HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-104-08Clarin~~~/l /~n Leading the WayV R E P O RT~ PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE l !~ Date: Monday, October 20, 2008 Q'°SpIuT-j p ~~Y~~~ ~g Report #: PSD-104-08 File #: PLN 7.9 By-law #: Subject: PROPOSALS FOR STREET NAME CHANGE FOR OSBOURNE ROAD, MAPLEFIELD DRIVE AND PETTIT COURT AND THE RESERVATION REQUEST OF HARVEY JONES, FANNING AND RICK GAY AS AVAILABLE STREET NAMES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-104-08 be received; 2. THAT Staff be authorized to take appropriate actions under the Municipal Act, to advertise in the local newspaper for, and to hold, a Public Meeting for the Proposed Street Name Changes for Osbourne Road and Pettit Court; 3. THAT Council waive the Street Name Change fee for Osbourne Road and Pettit Court; 4. THAT the businesses and residents fronting onto the affected street be provided notice through direct mail circulation; 5. THAT Mr. Lynn Wood be advised that Harvey Jones has already been reserved as a street name for Bowmanville; 6. THAT Mr. Joe Kennett be advised. that a street in honour of Bud Fanning does not meet Municipal policy for street names; 7. THAT Mr. Lawson Gay be advised that Rick Gay has not been approved under the Regional Street Naming policy for use and does not meet Municipal policy for street names; and 8. THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department and all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: ~'~ Reviewed by: -""`- r --~ Da id rbme, M.C.LP., R.P.P. Franklin Wu, Director of Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer BR/CP/sh/av 26 September 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-104-08 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 This report provides recommendations on possible street name changes: • Request to have the spelling of Osbourne Road changed to Osborne; • Replace Pettit Court with Lobb Court; • Harvey Jones as a reserved street name; • Fanning as a reserved street name; and • Rick Gay as a reserved street name. 2.0 OSBOURNE TO OSBORNE 2:1 Mary Ruth Moore (nee Osborne), on June 16, 2008, sent a letter (Attachment 1) to Mayor and Members of Council requesting the. spelling of "Osbourne Road" be changed by removing the "u" from "Osbourne Road". She requested the road name be changed to correspond with the spelling of her family's name and that this change be paid for by Council waiving the Street Name Change Request Fee of $1,575.00. 2.2 The Moore letter notes that no specific reason has ever been found for the spelling of Osbourne with a "u". It appears the selection of the "Osbourne" street name was for recognition of the historic name of certain individuals and a whole family from the immediate (southwest Darlington Township) area, that is, the family of Mary Ruth Moore. Her letter notes prominent Osbornes from her family such as a 1950s Mayor of Bowmanville. Her letter also notes members of her family still live in southwest former Darlington Township and the large majority of her family still lives in Clarington. She noted that some of the Osbornes ih the area, though not related to her, also spelled the name without a "u". 2.3 Planning Staff checked the Belden Atlas of 1878 and found that Richard Osborne was a landowner of a large parcel on the west side of what is now called Osbourne Road. He also owned a substantial parcel on a township lot to the west. Planning Staff note that the Index for John Squair's "Townships of Darlington and Clarke" local history books lists four (4) "Osborne" individuals and no "Osbourne" individuals. There are no properties owned by Osbournes with a "u"; there are 37 properties owned by Osbornes on the current assessment role. 2.4 Planning Staff met with four (4) members of the Osborne family including Mary Ruth Moore on July 18, 2008. The family presented an 1895 Darlington Township property tax assessment roll ledger which described as being in southwest Darlington Township (Attachment 2) including one on the west side of Osbourne Road: the two properties of Richard E. Osborne, the property of John Osborne and the four properties of Eli Osborne, with all property owners spelling their name without a "u". The family also presented a petition for their proposed