HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-10-27TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Planning and Development Committee October 27, 1980 Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on Monday, October 27, 1980 at 7 p.m. in Court Room 111 Roll Call Present were: Councillor Ann Cowman, Chairman Councillor Keith D. Barr, Member Councillor William Clarke, Member Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs, Member Councillor Jasper W. Holliday, Member Councillor Maurice Prout, Member Mayor G. B. Rickard, Member Deputy Clerk, G. Gray, Secretary Also Present: Town Manager, A.C.W. Guiler Director of Planning, D. Smith Long Range Planner, T. Edwards Planner, Current Operations, N. Forrest Resolution #PD -340-80 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Clarke Minutes THAT the minutes of the meeting held on October 9, 1980, be adopted as read. "CARRIED" O.P.A. The Chairman explained that the Regional Commissioner of 75-29/3 Planning, Dr. Michaels and Mr. L. Kotseff of the Regional Brooks Planning Staff were present relative to an Official Plan Lovell Amendment in Part Lots 3 and 4, Conc. 4, former Darlington McLellan - Brooks, Lovell, McLellan. Resolution #PD -341-80 Moved by Con. Clarke, seconded by Con. Hobbs THAT Dr. Michaels be heard. "CARRIED" Planning and Development Committee - 2 - October 27, 1980 Dr. Michaels told the Committee that the O.P.A. had been recommended by the Council of the Town of Newcastle and by the Planning Department at the Region but had been tabled at the Planning Committee level as there were 4 objectors to the Amendment. He asked the Committee to review the objections and send a further report to the Region. Resolution #PD -342-80 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Prout THAT the matter be referred to Staff to meet with the objectors and report back to this Committee. "CARRIED" Proposed The meeting had been advertised as a Public Meeting Development to hear comments relative to the Proposed Development Plan for Plan for Enniskillen. Enniskillen Mr. Smith explained that there had been one public meeting on the plan and comments were invited again for the consideration of the Committee. The Staff was looking for public comment, either verbally or in writing to the Planning Department. Mr. T. Edwards gave a brief summary of the plan. It now proposes 184 units with a staging of 15 lots per annum except in the draft approved plan (44 lots). The Hamlet had been redesignated as a Growth Hamlet which would require an amendment to the Official Plan and this had already been forwarded to the Ministry for approval. Mrs. Leadbeater Stated that there had been 2 public meetings in Enniskillen relative to the draft approved plan of subdivision. She asked if there were plans to widen the road which passes her property, and asked how snow removal would be carried out. She said the traffic on the road was increasing. Edwards Mr. Edwards stated that the road was a substandard road and not included in the plan of subdivision. Smith Suggested that she contact the Public Works department relative to the widening of the laneway in front of her property. Planning and Development Commmittee - 3 - October 27, 1980 It was suggested that the matter be referred to the Public Works Director for a report to the Public Works Committee. Mrs. Leadbeater Questioned the status of the wells on the subdivision property. Mr. Smith The second well has been drilled and the contamination problem solved. The subdivider must make an agreement with the Region and the Ministry of the Environment for the supply of water. R. Rowan Would one section of the plan require individual wells. Edwards They must be part of the communal water system but the 2 acre lots would have individual wells and septic systems. R. Rowan Asked where the boundary of the plan was. Edwards Lots 17 and 18. Delegations J. Beresford Mr. Beresford spoke to the development within the plan on behalf of the owner of property to the west of the pond. This property is part of C.L.O.C.A.'s Master Plan for Hampton. He suggested residertial uses of the property and stated that he had contacted C.L.O.C.A. and there were continuing discussions to see if they could work out mutual uses for the land. He asked that he be allowed to make a presentation at the meeting to be held in December, for the use of the land, as a result of the discussions with C.L.O.C.A. D. Robins Councillor Barr explained that Mr. Robins was ill and would not be attending. M. Veltri Mr. Veltri stated that he had nothing to present at this time. R. Jeffery Mr. Jeffrey, developer of