Abel CH 15-00 2200 EK*~ ~ ^ Nay Bary, Bot ^ 20.OD 30.00 JafA Bp W, Boe. ^ Fad Barger, NYR 1500 300 2200 8 00 3om 5 ^ Daq 9aaen. NYR 15.00 . 12.00 .00 300P ^O ~~ ~ 15.00 72,05 50.00 ^ kWNBuAe,Ml. 15.00 15.00 II00 22a0 30-00 30 60 GrryCasat ML 1500 22-00 . 3000 lameChaba (GI. Mtl. 2500 8.00 5.80 Ad Chtp^p. Boa 16.00 22-00 30-00 Otl CLPtla•Baa 30.00 ISOD 60.00 Lund CaladeA CN 3.50 66-05 55.00 H m• NYA 15.00 2205 70.05 ®CaoL NYNY 30.00 AS.W fi0.00' Fnd@alCaak NYR ZS00 35.05 . W.W T~CaK~. 15.05 22-00 . 30.00 Caaae. QY. . BOb q•ia Baa ISg6 2200 30 65 ~~e•~ Dda DuOaath NYA 15.00 2200 . 30.00. , Red OMht NVA 15.00 300 22.00 8.00 36.00 50.00 JdanyGagmn AM. 15-00 21.00 10.00 ~*G~IGI,cN. 3000 a00 sole .laln Ga6afp, CH. ~~ ~ 15:00 2200 30.00 . . Lbyd Groa, NYA 1500 15.00 21.00 2200 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ 30.00 30.00 ~~. ^ ^ ^ ^ e. Md PtllBpne, AM. ^ Jad LesvaA. CN. ^ Caaoa Mantle, MB. ^ syMiu Mada, w. ^ M~ NYA ^ CNMyMcVeigh NYA ^ Monie Naraa, -M. ^ John NUaylAadoM, NYR ^ Glage PaBaaaI,NYA ^ lhl l'batla, NYA ^ Yd R'pey, BaB - ^ llx Ramp, CN. ~ ~ ^ Ed Sa SlBoa, ^ MBamen, NYR ^ CMe SOe2ae, NYA o IMhsbwal.ep ^ ranlwroeanw7.Ba. ^ talh Tned, L71L ^ tl Rq Wmq IGI. NYA 15.00 15.00 15.00 20.OD 300 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.OD ISAp 3.00 1500 15.00 15.00 1500 1500 100.00 15-00 15ao 30.50 3000 1550 30.00 z1o0 30.00 ^ AmIaIdNaMw.Mtl. 65BO esao 1ao 66 72.00 35.00 3000 50 00 ^ ^ PaulReprlor10, M0. 3.00 85.00 . 100.00 . ^ Jad Relay, MK Ruse BiloA MI. N 8500 65 00 85.OD 8 100.00 72.00 30.00 O . wlbenGtltMtlM. . eo.ae 5.00 IDOOO 100.00 1300 750D 72.00 100.00 JO W ^ 0 !Iola Caedr. ML M. A 185.00 235.00 285.00 72.00 . 30.00 ^ gCamNlfJl, Mtl. M. Sbrxl Evora NS N II5.00 115.00 17500 72.00 30.00 ^ , . DIMIGabel lM. N. B50p 800 8500 8 00 100.00 65.E . 3A0 100.00 100.00 72.00 22.00 30.OD 30 00 ^ ^ Ga 1MdN,Mtlk ~~ 8500 10000 . MtlyNallae, NL N. Erle Robkean Mtl N 80.00 85 00 100.00 13.00 30.00 35 00 10.00 p , . . . 1f~ BS00 ISO.Op 10000 185.00 . 22.00 5000 3000 ^ ^ ~ ~~M 6500 100,00 21.00 3000 JBaayWeN,Al M. 7 w18l ArM BSAO 86.00. 100.00 22.00 30.00 ^ ~ ~ 1500 21~0.0~0 1300 31500 12 00 500.00 ^ FadlBlml Cook NYlf. If500 15.00 1 . . ..8.00 30.00 5000 ^ - ^ henlCNllp(JOheakNYR: .116,08 150-00 ~ iBS00'. •2200 30.00 ^ Gel Kar(GK N59L FlrlohpCilp(CWq, Ta. 90.OD 366 00 11500 ISp Op 110.00 72-00 7600 30-00 ^ ChrBeCatlrlel Ta. . 3300 . 118-00 50.00 500JB 2200 3D.00 30 00 ^ 0 Rtl llon*, 7a. H I1S00 15,00 I75.Op . ^ weyJedmak Ta. ISD.OD 160.00 713.80 150110 30.00 - 'Me Flklee4 Ta. t6i00 21080 30-00 22-00 30-00 5 1 00 ~ 19~ d A PATTAEIOUER LTD ~ 0D A0A0 SPORTING EVENTS . AND STARS 12.00 30.00 15.00 BOAO m 00 00 W 1934.355WEETCAPORALPHOTO ~~ =w.= y s?i--~_ _:__ ts` C~jy~ mss: Ti::_ ~z ex: •'--' ~4:~ Tha pholp wlaileahhtle NOledd Faun gala rc A p ppe phdo W hatred h 8e 11arM Beme progame ol0e C d Mamde aa pa end tle Pleb Sia:87Arx9IM• itp: Fapaalar Bash BkNk an wltlpwtl clack; Naas Reealle FnMI T l , . n ImpMp: MPE70AL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA IMBED Camplae SN (N ubp: 1,2W.00 , 5,500-00 SSW.00 ^ E Slide Boa . ^ Babe Sieben. Bp 13.00 i35.OD Sp.00 13.00 600.00 200 00 ^ Nth Sbwal. Boa ^ i 28.00 250.00 . 35000 ary Thonpaon (G1. Boa 15.00 190.00 23 OD ^ lame Chabd (G),CH. 90.00 110.00 . 18 00 ^ Mali March, Chi. ^ N 'MI.00 IOD.00 . 13-00 awie Morpx, CN. 53.00 675.00 900 00 ^ IalryAune.Da. ^ EOMe Goadetlow Del BD.OD IOD.00 . 1300 , . ^ Habb Lewb, Da. 11500 BS Op I/S.OD 8500 175.00 ^ Ragh YNAae, 0e1. . 13500 18.00 10000 200 OD ^ Gelry Gmon Ena IJerryl, MI. 85.09 95.00 . 100 00 ^ Nell Cnnodnk. Mtl. 85.00 85.00 . 100 00 ^ YAI Curie l(7,, aryl. 80.00 IOp.00 . 1300 ^ RagaJedke. Mp_ ^ A 85.00 8.00 100.00 a6b Jafia. Mtl. ^ 38.00 150.00 550.00 Jae Lamb. Mtl. ^ WAblle~k.Ma.. ErmlYrlo( 85.00 85 00 85.00 85 00 10000 10 ^ Pd L6pe. Mtl. ^ . 95-09 . BS.Oq 0.00 IOp.00 i Geagp ManNa. Mx. ^ 65,00 8500 100.00 SyMb Mama. MY. ^ 115.00 11500 17500 Jad McGB. MN 65.00 95.00 100.00 I iNa 88ar0 ad 6eMmp aOyMOhoday alda CN SIa:2'x3•. fM; Bhdt Intlaldle plwAO, edMeherdal TMe Bpk Ned anaWelaNpoa; Her, Natdr, Reawae Yr4lklb SENOR BERYICE, JUNOIt YEYBEp, OJ,NGWORTN ^ ~ ~ YB F>t 87•NRNT ^B8 GA..bhwn klelldlpla 10.00 20.00 NIBO 1935 TONONTO CONVENTION AND TOURIST ASSOCIATION Cad Mp:3 V1'r53q' Flea CefaudtM pdp, rddhbpdN, and tbek Bale Po1ktM MrereL knpdnh Taaao Caaenlq aMTowrW Ater Ne. Tpm YB EX EX~IRAR ^8 Mepe Lent HadayCp6 Amp, 12.50 3.00 50.00 Taap,Oaah, 1935 - 39 AMALGAMATED PRESS CHAMPION MAGAZINE lhpa Irer+rda was quid pgah h e magomle poliahed h GnwA Bdhbl ae dseBMed in Cando dulbg 1995 old 1938 P k poudm wwp araMW lion 8emegedrp. . a per a xa8a PptadSga'xl' Fees: Beet Pollard beds knglne Nap .. Gmpehsh(iopo,~p, 1,lobo9 I,6so.ao 2200m ~r 1 ~ YD ea ^ +~rearv 1 FX EX•NRMf . . s.ao ^ famslpn9lCWry, Ta.~ 300.80 11500 150.OD 15.00 80000 ^ Chaae Cplailer, Ta. 23-00 310.00 /50 00 ^ Frcd !gaol Cod, NYA. I30D IBS.OD . 250 00 7 BB [ook.~M'R. 1500 7 Aureb Ja6Y ~11 ~ 23.00 . 700.00 . . 25.00 7 Reg Ketly. Ta. 7500 775.80 500.00 7 Mush Malt Chi. .75.00 11500 11500 ISO.OD 150 00 7 Sweeney SrAder, NYA. 1300 78500 . 250 00 7- .-NOd4T.,SmBh. Mtl - 13.00 1800 . 750.00 •t6 7HE CHARLTON STANDARD CATALOGUE OF HOCKEY CARDS 1935.36 AMALGATED PRESS TRIUMPH MAGALNE Tlwu Destaltld were hauad as hrerh b a nrgarale pAAShea bG 8r6ein all adraulN b Cana daalg 1935 ane 1 936. Pier slur; DoVdrs was avrhNe ham IAp magedlr. Petard Slu: /' a 6' Faw: Sella Back Pmkad mdl wPda: Nar CanpkleSa ltO pubarug 100.00 110QW 1,6W.~ Phya VO Ek Ell•NRI ^ LbnN Candor, Ma 2Wm 3W.W .100.1 ^ Iwves'Jadral.Ta. fWW 225m 3W.1 ^ Inn (Oily) JdaNal, NYR 125.00 I15W 200.1 ^ Mtdk Lars, Det 75m 115,00 150.t ^ SyNio AlalNS lla 100.W 150.00 209.E ^ Nidl IAeLt Ta. 75m 115.00 150.0 ^ BddyNaOAVIL IM.M . _..mLO 115.00 150.0 ^ Ed3e Shoe. Boa 300:00- 150.00 600.0 ^ Pall ilnnleat LTIL 75m 115.W 150.0 ^ h7 Walla (GI, NYA 125m 13.00 2W.OU 1935.49 CANADA S7ARCN CROWN BRAND Ww h arroea M h Bw Nire V am1oM1 Ca W e 9hM rs pmpp hs aclaa The? can joMd h swiea redmpaal tp4m Pm. Tha 1935.38 0•PEE•CHEE SERIES'C" iNt eerhs ehowa h phyaYeeumalla n hwap MaW admeym mry na ahaw the hl5tl al8r phyla ill Iwro. ACC Nu Y701C . Cab SOa:33AP k 27M faC1: Bluh nd rNh edam Gdllrand, Pen, man9a, ydloyr, phi, 6adtduN Nora Beek BhdcnaNehdS Nana, Raeune,Bprllld Hon N11>A Utdak 1,700.08 2AWm 3100.81 ^ T3 1rif21de~,NO.C,RC 100.10 11Nm 78810 ^TI JaeA6kOR611,C,RC TO.W 100.W 110.8p 0 71 Rua B6lte,ItN, RC m00 iWm 11511 ^ m Hoohy Snah.6BA1 110.00 210m 27500 ^ 71 Halbd CtAn, 61W,RC 60.OD 13510 17501 ^ TI Liu Nalu,ly3/, RC lOm 100.00 110.00 ^ 79 Lym htrkk NYR, RC mOm 3W.W IWAp ^ W JaNery Bdleel0,0A 80m 135m 17508. ^ 81 NayBary, IIaL ISO.W 225W 300.a1'.. ^B2 syldh7arNr,Mlc 11aW 2rom 2mm~. ^ p Bp Nalea Ta,i1C 70.W 100.00 IIOAO~.. ^ N NkA Netr•Ta, RC W10 NSW 176m~ ^ 3 Bi Thane Ta. BOm 1SSm 175.W ^ es NeelOru,l3et mm tmW 1p~'~ ^ I7 Oa9 KNry, im, RC 7aW 1Wm IIOm ^ a AnNYAfon,ra,pC mm IWm IIOm ^ p us~ae, Ig111.RC ro.W II0.08 IIQW ^ 9D Baced,T«. ro.W IW.W Ia.W ^ H JanPmlaNtl.C,RC rom 181.11 110.W ^ W Ro-rAeliRBaaRC,Tm0logrry 1O.W Isom IIaW ^ N MColaa,Cp, RC iSO.OD 125.W WO.W 0 N MClrpmn, NYA 90.W 13.W 175.W ^95 PeulHaynm, N0.C 70.W IWm 710.W ^ % Lary CaswolBly, AIp.C,flC 90.ID 175W 2W.W p5abs awes by Cart Swill w a Ru a Rke CroPV sd hen h ITae sa3aaa Abriea Plrb 1he:1 ill a 7YM PhyaPAaba wBh hrt6Y/'a13N• Tea Mlaa: ! fAt• a 1Y1' rw. Pllam »pl aae 1o w• a /17r Awr.73N'a6', wi11 me013N'a11A' Fuc BWilndwdllhnaaph; F•aWa1a auhPapll Number, Wdl- h PmmAaw redtemehh wAh Ipmf Npumhaea. Barb 8wr nPh: Non ComPhh 9a lNphawr 2,70DAa 1.700.08 ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ Nor iW Alaoae 1737.37 W.W 7S 00 a W AbroMI W Candae 193837 a.W 75m ^ 51 8eldyNOalaa. Alll.3k - 3808 6000 ^52 [Ins Tmlw, pl. a. 2500 50.08 O 53 Rune BOnm, W. M. 25m W10 ^ N fuufe ROhhmn, N. N. 2580 50.00 ^55 Bob Grade, AI0.IA 25m Wm ^56 Gm AWgr, Ma ll 25m 50.80 ^ 57 HoaN 61ar4 Aa. M HSW 727.80 ^51 Johmy CrQm. N. M. 25.00 Wm ^ 59 WNCude(GI,MI.M. 3550 WW 06' ~gea AWdr. Aa. N. 25.W Wm Ilepre, Ml. M. 25.00 Wm ^62 NaryBary,pt gO0 y~ ~ 75.08 50.08 ^ N Dee 6aa rol 3566 ~ lo ^85 Rq Walhrlq a.W . B0.W ^ N An Bdsy, Ta 60.80 imm ^ 67 MLeaha m,00 5~ ^ N FwiBdAlr.NYR. a.W 75W ^/e Aleny sell, (8A 25m 58.08 ^ m Ahs lwiohy 2560 50.00 ^71 Tro NapltLd iemdTelrr 1W.W 3W.W Leraque'a Pewee NairyChb' ^ 72 ~N~ 'e iW.W 3W.W ^ m 11r •Caladirl'hrnd FelMr 150.W 3W.W letewa'e Peewee IladleY Cell' ^77 Shoran Evan, M1. N. 25W W.W~ ^ ]B Nw6nlCah 39m W.W ^ ro call Von, Aa. M. 10m 75W ^ W RagerJeNir 2SW W.W OBI Jed Ak[>a 25.W