name change that had 76 signatures and gave notice that they had sent out information letters on their proposal to all the affected properties. The Region sent a response letter saying they would abide by Clarington's decision. REPORT NO.: PSD-104-08 PAGE 3 2.5 The Region has indicated verbally to Planning Staff that it would not object to the removal of the "u" from the street name. 2.6 Five (5) occupied properties would be affected by the proposed street name change,. three business properties, one residential property and Durham Region's Water Pollution Control Plant. Planning Staff have spoken with a local M.T.O. Driver's Licencing official, and it was confirmed that Driver's Licences, Vehicle Ownership and driver's insurance documents using an Osbourne Road address would have to be changed to reflect the street name spelling change. It is also recommended Doctor's Office, Hospital and financial institution records as well as, at some point, address stamps, letterhead and printed envelopes be changed. As is usual with street name changes, the Municipality needs to advise more than 40 agencies of any change. The effective date of the change is proposed to be December 1, 2008. 2.7 Council, at their Meeting of June 23, 2008, passed the following resolution: "That Correspondence Item D - 7 from Mary Ruth Moore requesting the spelling of "Osboume Road" be changed to "Osborne Road" be referred to the Director of Planning Services." In the resolution no direction was given to Planning Staff on who would assume responsibility for financing the street name change although it is noted that the letter from Mary Ruth Moore requested "that the fee for changing/altering street names be waived". Planning Staff needs direction from Committee/Council on the issue of payment prior to advertising in the newspaper or mail out notice to affected businesses and residents regarding the proposed change and related Public Meeting. 3.0 PETTIT COURT TO LOBB COURT 3.1 Mr. AI Lobb requested that a new Bowmanville Street be named after his war veteran father. The Lobb name had been approved and assigned to a street in Draft Approved Subdivision 18T-90043 (Headgate or Roker Park) "Lobb Square". While surrounding developments have proceeded to registration, there has been no activity towards subdivision final approval for this development. This has suggested to Mr. Lobb that the subdivision may not be constructed in his lifetime. Mr. Lobb has contacted Staff several times requesting the name be used in upcoming registration. The "Pettit" name in the last phase of Draft Approved Subdivision 18T-89041 (Eiram) has an unknown origin (not a war dead or war veteran), and is the only subdivision or subdivision phase about to receive final approval. Therefore Lobb replaced Pettit. (Attachment 3). This requires. that a portion of Pettit .Court road allowance, registered in the abutting subdivision phase to the north, be changed in accordance with the usual Municipal Act process. It was determined at the time of the above change it would be consolidated with another street name change in order to save costs. REPORT NO.: PSD-104-08 PAGE 4 4.0 HARVEY JONES 4.1 On September 15, 2008, Council referred a letter to staff received from Lynn Wood requesting that a street be named in honour of his father-in-law Ernest. Harvey Jones, a war veteran and well known resident of the Municipality (Attachment 4). 4.2 Harvey Jones is a name that had been approved by the Region and on the list of available street names for Clarington for some time. It has been confirmed with the Legion that Ernest Harvey Jones is the same individual as Harvey Jones. 4.3 Planning Services received a copy of Mr. Lynn Wood's June 30, 2008 letter. Shortly after it was received Staff telephoned to inform him that the name was already on the above "available list", it was listed as a Bowmanville War Veteran name and that we would try to find a new subdivision for the name. 5.0 FANNING 5.1 On September 15, 2008 Council referred to staff a letter from Joe Kennett requesting the name Bud Fanning be used in a street name in Clarington (Attachment 5). Bud Fanning, although a war veteran, does not meet the requirements to be considered a Clarington war veteran. As a result, his name, upon Regional approval, cannot automatically go on the list of available street names for Clarington. The letter notes Mr. Fanning's connection to Clarington began in June 1964, almost twenty years after his World War 2 military service ended, but, Clarington Street Naming Policy, notes war dead and war veterans "that will be honoured in the manner are those men and women who were residents of Clarington at the time that they enlisted". Changing this policy is not recommended as it would set a major precedent for the many war veterans who moved to Clarington subsequent to their service. 