HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-39-92 v' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # jrY"Ji ./4-90. G-6 Res. #G:eti-7/8-9d. By-Law # Date: NOVEMBER 16, 1992 Report #: ~~-~q-q~ File #: Subject: REQUEST FOR FENCE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. CS-39-92 be received; 2. THAT staff be authorized to reimburse the Dixon's for 50% of the total cost (materials & labour) of erecting a fence; 3. THAT the necessary funds in an amount not to exceed $800.00 be drawn from the Working Funds Reserve (2900-00001-0000); and 4. THAT Robert and Norma Dixon be advised of action taken by Council. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 On November 2, 1992 staff received a letter (Attachment #1) from Robert and Norma Dixon of 58 West Beach Road, Bowmanville, requesting the Town to share 50% of the total costs of materials and labour incurred in erecting a wooden privacy fence between 58 West Beach Road and 59 West Beach Road in Bowmanville (Attachment #2). 1.2 The property referred to as 59 West Beach Road (Lot 11, Plan 150 former Town of Bowmanville, now Town of Newcastle) is currently a vacant lot owned by the Town of Newcastle. 1.3 As the owner of the property in question, the Municipality is obligated to share the costs up to 50% of erecting a fence, if the abutting owner so requests. .. /2 905 RIOCYCLlDt:\.' PAPIER PAPFR 't:J:;I RECYCLE !H~ tS PRINTED ON RfCYCLEO PArrR REPORT NO. CS-39-92 - 2 - NOVEMBER 16, 1992 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4 Estimates for the supply of materials (Attachment #3) have also been provided, the lowest being in the total amount of $934.57. In addition, Attachment #4 is provided as an estimate in the total amount of $600.00 for labour to erect the fence. 2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS: 2.1 Staff through Report CS-39-92 is recommending authorization to fulfil the Town's obligation for 50% of the expenses of supplying and erecting a wooden fence. 2.2 The aspect of funding has been discussed with and agreed to by the Treasurer. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Qj1 . !! /~~-==::. JoseE~ P. Caruana, Director Dep~ment of Community Services Officer JPC:sa 906 Re: The erection of a wooden privacy fence, between Lot IO and Lot II, Plan 150, formerly the Town of Bowmanville, now Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham. Robert, 58 West'Beac Bowmanv111e, LIe 3K3 623-2270 ATTACHMENT # .~ ;~ . @~\1W.'~mJ~ ,~ ,J~,/, gO? ~ NO\} 0 2 1 ~... .- ",,\~ICASTLE TO\\/N Qr ,<~~<V; () Dept. CommLlnlty ..:>~rv.c~.s ....~-~~ Joe Caruana Town of Newcastle Department of Community Services Owners of Lot II Plan 150 are; Robert and Norma Dixon 58 West Beach Road Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3K3 Owners of Lot IO Plan 150 are; Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIe 3A6 Vacant Property Address: 59 West Beach Road Bowmanville, Ontario Robert and Norma Dixon owners of Lot II, Plan 150, would like to erect a wooden fence on the property line between Lot IO and Lot II, Plan 150. The fence we propose to erect would be a 5 (five) foot board and I (one) foot lattice, 6 (six) foot in total. This fence will be approximatly IIO ( one- hundred and ten ) feet in length. We are asking the Town of Newcastle to pay for half ( fifty percent ) of the expenses incured in erecting this fence. Yours ~\y. , . fJ~ ?lpJ=,::O~vV{ Dixon Robert and Norma 907. ATTACHMENT #2 II A (I':~ II . ,y" 0 ^ ~ 1.1 i' .. .:",:; i~ I:"ca - f . - ", ~ . , . ,. ":0 l I ~ . -:, '; . '.