HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-122-08 Clar�n REPORT Leadang the Way�� PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING Date: Monday, November 17, 2008 I e, ;o4 � 011 1°� '�-�$ QQ Report M PSD-122-08 File #: RE 33.3.10 By-law M Subject: ENERGY FROM WASTE SITE LIAISON COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-122-08 be received; 2. THAT the Manager of Special Projects for Planning Services be appointed as the Clarington Staff liaison with the alternate being the Senior Planner of Special Projects; and 3. THAT the Region of Durham be notified of the appointment. Submitted by: David . Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Director of Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer FUsh/df November 10, 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-122-08 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The Region of Durham Council adopted the Energy from Waste Site Liaison Committee Terms of Reference on May 7, 2008. The Region of Durham has appointed the five (5) residents called for in the Terms of Reference and Clarington has selected an additional four (4) appointments for the committee. 1.2 In addition, the terms of reference included non-voting members being the Regional Ward Councillor, Clarington Ward 1 Councillor, a Durham Region Works Department Staff member and a Clarington staff member. 2.0 COMMENTS 2.1 The Special Projects Branch of the Planning Services Department has carriage of this project from the municipal perspective. It would be appropriate to appoint the Manager of Special Projects (Faye Langmaid) as the staff liaison for this committee, the alternate would be the Senior Planner (Janice Szwarz) if the Manager is unable to attend. 3.0 CONCLUSION 3.1 The appointment of residents and staff by Council does not imply in any way that the Municipality accepts that the commitment of the Region in the Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference to establish a Public Liaison Committee for the duration of the EA study has been fulfilled. As noted in PSD-097-07 which was approved by Council Resolution #GPA-512-07 "the mandate of the Citizen Advisory Group envisioned by the Region would not address the role of the Public Liaison Committee as set out in the EA Terms of Reference." Appointment of members to the Site Liaison Committee by Clarington Council are being made on a "without prejudice" basis. Attachments: Attachment 1- Terms of Reference Attachment 1_ To Report PSD-122-08 DurhamNork Residual Waste Study Residual Waste Studv Region of Durham and Region of York Energy from Waste Facffity Site Liaison Committee Terms of Reference 1. COMI FFTEE GOAL AND MANDATE The Energy from Waste (EFW)Facility Site Liaison Committee(SLC) shall serve to review and provide input on site specific studies related to the Environmental Assessment (EA) study of the Energy from Waste Facility. The Committee will invite volunteers from the community to put their names forward for appointment by Durham Regional and Clarington Councils as defined in this document. The committee will report, in accordance with the following Terms of Reference to the Joint Waste Management Group (JWMG), until its dissolution. 2. SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES The scope of SLC includes: 1. Scheduling, advertising and maintaining agendas and minutes for quarterly or more frequent meetings open to the public. 2. Maintaining membership and notifying Durham Council of the need to replace any member missing three consecutive meetings without prior notification or valid reason 3. Review of site specific EA Study reports in coordination with the ongoing EA project schedule. 4. Distribution of information from the site specific EA studies as requested by JWMG. 5. Facilitating communication between local residents and stakeholders, and the JWMG. 6. Receiving and hearing deputations from local residents and stakeholders pertaining to the EFW site specific EA studies. The SLC should develop protocols governing acceptable and relevant content. 7. Preparing, maintaining and archiving supporting material as the committee deems necessary including committee agendas and minutes,deputation records, mailing April 23,2008 2 Energy from Waste Facility Site Liaison Committee-Terms of Reference lists,information files, resource materials, newsletters, fact sheets and PowerPoint presentations 3. OPERATING CRPI'ERIA 8. Durham Region shall appoint a liaison person from the Region's Works Department and a liaison from the JWMG. The Municipality of Clarington may provide a liaison person. 9. Durham Region shall approve the annual budget that may include for such items as administrative supplies for the SLC and other operating costs. 10. The SLC must maintain budget and provide back-up documentation to the Region for all monies spent and will review the need and status for its own budget on a regular basis. Annually, in August,the SLC will submit the proposed budget for the forthcoming year for review and consideration by Durham Region Council as a line item in the annual Solid Waste Management Budget. 