5.2 However, Council may wish to recognize the unusual and perhaps unique efforts of this long-serving municipal civil servant. Such an initiative would be required to be affirmed by Council resolution. 5.3 Staff discussed this proposed street name with Regional Planning Staff. They noted they preferred one name streets over two name streets. They suggested that only the surname "Fanning" be used. They also noted the similar sounding available Clarington street name of "Fanny" be removed (by resolution) from the available list prior to the resolution approving Fanning. "Fanny" is a first name from an individual from Newcastle Village, one of 114 names for streets suggested by the Newcastle Village & District Historical Society in August 1997, approximately a month prior to the Legion submitting its list of war veterans.. "Fanny" is the first name of a Village Spinster, Fanny McLeod, born in 1801 and noted in an 1861 record. Staff has no other information about this individual. REPORT NO.: PSD-104-08 PAGE 5 6.0 RICHARD GAY 6.1 On September 15, 2008 Council referred to staff a letter from Lawson Gay requesting Maplefield Drive be renamed Rick Gay Avenue (Attachment 6). Clarington forwarded the request to Durham Region, the ultimate approval authority for street names. The Region has recently made a decision that "Rick Gay" could not be approved as a street name because it sounds too similar to existing street names in the Region (Attachment 7). It is noted that "Harry Gay Drive", named for Rick Gay's father, already exists in Courtice. Although his relationship to the other Gays is unknown, a war veteran "Clarence Gay", has had his name reserved for use as a street name in Darlington, specifically, Hampton. Hampton is covered by the Greenbelt Plan and it appears extremely unlikely that in Hampton a new street needing a name will be created, especially in the near future. It is more likely the name will someday be used in Courtice. With these two existing names it appears the Region considers approval of "Rick Gay" an unacceptable level of duplication in street names. 7.0 CONCLUSION 7.1 It is respectfully recommended that Planning Staff be authorized to advertise in the newspaper and mail out notice to affected businesses and residents regarding the proposed Osbourne Road and Petitt Court changes. In this case, since the Municipality is responsible for the error in the spelling of Osborne Road, it is recommended that the fee be waived. Attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Attachment 5 Attachment 6 Attachment 7 - Letter from Mary Ruth Moore - Key Map for the Osbourne Road Street Name Change - Key Map for the Pettit Court to Lobb Court Street Name Change - Letter from Lynn Wood - Petition regarding Thomas A. (Bud) Fanning - Letter from Lawson Gay - Letter from Regional Planning List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Sue Sartain A.L. Georgieff Debbie Dunham AI Lobb Attachment 1 '~JUN16 PM 3:~q;gg To Report PSD-104-08 2784 Concession 4 Bowmanville, ON, L1C 3K5 June 16, 2008, 2008 Mayor J. Abernathy and Members of Council, Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, ON, L1C 3A6 Deaz Mayor Abernathy, ~, ;.: [~.::.. _ This letter is to request that the spelling of "Osbourne Road" be changed to "Osborne Road" to respect the families who have lived in this area for many generations and to reflect and maintain their history. I would request that the fee for changing/altering street names be waived. I have tried to find out the reasoning behind the name of this road, but cannot fmd an answer; therefore I resort to wincidence which would suggest that it was named for the families of the area. The published history books of this