HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-182THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2008-182 Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Rutherford Contracting Ltd, Gormley, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Construction of Aspen Springs Park, Bowmanville, Ontario. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between, Rutherford Contracting Ltd, Gormley, Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this 14~h day of October, 2008. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 14`h day of October, 2008. ~ C1ar~ngton Leading the Way 1 ~ CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ~ TENDER AND SPECIFICATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ~ ASPEN SPRINGS PARK r CONTRACT No. CL2008-15 CLOSING DATE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 2008-10-16 2:00:00 P.M (LOCAL TIME) CONSULTANT: DANIEL J. O'BRIEN 8r ASSOCIATES LIMITED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS ' 180 MARY STREET PORT PERRY, ONTARIO L9L 1 B7 (TEL) 905-985-4466 (EMAIL) danielobrienassociates(a~bellnet.ca ~ Clarington Leading the way Municipality of Clarington ' EXECUTED CONTRACT ' Page 39 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK ' SCHEDULE (H): AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER/THE AWARDED CONTRACTOR: ' The Drawings and Plans, Specifications, Information for Tenderers, Form of Tender, Special Provisions, Addenda, Instruction's to Bidders, Performance and Maintenance Bonds, together with this Agreement form the Contract in this matter. ' THIS AGREEMENT, made (in quadruplicate) this a~ /~, day of October, 2008. ' BY AND BETWEEN Rutherford Contracting Ltd. Gormley, Ontario ' Hereinafter called the Contractor AND THE OWNER/ CORPORATION Municipality of Clarington Bowmanville, Ontario ' Hereinafter called the Owner WHEREAS the said Contractor submitted a Tender for the Construction of Aspen Springs Park, Contract No. CL2008-15. a copy of which is attached hereto, and WHEREAS the said Tender was accepted by the said Corporation on the 14`" day of October, 2008 NOW THESE PRESENT WITNESS that the said Contractor does hereby covenant and agree with the said Owner that is consideration of the covenants and payments to be made herein provided to comply with the following: ' 1. To provide all materials, tools, equipment and labour of every kind required to do and pertorm the whole of the work set out in the Plans and Tender, and in the most substantial and workmanlike manner, according to the Schedule set out in the Information for Tenderers. 2. To indemnify and save harmless the said Owner and each of its offcers, servants and agents from and against all action, claims and demands which may be brought or made by any other part in consequence of the performance of the said work or of the non-execution or imperfect performance ' of such work. 3. To pay to the said Owner, on demand, all lost costs, damages or expenses which may be paid, ' sustained, or incurred by the said Owner or any of its officers, servants, or agents in consequence of any said action, suit claim, lien, execution or demand as here in before stated in Clause 2 above, and that in default of such payment, all such loss, costs, damages and expenses may be deducted from any monies of the said Contractor then remaining in the possession of the said Owner on ' account of this contract, or may be recovered from the said Contractor or the Surety named in the bond hereto attached in any court of competent jurisd fiction as money payable to such default. ,' ii ' Page 40 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK ' SCHEDULE (H): ' AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER/THE AWARDED CONTRACTOR: 4. And the said Contractor further agrees that in the event of any action as herein before stated in Clause 2 above, to authorize and empower the said Owner or its Solicitor to defend, settle, or compromise any such actions, suits, claims, executions or demands as the said Owner or its said Solicitor may deem expedient, and hereby agrees to ratify and confirm all the acts of the said Owner ' said Contractor may, at his own expense, take charge of and conduct the defence in the name of the said Owner for any such actions, claims, or suit. ' 5. The said Owner covenants with the said Contractor that if the said work, including all extras in connection therewith, shall be duly and properly executed according to the terms and provisions of this Contract, the said Owner will pay the said Contractor the contract price stated in the said Tender (including all approved extras as provided in the Schedule of Prices forming part of this Contract) in ,' the manner specified as to holdbacks and only upon estimates or certificates signed by the Landscape Architect. It is hereby expressly provided that the granting of any estimate or certificate or the payment of any monies thereunder, shall not be construed as an acceptance of any defective work or material, although the conditions of the same may not have been known to, or discovered by the said Engineer at the time such estimate or certificate was granted, or money paid thereon. 6. The Contractor shall perform the Work required by the Contract Documents for Contract No. ,,' CL2008-15, Construction of Aspen Springs Park. Which have been signed by the parties, and which were prepared by Daniel J. O'Brien Associates, Acting as and hereinafter called the 'Consultant' and '' (a) do and fulfill everything indicated by this Agreement, and (b) commence the Work by the 1 ~' day of November 2008 and attain Substantial Pertormance Completion of the Work, as certified by the Consultant, by the 15'" day of June 2009. 7. CONTRACT PRICE: ',!' The Contract Price is Five Hundred and Eighty One Thousand, Seven Hundred and Sixty Three dollars, Sixty Three Cents (GST Inc.) ($581,763.63) in Canadian Funds, which price shall be subject to adjustments ' as may be required in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents. 'i' u Page 41 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (H): AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER/THE AWARDED CONTRACTOR: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Contractor and the Purchaser have hereunto signed their names and set their seals on the day first above written. SIGNED and sealed by the Contractor: RUTHERFORD CONTRACTING LTD Dd- a) sr as F Date ~ / in the presence of ) ~~(~ Ocf a15~ aoa~1 Date ' SIGNED and sealed by the Purchaser: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON in the presence of ) COMPANY SEAL CORPF3t<*ATE SEAG CORPORATE SEAL Date v~-~~°~~2~ 70C~ ~ Clarinjl~/~,/`LW~n Leading the Way V Municipality of Clarington TENDER CL2008-15 ,; , CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK .. CONTENTS: -. , SCHEDULE (A) INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS! GENERAL CONDITIONS PAGE 3 - 10 SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS PAGE 11 - 18 SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR'S SAFETY- POLICY, PROCEDURES, PAGE 19 - 26 HEALTH 8 SAFETY PRACTICE FORM ,.. SCHEDULE (D) TENDER FORM AND PRICING SCHEDULE PAGE 27 - 31 ' SCHEDULE (E) TENDER SUBMISSION, PROVISIONAL ITEMS, AND INFORMATION SHEETS PAGE 32 - 34 SCHEDULE (F) AGREEMENT TO BOND PAGE 35 SCHEDULE (G) ADDENDUM NOTES, INFORMATION SHEET, NOTICE OF NO BID PAGE 36 - 38 SCHEDULE (H) AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER! AWARDED CONTRACTOR PAGE 39 - 41 '',' , SCHEDULE (I) INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS AS PER CCDC 4 PAGE 42 - SCHEDULE (J) GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE ' UNIT PRICE CONTRACT PAGE 43 SCHEDULE (K) SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 61 SCHEDULE (L) QUESTIONS FOR CLARIFICATION _`:~ ' SCHEDULE (M) ADDRESS LABEL CLOSING TIME R DATE: 2:00:00 P.M (LOCAL TIME) Wednesday, June 18, 2008 NOTICE TO BIDDERS - LATE BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, BUT RETURNED UNOPENED TO THE RESPECTIVE BIDDER .' = BIDS NOT SIGNED WILL BE REJECTED BIDS MUST BE TYPED OR IN INK ERASURES OR NOTICEABLE CHANGES MUST BE INITIALLED BY THE BIDDER - BIDDERS MUST NOT INCLUDE RESTRICTIVE OR CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS TO ALTER THE FORMAT OR INTENT OF THE TENDER THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED ~~~ TENDER OPENING MEETING IS SCHEDULED TO TAKE PLACE AT 2:15:00 PM AFTER THE CLOSING TIME AND DATE, IN MEETING ROOM #1A, MAIN FLOOR, 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, AND INTERESTED BIDDERS ARE INVITED TO ' ATTEND. THE TENDERS MUST BE RETURNED ON THE FORMS PROVIDED AND IN THE ENVELOPE PROVIDED, CLEARLY MARKED AS TO CONTENTS, PRIOR TO THE CLOSING TIME AND DATE. :.' THE TENDERS MUST BE RETURNED ON THE FORMS PROVIDED AND IN THE ENVELOPE SHOWING THE FIRM NAME, TENDER NUMBER AND TENDER NAME OR BY USING THE ADDRESS LABEL ATTACHED TO THIS TENDER. ISSUED BY: JERRY BARBER, C. P.P.O. DANIEL J. O'BRIEN & ASSOCIATES LIMITED PURCHASING MANAGER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS TELEPHONE: 905-623-3379, EXT. 402 180 MARY STREET PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, L9L 1 B7 TELEPHONE: 905-985-0466 L,,' 4" Page 2 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK 1 To: The Mayor and Members of Council Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington ' Re: Contract No. CL2008-15 Construction of Aspen Springs Park Dear Mayor and Members of Council: ' The Contractor has carefully examined the Plans, Provisions, Specifications, and Conditions described herein as part of the work to be done under this Contract. The Contractor understands and accepts the said Plans, Provisions, Specifications, and Conditions, and, for the prices set forth in this Tender, hereby offer to furnish all machinery, tools, apparatus, and other means of construction, furnish all materials, except as otherwise ' specified in this Contract, and to complete the work in strict accordance with the said Plans, Provisions, Specifications. and Conditions. ' The Contractor understands and accepts that the quantities shown are approximate only, and are subject to increase, decrease, or deletion entirely if found not to be required, ' Attached to this tender is a bid deposit in the amount and form specified in Schedule A of Instructions to Bidders/General Conditions (Bid/Tender Deposit), make payable to the Owner. This cheque shall constitute a deposit which shall be forfeited to the Owner if the successful Contractor fails to file with the Owner a 100% Performance Bond, a 100% Labour and Material Payment Bond, satisfactory to the Owner within ten (10) calendar days from the date of receipt of Notice of Acceptance of the Tender, and an agreement to bond from company authorized to conduct business, in form acceptable to Municipality's Director of Finance. Notification of acceptance may be given and delivery of the Form of Agreement made by prepaid post, addressed to the Contractor at the address contained in this Tender. 1 Qi~'t1`or ~or~ Ca niracktt~o LI-d Name of Contractor ' o~ r} ~~ 1 Co Vr ~Jy Address G~frr,~:~i ©rJ LD N 1 G 6 ~/ Signature t Ro fSF.~ j STF,~/Ifi/JoN Cs1/E.F f S7~~OR, Name and Position of Person Signing Corporate Seal ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK ' SCHEDULE (A) INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS/GENERAL CONDITIONS: ' 7. GENERAL SEALED Tenders plainly marked "Contract No. CL2008-15" will be received until: 2:00:00 P.M., LOCAL TIME, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 2008 and shall be addressed to: Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington OFFICE OF THE CLERK 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ON L1C 3A6 Page 3 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 Tenders must be time-stamped at the above noted location to be considered. Late submissions will not be accepted and will be returned unopened without exception. The use of the mail or courier services for delivery of a Tender will be at the risk of the Bidder. The Tender must come into the possession of the above-mentioned representative of the Municipality before the deadline for submission or the Tender will be returned to the Bidder unopened. In the event that the Tender is hand delivered and is received past the deadline for submission, the Tender envelope will be time stamped and retumed unopened to the deliverer immediately. In the event that the Tender is received by a means other than 'in person' and is received past the submission deadline, it will be time stamped and returned unopened by courier. Note: Since Tenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope, submissions by facsimile or electronic delivery, secured or otherwise, are not acceptable. The onus unequivocally remains with the Bidder to ensure that Tenders are delivered to the Municipal Clerk, Clerks Office, 2ntl Floor, before the deadline for submission, in accordance with the submission instructions. Requests for adjustments to submitted Tenders by telephone, fax or electronically will not be considered. The Municipality shall not be liable for any cast of preparation or presentation of Tenders, and all Tenders and accompanying documents submitted by the Bidder become the property of the Municipality and will not be returned. There will be no payment to Bidders for work related to and materials supplied in the preparation, presentation and evaluation of any Tender, nor for the Contract negotiations whether they are successful or unsuccessful. The Municipality, its elected officials, employees and agents shall not be responsible for any liabilities, costs, expenses, loss or damage incurred, sustained or suffered by any Bidder, prior or subsequent to, or by reason of the acceptance, or non-acceptance by the Municipality of any Tender, or by reason of any delay in the acceptance of any Tender. 2. BLANK FORM OF TENDER One copy of the Tender, on the forms provided, shall be submitted in the envelope provided. All information requested shall be shown in the tender, in the space provided. 3. SCOPE OF WORK: The contractor shall provide all labour, equipment, materials, preparation and supervision necessary to complete the contract. Page 4 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK ' SCHEDULE (A) INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS/GENERAL CONDITIONS (continued): 4. INQUIRIES DURING TENDERING: Inquiries concerning General Conditions shall be directed to: JERRY D. BARBER, C.P.P.O. PURCHASING MANAGER (905) 623-3379, EXTENSION 402 Written inquiries shall be submitted using the Fax Cover Sheet provided as Schedule "H". Bidders are requested to make all inquiries prior to Friday, June 13, 2008. ' Inquiries concerning Specifications shall be directed to: DANIEL J. O'BRIEN 8 ASSOCIATES LIMITED ' LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 180 MARY STREET PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, L9L 187 (TEL) 905-985-4466 (FAX) 905-985-8509 (EMAIL) danielobrienassociates@bellnet.ca No claim will be allowed for lack of description, conditions or facilities in this specification. 5. TENDERERS TO INVESTIGATE A non- mandatary site meeting has been scheduled for Monday, June 9, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. at the site of Aspen Springs Park, Intersection of Baxter and Bagnell Crescent, Bowmanville and all bidders are encouraged to attend. Tenderers are expected to make themselves familiar with all particulars involved. No claim will be allowed for lack of description, conditions, specifications and facilities referred or associated with this tender. Bidders are requested to contact: Peter Wndolf, O.A.L. A. Manager of Parks Development Bowmanville, Ontario Telephone: (905) 623-3379, ext. 201 Bidders are referred to Schedule B, Standard Terms and Conditions, Section 4, Clarification of Documents for ' further clarification. Tenderers must satisfy themselves by personal examination of the site and by such other means as they may prefer as to the actual conditions and requirements of the work. The Tenderer shall carefully examine all plans and profiles so that the unit prices tendered are commensurate with the nature of the work. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to thoroughly inspect the site of the proposed works, determine the location of any buried or obstructing services and make satisfactory arrangements for interterence with such service with the proper jurisdictional agency. 6. VISITING THE SITE: ' Page 5 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (A) INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS/GENERAL CONDITIONS (continued): ' 7. QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP: The workmanship and quality of materials and labour shall be first class in every respect, and will be subject to approval by the Director of Engineering or his designate. 8. BID I TENDER DEPOSIT: All tender submissions shall be accompanied by a Bid Deposit in the form of a certified cheque, bank draft, money order or cash, payable to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington I the amount specified in the table below: TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID MINIMUM DEPOSIT REQUIRED $ 20,000.00 or less $ 1,000.00 20,000.01 to 50,000.00 2,000.00 50,000.01 to 100,000.00 5,000.00 100,000.01 to 250,000.00 10,000.00 250,000.01 to 500,000.00 25,000.00 500,000.01 to1,000,000.00 50,000.00 1,000,000.01 to 2,000,000.00 100,000.00 2,000,000.01 and over 200,000.00 NOTE: Bid bonds issued by a surety approved by and in a form containing terms satisfactory to the Municipality's Treasurer will be accepted for tenders valued over $50,000.00. Bid deposit must be enclosed in the envelope with your tender. All tender bid deposits will be returned to the respective bidders within ten (10) days after the Tenders have been opened except those of the two (2) low bidders, which shall be retained by the Municipality of Clarington until the successful bidder has executed the Contract. ' 9. BONDS The Contractor is required to provide a Pertormance Bond, and a Labour and Material Payment Bond, each in an amount equal to 100 percent of the Total Tender Amount, to guarantee his faithful performance of this Contract and his fulfillment of all obligations in respect of maintenance and payment for labour and materials used on this work. ' Each Bond shall be with a satisfactory Guarantee Surety Company, resident in Canada or authorized to carry on business in Canada. ' An Agreement to Bond must be submitted with the tender bid. Bonding company standard "Agreement to Bond" forms are acceptable. t0. TENDERED PRICES: The lump sum price or prices quoted in the Tender Form shall include the furnishing of all materials, supplies and ' equipment and providing of all labour, construction tools and equipment, utility and transportation services necessary to perform and complete all the work required under the Contract, including all miscellaneous work, whether specifically included in the Contract Documents or not. It is the intention of the Drawings and Specifications to provide finished work. Any items omitted there from which are clearly necessary for the ' Page 6 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK ' SCHEDULE (A) INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS/GENERAL CONDITIONS (continued): completion of the work or its appurtenances shall be considered a portion of the work though not directly specifed and/or shown or called for on the Drawings. Prices shall remain firm for the duration of the contract. 11. RIGHT OF OWNER TO ACCEPT OR REJECT TENDERS: The Owner, THE Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, reserves the right to accept any tender submitted; the lowest or any tender need not necessarily be accepted and the Owner reserves the right to reject any or all tenders at his sole discretion. ' 12. OMISSIONS OR DISCREPANCIES: Should the tenderer find discrepancie documents, or should he be in doubt instruction to all tenderers. Verbal int 13. AWARD OF CONTRACT: t The award of this contract is subject In the event that all bids received exc in the scope of work as described by acceptable Bid Price. ' If the negotiations result in a Contrac undertaken, and the Contract shall b t If the negotiations fail to produce a C changes contemplated result in a va Bid Documents will be amended and lowest Bids on the original Bid call. We further understand and agree tha submitted the three (3) lowest accep ' 14. UNACCEPTABLE TENDERS Each item in the Tender Form shall i unbalanced tender be considered. T matters, and should any tender be co 15 INTERPRETATIONS AND ADDEND ' No oral interpretations shall be made effective to modify any of the provisio ' made in writing, addressed and forty bidders if any interpretation is require 1 s in, or omissions from, the drawings, specifications or other tender as to their meaning, he shall notify the Consultant, who may send a written erpretations of such omissions or discrepancies will not be given. to the approval of the Owner. eed the Owner's budget for this project, the Owner shall negotiate changes the drawings and specifications with the bidder submitting the lowest t Price acceptable to both Parties, no further re-bidding of the project will be e awarded at the negotiated price. ontract Price acceptable to both Parties, or if, in the first instance, the lue in excess of 15% and the Owner wishes competitive prices thereon, the invitations to re-bid will be issued to the Bidders who submitted the three (3) t the subcontractors invited to re-bid shall likewise be restricted to those who table prices in each Contractor's original Bid. nclude a reasonable price for such item. Under no circumstances will an he Municipality and the Contract Administrator will be the sole judge of such nsidered to be unbalanced, then it will be rejected by the Municipality. A: to a tenderer as to the meaning of any of the contract documents, or be ns of the contract documents. Every request for an interpretation shall be arded to the Consultant. The Consultant shall issue written Addenda to all d. ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK ' SCHEDULE (A) INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS/GENERAL CONDITIONS (continued): 16. PRODUCTS: Page 7 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 All products or materials specified or shown on the Drawings by brand name catalogue number and/or by the name of the manufacturer or supplier shall form the basis of the Tender. (i) Base Tender Price on projects specified and/or shown on Drawings (ii) All requests will include all required technical information, organized and presented in easily understandable format. 17. QUANTITIES ARE ESTIMATED: The quantities shown for unit price and lump sum items in this Tender Form are estimated only and are for the sole purpose of indicating to tenderers the general magnitude of the work. For any work done or material supplied on a unit price basis, the Contractor will be paid for the actual measured quantities at the respective unit prices tendered. Measurements shall be taken in the field and transferred to as-built drawings and area and volume calculations will be generated this way. The Consultant has the right to increase or to reduce the quantities required or to suspend or omit any item or portion of the work at any time, provided the total contract value is not increased or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (25%). The Contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation for loss of anticipated profit as a result of the deletion of any item or part of an item from the Tender Form. 18. PROOF OF ABILITY OF CONTRACTOR TO DO WORK: The Owner reserves the right to reject any tender where satisfactory evidence of sufficient capitol, plant and experience to successfully complete the work in the specified time, is not furnished by the Tenderer. 19. SUBSTITUTIONS: Bidders may include with their lump sum Tenders alternative proposals based on the use of alternative materials equivalent to the materials or equipment specified. For all such alternative proposals the Bidder shall include in a letter accompanying his Tender, giving the following information. Manufacturer's name and supplier's name, change in price if any, reason for proposing alternative, detaildescription of altemative, and a statement that proposed equipment does not require more space than thatshown on the Drawings. All equivalents must 6e approved by the consultant and the Municipality five (5) days in advance of theclosing of the tender. All bidders will be advised by way of an addendum of any approved substitutions. The Contractor shall be responsible for any additional installation, service or power costs, resulting from the acceptance of a substitute piece of equipment or product. Under no circumstances will alternatives submitted after the closing of Tenders be considered. The Consultant (Owner) reserves the right to accept or reject proposed alternatives as they see fit. A rejection by the Consultant (Owner) of the proposed alternative material is final, and the Consultant (Owner) does not become obliged to give any reason for their action. Page 8 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (A) INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS/GENERAL CONDITIONS (continued): ' 20. SALES TAX: t Any applicable Provincial Sales Tax to be included in the prices bid. The Federal Goods and Services Tax to be shown extra where indicated on the pricing schedule. ' 21. PAYMENT AND QUANTITIES: Payments shall be made subjec ' (i) PROGRESS PAYMENT Progress Payment for 90% of v ' receipt of the Contractor's claim Payments made hereunder, inc under the contract. ' Acceptance by the company of Municipality, except those previ The Municipality shall have the may be sufficient to remedy any ' (i) HOLDBACK: The 10% Holdback shall be rele The Construction Lien Holdbac shall become payable without i works. ' (iii) THE CONSTRUCTION t Payments to the Contractor, ho completion under this contract 1983. ' The contractor shall be deemed tender price. 22. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK The successful bidder will be re commencement date after rece and the Contractor shall work ce specified by the contract in the T t to the following. alue of the constructed works shall be made to the contractor within 30 days after for payment. luding final payment, shall not relieve the company from its obligations or liabilities the final payment shall constitute a waiver of claims by the company against the ously made in writing in accordance with the contract and still unsettled. right to withhold from any sum otherwise payable to the company such amount as defect or deficiency in the work, pending correction of the time. ased as follows: k (i.e. 10% of the value of work substantially completed less all approved claims) nterest after 45 days from the Date of Substantial Performance Acceptance of the LIEN ACT: Idbacks, and their release, and certificate of substantial performance and shall be in full compliance with the provisions of The Construction Lien Act, R.S.O., to have made due allowance for executing the requirements of the Actin his quired to commence work at the site within seven (7) calendar days of the offcial iving written instructions from the Municipality of Clarington that the work is to begin ntinuously (weather permitting) until the work is completed wdhin the time period ender Form. ' Page 9 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (A) INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS/GENERAL CONDITIONS (continued): 23. EXECUTION OF CONTRACT: Tenders shall be open for acceptance for a period of 90 days after the closing date. After this time the tender may only be accepted with the consent of the successful Tenderer. 24. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 1 The Contractor to whom this Contract is awarded will be required to execute the Agreement in quadruplicate, in the form bound herein and furnish documents covering the following: (i) Performance and Labour Bond Performance Bond and a Labour and Material Payment Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the total tendered price. (ii) Surety Company Each Bond shall be with a satisfactory Guarantee Surety Company, resident in Canada or authorized to carry on business in Canada. (iii) Insurance The successful contractor will indemnify and save harmless the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington from all loss or the payment of the sums of money by reason of all accidents, injuries or damages to persons or property that may occur in connection therewith. A certificate of liability insurance (third party) must be provided to the Municipality of Clarington, in the amount of $3,000,000.00 (three million dollars) also naming the Municipality of Clarington and Daniel J. O'Brien Associates Limited as additional insured. Any damages to any or all properties as a result of the work performed by the Contractor, will be repaired at the expense of the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering or his delegate. 25. SAFETY: The Contractor shall obey all Federal, Provincial and Municipal Laws, Acts, Ordinances, Regulations, Orders-in- Council and By-laws, which could in any way pertain to the work outlined in the Contract or to the Employees of the Contractor. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Contractor shall satisfy all statutory requirements imposed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations made thereunder, on a contractor, a Constructor and/or Employer with respect to or arising out of the performance of the Contractor's obligations under this Contract. 26. SUB-CONTRACTING: The whole or any part of the contract arising from this quotation may not be assigned without the written consent of the Director of Operations or his designate. The tenderer shall give, in the Tender Documents Schedule'D', the name and address of each proposed Subcontractor used in making up his tender, stating the portion of the work allotted to each. Only one Subcontractor shall be named for each part of the work to be sublet. ' Page 10 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (A) INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS/GENERAL CONDITIONS (continued): ' 27. STAFFING: The successful bidder for this work shall have had previous successful experience and the contractor's crew shall be under the supervision of a competent and experienced foreman. 26. DECLARATIONS: a) UWe declare that no person, firm or corporation other than the one whose signature or the signature of whose proper officers is or are attached to this Request for Tender, has any interest in this Tender or in the Contract. b) IlWe further declare that this Tender is made without any connection, knowledge, comparison of figures or arrangement with any other contractor, firm or person making a similar Tender and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. c) IIV+Ie further declare that no Municipality of Clarington employee, or member of Council (or their families) is, or will become interested directly or indirectly as a contracting party or otherwise in or in the performance of the Contract or in the supplies, work or business to which it relates or in any portion of the profits of it, or of any such supplies to be used therein or any of the monies to be derived from it. d) IlV11e further declare that the statements contained in the Tender are in all respects true. e) INVe further declare that I/We have examined the locality and site(s) of the proposed Equipment, as well as all the specifications relating to them, prepared, submitted and rendered available on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington and are hereby acknowledged to be an integral part of the Contract. IlWe hereby propose and offer to enter into the Contract on the terms and conditions and under the provisions set forth in the Tender, and to accept in full payment for it the sums calculated in accordance with the actual measured quantities and unit prices attached to this Tender. Municipality -The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, its successors and assigns. Bidder -The person, firm or corporation submitting a bid to the Municipality. Company -The person, contractor, firm or corporation to whom the Municipality has awarded the contract, it successors and assigns. Contract -The purchase orcler authorizing the company to perform the work, purchase order alterations, the document and addenda, the bid, and surety. Subcontractor - A person, f rm or corporation having a contrail with the company for, or any part of, the work. Document -The document(s) issued by the Municipality in response to which bids are invited to perform the work in accordance with the specifications contained in the document. Bid - An offer by a Bidder in response to the document issued by the Municipality. ' Work -All labour, materials, products, articles, fixtures, services, supplies, and ads required to be done, furnished or performed by the company, which are subject to the Contrail. ' 2. SUBMISSION OF BID Bid invitation shall be in accordance with the Municipality of Clarington Purchasing By-law #2006-127 and will apply for the calling, receiving, and opening of bids. The Municipality will be responsible for evaluating bids, awarding and administering the contrail in accordance with the Purchasing By-law. The bid must be submitted on the form(s) and in the envelope supplied by the Municipality unless otherwise provided herein. The envelope must not be covered by any outside wrappings, i.e. courier envelopes or other coverings. The bid must be signed by a designated signing officer of the Bidder. If a joint bid is submitted, it must be signed on behalf of each of the Bidders. The bid must be legible, written in ink, or typewritten. Any form of erasure, strikeout or over-writing must be initialled by the Bidder's authorized signing officer. The bid must not be restricted by a covering letter, a statement added, or by alterations to the document unless otherwise provided herein. ' Failure to return the document or invitation may result in the removal of the Bidder from the Municipality's bidder's list. A bid received after the closing date and time will not be considered and will be returned, unopened. Should a dispute arise from the terms and conditions of any part of the contrail, regarding meaning, intent or ambiguity, the decision of the Municipality shall be final. Page 11 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS DEFINITIONS ' Page 12 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS continued 3. CONTRACT The contract consists of the documents aforementioned. The contract and portions thereof take precedence in the order in which they are named above, notwfthstanding the chronological order in which they are issued or executed. The intent of the contract is that the Company shall supply work which is ft and suitable for the Municipality's intended use and complete for a particular purpose. None of the conditions contained in the Bidder's standard or general conditions of sale shall be of any effect unless explicitly agreed to by the Municipality and specifcelly referred to in the purchase order. 4. CLARIFICATION OF THE DOCUMENT Any clarification of the document required by the Bidder prior to submission of its bid shall be requested through the Municipality's contact identified in the document. Any such clarification so given shall not in any way alter the document and in no case shall oral arrangements be considered. Every notice, advice or other communication pertaining thereto will be in the form of a written addendum. No officer, agent or employee of the Municipality is authorized tc alter orally any portion of the document. 5. PROOF OF ABILITY ' The bidder may be required to show, in terms of experience and facilities, evidence of its ability, as well as that of any proposed subcontractor, to perform the work by the specified delivery date. 6. DELIVERY Unless otherwise stated, the work specified in the bid shall be delivered or completely performed by the Company as soon as possible and in any event within the period set out herein as the guaranteed period of delivery or completion after receipt of a purchase order therefor. ' A detailed delivery ticket or piece tally, showing the exact quantity of goods, materials, articles or equipment, shall accompany each delivery thereof. Receiving by a foreperson, storekeeper or other such receiver shall not bind the Municipality to accept the work covered thereby, or the particulars of the delivery ticket or piece tally thereof. ' Work shall be subject to further inspection and approval by the Municipality. The Company shall be responsible for arranging the work so that completion shall be as specifed in the contract. Time shall be of the essence of the contract. 7. PRICING Prices shall be in Canadian Funds, quoted separately for each item stipulated, F.O.B. destination. Prices shall be f rm for the duration of the contrail. ' Prices bid must include all incidental costs and the Company shall be deemed to be satisfied as to the full requirements of the bid. No claims for extra work will be entertained and any additional work must be authorized in writing prior to commencement. Should the Company require more information or clarification on any point, it must be obtained prior to the submission of the bid. ' Payment shall be full compensation for all costs related to the work, including operating and overhead costs to provide work to the satisfaction of the Municipality. Page 13 of 45 TenderCL2008-15 ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS continued All prices quoted shall include applicable customs duty, excise tax, freight, insurance, and all other charges of every kind ' attributable to the work. Goods and Services Tax and Provincial Sales Tax shall be extra and not shown, unless otherwise specified herein. If the Bidder intends to manufacture or fabricate any part of the work outside of Canada, it shall arrange its shipping procedures so that its agent or representative in Canada is the importer of record for customs purposes. Should any additional tax, duty or any variation in any tax or duty be imposed by the Government of Canada or the Province of Ontario become directly applicable to work specified in this document subsequent to its submission by the Bidder and before the ' delivery of the work covered thereby pursuant to a purchase order issued by the Municipality appropriate increase or decrease in the price of work shall be made to compensate for such changes as of the effective date thereof. 8. TERMS OF PAYMENT Where required by the Construction Lien Act appropriate monies may be held back until 60 days after the completion of the work. Payments made hereunder, including final payment shall not relieve the company from its obligations or liabilities under the contract. Acceptance by the company of the final payment shall constitute a waiver of claims by the company against the Municipality, except those previously made in writing in accordance with the contrail and still unsettled. The Municipality shall have the right to withhold from any sum otherwise payable to the company such amount as may be sufficient to remedy any defector deficiency in the work, pending correction of it. ' Payment may be made 30 days after delivery pursuant to the Bidder submitting an invoice, contrail requirements being completed and work being deemed satisfailory. ' 9. PATENTS AND COPYRIGHTS The company shall, at its expense, defend all claims, actions or proceedings against the Municipality based on any allegations that the work or any part of the work constitutes an infringement of any patent, copyright or other proprietary right, and shall pay tc the Municipality all costs, damages, charges and expenses, including its lawyers' fees on a solicitor and his own client basis occasioned to the Municipality by reason thereof. The company shall pay all royalties and patent license fees required for the work. If the work or any part thereof is in any action or proceeding held to constitute an infringement, the company shall forthwith either secure for the Municipality the right to continue using the work or shall at the company's expense, replace the infringing work with non-infringing work or modify it so that the work no longer infringes. 10. ALTERNATES Any opinion with regard to the use of a proposed altemate determined by the Municipality shall be final. Any bid proposing an alternate will not be wnsidered unless otherwise specified herein. 11. EQUIVALENCY Any opinion determined by the Municipality with respect to equivalency shall be fnal. 12. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTING ' The company shall not assign or subcontract the contract or any portion thereof without the prior written consent of the Municipality. ' Page 14 of 45 TenderCL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS continued 13. FINANCING INFORMATION REQUIRED OF THE COMPANY 1 The Municipality is entitled to request of the Company to furnish reasonable evidence that financial arrangements have been made to fulfill the Company's obligations under the Contract. 14. LAWS AND REGULATIONS ' The company shall comply with relevant Federal, Provincial and Municipal statutes, regulations and by-laws pertaining to the work and its performance. The company shall be responsible for ensuring similar compliance by suppliers and subcontractors. ' The contract shall be governed by and interpreted in axordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario. 15. CORRECTION OF DEFECTS If at any time prior to one year after the actual delivery date or completion of the work (or specified warranty/guarantee period ff longer than one year) any part of the work becomes defective or is deficient or fails due to defect in design, material or workmanship, or otherwise fails to meet the requirements of the contrail, the company, upon request, shall make good every ' such defect, deficiency or failure without cost to the Municipality. The company shall pay all transportation costs for work both ways between the companys factory or repair depot and the point of use. 16. BID ACCEPTANCE ' The Municipality reserves the right to award by item, or part thereof, groups of items, or parts thereof, or all items of the bids and to award contracts to one or more bidders submitting identical bids as to price;. to acceptor reject any bids in whole or in part; to waive irregularities and omissions, if in so doing, the best interests of the Municipality will be served. No liability shall accrue to ' the Municipality for its decision in this regard. Bids shall be irrevocable for 90 days after the official closing time. The placing in the mail or delivery to the Bidder's shown address given in the bid of a notice of award to a bidder by the Municipality shall constitute notice of acceptance of contract by the Municipality to the extent described in the notice of award. 17. DEFAULT BY COMPANY ' a. If the company: commits any act of bankruptcy; or if a receiver is appointed on account of its insolvency or in respect of any of its property; or if the company makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors; then, in any such case, the Municipality may, without notice: terminate the contract. b. If the company: fails to comply with any request, instruction or order of the Municipality; or fails to pay its accounts; or fails to comply wdh or persistently disregards statutes, regulations, by-laws or directives of relevant authorities relating to the work; or fails to prosecute the work with skill and diligence; or assigns or sublets the contrail or any portion thereof without the Municipality's prior written consent; or refuses to correct defective work; or is otherwise in default in carrying out its part of any of the terms, conditions and obligations of the contrail, then, in any such case, the Municipality may, upon expiration of ten days from the date of written notice to the company, terminate the contract. 1 c. Any termination of the contract by the Municipality, as aforesaid, shall be without prejudice to any other rights or remedies the Municipality may have and without incurring any liability whatsoever in respect thereto. d. If the Municipality terminates the contract, it is entitled to: i) take possession of all work in progress, materials and construction equipment then at the project site (at no additional charge for the retention or use of the construction equipment), and finish the work by whatever means the Municipality may deem appropriate under the circumstances; ' ii) withhold any further payments to the company until the completion of the work and the expiry of all obligations under the Correction of Defects section; ' iii) recover from the company loss, damage and expense incurred by the Municipality by reason of the company's default (which may be deducted from any monies due or becoming due to the company, any balance to be paid by the company to the Municipality). Page 15 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS continued 18. CONTRACT CANCELLATION The Municipality shall have the right, which may be exeroised from time to time, to cancel any uncompleted or unperformed portion of the work or part thereof. In the event of such cancellation, the Municipality and the Company may negotiate a settlement. The Municipality shall not be liable to the Company for loss of anticipated profit on the cancelled porion or portions ' of the work. 19. QUANTITIES ' Unless otherwise specified herein, quantities are shown as approximate, are not guaranteed to be accurate, are furnished without any liability on behalf of the Municipality and shall be used as a basis for comparison only. Payment will be by the unk complete at the bid price on actual quantities deemed acceptable by the Municipality. ' 20. SAMPLES Upon request, samples must be submitted strictly in accordance with instructions. If samples are requested subsequent to ' opening of bids, they shall be delivered within three (3) working days following such request, unless additional time is granted. Samples must be submitted free of charge and will be returned at the bidder's expense, upon request, provided they have not been destroyed by tests, or are not required for comparison purposes. ' The acceptance of samples by the Municipality shall be at its sale discretion and any such acceptance shall in no way be construed to imply relief of the company from its obligations under the contract. Samples submitted must be accompanied by current Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) where applicable. 21. SURETY ' The successful tenderer shall, if the Municipality in its absolute discretion so desires, be required to satisfy surety requirements by providing a deposit in the form of a certified cheque, bank draft or money order or other form of surety, in an amount determined by the Municipality. This surety may be held by the Municipality until 60 days after the day on which all work covered by the contract has been completed and accepted. The surety may be returned before the 60 days have elapsed providing satisfactory evidence is provided that all liabilities incurred by the company in carrying out the work have expired or have been satisfied and that a Certificate of Clearance from the WSIB -Workplace Safety Insurance Board has been received. The company shall, if the Municipality in its absolute discretion so desires, be required to satisfy fidelity bonding requirements by providing such bonding in an amount and form determined by the Municipality. Failure to furnish required surety within two weeks from date of request thereof by the Municipality shall make the award of the Contract by the Municipality subject to withdrawal. ' Page 16 of 45 TenderCL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS continued 22. WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE BOARD All of the Contractor's personnel must be covered by the insurance plan under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, or must provide an identification number from the WSIB verifying their status as an "Independent Operator'. Upon request by the Municipality, an original Letter of Good Standing from the Workplace Safely and Insurance Board shall be provided prior to the ' commencement of work indicating all payments by the Company to the board have been made. Prior to final payment, a Certificate of Clearance must be issued indicating all payments by the Company to the Board in conjunction with the subject Contract have been made and that the Municipality will not be liable to the Board for future payments in connection with the Company's fulfilment of the contract. Further Certificates of Clearance or other types of certificates shall be provided upon request. For Independent contractors /Owners /Operators who do not have WSIB coverage, the following shall be provided upon request by the Calling Agency: ' Single Independent Contractors /Owners /Operators shall provide a letter from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board confirming independent operator status and identification number. To obtain this, contractors must complete the form "Determining worker/Independent Operator status", issued by the Workplace Safety R Insurance Board. (For more ' information, please contact your local Workplace Safety 8 Insurance Board Office and refer to this clause.) Single Independent Contractors /Owners /Operators must also provide a certificete from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board confirming they have purchased the optional WSIB coverage. ' The Municipality of Clarington has the right to reject any bid it deems to provide insufficient coverage. 23. INSURANCE The company shall maintain and pay for Comprehensive General Liability insurance including premises and all operations. This insurance coverage shall be subject to limits of not less than $3,000,000.00 inclusive per occurrence for third party Bodily Injury and Property Damage or such other coverage or amount as may be requested. The policy shall include the Municipality as an additional insureds in respect of all operations performed by or on behalf of the Company. A certified copy of such policy or certificate shall be provided to the municipality prior to commencement of the work. Further certified copies shall be provided upon request. 24. LIABILITY The company agrees to defend, fully indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from all actions, suits, claims, demands, losses, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever for all damage or injury including death to any person and all damage to any property which may arise directly or indirectly by reason of a requirement of the contract, save and except for damage caused by the negligence of the Municipality or its employees. The Company agrees to defend, fully indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from any and all charges, fines, penalties and costs that may be incurred or paid by the Municipality if the Municipality or any of its employees shall be made a party to any charge under the Occupational Health and Safety Act in relation to any violation of the Act arising out of this contract. 25. VISITING THE SITE The Company shall carefully examine the site and existing building and services affecting the proper execution of the work, and obtain a clear and comprehensive knowledge df the existing conditions. No claim for extra payment will be allowed for work or ' difficulties encountered due to conditions of the site which were visible or reasonably inferable, prior to the date of submission of Tenders. Bidders shall accept sole responsibility for any error or neglect on their part in this respect. u ' Page 17 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK ' SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS continued 26. SAFETY The Company shall obey all Federal, Provincial and Municipal Laws, Act, Ordinances, Regulations, Orders-in-Council and By- laws, which could in any way pertain to the work outlined in the Contract or to the Employees of the Company. ' Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Company shall satisfy all statutory requirements imposed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations made thereunder, on a contractor, a Constructor and/or Employer with respect to or arising out of the performance of the Company's obligations under this Contract. The Company shall be aware of and conform to all governing regulations including those established by the Municipality relating to employee health and safety. The Company shall keep employees and subcontractors informed of such regulations. The Company shall provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to the Municipality for any supplied Hazardous Materials. 27. UNPAID ACCOUNTS The company shall indemnify the Municipality from all claims arising out of unpaid accounts relating to the work. The ' Municipality shall have the right at any time to require satisfactory evidence that the work in respect of which any payment has been made or is to be made by the Municipality is free and clear of liens, attachments, claims, demands, charges or other encumbrances. ' 28. SUSPENSION OF WORK The Municipality may, without invalidating the contract, suspend performance by the company from time to time of any part or all of the work for such reasonable period of time as the Municipality may determine. The resumption and completion of work after the suspension shall be governed by the schedule established by the Municipality. 29. CHANGES IN THE WORK ' The Municipality may, without invalidating the contrail, direct the Company to make changes to the work. When a change causes an increase or decrease in the work, the contract price shall be increased or decreased by the application of unit prices to the quantum of such increase or decrease, or in the absence of applicable unit prices, by an amount to be agreed upon ' between the Municipality and the Company. All such changes shall be in writing and approved by the Municipality. 30. CONFLICT OF INTEREST ' No employee or member of Council of the Municipality shall sell goods or services to the Municipality in accordance with the Municipality of Clarington Policy or have a direct or indireil interest in a Company or own a Company which sells goods or services to the Municipality. 