the proposed plan of subdivision, requested an extension of his draft approved plan 18T24002 until December of 1981. He explained that he was working on a central water system and it had been necessary during the summer to dig a second well. This provided an excellent Planning and Development Committee - 4 - October 27, 1980 supply of water. He now had to obtain the approval of the Region and the Ministry of Environment of the new well and asked the Committee to support the recommendation in P-185-80 - to extend draft approval for one year. Public Meeting One Fourth Investments The meeting was now declared a public meeting to hear comments on the proposed plan of subdivision One -Fourth Investments, south of Highway Oft and east of Martins Road. P. Feddema Mr. P. Feddema stated that he was still objecting to the section in the agreement which required the owners to hire a laabcaper and sod the land which would be given to the Town for park purposes. Doug O'Neal Asked whether Old Highway #2 would be maintained as he felt there would not be adequate exits from the proposed subdivision and traffic would increase on Rhonda Boulevard. D. Smith Old Highway Oft would have to be maintained in part and part would be added to the rear of the lots backing onto the railroad. Resolution #PD -343-80 "CARRIED" Lawrence AVery Mr. L. Avery addressed the Committee relative to the expansion of Tyrone Park. He first wished to clarify that the letter referred to in Report P-180-80 was written by Mrs. Heming in her capacity of Secretary to the Tyrone Community Centre Board. He stated that Mr. and Mrs. Heming were members of the Board and did not stand to gain more from the request than other members of the Board. Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Barr Added THAT the additional delegations, who had contacted Delegations the secretary before the meeting, be heard. "CARRIED" Lawrence AVery Mr. L. Avery addressed the Committee relative to the expansion of Tyrone Park. He first wished to clarify that the letter referred to in Report P-180-80 was written by Mrs. Heming in her capacity of Secretary to the Tyrone Community Centre Board. He stated that Mr. and Mrs. Heming were members of the Board and did not stand to gain more from the request than other members of the Board. Planning and Development Committee - 5 - October 27, 1980 He explained that the land immediately adjacent to the park was not available but Mr. Heming was willing to donate the total of the 5% of the 8 acres he had for development, .4 acres, rather than cash in lieu. Mr. Spry Mr. Spry presented a petition of residents of Tyrone, objecting to the proposed Development Plan for Tyrone, and requesting that it be in conformity with the present Darlington Zoning By-law. Mr. Smith The previous Darlington Plan is not in conformity to the Regional Official Plan. Grenville Byam Objected to the Tyrone Plan in that his land was being devaluated by being rezoned from Residential and Deferred Residential to Agricultural. T. Huzar Mr. Huzar asked if the maps in the proposed Newtonville Hamlet Plan were drawn to scale. Mr. Smith The basic map was drawn to scale but the coloured sections were not definite lines. Mr. Huzar Objected to the amount of restricted area included in the plan, especially Ovens Road. He asked who will undertake and pay for the soil study required by the plan. Mr. Smith The cost would be apportioned to developers as development takes place. Mr. Huzar Also objected to P. 10, 3.2.1. (iv) (b) restricted areas. and P. 13, 3.4.1. (ii) commercial 'close proximity.' Mr. Smith Each proposal for commercial development would be examined on the basis of the policy. Mr. Huzar Does the staging procedure apply to building on existing streets. Planning and Development - 6 - October 27, 1980 Mr. Smith Infilling is not subject to staging provisions. H. Swartz Objected to the staging policy in the Newtonville Plan. He stated that areas in Stage 'A' were not even available for residential development in the original hamlet of Newtonville. He felt that the staging policy precluded from development areas which were ready for development. Since the Town has no control over the timetable for development, it should be allowed to develop under a free enterprise system. Resolution #PD -344-80 Moved by Con. Clarke, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT there be a 10 minute recess. "CARRIED" Mr. Gleiberman Mr. I. Gleiberman asked that report P-186-80 relative to Waverly Heights Subdivision, 76-35/D (revised) be tabled for 30 days to give the applicant the opportunity to try to solve the concerns of the Ministry