HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-04TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Planning and Development Committee February 4, 1980 Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on Monday, February 4, 1980, at 7 p.m. in Court Room 111 Roll Call Present were: Councillor Ann Cowman, Chairman Councillor Keith Barr, Member Councillor William Clarke, Member Councillor J. W. Holliday, Member Councillor Maurice Prout, Member Deputy Clerk, G. Gray, Secretary Absent were: Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs, Member, on vacation Mayor G. B. Rickard, Member, on vacation Also Present: Town Manager, A.C.W. Guiler Director of Planning, Don Smith Long Range Planner, Terry Edwards lution ftPD-35-80 Moved by Con. Clarke, seconded by Con. Barr Adoption THAT the minutes of the meeting held on January 21, of 1980 be adopted as read. Minutes "CARRIED" Public The meeting had been advertised as a Public Meeting to Meeting hear the views and comments of the public relative re Haydon to the Proposed Development Plan for the Hamlet of Develop- Haydon. Mr. Robinson of the Durham Region Health Unit ment was also present to answer questions. Plan Mr. Terry Edwards presented the plan and explained the revisions which had been made to it following the public meeting in May and as the result of the plan's circulation to other agencies. The main revisions were that the minimum lot size was changed from 3/4 of an acre to 1�4 acres and the removal of a portion of land for development . Only 5 additional lots will be allowed in this proposed plan. Planning and Development - 2 - February 4, 1980 The Chairman then asked for questions and comments from the public. Michael Laverty: questioned the method of drainage at Church and Nelson streets T. Edwards: the public works department would require adequate storm drainage before development would be allowed. Wilbur Blackburn: has the water level been tested. Mr. Robinson: The Health Unit has tested the water table and found it to be two feet below ground level. M. Laverty: Does the Health Unit regulate septic systems. Sheila Hewitt: was there any testing done in the lot which was rezoned last year. Mr. Robinson: not to his knowledge - it would need to be before a house is built. T. Edwards: the rezoning was done above flood plain mapping according to the new flood plain mapping. S. Hewitt: why has flood plain mapping been revised T. Edwards: will check the mapping. Mr. DeVries: questioned allowing a lot behind the built up area T. Edwards: the Health Unit reviews the applications Mrs. DeVries: Mr. Robinson had told her water was running through the barn. Mr. Robinson explained the requirements relative to tile beds and that they sometimes have to be raised. they must be 3 feet about the water table. S. Laverty: questioned the appearance of raised tile beds. It seemed to be the general concensus of the residents of Haydon at the meeting that one lot should be deleted from the proposed plan. D. Blackburn: where were all these regulations when the other houses were built. Mr. Robinson: the Durham Health Unit took over in 1974. S. Hewitt: why is the creek lot a different colour on the plan. Planning and Development - 3 - February 4, 1980 T. Edwards: it is an existing lot. M. Laverty: who prepared the plan. T. Edwards: the Staff prepared the plan and brought it before the Planning and Development Committee - it has no status pending public input. Mrs. Potts: will only 5 lots be permitted. T. Edwards: this is a proposal only, until further engineering studies are done, only 5 lots would be permitted. Mrs. DeVries: does Nelson street go straight through. T. Edwards: it is not an open street, is probably an unopened road allowance. Mr. DeVries: do the lots on Maple street need to be the same size. T. Edwards: 1� acres is the minimum requirement for all new proposed lots based on the studies which have been done. M. Laverty: wouldn't sewage eventually contaminate the creek. D. Blackburn:what is a swale, where do they empty. T. Edwards: explained the method of drainage by swales. A. Ashton: are the four parcels included in the plan requests for development. T. Edwards: the parcels were included by staff taking into account requests for development and proposed road frontages. A. Ashton: questioned the maps included in the proposed plan. --------: will there be more development allowed. T. Edwards: for now that will be all the development allowed until more extensive engineering studies are done. A. Ashton: questioned the size of infilling lots. T. Edwards: there will be 5 - Macre lots, which will allow 5 houses. Planning and Development - 4 - February 4, 1980 A. Ashton: would the new plan affect the right of present owners to have extra lots. T. Edwards: the new lots would need to meet severance requirements, would need to be severed if the property was melded with the property next to it. A. Ashton: there is a creek running through the hamlet, how does this plan affect an application to build a cottage. T. Edwards: cottages are permitted only in Agricultural zones. M. Laverty: questioned the right-of-way into vacant land. T. Edwards: it is not economically feasible to build a road. M. Laverty: what will happen to this property. T. Edwards: the road could be closed by by-law W. Blackburn: how wide is the present road. T. Edwards: not standard width. Con. Cowman: was any thought given to enlarging the commercial designation. T. Edwards: not at this time. Con. Cowman: what is the status of the existing commercial and what effect does the plan have on it. T. Edwards: the plan recognizes commercial operations and there is a question as to whether it is a legal non -conforming use. These questions would need to be addressed before the plan is brought back to the Committee. A. Ashton: spoke of the lack of facilities in Haydon and asked what proposals had been made for upgrading the roads and sidewalks. Con. Clarke: Hamlets have been neglected. Some conditions in hamlets in Ward 3 are disgraceful. The Public Works Budget for next year is approximately $2,000,000. Money would have to be found in the budget to allow for additional work. Planning and Development Committee - 5 - February 4, 1980 Con. Cowman: the costs would be prohibitive for new works but road conditions would be under the maintenance budget. She advised Mr. Ashton to contact the Public Works Department. M. Laverty: spoke of the condition of the sidewalks, ditches and the lack of bus shelters for children waiting for school busses. Con. Prout: suggested that the request for a bus shelter be addressed to the Public Works department. A. Ashton: referred to