31. MUNICIPAL FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACT (MFIPPA) All correspondence, documentation, and information provided to staff of the Municipality of Clarington by every offerer, including the submission of proposals, shall become the property of the Municipality, and as such, is subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and may be subject to release pursuant to the Ad. Offerers are reminded to identify in their proposal material any specific scientific, technipl, commercial, proprietary, or similar ' confidential information, the disGosure of which could cause them injury. Complete proposals are not to be identified as confidential. ' Page 18 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION. OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK ' SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS continued 32. CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECKS ' "The successful service provider covenants and agrees to provide the Municipality of Clarington, or such other entity as the Municipality may designate, with written consent to perform a criminal background check including Criminal Code (Canada) convictions, pardoned sexual offences, records or convictions under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, Narcotics Control Act and Food and Drugs Act and all outstanding warrants and charges for every individual who may come into direct contract with youth or who are permitted entrance to private or restricted areas or residences. This will be done at no cost to the Municipality and any such requested document will be submitted to the Municipality in its true form in advance of commencement of work. ' The Municipal issued identification card must be worn when individuals are at a site where there is direct contact with youth or where access to any private or restricted area is anticipated. The Municipal identifcation card is valid for the tens of the contract only or a one year term, whichever comes first. Under the terms of the contrail, the Municipality has the sole and unfettered discretion to prohibR an individual from coming into direil contact with youth or entering a private or restricted area on a regular basis and to terminate the contract if the bidderlpartner fails to obtain or renew the Municipal identification cards according to Municipal policy and procedure. ' The Municipality of Clarington reserves the right to cancel and/or suspend the contract immediately and unilaterally and without penalty to the Municipality should the service provider fail to provide the required documentation or otherwise adhere to this procedure. "The Chief Administrative Officer has the final say in determining any final action:' r 1 ~~ ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK ' SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEDURE POLICY: Page 19 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 ' Contractors and Sub-contractors are responsible to ensure that their personnel are updated on all safety concerns of the workplace and are aware of the safety requirements as required by ' the Contractor under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Safety performance will be a consideration in the awarding of contract. Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Section 23 (1), (2)), it is the constructor's responsibility to ensure that: the measures and procedures prescribed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Regulations are carried out on the ro'ect; every employer and every worker performing work on the rp oiect complies with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Regulations (under the Act); and Where so prescribed, a constructor shall, before commencing any work on a project, give to a Director notice in writing of the project containing such information as may be prescribed. DEFINITIONS: Contractor- any individual or firm engaged by the Municipality to do work on behalf of the Municipality Project- means a construction project, whether public or private, including: the construction of a building, bridge, structure, industrial establishment, mining plant, shaft tunnel, caisson, trench, excavation, highway, railway, street, runway, parking lot, cofferdam, conduit, sewer, watermain, service connection, telegraph, telephone or electrical cable, pipe line, duct or well, or any combination thereof; the moving of a building or structure; and any work or undertaking, or any lands or appurtenances used in connection with construction. Construction -includes erection, alteration, repair, dismantling, demolition, structural maintenance, painting, land clearing, earth moving, grading, excavating, trenching, digging, boring, drilling, blasting, or concreting, the installation of any machinery or plant, and any work or undertaking in connection with a project. ' Page 20 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... Constructor- means a person who undertakes a project for an owner and includes an owner who undertakes all or part of a project himself or by more than one employer. Project Manager -means the municipal management representative who has responsibility for a contract. PROCEDURE: The following items are required before any Contractors are hired by the Municipality: a) Before beginning a project, the project manager or designate must determine whether any designated substances/hazardous materials are (or will be) present at the site and prepare a list of all these substances. b) The project manager or designate must include, as part of the request for tender/quotations, a copy of the above mentioned list. The list of designated substances/hazardous materials must be provided to all prospective constructors and/or contractors. c) The request for tender/quotations will require prospective contractors to include a list of the designated substances/hazardous materials that will be brought onto the work site and material safety data sheets. d) Before awarding a contract, the contractor(s) will be required to complete and sign the Health and Safety Practice Form (Schedule "A"). The Purchasing Office will maintain all contractors' safety performance records. e) As part of the tender/quotation conditions, before award of a contract, the contractor must provide details of their Health and Safety program. f) The project manager or designate, if necessary, will provide the successful contractor with a workplace orientation which will include, but not be limited to identifying known potential hazards, hazardous material inventory and material safety data sheets for the sites. ' Page 21 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK ' SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY ' POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... g) Before the start of the assignment the following documentation will be provided to the successful contractor, by the project manager or delegate: ' i) copies of the Municipal Corporate Health and Safety Program ii) departmental health and safety policies iii) workplace procedures regarding health and safety practices h) The contractor has the responsibility to provide any and all prescribed personal protective equipment for their own workers, to include as a minimum but not limited to hard hats and safety boots. If a worker(s) fails to comply with any program, policy, rule or request regarding health and safety, that person(s) is not allowed on the site until the person(s) complies. The Municipality will retain the right to document contractors for all health and safety warnings and/or to stop any contractors' work if any of the previously mentioned items are not in compliance. Similarly, the Municipality will have the right to issue warnings and/or to stop work if there are any violations by the contractor of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Municipal Health and Safety programs, policies, rules, and/or if the contractor creates an unacceptable health and safety hazard. Written warnings and/or stop work orders can be given to contractors using Contractor Health and Safety Warning/Stop Work Order Form (Schedule "B"). j) Where applicable, the Municipality will retain the right to allow municipal employees to refuse to work in accordance with the established policy and the Occupational Health and Safety Act, in any unsafe conditions. k) The Purchasing Department will maintain current certificates of clearance until all monies owing have been paid to the contractor. Responsibility for ensuring contractor compliance to this policy falls upon the project manager or designate. This will include identification, evaluation and control practices and procedures for hazards and follow-up and issuing of Contractor Health and Safety Warning/Stop Work Orders. Page 22 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY ' POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICE FORM ' To Contractor(s): ' The Municipality of Clarington is committed to a healthy and safe working environment for all workers. To ensure the Municipal workplace is a healthy and safe working environment, contractors, ' constructors and subcontractors must have knowledge of and operate in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and any other legislation pertaining to employee health and safety. In order to evaluate your company's health and safety experience, please provide the accident incident and/or Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) information noted below, where ' applicable. • The New Experimental Experience Rating (NEER) ' -The WSIB experience rating system for non-construction rate groups ....................................................................... ' The Council Amended Draft #7 (CAD-7) Rating -The WSIB experience rating system for construction rate groups • Injury frequency performance for the last two years -This may be available from the contractor's trade association. Has the contractor received any Ministry of Labour warnings or orders in the last two years? (If the answer is yes, please include the infraction). Confirmation of Independent Operator Status - The WSIB independent operator number assigned: (0'-( 'g I ~~~ (Bidders to include the letter confirming this status and number from WSIB wifh their bid submission). Page 23 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... CONTRACTOR'S STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY As a contractor working for the Municipality of Clarington, I/we will comply with all procedures and requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Municipal safety policies, department and site specific polices and procedures and other applicable legislation or regulations. I/we will work safely with skill and care so as to prevent an accidental injury to ourselves, fellow employees and members of the public. The contractor/successful tenderer certifies that it, its employees, its subcontractors and their employees: a) are aware of their respective duties and obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, as amended from time to time, and all Regulations thereunder (the "Act's; and b) have sufficient knowledge and training to perform all matters required pursuant to this contract/tender safely and in compliance with the Act. 2. In the performance of all matters required pursuant to this contract/tender, the contractor/successful tenderer shall: a) act safely and comply in all respects to the Act, and b) ensure that its employees, its subcontractors and their employees act safely and comply with all aspects with the Act. 3. The contractor/successful tenderer shall rectify any unsafe actor practice and any non- compliance with the Act at its expense immediately upon being notified by any person of the existence of such act, practice or non-compliance. 4. The contractor/successful tenderer shall permit representatives of the Municipality and the Health and Safety Committee on the site at any time or times for the purpose of inspection to determine compliance with this contract/tender. 5. No act or omission by any representative of the Municipality shall be deemed to be an assumption of any of the duties or obligations of the contractor/successful tenderer or any of its subcontractors under the Act. 1 Page 24 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... The contractor/successful tenderer shall indemnify and save harmless the Municipality: a) from any loss, inconvenience, damage or cost to the Municipality which may result from the contractor/successful tenderer or any of its employees, its subcontractors or their employees failing to act safely or to comply in all respects with the Actin the performance of any matters required pursuant to this contract/tender; b) against any action or claim, and costs related thereto, brought against the Municipality by any person arising out of any unsafe act or practice or any non- compliance with the Act by the contractor/successful tenderer or any of its employees, its subcontractors or their employees in the performance of any matter required pursuant to this contract/tender; and c) Contractor Signature from any and all charges, fines, penalties and costs that may be incurred or paid by the Municipality (or any of its council members or employees) shall be made a party to any charge under the Actin relation to any violation of the Act arising out of this contract/tender. Robes,-~- yep hen Son Name of Person SIQr•In4 for Date Page 25 of 45 TenderCL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... Schedule "B" CONTRACTOR HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNING/STOP WORK ORDER The purpose of this form is to: (Issuer to check one of the following) ^ Provide warning to the contractor to immediately discontinue the unsafe work practices, if it affects our workplace, described below. ^ Direct the contractor to immediately cease all work being performed under this contract due to the unsafe work practice described below. PART "A" -DETAILS OF CONTRACT CONTRACTOR/P.O. # DESCRIPTION: NAME OF FIRM: F' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY Page 26 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 ' POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... ', , PART "B" -DETAILS OF INFRACTION (TO BE COMPLETED BY ISSUER) ~ DATE AND TIME OF INFRACTION DESCRIPTION OF INFRACTION, INCLUDING LOCATION: ~ ORDER GIVEN BY MUNICIPALITY: ~ DID THE CONTRACTOR COMPLY WITH THIS ORDER? DATE AND TIME OF COMPLIANCE: ISSUED TO: CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEE ISSUED BY: MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEE TITLE DEPARTMENT TITLE PART "C" -ADDITIONAL COMMENTS THIS SECTION TO BE USED INTERNALLY TO RECORD ADDITIONAL COMMENTS SUBSE( TO ISSUING THE WARNING/STOP WORK ORDER, I.E. DATE AND TIME WORK RESUMED, FURTHER ACTION TAKEN, ETC. Page 2 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK To: The Mayor and Members of Council Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Re: Contract No. CL2008-15 Construction of Aspen Springs Park Dear Mayor and Members of Council: The Contractor has carefully examined the Plans, Provisions, Specifications, and Conditions described herein as part of the work to be done under this Contract. The Contractor understands and accepts the said Plans, Provisions, Specifications, and Conditions, and, for the prices set forth in this Tender, hereby offer to furnish all machinery, tools, apparatus, and other means of construction, furnish all materials, except as otherwise specified in this Contract, and to complete the work in strict accordance with the said Plans, Provisions, Specifications. and Conditions. The Contractor understands and accepts that the quantities shown are approximate only, and are subject to increase, decrease, or deletion entirely if found not to be required, Attached to this tender is a bid deposit in the amount and form specified in Schedule A of Instructions to Bidders/General Conditions (Bid/Tender Deposit), make payable to the Owner. This cheque shall constitute a deposit which shall be forfeited to the Owner if the successful Contractor fails to file with the Owner a 100% Performance Bond, a 100% Labour and Material Payment Bond, satisfactory to the Owner within ten (10) calendar days from the date of receipt of Notice of Acceptance of the Tender, and an agreement to bond from company authorized to conduct business, in form acceptable to Municipality's Director of Finance. Notification of acceptance may be given and delivery of the Form of Agreement made by prepaid post, addressed to the Contractor at the address contained in this Tender. Name of Contractor ~ 2~ l~~.t~y'~ taz, ,c Address and Position of Person Signing Corporate Seal City/ Province' Postal c:nrlP Page 27 of 45 ' Tender CL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (D) TENDER PRICING FORM ' Sealed Tenders for goods and/or services listed below, submitted on the forms and in the envelope provided, will be received by the office of the Clerk. Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance St.. Bowmanville. Ontario, L10 3A6, until the closing time antl datz indicated hereon. CLOSING TIME AND DATE (Local Time): 2:00:00 P.M. (local time), Wednesday, June 18. 2008 Tender No: CL2008-1 S REE.PURCHASING MANAGER: Jerry D. Barber ....................................... ............. Date: May 30. 2008 Phone (905} fi23-3379 ,.' Tentlers are irnited for the fallowing goods/services and.~or projects specified herein and associated documents, plans and specifications Complete in full all blanks where provided and return one copy antl/or set in the envelope provided. Bid deposits and/or agreement to bontl, it required, must accompany tentler submission under same cover and envelope. All tenders must comply in accordance with regulations, terms and conditions set forth in all tender documents. Successful tenders must accept terms and conditons of subsequent official purchase order issued by the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington unless otherwise stipulatetl. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders must comply and conform to all regulations, terms conditions and instructions specified in By-law x"94-129 of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. Prices tendered shall be payable in Canadian Funds. F.O.B. destination, unless otherwise indicated. Ontario Retain Sales Tax and the Federal Goods and Services Tax, if applicable, shall be quoted as a separate item. ' I/We hereby agree to supply all necessary labour, materials. equipment. preparation antl supervision to complete this contract. as per all items, conditions, and specifications set forth herein for the prices bid as follows: ESTIMATED UNIT TOTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE PRICE 1. SITE ROUGH GRADING FIXED (BY OTHERS) FEE ~~~ , GG ' 2. TOPSOIL SPREADING AT SITE FIXED (PROVIDED BY OWNER) FEE ~ 'jj'(~ . e~. 3. SUPPLY AND INSTALL SOD AREAS AS PER DRAWING. L-4 17183.08 SO. M. ~•~ ~1j+4~7j. , (~ 4. SUPPLY AND INSTALL ASPHALT PATHWAYS AS PER DRAWING L-2 & DETAIL #6/L-8 730.96 SO. M. ~d • (®2 ~yl r~4~-t .'~Qj 5. SUPPLY AND INSTALL ' PATTERNED/COLOURED CONCRETE AT CENTRAL SEATING AREA AND MAIN ' ENTRY LANDING AS PER DRAWING L-2 & DETAIL #7/L-8 96.6 SO. M. {~~ _l~,g?~, (o f 1} I ~ I , I ~~~ ~~~~r jLfL~' ~ L~ ~ IC(~11(~~ ~,- J ~ :.~ ~--~~ .'4 t_a'V.. ~'~ ~-._~.i ~-~l .tip ( ~L,+ Page 28 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (D) TENDER PRICING FORM (continued): ESTIMATED UNIT TOTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE PRICE 6. SUPPLY AND INSTALL BENCHES BY DUMOR (MODEL 131-60•PL) AS PER DETAIL #1/L-7 4 EACH 21.'31 /'~ ~~J. ~($ 7. SUPPLY AND INSTALL BENCHES BY DUMOR (MODEL 132-60-PL) AS PER DETAIL #3/L-7 2 EACH (~~~QG ~J,O~.~'J • ~`?. 8. SUPPLY AND INSTALL CONCRETE PADS FOR BENCHES 6 EACH ~ • 21 '1~C~~. 7/~ 9. SUPPLY AND INSTALL WASTE CONTAINERS BY DUMOR EOD L 5 -PL) AS PER L #2 L ~ 3 EACH Il ~. d~ 3~ . If+ 10. SUPPLY AND INSTALL CONCRETE PADS FOR WASTE GONTAINERS 3 EACH ~Jl~'.'YJ ~ . '~ 11. SUPPLY AND INSTALL PREFABRICATED GAZEBO AS PER DETAIL #4&7/L-7 COMPLETE. PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS AND LUMP OBTAIN ALL PERMITS, ETC. 1 SUM ~~Q'y'I , GJ'~ 12. SUPPLY AND INSTALL FOUR (4) CATCHBASINS TO MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON STANDARDS AND APPROVAL 4 EACH 3,c~i ~I ~~.,~j , ~ 13. SUPPLY AND INSTALL RIGID 200mm DIA. STORM SEWER PVC PIPE WITH CLASS 'B' BEDDING AS PER DETAIL #8/L-7 1 n8.2 L.M. ~,~' ?{J~'~'?7 ,ZGJ 14. SUPPLY AND INSTALL PLAY AREA CONCRETE CURB AS PER DETAIL #1/L-3 103.0 L.M. ( , l( ~i~ • ~ 15. SUPPLY AND INSTALL PLAY AREA SANO BASE AS PER DETAIL #1iL-3 157.4 CU. M. q~ r~n _~w_ °!1_ (4~lJl%~2. (~ 16. SUPPLY AND INSTALL FLEXIBLE 100mm DIA. BIG 'O' DRAINAGE TILE AS PER DETAIL #1/L-3 108.3 L.M. _~•~ ~F~_~j~ .. p~. I Page 29 of 45 Tender CL2008.15 ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRING S PARK SCHEDULE (D) TENDER PRICING FORM (continued): ESTIMATED UNIT TOTAL ' ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE PRICE 17. DECORATIVE METAL FENCE 201.6 L.M. 2'~j• Gb ~~~~ ' €' 18. SUPPLY PLAYBOOSTER (#70124-R1) BY LANDSCAPE LUMP ' STRUCTURES 1 SUM ~J.~~..'~( 19. SUPPLY SINGLE POST SWING (#137890/ #137891A LUMP BY LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES 1 SUM _ ~ aoGj. $~ 20. SUPPLY SPRING RIDER 'RHINO DINO' (#1001238) LUMP BY LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES 1 SUM ~~p'~p. 21. SUPPLY SPRING RIDER'T-REX' (#1001248) BY LANDSCAPE LUMP STRUCTURES 1 SUM (~(}~Q),~_ 22. SUPPLY SADDLE SPINNER ' (#152179A) BY LANDSCAPE LUMP STRUCTURES 2 SUM ?O{~ t~p~,.~ 23. SHIPPING AND INSTALLATION ' OF ALL CHILDREN'S PLAY LUMP AREA ITEMS (#18-22) SUM ~p~~~ . 77 24. SUPPLY AND INSTALL CONCRETE (1.5m SPRAY FREE ZONE) PAVING AT ' WATER PLAY AREA AS PER DRAWING L-2 & DETAIL #8&9,'L-9 68.2 SQ. M. ?,~3, ~( 25. SUPPLY AND INSTALL CONCRETE PAVING WITH RUBBERIZED PLAY SURFACE AT WATER PLAY AREA AS PER DRAWING L-2 & DETAIL #B&9/L-9 95.2 SQ. M. ~ ~ ~j , ~. 26. SUPPLY AND INSTALL ALL WATER PLAY AREA EQUIPMENT I' AND ASSOCIATED SERVICING AS LUMP PER DETAILS #1-9,~L-9 SUM --3~,_~.-~- 27. ELECTRICAL (INCLUDING ALL MATERIALS AND LABOUR) (SEE ELECTRICAL DWG/L-5 AND LUMP DETAIL #12'L-8) SUM 3?,d31. rGL ~~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (D) TENDER PRICING FORM (continued): ' ESTIMATED UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE 28. SUPPLY AND INSTALL SOCCER BLEACHERS BY HENDERSON (#BL-035) AS PER DETAIL #9r'L-8 29. SUPPLY AND INSTALL SOCCER POSTS BY LAURENTIAN (#600415) 30. SUPPLY AND INSTALL PARK SIGNAGE AS PER DETAIL #6/L-6) 31. PLANTING: 31 a. ACER X FREEMANII 'AUTUMN BLAZE' 31 b. ACER SACCHARUM 31 c. GINGKO BILOBA 'PRINCETON SENTRY 31 d. GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS SHADEMASTER 31 e. TILIAAMERICANA'REDMOND' 31f. PICEA PUNGENS GLAUCA 31 g. PINUSSTROBUS 32. MISCELLANEOUS: (please specify] SUBTOTAL (including p.s.t.) G.S.T. (extra) TOTAL BID PRICE Page 30 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 TOTAL PRICE LUMP 1 SUM GJ~(p~'~•~ LUMP 2 SUM (~(03•~ ~,~~i.0~ LUMP 1 SUM 2~0~ • $I 14 60mm CAL _~ ~,p37 3 60mm CAL __~__ Q~. 10 SOmm CAL ~__ ~~_ 4 70mm CAL ~._ (~~(p 9 60mm CAL _2'~(e._ 2~~ 6 200cm HT 3!3 ~ ~¢j 5 200cm HT ~__ ~~~ f- s_ o ~ I D_3• S _ S -~---- ~~I;~lo:3~ 103 ~ GUARANTEED DELIVERY OR COMPLETION CASH DISCOUNT DATE UPOPJ RECEIPT OF OFFICIAL ORDER ~_~__ AND TERMS ORIGIN OF GOODS: GOODS TO BE SHIPPED CITY R COI INTRV 01~ ~{7r10 ~~h1d+L7i_ FROM CITY 8 COUNTRY Page 31 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (D) TENDER PRICING FORM (continued): ESTIMATED UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE 33. ALTERNATES: (not included in overall price) 34. CLEAN FILL IMPORTED n~ ~/ TO SITE CU. M. -~ 35. EXISTING TOPSOIL PILE AT SITE LOAD AND SCREEN WITH CONTRACTOR'S SCREENER, PLACE AND FINE GRADE CU. M. _ _~L~ TOTAL PRICE The undersigned, tenderer agrees to supply and deliver all goods and,~or services for prices (s) tendered to the Corporation of the Municipality of Glarington in accordance with all terms. specifications and conditions specified herein. t~T++ ~-t~Tll-ice l~ ADDRESS. PRINT LAME AN TITLE: ~I C-rpiu'1 Lam'( O~-~ , loH 160 ~ G~H~ ~I'I N6'I'~ Ju-I~~ Igo ?cam 1 t i [1 i I THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (E) TENDER SUBMISSION: Page 32 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 We hereby offer to furnish all materials, labour, including all prime costs, allowances, and government sales or other taxes (including Goods and Services Tax and Provisional Sales Tax), permits and fees, all as necessary for the proper installation and completion of all aspects of the entire project, for the sum of: TOTAL TENDER PRICE (including G.S.T.) ~ ~8 ~~ ~~~ • ~% In submitting this Tender, we recognize that the Owner does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any Tender and reserves the right to reject any or all tender submissions. Upon receiving notification of Contract Ward, we agree to: (a) commence work by date indicated, weather and site conditions permitting (b) substantially complete all work in accordance with construction schedule (c) make every effort to abide by the Owner's requirements for completion of work and to complete the work in an orderly and efficient manner, without undue delays (d) execute the Owner's standard form of Contract and General Conditions thereto (e) furnish a Performance Bond and Labour and Material bond each in the amount of 100°% of the work ($ '~ r.YY,. -- ), at our expense for the protect execution of the specified work, the said bonds to be issued by a Canadian company satisfactory to the Owner. Submitted by Principal or Owner of Firm: _~h16•~2b 1.1sPr1~~l~l~.T. V ~. Name (please print) Signature " ~~ Corporate Seal: 1 i !1 r-~ Lei ~~ 1 1 SCHEDULE {E) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK We the undersigned proposed to use the following Subcontractor(s) for the work indicated: The following work will be executed Under this Contract: ~.°~F'~16.1_T If the Bidder is an individual: Firm Name: Owner and Official Address: _ If the Bidder is a Partnership: Firm Name: Official Address: Name of all Parties: If the Bidder is a Corporation: Corporate Name: ~1r~lsl'll-~ L=Tb. Official Address: 21~1.'tG~o ~_}~~;~_~ I.c~F Imo. City and Province in which Incorporated:: 4~?~-,~~~{O Name of Subcontractor Page 33 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 ~T~~~~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK ~` I' , I 1 ~` I , f , [! , SCHEDULE (E) Page 34 of 45 Tender CL2008-~ 5 Name, addres1s.''a'nd title of Officesy~Authorized to sign contract: 1 ~' N1' 1' et ,~ ~y ~ 3ZIA i'i2c C~~r_~/-r ~J~'~X~y--c LAY " 06/12/2008 15:18 FAX 905 623 3330 CLARINGTON PURCHASING C1ar' n Leading the Way Urgent Review Reply Recycle Com an :Rutherford Contractin Pa es: 2 Fax: 905-888-9445. Date: June 12 2008 Phone: 905-888-9444 Re: Tender # CL2008-15 Construction of Aspens Springs Park X001/002 Please not attached Addendum # 1 and submit your Tender accordingly. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 F (905) 623-3330 email: sgrigg alclarington.nef 08!12/2008 16:16 FA% 905 623 3330 CLARINGTON PURCHASING idj 002/002 ' Leadw VIA: PHONE 8 FAX June 13, 2008 ' ATTENTION ALL BIDDERS Dear Sir/Madam: ' RE: Tender # CL2008-15 Construction of Aspens Springs Park i ADDENDUM NO. f Bidders are hereby advised of the following addendum for the above noted Quotation. Page 2 of 46. Letter to Mavor and Members of Council ' Bidders are instructed to include this completed and signed form as part of their bid submission. Page 27 of 45. Schedule (D} Tender Pricing Form ' Item 1 is revised to read as follows: 1. Site Rough Grading. The removal and disposal of six, 60mm caliper trees on the school site affected by the construction of a swale along the north edge of the park shall be included in this item. Item 2 is revised to read as follows: ' 2. Topsoil Spreading and Fine Grading. The contractor is responsible for fine grading the topsoil on the entire site and for spreading topsoil where required in the south/east quarter of the site as identified on drawing L3. Topsoil is available at no cost to the contractor in a pile 30m west of the ' park site. Pape 30 of 45. Schedule ID}Tender Pricing Form Items 31a, 31 b; 31d and 31e -change to read 50 mm. calibre to match details provided on Drwg. L4 Drawing #L6 Slte Servicing/Electrical Servicing Details & Notes -Park Sipnaae 1 The park name on signage detail on L6 should be Baxter Street Park. All submissions must be in accordance with this addendum. 