HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnn Cowman Report to CouncilCORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 18th, 1982 FROM: Councillor Ann Cowman SUBJECT: Petition from Residents of Mitchell's Corner RECOMMENDATION: This the works on Firner Avenue, Bradley Boulevard and Tyler Avenue, requested by the residents of Mitchell's Corners, be considered for inclusion in the 198$8. Works Budget. I am in receipt of the attached petition from residents of Mitchell's Corners who live on Tyler Avenue, Bradley Boulevard and Firner Avenue. I would suggest that these streets in question be considered in the Works Budget for 1983. Respectfully submitted, (Mrs.) Ann Cowman Regional Councillor AC/mr October 18th, 1982 Encls. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 111,R1111111 11 Councillor Ann Cowman. R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. October 6, 1982. Petition from Residents of Mitchell's Corners. Request for improvements to Firner Avenue, Bradley Boulevard and Tyler Avenue. In response to your memorandum of September 30, 1982, concerning the above, I have reviewed the streets in question and find that they are deficient, both in the Needs Study appraisal and in actual phys- ical condition. Firner Avenue would probably require some form of base and surface construction, while Bradley Boulevard and Tyler Avenue can possibly be adequately upgraded by surface restoration. I would suggest that the required improvements are matters for con- sideration in the 1983 Budget, and that the Petition be directed to Council for a resolution to the following effect: "THAT the works on Firner Avenue, Bradley Boulevard and Tyler Avenue, requested by the Residents of Mitchell's Corners, be considered for inclusion in the 1983 Works Budget". I trust this will be of interest and assistance to you. cc: D.N. Smith, M.C.I.P., Administrator. D.W. Oakes, A.M.C.T., Clerk. R. Dupuis, Director of Public Works Ann Cowman, Councillor September 30 1932 Attached Ron, would you be so kind as to advise me of the status of the roads mentioned in the attached petition and when they might be scheduidd for work. PETITION We the taxpayers of Mitchell's Corners, feel that our tax dollars could be used very constructively, in the repair of three main streets. These streets are Firner Ave, Bradley Blvd, and Tyler Ave. Below is a list of names of the people, who echo the same sentiments as my opening statement. Inserted is a map of the streets, that are in a constant state of disrepair. A quick and positive response from our MP elect would be much appreciated. Please mail your response to Mr. Robert Watt, RR# 1 Hampton, Ontario., Box 70, LOB IJO. From all concerned residents of Mitchell's Corner's. ,cam.-�-c�-c[i �GL�I'i£�r�� c ��� j�'�i Z(�'a. i—/ %" ,ter � � . f : ,- �� s u �: i�'/ � �- i' 0 s h'a �,/G 14Q Y,,F� r.