HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-04-18 ReportReport No. 1 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council: The followiag is a report of a meeting of the Community Services Committee held on April 18, 1977: 1. Waverley Community Association Fireworks Display The Committee gave tentative approval to the Fireworks display subject to the meeting of the requirements for a licence and a presentation to Council by the Association at the next meeting on May 2, 1977. 2. B.M.H.A. Garage Sale at Darlington Sports Centre on May 14, 1977 It was recommended to Council that the rental fee of $125. for the Darlington Sports Centre be waived in this instance and the B.M.H.A. be responsible for the necessary clean-up. 3. Changes to Darlington Sport Centre It was recommended to Council that the proposal for changes to the Darlington Sports Centre which would be necessary to comply with the Liquor Control Board Regulation, in the amount of $1,298.64 be tentatively approved and the Town make application for Community Recreation Centre Grant and Wintario Grant and find out what is available from the Private Sector. 4. Charges for Orono Park for 1977 It was recommended to Council that the Fees for Orono Park for 1977 be as follows: Picnim up to 100 persons $15.00 Picnics more than 100 persons $30.00 Sunday Parking $1.50 per car .75 motor bike 5.00 bus Rental for the Park Booth $200.00 5. Tennis Courts Lord Elgin School It was recommended to Council that $1500, be taken from lot levies in Bowmanville, if available, to make up the balance of costs for tennis courts at Lord Elgin School and it be checked whether application has been made to the Ministry of Culture and Recreation for Community Recreation Centre Grant and Wintario Grant. 6. Tennis Courts Courtice High School It was recommended to Council that the necessary plans and applications for Grants be made for tennis courts at the Courtice High School as designed by Mr. Fanning and the School Board. Respectfully submitted Alfred Gray, Chairman