1 Y~ ' J ry Barber, Managhr urchasmg Division CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ' 40 TEMPERANCE STREET.. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 1 ~~ AV l VA AGREEMENT TO PERFORMANCE AND LABOUR & MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND ' BOND NO.: 83-1632-0049-08 ' NAME OF OWNER: CORPORATION OF THE MUNICII'ALITY OF CLARINGTON DESCRII'TION OF PROJECT: CL2008-15 CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK NOTWITHSTANDING ANY CONDITIONS set out in the specifications or contract to the contrary, it is further understood and ageed that if this bid is successfiil and the contract awazded, the performance ' bond will cover a two (2) yeaz warranty on materials and workmanship from the date of Substantial Performance of the contract. ' We, the undersigned, hereby agee to become bound as surety for RUTHERFORD CONTRACTING LTD. ' (name of tenderer) in a Perfornance Bond in the sum of 100% of the contract amount, and a Labour and Material Payment Bond in the sum of 100% of the contract amount, and confomung to the Instruments of Contract for the full and due performance of the works shown and described herein, if the tender ' attached hereto is accepted by the owner, and the bond is requested within 30 days from the date of acceptance of the tender. ' This Ageement to Bond shall be null and void unless an application for the said bond(s) is made within 30 days following the awazd of the contract. ' Signed, sealed and dated this 12th day of June 2008 ' AVIVA INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Linda Handy, Atto y-In-Fact GA27B9 BID BOND Standard Construction Document CCDC 220 - 2002 ' No. 83-1632-0049-OS Bond Amouut S10% of Tender Amouat RUTHERFORD CONTRACTING LTD. as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and AVIVA INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA a ' corporation crea[ed and existing under the laws of Canada and duly authorized to transact the business of Suretyship in all Provinces and Territories in Canada as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, aze held and firmly bound unto CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ' CLAR-NGTON as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the amount of TEN PERCENT OF TENDER AMOUNT Dollars (SIO•/. of Tender Amount) lawful money of Canada, for the payment of which sum the Principal and the Surety bind themselves, their heir, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally. ' WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a written bid to the Obligee, dated ! 8th day of June in the year 2008. for CL2008-15 CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK The condition of this obligation is such that if the Principal shall have the bid accepted within the time period prescribed in the Obligee's bid documents, or, if no fime period is specified in the Obligce's bid documents, within ninety (90) days from the closing date as specified m the Obligee's bid documents, and the Principal enters into a formal contract and gives the specified security, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, provided the Obligee takes all reasonable steps to mitigate the amount of such excess costs, the Principal and the Surety will pay to the Obligee the difference in money between the amount of the bid of the Principal and the amount for which the Obligee legally contracts with another party to perform the work if the latter amount be in excess of the former. The Principal and Surety shall not be liable for a greater sum than the Bond Amount. It is a condition of this bond that any suit or action must be commenced within seven (7) months of the date of this Bond ' No right of aMion shell accrue hereunder to or for the uae of eny person or corporation other than the Obligee named herein, or the heirs, executors, admiulstratora or successors of the 0611gee. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have Signed and Sealed this Bond dated 12th day of June in the year 2008 ' SIGNED and SEALED RUTHERFORD CONTRACTING LTD. in the presence of Stgnaiu ' RICHARD HAWI(INS VICE-PRESIDENT Name ojperson signing ' AVIVAINSURAN COMPANY OF CANADA ~~ ' CGU2786 Signahrre Linda Handv Attorney-In-Fact ('~ ^ D ~7 ;b'ame ojperson signing IfI~LrJ I'uLr I'uLr Copyright 2002 Canadian Constmction Documents Committee (CCDC 220 - 2002 has been approved by the Surety Association of Canada; L LJ LJ Ll Page 38 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (G): NOTICE OF "NO BID" IMPORTANT -PLEASE READ THIS CLOSING DATE It is important to the Municipality to receive a reply from all invited bidders. There is no obligation to submit a quotation/tender, however, should you choose not to bid, completion of this form will assist the Municipality in determining the type of goods or services you are interested in bidding on in the future. INSTRUCTIONS If you are unable, or do not wish to bid on this quotation/tender please complete the following portion of this form. State your reason for not bidding by checking yes or no in the applicable line or by explaining briefly in the space provided. It is not necessary to return any other quotation/tender documents. Just return this completed form in the enclosed quotation/tender envelope prior to the official closing time and date. Yes/No 1. We do not manufacturelsupplythls commodity 2. We do not manufacturelsupply to this specification 3. Unable to quote competitively 4. Cannot handle due to present plant loading 5. Quantity/job too large 6. Quantity/job too small 7. Cannot meet delivery/completion requirements 8. Agreements with distributors/dealers do not permit us to sell directly 9. Licensing restrictions Other reasons or additional comments: to you wish to bid on these oods/services in the future? Yes/No For Municipality Use Only Company Do Not Write In This Space Name: Address: Telephone: Position: Page 42 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK ' SCHEDULE (I): ' INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS AS PER DOCUMENT CCDC 2: ' 1. The following documents shall govern as the general conditions for this project: Standard Construction Document CCDC 2 ' 1982 Unit Price Contract ' Available at: Toronto Construction Association Construction Centre (Tel) 416-499-4000 ' 2. A copy of the document is enclosed herewith. 3. The 1994 CCDC 2 Stipulated Price Contract shall integrally form part of the General Conditions. ' (a) GC14 -Certificates and Payments Substitute the new 1982 versions of GC14.12 and GC14.13. Add a new general condition GC14.14. (b) GC19 -Indemnification ' Substitute the new 1982 versions of GC19.1, 19.2 and 19.3. Add a new general condition GC19.14. ' (c) GC14-Insurance Substitute the new 1982 versions of GC20.1(a). 4. The definitions for Unit Price Contract, CCDC 2, 1994, File 00530 and 0720 are amended as follows: Definition Item No. 2 -Contract Documents Add: The Contract Documents shall also include the Instructions to Bidders, the completed tender as submitted by the successful bidder, the Schedule of Unit Prices and the ' completed list of Subcontractors. 5. All Municipality of Clarington invoices are processed within 30 days of receipt of approved payment ' certificate issued by the consultant, or owners representative. All references to payment terms in the CCDC are hereby amended to reflect this. ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK SCHEDULE (J): ~ ' SCHEDULE (K): i , SCHEDULE (L): ' SCHEDULE (M): IG' Page 43 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 ~'' ~'' SCHEDULE (G): ' To: FAX COVER PAGE QUESTIONS FOR CLARIFICATION Jerry D. Barber, C. P.P.O. Purchasing Manager The Municipality Of Clarington Purchasing Office 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 DA' TI FAX NUMBER: (905) 623-3330 From: Company Name: Contact Name: ' Telephone: Fax: Page 44 of 45 TenderCL2008-15 ' Reference to Section on Page Number of this Proposal. ~', ~ Question: ~~ I ;' I Total Number of Pages including ~' ~`' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK ' Page 45 of 45 Tender CL2008-15 t THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK ' SCHEDULE (H) PLEASE FIRMLY AFFIX THIS ADDRESS LABEL TO THE ENVELOPE ' CONTAINING YOUR SUBMISSION FOR SUBMITTING BY MAIL OR COURIER. --------------------------------------------------cut here-------------------------------------------------- 1 u TENDER ENVELOPE RETURN NAME OF TENDERER: NAME ................................................ ADDRESS .......................................... TELEPHONE ...................................... CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OFFICE OF THE CLERK 40 TEMPERANCE ST. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 TENDER NUMBER ............................................... ' SPECIFICATION ................................................... CLOSING TIME &DATE ......................................... SEALED BID ' --------------------------------------------------cut here-------------------------------------------------- ' Note: ' Should you decide to use your own return envelope in lieu of the label provided above, the front of your envelope must indicate ALL of the information shown on the above label. The Municipality of Clarington cannot be held responsible for documents submitted in envelopes that are not labeled in accordance with the above instructions. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Purchasing at 905-623-3379. L DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIRMENTS SECTION 01005 ' 1. General ' 1.1 Comply with requirements of Standard Terms and Conditions and Supplementary Terms and Conditions. ' 1.2 Division 1 requirements apply to all sections of work. 1.3 In case of conflict between Standard Terms and Conditions and Division 1 ' requirements, Standard Terms and Conditions shall govern. 2. Summary of Work 2.1 Provide all items, amides, materials, services and inddentals, whether or not expressly spedfied or shown on drawings, to make finished work complete and ' fully operational, consistent with the intent of the contract documents. 3. Examination 3.1 Examine the site and surrounding areas and be fully informed as to the conditions and limitations under which the work has to be executed. Claims for additional costs will not be entertained with respect to conditions, that could reasonably have been ascertained by an inspection of the site prior to tender dosing. 3.2 Prior to commencement of work, make careful examination of previously executed work, existing conditions, levels, dimensions and clearances. Promptly advise Project Manager of unsatisfactory preparatory work and substrate conditions; commencement of work implies acceptance of conditions. ' 4. Division of Work 4.1 Work specified in the spedfication has been divided into technical sections for ' reference. Division of work among subcontractors and suppliers is solely the contracto-'s responsibility and Project Manager assumes no responsibility to ad: as an arbiter to establish subcontract limits between sections or divisions of work. ' S. Metric Project ' 5.1 This project is based on the International of System of Units (SI). Measurements are expressed in metric (SI) units and depending on the progress made in the various sectors of the industry are either hard or soft converted units. ' 5.2 All metric units specified shall be taken to the minimum acceptable unless otherwise noted. ' DIVISION 1 1 1 GENERAL REQUIRMENTS SECTION 01005 5.3 It is the contractor's responsibility to check and verify with manufacturers and suppliers on the availability of materials and products in either metric or imperial sizes. 5.4 Where a material or product cannot be obtained in the metric size specified, provide the next larger size available. 5.5 Where both metric and imperial sizes or dimensions are shown, the metric size or dimension shall govern. 6. Protection 6.1 Ensure that no damage is caused to existing structures, buildings, foundations, pavement, fences, curbs, grounds, plants, property, utilities, services, finishes during the progress of work. Repair and make good any damage caused at no extra cost to owner to the complete satisfaction of the respective property owners and authorities having jurisdiction. Do not proceed with repairs or remedial work without written permission of the Project Manager. Only trades specifically capable of pertonning the work will be allowed to make remedial or repair work 6.2 Keep municipal roads clean of mud and debris resulting from construction traffic. 6.3 Prevent soiling of pavement due to spillage, mixing of material or any other cause. Make good any damages caused. 6.4 Protect new work from damage with suitable protective coverings. 7. Safety and Security 7.1 Be responsible for security of all areas affected by work of this contract until taken over by owner. Take steps to prevent entry to the work by unauthorized persons and guard against theft, fire and damage by any cause. 7.2 A regular full-time watchman is generally not required on site, but if in the opinion of the Project Manager the work is not adequately protected by the contractor, the owner may demand that a watchman be employed by the contractor at no extra cost to the contract. DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIRMENTS SECTION 01005 7.3 Maintain fire protection for work. Store paints and volatile substances in a separate and controlled location and inspect frequently. Inspect temporary wiring drop cords, extension cables for defective insulation or connections frequently. Remove combustible wastes frequently. Prohibit smoking in areas where volatile and flammable substances are used 8. Use of Site and Premises ' 8.1 Accept full responsibility for the site from the time of contract award until Substantial Performance of the work. ' 8.2 Check means of access and egress, rights and interests, which may be interfered with. Do not block lanes, roadways, entrances or exits. ' 8.3 Where encroachment beyond property limits is necessary, make arrangement with respective property owners. t 9. Services and Utilities ' 9.1 Consult with utility companies and other authorities having jurisdiction to ascertain the locations of existing services on or adjacent to site in a timely fashion prior to work taking place on site. ' 9.2 Information as to the location of existing services, if shown on the drawings, does not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to determine the exact number and ' location of existing services. 9.3 Give proper notices for new services as may be required. Make arrangements with authorities and utilities for service connections required. t 9.4 Pay any charges levied by utilities or authorities for work carried out by them in connection with this contract, unless specified otherwise. ' 9.5 Operate and maintain all utility systems affected by work of this contract, until the owner thereof, has accepted the project or specific portions. ' 9.6 Report existing unknown services encountered during excavation to Project Manager for instructions; cutback and cap or plug unused services. Be ' responsible for the protection of all active services encountered and for repair of such services encountered and for repair of such services ff dama ed g . DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIRMENTS SECTION 01005 10. Site Access 10.1 Site access to any component of the project is the contractor's full responsibility to review during the tender stage and to inGude the necessary costs accordingly. Upon completion, restore all access routes to original condition. END ' DIVISION 1 LINES AND LEVELS SECTION 01050 ' 1. Lines and Levels 1.1 Verify all elevations, lines, levels and dimensions as indicated and report any errors, conflicts or inconsistencies to the Project Manager before commencing work or as soon as discovered. ' 1.2 Accurately lay out work and establish lines and levels in accordance with requirements of contract documents. 1.3 Set up, maintain and protect permanent reference points and provide general dimensions and elevations for all sections of work 2. Dimensions 2.1 Check and verify dimensions wherever referring to work. Dimensions, when pertaining to work of another section, shall be verified with section concerned. ' Details and measurements of work, which is to rat or conform with work installed, shall be taken at site. ' 2.2 Do not scale drawings. If there is ambiguity, lack of information or inconsistency, immediately consult Project Manager for directions. Be responsible for extra costs involved through disregarding of this notice. ' 2.3 While the contractor is responsible for own survey control, the owner reserves the right to check completed work. Any discrepancy shall be addressed immediately. ' Fully correct any work not built per plans. END DIVISION 1 REGULATORY REQUIRMENTS SECTION 01060 Permits, licenses, Fees 1.1 Where permits, licenses and inspection fees are required by authorities having jurisdiction for specific trade functions, they shall be obtained and paid for by the particular sub-trade responsible for that work. 2. Building Code By-laws, Regulations 2.1 Carry out work in accordance with requirements of the Ontario Building Code, latest issue, including all amendments and revisions obtain all applicable permits at no extra cost to the contract. 2.2 Comply with requirements, regulations and ordinances of other authorities having jurisdiction. 2.3 Where it is necessary to carry out work outside property lines, such as sidewalks, paving or concrete curbs comply with applicable requirements of municipal authorities having jurisdiction. 2.4 Promptly submit written notice to Project Manager of observed variance of Contract Documents from requirements of Building Code and authorities having jurisdiction. Assume responsibility for work known to be contrary to such requirements and performed without notifying Project Manager. 3. Safety Requirements 3.1 Be governed by pertinent safety requirements of Federal or Provincial Governments and of municipal bodies having authority, particularly the Ontario Construction Safety Act, and regulations of Ontario Ministry of Labour, and work in conjunction with proper safety associations operating under the authority of Ontario Worker's Compensation Act. 3.2 Do not, in the performance of the work, in any manner endanger the safety or unlawfully intertere with the convenience of the public. 4. Fire Protection Requirements 4.1 Refer to technical sections of specifications and drawings for fire protection requirements. 4.2 Test methods used to determine fire hazard classification and fire endurance rating shall be as required by the Ontario Building Code. DIVISION 1 4.3 REGULATORY REQUIRMENTS SECTION 01060 Upon request, furnish to the Project Manager with evidence of compliance with project fire protection requirements. ' S. Safety Regulations 5.1 The contractor shall ensure that all contract staff are trained under the provision of W.H.M.I.S. (Workplace Hazardous Material Information System) regulations. 5.2 The contractor shall ensure that Material Safety Data Sheets are available for all chemicals used on site. 5.3 The contractor shall conform to and enforce strict compliance with the ' Construction Safety Act and regulations made under the act. 5.4 For purposes of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the contractor will be designated as the constructor for this project and will assume all of the responsibility of the constructor set out in that Act and its regulations. 5.5 The contractor shall ensure that all necessary measures are taken to protect City ' employees, general public and workers from injury. ' END ,' DIVISION 1 ABBREVIATIONS SECTION 01070 When the following abbreviations are used in the contract documents, they shall have the meanings shown. ABBREVIATION MEANING AA The Aluminum Assocation ACI American Concrete Institute ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials AWPA American Wood Preservers Association AWS American Welding Society CCA Canadian Construction Association CCRC Canadian Code for Residential Construction CEC Canadian Electrical Code CFUA Canadian Fire Underwriters Association CGA Canadian Gas Association CGSB Canadian General Standards Board CIOS Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors CISC Canadian Institute of Steel Construction CITC Canadian Institute of Timber Construction CLA Canadian Lumberrnen's Association CMHA Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation COFI Council of Forest Industries of British Columbia CPCI Canadian Pre-stressed Concrete Institute CSA Canadian Standards Association CSC Construction Spec cation Canada CSI Construction Specifications Institute (USA) CSPI Corrugate Steel Pipe Institute CUA Canadian Underwriter's Association CWB Canadian Welding Bureau CWC Canadian Wood Council IES Illuminating Engineering Society LTIC Laminated Timber Institute of Canada NBC National Building Code of Canada NBS National Bureau of Standards USDC NLGA National Lumber Grades Authority NRCC National Research Council of Canada PCA Portland Cement Association PCI Pre-stressed Concrete Institute RAIC Royal Architectural Institute of Canada ULC Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada END ' DIVISION 1 SITE ADMINISTRATION SECTION 01200 Pre-Construction Meeting 1.1 Immediately prior to construction, upon notification, attend at location of owner's choice, pre-construction meeting along with authoritative representatives of certain key subcontractors as specifically indicated in the conference notice. 1.2 Purpose of the meeting is as follows: a) b) c) d) e) 2. Site Meetings Review project communications procedures. Review contract administration requirements including submittals, payment and change osier procedures. Review construction schedule and identify all critical points on the schedule for positive action. Identify any product availability problems and substitution request. Establish site arrangements and temporary facilities. Revise any points, which require clarification. 2.1 Prior to the commencement of the work the contractor, together with the Project Manager, shall mutually agree to a sequence for holding regular "on site meetings". 2.2 Organize all necessary site meetings. Ensure that persons, whose presence is required, are present and that relative information is available to allow meetings to be conducted efficiently. 2.3 The Project Manager will record minutes of each meeting and promptly distribute copies to all participants not later than seven days after the meeting has been held. 3. Supervision ' 3.1 Employ an experienced and qualified superintendent who shall devote his time exGusively to the work of this contract and who shall be in complete charge of the work from commencement to completion. A working foreman will not be ' acceptable. The superintendent shall not be changed after commencement of work without the Project Manager's approval. [:~ DIVISION 1 SITE ADMINISTRATION SECTION 01200 3.2 Supervise, direct, manage and control the work of all forces carrying out the work, ' including subcontractors and suppliers. Carry out daily inspections to ensure compliance with the contract documents and the maintenance of quality standards. Ensure that the inspection staff inGudes personnel competent in supervising the mechanical and electrical trades if applicable. ' 4. Progress Record 4.1 Maintain, on site, permanent written record of progress of work. Record shall be open to inspection by Project Manager at all times and a copy shall be furnished to Project Manager upon request. 4.2 This record shall show weather conditions, dates of commencement, progress and completion of various trades and items of work. Particulars pertaining to erection and removal of forms, pouring of concrete and other critical or major components as well as number of employees of various trades and type and quantity of equipment employed daily shall be noted. t 4.3 Display a copy of the construction schedule on site from start of construction to completion. Superimpose actual progress of work on schedule at least once each week. 5. Record Drawings ' S.1 Obtain and keep on site at all times, a complete and separate set of black line white prints. 5.2 Note Dearly, neatly, accurately and promptly as the work progresses, all architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical changes, revisions and additions to the work and deviations from the contract documents. ' S.3 Accurate location, depth, position, size and type of concealed and underground services, both inside and outside, shall be included as part of these record drawings. S.4 Record drawings shall be available for review at each site meeting. ' S.5 Refer to Section 01700 for requirements on submission of record drawings. DIVISION 1 SITE ADMINISTRATION SECTION 01200 6. Documents on Site 6.1 The contractor shall at all times have in his possession a complete set of contract documents (drawings and specifications) with all addenda, site instructions, change orders, reviewed shop drawings and samples, colour schedule, paint materials schedules, hardware list, progress reports and meeting minutes. END ' DIVISION 1 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS SECTION 01220 PART1-GENERAL 1.1 Scope of Work Complete all work as described in the general conditions, specifications, drawings, and details. See Instructions to Bidders. 1.2 Definitions 1. Owner: See Instructions to Bidders 2. The contract administrator on this contract is as outlined in Schedule `A'. Do not take instructions from any other person than the identified contract administrator. 1.3 Work Schedule 1. All work must be carried out in a continuous time period and be completed within the time stipulated in the Schedule'A'. 2. When requested by the Owner or Consultant, submit a written work schedule showing the timing of all phases of the work. 1.4 Co-operation and Co-ordination Contractor and Subcontractor shall be familiar with each other's work, wherein it affects their own. 2. Co-operate with all parties doing work on this project to pennit proper execution of the work. 3. Co-ordinate work with other parties and give timely instructions and information, in writing, relating to the requirements for surfaces, materials, and insets which affect the work of other trades. 1.5 Submittals Be prepared to submit samples of any or alf specified materials if requested by the Owner, prior to starting construction. 1.6 Job Condfions 1. Report in writing to the Owner, prior to commencing work, any conditions or defects encountered on the site upon which the work depends and which may adversely affect the pertomtance of the work. ,' 2. Do not commence work until such conditions or defects have been investigated and corrected. ',' ''' ' DIVISION 1 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS SECTION 01220 3. Commencement of the work implies acceptance of surfaces and conditions. No claim for damages or resulting extra work will be accepted except where such conditions cannot be determined prior to construction. 4. Before starting work on neighbouring properties, where shown on drawings, obtain permission from owners and install hoarding and snow fencing. Maintain during construction period and remove upon completion of work. 5. Be responsible for restoration of existing conditions of adjacent properties. In all cases, blend with existing conditions. 6. Any item not specifically mentioned in the following descriptions or shown on the drawings but implied or any item required to complete the work, will be considered to be inGuded on the total price. 