11. Durham Region will provide space on its website to post information such as meeting minutes and pertinent information as it pertains to the site specific EA studies as it deems appropriate. York Region and the JWMG may provide independent posting of information or provide linkage to Durham's website as required. 12. All meeting minutes and the annual report will be posted on the Durham Region and EFW websites and the information or links to the information may be posted on the Municipality of Clarington, York Region and JWMG websites. 13. The Chair of the SLC will present their annual report and any additional reports as requested, to the JWMG, Durham Regional Council, and Clarington Council. The Chair will also provide a presentation to both the Joint Waste Management Group and Clarington Council after each meeting of the SLC. 14. SLC members shall elect a secretary/treasurer from its membership. SLC members shall elect a Vice-Chair to serve in absence of the Chair. If a vacancy in the Vice-Chair or secretary/treasurer position occurs an election will be held. The chairperson shall: • Chair SLC meetings and encourage balance and professional functioning of SLC business • Encourage membership participation • Establish meeting agendas • Review and arrange for the circulation of minutes • Follow-up on all committee activities April 23,2008 3 Energy from Waste Facility Site Liaison Committee-Terms of Reference • Submit the committee's annual budget summary and report for consideration by the Region. 4. MEMBERSHIP Voting membership in the SLC shall consist of nine (9)members which shall include: • Five (5)residents of the Region of Durham at large, appointed by Durham Regional Council, for a two (2)year term that is renewable for a maximum of three-(3) consecutive terms. Appointments are to be staggered to provide continuity for the Committee. • Four(4)residents of Clarington appointed by Clarington Council, for a two (2) year term that is renewable for maximum of three(3) consecutive terms. Appointments are to be staggered to provide continuity for the committee. • One (1) Chair—The Regional Chair and Mayor of Clarington will jointly appoint the Chair Person, from the nine.voting members who will serve a two (2)year term which is renewable for one(1) consecutive term. Although considered a voting member,the Chair will only vote in the event of a tie vote. Non Voting members may include: • A designated Durham Regional Works Department staff member, JWMG member, Clarington staff member, or York staff member • A representative from the Ministry of Environment • The local Ward 1 Councillor and the Regional 1 Councillor 5. APPLICATION PROCESS Persons interested in obtaining a voting position of the committee must submit a letter p detailing the following: • Qualifications and experiences relevant to the committee and position • A statement of interest and reason for applying for appointment to the committee The Region of Durham's Works Committee will be responsible for preparing a report recommending voting and identifying non-voting committee members, selected according to the criteria above, for approval of Durham Regional Council. April 23,2008 4 Energy from Waste Facility Site Liaison Committee-Terms of Reference 6. MEETING FORMAT • The frequency and dates of meetings will be determined after the committee has been '+ established and approved. The SLC may choose to adjust the schedule ensuring that a minimum of four(4)meetings are held annually. The meeting schedule will be adopted for one (1) year, with any additional meetings scheduled at the discretion of the committee. • Meetings will be held in the evening the Regional Headquarters, 605 Rossland Road East in Whitby. Meeting schedule for the year will be determined through vote during the first initial meeting will be advertised to the public. Any changes to meeting dates must be published two (2) weeks in advance of the proposed meeting. • All decisions made by the SLC will be based on simple majority and there must be 50 %plus one voting members in attendance for a quorum • All meetings of the SLC will be open to the public • All members of the committee, and liaison representatives as well as the Regions' Directors of Waste Management, shall receive copies of the minutes and agenda for the next meeting, with a minimum notification period of two (2)weeks prior to the next scheduled meeting • The Region's Director of Waste Management shall provide a staff member for clerical and administrative assistance. i 7. COARHITEE BUDGET An annual$10,000 fund will be established for the committee to cover operating expenses. Any other funding requests must be submitted through JWMG for consideration. The committee Treasurer/Secretary shall keep a current and accurate statement of all expenses. Committee members will be reimbursed for mileage expenses for attendance at SLC meetings upon submission of an expense sheet. S. COMIVE TTEE TERM The term of the SLC will continue through to the formal conclusion of the Environmental Assessment process, at which time it will be dissolved. At that time a new committee will be struck with a new mandate for the construction, operation and monitoring for the EFW project.