of Agriculture regarding Code of Practice on some lots in the proposed subdivision. Conflict Councillor Holliday declared a real estate of Interest conflict of interest in Report P-173-80 and left the table. Resolution #PD -345-80 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Hobbs Proposed THAT Report P-173-80 re Proposed Hamlet Development Hamlet Plan for Newtonville be received and Staff circulate Development a questionnaire to the residents of Newtonville as Plan for undertaken in Orono, Mitchell's Corners and Hampton Newtonville. and forward the plan to Regional Council for comments in accordance with Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan with the results of the survey. "CARRIED" Councillor Holliday returned to the table. Planning and Development - 7 - October 27, 1980 Resolution #PD -346-80 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hobbs THAT the following recommendation in Report P-174-80 be endorsed: Development 1. Report P-174-80 be received Plan for 2. The Hamlet Development Plan for Tyrone, Hamlet of included as Attachment 1 to Report P-174-80 Tyrone be adopted 3. Planning Staff prepare the necessary amendment to by-law 2111, in order to bring it into conformity with the approved Hamlet Development Plan for Tyrone 4. The Region of Durham be forwarded a copy of staff report P-174-80 and requested to initiate the required amendment to the Darlington Official Plan as contained in Attachment 2 to said report 5. A copy of the approved Hamlet Development Plan be forwarded to the Ministry of Housing for their information. Resolution #PD -347-80 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Clarke THAT staff confer with the people in Tyrone to see if differences can be resolved, and report back. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -348-80 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Prout THAT the following recommendation in report P-175-80 as amended, be adopted: Rezoning 1. Report P-175-80 be received and Z -A-2-12-5 2. the attached by-law be recommended to Council (Rejczak) for approval at such time as the required 10 Lot 9, Conc. 1 foot road widening on Mearn's Avenue is dedicated Bowmanville to the Town and the required lot development charges are paid. "CARRIED" Planning and Development - 8 - October 27, 1980 Resolution #PD -349-80 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Mayor Rickard By-law 80-101 THAT Report P-176-80 relative to Newcastle by-law Rills of 79-111 reenacted as by-law 80-101, Rezoning of Liberty North subdivision, Rills of Liberty North, Ontario Municipal Board approval, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -350 - Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hobbs THAT the following recommendation in Report P-177-80 be endorsed: Hamlet l.Report P-177-80 be received Development 2. The Hamlet Development Plan for Enniskillen Plan for included as Attachment 3 to report P-177-80 be Enniskillen adopted 3. Planning Staff prepare the necessary amendment to by-law 2111, in order to bring it into conformity with the approved Hamlet Development Plan for Enniskillen 4. The Region of Durham be forwarded a copy of staff report P-177-80, and requested to initiate the required amendment to the Darlington Official Plan, as contained in Attachment 4 to said report 5. A copy of the approved Hamlet Development Plan for Enniskillen be forwarded to the Ministry of Housing for their information. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -351-80 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Prout Proposed THAT report P-178-80 be received and staff be authorized Hamlet to schedule a public meeting to be held during the month Development of December, for the purposes of presenting the proposed Plan for hamlet development plan for Hampton and discussing the Hampton three land use alternatives. "CARRIED" Planning and Development - 9 - October 27, 1980 Resolution #PD -352-80 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Holliday By-law 90-80 THAT the recommendation in report P-179-80 be City of endorsed and By-law 90-80 of the City of Oshawa Oshawa be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -353-80 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Prout THAT the recommendation in Report P-180-80 be endorsed and Tyrone 1. The report be received Park 2. The correspondence from Mrs.J. Heming of October Expansion 1, 1980, be received and filed 3. The Town Clerk advise Mrs. Heming, Secretary of the Tyrone Community Centre of their action. Resolution #PD -354-80 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Holliday THAT the