1.7 Utilkies 1. Before commencing work establish location and extent of all utility lines, including site lighting, in the area of any excavations. 2. The contractor is responsible for repair for all damage to underground utilities resulting from his operations where such utilities are able to be located by the appropriate authorities. 3. Record locations of existing re-routed and abandoned utility lines and provide the owner with drawings showing these locations at the completion of the work 1.8 Permits, Inspection, and Approval Cert~cates Be responsible for all permits, tests and certificates, as required by the local Municipality. PAY All COSTS. 2. Copies if inspection/approval certificates must accompany any invoices. 3. Where required by the Ministry of the Environment or the local Municipality, have all fill, which is being removed from the site, tested for contaminants by a testing company acceptable to the Owner. PAY ALL COSTS. 4. Extra costs for removal of contaminated fill will be paid in accordance with the contract unit prices. 1.9 Site Access The contractor shall understand and agree that the utmost co-operation with Other Contractors must be provided. The Contractors shall not obstruct roadways, driveways and parking areas, thereby delaying or curtailing the work of others or the use by the Owner or Consultant or the right of access by the public. 1 DIVISION 1 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS SECTION 01220 2. Only those vehicles required for the carrying out of work shall have access to the site. 1.10 Temporary Roads and Walks Where required, provide, construct and maintain temporary surfaces to allow pedestrian and vehicular access to walkways, all adjacent roads, local residences and school buildings. 2. Provide temporary culverts, if required. 3. Provide and erect directional and warning signs, bartiers and the Tike, where required. 4. Upon completion of work, remove same and make good existing surfaces and structures. 5. Do not use roads, walkways, or road or walkway beds for the storing of topsoil or equipment. 1.11 Temporary Sanitary Facilities Provide sanitary facilities for the use of all engaged on the job site in accordance with the requirements of any Provinaal and Municipal regulations controlling such installation. 1.12 Temporary Utilities Be fully responsible for the installation, maintenance and removal after completion of all temporary utilities required for the execution of the work. 2. Obtain permits and pay all costs relating to such services. 1.13 Compound, Site Office and Storage Shed If requested by the Owner or Consultant, provide fenced-in Contractor's compound for an office and the storage of necessary materials for construction, in an area so designated by the Owner of Consultant. 2. The Contractor and Subcontractors shall provide their own work shops and storage shed for the entire length of construction. 1 DIVISION 1 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS SECTION 01220 1.14 Construction Equipment Assume complete responsibility for the construction, strength, placing and operation of any mechanical contrivance used for the work of this contract, to ensure that any load supported therein can be carried out safely and be free from accidents to all persons. The Contractor shalt save harmless the Owner, his agent and the Consultant. 2. Submit to the local authorities, information concerning the sequence of erections, details and the timing of permanent connections, shoring, temporary bracing and location of lifting equipment BE REPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS INCURRED 4.15 Lines and Levels Existing grades and other known conditions for the site have been shown on the drawings. 2. be fully responsible for the complete layout of all lines and levels required for the execution of the work. 3. Benchmarks and survey monuments established by an accredited surveyor shall be maintained. Replace any such monuments which have been disturbed or destroyed. 4. Verify elevations, lines, levels and dimensions as indicated and report errors, any conflicts, or inconsistencies to the Consultant before commencing work or as soon as possible. 5. Accurately layout work and establish lines and levels in accord with requirements of Contrail Documents. 6. Set up, maintain and protect permanent reference point stakes set 5.Om p.C. and provide general dimensions and elevations for all Sections of Work as per Grading Plan. 7. All layout work by the Contrailor will be subjeil to checking and the approval of the Owner or Consultant. The approval of layout work by the Owner or Consultant shall not relieve the contrailof of his responsibiliiy for the correctness of the work. 1.16 Dimensions Check and verify dimensions wherever refering to work. Dimensions, when pertaining to work of another Section, shall be verified with seilion concerned. Details and measurements of work which is to fit or conform to work installed shall be taken at site. f ' DIVISION 1 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS SECTION 01220 1.17 Protection 1. Grade around excavations to prevent surtace water runoff into excavated area. 2. Protect excavations and excavated material from freezing. 3. Provide and operate as many pumps as required to keep excavations free of standing water at afl times. 4. Should bottoms of excavations be damaged by weather or should softening occur, remove softened material and replace with approved granular fill material at no extra cost. 5. Protect all trees and planting areas that are to remain in accordance with the General Conditions. 6. Erect suitable safety barriers as required around all excavations to make the site safe for pedestrians. 1.18 Handling and Storage of Materials 1. Store packaged materials in original undamaged condition with manufacturer's labels and seals intact. 2. Store packaged materials, sand and manufactured items off the ground on approved supports. Cover each pile with weatherproof covering. 3. Stack units to permit circulation of air and to prevent damage to units. 4. Prevent damage to materials during handling, storage, and erection. Damaged materials will be rejected for use. The Contractor will remove rejected materials from the site at his expense. 5. Ensure that all Subcontractors have included their tenders for the supply and payment of costs for alt equipment, handling and cartage required for the complete installation of the work of their particular trade. 6. Equipment shall incude all hand and power tools and other items necessary for installation of work. 7. Handling shall include all methods of moving the materials and equipment to and from the point of fabrication or supply and the job site. 8. Cartage shall incude all methods of conveyance required to deliver the materials and equipment to and from the point of fabrication or supply and the job site. ~' DIVISION 1 9. 1.19 1.20 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS SECTION 01220 If the Contractor permits the use of his facilities by Subcontractors, he shall Establish his terms of use directly with them. Substitutions All substitutions of any material or manufacturer items called for on the drawings, details or specifications must be approved in writing by the Owner or Consultant before use. See Instructions to Bidders. 2. Requests for substitutions of a manufacturer item must be accompanied by suffictent technical data and testing infomtation to substantiate the daim that the item is equal to that specified. Contract Documents Consider the specfications for this project as an integral part of the plans which accompany them and neither the plans nor the specifications shall be considered alone. Consider any item, which, if omitted in the other, as properly and suffidently spedFied. If the specifications and the plans should conflict, the Owner or Consultant is to determine whether the specifications or the plans apply for the point of conflict before work proceeds. 2. Maintain on the site, at all times, during construction, one (1) complete set of drawings, specifications and approved shop drawings as well as approved change orders and any approved sketches and instructions issued during the construction period. 3. Clearly mark on drawings all changes in red, revisions, and site conditions which affect the work and in such a manner that, upon completion of work, one complete set of `as built drawings is available. This indudes the accurate position of concealed and underground services. 4. Keep `as built set in good order and submit a complete set of 'as built' drawings in AutoCAD format to the Consultant upon completion of work 1.21 Inspection 1. Give timely notice when any phase of the work is ready for inspection and notice in writing when the work is completed and ready for final inspection. 2. All materials are subject to inspection by the Owner or Consultant upon arrival on the site. Any materials not meeting the specifications will be rejected and must be removed from the site immediately. C~ DIVISION 1 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS SECTION 07220 1.22 Maintenance 1. Maintain all parts of the work from the time of installation until final acceptance. ' 2. Report immediately, in writing to the Owner, all incidents of damage to the installation by vandals, prior to acceptance. 1.23 GuaranteelWarranty 1. Guarantee/Warranty all work, plant material, etc. for a period of one (1) year, from the date of substantial completion acceptance. During the guarantee/warranty period, repair ,replace, or othervvise remedy all defects due to faulty materials or workmanship. ' 2. Each guarantee shall show the following: (a) Name and address of owner (b) Name of project and project number (c) Name and address of Contractor, Subcontractor (d) Dates of commencement and termination of guaranty period (e} A clear definition of what is being guaranteed and what remedial actions will be undertaken during the guaranty (f) The signature and seal of the company issuing the guaranty. When the guaranty affects a subcontractor and/or supplier, the guaranty shall be signed and sealed by the Contractor, the Subcontractor and/or supplier. 1.24 Failure to Achieve a Satisfactory Standard 1. If the Contractor fails to achieve an acceptable rate of progress and/or standard of workmanship, the Consultant reserves the right to have the work completed by other persons and to deduct the cost incurred from the agreed upon contrail price. 1.25 Safety 1. Keep the site clean and useable by the residents at all times. 2. Where required, provide temporary walkways, stoops, steps, and handrails to maintain safe access to the buildings. I 1.26 Clean Up 1. At the completion of the work each day, remove all debris, garbage and surplus material. 2. Power sweep paved surfaces to remove earth contamination resulting from construction activities prior to final acceptance. DIVISION 1 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS SECTION 01220 3. Clean out all catch basins and manholes within the construction area Immediately before final acceptance. Remove all debris. 1.27 Make Good 1. Make good all damage resulting from work canied out under this contrail. Restore and blend to match surrounding existing conditions. 1.28 Inspection/Takeover Procedures Prior to application for Certificate of Substantial Performance Acceptance, carefully inspect the Work and ensure it is complete, that major and minor construction deficiencies are complete and/or corrected and the site is Gean and in condition for use. Notify the Consultant, in writing, of satisfactory completion of Work and request an inspection. 2. During the Consultant's inspection, a list of deficiencies and defects will be tabulated. Con-eil same. 3. When the Consultant considers deficiencies and defects have been corrected and it appears requirements of the Contract have been performed, make application for Certificate of Substantial Performance. END ' DIVISION 1 SUBMITTALS SECTION 01300 1. General 1.1 Unless specified otherwise, make all submissions to the Project Manager at his office. 1.2 Make all submissions required by the contract documents with reasonable promptness and in orderly sequence so as to cause no delay in the work. 2. Related Work 2.1 Submission of maintenance and record documents: Section 01700 -Project Closeout. 2.2 Submission of maintenance materials: Section 01700 -Project Closeout. 3. Construction Schedule 3.1 Within 7 days after award of contract submit, in fomt approved by Project Manager, construction schedule for work of entire contract. 3.2 Show in schedule start and completion times of each item of work, including erection and dismantling of temporary services. 4. Shop Drawings 4.1 Submit shop drawings required by contract documents. 4.2 Prepare shop drawings in metric measurements only. Shop drawings containing imperial measurements will be rejected. 4.3 Unless otherwise directed by the Project Manager, submit the following number of prints for each shop drawing required: a) Landscape Architectural shop drawings: 2 prints. b) 5trudural, mechanical, electrical shop drawings: 3 prints. 4.4 Shop drawings, which require the approval of a legally constituted authority having jurisdiction, shall be submitted by the contractor to such authority for approval. Such shop drawings shall receive final approval of authority having jurisdiction before Project Managers final review. DIVISION 1 SUBMITTALS SECTION 01300 4.5 No work requiring a shop drawing submission shall be commenced until the submission has received Project Manager's final review. 4.6 The Project Manager's review is for the sole purpose of ascertaining conformance with general design concept This review shall not mean that the Project Manager approves the detail design, which is inherent in the shop drawings, responsibility for which shall remain with the contractor submitting same, and this review shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibility for meeting the 1 requirements of the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for dimensions to be confirmed and correlated at the job site for information that pertains solely to fabrication processes or to techniques of construction and installation and for coordination of the work of all sub-trades. ' S. Samples 5.1 Submit samples required by contract documents and as directed by the Project Manager. 5.2 Unless indicated otherwise, submit samples in duplicate. ' 5.3 Submit samples with identifying labels bearing material or com onent descri ti p p on, manufacturer's name and brand name, contractor's name, project name, location in which material or component is to be used and date. 5 4 , P . repay any shipping charges involved for delivering samples to destination point and returning to point of origin if required. ,, 5.5 No work requiring a sample submission shall be commenced unlit the submission has received Project Manager's final review. END '-, J DIVISION 1 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE SECTION 01310 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 Schedule 1. Within ten (10) days of Contrail Award, submit in format acceptable to ' Consultant, four (4) copies of construction schedule. 2. Set up format to permit plotting of actual progress against scheduled progress. ' 3. Schedule shall allow: (a) Commencement and completion dates of Contract (b) Commencement and completion dates of stipulated stages if any. (c) Commencement and completion dates of each trade ' (d) Order and delivery times for hard and soft materials and other equipment where possible (e) Any other information relating to the orderly progress of Contract, considered by Contrailor to be pertinent 2.0 Updating and Monitoring 1. Consultant together with Contrailor shall review construction progress once a month during regular site meeting or more often as directed by Consultant. ' 2. Update construction schedule, whenever changes occur, in manner and at times acceptable to Consultant. 3. Plot actual progress on construction schedule at least once a week . 4 . Submit copy of updated schedule to Consultant once a month concurrently with application for payment. ' END lJ DIVISION 1 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, SAMPLES AND MOCKUPS SECTION 01340 PART 1 -GENERAL 1. This section specifies general requirements and procedures for contractor's submission of shop drawings, product data, samples and mock-ups to Landscape Architect for review. Additional specific requirements for submissions are specified in individual sections of Divisions. 2. Do not proceed with work until relevant submissions are reviewed by Landscape Architect. 3. Present shop drawings, product data, samples and mock-ups in SUMetric units. 4. Where items or information is not provided in SI, Metric units converted values are acceptable. 5. Contractor's responsibility for erors and omissions in submission if not relieved by Landscape Architect's review of submissions. 6. Notify Landscape Architect, in writing at times of submission, identifying deviations from requirements of Contract Documents stating reasons for deviations. 7. Contractor's responsibility for deviations in submission from requirements of Contract Documents if not relieved by Landscape Architect's review of submissions, unless Landscape Architect gives written acceptance of specific deviations. 8. Make any changes in submissions which Landscape Architect may require consistent with Contrail Documents and resubmit as directed by Landscape Architect 9. Notify Landscape Architect, in writing, when resubmitting, of any revisions other than those requested by Landscape Architect. ' PART II -SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS LJ L~ 1. Coordinate each submission with requirements of work and Contract Documents. Individual submissions will not be reviewed until all related information is available. 2. Allow three (3) days for Landscape Architect's review of each submission. ' DIVISION 1 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, SAMPLES AND MOCKUPS SECTION 01340 3. Acco mpany submissions with transmittal letter, in duplicate, containing: ' (a) Date (b) Project title and number (c) ConVactor's name and address (d) Identification and quantity of each shop drawing, product data & sample (e) Other pertinent data 4. Submissions shall include: 1 (a) (b) Date and revision dates Project title and number (c) Name and address of: (i) Subcontractor (ii) Supplier (iii) Manufacturer (iv) Contractor's stamp, signed by Contractor's authorized representative certifying approval of submissions, verification of field measurements and compliance with Contract Documents (v) Details of appropriate portions of Work as applicable: - Fabrication - Layout, showing dimensions, including identified field dimensions, and clearances Setting or erection details - Capadties Performance characteristics Standards - Operating weight Wiring diagrams Single line and schematic diagrams - Relationship to adjacent work 5. After Landscape Architect's review, distribute copies. ' PART III -SHOP DRAWINGS 1. Shop drawings, original drawings, or modified standard drawings provided by Contractor, to illustrate details of portions of Work, which are specific to project requirements. 2. Mabmum sheet size: 600x900mm. 1 ' DIVISION 1 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, SAMPLES AND MOCKUPS SECTION 01340 ' 3. Submit shop drawings as follows: (a) 600x900mm one (1) reproducible transparency on plastic film and one (1) Opaque diazo print ' (b) 279x203mm and smaller photocopy paper ' PART IV -PRODUCT DATA 1. Product data: manufacturers catalogue sheets, brochures, literature, performance charts and diagrams, used to illustrate to applicable portions of ' Contract Document. 2. Submit two (2) copies of product data. 3. Sheet size: 215x280mm, maximum of three (3) modules. ' 4. Delete information not applicable to project. 5. Supplement standard information to provide details applicable to project ' 6. Cross-reference product data information to applicable portions of Contract Documents. ' PART V -SAMPLES ' 1. Samples: examples of materials, equipment, quality, finishes, workmanship. 2. Where colour, pattern or texture is criterion, submit full range of samples. 3. Reviewed and accepted samples will become standard of workmanship and material against which installed work will be verified. ' PART VI -MOCK-UPS ' 1. Mock-ups: field-erected example of work complete with specified materials and workmanship. ' 2. Erect mock-ups at locations acceptable to landscape Architect. 3. Reviewed and accepted mock-ups will become standards of workmanship and material against which installed work will be verified. ' DIVISION 1 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, SAMPLES AND MOCKUPS SECTION 01340 ' 1.1 General 1. Unless specified othervvise, make all submissions to the Owner at his office. 2. Make all submissions required by the Contract Documents with reasonable promptness and in orderly sequence so as to cause no delay in the work. ' 1.2 Related Work 1. Submission of maintenance and record documents: Section 01700 ' 2. Submission of maintenance materials: Section 01700 ' 1.3 Construction Schedule 1. Within seven (7) days after Award of Contract, submit, in form approved by Owner, construction schedule for work of entire Contract. 2. Show in schedule, start and completion times of each item of work, including erection and dismantling of temporary services. ' 1.4 Shop Drawings 1. Submit shop drawings required by Contract Drawings, in accord with ' requirements of GC 34. 2. Prepare shop drawings in metric measurements only, Shop drawings containing imperial measurements will be rejected. 3. Unless othervvise directed by the Consultant, submit one (1) reproducible ' transparency plus the following number of prints for each shop drawing required: (a) Landscape Architectural shop drawings: Two (2) prints (b) No work requiring a shop drawing submission shall be commenced until the submission has received Consultants final review. (c) The Consultant's review is for the sole purpose of ascertaining conformance with the general design concept. This review shall not ' mean that the Consultant approves the detail design which inherent in the shop drawings, responsibility for which shall remain with the Contractor ' submitting same, and this review shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for meeting the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Contractor is responsible for dimensions to be confirmed and correlated at the job site for information that pertains solely to fabrication processes or to techniques of construction and installation and for coordination of the work of all subtrades. DIVISION 1 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, SAMPLES AND MOCKUPS SECTION 01340 1.5 Samples 1. Submit samples required by Contract Documents and as directed by Consultant. 2. Unless indicated othervvise submit samples in duplicate. 3. Submit samples wkh identifying labels bearing material or component description, manufacturers name and brand name, Contractor's name, project name, location in which material or component is to be used and dated. 4. Prepay any shipping charges involved for delivering samples to destination point and returning to point of origin if required. 5. No work requiring a sample submission shall be commenced until the submission has received Consultant's final review. END DIVISION 1 QUALITY CONTROL SECTION 01400 1. General ' 1.1 Requirements specified in this section apply to inspection and testing of work specified under technical specification sections. ' 1.2 Materials inspection and testing will be undertaken by the Municipality of Clarington Materials Testing lab or co-ordinated with other agencies as required. ' 1.3 The contractor is responsible for costs associated with the co-ordination of inspections and testing as described in sub-section 3.3. The Municpality will ' cover costs for administration and materials testing for testing completed by the Municipality. The contractor is responsible to cover costs for subsequent testing of failed work. Such costs will be deducted from the contract price. ' 1.4 Failure by an independent testing agency to detect defective work or materials shall not in any way prevent later rejection, when such defect is discovered, nor ' shall it obligate the Project Manager for final acceptance ' 2. Duties 8 Authority of Testing Agency 2.1 Testing agency is expected to do the following: ' a) Act on a professional and unprejudiced basis and tarty out inspection and testing functions to establish compliance with requirements of contract documents. b) Check work as it progresses and prepare reports stating results of tests and conditions of work and state in each report whether specimens tested ' conform to requirements of contract documents, specifically noting deviations. c) Distribute reports as follows: Project Manager -two (2) copies Contractor -two (2) copies 2.2 Testing agency is not authorized to amend or release any requirements of contract documents, nor approve or accept any portion of work. 2.3 Contractor shall do the following: ' a) Notify testing agency minimum 48 hours in advance of operations to allow for assignment of personnel and scheduling of tests without causing delay ' in work. b) Provide testing agency with access to work at all times. DIVISION 1 QUALITY CONTROL SECTION 01400 c) Supply material samples for testing. d) Supply casual labour and other incidental services required by testing agency. e) Provide facilities for site storage of samples. 2.4 When initial inspection and testing indicates non-compliance with conVact documents, any subsequent re-inspection and re-testing occasioned by non- compliance shall be performed by same testing agency and costs thereof home by contractor. END L' DIVISION 1 TEMPORARY FACILITIES SECTION 01500 General 1.1 Provide all temporary facilities and controls required for the proper execution of the work. ' 1.2 Provide and maintain temporary systems in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements. Arrange for, obtain and pay for any permits required. ' 1.3 Location of temporary facilities shall be subject to Project Manager's approval. ' 2. Temporary Electricity, Lighting and Water ' 2.1 Provide temporary electrical lighting and power system and potable water for use by all sections. 2.2 Arrange, obtain and pay for service including meter, if required, of sufficient size ' to allow use of required tools and equipment and to ensure adequate lighting levels for the proper execution of work. 2.3 Install and maintain temporary electrical systems in accordance with Construction Safety Association's "Temporary Wiring Standards on Construction Sites", the Ontario Electrical Code and other authorities having jurisdiction. ' 3. Temporary Heating 3.1 Furnish equipment, labour and fuel to provide temporary heat as required for proper execution of work. 4. Temporary Telephone 4.1 Provide telephone service for duration of contract until completion. A mobile phone is acceptable. 4.2 Make telephone available to all sections. Long distance calls shall be paid for by the party making the call. 5. Temporary Sanitary Facilities 5.1 Provide toilet facilities for all personnel on site. 5.2 Keep facilities clean and sanitary and provided with required supplies at all times. 5.3 Except where temporary sanitary facilities are connected to municipal sewer system, regularly remove wastes from site. 1 1 CI DIVISION 1 TEMPORARY FACILITIES SECTION 01500 6. Temporary First-Aid Facilities 6.1 Provide site equipment and medical facilities necessary to supply first-aid service to injured personnel in accordance with regulations of the Worker's Compensation Act. Maintain facilities for duration of contract. 