-1. '"' I - . ;: '" ..0 .1 ~, . \ '0 ~\ '\1 t- .r, ..- .. ... . ...- ." % /"'C'/-!)? P. : r; If ,- ' "' ": F.. IY 4 Y 7 / " n -'Q"'I...'t:I" 10. ~'., I O'J ct rJ 0.' r' ." " ... " " , ~ ,- -'- \ " .,. .'. I. I j I r .1/ ~1611 SIDt. 0 ;..Hl ,~/"" ,0'.. a . ..., I ,- . I It' \,4 _I S' .C A C H .--., / (j I / ') I, ; -........ . C_ "..,.... '~:~_:i:, 'O\~ LINE- -2~.~ ~ \ ~1' - I::: : 22('3 -jI- t'~ /7, , S E :. H '. ... (. .) ..... ,1" , 4~ . " , 0" .oN ... ,~,.. .." ,,- :~ ? 6 11 I) ;1 \ ~ ,. ~ I'~ I ~ .' \ z I ,,,,..11 -- .I ,,-, ~~~oo' I. .~.. III .., ,.... . .,., I III. ) 'V - .' :; () .. ~ '., . " ~ z . , '. 'I .[ _.- - - . I - I ll," ~..) r. 1:, ''r '..w r ,~v. '--'.... . J --f L I 'l..;' ::~~.;: - . I u ~ , I -__ ,'O, J ---===-=::-:- ~ __ 1 ~ ~~ 908 r7tV:r A ,? 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W( "'14 r oCI1 .....\It I [ 0 . t- Cf ><OTE I wo. \,; Olt I{T' noo. fUJCJ ,_, COCJT[I 5r....o..o U'O; ~.I.~,-.a.~ II r(M)T[S IFtC., lUA. ~'1~so...:",;J{.2.-L.Ch: l,iERAILL D ERe ~J.r-C t;..fI.rr,,: A."C f ,6 n:..'[ol,..I.oo([ J"'t[ ,c..w....".I~'..l :,.,'J....,c., ,..,.-.,:". ( 4 r! (.1) r 1 ~ I u.r[ 0( r:~R ". lij) SC~ ( i ?~ . ill .. ~ ! ~- ADDRESS PROJECT ESTIMATE SHEET Thermal and Acoustical Insulation ATTACHMENT #3 CUSTOMER -- PARTICULARS . J}O (,23 -J;:).. 70 t recycled paper fibres ' 1ft-I I) K l,t Ut-r (;J JFt9 ~ '-I ," 100 :2~A!- 6. (0) d-bi ,- lc;BjQ 3/<) I X G-); ~ /31 - '{37 R::, Sb /t~ u/ts r;;;ct - lOb tl JD /65 .2 'I GffUI (D / 00 .~ mIIJ 651 Is! (~J -- cy !c. S-O ,drL{ , q tf (" '-71,.- 6~s-r t 6.~c; fs-r 1~/ll /offtYb ~ 9C19 rl:' ..... :1) crJ u; >- iJ" --.J U: CO ,;:, -;-. rJ' ,;:- iJ" 1$1 .l:- cr', !Jj L~ Z ;'-' D CD D !<J Z lJJZ LI..: L ;;0 C ~ fT1 C:ri to rT1 fTI fTI fTI fTI rn fTI rn fTI i 3: L 3: 0 ..... 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'; BCV\.IfYiDI ~vi::Q, ()ntario 1;- " - .' :' l1 C 1 i{8 I ., 623-4154 i' CONTRACT PROPOSAlu' # rJf1~JI [] 9 '~"...1""",- ,,:' :~. C)c-;::t. To Date [lJo u ~Jq d 'C',..,,_ :;""'::-2'''", ~';"::::'-""r.."o..:.::...,.-!: s~ l~"t .}J(?llc~ ~) N\.Clfr\ u', j \ Q. Dear Sir: The undersigned proposes to furnish all materials and perform all labour necessary to compJeteall the work describl'd below: I 4 ~ -Q eJ o T\ c1c')P No IrvL Ho~ , 10 f\ oV P f'l L) Ct ~u V...Q..I'J\.(,~ WI i~ ~a:J~~ a ~u (\ -e, f'..5 CU" ..Q- '0 ;;;~p(j G,J:j tnc.d,(!f"\ J CJ LL) f\ ..r~ [',_\~ CL0\.9_ ('\.e.s po f\ i b~_ {)c ;' G'/~j dQin~ct ,~o c:.oda l' ~l~fY'-' 4 O--'l\' '-6 hQtou I' ~ ~.. ('L ~(..:Q g / /-'\(\ (\ n lD- j ",.' _) ,1 All of the above work to he cnmplcl(.Q in a good and workmanlike manner for the surn of eLD elL!, ,s Su 1 ~ u. l"d. I-cd ($ l<,(; C <, ': ) Dollars. Payments to be made as follows: Any changes in the work and the price to he charged for same shall he made in writing, This proposal is made or: the hasis of current material and labour costs, A delay in acceptance of more t.han days will require a review of t.he proposal and re.dating before the agreement hecomes binding, Respect.fully Submit.t.ed, ACCEPTANCE You are hereby authorized to furnish all materials and labour to complete the work mentioned in the above proposal, for which the undersigned agrees to pay the amount mentioned in said proposal, and according to the terms thereof. Date COPYRIGHT FORM ~11 2systemforms