azea all spell the name without the "u". In the original handwritten 1895 census book, which I have, all Osbome entries aze spelled without the "u". My father, Nelson E. Osborne, Mayor of Bowmanville, 1955-1958, grew up on the family farm at 1979 South Service Road, just west of Osbourne Road, and he was the fourth confirmed generation of Osbornes living on that property. Descendents of his grandfather, Richard Osborne, are still living in the immediate area: Murray, Raymond and Gwen. Currently there are 101 living descendents alive today, of whom over 65% still live in Clarington. As well as my Osborne family, there have been other Osborne families living in this area, and all aze spelled without the "u". For these reasons, I ask you and the council to consider this request and act to change, without charge, the spelling to OSBORNE Road. Sincerely, Q/J ~ G~ "`•' ~~il'ifitil ~ i r) A-f/'tc~ d~ERK,~ ACK. t~V„ a~tculal Mary Ruth Moore (nee Osborne) cnwfs r .319 ~; Attachment 2 To Report PSD-104-08 BASELINE ROAD °a Cqy ~ ~ qN A qc~'~% ~ ~/~k' AY HIGHWAY OF HEROES HIGHWAY 401 SOUTH SERVICE ROAD °a 0 w z 0 m 0 0 0 z J O OSBOURNE ROAD CgNAO/AN NATlO,~A C RAILWAY LAKE ONTAR/O Proposed Street Name Change From Osbourne Road To Osborne Road _ " " B Removin The U . Attachment 3 To Report PSD-104-08 Attachment 4 To Report PSD-104-08 ~~~~ ~ J 'OgAUG45 Pn12~49~53 30/0612008 Ernest Harvey Jones Harvey was born right here in this town in 1926 .Harvey has help so many people in this town .Harvey even had a delivery servcie in town . He would deliver groceries to people that could not get out .He was in World War II in 1939 .After the war when he came home he went to work for General Motors .You ask anybody around his age and this town or Newcaslte, they would have nothing but good things to say about him .Yes there are other good people in this town and surrounding areas . He was a great Father-in -law .As of July 31 -2007 he has past away . I feel in my heart this is why his name should be chosen for the next street name .Thank you for reading and listening to Mr Woo and Mr Hooper . Son-in law Lynn Wood nfln~o er orawwaoe ~ ~ v ~ corrra o rwvai a o uo a o o o sY o o aeripr t,+twrra o toua~at v n~aurr m~ Fo Mayor;and Members of Clarington Council Subject: Street Nameing for Vet Thomas A. (Bud) Fanning C c Attachment 5 ~°'~~°~ To Report PSD-104-08 Y" p ~ $"~, auc z z 2ooa t'ci t~'V 11p UL;;;3,P~C,7®IV I wish to take this opportunity to submitt the Name of Thomas A.(Bud Fanning for your considertion to have a street named to honor his memory and contribution to this community. Bud is a Veteran from the Second World War and servered for Five Yeazs in different theatres of the waz in Europe. Bud was called into service on June 21 of of 1941 with the Royal Canadian Artillery with his basic training in Brantford. He was then transferred to the First Division of the Postal Unit. On July 10 1943 Bud was with the Landing party in Sicily under General Bernard Montogomery of the British Eighth Army they where separated from the rest of the unit and spent the rest of that first day trying to locate the rest of there unit and bidding from the Germans. They spent three days in Messina. They got to Ortona and that is where the batttle got bogged down it was a door to door street battle with the Germans and was winter as well. They pulled out of Campabasson in the spring and moved on to the front to Lanciano and this is where he lost two of his buddies when attached b_v German Aircraft. From here he went on to a place called Ceccaso not faz from the Anxio Bridge and the battle of Monte Casino. He was given leave and spent a few days in Avelino and Caserta It was going on to 1945 and Bud was sent to Aldershop in England and from there sent to Acton W3 London, spent six days there and he was informed that he was going back to Canada on the shy Sea Wolf. Bud was sent to the Armed Forces Depot in the Exhibition ground in Toronto and stationed in stall number 11 and was tcld that a horse named Seabiscuit one used that stall. After a month $ud was called before the Medical Boazd was was checked over by three doctors and went from a classification A to classification C because he had contacted Malaria five time while overseas and was give his Medical discharge