SO.W ^N NudlAlerdl 31.W WW ^ 106 IAonYSlMaoaa 193738 W.W IW.W ^ 107 Alarey l.a Can0en 193736 5pm 7W.W ^ 106 in84Ae WW /m.W ^ 109 Jahn Oniele W.W W.W ^ 110 Babe SiB6a1 SOm 1 W.W ^ IIt FmmslNyglCwny JSO.W 7WW ^ 112 Aalb Jolhl.Emr IIS.W 225.W ^ I I7 Wel Buswa 30.W 60.W ^ III BN MarAenh 30.W W.W ^ ^ IIS PA Leper ~ WW BOW ^ ^ 116 flea Cwupee 30.W W.W ^ ^ 117 RoA LOrtabe JO.W W.OO ^ ^ tIA PoNy Droun DI.W 60.W. ^ ^ 119 GY WewM,oM ^ 121 N Shidu ^ 121 ,hny weld ^ 122 BrBerond9elGl ^ 123 Gerry Sharrn ^ IN Du SmBs ^ 125 AmwlA Alaldou ^ 151 AbmeN Les Canadar 193&39 ^ 152 FNrhrl Can ^ 153 Bah Grads ^ iN Jhny Wald ^ 1$ 5wm Even ^ 156 las innW ^ 152 gwwwaa ^ 195 Iluy Gary ^ 196 EaA flobhrall ^ IW RgGAa1e 0191 CArw Stele ^ 191 Gatla BaaPaIGI . ^ m0 Daugha Yaug- , ^ 201 A1aa8el W Caredar 19~b ^ 113.3T-1allda Nroon ^ 103-36AIaa/Y Caladwr ^ 193CaladallClPApio Tqm 33 31a by 30p bm mm bqp 307 38p 30p 3500 611 IOW 3.01 3Ap rom 300 70.3 301 1938 REEMSTMA OLYMPIC ISSUE opollvxAN Cad &m2aN•a11p' Pas ehdl tad rHh, rho bade Bads Bhdl ar rph, Bunn ra wphlt lreMn aMlaeMhVabaapusp . Na 8an Sli R 03 TlanGma NOeh 28.00 W10 ^ 32 DSA ra Crmlary 5000 100.00 ^ 3 GmW Jenedle 2500 5B.OD ^ 3B rglwmr 25W ypOp 1538.37 0•PEE~IIEE SERIES'D' SrymNdawdnend Thande nhhdl nAxNh Mladaeh4/ Pm h i M ~ ~ w ~ a aallslr h m d lhh h o na m~ w lAble .l l. betaua haltl6 ae vtry dIBdA b id urpopped. ACC Na: v3olB , crd6hc23mar Faor.Oh Lbt, Beek and Ntlla Mae BM:BleehnMhmld aboh; Numba, RaumA BNnprl hgrAa par CaepW SNl3B wrsk 7,m0A0 9,WA00 ILl06M lie Paym YB a fa1n7 ^ n Tel Bmu(01, Ta, RC aoll a6m 11m1M 0 M SrenryBoMna, NYA RC I05m 771.W ~ 99 Jai$H, Ta,. IC, LC IIOW 157.W SOID IW BnbOarhaoll,im,RC IW.W m0.01 7316 101 Syl Apps, Br,ia,flC 1tSm 510.10 171/ 102 I1aWCarodw,OAI.N 325.W /3A0 HI0/ IW Jaany Fewhr,Ta,flC 110.W 1RA ~ 1N Aln OhmeY, NYA, Rq1 11010 18m ~ 103 Nel Casale, NYR p0. i 27Sm 71b.OD SNM 101 Pell psoge, NO,p, p0. 110.W 17aW ~ iW NNe praerlOA CN. RC iS0.W male ~ 100 JoInCWapllr. NYA RCI 110.W 13510 ~ 103 A1e<ShE~y NYR flC ', 110.W 133A1 ~ IIO McAeA Cab; NI.M - 1W.W 2W.W , 111 BO LIarAenae, Ma.C 110.W 155W ~' Itt Hal Japean, 0.N., RC. LC f10.W IQm 701M 113 Art wrhe.CN.RC. FnlY/eite) 110.W 175.W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ .../' . - - cpect Stars to hide brightly again in'regular, `season Avalrtbe w de m P.uick Ltirrc. a Jun McKernm, taa Bmd (9e kR ltorieY _D; Slave Semb3.5Q ices n RR~. rl~a Colouaa ns trier MMte brl N tlr wa. Hse... elphlbktlcel Lw; Rednt olrarn, D. Rq depr- winder Pd lcariya vrlm . Iuamtd wmdie. o. R.Y. degt'paa J.m atda, i1. wilt lash a lue iJ weuen wY. Miurl shwaltoY, c: drnu re1.tl .hd louring rnmt of hu r•+ Pabiek, D; oelevi naeY. Lw; Riek taw m9' love ahwded bm Cwtaeere eloa Yowd. RW. OQ•eerla dnekp~ wi16 µw•eoecmia sywdlameT Tahread. O. - OQ-•sIw derellp r /hoold be tle Ismn 76a MWINn Mphty Duda -' mwl Piere Ga.tlJv mooned r ear CaIYrY FINNe - aw.l NO nbw amtr.G fr 7Tfeo e1, Debo4 Red Winds wi Rq easiveY Revd ltallu, D: • paidem. Ihm Ie®ed GMY jab. 67 esrisdl Bob Bwea C Phil ~ m ~M• B~[ 9wrtlea b i mmp4m ovahwl In 16e o®ed U . • ~ s . • . • . • the F1®e mir' 16e pbYo6e to e . Wed sbtld6l yea'J ns •wr wrY r..rrr.r ~ .1 n.qr nllrrwr Iw•/ger .rv mwa 8. D:Dwi r yr 'I~rllw ~ ~ *`" Yr•apwalwlrl.r•w•Ilrr__m eYaq.lwpp.rrv r1. m Irworr.w~r-iemr.rsrcw na Ialaewwrwa..pwlrwasM+«sr ~ Wlmor. C` Bd Ula1k I.w: Dwt In.rwwrrw.vrla.(swr ~: Iwrlwn--~.....-----.-ass MaYalr/rr 7~WrJi;.D. Ref dryesre...Qmf w ~w wlwrrlrrr mapr.Ir. m w i ~ r nelwoamrwaa.Irer..rr«awew ne Iwrwawlrae.•r1.«YIIY• r Jaiw. C SaBe1 Kdwlwwv, RW; ~ rrnrn.rnwY r w 11 Nw s nor Irerq«rgewrrr °r ~Btewt 3~. C QaY Seav, D. OC- 1 arraw~ --ilr ne Inral.e•wrYrq.rs.Wrr~s r r wra Mdep~ Ibe ~m1e' Jla q w Iwwo.vl... m11.rMewwrF.r.-tm _. Wnoerer.~a ~ r ^w nM /rrlwwralwreorw e.• N ~e.rwlaKe.rww. ~ ~cbaBw~dibwbouWdaN'olllvstr -tw tw ow R Iwsq•r•rr rlr«.rowerrlrlw.sw ~" /w IYnglwlw llelm•w.r IYFMIr'.rw.-pl Pr9~i ael11S OIImoQ. BCdnj _~ w W111faaY•er Niw.elYlYlwY n« «klwYw•I•aiMllbrllY -Z-~ ywlliw WBI Yeww Cbtis Chelkt b ~ ~ ' 1•erl.w b ' ne Ma«rgYYewpra al `. m6omd6amnoH-Yaa7 _.im q - ~ ~ nsselrrlrrA w6rYarwYre Ia '.row... w w nu aoraarrwwq«r« ._ n« eornrwrlrgwr ;_T -CObrWoAvdp~dw .. -.. _'Jpl ~ A'watlul.Yllal .+rawrYllweW- .. .. - '..•. „ ~ .ne errrerrarrM . ~~ _s , * Bq IuelrldsNam Sel depv': ea . ~~,~T ' .I~r . l11•.1flNrMl1«Yra gemewq~., ~. ne as.rrnwrsrr•IYr... •. Hli r/•rYIM«prlrr«rr r 'mr Tam PRge.ld. tL.. lJlae Rtgljl, r ' r _e~`.-~- ~~ ~ ..' a .n»or.rgrwe..rgM1Y1...,,,, RW.OQyswaderoF D:Ia1Rmi ,s.,_ise; X1 awur. warwalwrow.Im ~ 11 IwebaWw rrl.rrrhns--r;w Ile eerr•r.rrlwrl..wn r , /ao rwlrYxwn.ww . . ° . . '9R~ 7Le An wd oaeb Mre _ea•. Im°Ileesalrregwwwrr•rarrr "" . .u nn wlwgrrgrTnwNA - ~ ... tSavked .PN emlp~'• Ih~w-ia rY-fM _ _ ~rrrw -- - - At tlyMa®r,a.*YYIIMIYp MYIINn ~ ' ,ns naN rrr«wrgwwr n l ~ ~. rYrrfw ~ '- Iw~rwY = M ta i M Wwp.Yw/M .. - ~. .:bRrbe ll~ MCk iM0 WI fVwted e - -I i ry~.'rw..fiYW{t.YrwA/w.Ap.ilnstm Y br I Ka a. .... na al.«arwrrruerreYl ne IMellner t Ir r •~ lamY ~ ,-O . 1« I M GeY.Y~ereYr I• .Ir•pewYrr 101 ' p .•. r M s Ila IaldteerMlrrle . ~ ~~ - .•. rIw I fe IarPrM r•tlgw wrlo. r-..te ra w ma. yea o Ile IaNaNew.npMrirr rmr ~'.ux ~.~ .® ela• p Rq valrn6 Tang Htk.a G`Bmtl . vp.~. _sli' wll..d aerlr .rw w- w.trwlr.rr ow. ~ •• ga ee nr lwNrlanr.owrslsr«tl , _ Huq RW Se7 '~ Y--aa 1--p1 /a lerwrar. MIY• ~' /n ~llrawl Y.M e.wr/ntlvNw--mow Iw leNleWerra70••rtl•ar.rrlyerW ~ IMI 71n•lea.l«arwnrnYraolMe/Y1w II x q.xao tw / r . I~dln0. Lw: Bab BWI.. c: Bwait ~ M awM.rw.lw nrwpYWnrr-sr Q R1llvw w«wrrn .w.. ra Hodue,LW. OQ•emos derelapmeat -7s mw1.aY•.•al r.ur«.rl.w..--w rNY O bKw ar . Se ewlw-awlawnariwnrrarrrr/.r__Ia 11N /w e•Iw IIFIrY " Ir e Yl Ttr Swl de tat bmlce by siddlld free Fw J11 l r • rMlw .. . rl IIY.rw r IgMrrss Iwrr ^r a lw . •r ne M4rY4aahlrp.rr•nrrrXalwl+a JM1 y/y Ban H.IL B.miod gsatloe _Jae wrrgwrwr I.es.wrrg ~ ne lw•«vasaarrrrrarrr•lew.ry~rs Do me See- Strs~Mdl IP~d Y __ae M Irep.rcwaa rlrr sw M sn.r•rrrrw •..rr.Y _;te ne /slsrvwapY.rerrrsa.wYlw ne 1wrl YaexYrari..mr/N, ~ bwe eerldh m dehtaee We Red MMw11e w bleerrlminel s..rrr__f1e nM 1weYwlYrgarebra.egN l I'a wI.d17 rw M •r1«r1ew11 I~rA.•. _._-!ta K a1lalrrrM rrpYl.' A nA 1welYmlMr.aYr NwY Rlwe nn I•ra1YwIYlaarxar Y.wr +r (~abpli Md4YMpe '. _,. . w ewrp,y'. Irrprr .w ti /lm Iwrlwllaea.rwrlrreeYrN--aa • w Re) mind Uwe tcnlpp, D. Rej _JIO( w r.rswrsr•grr_ w Irlwrl..rlr-~ m nn IwNVeleasrx •wrNw.rr~-a nn Iwarwon;e.r•r~rrer..ivW-ale dlpurtrrr Slm Fedmv, D: Dmibi __.aa m arosw.rlwwrw+---tn nn Iwaraaac l.rrowanrwga,a-ala +r bBtaovr, D: Bob Rome, D. ODyr- Jle w sralrl.s>•11~ra..pr,-_.~ee M Ia1Yw4pr•!rl•.awrNtwr«grwin na Iwelwlarrergr/ nT IwelWOwtlMYMbrglr.Nr.rM•.JI~ wa daYdopsmt Prx qat detema rrs_ ..sne na IwrlYdpwYY111Y1w/e/Y11w1 mw Rm Ertl r ~9 -rw al Iar/Y•alwr as .,, 11a Iwe•eleRa•r Tllrrae pp wa1wg11.rt.r rs .se1 IIe 1w~0Y~wW r«rarawrFw "a _Jtl1 M Nwwwtwr Ilwrr --W Iln Iw0}Y,9WSY e1FYrer. ' r° r Irlrr~r rr ne nr Imavaroloa.rrawrr..nt.ersv e wq. avow: rwYarrs•r.rq I. r~a.waarwYa .rreilw.Me. r.r - aruwY.rnrsY.p•. «ws. wean lwrlq r..errewrWavn p Mrlq MrrAq«wM YYYAalg Ol.l a/q. Ygleb arrY rrq I.wr•.rraMMae1W wrYa..q•wr. wrlYwlrrwwrr nwM.rlrr 'YC0W10i1mYepM •rrw...__ r ai'Iwae.wl«rgwYrerl no •ri•Yt i~11wp1.rrlrlllbYAwa.Y •rYr1.-• m aarwo.r:wrwaw lgrl Ia Inn •I.wY•rMMlI•Wpal wYr YYrllr.rw. ~ Yw rrlw.p•IYWYI 16 YIIweMMnMw ~ N.Mb•Mrnr pp1l.a YrY• ~ I.NWrIw•gpwY It. FO.Yr rrwY•rrp pa Y•rglp Wllq lot Yrr «YwYarMi•rwer- .3A rq.Irbw/1wwM a1nWYIIw111•a•ra 311 rMYrrrrpne nY rerr•.waralp 7w w•we•nYwr MYw •rM•ygra am 111•Y«Iw.IIYM gmlb• Jr 1` 11 '~~ ~ ~ ~ i i` S °o ~ ~m ~~ ~~ a ~$ a ~a~a N ppp y ~# g ~p g ! ~~, ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~; ~¢~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ $~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~, ppR f.€ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~: ~~ e~e~ ~~~ ~~~' ~~ ~ ~. ~~~~ ~~~ ~ &,~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ 3~3F~~~~~~~~lE M ~ i ..~~~~_ C ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ _ ~~ _ _ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~ .Y .. ~ «~ ~« ~~` ' gg ~ .. aaaa8aaasssas~gaaasa8agsass8assaaaasssaasaasagasaaa Y S3 ~~ ~~ .~~ ~~~~~ ~~ .