HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-09TOWN OV NEW-CAti'l l k Planning and Development Committee August 9, 1979 Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on 'lliursday, August 9, 1979, at 7 p.m. in Court Room #1, Police and Fire Building Roll Call Present were: Councillor Ann Cowman, Chairman Councillor Keith D. Barr, Member Councillor J. W. Holliday, Member Councillor Maurice Prout, Member_ Mayor C. B. Rickard, Member. Deputy Clerk, Gertrude Cray, Secretary Absent: Councillor. William Clarke, Member Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs, Member Also Present: 'Town Manager, A.C.W. Culler Director of Planning, Don Smith Long Range Planner, T. Edwards Director of Public Works, J. Dunham Director of Community Services, T.A.Fannin,; Resolution #PD --360- 19 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hol I iday Adoption THAT the minutes of the meeting held on July 23, 1979 be of Minutes adopted as read. "CARRIED" Washington Mr. Walter Grieve, representing Mr. Wallace, the owner Gardens of the property, introduced plans for a Proposed Cemetery Development in part of lots 26, 27, 28 Concession 5, Proposed 'Township of Darlington, to he known as WashLngton Gardens. Cemetery He stated that the existing zoning on the property would Development allow a cemetery, however, this; conflicted NO the Durham Official Pian. He asked that the owner wished to enter into a Site Plan Agreement with the Town, they could then Mr. W. Grieve apply for Ministerial Modification to the Durham Official Plan. He stated that they already had the npproval of the Medical Officer of Health. Pl:cnning and Development Committee - 2 - August `), 19Y9 Mr. J. Williams Mr. J. Williams, of Williams and Smith Associates Consultant Limited, explained the proposal.. He staged that the focus of the Cemetery would be the Washington House, a fieldstone house built in IR34 which would be restored. The property consists of 11.5 acres, 60 of which could be farmed. He felt that there was a need for a cemetery in this area. The proponent felt that a private enterprise cemetery was economically viable. He also answered questions from the members of the Committee. Public The Meeting had been advertised as a Public Meeting, Meeting to hear comments on Application to Amend the Durham Regional Official Plan 79-8/1), in Part of Lot 32, O.P.A. 79-8/1) Concession 10, former Township of Clarke, the purpose Part lot 32, of which was to redesignate approximately 66 acres of Concession 10 land from "Major Open Space -Oak Ridges Moraine" to Township of "Extractive Industrial" to permit the extraction of sand Clarke and gravel. Mr. Smith, the Director of Planning outlined the procedure Salco for an Official. Plan Amendment and stated that this meeting Sand & was being held to Bear the public comments, before the 'lawn Gravel made comments to the Region of Durham. He stated that this Amendment would allow Salco Sand and Gravel to open another pit on this site. Comments would he forwarded to the Regional Punning and Development Committee and the Regional Council would have a further discussion on the matter. Mr. Billings, Mr. Dennis Billings, of the Mtnislry of Natural Resources Natural Resources and Mr. Bellamy from the Regional Works DepNrtment were Mr. Iiellanly present to answer question;. Regional Works Comments Mr. HallanLine: Was there no one from the Ministry of the Environment present? Mr. Smith No representative of the Ministry of the Environment had been invited. Rita Ball: Has the rout which the trucks wi I 1 take from this pit been decided upon"? Mr. `smith: The 'town has initiated a study for the f uaslbil ity of a truck route for the existing pit.. The Act was being :_rmendc•d to provide regulations for the establishment of truck routes. The "ew pit would he Licensed under the new regulations. Planning; and Development Committee - 3 - August 9, 1979 Mrs. Ball: Mow do we get copies of the new regulations and who regulates the trucks now? Mr. Smith: "trucks are free to travel on any road at the present time. Provincial Legislation covers the granting of a license to operate a gravel pit, under the Ministry of Natural Resources. The License covers the amount of gravel taken from the pit and rehabilitation etc•. Mr. Ballantine: The Ministry of the Environment did not take into considerations the concerns expressed in the residents' previous .letter. Transports m"si have canopies etc. Need an Environmental Assessment. Mr. J. Storey: Would the feasibility study of a truck route include the feasibility of a private road? Mayor Rickard: A private road would be the cost of the owner and would be very expensive. Mr. Smith The route being studied would be for a system on public roads. Mrs. Smith: Lives on County Road 20 and suggested that the Councillors come and park at .5:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. at her home and count: the trucks on County Road 20. There were 2 or 3 trucks every 2 minutes with the longest break being; 5 minutes. They were not all from the S,alco Sand and Gravel Co. The speed in the morning; and the, road east. of 15 is too =")w to accommodate 2 trucks at that speed. There ;are also school buses on these roads. The road is not wide enough for the present traffic and more traffic would he unbearable. Mr. W. Ragnell: Asked :about the rehabilitation of a pit. Mr. Bill_fng;s: 'Phis .is hart of the Site flan application. 'fhe applfraut submits a plan for rehabilitation. The Ministry e;_amOv s it to see how it would Fit in with the prusant uses. it could be used for recreation, reforesuntion, sanitary land- fill- site. Under the new legislation being; proposed, the Aggregates Act, the Ministry would collect additional security from the operators to he used to assLst in re- habilitatin the sites which have already been abandoned. The hill had already had First Reading, in May and it way; expected the Second and Third Readings would be in the Fall so that it would be in use by 1980. Sue Richards: lives on Leskard Road. "Ip trucks speed by at 5:30 a.m. There are 100 families. This matter was brought before Council. 