papers. It is my belief that a man can not be measured just by what his actions where during war time and how many medals he has pinned on his chest. I believe a mans value in life should be considered on what he contributes to society for his entire life. With this in mind Thomas A Fanning came to Bowmanville to take the position of Recreation Director in June of 1964. It was during this time that the true value of this man would begin to show. Bud not only was the Duector of Recreation but on his own time would talk to the young people of the town find out what there problems where and he would fmd ways to help these kids either by talking about there problems, talk with schools to get them back into school and help them with there home work. Bud also during this time again on his own and without the approval of Town Council began a program to fix up the pazkes and playgrounds Bud would bring tools from this home in Hamilton and they would be used to fix the parks in Bowmnaville, He would ask local business men for the use of there trucks to hall supplies to the playgrounds or get soil to fix the ball fields. Th two business people who come to mind are Tom Cowan and Stew McTavish. Over the Twenty some odd years that Bud worked for this Comminity he worked with all groups and Service Clubs to get item that could be used on playgmnds or in the parks or with the variouse sports teams and to make repairs to the azena Bud was always willing to take a chance on a young boy or girls and offer them a job or help them to get a job with someone eles. It was through the efforts of Bud who took a chance on a young man going to school and worked with him to get his certificate in recreation and is now the current Director of Community Services Mr. Joseph Can,ana. When Bud finally retired from his work with the Municipality he still was working with the youth of this community and with the youth of Mexico as well, for when Bud said he was takeing a vacation he would travel to Mexico where he would spend his time and his own money to help the children of Mexico who had been abanded by there parents left on the streets to fend for themselfs. Bud would take these children on day trips to a mall and buy then some new clothes and by them some food or candy as well or take them to the beach. Bud took the time when he was not in Mexico to buy them clothes in Canada and send it to th~A1 at the Orphanage, and he would sponsor two children every year for these children to go to school and get a quality education. I could go on and on about the good that this man his contributed to the youth of this community and to the children of Mexico but by the time I would get finished you would not have a letter but a book instead. At this time I would like to submitt his name to be considered to have a street named in his memory to honour this man for his upstanding contrubution not just to the war efford but to his efforts to help the youth of this community a better place to live. Yours Tnily George (Joe) Kennett ~2Cti'~ W,,Gncwj G~r~a` 2G~/ ~u~~s~ a,~,,~ m~J«~V~»~vz ~ue-Qhmus(a2, ~~~.d~ `7;, . ~o ~ ~~(1, ~~ j~J '~X~zw-r-y~ J ~"'~ ,~ -_ --- ~,~. ~+` ~~r,z~~s ~'ti~ ~._Q~.~ ~ ~c ~ ~ ~ , „ - ~' =~ To Mayor and Members of Council Subject Street Nameing for Vet Thomas A. (Bud) Fanning a. If the members of Council should decide to honor the memory of Mr. Thomas Bud Fanning it would be appreciated if consideration for the street name be first in the Bowmanville area or as a second choice Newcastle Villiage. George (Joe) Kennett. Attachment 6 , FAX (90S) 432-1579 To Report PSD-104-08 TELEPHONE (90 ~ 432-1279 ` .~ y Gay COMPANY LIMITED PO Bos GENERAL CONTRACTORS 2727 Courtice Rd, Ontario LIE 3G6 Regional Municipality of Clarington August 8, 2004 ATTN: Mayor Abernathy & Members of Council RE: Proposed `Rick Gav Avenue' Ctranr N c Mayor Abernathy & Members of Council, I am writing with regard to an issue that is very neaz and dear to my heart. In November of 2006 my father Rick passed away. He was a very well-respected and admired person in the community. To honour him in a way that I know he would appreciate we would like to propose a street name change in a community that we are developing from the current `Maplefield Drive' to `Rick Gay Avenue'. The street is