HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-08 ReportReport No. 4 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council: - The following is a report of a meeting of the Committee of the Whole held on November 8, 1976: 1. Dom°s Auto Parts It was recommended to Council that the Ministry of the Environment be informed that this Council cannot support the issuing of a licence by the Ministry unless the enclosed recommendations are specified as conditions prior to licensing and Con. Tink and Con. Cowman explain to the Ministry representative the intent of the wording. 2. Land Expropriation for Hydro Generating Station Mr. Davis and Mr. Machacek appeared before the Committee relative to the land required for the proposed Hydro Generating Station. It was mentioned that as far as compensation for expropriated land is concerned, the amount can be determined by arbitration but if no agreement can be reached, it would be determined by the Land Compensation Board. It was recommended to Council that no further action be taken in this regard at this time. 3. Mr. Benchop re Mobile Home Mr. Benchop appeared before Council regarding the use of a Mobile Home while renovating his existing home. It was recommended to Council that, in view of the fact that Mr. Benchop had gone through all the procedures necessary and obtained building permits, but had failed to get the required permission to use a mobile home during the renovation, that an agreement be drawn up, to give him the required permission for 6 months and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorised to sign the agreement. 4. Country Roads Nursery School It was recommended to Council that Resolution #CW -552-76 be rescinded and that the Ministry of Community and Social Services be advised that the use of the school property as a Nursery School falls within the broad terms of reference of the By-laws. 5. Carol Anderson Day Nurser It was recommended to Council that the Ministry of Community and Social Services be advised that the use of the subject property as a Day Nursery falls within the broad terms of reference of the By-laws and subject to this being satisfactory, the rezoning fee of $250. be refunded to Miss Anderson and all previous action in this regard be rescinded. .! �elvl �, �� Committee of the Whole Report No. 4 i✓ J6. Schwarz Expropriation for Watercourse It was recommended to Council that they accept Mr. A. Strike's report dated November 5, 1976, relative to the expropri4tion of land for a watercourse on the Schwarz Brothers property and that Mr. Strike be requested to draft satisfactory reasons for Council's consideration at the next Council meeting. 7. Mr. Whittington re Cross Land Separation It was recommended that Council withdraw the appeal against the decision of the Land Division Committee #LD 335-76 and LD 336-76 subject to the applicants, Mr. & Mrs. Cross submitting a satisfactory site plan agreement to the Planaing Advisory Committee recognizing the set backs of houses and also the ei:vironmental aspects of the proposal. 8. Tomina Land Separation It was recommended to Council that, as it is recognised that Mr. Tomina was caught up in By-law 0175-27 which changed the zoning of his property, and that, as he submitted his application in good faith, an appeal be made to the Cabinet provided Mr. Tomina agrees to pay for any expense incurred by the Municipality. It was also recommended that a By-law be presented to Council to rescird By-law 75-27 and that the Planner be requested to prepare an opinion to be considered by Council prior to consideration of the By-law. 9. Durham Christian High School The Clerk was requested to coordinate a meeting with Mr. Brinkman, the Building Inspector, Fire Chief and Planner in the Mayor's Office to resolve the matter of a building permit for the Durham Christian High School. 10. Offer to Purchase Property by Bunnyhill Farms It was recommended to Council that the property which Bunnyhill Farms wish to purchase from the Town be appraised by the Regional Staff, that the Regional Development Officer be advised of this matter and the matter be referred t.- e Industrial Ccmmittee to report back when recommendation is completed.. 11. Appointments to Boards It was recommenled to Council that the applications for Committee of Adjustment and Library Board be referred to the 1977 Council to make the appointments. 12. Oshawa Subdivisions at Townline It was recommended to Council that the report of the Director of Public Works dated November 12, 1976, be adopted and that the Director draw up firm proposals for the next Council meeting. 13. Newcastle Arena Parking Lot It was recommended to Council that the By-law Officers report dated November 3, 1976, be cc-.curred with and that a resolution be submitted to Council to pr-ev---¢t pe -k`_ -_g on the lot for the winter months. - 3 - Report No. 4 14. Town of Newcastle Zoning By-law It was recommended to Council that the report of the Planner dated November 4, 1976 be received and that Regional Council be requested to undertake a Planning Consultant Service, at cost, for the area Municipalities of the Region of Durham. 15. Visual Arts It was recommended to Council that permission be given to the Visual Arts Organisation to retain an architect at their expense, to ascertain the means and costs of brining the Cream of Barley Mill up to fire regulations and ultimately restoring the building. 16. Orono Arena It was recommended to Council that the municipality act as a vehicle for the parties concerned, if required, regarding the funding of moneys and applying for Wintario Grant with regard to the Orono Arena. 17. Smart Avenue Road Allowance It was recommended to Council that a price of $20,000. per acre be placed on the sale of the Smart Avenue Road allowance, south of Base Line for sale to the abutting owners. Respectfully submitted D. W. Allin, Chairman