matter be tabled and the Tyrone Community Centre Board be advised that it would be more appropriate for the owners of the land to the east to submit a plan of subdivision on their total holdings. "CARRIED" Conflict Councillor Holliday declared a real estate Conflict of Interest of Interest in Report P-181-80 and left the table. Resolution #PD -355-80 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Prout THAT the recommendation in Report P-181-80 be endorsed and: Planning and Development - 10 - October 27, 1980 Development 1. Report P-181-80 be received for information Agreement 2. The attached development agreement for Industrial Industrial Building Part Lot 29, Cone. 1, former Township of Building Darlington (Dirk Kok) S -P-1-7, be forwarded to (KOK) Council for approval; 3. The Town Clerk be requested to prepare a by-law for the purposes of executing the attached agreement, to be considered by Council at its meeting of November 3, 1980. "CARRIED" Councillor Holliday returned to the table. Resolution #PD -356-80 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hobbs THAT the following recommendation in Report P-182-80 be endorsed and: Rezoning Z -A-3-6-7 1. Application for Rezoning Z -A-3-6-7 be approved Pt. lot 33, 2. The attached by-law be forwarded to Council for Cone. 10 approval at such time as the applicant has Clarke executed a Site Plan Agreement, said agreement Timoll to be forwarded to Council with the attached by-law. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -357-80 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Prout THAT the recommendation in Report P-183-80 be endorsed and Zoning Z -A-1-15-8 1. Report P-183-80 be received for information Proposed Subdivision 2. The Committee recommend that the attached 18T-76063 subdivision agreement for the Sucee sub - pt. lot 20, Cone. 10 division be executed by Council Darlington 3. The Town Clerk be requested to prepare a by-law (Sucee) for the purposes of authorizing the execution of the agreement to be presented to the November 3, 1980 meeting of Council Planning and Development - 11 - October 27, 1980 4. Application for rezoning Z -A-1-15-8 be approved 5. The attached by-law be forwarded to Council for approval 6. The Region of Durham be advised of Council's action in respect of application for rezoning number Z -A-1-15-8. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -358-80 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Mayor Rickard Amendment to THAT the recommendation in Report P-184-80 be Sign By-law endorsed, the report be received for information C.I.B.C. and the attached by-law be forwarded to Council for Bowmanville approval. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -359-80 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con.'"Hobbs Subdivision THAT the recommendation in Report 185-80 be endorsed 18T-24002 and xhe following resolution be adopted by Council and Oakland forwarded to the Minister of Housing by the Town Clerk: Developments "The Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Housing to extend the draft approval of subdivision 18T-24002 to January 25, 1982." "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -360-80 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hobbs Waverly THAT Report P-186-80 relative to Application for Heights amendment to Regional Official Plan, Part Lot 24, Conc. 9, Subdivision Clarke Township, Waverly Heights Subdivision File 77-35/D 77-35/D (Revised) be tabled for one month. "CARRIED" Planning and Development - 12 - October 27, 1980 Resolution #PD -361-80 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Hobbs November 5 THAT the recommendation in Report P-187-80 Meeting be endorsed and the Planning and Development Cancellation Meeting scheduled for November 5, 1980, be cancelled. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -362-80 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Clarke Budget Performance THAT the Treasurer's report re Budget Performance July 31 & August 31 July 31 and August 31, 1980 be received for information. 80 "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -363-80 Moved by Con. Barr, seconded by Con. Prout Abbott & Marchant THAT the letter from Jones and Jones, Barristers Subdivision & Solicitors regarding the Development Plan for 18T-77-67 the Hamlet of Tyrone and Subdivision 18T-77067, Abbott and Marchant, be received for information and referred to the discussion of the Tyrone Plan. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -364-80 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Clarke THAT the meeting adjourn at 10:20 p.m. "CARRIED"