currently a dead end which will in the future be extended to meet Highway #2 and it dissects the lands where both he and my grandfather before him grew up. We understand that under normal circumstances there are rules and restrictions in place regarding the use of a non war veteran's name in the naming of a street. Although understand the concept that a war veteran be memorialized we are asking for an exception to the rule. Rick was a community leader who was born and raised in Courtice. He attended and was a Lifetime Stewazd at Ebenezer United Church. He went to Public School and Secondazy School in Courtice before embarking on a career of many wonderful accomplishments. Some related to the Courtice/Clarington Area are as follows: _ He donated the Concession Area ia7 the Garnet B Rickard Recreation Complex He donated the Pool in the Courtice Community Complex - He pledged to contribute to the New Lakeridge Bowmanville Emergency Department ° He built many things in the area including (but net limited to) the Clazirgton Cineplex, East Side Mazio's, the Bank of Nova Scofia, Hanc's Plaza, the new Sleep Country Bldg, the Sunday school addition to the Ebenezer United Church, Faith United Church, the CazgoWall Facility at Lake Road, the Shopp_ _e_rs Drug Mart Project at Longworth and T.;hPrt., ~x~.,...~ ~ ~__ _ --••~ •~• ~~~~_. wunice, me tvew hirehall & Community police Station on Trulls Road South, and the Durham Regional Police Building on Courtice Court He developed and built the `Courtice Corners' Project at Courtice Road and Hwy #2, `Richfield Place' at Nash & Trulls Road, Marnie Industrial Park in South Courtice, the Richfield Place subdivision in Courtice (91 Units), Robinson Ridge Project In Courtice (152 Units), and was in the process of developing the `Hancock' Subdivision in Courtice (271 Unit MEMBERS OF: DURHAM CONSTR UCTIONASSOCIATION, OSHAWA-CLARINGTON CH AMBER OF COMMERCE, ONTARIO NEW HOME WARRANTY PROGRAM (TARION), DURHAMHOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION FAX (905 432-1579 TELEPHONE (905 432-1279 Gay COMPANY LIMITED PO Bos 98006, 2727 Couctice Rd, Cour~n e, OOn a oRL ~E 30G6 It has been suggested to us to go direct to Council to have the `Rick Gay Avenue' Street Name approved in lieu of following the regular procedure thru Clarington `Staff We appreciate your attention to this matter and hope that the Mayor and Council will see that this method of honouring a distinguished member of the Courtice Community will be beneficial to all concerned. We hope the above meets with your ap oval and if you should have any questions or concerns then please feel free to co act Lawson Gay at (905) 432-1279. Yours Truly, MEMBERS OF: DURHAM CONSTRUCTIONASSOCIATION,OSHAWA-CLARINGTONCHAMBEROF COM,YIERCE, ONTARIO NETK~HOME WARRANTYPROGRAM(TARIONJ, DURHAMHOME B UILDERS ASSOCIATION Attachment 7 Two Report PSD-104-08 ~ September 25, 2008 ~"~" ` °N-~~ SEP ~ ~ 10Q8 Bob. Russell, Planner Development Review Bran h MUNICIPALITYD3=%LARfNGTON ' c Planning .Services Department PLANNING DEPARTMENT Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street- Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 ' I -The Regional ~ - Municipality . Mr. RUSSeII: of Durham _ _ - Planning Department Re: Street Name Request -Rick Gay sos ROSSLAND RoaD E TM Municipality of Clarington 4 FLOOR - PO.BOX 623 _ INHITBY.ON L1N 6A3 CANAD FUrther t0 yoUr letter dated September 9, 2008 please be advised that the street " " A sos-sse-~iti name RICk Gay was not approved. .The requested name -sounds too similar to existing street names within the Re i ~ Fax: 905-666-6208 g on. ~ ~ - E-mail; planning reglon.aurnam.on.ca www re i d The guidelines for naming streets, as outlined in :the Region's Street Naming Procedure, do not permit street name duplication tr . g on. ufiam.on.ca or s eet names which-sound similar to an existing street name withih the Region: A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP cgmmissioner of Planning If you have any questions regarding the. above please do not hesitate to cohtact me. ' Yours truly / n Carla Pierini, Planning Analyst Current Planning c.c. Sue Sartain, Durham Regional Police Richard Armstrong, Regional Health Department „Service ~'aeQUence- for,oim ~omYt;unities" - : ~ - ® - - 100% Post Consumer