2 years in a row. Had there been an increase in tonnage. Planning and Development Committee - 4 - August 9, 1979 Mr. Billings: The tonnage had not been changed since the 1icenc•e was granted in 1973. He suggested the tonnage was 350,000 per year. Mr. Timoll: Lives east of the present quarry and complained of the noise and the dust. He asked what precautions would be Laken before another licence Is granted. Mr. Smith: The Site Plan shows the extent of the rlpplicati.on, and distance from the boundary lines of the property. Mr. Neal: What is the intent and purpose of the new pavement which was laid up to the Salco property on Leskard Road? Mayor Rickard: to serve the truck traffic. Mr. Storey: After the Official Plan Amendment will there be a meeting to discuss the truck route before the licence is granted? Mr. Smith The Town must pass a rezoning by -low and the licence cannot be granted until the rezoning has taken place. The Town can comment on the licence application to the Ministry of Natural Resources. Mr. Ballantine: to Mr. Billings: Are you aware that this is an Environmentally sensitive area subject to erosion and being a water recharge zone? He read a portion from the fits and Quarries Act relative to environmentally sensitive areas. Should there not he an Environmental Impact Study clone. He stated that a road and hydro were already being put on the site, and was advised this was private property and anyone can build a road on his own property. Mr. Bellamy: Roads are built for use and it: Is Regional Policy to accept all traffic on regional roads. By-laws would have to be passed by the Region and the Municipality to prohibit trucks on roads, and he dial not feel that this would happen. Mrs. Ball: What will the representatives of this municipality recommend to the Region? Con. Cowman: A further report would be made to the Planning and Development Committee by Staff: to the next Committee meeting on August 23, taking into account the comments from this Public Meeting. Committee would then make its recommendation to Council. Resolution #PD -361-79 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Prout Recess THAT there be a .10 minute recess. "CA RRIEW' Planning; and Development Committee - 5 - August 9, 1979 Resolution #PD -362-79 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Holliday O.P.A. 79-8/D THAT the recommendation in Report 1.'040-79. _zel.ati.ve to Salco O.P.A. 79-8/D, Salco Sand and Gravel be endorsed Sand & Gravel. and Staff be instructed to bring; forward a further report and recommendation on O.P.A. 19-8/D. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -363-79 Moved by Con. Prout; seconded by Con. Barr Application for THAT the recommendation in Report P-136-79, relative Rezoning; Z -A-1-4-4 to Application for Rezoning Z -A-1-4-4, Part Lot 21, pt. lot 21, Concession 2, Darlington (Preston) be endorsed and Conc. 2 the report be received for information. Darlington (Preston) "CARR I XV Resolution #PD -364-79 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Prout THAT the. recommvndntfon In Report P-137-79, re1arive Rezoning; to Application for Rezoning Z -A -3-I L-3, Block 48, Application Hanning's Plan, Village of Newcastle (Wright) be Z -A-3-11-3 endorsed and the application for rezoning be tabled Block 48 pending approval or denial of an Official flan Hanning's Plan Amendment, and further., that the applicant be Village of Newcastle advised to submit an application to amend the Region (Wright) of Durham Official. Plan. Rezoning 7.-A-1-11-8 Lots 5 & 6, Conc. 8 Darlington (Parrish) "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -365-79 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Barr THAT the reconnendation in Report P-138-79, relative to Rezoning Z -A-1-11-8, Road allowance between lots 5 and 6, Concession 8, Darlington (Parrish) be endorsee] and By-law 21.11 of the former Township of Darlington be amended and the amending by-law, as corrected by changing Lot 9 to Lot 8 on the Schedule, he approved by Council. "CART, f 1?I)" Planning and Developnunt Committee - 6 - Aug"M 9, 1979 Resolution #PD -366-79 ;loved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Prout Subdivision THAT Report P-139-79, relative to Rills of. Liberty 18T-77123 North - Estate Lot Plan of Subdivision, part lot 1.1, Rills of Concession 3, 18T-77123, be received for information Liberty and the Ministry of Housing, he advised that the Town North is proceeding; with the processing; of subdivision Plan 1ST -77123. "CARRTED" Resolution #PD -367-7.9 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded I,y Mayor Rickard Solina THAT it be recommended to Council that Report P-1.23-79 Hamlet relative to Sol.ina Hamlet DeveLopment Plan, File C -D-2:? Development be received and the Region of Durham be requested to take Plan any action necessary to resume active consideration of Amendment 10 to the Official Plan for the former 'Township of Darlington, inasmuch as; said amendment Is; still necessary. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -36h-79 Moved by Con. Pr.out, seconded by Con. Holliday Watermain THAT Report P-141-79 relative to Romney Mead Subdivision Easement Water Main Easement Newcastle Village - South West Quadrant Romney Mead be received for information. Village of Newcastle "CARRIED'' Resolution #PD -369-19 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Holliday THAT Staff be directed to determine appropriate alignment for the Watermain Easement in the Romney Mead Subdivision as soon as possible, in co-operation with the owners. "CARRIKD" Planning and Development CoMMI ttee - 7 - August 9, 1979 Resolution #PD -370-79 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Prout THAT the letter from the Ministry of Housing, dated July 26, 1979 and addressed Lo Mr. Albert Cuiler, Municipal Town Manager, be received for information and the Housing Director of Planning obtain an update of the Policy Regional Municipal. Housing Policy, particularly Statement pertaining to Senior Citizens' lousing, for a report to the next meeting. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -371-79 Additional Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Prout Storm THAT TM -90-79 relative to the cost of Storm Water Water Management Studies, be received for. information Management and each member of the Committee comment on the Studies draft proposal in wr.it.ng to the Town Manager by the end of next week. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -372-79 `loved by Cott. Holliday, seconded by Con. Barr Washington }louse THAT Committee acknowledge receipt of the Cemetery proposal for Washington Clouse Cemetery Development Proposal and refer to Staff for a report. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -373-79 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Prout Adjournment THAT the meeting adjourn at 10:35 p.m. "CARRIED"