7. Temporary Fire Protection 7.1 Provide and maintain in proper working order, fire extinguishers, prominently placed, until completion of work. 7.2 Fire extinguishers shall be minimum 3 kg. 4A60BC type. 7.3 Remove fire extinguishers from site upon completion of work or when directed by Project Manager. 7.4 Where gas welding or cutting is to be done within 3 meters or above combustible material, or above space that may be occupied by persons, interpose shields of non-combustible material. Tanks supplying gases for welding or cutting shall be placed at no greater distance from the work that is necessary and shall be securely fastened in an upright position. Such tanks shall be free from exposure to the sun or high temperature. 8. Construction Aids 8.1 Provide temporary stairs, ladders, and ramps required for movement and piaang of materials, equipment and personnel in a safe manner. 8.2 Provide mechanical hoisting equipment and fully qualified operators as required during construction. 8.3 Erect required scaffolding independent of walls, arranged to avoid interference with work of other sections as much as possible. 8.4 Provide and maintain required shoring and bracing in accordance with Construction Safety Act and other applicable regulations. 8.5 Shoring and all false work over one tier in height shall be designed and shall bear the stamp of a registered professional engineer having experience in this field. 8.6 The Project Manager must approve the use of explosive power tools, in writing. The use of explosive power tools will not be permitted under any circumstances unless equipped with a device, which positivety prevents free flight of the stud. 1 1 DIVISION 1 TEMPORARY FACILITIES SECTION 01500 9. Barriers 9.1 Protect public and workmen from injury. 9.2 Provide and maintain required barricades, warning signs, guardrails and Iight- guards in accordance with applicable regulations. 10. Temporary Controls 10.1 Provide protective coverings to protect work against damage caused by weather including but not necessarily limited to rain, snow, ice, wind, frost and excessive heat. 10.2 Provide wind breaks and sun shade to allow proper setting and curing of cementious materials. 10.3 Protect excavations and building materials from freezing. 10.4 Provide and maintain adequate temporary pumping and drainage systems to keep excavations and structures free of water. Prevent flow of surface water into excavations. Locate sumps away from foundation elements. Prevent pumped water from carrying soil in suspension, in sufficient quantity to case settlement of adjacent earth. Provide sufficient standby equipment to ensure continuity of pumping system. 10.5 Prevent sprayed materials from contaminating air beyond application area by providing temporary enGosures. 10.6 Cover ar wet down dry materials and rubbish to prevent blowing dust and debris. 11. Signs 11.1 Except as specified here do not erect any signs unless approved by the Project Manager. 11.2 Erect signs relating to safety on the work or mandatory regulation notices. ' 12. Field Office and Sheds ' 12.1 Provide acceptable temporary covers, sheds and platforms of weatherproof construction as may be required for protection and preservation of materials, small tools, equipment, which may be susceptible to damage. END ' DIVISION 1 1 PRODUCTS AND WORKMANSHIP SECTION 01600 Product Quality 1.1 Products supplied for work shall be new, and as far as possible, and unless othervvise specified, of Canadian manufacture. 1.2 Materials used for temporary fadlities are not required to be new, provided they are structurally sound and in suitable and safe operation condition. 2. Standards and Terminology 2.1 Where a standard has been adopted by these specifications, incorporate minimum requirements of such standard into the work. Where requirements of specifications are more stringent than those of the standard, follow the more stringent requirements. 2.2 Reference to standards, spedfications, handbooks and manufacturer's catalogues, refer to latest edition thereof and all amendments or revisions applicable at tender dosing date, unless date suffix is inducted with document number. 2.3 Wherever words "acceptable", "approved", "satisfactory", "selected", "directed", "designated", "permitted", inspected", "instructed", "required", "submit", or similar words or phrases are used in standards or elsewhere in contract documents, it shall be understood that °by (to) the Project Manager" follow, unless context provides otherwise. 3. Availability and Substitution 3.1 Products, which are spedfied by their proprietary names or by part of catalogue ' number, form the basis for contract. No substitutes for these may be used without Project Manager's approval in writing. ' 3.2 Where it is found that spedfied materials have become unavailable for incorporating into work, notify Project Manager immediately of proposed substitution. ' 3.3 Proposed substitution shall be any top quality product considered by the Project Manager to be suitable for purpose intended. ' 3.4 Products proposed as substitutions, and which are considered by Project Manager to be suitable for purpose intended, but which are in his opinion of lesser value and quality than those spedfied shall only be accepted as ' substitution if reasonable credits are allowed for their use. 1 DIVISION 1 PRODUCTS AND WORKMANSHIP SECTION 01600 ' 3.5 In order to substantiate equivalency of proposed materials, products or processes, submit samples, printed product description's test data, installation ' instructions, standards, certification, samples, guarantee/warranty forms, list of successful products incorporating such proposals and similar information requested by Project Manager. 3.6 Whenever a substitute is proposed, any change to contract price as a result of acceptance of proposed product shall inGude any adjustments to adjacent structure or space in order to accept minor differences in size or weight between ' proposed items and corresponding specified items. 3.7 Prevent any substitution or request for substitution from delaying construction progress in any way. 3.8 Requests for substitution resulting from failure to place orders in time will not be entertained. Be responsible for ordering products in time to ensure their required delivery; bear all costs for failure to comply with these requirements. ' 3.9 Upon Project Manager's request, submit copies of material and equipment purchase orders. 4. Product Delivery, Handling and Storage 4.1 Suitably pack, crate and protect products during transportation to site to preserve their quality and fitness for purpose intended. 4.2 Store products in original, undamaged condition with manufacturer's labels and seals intact until they are being incorporated into completed work. 4.3 Handle and store materials in accordance with manufacturers and supplier's ' recommendations so as to ensure preservation of their quality, appearance and fitness for work. ' 4.4 Arrange materials so as to facilitate prompt inspection, and remove faulty, damaged or rejected materials immediately from site. 5. Product Delivery Schedule ' 5.1 It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the supplier or distributor of materials specified or alternatives accepted, which he intends to use has materials on the site when required. The contractor shall obtain confirmed ' delivery dates from the supplier. LI LJ ' DIVISION 1 PRODUCTS AND WORKMANSHIP SECTION 01600 5.2 The contractor shall contact the Project Manager immediately upon receipt of information indicating that any material or item will not be available on time, in accordance with the original schedule, and similarly it shall be the responsibility of all subcontractors and suppliers to so inform the contractor. 5.3 The Project Manager reserves the right to receive from the contractor at any time, upon request, copies of actual purchase of work orders of any material or products to be supplied for the work. 6. Workmanship ' 6.1 All work shall be carried out in accordance with the best trade practice, by mechanics skilled in the type of work concerned. ' 6.2 Products, materials, systems and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with the applicable manufacturer's printed directions. ' 6.3 Where specified requirements are in conflict with the manufacturers written directions, follow manufacturer's directions. Where specified requirements are more stringent than manufacturer's directions, comply with specified ' requirements. END t ~~ i ' DIVISION 1 PROJECT CLOSEOUT SECTION 01700 ' 1. Operating and Maintenance Manuals 1.1 Provide operating and maintenance data, prepared on 8'/z" x 11" sheets in printed or typewritten form, preferably double-sided, contained in D-ring binders ' with soft vinyl covers. 1.2 Manual contents shall be assembled in systematic order generally following the specification format. Provide labeled, celluloid covered tabs fastened to hard ' paper dividers to identify different sections. 1.3 Binders shall have clear plastic pocket at back of spine for identification. Insert label containing title, `Operating and Maintenance Data°, project name and volume number if applicable. 1.4 Include the following material in each manual: ' t i " " a) ng projec and list Operating-and Maintenance Data Title sheet labeled, name, date, volume number, if applicable and names and addresses of ' contractor, mechanical subconVactors, Project Manager and sub-Project Managers. b) List of contents. If more than one volume is required, provide across- reference, contents page at the front of each volume. c) Complete list of subcontractors and suppliers. d) Copy of finished hardware list, complete with all amendments and revisions. ti t f ll ffi i t l I l d e) on o u y c en exp ana nc u e su Schedule of paints and coatings. identify each surface with the applicable paint or coating used. Enclose ' copy of colour schedule. f) Maintenance instructions for all finished surfaces. ' g) Brochures, cuts of all equipment and fixtures. h) Operating and maintenance instructions for all equipment. ' i) Extended warranties. ' j) Maintenance contracts. k) Other data required elsewhere in contract documents or deemed necessary by Project Manager. ' DIVISION 1 PROJECT CLOSEOUT SECTION 01700 ' 2. Record Drawings 2.1 Upon completion of work, prior to total performance, obtain and pay for one set of mylar transparencies and transfer record information compiled during construction from white prints to mylar. b 2.2 e Quality of drafting and lettering shall match that of original drawings and shall suitable for microfilming. 3. Operating Instructions 3.1 At substantial performance, at a time acceptable to owner and Project Manager, instruct owner's representative in the operation of all systems and equipment. ' 4. Substantial Performance 4.1 Conform to the requirements of CCDC2-1994. 4.2 Prior to requesting a substantial performance deficiency inspection, submit the ' following: a) Three copies of operating and maintenance manuals. ' b) Two copies of inspection and acceptance certificates required from regulatory agencies. ' 4.3 Advise the Project Manager, in writing, when the project has been substantially completed. If Project Manager agrees that this stage has been reached, prepare a complete list of deficiencies and submit one copy of this list to Project Manager. ' 4.4 On receipt of the above deficiency list, in a satisfactory form, the Project Manager, accompanied by the contractor and his project superintendent and the owner if deemed desirable, will carry out an inspection of the project. 4.5 Add to deficiency list, in accordance with Project Manager's directions, any ' additional deficiencies, which are identified during inspection and re-issue list to all concerned dated deficienc u . y p ' S. Total Performance 5.1 Conform to the requirements of CCDC2-1994. 5.2 Prior to requesting a final inspection, do the following: ' DIVISION 1 PROJECT CLOSEOUT SECTION 01700 a) Submit one complete set of mylar record drawings. ' b) Submit one complete set of reviewed shop drawings of mechanical and electrical items, folded to 8 %:" x 11" size, contained in heavy manila envelopes, numbered and labeled. Follow specification format with no more than one section per envelope. ' c) Submit a final request for payment incorporating all approved changes to the contrail price. Contractor to submit Statutory DeGarafion and CCDC ' Document 9A with application for final payment d) Upon completion of all items noted on the deficiency list, clean all areas, surfaces and components affeiled by corrections and completion of ' deficient items, as directed by the Project Manager. e) Ensure that all services, equipment, apparatus are properly tested and adjusted. 5.3 After all deficiencies have been corrected, submit a written request to the Project Manager for a final inspection. This inspection shall be carried out by the same ' parties involved in the substantial performance deficiency inspection. ' S.4 If all deficiencies have not been corrected, in the opinion of the Project Manager, a final deficiency list will be prepared in the same manner as specified herein for the substantial perfomtance deficiency inspection and the inspection procedure repeated until all items have been completed to the satisfaction of the Project ' Manager. ' END ' DIVISION 1 LJ CLEANING SECTION 01710 General 1.1 The contractor is responsible for cleanliness of site and structures to satisfaction of Project Manager. Maintain work in neat and orderly condition at all times. 1.2 Regularly, or when directed by the Project Manager, remove from site and legally dispose of rubbish and waste materials. 1.3 Burning or burying of rubbish and waste materials on site is not permitted. 1.4 Use only cleaning materials recommended by manufacturer of surface to be Leaned. 1.5 Use cleaning material only on surfaces recommended by cleaning material manufacturer. 1.6 While on the premises, all hazardous waste shall be property identified and stored so as not to pose a safety hazard to employees, workers or the general public. 1.7 Utilize recycling programs and efforts for material disposal whenever and wherever possible. Guidance into various recycling efforts can be obtained by contacting the municipality. ' 2. Cleaning During Construction 2.1 Remove debris, packaging and waste materials daily. 2.2 Keep dust and dirt to an acceptable level as directed. ' 2.3 Remove oily rags, waste and other hazardous substances from premises at rose of each day or more often if required. 3. Final Cleaning ' 3.1 Prior to substantial performance, thoroughly clean all surfaces and components. Provide professional ceaning of all areas and surfaces to allow owner to occupy without further ceaning. ' 3.2 Remove stains, dirt and smudges from finished surfaces. ' END ' DIVISION 1 1. De£nRion ' 2. ' 3. 4. WARRANTIES 1.1 Warcanty =Guarantee Submission Requirements SECTION 01740 2.1 Submit extended warranties as part of "Operation and Maintenance Manuals" in accordance with requirements of Section 01700 -Project Closeout. 2.2 Arrange extended warranties in systematic order matching specification format. InGude a table of contents listing warranties in same order. Each Warranty Must Show: 3.1 Name and Address of Project. 3.2 Name of owner. 3.3 Section Number and Title. Warranties 4.1 All work shall be warrantied for 2 years from date of Substantial Completion. Plant materials shall be warrantied for 2 years from date of Substantial Completion pursuant to the following requirements. All unacceptable plant materials (excluding sod) will be replaced promptly by the contractor for the entire duration of the warranty period. Unacceptable material shall be replaced within 14 days of written notice by the Project Manager. All warranty replacements will be made at the expense of the contractor and at no additional cost to the Owner. Plants dying as a resuR of, but not limited to, handling by nurseries or the contractor, improper storage, improper planting, lack of water or rodent damage will be subject to replacement. Plants dying as a result of vandalism whether intentional or accidental are not subject to warranty replacement by the contractor. Staking and guying of plant material shall be promptly removed at the end of the warranty period. The contractor shall notify the Project Manager in writing upon completion. END DIVISION 2 EARTHWORK SECTION 02200 ' PART 1 -GENERAL ' 1.1 Description ' 1. This section specifies site Gearing, rough grading, excavation and backfilling, including all demolition and removal of work as shown on the drawings. 2. Comply with all requirements of General Conditions. ' 3. Related work elsewhere: (b) (c) ' (d) 1.2 Quality A: Section 02487 -Sodding Section 02552 -Asphalt Paving Section 02614 -Concrete Section 02750 -Timber and Woodwork surance ' 1. Carty out compaction tests on compacted fill to ASTM D69&70 for Standard Proctor Dry Density on the basis of one (1) test for every 50.Om2 in general fill areas and one (1) test in every S.Om in trenches. Pay all testing costs incurred. 2. Carty out grain size analysis on samples of each of granular fill to ensure that proper material is being placed. ' 3. Determine the quantity of water to be added to or removed from each type of fill to attain correct moisture content for compaction and maximum density. 4. Determine the in-situ density and moisture content of compacted fills. 1.3 Product Delivery, Storage and Handling i l i l ti d i t d b th il f ll O 1. s n oca ons es gna e y e wner. Stockpile existing topso or i mater a 1.4 Shoring and Bracing 1. Shore and brace all excavations sufficiently to prevent caving in and to support existing structures, road or services. 2. Ensure shoring is in accordance with local municipal and provincial regulations. Obtain all necessary permits. 3. Erect warning signs and protective barriers in accordance with local municipal and provincal regulations. ' 4. Make good any damage and be liable for any injury resulting from inadequate shoring or bracing. ' DIVISION 2 EARTHWORK SECTION 02200 PART 2 -PRODUCTS ' 2.1 Materials ' 1. General fill material: Clean, free from debris, organic matter and other deleterious material. 2. Granular fill material: As called for on the drawings and conforming in all ' respects with OPSD 1000 and 1010, latest edition. ' PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 Demolition, Site Cleaning and Removals ' 1. Clear the site of all rubbish, rocks, boulders, tree stumps, and all other debris. Remove and dispose of debris off site. In areas that are to be lowered, or have the grade raised more than 100mm, remove all shrub growth. th f t d 2. o o a ep Cut down dead trees and trees to be removed and remove stumps 600mm below proposed finished grade. Remove and dispose of all wood and ' ship off site, fill hole with compacted topsoil and place new sod. 3. Excavate to remove all existing paving, where shown on the drawings and dispose of material off site. Precast concrete pavers which are not chipped, broken, cracked or painted may be salvaged for re-use on site. 4. Removal includes granular base course material to existing sub-grade unless approved by the Owner for re-use on the site. 5. Remove material without damaging adjacent pavements which are to remain. Make clean, sharp sawcuts before starting removal work. Be responsible for making good damaged surfaces. ' 6. Remove other materials and surfaces as indicated on the drawings. 7. Temporarily remove existing fences, as required, to facilitate new construction work. Re-install at the completion of construction to as-new condition. 8. Where instructed by the Owner, transplant existing plant materials as specified in ' Section 02490. 3.2 Rough Grading ' 1. Where necessary, strip topsoil and stockpile as directed. Lam' DIVISION 2 EARTHWORK SECTION 02200 ' 2. Cut back areas that are to be lowered to the grades shown on the drawings, allowing for the placement of topsoil. Obtain the written approval of the Owner ' before using excavated material as fill. Prior to placing fill material, scarify the existing grade to a minimum depth of 75mm. ' 3. Where existing grade is to be raised, supply and place fill material, approved by the Owner, in progressive 225mm lifts (loose material depth). Compact each lift at 95% Standard Proctor Dry Density before placing subsequent layers. 4. Provide finished rough grade parallel to finished grade, allowing for the placing of the specified surface material and base and to a tolerance of plus or minus and compacted to 95% Standard Proctor Dry Density under areas to be 12mm ' , paved and 85% Standard Proctor Dry Density under areas to be sodded or planted. 3.3 General Excavation 1. Stake out the locations of all items requiring excavation and obtain the approval of the Owner before commencing work. 2. Dispose of excavated material off site unless it is approved for use as fill material and backfilling material by the Owner. 3. Excavate to the elevations and dimensions indicated or required for construction ' work. All depths detailed are shown as depth after compaction. 4. Obtain the approval of the Owner of all excavations before proceeding with construction activities. btain the t ffi i b i 5. , o nsu c en e Where bearing capacity of the subsoil appears to written approval of the Owner to have soil investigations carried out. Costs for such testing, if required, will be paid by the Contractor at cost. 6. Excavation exceeding that shown on the drawing, if authorized in writing by the Owner, will be paid as extra to the Contract Price in accordance with the General ' Conditions. Quantities will be calculated in place. Truck load measurement is not acceptable. ' 7. Fill extra excavations with concrete or as directed. 8. Correct unauthorized excavation at no extra cost. ' DIVISION 2 EARTHWORK SECTION 02200 ' i 9 n. Do not disturb soil within the branch spread of trees or shrubs that are to rema . If excavating through roots, excavate by hand and cut all roots with a sharp hand saw or chain saw. Seal cuts with approved tree wound dressing. Where excavation results in the loss of more than 20% of the root system of any tree, have the plant material top pruned by a qualified arborculturalist to compensate ' for root loss. Pay all costs incurred. 10. Adjust all window wells in the contract area, to a minimum of 50mm above the ' new patio level. Secure to unit wall. 11. Excevate post holes with a power auger or hand auger as required, to a depth and diameter indicated. Ensure adequate allowance is provided in the bid for ' hand digging of holes as no extra to the contract will be allowed. 12. Shape the bottom of excavations for areas that include subsurface drainage to ' drain to the pipe at 1% minimum slope. 3.4 Excavation -Planting Pits and Beds 1. Excavate planting pits and beds to the following depths unless specified otherwise on the drawings: (a) Deciduous & Coniferous Shrubs -600mm below finished (b) Deciduous & Coniferous Trees -150mm greater than the depth and width of the root ball b d 2. e For shrub beds, excavate to the depth noted in 3.4.1 and excavate the entire to provide 150mm topsoil around the perimeter when all shrubs are installed at the correct spacing. 3.5 Backf"illing 1. Do not commence backfilling until work has been approved by Owner. 2. Ensure areas to be backfilled are free of debris, snow, ice, water or frozen ' ground. 3 Place specified fill materials in continuous horizontal layers not exceeding 225mm ' . loose depth and compact to 95% Standard Proctor Dry Density. Take care not to damage damp proofing during backfilling operations. 4. Backfill simultaneously on both sides of walls to equalize soil pressure. 5. Make good any settlement or subsequent damage to adjacent structures or to ' other work under this contract caused by improper or inadequate compaction. END 1 ' DNISION 2 TOPSOIL AND FINISH GRADING SECTION 02210 ' PART 1 -GENERAL 1 1.1 Generallnstructions 1. Comply with requirements of Division 1. 1 1.2 Related Work ' 1. Soccer Field Section 02213 2. Sodding Section 02487 3. Trees, Shnabs and Groundcover Section 02490 ' 4. Unit Paving Section 02515 5. Asphalt Paving Section 02552 6. Sports Field Goal Posts Section 02868 7. Site Furniture Section 02870 ' 8. Poured in Place Concrete Section 03300 PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 Topsoil ' 1. Imported topsoil shall be screened natural loam soil with an acidity range from 6.0 pH to 7.5 pH; containing organic matter of 4% for Gay loams and a minimum ' of 2% for sanding loams. It should be free of stones, roots, subsoil, clay lumps, other solid materials, noxious weeds, weed seeds or other deleterious materials over 25 mm in diameter. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 Existing Site Conditions 1. The contractor must review existing site contours relative to the proposed work shown on the plans and notify the Project Manager of any discrepancies found. 2. Portions of the rough grading and the establishment of the sub-grade may have been previously carried out by others. The contractor shall be responsible for the completion of all finish grading required to complete the park. ' 3. The contractor is responsible to remove all weeds, stones and debris over 50 mm diameter from the subgrade prior to commencing finish grading works. ' DIVISION 2 TOPSOIL AND FINISH GRADING SECTION 02210 3.2 Topsoil Stripping /Placement 1 1. Topsoil shall be stripped from the site in a fully dry condition. Strip all topsoil located below proposed playground areas, ball diamond infields, warning track, paved areas and structures. All excavated material shall be removed from the 1 site and properly disposed. Areas not requiring significant grade changes may utilize on site topsoil to achieve finished grade as deemed acceptable by the Project Manager. ' 2. Topsoil for finished grading shall be placed to a minimum depth of 200 mm. ' 3.3 Cut and Fill Balance 1. Supply all materials and execute the works as is necessary to bring the grades to the finished elevations. Excess materials may be placed and graded on site at the discretion of the Project Manager. All unusable excess material shall be removed from site and properly disposed. 3.4 Filling ' 1. Unless otherwise specified, the contractor shall, where required, supply and spread sufficient fill materials to raise existing grades to the specified level as ' indicated on the drawings. 2. Such fill materials shall be free of any debris subject to rot or corrosion, and shall be approved by the Project Manager before placing. ' 3. Prior to placing fill, the existing grade shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 75 mm to provide a good bond and prevent slipping of fill. th ers not exceedin 250 mm in de l o e la l d i i l h ll b 4. . g p y ace n o s Fill mater a s s a e p Each layer shall be compacted to 95°k Standard Proctor Density (S.P.D.) before ' placing subsequent layers. 5. The preparation of the finished sub-grade, prior to placing of topsoil under sodding, shall be as speafied under Section 02487. 6. The surface shall be shaped at all times to ensure adequate surface run-off and prevent ponding and scouring. ' 3.5 Excavating 1. Before proceeding with excavating work, all facilities shall be staked out and approval obtained from the Project Manager. DIVISION 2 Lam' TOPSOIL AND FINISH GRADING SECTION 02270 2. All areas shall be excavated to the specified depths as indicated on all drawings, details and specifications. Where a discrepancy exists, the Project Manager shall determine the required depth of excavation. 