$ ~ ~ ~' r ~ ~ ~~ 5~ ~~ ~ 1 ~ ~~~~ $ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~$b`~3a~a~ss ~3~~ ~ •;~ ~~~~;~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~$ ~ o ~~~~ ~ ~e ~~~~~~ ~i a~a~~'a~a~~i ~~~~ ~~~~~? ~~~s~ ~~~ ~ ~~ I~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~3lAi -~®~ ti y y ~ ~ ~E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~g~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~4~~~~~ ~~ S SCHEDULE "F" -COD-069-08 Rey Sandre Productions 18 Dominion Rd Apt # 2 Etobicoke, Ontario M8W 1J3 (416) 255 - 9808 rsandre@rogers.com June 5, 2008 The Total Hockey Collection Appraisal The Total Hockey collection consists in large part of graphics, publications, collectible memorabilia and artefacts related to the game of hockey at all levels. The collection was purchased from hockey,historian, author and Hockey Night in Canada and NBC hockey television commentator Brian McFarlane. Over the years, Mr McFarlane has acquired many of these items through his travels. The inherent value can fluctuate based on the uncertain demands of the hockey collectible market, including online auctions such as Ebay and the memorabilia shows such as the Sports Expo held in Toronto biannually. Most of the items have been well maintained and would obtain full value in the collectible market based on the rarity of the item. The collection's value is limited to the verification of the authenticity of some of the items (including whether some of the jerseys are NHL game om or NHL game used). It is for this reason that value of this collection is a conservative one. The entire collection is valued at approximately $60,175.00. The following is a general breakdown with the values of some of the collections most notable items. Jersevs and Jackets Game Worn Chris Kelly, Ottawa Senators, 2005-06 pre-season $ 750.00 RCAF sweater $ 1000.00 Dallas Texans sweater, circa 1940 $ 700.00 Becky Kellar's Team Canada jersey, socks and pants $ 400.00 Bykov's Russian League jersey $ 200.00 Brian McFarlane's various oldtimers jerseys $ 250.00 Game Ready Mike Bossy, New York Islanders $ 500.00 Tomas Steen, Winnipeg Jets $ 300.00 Questionable as to authenticity Andy Bathgate, New Yoik Rangers $ 200.00 Stan Mikita, Chicago Blackhawks $ 200.00 Replica jerseys Autographed: Brett Hull (St. Louis), Pat LaFontaine (Islanders), Gary Roberts (Calgary), Pierre Pilote/Jack Valiquette (Chicago) $ 1500.00 Bobby Orr, Wayne Gretzky, Darryl Sittler, Valery ICharmalov, Frank Mahovlich $400.00 Dawson City Nuggets -signed $200.00 Brian McFazlane -- Hoekey Night in Canada jacket, shirt, tie $ 500.00 Various jerseys, jackets from events $ 500.00 Total $ 7600.00 Sticks 54 game ready sticks; some used (approximately $50) $ 2700.00 10 autographed, various players (approximately $300) $ 3000.00 5 goalsticks (4 game reedy; 1 used) @ $100.00 $ 500.00 Terry Sawchuk Red Wing team signed $ 2000.00 Billy Nicholson 1902 Stanley Cup Final $ 3000.00 Dennis Hull 1972 Canada/Russia Series team signed $ 2000.00 2 airbrushed (one autographed) $ 600.00 Total $13,800.00 GlovesBlockers/Goal Pads/Hockev Bags Ivan Irwin NHL gloves $ 500.00 Bobby Lalonde NHL gloves (2 pair) $ 500.00 Doug Favell blocker, shjoulder pads goal pads $ 1 000.00 Gloves from various erg @ $ 50.00 $ 200.00 Goal Blocker (2) @ $50.00 $ 100.00 Goal catcher (5) @ $50;00 $ 250.00 Goalie chest protector $ 20.00 Goalie Pads (3) (some NHL used?) $ 500.00 Kenesky made goal catcher $ 500.00 Shin Pads (6) $ 100.00 Shoulder pads (2) (1 x Dave Lumley's pads) $ 100.00 Flyers #26 Equipment bag $ 100.00 Total $ 3,870.00 Goal Masks/Helmets 1929-30 hand made mask $ 700.00 Gerry Cheevers replica mask $ 300.00 2 Hand painted masks $ 400.00 2 modern masks $ 250.00 Vintage leather helmet $ 100.00 Bobby Lalonde NHL helmet $ 300.00 I-Teck helmet $ 50.00 Total $ 2,100.00 Skates Old skates (34) @ $50.00 $ 1700.00 Garth Boesch skates, Toronto Maple Leafs 1945-50 $ 500.00 Doug Favel] goal skates $ 500.00 Starr Skates in box $ 500.00 Total $3,200.00 Pucks NHL Official Game (9) @ $25.00 $ 225.00 AHL Official Game (14) @ $10.00 $ 140.00 Assorted variety (36) Q $5.00 $ 180.00 Wayne Gretzky signed LA Kings $ 150.00 Total $ 695.00 Publications Hockey books, variety (47) @ $10.00 $ 470.00 Programs, Guides, magazines (35) @ $10.00 $ 350.00 Total $ 820.00 Hockey Collectible Ice King Cards (13) @ $100.00 $ 1300.00 Matchbook Covers (10) @ $25.00 $ 250.00 Beehive Photos $ 150.00 Hockey Cards, Phone Cards, Sticker Albums, Cutouts, Boxes $ 150.00 Total $ 1,850.00 Graphics 800 photos various sizes/styles/mounted @ $20.00 $ 16,000.00 35 framed photos, various sizes @ $ 25.00 $ 875.00 15 framed lithographs artwork @ $100.00 $ 1500.00 9 cartoons @ $25.00 $ 225.00 10 (approximately) autographed photos, various sizes/framed @ $50.00 $ 500.00 Total $19,100.00 Table ton, Board Games Gotham table top game 01940) $ 500.00 Gotham push-pull table tpp game $ 300.00 Munro Table top game (1950) $ 200.00 Faceoff boazd $ 100.00 Ice Action Board i~ $ 50.00 Roll'n Save Boazd game $ 50.00 Top Comer Push/Pull Table top game $200.00 Total $1,400.00 Miscellaneous Tapestry -- hockey pond scene $ 150.00 Don Cherry ties (not used) 5 @ $20.00 $ 100.00 Don Cherry cut-out $ 50.00 1988 Calgary Olympic Flag $ 100.00 Turnstile from Maple Leaf Gardens $ 500.00 4 Red seats from Maple Leaf Gazdens @ $900.00 $ 3600.00 4 Blue seats from Maple Leaf Gardens (questionable) @ $50.00 $ 200.00 Ace Bailey Maple Leaflogo crest $ 100.00 Crests, logos (7) @ $20'.00 $ 140.00 Banners, pennants $ 200.00 Record albums $ 100.00 Brick from Chicago Stadium $ 100.00 Peter Puck memorabilia $ 100.00 Miscellaneous: mugs, tipes, figurines, tokens, scarves, contract copies, calendar, eta $ 300.00 Total $ 5,740.00 Summary of the appraised collection Jerseys and Jackets $ 7,600.00 Sticks $ 13,800.00 GlovesBlockers/Goal Pads/Hockey Bags $ 3,870.00 Goal masks/Helmets $ 2,100.00 Skates $ 3,200.00 Pucks $ 695.00 Publications $ 820.00 Hockey Collectibles $ 1,850.00 Graphics $ 19,100.00 Table TopBoazd Games $ 1,400.00 Miscellaneous $ 5,740.00 Total $ 60,175.00 Respectfully submitted by Rey Sandre and Paul Patskou SCHEDULE "G" -COD-069-08 AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE THIS AGREEMENT is made as of the 29°i day of October, 2003 BETWEEN: BRIAN 14(CFARLANE ("Brian" ), JOAN MCFARLANE ("Joan', BRIAN McFARLANE'S HOCI~y MUSEUM 1NC, ("Museum Inc."), and SPORTS FAMILY LIMITED ("Family Ltd' (collectivety the "Vendor' _~_ THE CORPORATION OF~THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINCTON "Purchaser ) ~E~AS the Vendor has carried on the business of the display of hockey memorabilia and of a hockey museum (the "Business»); assets of the B iness`at I re ~S the Purchaser wishes to P and heretofore carried on b~~e the undertaking, prope1'tY ~ in the Municipality of Chuington (the "Clarington Hock y the Vendor and establish a museum ey Museum ), AND W1iE12EAS the Vendor is desirous of selling the ands substantially atl the property,. and assets of the Business under the tenns and conditions letter of intent from the pprchaser to the V rtalang ~ Intent"). endor dated October 23 ~ outin a , 2003 (the Letter. of NOW THEREI~ORE THIS AGREEMENT Wri'NESSES ~ in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein. the parties hereto covenant and a each other as follows: gree with I,~C~SE ARTICLE ONE AND SALE OF THE PURCIigSED Section 1.01 ABETS Purchased Assets the Punch -----• The Vendor hereby agrees to sell, transfer ~', and the Purchaser hereby agrees to purchase from the Vendor, forth Purchase Price (as defined in Section 1.62), and vupon and subject to the temps and conditions hereinafter set forth, as of the Closing Date (as defined in Section 1.04) all of the Vendor's right, title and interest in and to the following assets, and no others, (collectively the "Purchased Assets"): a) the hockey museum assets of the Brian McFarlane's Hockey Museum Inc. ("Museum Inc: ') set out in the attached Schedule "1"List of Inventory dated July, 2003 (the "Inventory"); b) the exclusive right to the use of the name "Brian McFarlane" in connection with the operation of the Clarington Hockey Museum by the Purchaser, c) assignment of the right to display in the Clarington Hockey Museum items that have been loaned to the Vendor for display in your museums which are identified as being on loan in the Inventory ("Loaned Assets"); d) Brian's assistance in setting up displays in the Clarington Hockey Museum and in publicizing the existence of the Clarington Hockey Museum for a period of 3 years following the Closing Date; e) Brian's assistance in attracting appearances by well known cuaent and retired hockey players that would assist in establishing the Clarington Hockey Museum as a signifi$ant tourist attraction in Clarington