HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-04-10V TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Planning & Development Committee Roll April 10, 1979 Minutes of a PUBLIC MEETING of the Planning & Development Committee held on April 10th, 1979, at 7:30 p.m. in Court Room #1, Police and Fire Building, Bowmanville. The Meeting was for the purpose of a Public Presentation of the COURTICE URBAN AREA PLAN Call Present were: Councillor Ann Cowman, Chairman Councillor Keith Barr, Member Councillor I. M. Hobbs, Member Councillor J. W. Holliday, Member Councillor M. Prout, Member Mayor G. B. Rickard, Member Deputy Clerk G. Gray, Committee Secretary Absent: Councillor William Clarke, Member Also Present: Director of Planning and Development, D. Smith Long Range Planner, T. Edwards Mr. Phil Levine, I.B.I.Group and approximately 125 other persons. Chairman Cowman convened the meeting and asked Mayor Rickard to explain why the Town Manager was not present. Mayor Rickard stated that the Town Manager was absent due to illness. Background The Chairman explained the background of the preparation of the Plan. The 1978 Council gave approval for landowners in the Area to hire a Consultant to prepare a Development Plan under the guidance of the Town's Planning and Development Department. The I.B.I. Group was the Consultant hired for this purpose. Mr. Levine explained the Plan and the existing land uses. The Plan conforms to the Regional Official Plan (Durham). He explained the procedure for having the Plan approved by the Ministry of HOusing. He explained the method of defining the various neighbourhoods and the method of arriving at the population projected for each neighbourhood. He stated that the schools and parks on the plan would be determined in the neighbourhood development stage and that the Regional Plan for the Courtice Urban Envelope is the subject of an Ontario Municipal Board Hearing. Mr. Penfound Mr. Roka - 2 - He touched on environmentally sensitive areas in the Plan, the alignment of Adelaide Street, which is flexible, the alignment of the other main arterial roads. He stated that the alignments would be fully discussed during the formation of the neighbourhood plans; and that services are already being constructed in Courtice, by the Region of Durham. The Chairman asked for questions from the floor. Prestonvale Road South, Suggested a realignment of Prestonvale Road and Bloor Street Intersection be west by at least 500 ft. Trull's Road South, questioned the process of planning and mentioned the Jones Plan, Dillon Plan, O.M.B. Hearings etc. and stated that the sewer and water lines are already there. Mr. Levine The area is presently under the Darlington Official Plan which was approved in 1960 and is the statutory Plan of record. The O.M.B. decision said that the two plans of subdivision, under discussion, conformed to the Darlington Official Plan and as such, were approved. This Plan conforms tothe Durham Official Plan, and if approved, will supersede the Darlington Official Plan. Mr. Neil Prestonvale Road, Who appoints the members of the Ontario Municipal Board. the Cabinet of the Government in Power, Answer: Yes. He questioned the alignment of Prestonvale Road, why bring traffic so far south to get into Oshawa. Mr. Levine The alignment can be changed in the Neighbourhood Plan. Bloor Street will be a Regional Road and will be upgraded and the hazards and intersections will be dealt with at that time. Mr. Neil Is I.B.I. working for the developers. Mr. Levine I.B.I. is paid in part by the landowners but controlled by the Staff of the Town of Newcastle. The Plan has been shown to Council and they have commented initially but refrained from further comment until after public input had been obtained. Mrs. Dreossi When will the Neighbourhood Plans be developed. and questions the roads in the subdivisions and where they will intersect present roads. Mr. Levine The roads in the subdivision have been defined and the point of intersection has been defined. Mrs. Dreossi If the Plan is approved, what is definite. - 3 - Mr. Levine The verbiage in the Plan says if a developer wishes to develop, he must submit a plan of subdivision to Council. Mrs. Dreossi Why does the road alignment always go through her property. Mr. Levine The road is conceptual, the alignment could be behind Prestonvale Road. Mrs. Dreossi Do all subdivisons have to be subject to a Neighbourhood Plan before any subdivision can proceed. Mr. Levine If the Plan is approved, the process would proceed. It proposes to have each Neighbourhood Plan speak to specific areas. Mrs. Dreossi Did the Town pay for the plan Mr. Levine Approximately 20% was paid for by the Town, 80% by the developers but was controlled 100% by the Town. Mr. R. DeCoe Prestonvale Road South, was there a Resolution adopting the Plan. - answer Yes Con. Cowman Correction, the Planning Committee received the Plan . Mr. DeCoe Does the Darlington By-law apply now. If residents don't agree with the Roads and zoning can they appeal to the O.M.B. to change the Plan. Mr. Levine Most of the land is zoned D for Deferred in the present Darlington By-law and would have to be amended to change the zoning. Mr. DeCoe Suggested that Claret Road be realigned to Townline Road as the cost of expropriation would be less. Mr. Levine Developers would dedicate land - the problem was a desire to keep traffic within acceptable limits. Mr. Barnard The Plan shows development in an area which is a bog - was there a study done on the environmental areas. Mr. Levine The Plan was circulated to authorities who made comments on roads, etc and approved. C.L.O.C.A. indicated sensitive areas by mapping and suggested an elaborate process to allow development. - 4 - Mr. Barnard Questioned if this land could be developed. Mrs. Penfound If she does not submit objections in writing, could the road be run right up her lane. She suggested they get rid of the road. Mr. Levine This would be a study area in the Neighbourhood Plan. Mr. Dreossi Prestonvale