3. The final subgrade shall be maintained parallel to the finished grade and shall be thoroughly compacted to 95% S.P.D. minimum. 4. Submit written evidence that the specified compaction has been realized and obtain approval from the Project Manager before commencing finish grading. 5. The excavations for all foundations shall be carried to undisturbed soil or to a minimum depth of 1250 mm unless specified or directed othennrise. 6. The bearing capacity of the soil on which the footings are to be founded shall be capable of supporting the imposed loads. 7. Where the bearing capacity appears to be insufficient, soil investigations shall be carried out with the approval of the Project Manager. Costs of such investigations shall be paid for through an approved change order or shall be paid directly by the City through separate contract with the testing agency. 8. Where it is necessary to carry excavations deeper than specified until a firm bearing is obtained fill extra excavation with granular fill as directed. Under no circumstances will earth filling under footings be permitted, unless othervvise approved. 9. The cost of extra excavations and extra granular fill will be paid for at the contrail unit prices. Where such extra costs are the result of the contractor's error or misinterpretation, no extra payment will be made. 10. All excavations shall be sufficiently shored and braced to prevent caving in and support existing structures, roads, services, etc. 11. All shoring shall be done in strict accordance with local regulations and approval obtained from local authorities. 12. blaming signs and protective barriers shall be erected in accordance with local regulations. 13. The contractor is responsible for all damages and subsequent repairs to underground utilities and structures resulting from operations carried out under this contract inGuding the work of sub-contractors. 14. All excavations shall be protected from freezing and water. Provide and operate as many pumps as are necessary to keep excavations free of water at all times. DIVISION 2 TOPSOIL AND FINISH GRADING SECTION 02210 15. All surplus excavated material shall be removed and disposed of, unless approved by the Project Manager for filling or backfilling. Surplus material and unacceptable materials shall be removed from the site and properly disposed of. 16. All excavated rocks and boulders shall be immediately removed from the site. END DIVISION 2 SOCCER FIELD SECTION 02213 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 General Requirements ' 1.2 i~ Comply with the requirements of Division 1. Related Work 1. Topsoil and Finish Grading 2. Sodding 3. Sports Field Goal Posts Section 02210 Section 02487 Section 02868 PART 2 -PRODUCTS Topsoil shall be natural loam with an acidity range from 6.OpH to 7.5pH; containing organic matter of 4% for clay loams and a minimum of 2% for sandy loams; and free of stones and roots over 25mm dia.; and subsoil, clay lumps, other solid materials, noxious weeds, weed seeds or other deleterious materials. 2. Sod per Section 02487. 3. Line painting shall be to Municipality of Clarington standards. 4. Soccer fields goals posts shall be as per detail and shall conform to Section 02868, Part 2 Products. PART 3 -EXECUTION 1. The finished grade of the soccer field shall be graded to a smooth consistent plane utilizing suitable equipment such as a road grader. 2. The surface of the sand soccer field shall be fertilized prior to laying sod. The landscape conVactor in consultation with a nursery sod grower shall select said fertilizer. 3. Contractor shall maintain field (mowing and watering until the sod is knit together and is verified by the Project Manager to be in a healthy growing condition. The City shall take over maintenance thereafter. END DIVISION 2 SODDING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 General Requirements 1. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.2 Related Work 1. Topsoil and Finish Grading Section 02210 2. Soccer Field Section 02213 3. Trees, Shrubs and Groundcover Section 02490 PART 2 -PRODUCTS 1 2.1 Topsoil 'J SECTION 02487 Imported topsoil shall be screened, natural loam soil with an acidity range from 6.0 pH to 7.5 pH; containing organic matter of 4% for Gay loams and a minimum of 2% for sandy loams; and free of stones, roots and subsoil, Gay lumps, other solid materials, noxious weeds, weed seeds or other deleterious materials over 25 mm in diameter. 2.2 Sod 1. Sod shall be Certified No. 1 sod, grown and sold in accordance with the latest specifications of the Nursery Sod Growers Association of Ontario (NSGA), composition of 2-3 varieties of Blue Grass. 2. At time of delivery, sod shall have a strong fiberous root system, be free of disease stones, burned or bare spots, with a healthy green colour and contain not more than 1 % twitch grass and other weeds. 3. Wooden pegs for staking of sod on slopes, shall be approved hardwood pegs 25 mm x 25 mm square and at least 225 mm long or longer, as required to provide satisfactory anchorage. 4. Fertilizer shall be a commercial fertilizer having a 10-10-10 ratio and shall be applied such that actual nitrogen shall be 10.5 kg 100 sq. m. 2.3 Delivery and Storage 1. Protect sod during transportation for delivery to the site in a fresh and healthy condition. 2. Install sod immediately - no later than 48 hours after arrival on site. Keep moist and fresh until installation. r ' DIVISION 2 SODDING SECTION 02487 ' 3. Handle sod carefully to prevent breaking or tearing. Immediately remove damaged or dried-out sod from the site. PART 3 -EXECUTION ' 3.1 Ske Preparation 1. Arrange for inspection and approval of finished grade by the Project Manager ' prior to placing sod. 2. Unless recommended otherwise on soil test report, appty a 10-10-10 fertilizer at the rate of 10.5 kg/ 100 sq. m. Work fertilizer well and unifonmly into the topsoil within 48 hours before laying sod. ' 3. Fine-grade, rake and roll surface until smooth and firm against footprints and free of depressions, lumps and irregularities prior to placing sod. ' 3.2 Installation 1. Place sod Gosely knit together so that no open joints are visible and pieces are not overlapping. 2. Install sod to blend tight and uniformly with adjoining grass areas and to be flush ' with paving, top of curbs, etc. 3. On slopes greater than 3:1, place sod perpendicular to the slope and stake every row with wooden pegs at 600 mm intervals. Drive pegs flush with sod for safety. 4. Immediately after installation, water with sufficient amount to saturate sod and underlying topsoil. ' S. As soon as sod has dried sufficiently to prevent damage, roll with roller to ensure a good bond between sod and topsoil and to remove minor depressions and ircegularities. 6. Clean up all areas and remove debris. t 3.3 Maintenance Maintain all sodded areas immediately after installation until substantial ' performance has been approved. Maintenance shall incude all necessary measures to establish and maintain grass in a healthy, vigorous growing condition. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, the following work: r DIVISION 2 SODDING SECTION 02487 a) Mow grass areas at regular intervals as required to maintain grass at a maximum height of 50 mm. Not more than 1/3 of grass blade shall be cut during one mowing. Hand clip where necessary and keep edges neatly trimmed. Remove heavy clippings immediately after mowing and trimming. A minimum of two cuttings is considered part of this contract. Do not let grass exceed 100 mm height. b) Weed and disease control when directed by the Project Manager. Use chemicals in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and ' be fully responsible for all damages resulting from use of chemicals. c) Fertilize and water, when necessary, with sufficient quantities of water to ' prevent sod and underlying soil from drying out. Water must be potable and be provided at the contractor's cost d) Roll all sodded areas to remove minor depressions and irregularities. e) Repair all areas damaged by erosion. ' f) Replace all grass which has deteriorated or which shows bare spots as directed by the Project Manager. g) Protect all grass areas against damage, including erosion and trespassing, by providing and maintaining proper safeguards. Remove ' safeguards at end of maintenance period. END DIVISION 2 TREES, SHRUBS, AND GROUNDCOVERS SECTION 02490 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 Generallnstructions ' 1. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.2 Related Work ' 1. Topsoil and Finish Grading Section 02210 2. Sodding Section 02487 ' PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 Planting Mix ' 1. Soil for all planting to be "Planting Mix" as supplied by Amts Loam Supply, Pickering, Ontario, telephone 905.683-0887 or approved equal. ' 2.2 Plant Materials 1. All plants shall be No. 1 Grade, nursery-grown stock of a grade and quality conforming to the horticultural standards and grown under proper cultural practices as adopted by the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association {CNLA). 2. All plants shall be true to name in accordance with the plant list, with botanical names conforming to the "International Code of NomenGature for Cultivated Plants". 3. Plants shall be tagged with their name and size. Labels shall not be removed until after final inspection at the end of the maintenance period. 4. Substitutions for the specified plants an: not allowed unless approved by the Project Manager in writing. 5. Any plants dug from native stands, wood lots and which have not received proper cultural maintenance as advocated by the CNLA, shall be designated as "Collected Plants". 6. The supply and planting of "Collected Plants" will not be permitted unless approved, in writing and subject to inspection by the Project Manager at the original growing location. The contractor is responsible for all costs related to such inspection. 7. The guarantee period for approved "Collected Plants" shall be one (1) year longer than the specified guarantee period for nursery-grown plants. DIVISION 2 TREES, SHRUBS, AND GROUNDCOVERS SECTION 02490 2.3 8. Plants shall be supplied from nurseries located within the same hardiness zone and grown in the same soil conditions as the project site and in accordance with the Plant List, unless otherwise approved. 9. Plants shall be freshly dug and be in a healthy vigorous condition upon arrival at the site. Heeled-in plants or plants from cold storage are not allowed, unless approved by the Project Manager. 10. Plants shall be sound, healthy and well branched, free of disease and insects and possess all the characteristics of the specified species. Headers shall be straight and intact and stems and trunks free of sunscald frost cracks, abrasions and other damages. 11. Old injuries shall be completely callused over with pruning wounds showing vigorous bark on all edges and all parts showing live green cambium tissue when cut. 12. Plants shall be measured when the branches are in their normal position with height and spread dimensions referring to the main body of the plant 13. Trees are specified by caliper, which is the diameter of the trunk measured at 150 mm above grade. 14. Root balls shall contain at least 75% of the fibrous roots and shall conform to the sizes specified in the Guide Spe~cetion for Nursery Stodc of the Canadian Nursery Trades Association. Accessories Wrapping material for tree trunks shall be burlap or approved equal, at least 270g/m2 in weight and ranging in width from 150 mm to 250 mm. 2.4 2. Stakes for support of trees and large shrubs shall be as detailed or an approved equal 3. Wires for tree supports shall be #10 gauge galvanized steel wire encased in new black two-ply 12 mm diameter rubber hose. 4. Anti-desiccant, where required, shall be" Wilt Proof° or an approved equal. 5. Rodent protection on all trees shall be 150 mm-black plastic PVC pipe, 450 mm long, set on grade. Set prior to mulching. Mulch Mulch in planting saucers shall be shredded bark mulch. Submit sample to Project Manager for approval. ' DIVISION 2 TREES, SHRUBS, AND GROUNDCOVERS SECTION 02490 ' 2.5 Quality Assurance ' 1. All planting work shall be carried out by experienced workmen under the direction and supervision of experienced and qualified 2. All plants shall be No. 1 Grade nursery stock grown and supplied in accordance with current standards as adopted by the Canadian Nursery Trades Association latest metric edition. ' 3. All plants shall meet or exceed all pertinent regulations with respect to inspection for plant disease and insect control. ' 4. Submit samples of specified mulches and plant accessories when required by the Project Manager. Keep approved sample(s) on-site, in an approved, protected ' location until work has been inspected, approved and accepted. 2.6 Inspections 1. All plant materials shall be available for inspection at the nursery by the Project Manager and representatives of the municipality. The contractor shall give timely notice of availability of the material for inspection. 2. Approval of plants at the nursery does not impair the right of the Project Manager ' to inspect plants upon arrival at site and reject plants, which have been damaged, are in poor condition, or otherwise do no confonn to the specifications. 3. Do not remove plant labels until plants have been inspected and approved. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 Delivery and Storage Deliver all materials in their original containers with all labels intact and legible. Containers with fertilizers, peat moss, bone meal, etc., shall clearly indicate contents, weight, and analysis and manufacturer's name. 2. All materials, which are subject to deterioration from weather, shall be stored in a dry, protected weatherproof area. 3. Plants shall be protected from damage and drying out from the time they are dug, during transportation, until planting on the site. [~ DIVISION 2 TREES, SHRUBS, AND GROUNDCOVERS SECTION D2490 4. Plants, which cannot be planted immediately after arrival on the site shall be ' properly heeled in, protected and kept moist until they can be planted. Storage of plant material for a period longer than 7 days, must be approved by the Project Manager in writing. 5. Plants, which cannot be planted immediately after artival on the site shall be properly heeled in, protected and kept moist until they can be planted. Storage of plant material for a period longer than 7 days, must be approved by the Project Manager in writing. 3.2 Site Preparation Stake out the locations of all tree pits and planting areas for acceptance by the Project Manager before excavation and installation. 2. Excavate to the specified depth as detailed. If planting pit is excavated deeper than required, fill with native material to desired depth and properly compact fill to prevent settlement 3.3 Installation Plant during periods suitable to climatic conditions, locally accepted practice and to the Project Manager's approval. 2. Plants shall be installed to give the best appearance and to the Project Managers approval. 3. Plants shall be set plumb in the center of pits and at the same relationship to grade as in their original growing locations. Allow each plant and tree to be 75 mm above surrounding grade to permd natural settlement. 4. Remove ropes, wires, etc. and pull away burlap from top 1/3 of root ball. 5. Backfill in 150 mm layers firmly tamping each layer around the roots and taking care not to leave air pockets. 6. Thoroughly water when planting pit is half full and again when completely filled. 7. Surround each plant, with an earth saucer as large as the planing pit in order to retain water. S. Thoroughly water all planting areas and trees immediately after planting and continue watering as required during the warranty period to ensure successful growth. ' DIVISION 2 TREES, SHRUBS, AND GROUNDCOVERS SECTION 02490 3.4 Tree Support Install tree supports as detailed. Tighten guys without placing undue strain. Encase wires in rubber hose at points of contact with bark. 3.5 Pruning Prune all plants as necessary to remove dead and broken branches and to compensate for the loss of roots as a result of transplanting and digging in nursery. 2. Preserve the natural character; do not remove leader or small branches along trunks. 3. Use clean, sharp tools and make cuts clean and flush without leaving stubs. 4. Cut back to living tissue all cuts, scars and bruises, shaped so as not to retain water. 5. Paint all cuts 25 mm and larger with tree paint. 3.6 Maintenance Maintain all plants and planting areas immediately after installation until all project work has been inspected, approved and accepted. Further, maintain all plant materials for the duration of the warranty period. 2. Maintenance shall include all necessary measures to establish and maintain plants in a healthy, vigorous growing condition and planting areas neat and tidy. 3. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to the following work: a) Maintenance, repair and replacement, where necessary, of all accessories such as wrappings, tree guys and stakes, turnbuckles, etc. b) Regular inspection of all plants and control of insects and diseases. c) Fertilizing, watering and pruning as necessary. Water is considered the contractors cost. d) Removal of debris, broken branches, weeds, etc. to keep planting areas in a neat and tidy condition at all times. 4. Failure to maintain plant materials will result with the owner paying separate contractors to do the work, and said value to be deducted from the contract price. ' DNISION 2 TREES, SHRUBS, AND GROUNDCOVERS SECTION 02490 ' S. All plants shall be free of diseases and insect infestations in a healthy, good growing condition, and planting areas free of weeds and freshly cultivated, at time of final inspection. 6. Chemicals for control of weeds, insects and disease shall as approved by the Project Manager in writing and must be applied by a licensed professional in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. ' 7. The contractor is fully responsible for all damages resulting from the approved use of chemicals. ' 8. Protect all planting areas against damage, inGuding erosion and trespassing, by providing and maintaining proper safeguards. Remove safeguards at the end of the maintenance period. 3.8 Guarantee 1. As per Section 01740 -Warranties. END ,., `' DIVISION 2 UNIT PAVING SECTION 02515 PART 1 -GENERAL ' 1 Generallnstructions 1 1 1. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.2 Related Work 1. Topsoil and Finish Grading Section 02210 PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 UnR Pavers 1. Soldier Course shall be Double Holland Unit Pavers 200mm x 200mm x 60mm Charcoal as supplied by Unilock Paving Ltd., Georgetown, Ontario. Telephone 1-800-268-7490 2. Infill shall be Double Holland Unit Pavers 200mm x 200mm x 60mm Terra Cotta as supplied by Unilock Paving Ltd., Georgetown, Ontario. Telephone 1-800.268-7490 2.2 Materials 1. Sand for setting bed shall be a cean, natural coarse masonry sand or limestone fines. 3. Granular base shall consist of a clean, crushed stone, or rock, Granular `A' in accordance with MTO Form No. 1010. 4. Joints shall be filled with Polymeric Paver Sand, as specified by the manufacturer. 5. Conform to CSA Specification CAN 3-A231.2-M85. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 Preparation 1. Stake out all paving to the Project Manager's approval. Coordinate with layout of adjacent construction. 2. Excavate to the specified depth after compaction as detailed. ' DIVISION 2 UNIT PAVING SECTION 02515 ' l 3. ar Excavate all soft unstable areas in sub-grade, backfill with approved granu material and compact. ation free of water a d k 4. v eep exc Maintain sub-grade parallel to finished grade an at all times. 5. Compact sub-grade parallel to finished grade and have sub-grade tested. 6. Install granular base and compact to minimum 98% Standard Proctor Density has been established. as detailed th d d ifi , , ep e (S.P.D.) until the minimum spec 7 .Pave tech edging shall support the outside edge of the paving work where paving ' . stones abut sodded areas, or planting beds. Install pave tech as per manufacturer's specifications. ' 3.2 Installation 1. Install pavers in sequence as per manufacturer's recommendations. ' 2. Mechanically saw cut all pavers as necessary to fit in comers, ends, etc. ' 3. Lay pavers in Random Running Bond with double soldier course. 4. All paving pattem layout shall be symmetrical between the outside fixed points. ' 5. No spaces are acceptable between stones, and spacing shall be consistent to obtain a uniform pattem. ' 6. Spread sand on paver surface. Tamp and make level the pavers with a vibrating plate compactor or equal. Sweep sand into joints not yet filled. ' 3.3 Inspection 1. Unit paving shall receive final inspection by the project manager upon completion ' of all paving work. 2. The surface of the finished paving shall be true to grade as shown on drawings ' and shall be free of irregularities exceeding 3mm as measured with a 3000mm straight edge parallel to the centre line of the paving. ' 3. Any part of the completed paving not meeting the requirements of the drawings and the specifications shall be removed and replaced prior to acceptance and at the contractor's expense. i END ' DIVISION 2 ASPHALT PAVING SECTION 02552 ' PART 1 -GENERAL ' 1.1 Generallnstructions ' 1. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.2 Related Work ' 1. Topsoil and Finish Grading Section 02210 2. Site Furniture Section 02870 ' PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 Materials 1. All granular base courses shall conform to the requirements of OPSS 1010, latest edition. ' 2. Paving mixtures shall conform to OPSS 1150 and be placed according to the specifications. ' 3. Material for painting the joints shall be slow setting asphalt emulsion, SS -1 meeting the requirements as set out in Appendix C. ' 2.2 Equipment ' 1. All paving equipment shall conform to OPSS 310.06. 2. The contractor shall have copies of the above mentioned sub-sections on the site for the duration of the work. ' 3. Pathways shall be paved with a suitable mechanical asphak spreader previously approved by the Project Manager. PART 3 -EXECUTION ' 3.1 Site Preparation ' 1. Before proceeding with excavating work all facilities shall be staked out and approval obtained from the Project Manger. ' 2. All rough grading, filling where required, excavating and preparation of sub-grade under all asphalt paving shall be done in accordance with the drawings and DIVISION 2 ASPHALT PAVING SECTION 02552 3. specifications. Surplus excavated material shall be removed from site and ' properly disposed. 4. Where it is necessary to cant' out excavations deeper than specified, fill extra excavation with granular fill as directed. The cost of extra excavations and extra fill will be paid for at the contrail unit prices. Where such extra costs are the result of the contractor's error or misinterpretation, no extra payment will be made. All additional excavations and placing of additional granular fill shall be ' approved by the Project Manager prior to the work taking place. ' S. The final subgrade under asphalt paving shall have the approval of the Projeil Manager or Municipality of Clarington Laboratory Technician prior to placing of granular base course(s). 6. Any underground wiring or other utility occurring below a paved area shall be fully placed so as not to contaminate the granular base and compacted to 100% Standard Proctor Density {S.P.D.). Do not place asphalt and later cut for ' installation of utilities. Fully inspeil and duly acxept wire crossings by the electrical contractor. 7. Upon approval of sub-grade, the contractor shall spread the previously approved ' specified granular base course materials in accordance with the drawings. ' 8. Granular materials shall be spread in layers not exceeding 150 to 200 mm in depth, per layer. The contractor shall take care that deleterious materials do not contaminate granular materials. 9. Immediately following spreading, each layer shall be compacted to 100% S.P.D. Areas adjacent to curbs, catch basins, manholes and other areas not accessible to rollers shall be properly compacted with approved mechanical or hand tamping ' devices. 10. Depth indicated on drawings shall be the minimum depth after proper ' compaction. 11. All irregularities or depressions resulting from rolling shall be corrected and ' compacted until the surface is smooth, uniform and true to line and level. 12. Final grade of granular base shall be approved by the Project Manager before the placing of asphalt. ' 13. The contractor shall arrange the compaction tests to be carried out by the Municipality of Clarington Materials Testing Lab prior to the placement of asphalt. ' The cost for such tests shall be paid for as described in sub-section 3.6.9. LJ DIVISION 2 ASPHALT PAVING SECTION 02552 1 3.2 Base Preparation ' 1. I The approved granular base shall be proof rolled and inspected by the Project Manager. Excavate and re-work all soft areas. 2. Where the new asphalt surfacng is to be applied over existing asphalt, concrete or other hard surfacing, a tack coat shall be applied over the existing surfaces. ' 3. Tadc coat shall be an asphalt emulsion SS - 1, or approved equal, applied at the rate of 0.5 liters per square meter. 4. The surfaces of all existing curbs, gutters, walls, vertical faces of existing pavements and all structures in actual contact with new asphalt mixes, shall be painted with a complete, thin coating of asphalt emulsion SS -1, or approved equal, to provide a dosely bonded, water-tight joint. ' 3.3 Joints ' 1. All joints made during paving operations shall be straight, dean, vertical and free of broken or loose material. Where joints occur between new courses and existing previously laid down courses, the course shall be cut back sufficiently to ' provide a dean, vertical surface. 2. Vertical faces of all joints shall be painted with a thin, continuous coating of SS - ' 1 to provide a tight, waterproof bond. 3.4 Placing of Asphalt Mixtures 1. All asphalt pavement shall be placed in accordance with OPSS 310, latest edition. 2. All paving courses shall be spread within twelve (12) hours after the previous ' asphalt course has been spread and compacted. 3. Paving mixture shall not be placed when the temperature surface is less than or steady at 7 degrees Celsius. The base upon which the mixture is to be laid shall be dry and weather conditions suitable. 4. The temperature of the mixture shall not be less than 120 degrees Celsius immediately after spreading and prior to initial rolling. ' 5. All courses shall be laid and spread by means of approved equipment. For pathways, form long smooth edges. Do not create straight-line chords on curved edges. 6. Immediately after spreading and screening, the surface shall be checked and all irregularities corrected before compaction is started. i DIVISION 2 ASPHALT PAVING SECTION 02552 ' 7. Where hand spreading is necessary, this shall be done simultaneously with machine spreading or immediately afterwards to ensure good bond and surface quality. 3.5 Compaction roduce a d e ui ment to ith t d ll b 1. q p p w approve e compac e Each paving course sha pavement with a density equal to or greater than 97% of the density of the laboratory compacted mixture. 2. For parking lot construction, compaction shall be carried out using both a steel wheel roller and a rubber tire. The first "breakdown" rolling shall be carried out as ' Gose as possible to the paver, using either three-wheeled or two-wheeled rollers, depending on the width of paving to be compacted. Roller suitable to achieve proper compaction. ' ib d lli i d 3. escr e ng equ pment Areas not large enough to accommodate proper ro above shall be compacted using a suitable walk-behind roller or plate tamper. ection 6 Ins 3 p . 