for a period of 3 years following the Closing Date; and f) a limited license from Sports Family Ltd. ("Family Ltd.' or alternatively a direct limited license from the rights holder thereof to the Purchaser to use of the name'. and image of "Peter Puck" in connection with the exhibition at the Clarington Hockey Museum of the original Peter Puck films (copies of which shall be provided to the Municipality by Family Ltd.) (the "ExhibiNan License") with only nominal consideration being paid to Family Ltd. or any other party, (collectively called the "Purchased Assets"). For greater certainty,. the Purchased Assets shall not include accounts and other amounts receivable or cash Section 1.02 Purchase Price: The purchase price (the "Purchase Price") for the Purchased Assets shall be Two Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand ($225,000.00) Dollars of which the Parties hereby agree, Two,($2.00) Dollars is the consideration paid by the Purchaser to Family Ltd. for the Exhibition Licence. Section 1.03 Not used. Section 1:04 Closing Datg and Time: The closing (the "Closing") of the within described _ purchase and sale transacdgn shall take place at a time mutually satisfactory to the parties at the . ,. Purchaser' s Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street,-Bowmanville, Ontario, October 31, 2003 or such other day, gtne or place to which the parties may mutually agree (" Closing Date"). At the Closing, upon fulfilment of all conditions precedent, the vendor shall sell and the Purchaser shall purchase the Purchased Assets for the Purchase Price payable under this Agreement. Section 1.05 Payment of Purchase Price: At the Closing, the Purchase Price shall be paid as follows: 3 a) the payment of Twenty-Five Thousand ($25,000,00) Dollars by cheque made .upon the acceptance of the Letter of Intent, and b) the balance of Two Hundred Thousand ($20Q000.00) Dollars by cheque on the Closing Date. Section 1.06 Taxes: The p~chaset s taxes applicable in connection with the sale of~hesponslble for all federal and without limitation, an chased Assets to Provincial sales operate in fil' Y goads and services or retail sales tax. ~ Purchaser including. m8 anY .lgint elections or other prescribed f The Purchaser ~ Vendor will co- election under subsection 167(1) of the Excise T¢r Act. ~' inclutling without limitation, an Section 1.07 Liabiliti liabilities or ob~~ T7te Purchaser shall not assume or be ' gations of the Vendor or the Business of any nature and k~ wlhatsceverY CO~ngent or otherwise, Section 1.08 Exhibition Licence• until December 31, 2004, but will be extendedeh~F of the Exh1b1U°n License shall be effective additional periods offive years each making the Exhibition L1Ce~ns°C effective unril December 31, 2014. Family Ltd. underta)Ces to extend the license a ~ the rights holder for two 1 Ck ~PYright and possible trademark. Fami] Ltd. ~eement with the ri agreement with the ri Y shall also undertake ~ k holder of the Peter ghts bolder in good standing throughout the to ~ Its license In the event that it is necessary to obtain any consent from the under of the Exhibition License;. Exhibition Licence, Family'ILtd. shall be responsible for obtainin together with a ~~ 3'm8 rights holder for the with the owner of the ~ ~n of partners, Family Ltd. and/or Brian 1S ct is acknowledged that, in acquiring the under! 'n ~ g rights to Peter Puck, la the event that such guy in negotiations to: (i) g'ant an extension of-ChehExhibition License two the Pure for Brian l~up is successful bringing the term of the Exhibition License to Decem will cause such group baser for an additional twenty Years faith with the Purchaser an agreement whereb ~ 31, 234,; and (ii) negotiate in manufactured by such group (or its deli ated lic ~handising items (e.g. T.shirts hats ~~ Purchaser at the best applicable wholesale ensee), if any, are made available to the hotos) Museum.. Price to be then sold at the ClatingtDn H_ ockey Section 1.09 M_ useum Assns Arc,, the Clarington Hooke M ' B~° a~'~ to provide ass~~ Y useum and in publicizing the, existence of the C setting up displays in Museum for a period of 3 years following the Closing Date without fu larington Hockey Section 1.10 .Planer Anoearances: Brian a ~~ COnstderation. by well known current and tetirw ~~ tO provide assistance in attractin a Hockey Museum as a significant [Dhotis[ attraction in Clarington fora establishin g PPeaz'ances the Closing Date without further consideration. g the Clarington period of 3 years following 4 Section 1. I 1 Survive l: The obligations of the Vendor or any one of them as set out in Sections 1.08, 1.09 and 1.10 shall survive the closing of this tr Vendor or any one of them for the periods set out in the reshon and continue as obligations of the Section 1.12 Vendor' s Deliverables: On the Closing Date,, thte Vendo rshall deliver the following [o the purchaser: (a) a certified resolution of Museum Inc. authorizing the sale of the inventory being substantially al! of its assets; (b) approval of the Exhibition Licence by the underlying ~~~ bolder thereof; (c) the Inventory; (d) original Pater Puck films in VHS format; (e) bill of sale for the Inventory ~ ~ peter Puck VHS' s; and (~ assignment of the rights to the Loaned Assets. ARTICLE TWp ~RESEN!'ATIONS AND WARRANTI~ OF THE VENDOR AND THE PURCHASER Section 2.01 Representations and Wananu~ of the Vendor: The Vendor hereb warrant to and m favour of the Purchaser as follows y represent and relying on such representations and w ~ and acknowledge that the arranties in entering into this A Purchaser is 8feemertt: (a) Museum Inc. ,and Family Ltd. are co the laws of Ontario. Museum ~c• rporations incorporated and existing under power and aut¢ority to own or lease F~Y Ltd. have the requisite corporate to sell the Purchased Assets to p perry and to carry on the Business and pursuant to this Agreement; the Purchaser and otherwise perform its obligations (b) this Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and constitutes a legal, valid ~ b• and delivered by the Vendor against the Vendor in mdmg obligation of the Vendor, enforceable limited by banlo•u tc acco~ance with its teens, except as enforcement may be generall ~ P Y. insolvency ~ other laws affecting the rights of creditors co~• Y that equitable remedies rnaY be granted only in the discretion of a (c) the execution and delivery of this Agreement by the Vendor and the consummation of the transactions herein provided for will not result in: (r) the breach, violation or termination of any of the provisions of, or Constitute a default under, or conflict with or cause the acceleration of any obligations of the Vendor under: (ii) (A) ~) (C) (D) anY provision of the articles, by-laws or resolutions of the boazd of directors or shareholders of Museum Inc, and Family Ltd.; anYjudgment, decree, injunction or award of any court, governmental body or arbitrator having j»risdiction over the Vendor or any of its assets of which the Vendor has knowledge; any Gcenee, Permit,. approval, consent or authorization held by the Vendor or necessary to the operation of the Business; on any of the Purchased the Creation or imposition of any encumbrance Assets; (d) no b~ptcy, insolvency or receivership proceedings have been uyy~~ or are pending against the Vendor and the Vendor is able to satisfy its liabilities as they become due;. (e) the Vendor is the sole legal and beneficial owner of the Sood marketable title thereto Purchased Assets and has encumbrance of an ~ and clear of all liens, security interests and ~ Y kind or description. There is not now any basis upon which or eIIO~~chased Assets might become subject to any liens, security interests (tl there aze no outstanding options, agreements of purchase and sale or other agreements or commitments which have been entered into by the Vendor and. which obligate ~t to sell. or encumber any or all of the Purchased Assets; (f~ ;the Vendor has complied with all laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations, rules, and to the extent that they have knowledge of them, any judgments, decrees or orders applicable to the Business and the Purchased assets; (h) there is no requirement to make any filing with, give any notice to or to obtain any licence, permit, certificate, registration, authorization, consent or approval of, any anY applicable law, statute, ordinance, regulation or rule; or 6 govemmentai or regulatory authority as.a condition to the lawful consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Except for the consent to the Exhibition Licence, there is no requirement under any contract or approval relating,to the Purchased Assets to which the Vendor is a party or by which it is bound, to grve any notice to, or to obtain the consent or approval of, any party to such contract or approval in respect of the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; (') to the laiowledge of the Vendor, there are no actions, suits or proceedings pending or, after due inquiry, threatened against or affecting the Business or the Purchased Assets at law or in equity or before or by any federal, provincial, municipal or other governmental department, court, commission, .board, bureau, agency or inshvmentality, domestic or foreign, or by or before an arbitrator or arbitration board. The Vendor is not aware of any ground on which any such action, suit or Proceeding might be commenced with any reasonable likelihood of success; (j) the Vendot is not anon-resident of Canada for the purposes of the Income Tar Act (Canada); (k) the Vendor is and will on the Closing Date be registered under the Excise Tax Acr in respect of goods and services tax; (1) filed, wi ..