HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-10-09TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Planning and Development Committee Roll October 9, 1980 Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on Thursday, October 9, 1980 at 9:30 a.m. in Court Room #2 Call Present were: Councillor Keith D. Barr, Vice -Chairman Councillor William Clarke, Member Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs, Member, until 12 noon Councillor Saspter W. Holliday, Member at 9:42 a.m. Councillor Maurice Prout, Member Mayor G. B. Rickard, Member at 9:38 a.m. Councillor Ann Cowman, Chairman at 1:30 p.m. due to family illness. Deputy Clerk, G. Gray, Secretary Also Present: Director of Planning, D. Smith Planner, Current Operations, N. Forrest until noon Resolution #PD -317-80 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Prout THAT the minutes of the meeting of October 9, 1980 be adopted as read. "CARRIED" Public The meeting had been advertised as a Public Meeting to hear Meeting comments regarding Report P-168-80, Rezoning Z -A-1-4-4. Rezoning Z -A-1-4-5, and S -P-14, Preston and Clarke. No person appeared (Preston & to speak to the report. Clarke) Resolution #PD -318-80 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Clarke THAT the recommendation in Report P-168-80 be endorsed and Report P-168-80 be received for information and the recommendations in Report P-161-80 be adopted as follows: Planning and Development Committee - 2 - October 9, 1980 "WHEREAS rezoning applications Z -A-1-4-4 and Z -A-1-4-5 may be interpreted as allowing for the consolidation of a commercial node at the intersection of Highway 2 and the road allowance between Lots 20 and 21 in the former Township of Darlington; and Rezoning WHEREAS the owners of the property subject to rezoning application Z -A-1-4-4 Z -A-1-4-4 will be entering into a site plan agreement addressing Z -A-1-4-5 the development of the property including common access with an S -P-4 abutting zoned commercial use, (Preston) (Clarke) NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Newcastle approves the requested rezoning applications and request the Clerk to prepare the necessary by-law for the execution of the site plan agreement with Mr. S. Preston". "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -319-80 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Clarke Delegations THAT the additional delegations, Mr. Lawson, Mr. Vanhaverbeke and Mr. P. Feddema, who had asked to speak, be heard. "CARRIED" Mr. D. R. Roy of DRAgencies, addressed the Committee regarding his proposed subdivision agreement. (Report P-172-80). He stated that he was in agreement with the bulk of the agreement, however, he felt he was being asked to give up over 80% of his D. R. Roy land, the 5% in lieu and 12 acres of valleyland which he wished Subdivision to keep in private ownership. He felt there would be vandalism 18T-77002 in this property and since he would be living in a house in the subdivision, he would be in a better position to police the D.R.Agencies land than if it was turned over to the Town. He also wondered if the change in his commercial zoning to Special Commercial, with its limited uses, would be economically viable. Mr. Lawson Mr. Allan Lawson, husband and business partner of Geraldine Rezoning Balint, spoke to Report P-167-80, application for rezoning Z -A-1-16-2 Z -A-1-16-2. He objected to the condition in the recommendation Balint of the Planning Department that he dedicate 11' to the Region of Durham for road widening along Taunton Road. He felt this was an issue apart from the rezoning. Planning and Development Committee - 3 - October 9, 1980 E.Vanhaverbeke Mr. Ed Vanhaverbeke spoke to Report P-166-80 being Rezoning rezoning application Z -A-3-12-8 in the Village of Z -A-3-12-8 Newcastle. He objects to the property in question being zoned for a real estate office. He wishes it be be zoned for a business office as he already operates a real estate office on the property adjoining. Mr. Peter Feddema spoke for One -Fourth Investments regarding Application for Plan of Subdivision 18T-76025. P. Feddema He noted that the proposal for Senior Citizens' housing One -Fourth was omitted from the recommendation and objected to Investments item 6 (Vii) in the agreement which stated that the land to be turned over to the Town for parkland must 18T-76025 be landscaped in accordance with a landscape plan prepared by a landscape architect at the Owners' expense. Resolution #PD -320-80 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Holliday Carnation THAT the recommendation in Report P-159-80 be endorsed Flower Shop and the attached Development Agreement for the Carnation Development Flower Shop, Division Street, Bowmanville, (P. Koendermen) Agreement be forwarded to Council for approval and execution. (Koenderman) "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -321-80 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the recommendation in Report P-163-80 be endorsed and 1. Report P-163-80 be received. 2. The Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to proposed Official Plan Amendment 80-7/00 to permit the development of a Local Central Area, at the north-west corner of Highway 2 and Townline Road in Oshawa, not to exceed 68,000 square feet of gross retail and person service floor space. Planning and Development Committee - 4 - October 9, 1980 O.P.A. 3. The Ontario Municipal Board be advised that the City of Town of Newcastle withdraws its objection to Oshawa By-law 18-80 of the City of Oshawa. 80-7/00 4. The City of Oshawa be advised of the Town's action in respect of this matter. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -322-80 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Prout Scugog THAT the recommendation in Report P-164-80 be endorsed By-law and By-law 60-80 of the Township of Scugog be received 60-80 and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -323-80 Moved by Con. Clarke, seconded by Con. Holliday P-165-80 THAT the recommendations in Report P-165-80 be adopted Subdivision (Application for Plan of Subdivision 18T-76025, Part of 18T-76025 Lot 14, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville, One -Fourth One -Fourth Investments Limited - Z -A-2-4-1) Investments Ltd. Resolution #PD -324-80 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Prout THAT Report P-165-80 be referred to the next Planning and Development meeting which would be advertised as a Public Meeting to consider this application prior to its adoption. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -325-80 Moved by Con. Clarke, seconded by Con. Hobbs Z -A-3-12-8 THAT the recommendation in Report P-166-80 be adopted Vanhaverbeke and the attached rezoning by-law for application Z -A-3-12-8, Vanhaverbeke, part lot 28, Conc. 1, former Township of Clarke, be forwarded to Council for approval at the next regular meeting. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Planning and Development Committee - 5 - October 9, 1980 Resolution #PD -326-80 Moved by Con. Clarke, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the aforementioned by-law be amended by changing 3 1.2 Permitted uses - business office - a dwelling unit in a non-residential building. and Section 4. be amended by deleting 'subject to Section 35 (10) of The Planning Act' and substituting ' subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board.' "CARRIED" When asked, the applicant stated that these changes met with his approval. Resolution #PD -327-80 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Clarke Rezoning THAT the recommendation in Report P-167-80 be endorsed and Z -A-1-16-2 the attached rezoning by-law for Z -A-1-16-2, part lot part lot 31 31, Concession 5, former Township of Darlington, Geraldine Conc. 5 Balint,be forwarded to the Town Council for approval at such Darlington time as the Town has been notified by the Durham Regional (Balint) Works Department that their requested road widenings have been received. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -328-80 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Prout By-law THAT the recommendation in Report P-169-80 be endorsed 91-80 By-law 91-80 of the City of Oshawa, be received for City of Oshawa information and filed. "CARRIED" Planning and Development Committee - 6 - October 9, 1980 Resolution #PD -329-80 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Clarke Metric THAT the recommendation in Report P-170-80 be adopted Conversion and the attached metric conversion by-law for the By-law Village of Newcastle Zoning By-law be forwarded to Village of Council for approval. Z -A-1-6-4 Newcastle the purposes of authorizing the execution of the D.R.Agencies agreement, to be presented to the October 20, 1980 "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -330-80 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Hobbs THAT the recommendation in Report P-172-80 be adopted and: "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution #PD -331-80 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Clarke THAT Staff be authorized to make the necessary changes to the subdivision agreement to change park land from 'public' to 'private' and ask the Ministry of Housing to make the necessary changes to the conditions of draft plan approval. "CARRIED" 1. Report P-172-80 be received for information. 2. the Planning and Development Committee recommend that the attached subdivision agreement for the D.R. Agenc Les subdivision be executed by Council. Rezoning 3. The Town Clerk be requested to prepare a by-law for Z -A-1-6-4 the purposes of authorizing the execution of the D.R.Agencies agreement, to be presented to the October 20, 1980 meeting of Council. Subdivision 4. Application for rezoning number Z -A-1-6-4 be 18T-77002 approved, Agreement 5. The attached by-law be forwarded to Council for approval. 6. The Region of Durham be advised of Council's action in respect of application for rezoning number Z -A-1-6-4. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution #PD -331-80 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Clarke THAT Staff be authorized to make the necessary changes to the subdivision agreement to change park land from 'public' to 'private' and ask the Ministry of Housing to make the necessary changes to the conditions of draft plan approval. "CARRIED" Planning and Development Committee - 7 - October 9, 1980 Resolution #PD -332-80 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Clarke THAT the meeting recess until 1:30 p.m. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 1:30 p.m with the following present; Cowman, Barr, Clarke, Prout, Rickard and Holliday. Vice -Chairman Barr continued in the Chair. Resolution #PD -333-80 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Holliday Minutes THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Committee of (Committee of Adjustment, held on September 24, 1980 be received Adjustment for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -334-80 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Prout THAT the foregoing resolution be amended by adding 'and Decision A 68/80 be appealed. "LOST" Resolution #PD -335-80 Outstanding Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Cowman Items THAT Outstanding Item #PD -43-80 be referred PD -43-80 to the Planning Department's 1981 Works Program Size of regarding the consolidated zoning by-law. Buildings "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -336-80 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Prout PD -213-80 THAT Outstanding Item #PD -213-80 revitalization of Bowmanville Revitalization Downtown Core be removed from Outstanding Items and referred Bowmanville to the Planning Department's 1981 Works Program for a Downtown specific report. Core "CARRIED" Planning and Development Commitee - 8 - October 9, 1980 Resolution #PD -337-80 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Cowman Public THAT the Director prepare a report on a policy for Meetings re public meetings in connection with the planning Planning process. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -338-80 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Prout #PD -367-79 THAT outstanding Item #PD -367-79 - Watermain Easement Watermain Romney Mead, be referred to discussions regarding the Easement Newcastle Urban Area Plan. Romney Mead "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -339-80 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Prout THAT the meeting adjourn at 2:30 p.m. "CARRIED"