HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-10-14 ReportReport No. 2 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council: The following is a report of a meeting of the Committee of the Whole held in the Bowmanville Committee Room on Tuesday, October 14th, 1975 at 9:00 a.m.:- 1. Dekoker Meats It was recommended to Council that no further action be taken against DeKoker Meats. 2. Inter Provincial Pine Line It was recommended to Council that the By -Law Enforcement Officer and Solicitor be instructed to take all possible action to protect Town By-laws regarding pipe line through the Municipality. 3. Course for Building Inspectors A / It was recommended to Council that the Chief Building Inspector's Report dated September 30th, 1975 regarding short course for Building Inspectors be concurred w ith. 4. "Burger Bus" It oras recommended to Council that the By -Law Enforcement Officer report to the next Council meeting as to whether the "Burger Bus" on the I.G.A. Parking Lot is in contravention to the Zoning By-law. f 5. Urbaniwicz re Building Permit !/ It was recommended to Council that a building permit be issued to Mr. Urbaniwicz for construction in Hampton, subject to meeting Zoning and Conservation Authority requirements and furthermore, that Mr. Urbaniwicz provide a survey and the Town engage Mr. Merrill Broom to marl: limits of Zones according to Zoning By-law. /F. O.M.B. Notice of Hearing re Arbitratorts Report - Town of Whitby �It was recommended to Council that the Ontario Municipal Board Notice regarding appeal by the Town of Whitby regarding Arbitrators Report be received for information. y1 7. LeaveSCollection It was recommended to Council that the Works Department return to the former system of removing leaves from road allowance in Bowmanville after they have been raked to the curb. 8. O.H.A.P. Grant /I•Yr. Mn. Manson of the Ministry of Housing appeared befor the Committee to explain an agreement to arrange subsidy to owners of Clarion Investments Incorporated and also an unconditional grant of $22,400 for the municipality. i was recommended to Council that the Mayor and Clerk be authorised to sign the j /Agreement with the Ministry of Housing. ll........ 2 Committee of the Whole Report Page 2 9. Treasurer of Ontario re Increased Grants for Sewer & Water It was recommended to Council that this Council go on record and contact the Treasurer of Ontario to discuss problems of sewer and water and hope they will be reasonably generous for increased grants for sewer and water and to encourage the Treasurer of Ontario to come to a speedy decision. 10. Bus Shelter Waverly Road and Spry Avenue It was recommended to Council that Mrs. B. Malascalzats request regarding the bus shelter for school children at the corner of Waverly Road and Spry Avenue be approved subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works and Planner. 11. Mr. DeWith re Property //////������t was recommended to Council that Mr. DeWith be advised to go and see Mr. Howden he Town Planner, to discuss and get any information on his property in the former Village of Newcastle. /-2. Settlement of Donofrio Contract It was recommended to Council that Council concur with Mr. Strike's recommendation contained in his letter of September 22nd regarding settlement of the Donofrio Contract. 13. Official Plan Amendment - Durham Christian High School It was recommended to Council that Council concur with the Report dated September 25th, 1975 of the Planner regarding Official Plan Amendment in relation to Durham Christian High School. 14. Indian Industries It was recommended to Council that the Townts Solicitor is to be advised and is hereby requested to advise the appeal Judge that while the Municipality must sustain its by-laws it respects the fact that Indian Industries have now made proper application for Zoning By-law amendment and the application is now being processed without prejudice. 15. City of Oshawa Zoning By -Law It was recommended to Council that the Notice of Application to the Ontario Municipal Board regarding City of Oshawa By -Lava Number 123-75 be received for information. lb. Square 100 & Bowmanville West Projects It was recommended to Council that Murray V. Jones Associates be advised that Municipal Planning Consultants are not studying the Square 100 or Bowmanville West Projects. 17. Chusid re Milani It was recommended to Council that Mr. Chusid's letter dated October 7th, 1975 be received and the Clerk be instructed to reply to Mr. Chusidts letter advising him of the situation with regard to Bowmanville West Project (Milani) in relation to Municipal Planning Consultants studies. ....... 3 Committee of the Whole Report 18. Murray V. Jones, Page 3 It was recommended to Council that the Council of the Town of Newcastle has no objection to Murray V. Jones workin.- with Ontario Hydro in connection with the proposed Darlington Generating Station. Respectfully Submitted, Renneth E. Lyall Chairman.