`"'°` ~xauon ears 2001 and 2002 the Vendor has thiry the times and in the manner prescribed b law all aught affect.... the Purchased Assets_All Y tax returns which Assets have been paid for all taxation ears~includm h2001 and 2~the Purchased ao outstanding assessments or reassessments in res ~ there are the Purchased Assets; pest of taxes which might affect (m) neither this .'agreement nor any document to be delivered by the Vendor nor any certificate, report, statement or other document furnished by the Vendor to the Purchaser in connection with the negotiation of this Agreement contains or will contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omits or will omit to state a _ material fact necessary to make the statements contained herein or therein not misleading. There has been no event; transaction or information that has come to the attention of the Vendor that has not been disclosed to the purchaser that could reasonably be expected to have a-material adverse effect on the Business or the Purchased Assets, and the Vendor has disclosed to the Purchaser al] information known to the Vendor relating to the Business or any of the purchased Assets which might reasonably be regarded by the Purchaser. as being material to the Purchaser's decision to purchase the purchased Assets, and (n) the copies of the original peter Puck films to be delivered to the Purchaser hereunder are of a technical quality acceptable for the purposes of exhibition thereof at the Clarington Hockey Museum. Section 2.02 Re rese tations and Warranties ~f rhn represents and warrants to and m favour of the Vendor as ffol ows, and acknowledge that eta Vendor is relying on such representations and warranties in entering into this Agreement that: (a) the Purchaser is a municipal corporation incorporated and existing under the laws of Ontario. The Purchaser .has the requisite corporate power and authority to purchase''i the Purchased Assets from the Vendor and otherwise perform its obligations pursuant to this Agreement; (b) this Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Purchaser and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Purchaser, enforceable against the Purchaser in accordance with its teens, (c) the execution and delivery of this .Agreement by the :purchaser and the consummation of the transactions herein provided for will not result in the breach, violation of or constitute a default under, or conflict with: (i) anyby-laws or resolutions of the council of the Purchaser; (ii) any judgment, decree, injunction or awazd of any court, governmental bod}~ or azbitrator having jurisdiction over the purchaser or any of its assets; or (iii) any ajpplicable law, statute, ordinance, regulation or rote; and (d) the Purchaser is and will on the Closing Date be registered under the Excise Tax Act in respect of goods and services tax. Section 2.03 Survival of Representations and Warrantiee• warranties set forth m subsection 2.01(e), which shall survive indefimt'tely, and the representationsd . and warranties set forth, in subsection 2.01(1), which shall survive until the expiration of the period m wlricir an assessment or reassessment of taxes may be issued, the representations and warranties contained in this Article Two, shall survive the Closing and notwithstanding such Closing, shall continue in full force and effect for the benefit of the Purchaser and the Vendor until October 31, 2008. 8 ARTICLE THREE ADDITIONAL COVENANTS Section 3.01. Bulk Sales Act: The Vendor and the Purchaser agree to waive compliance with the Bulk Sales Act (Ontario). Section 3.02 Name: The purchaser shall have the exclusive right to the use the name `Brian McFazlane's Hockey Museum" or such other similaz name in connection with the operation of Clarington Hockey Museum by the Purchaser, Section 3.03 Non-Competition: The Vendor agrees that they will not directly or indirectly, be engaged in any business nr conduct directly compet~ive with the Clarington Hockey Museum for five (5) yeazs from the date hereof within Ontario, Section 3.04 The rights and restrictions set out in Section 3.02 and 3.03 shall survive closing and shall not merge. ARTICLE FOUR CONDITIONS Section 4.01 It is also a condition of closing that on or before October 31, 2003 the Purchaser shall have satisfied itself, in its sole discretion, of: a) the value of the Purchased Assets by way of professional appraisal; b) the association of the Clarington Hockey Museum with the Hockey Hall of Fame; c) the feasibility o('the Clarington Hockey Museum; and d) the quality of the Peter Puck films. (the "Purchaser's Conditions"), . Section 4.02 The purohase and sale of the Purchased Assets shall be subject to the following conditions precedent for the,benefit of the Purchaser to Be satisfied on or before the Closing Date (unless waived by the Purchaser): (a) The Purchased Assets shall be free and cleaz of all encumbrances,`except for those specifically agreed to be assumed by the Purchaser; (b) The Peter Puck Licence provided for in an agreement dated June 4, 1990 between Hanna-Barbera productions Inc. (as Licensor), Brian, and Family Ltd. (as Licensee) shall terminate not eazlier than December 31, 2014 (subject to Family Ltd. exercising, its options to extend the term to such date in accordance with such agreement, which it has agreed to do herein.) and shall be in good standing; 9 (c) The Exhibition Licence shall be approved for transfer to the Purchaser by the holder of the copyrights to Peter Puck; and (d) Apart from the usual representations and warranties, a warranty and representation that there aze no law suits pending or threatened against the Purchased and the principals and that there are,no outstanding claims or liabilities, contingent or otherwise, including tax claims and liabilities of the Vendor, except those that have been specifically disclosed to and accepted by the Purchaser. ARTICLE FIVE ~II~MP'ICATION Section 5.01 Indemnification b the Vendor: The Vendor agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Purchaser, fi'om all claims, losses, damages, liabilities, costs and. expenses ("Losses' suffered or ircurred by the Purchaser as a result of or arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with: (a) any breac by the Vendor of or any inaccuracy of any representation or waranty of the Ven~¢or contained in this Agreement or in the Letter of latent (provided chat the Vendo>f and its principals shall not'be required to indemnify ar save harmless the Purchaser in respect of any breach or inaccuracy of any representation or warranty unless the Purchaser shall have provided notice. to the Vendor in accordance,with secton 5.03 on or prior to the expiration of the applicable time period related to such representation and warranty set out in section 2.03); (b) any breach or non-performance by the Vendor of any covenant to be performed by it that is contained in this Agreement or in the Letter of Intent; (c) any liabilities for federal or provincial, sales, excise, income, corporate or any other taxes iyssessed against the Business for any period up to and including the Closing Datej that affect the Purchased Assets; and (d) non-compliance. with the Bulk Sales Act (Ontazio). Section 5.02 Indemnificati n by the Purchaser: harmless the Vendor from all Losses suffered or incurred by the Vendor as a resur It of or ari ng directly or indirectly out for ar in connection with: (a} any breach by the Purchaser of or any inaccuracy of any representation or warranty contained in this Agreement or in any agreement, instrument, certificate or other document delivered pursuant hereto (provided that the Purchaser shall not 10 be requjred to indemnify or save hannless the Vendor in respect of any breach or inaccur2cy of any representation or wan'anty unless the Vendor shall have provided notice to the Purchaser in accordance with section 5.03 on or prior to the expiration of the applicable time period related to such. representation and warranty set out in section 2.03); and (b) any breach or non-performance by the Purchaser of any covenant to be performed by it that is contained in this Agreement or in any agreement, certificate or other document delivered pursuant hereto. Section 5.03 Notice o~'Claim: If a party (the "Indemnified Party'? shall become aware of any claim, proceeding or other matter (a "Clalm'~ in respect of which another party (the "Indemnifying Party's agreed to indemnify the Indemnified Party pursuant to this Agreement, the Indemm~ified Party shall promptly give written notice thereof to the Indemnifying Party. Such notice shall specify wheether the Claim azises as a result of a claim by a person against the Indemnified Party (a "Third Party Claim's or whether the Claim does not so arise (a "Direct Claim', and shall also Specify with reasonable particularity (to the extent that the information is available) the factual basis for the Claim and the amount of the Claim, if known. If, through the fault of the Indemnified Party, the Indemnifying party does not receive notice of any Claim in time to contest effectively the determination of any liability susceptible of being contested, the Indemnifying Party shall be entitled to set off against the amount claimed by the Indemnified Party the amount of any Losses incurred by the Indemnifying pally resulting from the Indemnified Party's failure to give such notice on a timely basis. Section 5.04 Direct Claims: With respect to any Direct Claim, following receipt of notice from the Indemnified Patty of the Claim, the Indemnifying Party shall have thirty (30) days to make such investigation of the Claim as is considered necessary or desirable. For the purpose of such investigation, the Indemnified Party shall make available to .the Indemnifying party the information relied upon by the Indemnified Party to substantiate the Claim, together with all such other information as the Indemnifying Party may reasonably request. If both parties .agree at or prior to Ume expiration of!such thirty (30) day period (or any mutually agreed upon extension thereof) to the validity and amount of such Claim, the Indemnifying Party shall immediately pay to the Indemnified Party the full agreed upon amount of the Claim, failing which the matter shall be referred to binding azbitration in such manner as the parties may agree or shall be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction. , Section 5.05 Third Party Claims: With respect to any Third Party Claim, ,the Indemnifying Party shall have the right, at its, expense, to participate in or assume control of the negotiation, settlement or defence of the Claim. If the Indemnifying Party elects to assume such control, the Indemnified Party shall have the right to participate in the negotiation, settlement or defence of such Third Party Claim and to retain counsel to act on its behalf, provided that the fees and disbursements of such counsel shall be paid by the Indemnified Party. I1 Section 5.06 Settlement of Third Partv Claims: If the Indemnifying Party fails to assume control of the defence of any Third Party Claim, the Indemnified Party shall have the exclusive right to contest, settle ar pay the amount claimed. Whether or not the Indemnifying Party assumes control of the negotiation, settlement or defence of any Third Party Claim, the Indemnifying Party shall not settle any Third Party Claim without the written consent of the Indemnified Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Section 5.07 Co-operation: The Indemnified Party and the Indemnifying Party shall co-operate fully with each other with respect to Third Party Claims, and shall keep each other fully advised with respect thereto (including supplying copies of all relevant documentation promptly as it becomes available). Section 5.08 Exclusivi :The provision. of this Article Five shall apply to any Claim for breach of any covenant, representafion, warranty or other provision of this Agreement or any agreement, certificate or other document delivered pursuant hereto (other than a claim for specific performance or injunctive relief) with the intent that all such Claims shall be subject to the limitations and other provisions contained in this Article Five. ARTICLE 6 GF.NFRAi. Section 6.01 Confidentijality of Information: If the transaction described herein is nol consummated for any rgason, the Purchaser covenants and agrees that, except as otherwise authorized by the Vendgr in writing, neither the Purchaser nor its representatives, agents or employees will disclose to third parties, directly or indirectly, any confidential information or confidential data relating to the Purchased Assets or the Business in the possession of the Purchaser or its representatives as a result of the Vendor making available to the Purchaser and its representatives the information requested by them in connection with such transaction. Section 6.02 Notices: ,q~ny notice, direction or other instrument required or permitted to be given under the provisions of this Agreement shall be in writing and may be given by mailing the same by prepaid registered past or by delivering the same as follows: (a) If to the Vendor at 25 Tollerton Avenue Willowdale, Ontario M2K 2H1 Attention: Brian McFarlane (b) If to the Purchaser at: 12 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A4 Attention: Franklin Wq Chief Administrative Officer Any notice, direction or other instrument aforesaid, if delivered, shall be deemed to have been given or made on the day on which it was delivered and if mailed as aforesaid shall be deemed to have been given or made on the third business day following the day on which it is mailed, Any party may give written notice of a change of address in the same manner, in which event any such notice shalt thereaftcer be given to it as above provided at such changed address. Section 6.03 A licabl Law: This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of ntazio and the laws of Canada applicable in Ontazio. Section 6.04 Words and Phrases; In this Agreement, the masculine shall include the feminine and the neuter and vice versa and the singulaz shall include the plural and vice versa; words such as "hereunder", "hereto", "hereof "and "herein" shall, unless the context clearly indicates the contrary, refer to the whole of this Agreement and not to any particular paragraph or section hereof and the word "person" shall include an individual, firm or corporation. The headings in this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of construction hereof. Section 6.05 No Other ~ereements: Except as specifically set forth in this Agreement or the Letter of Intent, there aze no representations, warranties, agreements or covenants made by any of the parties hereto and not contained herein. This Agreement supersedes any prior agreement, memorandum of understaarling or letter of intent whether written or oral, between the parties a~ constitutes the entire agreement of the parties. Any amendment to this Agreement must specifically refer to this Agreement and be in writing and executed by both of the parties hereto. Section 6.06 Further As~rances: The parties hereto shall sign such further and other. documents, cause such me4tings to be held, resolutions passed, by-laws enacted, exercise their vote and influence, do and perform and cause to be done and performed such further and other acts and things as may be necessary in order to give full. effect to this Agreement and every part hereof. _ _ Section 6.07 Severability: If any provision of this Agreement, or the application of such provision to arty person or circumstance, shall be held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, or the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid pr unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby. Section 6.08 Successors and Representatives: This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties _. 