page 9, 3.3.1. of the plan - adequate water storage and asked if this was required in all plans. T. Edwards: it is a requirement of the fire department in hamlets. D. Blackburn: questioned the speed limit in hamlets. Con. Cowman: speed is a matter for the public works and the Regional Police. Con. Prout: stated he would bring these matter before the public works Committee. A. Ashton: speaking on behalf of the group present requested the Town of Newcastle to erect speed limit signs at the east and west extremities of the Village. D. Blackburn: stated the 'no parking' signs had been removed. Con. Holliday stated he had made a note of the matter of the 'no parking' signs. Chairman Cowman stated that the Staff would bring back the plan to the next meeting of the Committee. T. Edwards: explained that future proposals for expansion of hamlet boundaries may require an amendment to the Regional Official Plan. Con. Barr: suggested that people contact their local councillors and keep them up to date on their problems. S. Laverty: How will the public know what adjustments were made to the plan. D. Smith: the plan would be brought to the meeting on February 18, 1980 and they could phone the planning office after February 18 for information. Planning and Development Committee - 6 - February 4, 1980 Resolution #PD -36-80 Moved by Con. Barr, seconded by Con. Clarke THAT there be a 5 minute recess. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -37-80 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Barr THAT the Committee deal with the other items on the Agenda prior to hearing delegations. "CARRIED" P-18-80 The Director of Planning asked that Report P-18-80 be withdrawn from the Agenda. Resolution #PD -38-80 Moved by Con. Barr, seconded by Con. Clarke Committee THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Committee of of Adjustment of January 23, 1980, be received for Adjustment information. Minutes "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -39-80 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Clarke THAT the meeting recess until 8:30 p.m., the time noted for delegations. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 8:30 p.m. Planning and Development Committee - 7 - February 4, 1980 Tyrone Chairman Cowman explained that she had referred the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan back to the Planning and Development Development Committee from Council because the proposed plan was Plan smaller than the previous proposal because the Region had designated Tyrone as a hamlet for less growth and she had received several phone calls. Mr. Ray Abbot addressed the Committee stating that he wished to go on record as objecting to the reduction of his proposed plan of subdivision from 10 lots. He stated that in July of 1977 he had reduced it from 10 to 8 lots and he Ray Abbot was required to prepare a complete new subdivision plan Plan of because of the requirements of the Conservation Authority Subdivision and the Health Unit. He had resubmitted the plan to the Ministry of Housing showing 8 lots. There was no objection to his plan for 8 lots in 1978. He was advised by the Ministry of Housing in December 1978 that it did not require a development plan to enable him to proceed with his plan of subdivision. He had soil tests taken in 1979 and the Health Unit had approved the plan showing 8 houses on 8 lots and imposing 4 conditions. He could now meet all four of these conditions. The present plan had again reduced his 8 lots to 4 lots in spite of the fact that he had all approvals for 8 lots. Mr. Starzynski represented Mr. Spry who owns property just outside the limits of the hamlet plan. The property Mr. had been included in the Darlington Plan as Residential, Starzynski then Deferred Residential and now it was designated as agricultural. He asked if the Committee would recommend that Mr. Spry's property be designated as an area for expansion. Would the Town apply to the Region to have the area included, for an Official Plan Amendment to designate Tyrone as a Hamlet for Growth. Mr. Spry indicated that he had a plan of subdivision on his property which, because of a mix-up, had not been submitted. Mr. Spry It was to have been tied in with the development to the north for one subdivision. He objected to his property being designated agricultural when it was designated residential when he purchased it. He also objected to 1� acre lots. Planning and Development - 8 - February 4, 1980 Resolution #PD -40-80 Moved by Con. Clarke, seconded by Con. Barr THAT Mr. C. Ewert be heard. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -41-80 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Barr THAT Report P-5-80 be received and Staff be authorized to arrange a public meeting to present the revised hamlet plan for Tyrone to the public. "CARRIED" Mr. Charles Ewert spoke on behalf of Messrs. Heming and Byam and stated that they had been cut back on their proposals in the new plan. He stated that the plan C. Ewert which had been taken to the people a year ago had seemed for to be reasonable and well accepted. Only Regional Planning Heming & and Works Departments had disagreed with the Plan. The Byam present plan was completely changed. He suggested that the Town investigate seriously, the amount of growth area to which the Region begins to balk and that there might be a compromise. He suggested that the Town consider the taking of an Official Plan Amendment to make this a growth hamlet. The Director of Planning stated that the first proposed plan had shown development which exceeded a 50% growth, rate. This plan includes 25 new units as compared with 49 units Director presently there. He was concerned about the potential of impact on ground water and the ability of the hamlet to Planning absorb that much development. He felt that 25 units over 5 years was adequate development with which to start. Development has to be monitored. Lot sizes are approximately 1�acres. The May plan designated the Spry and Byam lands agricultural. 9 units have been draft approved - the cumulative effect must be monitored. Developers should apply for Official Plan Amendments. He recommended that the plan be forwarded as proposed. Resolution #PD -41-80 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Barr THAT Report P-5-80 be received and Staff be authorized to arrange a public meeting to present the revised hamlet plan for Tyrone to the public. "CARRIED" Planning and Development Committee - 9 - February 4, 1980 Resolution #PD -42-80 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Clarke THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:45 p.m. "CARRIED"