HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-02-07 ReportReport No. 1 Mayor Rickard and Members of Cotthcila- The following is a report of the meeting of the Community Services Committee held on February 7, 1977a 1. Durham Yacht Club It was recommended to Council that they support in principle, the Durham Yacht Club in their endeavour in the Village of Newcastle, and Mr. Fanning co --operate with their group. (Pr sented to Council on February 7/77). 2. Aninal Control Report The report of the Animal Control Officer was received for information and forwarded to Council. (Attached). 3. Sale of Dog Tags - Orono It was recommended that Dog Tags be sold at Midtown Variety in Orono. 4. Mr. Fredriksson - Sale of Dog Tags It was recommended to Council that Mr. Fredriksson continue the sale of dog tags in 1977 and that he be given a letter authorizing him to sell them. 5. Ad re sale of Dog Tags It was recommended to Council that ads be placed in the four newspapers serving the Town, advising the Public that Dog Licences are due, places of sale, fees, etc. 6. Cemetery Report The Bowmanville Cemetery Report was Council. (attached). received for information and forwarded to 7. Resignation •- S. Mather The resignation of Mr. S. Mather as Captain at Fire Hall #3, Orono was accepted with regret, a letter of thanks to be sent to him and the Fire Chief authorized to find a replacement. 8. Repairs to Roof - Fire Hall #2 It was recommended that a report of the damage to the apartment roof at Fire Hall X62, Village of Newcastle be presented to Council and the Contractor and Insurance Company be sent letters of authorization for the repairs. Estimate from County Roofing, Newtonville of $555. to replace the roof. 9. Durham Region Fire Chiefs' Meeting It was recommended that the Fire Chief be authorized to provide the usual refreshments for the Durham Regional Fire Chiefs' Quarterly Meeting to be held in Bowmanville, Wednesday, February 16, 1977. 10. Vehicle Accident The Chief's report of an accident with the station wagon was accepted for information and it was recommended to Council that the damages to both vehicles be paid. Report No. 1 11. Back Flow Valve - Fire Hall lit The Chairman and Fire Chief were asked to get quotations for a back-flow valve on the water supply system at Hall #2 and it was recommended that they be authorized to have the work carried out. 12. Mutual Aid Membership Fees - 1977 It was recommended to Council that the fee of $20. per Hall ($60.) for membership in the Durham Region Mutual Aid Fire Services Association for 1977 be paid. 13. Proposed Courtice Fire Hall It was recommended to Council that a Committee composed of two members of Council, the Fire Chief, the Planner and the Clerk select a site for a Fire Hall in the Courtice Area. 14. Furnaces - Darlington Sports Centre It was recommended to Council that the furnaces at the Darlington Sports Centre be located on the ground floor.(sent to Council Feb. 7/77) 15. Boommanville Figure Skating Carnival It was recommended to Council that the Figure Skating Carnival in Bowmanville be held on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. 16. Postage It was recommended to Council that postage should be paid only for Recreation Programs sponsored by the Town. 17. Caretaker - Orono Town Hall It was recommended that the Director of Recreation line up a new Caretaker for the Orono Town Hall. 18. Community Services Committee Responsibilities The Committee responsibilities for the Community Services Committee be as follows* Recreation Parks and Playgrounds Arenas Swimming Pools Community Centres Fire Control Animal Control Livestock Control Libraries Museums Cemeteries. (sent to Council February 7/77) Report No. 1 19. McBurney Architect re Arenas It was recommended that the letter from McBurney Architect regarding Newcastle Arenas be received for information. 2Q. Boy Scout Maintenance of Abandoned Cemeteries It was recommended to Council that the offer of the Boy Scouts of NewZastle to provide service for the maintenance of abandoned Cemeteries be accepted and the fee for maintenance, grass cutting etc. be paid to them. Respectfully submitted Alfred R. Gray, Chairman CEMETE Y REPORT BRED...DOt?N OF GRAVE SALES FNP GRAVE OPENINGS SALES: Regular Old Rate 139 C µ54.00 $17,506.00 i New Rate 29 @ $90.00 2,610.00 $10,116.00 Babyland Old Rate 3 OF, ;"14.00 42.00 New Rate @ C4,;215. 0C 50.00 92.00 µ1C,203.00 OPENINGS: Regular Old Rate 31 $4,428.00 New Rate 42 $2,493.00 6,921.00 ,17,129.00 CASH RECEIPTS — 197C Balance of Accounts December 31, 1975 Paid in 1976 Accounts for le76 Paid in 1976 µ4,259.5O 2,133.00 $2,126.50 $17,129.00 13,961.00 $3,160.00 $5,294.50 Cremation Plot and Burial to General Ledger 30.00 3alance December 31, 1976 $5,324.50 Cremation Plots Sales ti Cl- 90.00 $010.00 Cash Receipts 1916 010.00 PERPETUAL CARE REQUIREP:7ENTS FOR 1279- Regular 97ERegular Graves 139 @ 19.00 $2,641.00 29 @ 32.00 928.00 Eabyland 3 @ 5.00 15.00 2 @ 10.00 20.00 Cremations 9 @ 5.75 51.75 1 @ 7.00 7.00 $3,662.75 Respectfully submitted Helen E. Depew Secretary Treasurer. REVENUE: P,CI7111ANVILLE CE)JETERY STATED EDIT OF REVE=TUE AND EXPENDITUMS (for the year ending December 31, 1976) (with IC75 figures for comparison) Plot Sales Burial Charges Cremation Transfer from Trust Fund Miscellaneous Municipal Contribution EXPENDITURES: Administrative and General Maintenance and Care of Plots and Grounds Provisions for Perpetual Care 1976 1675 $10,208.00 :$ 5,610.00 6,921.00 5,005.00 310.00 included in above. 3,23rl.23 3,133.00 1,560.51 9E4.00 1101,130.31 14,460.00 m34,966.55 $29,477.00 $22,506.60 $20,953.00 0,7:;7.12 6,474.00 3,662.75 2,045.00 $34,966.55 $29,477.00