13 hereto, their heirs, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns. Section 6.09 Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, and all such executed counterparts shall constitute one agreement, binding on all of the parties hereto, notwithstanding that all'the parties are not signatories to the original or the same counterpart. Section 6.10 No Waiver of Breach: No failure of any party to this Agreement to pursue any remedy. resulting from a breach of this Agreement by another party shall be construed as a waiver of that breach by that party or any other party or as a waiver of any subsequent or other breach, and any waiver by any of the parties hereto of any of the teens; provisions, conditions or agreements hereof whether expressly or by implication shall not constitute or be deemed to constitute a continuing waiver thereof or a waiver of any other terms, provisions, conditions or agreements hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement as of the date hereof. Brian McFazlane (persona C ~-c~SL~ Joan c •azlane (personally) BRIAN McFARLANE'S HOCKEY MUSEUM Name:. .~~-~..` ~` Title: I have authority to bind the Corporation la SPORTS FAMILY LIMITED ~, ~~ Name: Title: I have authority to bind the Corporation THE CORPORATION OF THE MIINIC~ALITY OF CLARINGTON John Clerk SCHEDULE "H" -COD-069-08 BRIAN McFARLANE HOCKEY MUSES LIST OF INVENTORY -~ JULY, 2003 The Hockey Museum is primarily a museum of fascinating photos and artifacts depicting a chronological history. of hockey. The following inventory list has been compiled by Joan and .Brian McFarlane. Interested parties rmust understand that photos and artifacts from the Museum. have been stored in three venues for many weeks. Therefore, the list may not be absolutely correct but the McFarianes are confident it is 9l3% correct and factual. The McFarlanes are also confident the final inventory will contain many more items than are listed. The McFarlanes want the purchasers to feel assured they are getting full value for their investment dollars. They hope and expect to play a continuing role in the Museum by providing additional items of interest and expertise in the years ahead. EARLY DAY PHOTIDS: One long panel (15' x57 of approximately 75 photos from Lord Stanley to a newspaper, account of the longest game ever played in . 1936. Free standing photos include the 1896 Baltimore team, Montreal Vies 1895 championships team, Red Dutton, New York Rangers champs im '28, 1904 World Champs Portage tike, World Champs Victoria Cougars, World Champion Quebec 1913, Kenora Thistles. One short panel (5"X5") with 15 photos of the 40s. (Richard, Lindsay, Schmidt, Broda, etc. Oversize photos include Dick Irvin Sr, Bentley Brothers in Chicago. One long panel (2T'X5") with approximately 115 photos of the 50s to the present. - One panel of 26 photos of Great Goalies ~ One panel of 22 photos of Goalie Masks One panel of 26 photos of Gordie Howe's Amazing Career One pane! (4"x 6") of 10 photos of Clancy, Ballard, Conacher Brothers. One panel (4" X 6") of 14 photos of Building of Maple Leaf Gardens: Beatles, Elvis, Gondola, etc. One pane! (4" X 6'~ 14 Bobby Hull photos One pane4 (4" X 6'~ 8 Bobby Orr photos. Orr wearing #27 (rare) One panel (4" X 6") 5 Darryl Sittler photos. His 1976 Canada Cup winning goal, his first goal, etc. One pane! (4" X6'~ 15 photos of Hockey in Hollywood. John Wayne in Idol of the Crowds. Paul Newman in Slapshot, etc. One panel of 8 photos'The Zamboni Story" First Zamboni, etc. Six panels of approximately 90 photos: Fascinating Facts and ; Photos: Includes Showdown Poster, First black player in NHL, rare Beehive photos. New York Americans '29., Canada Cup winner '84, U.S Victory 1980, First game in Florida, Sutter Family, Mosienko's Fastest Three Goal. etc. Four (4" X 6'~ panels of approximately 50 photos 'The Joy of Hockey" Rare historical photos of men and women playing hockey and shinny on the ponds and rivers, indoor gamed played decades ago. One panel of 7 photos "Bruce Bennett's Best Photos" Bennett is acknowledged as the NHL's top photographer. 1 One panel of 12 photos "Hockey's Broadcasters" The familiar faces of Foster and Biil Hewitt, Danny Gallivan, etc. , One panel of approximately 20 photos McFariane's Career: 2 Hardy Boys references. Two panels of approximately 40 photos "Women's Hockey dating to 1890. Rare shot of Lady Stanley playing outdoors in 1890. Considered the best collection of women's hockey photos in the world. Long panel of approximately 50 photos The Wayne Gretrky Story" including rare shot of Wayne's first goal as a kid. One panel of 11 ,photos: "Don Cherry Story." BOOKS AND MAGAZINES IN THE MUSEUM LIBRARY Numerous books (up to 50), including many. by McFarlane, on the game. Includes: _ Guides, Magazines, programs, etc. NHL Official Guide and Record Book. (new each year) Hockey Hall of Fame Official Yearbook Hockey Superstars album (rare) 1993: Hall of Fame Inaugural Issue NHL Power Play Sjavers (stickers from Esso} Stanley Cup: The first 100 Years Commemorative Magazine Copies: Scotiabank Hockey College News Photo Spreads: Weekend Magazine, etc. Story of the NHL Boy on Defense Scnabs on Skates Hockey-Here's Howe Etc. Etc. HOCKEY STICKS (APPROXIMATELY 65 REGULAR STICKS. MANY .GAME USED, PLUS SEVEN GOAL STICKS AND ONE HURLEY STICK. MANY ARE AUTOGRAPHED BY STARS OF THE ERA, INCLUDING RED HORNER, APPS, DRILLON, KE_ ON; AND LEAFS OF'67) TOTAL OF 73 STICKS. From the Hall of Fame: ~ Gretrky Lemieux Bourque Clarke O'Reilly Lapointe Park Keon (rare, 1960) Cournoyer M. Tremblay Dryden S. Savard D. Maloney Lacroix. Bossy J. Mullen D. Gore MUSEUM OWNED STICKS G. Howe (rare)" Sawchuk Goal stick 1960. (Many autographs inGuding Howe) Alyn McCauley: Autographed Mario Gosselin Goai stick Ted Kennedy Stick from 40s: 9 autographs * Cures Joseph Goal, stick Dennis Huil: Team Canada '72 * (autographed by TC members) Robinson Esposito Mike Bossy Lacroix Joe Mullen Old Leaf, stick (autographed by several Hall of Famers) Plasse goal stick Mcgregor ` 2 hand painted goalie sticks * One with many autographs Replica stick: First game played in Kingston Guevremont stick Ruff Fairbaim Gilmour ~ 2 Russian sticks Russian 1972 ,~, Alftedsson (autographed) rookie of year Graves (autographed) Graves and Beliveau 100 year otd goal Stick used in 1902 Stanley Cup * Need repairs 100 year old stick from McFarlane collection. Needs repairs Replica of hurley stick: Similar to hockey Replica of 1886 stuck used in Kingston's first game Old stick with thin blade Old stick with broken blade: repaired. Several Mini sticks: Some autographed SKATES Garth Boesch: Leaf star of 40s and 50s Old Brown skates Old btadc skates 5 pair of dip on skates Black and brown skates with guards Doug Favell's goal skates ; Rare double runner skates Rare kids skates black and red: double runners Old wooden skate (150-200 years old). Pair of skates with curled up blades (very rare) donated by Mickey Walker, 82-year old player in Bala.. World's oldest registered female player. Tum of last century Starr Skates (Mill in box) TURNSTYLE A rare tumstyle used for decades at Maple Leaf Gardens GLOVES AND PADS Bemie Parents trapper from 1974. Also used by Favell. Pair of Dave Lumiey's shoulder pads (wom as a kid). Bathurst goalie gloves (Blue, yellow and white) Kenesky goalie glove B. Latonde's old NML gloves (Canudcs) Cooper goalie glove Kids player gloves Red and blue shin pads White shoulder pads Cooper goalie glove Favell's arm and shoulder pads Kenesky chest protector Curtis Joseph's LouisviAe goal pads and stick Brown leg pads (owner unknown) Ivan Irwin's palmless hockey gloves Bobby Hull model shin pad: Just one Several other gloves Pair Boxing gloves (Tiger William's hockey gloves) HELMETS AND MIASKS Goalie mask: Black with white mesh guard (Jofa) Modem Itectr mask Montreal mask created by Rids Clarke' Toronto mask (Pot~rin) created by Rick Clarke Replica of Cheeve~'s famous mask Unique hand made mask donated by late. Fred Hill. 1929 pre-dates ail other NHL masks. Hill's .1929 goalie skates Flyers' hockey bag Lalonde's old helmet wom for 12 years. JERSEYS, JACKETS Brett Hult autographed St. Louis jersey Maple Leaf Anniversary jersey (1996) # 489 Of 1931) Horton All Star jerseey (not NHL) Mikity Chicago BlaCkhawk jersey Americans replica Jersey (no longer