Road If the minimum road width is 26 meters, what is the maximum. and wished to know the difference between Arterial Roads (a) and (b). Mr. Levine Arterial Roads have an approximate right -of -way for (b) 120 to 150 ft. and (a) 100 to 120 ft. Mr. Levine said he would check this accurately. Mrs. Callus What level of government will decide the alignment of Courtice Rd. N. Adelaide St'-reet. Mr. Levine Regional and Municipal. This road will run somewhere along the northern border and ultimately, in 20 or 30 years, this part of the area will need a major thoroughfare. Mrs. ? Will the border of the urban area move. Mr. Levine The alignment of the road could be within a band of 2 mile either way, further distance would defeat the purpose of the road. Mr. Wilson #2 Highway - How much money was I.B.I. paid for the Plan He questioned the sudden appearance of sewer construction. He said he represented 5 property owners fronting on Highway #2. Questioned the Study area into which this area was defined. He spoke of the previous study done by Mills and that he had put in a letter last July, to the Planning Committee commenting on that Study. He asked Mayor Rickard if his letter had ever been considered. Mr. Levine That Study had never been adopted by Council and was still up in the air. Mr. Wilson What happened to the public input. Con. Hobbs You have directed a question to the Mayor, give him an opportunity to answer. - 5 - Mayor Rickard What is the question? Mr. Wilson What happened to the input, it is not known to the present Planner. Mayor Rickard There have been changes in Council and changes in Staff - if your opinion is not being noted,it should be considered. This Council may not consider it in the same way. He will find out through the Planning Department. Mr. Wilson Presented a copy of the letter which he had previously submitted and gave it to the Director of Planning & Development. He questioned the meaning of Section 2.5.2 Policies Section v) a) b) and c) Special Study Area Commercial. Mr. Levine In order not to hold up the whole plan, that area was identified as a Study Area. Mr. Wilson Are all the proposals commercial Mr. Levine This has not been resolved. Con. Cowman Suggest the Study Area be referred to the Director of Planning and Development. Mr. Wilson the 5 people now in the commercial zone wish to have input. Is there anything to prevent it from being rezoned from commercial. Con. Cowman Suggested he put it in writing Mr. Smith Will review the Draft Plan and present it to Council at a future meeting. Mr. Kocan #2 Highway, past the 11th Line, questioned the north/south Bloor St. Intersection. Unidentified person What area is Mr. Wilson speaking of - was answered. Mrs. Main Bloor Street near Townline Road - Spoke of the statistics of accidents at Townline and Bloor and the problem with the intersection. She suggested another alignment. Mr. Levine Bloor Street is a Regional Road and will have to consider Regional traffic. - 6 - Mrs. Barclay Darlington Boulevard S., - Where are the 20,000 people in the plan going to work. Is there any industrial assessment there. Are these homes really needed since Darlington Generating Station has been slowed down and Wesleyville has been stopped. There are a lot of empty houses in Oshawa. Will the houses in Courtice be cheaper. Mr. Levine Most people will work in Oshawa. He does not know what kind of houses will be built., developers will build what they can sell. Your property value relates to your own property and what kind of building etc., and can a portion of your property be developed if servicing is available. Mrs. Barclay How many private subdivisions have been proposed. Mr. Levine 6 or 7 involving major holdings in excess of 25 acres. There may be others who plan to develop smaller areas. They did not approach all landowners, as they felt that was beyond their jurisdiction, but if a landowner came forward with a proposal, it was considered. Mrs. Barclay Let Oshawa have the ten lots. Ms. C -? Townline Road North - questioned the northern urban boundary - why was the north portion excluded. Mr. Levine It had been excluded in the Regional Plan. This document conforms to the Regional Plan. The Darlington Plan shows a buffer. Consideration could be given to moving the boundary. The area north would not be governed by the Courtice Plan. Would be governed by the designation, "Deferred". and the RegionalPlan and the Zoning By-law. Mrs. Hobson Will Nash Road be 4 lanes. Mr. Levine chances are it will not be,east of Trull's road there will be less right-of-way. Nash Road, west of Trulls Road will perform a different function. Mrs. Hobson Who pays for services on Nash Road Con. Cowman It will not be on the tax bill. There is an interest free loan from the Province to the Region. It will be built into Lot Levies and users will pay. Mrs. Hobson What happens if a well is drained. - 7 - Con. Cowman explained the Regional Policy relative to wells - frontages are forgiven but property owners pay for their own pipes. Unidentified Person Lives on Nash Road, her well not checked by the Region. Con. Cowman Call the Regional Works Department. Walter Michael Varcoes Road - Must he put in a written submission. Mr. Levine There will be another meeting in 2 weeks time - make submissions in writing, if possible. The Plan goes to the Planning Committee and then back to Staff. Mr. Michael questioned Adelaide Road Mr. Smith This will be considered by the Planning Staff Mrs. Vooys Darlington Boulevard S., - spoke of the danger of school children crossing if #2 Highway is widened at Darlington Boulevard. Mr. Levine That is a Provincial Road. Mr. Roka What is the quickest way to get people from one area to another. Mr. Levine As the Crow flies. Mr. Roka Major traffic will be on his road - major traffic should be through development. Mr. Levine That is a Regional Road. Con. Cowman Objected to Trull's Road in the Regional Plan. The Chairman asked for written submissions The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.