HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-12-19TOWN OF KEWCASTLE Planning Advisory Committee Special Meeting Municipal Building, Hampton, Thursday, December 19, 19749 7:30 P.M. Present: Chairman Councillor K. Entwisle Member Mayor G. Rickard Member Councillor K. Lyall Member Mr. D. Moffatt Member Mr. H. Muir Member Mr. H. Balson Member Dr. H. R. Rowsell Member Mr. R. Hetherington N.& N. Bd. of Ed. Rep. Mr. S. Worden Planning Director Mr. Geo. Howden Secretary H. R. Best Absent: Member Councillor A. D. Wearn Member Councillor D. Allin Member Mr. H. Hammond Member Mr. S. J. Lancaster Also Present: Mr. Regis Trudell, Planner,Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd. Mr. E. R. Lovekin Mr. John Liptay Mr. Milani & Secretary Chairman's Remarks In his opening remarks, Chairman Entwisle announced that this meeting had been called for the specific purpose of reviewing the Interim District Plan and revisions thereto as had been suggested by this Committee during the past three months. These revisions are contained in Consultants Report No. 8, revised November 27, 1974, and produced by Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd. Also to be considered are Reports No. 98 and No. 99 as prepared by Planning Director, Mr. Howde. (2) Resolution No. P-334-74 Moved by Councillor Lyall, seconded by R. Hetherington, That Mr. Howden's Report No. 98 be given first consideration. _1 _k�Q Special Meeting, December 19, 19749 continued Page 2 The following comment was noted in report No. 98, "I am currently reviewing the proposed changes and will have some further comments to make on the revisions at the time of their consideration". It was agreed to receive Mr. Howden's comments; as set forth in Report No. 99, in conjunction with the review of Consultants Report No.8. (3) Consultants Report No. 8. Mr. Regis Trudell of Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd. reviewed the Proposed revisions with particular emphasis on those policies yet to be approved by the Committee. Report No. 8 was reviewed page by page and the Committee's comments were noted as follows. The page number refers to the page in report No. 8, while the section - number applies to the Interim District Plan text as drafted on September 4, 1974• (i) Road Access; page 1, section 3? Approved as revised. (ii) Piped Services; page 2, section 3,(2) (a) Approved as revised. (iii) Land Conveyances: page 2-3, section 3 (4) (a) The recommendation as follows was noted in Mr. Howden's report No. 99. "I would recommend that the section be reworded to add the words ' for residential purposes' after the word 'land' in in the first sentence, and the following sentence added after the first,'The Municipality may also require such conveyance in the case of large or important commercial or industrial developments' ". Recommendation adopted. (iv) Alternative Conveyanoes; page 39, section 3 (4) (b) Mr. Howden verbally recommended that the first sentence be re- vised to read as follows. 11 Where the conveyance of lands for park purposes is not oon- sidered practicable by the Municipality, the Municipality, may, at its discretion require the developer to convey cash in lieu of such lands1°. Special Meeting, December 19, 1974, continued Recommendation approved. Page 3 (v) Policies for Senior Citizens' Housing „in Urban Residential Areas; page 4, section 4 5 o - The following comment was noted in Report No. 99. " The words 'medium density' should be struck from item (1). To me medium density means approxime-tely 40 units per acre and that kind of density should not be contemplated on septic tanks. In fact in this case the applicant's have only proposed 40 units on 6 acres. Comments approved. (vi) Policies for Estate Residential uses in Urban Residential_ Areas; page ; section 4 5 d - Approved as revised. (vii) Development Patterns; page 5, section 4 (6)(a)(v) Approved as revised. (viii) Uses Permitted - page 5, section 4(8)(b) Referred to Mr. Trudell and Mr. Howden for appropriate revisions to provide for commercial uses within the downtown study area to be developed in accordance with the provisions of section 4(8)(b). (ix) Policies for Arterial Commercial uses in Commercial Area, page 6, section 4 �)(_c) --, The recommendations as follows were noted in report No.99. "I recommend adding the following sentences to item 4(8)(0). (i) In addition, accessary residential uses and apartments over stores may be permitted. However new apartments over stores will only be permitted by an amendment to the appropriate zoning by-law. (ii) New uses of auto oriented or drive in nature will not be permitted in the area between Ontario and Liberty Streets" Recommendation approved. (x) Downtown Study Area (Bowmanville) page 7 and 8; section 4(9) The following comments were noted in item 19 of report No.99. Special Meeting, December 19, 1974, continued Page 4 " I think that the selection of a site for new municipal offices should be carried out as a part of the planning studies now - -.k underway and leading up to the new Distract Plan, but no commit- ment should be made at this time to locate these facilities in any specific area". " When Murray V. Jones and Associates produce their concept plan for Bowmanville they will undoubtedly make recommendations with regard to the location of future recreational facilities. The location of these may not be consistent with item (vi)". Comments approved. Section.4(9)(b)(v) The word "high" in the third line to be deleted and replaced by the word "medium" so that the last line will read as follows "medium density residential will be encouraged". Section 4(9)(b)(vii) The word "road" in the last line to be deleted and replaced by the word "pond" so that the last line will now read "at the Mill Pond will be encouraged". (xi) Deferred Industrial page 99 section 4 11) The contents of Mr. Howden's report No. 99(23) were noted by the Committee. Approved as written in Consultants' report No. 8. (xii) Buffering Page 9; section 402)(b) Approved as written. (xiii) Environmental Study Area Page 11; Section 4 1� Approved as written. (xiv) Pages 12, 13, 14, 15, & 16 of Consultants Report No. 8, Approved as written. Resolution No. P-235-74 Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That the draft text of the Interim District Plan as revised be approved by this Committee. Special Meeting, December 19, 1974, continued Page 5 Mr. Trudell suggested that it would be the duty of Council to hold at least one public meeting to present the plan and to invite comments from the general public. (4) MAPPING The following revisions to the maps forming part of the Interim District Plan, were approved. (i) The hamlet of Kirby in the geograp4c Township of Clarke, be shown on the mapping as it currently exists. (ii) The Environmental Study Areas to be accurately defined. (iii) The lands purchased by Ontario Hydro, to the west of the St. Mary's Cement Plant, be given the same designation as shown on the original Official Plan of Darlington. Resolution No. P-336-74 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by H. Balson, That the mapping forming pert of the Interim District Plan, as revised, be approved by this Committee. (5) E.R.LOVEKIN, re: Newcastle Golf Course Mr. Lovekin requested that the lands occupied by Newcastle Golf Course in lots 19 and 20, Concession 2, Clarke, be properly designated in the Interim District Plan. He further requested that the two existing dwellings on the subject property not be included in the open space designation. Resolution No. P-337-74 Moved by H. Balson, seconded by Councillor Lyall, That Mr. Lovekin's request be recorded for consideration in the implementing by-law. (6) MR. JOHN LIPTAY, JR. re: Hamlet of Haydon Mr. Liptay spoke briefly regarding the Interim District Plan as it related to the Hamlet of Haydon. Special Meeting, December 19, 1974, continued Page 6 (7) ADJOURNMENT Resolution No. P-338-74 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Councillor Lyall, That this meeting do now adjourn, 101 Meeting adjourned accordingly at 11015 p.m. ELMO Q'f Secretary Chairman