manufactured) Calgary: Gary Roberts autographed Leafs #27 jersey (Slittler?) Toronto Toros first jersey. Introduced at initial press conference Bossy: Islanders ~, Thomas Steen: Wipnipeg Slapshot jersey:Donated by Hanson brothers Orr jersey from Hall of Fame Bathgate jersey (H0~ Gretzky jersey (HOF) Kharlamovjersey (HOF) "~ 6 Dawson City jersey commemorating 1905 S. Cup (autographed by all players) Gruen NHL Oldtimers jersey Doug Wilson jersey (Chicago) Russian jersey (Bykhov) Hockey Night in Canada jacket (B. McFariane's), white shirt, hockey tie. HNIC cap. Phil. Flyers hockey;jacket from 1974 Canada Women's Team jacket from 1990. Pants and stockings. Old sock with feet. Texans jersey, old socks Canadian Olympic Team jersey PENNANTS 1990 Womens' Woad Vntage Leaf pennant Vintage Gn~ensborcb pennant Vintage Detroit Cal. Seals HOCKEY CARDS Manon Rheaume Don Marshall from COs Don Cherry (rare) Gord Howe 2 albums wirh 40 cards in each Bob Goldham 1934 signed card A~III Star (Limitless number of other cards available if needed) GAMES Munro push-pull game from 40s. (rare) Gotham Game: First push-pull invented. Very rare Roll N Score Game ~ Ice Acction Hockey Game MATCH BOOK CQVERS March, Bowman, Brydson, Gottselig, Johnston (Ching), Dutton. MISCELLANEOUS 4 Red Seats from Maple Leaf Gardens 4 blue seats from IVALG Cash register for gift shop 25' of dasher boards Life size cutouts of Lemieux and Cherry Paperweight Hall of Fame Opening AHt Champs patch 1974 Leaf calendar Brick from Chicago Stadium LP: Hockey Night in Canada Oversize print Foster Hewitt Doug earidey h'te Replica. Stanley Cup signed by Leaf players Skate sharpener ehdorsed by B. Hull Stanley Cup pencil sharpener Peter Puck dock (rare) Stuffed Peter Puck doll Hockey Night in Calnada oast Pittsburgh Hornets crest Stanley Cup Worid'Champs cxests 1946-47, another from 1941-42 Hockey sock record: NY Rangers sing Leaf crest from Ace Bailey's jersey Canadian Navy team crest (Bob Goldham) Tickets from Mightyr Dudcs game Box of hockey pogs A large number of hockey pucks and pins of various vintages Menu from Gr+etky'~'restaurant Dionne Quints in Leaf jerseys (photo) HOCKEY ART (Prints) Bill Barilkos final goof Richard and Sugar Jim New Yorker Magazgne cover (rare) Original painting: Dryden Prints of Sawchuk, McDonald and Plante 14 various prints of hockey scenes Framed print: Skating in Central Park Framed print: Backyard hockey I Large print: Henderson's Goal 15 16 X 16 boards with images of NHL jerseys (rare) Several Doug Gibson cartoons: It Happened in Hockey Saturday Evening Post 1936: Hockey art on cover Collier's Magazine: 1931: Hockey art on cover PROGRAMS, MAGAZINES Copies of many Sports Illustrated Hockey Covers {rare) Copies of 12 oId M~.G Programs dating to 30s 24 posters of various star players 14 oversize action hotos (24" X 36") Copy of Time Mag~zine 1935: First NHLer (Chabot) on cover IMPORTANT ADDITIONS: THE FOLLOWING PHOTOS AND ITEMS ARE NOT ON OCTOBER '98 UST (ADDED SINCE MUSEUM CLOSED) Brett Hull Scores WG In triple OT in '99 Hull's Disputed Goal Hull Answers Back Scott Stevens holding S. Cup Devils grouped around Cup Two photo spread ion Hasek . Dallas Stars Grouped around Cup Modin with Cup Hatcher with Cup , Yzerman with Cup' Bowman and Wings grouped around Cup Gretzky's last gamier Two Photos • Leafs Turf Pens in' OT Sundin Celebrates Leafs Line Up for playoff Game Autographed photo of Carl Brewer, Johnny Bower and Alan Stanley Vintage hockey hglme# (30s?) NOTES: qho(~} oc artifact, is on loan and may be reclaimed by donor some: day,: Brian McFarlane has contacted star players and former players and coaches (Gretzky, Peca, Yzerman, Brodeur, Bowman, etc.) and has been promised additional photos and artifacts to be placed in a "New" Hockey Museum. As a member of the Hockey Hall of Fame,. McFarlane has been promised support (in wrfing} from the Hockey Hall of Fame. McFarlane has a source for an unlimited number of films of vintage hockey games, including rare Soviet animation for use on monitors within the Museum! Guest appearances and author signings can be arranged. - Suggest McFarlane and the Museum put together two books for sale in gift shop. One called All About Hockey for kids, a second using many of the Joy of Hockey photos and tified the Joy of Hockey. Suggest a spinning wheel be placed in Museum (or outside) to raise money for charity !or a scholarship. For $1 player spins wheel, has chance to win free- admission to Museum or a poster or book. p a non-winner, the $1' goes to charity or a scholarship fund. I saw this work successfully at Universal Studios in Los Angeles. TO ASSIST IN THE IDENTIFICATION, COLLECTION AND TRANSPORTATION OF HOCKEY MUSEUM INVENTORY, THE FOLLOWING IS STORED IN BOXES AND CONTAINERS IN THE BARRIE STORAGE AREA. ITEMS IN THE BARRIE STORAGE LOCATION 10 Plexiglass cubes 5 Plastic interlocking sheets (flooring for shootout game) 20' (Approx.) Rink Boards used to decorate .theater walls 11 Gray panels (4' X 6') 3 in Barrie, 8 in McF. Garage. with. poles and fee# 1 Red Panel (4 X 8) in McF. Garage, Posts in Barrie MASKS AND HELMETS (Red Sticker 56) White goalie malsks 1 Painted goalie masks by Clark" 1 New (tech goalie mask in blue bag 1 Helmet wom Iby Bobby Lalonde over 11 NHL seasons 1 Jofa goalie helmet and face guard (I#ech) PHOTOS AND HOCCKEY ART (#83 Red sticker) 13 Artistic Reproductions of old NHL sweaters 14 Hockey art 15 Hockey in the Movies, (John Wayne, Paul Newman, etc) 14 Bobby Hult 39 Fascinating photos 2 Old Magazine spreads. of Gilbert, Hadfield, Pulford 13 Maple Leaf hardens 3 Stanley Cup shots (Peterson working on Cup) HOCKEY GAMES ,(Red Sticker 57 & 67) 4 Hockey games 1 Pair. Mickey GValker's skates (oldest female player in world) 83 year pld Bala player donated 150 year old skates. PHOTOS Box 3, (red s#iclcer 79) '- 42 Joy of hockey 5 Bruce Bennett Display (Donated by Bruce, NHL's top photog.) !1 10 Famous broadcasters (Hewitt Gallivan, etc.) 6 Bobby Orr 27 Fascinating photos 8 Ballard and Clancy 2 Black players 3 Advertising from mags. 4 Sittler 1 Hockey poem BOX 99 -red sticker Gotham game: Very rare. First push pull game. Menu from. Gretzkyrs Restaurant Color photos of Orr and Shore Small photo of Gordie Drillon, last Leaf to win scoring title Joe Sakic poster King Clancy's contract with Leafs Leaf calendar. 1947 BOX 6 (Red sticker 89) 24 McFarlane photos 32 Women in hockey 2 Hockey art 1 Song sheet: Here Comes Shack, written by McFarlane 1 Plastiazed 4~py of Hockey News Feb. 28153 2 Wooden plaques: Lafleur and Lemieux 1 Peterborough Petes Team (3D) BOX 16 -red sticker 16 Framed Photos w glass. Action shots of NHL stars BOX 59 -red sticker Full of individual lights for track lighting PLEXIGLASS CASE (# 30 red sticker) ~'- Containing 501arg~ photos and posters ~~ BOX 84: (red sticker) Containing hockey. books: Not checked BOXES 87 AND 90: (red stickers) Full of vintage skaiies, including those of former Leaf Garth Boesch BOX 55: (red sticker) Four framed items with glass DISPLAY CABINET LARGE WOODEN. WARDROBE WITH DOORS USED TO DISPLAY GOALIE EQUIPMENT Fuil Size cutouts of Don Cherry and Mario Lemieux (152 red sticker) BOX 48: (red sticker) Large framed items: Leafs 67 Cup Champs: with many autographs Leafs hockey stars from the 1930s. Plexiglass Cube #58 red sticker: 22 Large photos and rare Munro Push-Pull Game Note: Cubes 12, 13, 14, 17, 31, 32 , 33,.51 are empty Cubes 30 amd 58 are full BOX 1 Red sticker #82 Chronological series of photos from Lord Stanley to Phil. Flyers plus captions for same. BOX # 81-red sticker. Old gloves and pads '1 3 BOX # 76 -red sticker: Has not been checked BOX #36 -red sticker: Oversize photos of Paul Henderson's WG and Foster Hewitt 23 Plywood wall panels covered with maroon burfab. Note: Photos are attached to bu~rfab by Velcro sticker strips on back. Shootout Board of goalie used in game outside Museum. Should be replaced or repainted BOX # 18 -red sticker. Goalie Pads: Doug Favell, Curtis Joseph, etc. Sticker #149: Theater rope and posts Numerous mannequins One rare tumstyle lfrom Maple Leaf Gardens Two TV monitors. ,= - The above items will fi0 a minimum space of 2,000 square feet. Captions have been prepared for each photo although newer methods of identifying photos and providing story lines may be preferred. Recent jmprovement in scanning techniques should make additional (updated) photos inexpensive to produce and provide for a periodic change of displays. Brian and Joan McFarlane Juty 25, 2003 z I ~'