1. During construction, the density and thickness of each course shall be carefully controlled and shall be in full accordance with the drawings and specifications. 2. The average thickness of each course shall at no point vary more than 6 mm ' from the specified thickness. 3. Each course shall be inspected and tested for density and thickness by the City at the discretion of the Project Manager. 4. Asphalt paving shall receive final inspection by the Project Manager upon completion of the asphalt work. 5. The surface of the finished paving shall be true to grade as shown on drawings and shall be free of irregularities exceeding 3 mm as measured with 3000 mm ht edge parallel to the center line of the paving strai . g 6. Pathway edges shall be continuously tamped to 45 degrees and shall be true to grade, line and form as shown on the drawings. 7. All defective areas shall immediately be remedied by cutting out the course as ' required and replacing it with fresh hot mix, which shall immediately be compacted to conform with the surrounding paving and shall be thoroughly bonded to it. L_J t DIVISION 2 ASPHALT PAVING SECTION 02552 ' 8. Any part of the completed paving not meeting the requirements of the drawings and specifications or as a result of failed materials testing shall be removed and replaced prior to final acceptance at the contractor's expense. ' 3.7 Testing 1. A list of granular supplies shall be submitted for approval 2 weeks prior to placing material. Asphalt mix designs shall be submitted for approval, 3 weeks prior to 1 placing asphalt. Laboratory test specimens of the paving mixtures shall be prepared and tested in accordance with the current procedures of the Ministry of ' Transportation. 2. Asphalt cement shall be guaranteed by the supplier to meet the requirements of the specifications at the time of arrival on the site. When required by the Project ' Manager, the asphalt cement shall be sampled and tested in accordance with the latest edition of ASTM-D140. Cost of sampling and testing shall be paid for by the supplier. ' 3. Liquid asphalt shall be guaranteed by the supplier to meet the requirements of the specifications at time of arrival on site. 4. Asphalt emulsions shall be guaranteed by the supplier to meet the requirements of the specifications at time of arrival on site. I 5. When required by the Project Manager, asphalt emulsions shall be tested in accordance with the latest edition of ASTM-D244. Test samples shall be taken in accordance with ASTM-D140. The cost of samples and testing shall be the ' responsibility of the supplier. 6. Costs for materials testing and inspections are described in Section - 01400- ' Quality Control. 3.8 Cleaning 1. After completion of asphalt work and prior to final inspection, the contractor shall remove from all concrete walks, curbs, steps, walls and other structures, such contamination by asphaltic or other materials resulting from the work. 3.9 Scheduling ' 1. Do not place final course of asphalt until all machinery and the like has permanently left the site. The owner shall receive a fresh surface, not damaged or driven on. END 1 DIVISION 2 ' PART 1 -GENERAL ~' I. 1 1 1.1 Description CONCRETE SECTION 02614 1. This section specifies the supply and installation of concrete for paving, slabs and curbs. 2. Related Work: Section 02200 -Earthwork Section 02487 -Sodding 1.2 Quality Assurance 1. The Contractor must have a minimum of 5 years experience in concrete work. 2. All materials must conform to CSA CAN 3-A.23-1-M77, latest edition (metric). A copy must be kept on site at all times during construction. 3. Furnish the Owner with a certificate prepared by Ready-Mix concrete suppliers stating that all requirements regarding strength, slump, air entrainment, mix materials, and ratio have been met and maintained. 4. Prior to pouring concrete, obtain the approval of the Owner of all form work, placement, of reinforcing steel, consolidation of subgrade and placement and consolidation of granular base. 5. When required by the Owner, have core tests taken at not less than 30.Om intervals, to determine the actual thickness for the slab. Pay all costs incurred. Patch slab to the satisfaction of the Owner at no extra cost. 6. When required by the Owner, have all concrete tested for compressive strength, slump, and air contact, in accordance with CSA CAN 3-A23.2-M77. Submit test reports in duplicate and pay all costs incurred. 7. Ensure work complies with the Ontario Building Code and all pertinent local bylaws and regulations. These shall govern in case of conflict with the specifications. Obtain and pay for all necessary permits before starting work. 1.3 Product Delivery, Storage and Handling 1. Store all material in accordance with CSA CAN 3-A.23.1-M77, latest edition. 2. Store reinforcing steel on racks or skids. Protect from contamination by dirt or other materials. 3. Store forms off the ground and sufficiently supported to prevent warping or distortion. Protect from contamination by oil, grease, water, earth, etc. DIVISION 2 CONCRETE SECTION 02614 ' k i 4. n All concrete is to be ready mixed at plant and transported to the site by truc accordance with CSA CAN 3-A.23.1-M77. 5 Convey concrete from the mixer to the place of final deposit as rapidly ass . possible, with as little re-handling as sis practical. Avoid segregation and-or loss of material. 6 Place concrete in final position and at such a rate that it remains plastic at all . times and flows readily between reinforcement, into all comers and crevices and around all embedded features. Pour in a continuous operation between expansion joints. 7. Thoroughly dean all equipment, used for mixing or transporting of concrete, of all hardened concrete and foreign material prior to pladng concrete. 8. Do not allow concrete to be contaminated by foreign materials. Do not use re- tempered concrete unless approved in writing, by the Owner. 9. Obtain the approval of the Owner of the type, number and method of use of ' mechanical vibrators. Do not operate a vibrator for longer than 10 seconds in any one location. 10. Maintain constant control to ensure that finished concrete is dense, uniforn, free of air holes or honeycombs and that no segregation of aggregates and cement ' paste occurs. 1.4 Job Conditions 1. Protect all concrete surfaces from damage or harmful effects of weather, water, mechanical shock or trespassers until concrete is properly cured. 2. If temperature is expelled to drop below 5 degrees Celsius, place and protect ' concrete in accordance with AC1.605. 1.5 Inspection 1. Obtain the approval of the Owner of the layout, compacted sub-grade, 1 compacted granular base, formwork and reinforcing before proceeding with subsequent work. ' PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 Materials 1. Granular `A' and Granular `B': granular material conforming in all respects with OPSS 1010, latest edition. r C1 DIVISION 2 CONCRETE SECTION 02614 ' 2. Portland Cement: standard grey Portland cement, conforming to CSA CAN3-A5-M83, type to normal. t i f 3. o orm ng Aggregates: nominal size as specified and con CSA CAN 3-A.23.1-M77, latest edition. 4. Water: clear and free of deleterious substances or efflorescing salts. S. Air Entraining Admixtures: conforming to CSA CAN 3-A266.1-78 and of approved ' manufacturer. 6. Reinforcing Steel: conforming to CSA G-30.12-M77 for bars, CAS G30.5-M82 for welded steel wire mesh and OPSS 1440. 7. Expansion Joint: pre-moulded bituminous impregnated fibre board conforming to ASTM D1751-73 of thickness and depth specified. 8. Curing Compounds: Gear liquid chlorinated rubber to ASTM C309 and OPSS 1315. 9. Damp Proofing: as specified and conforming to CGSB 38-GP-2M 1 and 37-GP-3M. 10 Formwork: conforming to CSA CAN 3-A23.1-M77 and AC1-347 and of sound . in good condition and equal or better than No. 2 grade construction spruce wood ' , and/or 19mm Douglas fir plywood, with the surface treated to produce a smooth concrete finish. 2.2 Mixes Mix concrete materials in accordance with CSA CAN 3-A23.1M-77, in the proper 1 ' . proportions and ratios to provide a finished product as specified. Concrete mix shall meet the following requirements: (a) Compressive Strength 32Mpa at 28 days (b) 100mm slump at point of deposit (c) Air entrainment 6% (+/- 1 %) (d) Unless noted otherwise on the drawings or details, all concrete is to be 32 Mpa strength With the exception of air entraining agents, other admixtures may only be used 2 . with the written approval of the Owner. The use of agents to lower the freezing point of the mix will not be permitted. I r r DIVISION 2 CONCRETE SECTION 02614 PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 Preparation 1. Fine grade subgrade eliminating uneven areas and filling low spots. Remove all debris. 2. Compact finished subgrade to 95% Standard Proctor Dry Density. 3.2 Granular Base 1. Spread the specified granular materials in horizontal layers not exceeding 100mm loose depth and compact to 95% Standard Proctor Dry Density. In areas where compaction by roller is not possible, compact with approved mechanical or hand tamping devices to the specified density. 2. Ensure that granular does not become contaminated by deleterious material. ' 3. Build up thickness of each material to the minimum compacted thickness as specified on the drawings. ' 4. Correct all irregularities or depressions resulting from rolling and compact until the granular surface is smooth, uniform and true to line and grade. ' 5. When required by the Owner, have the compaction of the granular materials tested by an approved, independent testing firm. Submit two copies of the test results to the Owner and obtain his approval prior to pouring concrete. Pay all testing costs incured. 3.3 Form Work 1. Erect forms in such a manner as to facilitate dismantling and removal without' damaging concrete. 2. Erect forms true to line and level in accordance with the drawings, and sufficiently braced to maintain their form and alignment when concrete is placed. 3. Prior to each pouring operation, coat affected forth surfaces with an approved forth separating material. 4 Provide for all openings, sleeves, hangers, anchors and ties to be cast into the . concrete. 5. Do not use treated plywood for exposed surfaces more Ulan 5 times. Do not use 1 Plywood if surface is damaged. 6. Obtain the approval of the Owner of all form work before proceeding. ' DIVISION 2 CONCRETE SECTION 02674 3.4 Reinforcement 1. Before placing reinforcement, clean all loose scale, dirt and any other coating that would desVoy or reduce bonding to concrete. 2. Place all reinforcement accurately in accordance with the drawings and/or approved shop drawings. Use approved chairs, spacers, hangers, or ties to secure the reinforcing in position. 3. Unless directed otherwise, provide the following minimum concrete cover over reinforcing: i (a) 50mm where concrete is deposited against soil (b) 50mm for bars larger than 10M and 40mm for bars smaller than 10M where concrete is exposed to weather re indicated d l i t Wh i 4. , ere owe s a n s. on jo Stop reinforcing on each side of expans cast one half into one side of the joints. The exposed half shall be machined smooth and heavily greased before placing adjoining sections. 5. Locate control joints as shown on the drawings. Ensure joints are to a minimum depth of '/. the thickness of the concrete. Make joints by one of the following methods: (a) Sawed joints (b) Hand formed and hand tooled (c) Inset joints placed in plastic concrete 6. No offsets will be allowed between adjacent sections of joint fillers and no plugs of concrete will be permitted anywhere within an expansion joint. 7. Apply joint sealant in accordance with the manufacturers directions. Ensure 1 joints are clean and free of any foreign substances before sealing. Clean any sealant spilled on concrete surface immediately. ' 8. Install water stops as detailed. Join adjacent pieces of water stop materials in accordance with the manufacturers specifications and using recommended adhesives. 3.5 Placing of Concrete 1. Place concrete by approved means and using approved equipment. 2. Do not place concrete until formwork and grades have been inspected by the Owner. ' DIVISION 2 CONCRETE SECTION 02614 3. Transport concrete from mixer to point of deposit, and place in final position as quickly as possible to prevent separation and loss of materials. ' t d 4. means o While placing concrete, compact thoroughly and uniformly by approve ensure a dense homogenous structure free of air pockets, and honeycombs and Gosely twnded with reinforcement 3.6 Finishing 1. Treat and finish all surfaces as directed or specified and in accordance with CSA CAN 3-A23-1-M77. 2. Strike off and float all exposed paving surfaces as soon as possible after consolidation and in accordance with recommendations of the Portland Cement Association. Execute final finishing as specified on the drawings or as directed by the Owner. 3. Ensure finished surface is true to line and level as shown on the drawings. Walks adjacent to curbs will have a pitch of 200mm per meter towards the curb. Other walks will be pitched as shown on the drawings. 4. All irregularities greater than 6mm under a 3000mm straight edge, operated parallel to the centre line, must be repaired. 5. Obtain approval of the Owner of finished surfaces before starting curing operations. 6. Immediately after stripping form work, obtain the approval of the Owner before commencing patching, finishing or curing operations. 7. The extent, method and type of mix for patching shall have the approval of the Owner before commencing work. Ensure patching mix contains an approved bonding and waterproofing agent and that it is installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. ' 3.7 Curing 1. Keep concrete moist for at least 3 days after placement, in accordance with CSA CAN-A23.1-M77. 2. Method of curing shall be as specified or by one of the following approved methods if not specified: (a) Moist curing (b) Waterproofing paper or white polyethylene sheeting (c) White liquid membrane compound (d) Combination of above methods DIVISION 2 CONCRETE SECTION 02614 ' 3. Moist Curing: Use burlap or approved equal. Ensure it is thoroughly wet when applied and kept continuously wet and in full contact with the surface during the curing period. 4. Waterproof paper or white polyethylene sheeting: Ensure sheet is large enough to cover entire concrete surface. Secure to prevent displacement during curing period. Immediately repair any tears or holes. 5. White liquid membrane compound: Apply at the rate of 1 litre per 5 square meters after final finishing and all free water has disappeared. Keep membrane compound agitated to prevent settling ' of compound to edges immediately after formwork is removed. Ensure a continuous and unbroken membrane cover is applied. ' 3.8 Clean-Up 1. Clean and remove all concrete spills from the site. ' END 1 ' DIVISION 2 PLAYGROUND AREA SECTION 02640 ' PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 Generallnstructions 1. Comply with requirements of Division 1. 1.2 Related Work ' 1. Poured in Place Concrete Section 0330D PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 Subdrain 1. Pipe to be perforated, flexible PVC (polyvinyl chloride) piping with continuous knitted polyester filter sock, and should be CSA approved. All couplings, tee, end caps, reducers, elbows, etc. to be PVC, securely fastened. ' 2. Backfill material to be 19mm clear crushed limestone. 2.2 Filter Fabric 1. Filter Goth to be Terrafix 270R or approved equal. ' 2.3 Safety Surfacing 1. Safety surfacing shall be 'Fibertop' as supplied by Playcare Incorporated (Tel) 1-800-899-5053, or approved equal. ' PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 Excavation ' 1. Before proceeding with excavating work all facilities shall be staked out and approval obtained from the Project Manager. ' 2 delta Isa Surpl s excavateddmaterial shall'be emoved from sde and prVOperly nd ' disposed. 3. specifiacations andaf dev ation ffrom plans occur, mark cltangesnon ecord drawings. 4. De-water excavating as required or as directed by the Project Manager. ' DIVISION 2 PLAYGROUND AREA SECTION 02640 5. Finished subgrade of play area shall be sloped to drain into perimeter subdrain. 3.3 Backfilling subdrain Trench 1. Obtain the Project Manager's approval prior to bade filling trenches. 2. Backfill with materials as indicated on the drawings to 90% Standard Proctor ' Density (S.P.D.) around the pipe. 3. Backfill in 150 mm lifts and consolidate each layer of fill. ' 4. Fill materials above the drainage pipe shall be mechanically compacted, up to the finished grade, to 95% S.P.D. Be responsible for making good any subsequent settlement of fill and/or work placed on top of it. ' S. Cover top of granular badcfill with filter cloth as shown on the drawings to prevent contamination. ' 3.4 Installation subdrain ' 1. Place pipe with holes faring downward. 2. At all ends, install insert end caps. ' 3. Ensure a minimum continuous fall of 1.0% is achieved. 4. Fully grout and patch at point of connections to any catch basin and/or manhole. 3.5 Installation Playground Safety Surfacing 1. Cover entire playground area with filter fabric Terrafix 270R or approved equal prior to installation of sand mix. Ensure subgrade is free of stones and debris 50mm and larger. 2. Install sand mix to minimum depth of 300 mm or as shown on the drawings. Prior to project completion and final acceptance, install additional sand mix as required ' or directed to compensate for settlement and natural material consolidation, ensuring that at project completion the minimum depths are achieved. END ~l DIVISION 2 P.V.C. SUB-DRAIN SECTION 02712 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 Generallnstructions 1. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 1.2 Related Work 1. Earthworks -Section 02200 PARTII-PRODUCTS 2.1 Pipe 1. Pipe to be perforated Big `O' manufactured by the Big'O' Company, F~ceter, Ontario or equal. It shall be polyvinyl chloride, CSA approved. 2.2 Filter 1. Fitter sock to be continuous knitted polyester. 2.3 Miscellaneous 1. All couplings, tees, end caps, reducers, elbows, etc. to be PVC, securely fastened. PART III -EXECUTION 3.1 Inspection 1. Obtain the Owner's approval prior to backfilling trenches. 3.2 Excavation 1. All areas for drainage shall be excavated to the specified depths as shown on drawings and details. 2. Excavate trenches in straight lines and if deviation from plans occur, approval by Owner is required. 3. Dewater trenches if required during rain periods. DIVISION 2 P.V.C. SUB-DRAIN SECTION 02712 3.3 3.4 Backfilling 1. Backfilling with materials as indicated on the drawings, to 90% S.P.M.D.D. around the pipe. Backfill in 225mm lifts and consolidate each layer of fill. 2. Fill materials above the drainage pipe shall be mechanically compacted, up to the finished grade, to 95% S.P.M.D.D. Be responsible for making good any subsequent settlement of fill andlor work placed on top of it. Installation 1. Place pipe with holes facing downward. 2. At all ends, install insert end caps. 3. Ensure a continuous fall of minimum 1.0% is achieved. 4. Fully grout and patch at point of connections to any catch basin andlor manhole. END DNISION 2 SPORTS FIELD GOAL POSTS SECTION 02868 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 Generallnstructions Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.2 Related Work 1. Topsoil and Finish Grading Section 02210 2. Soccer Field Section 02213 3. Poured in Place Concrete Section 03300 ' PART 2 -PRODUCTS ' 2.1 Concrete 1. Meet with the requirements of section 03300- Poured in Place Concrete 2. Concrete Mix designed to produce 30MPa minimum compressive strength at 28 days and containing 20mm mabmum size, 5mm minimum size course aggregate, ' with wateNcement ratio to CANS-A23, 1-M77 Table 7 for Class A exposure and 60mm slump at time and point of deposit. Air entrainment to CAN3-A23.1-M77 Table 8. ' 2.2 Soccer Goal Post ' 1. Soccer goal posts model no. SG110, 6' x 12' (1829mm x 3658mm), primed and painted white as supplied by Henderson Recreation Equipment Ltd., Simcoe, Ontario. Telephone 1-800-265-5462. ' 2. Hooks for net attachment shall be welded all around the structure at 600mm O.C. 2.3 FootbalUSoccer Goal Post 1. Football/Soccer goal post shall be constructed of 90mm O.D. posts, 60mm O.D. crossbars and intermediates, and 47mm O.D. capped upright posts, primed and ' painted with school colours. 2. Hooks for net attachment shall be welded all around the structure at 600mm O.C DIVISION 2 SPORTS FIELD GOAL POSTS SECTION 02868 ' PART 3 -EXECUTION ' 3.1 Preparation and Examination 1. Investigate location of underground services in area of fence to avoid interference and damage. Notify the Project Manager prior to start of installation in case of conflict. 3.2 Erection of Soccer Goal Posts and Football/Soccer Goal Post 1. The contractor shall ensure that all posts are properly aligned and in the locations ' detailed. Misplace or mis-aligned posts shall be removed and reset; bending or other adjustment of posts by hand winches, vehicles, or any other means to achieve the desired alignment or location is strictly forbidden. ' 2. The contractor shall remove all burrs and projections from field welding or other origin so that they are smooth and without hazard. ' 3. The contractor shall erect the structure perfectly level and set finished grades accordingly unless other wise directed by the landscape architect. ' 4. Poured in place concrete footings shall be formed by sono tubes at a minimum depth of 1200mm in the ground. Top of footing to be a minimum of 150mm below grade. ' END ' DNISION 2 SITE FURNITURE SECTION 02870 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 Generallnstructions 1. Comply with requirements of Division 1. 1.2 Related Work 1. Topsoil and Finish Grading Section 02210 2. Poured in Place Concrete Section 03300 3. Asphalt Paving Section 02552 PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 Park Benches ' 1. Park Bench Model No. Dumor 31-60-PL (6'-0" length), colour to be green w/ cedar slats as supplied by A.B.C. Recreation (Tel) 1-800.267-5753 ' 2. Fasteners and accessories shall be stainless steel or hot-dipped galvanized. All exposed fasteners and accessories are to have a factory finish and be smooth and free of sharp edges or burrs. ' 2.2 Waste Receptacle ' 1. Waste Receptacle Model No. Dumor 85-22-PL w/ 96-00 cover, colour to be green as supplied by A.B.C. Recreation (Tel) 1-800.267-5753 PART 3 -EXECUTION ' 3.1 Installation ' 1. All site furniture shall be staked out and approval obtained from the Project Manager. 2. All areas shall be excavated to the specified depths as indicated on the drawings ' or in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Where a discrepancy exists, consult the Project Manager for Garification. ' 3. Excavated material shall be removed from site and properly disposed. DIVISION 2 SITE FURNITURE SECTION 02870 4. 5. 6. All concrete foundations are to be formed using sono-tubes unless otherwise specified or directed. Packaging materials and protective coverings shall be removed from site immediately after installation. The contractor is responsible to repair or replace damaged products at no extra cost to the contract. END DIVISION 2 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 Generallnstructions BIKE RACKS AND BOLLARDS SECTION 02872 1. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.2 Related Work 1. Earthworks: Section 02200 2. Concrete: Section 03300 7.3 Shop Drawings 1. NOT APPLICABLE PART II -PRODUCTS 1. Supply and install the following products: (a) Bollard Windsor Model as supplied by Trystan (Tel-1-519-632-7427) PART III -EXECUTION 3.4 Installation 1. Install all products in location shown in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and detail. 2. Ensure grade below bike rack are horizontally level. END it DIVISION 3 POURED IN PLACE CONCRETE SECTION 03300 PART 1 -GENERAL ' 1.1 Generallnstructions ' 1. Comply with requirements of Division 1 1.2 Related Work 1. Topsoil and Finish Grading Section 02863 2. Playground Area 3. Sports Field Goal Posts Section 028 0 4. Site Furniture ' PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 Materials 1. All granular base courses shall conform to the requirements of OPSS 1010, Latest Edition. ' 2. Concrete materials shall be proportioned and mixed in accordance with OPSS 350 and be placed according to the specifications and drawings. ' The following restrictions apply to the contract: a) Strength 30 Mpa at 28 days minimum. ' b) Aggregate 20mm maximum. c) Maximum 75 mm slump at point of deposit d) Air Entrainment 6%. 2.2 Fonns 1. Wood or metal forms capable of producing the required geometry and surface quality. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 Placement and Preparation 1. All facilities shall be staked out and approval obtained from the Project Manager. J ~1 1 CJ DIVISION 3 POURED IN PLACE CONCRETE SECTION 03300 3.2 u 2. All rough grading, filling where required, excavating and preparation of subgrade under concrete shall be done in accordance with the drawings and specifications. Surplus excavated material shall be removed from site and properly disposed. 3. Where it is necessary to carry out excavations deeper than specified, fill extra excavation with granular fill as directed. The cost of extra excavations and extra fill will be paid for at the contract unit prices. Where such extra costs are the result of the contractors error or misinterpretation, no extra payment will be made. All additional excavations and placing of additional granular fill shall be approved by the Project Manager prior to the work taking place. 4. The final subgrade under concrete paving shall have the approval of the Project Manager or City of Oshawa Laboratory Technician prior to placing of granular base course(s). 5. Any underground wiring or other utility occurring below a paved area shall be fully paces so as not to contaminate the granular base and compacted to 100% nstalation ofcutilitiesnsFully i sped and duly) acccept whet cro singsrby ther electrical contractor. 6. Upon approval of subgrade, the contractor shall spread the previously approved specified granular base course materials in accordance with the drawings. 7. Granular materials shall be spread in layers not exceeding 150 to 200 mm in depth, per layer. The contractor shall take care that deleterious materials do not contaminate granular materials. g. Consolidate concrete by approved means, while it is being placed. Place concrete in a continuous operation until section is completed or between joints. Thoroughly work concrete around reinforcement and embedded fixtures and into comers of forms. g. Maintain constant quality control to ensure that finished concrete is dense, uniform and free of honeycombing and that no separation of materials can occur. 10. Place expansion and control joints where required or as shown on drawings. 11. The contractor shall grange the compaction tests to be caned out by the City of sOuch t sts shallabe paid for as described n subsection 3.6.g~ete. The cost for Weather Protection 1. During extreme cold or hot weather, protect concrete and concreting operations in accordance with OPSS. L] I DIVISION 3 POURED IN PLACE CONCRETE SECTION 03300 3.3 Curing i 1. After concrete has sufficiently set, keep exposed surfaces continuously moist for at least seven (7) days. 1 2 shal b tthorolughly wetted when appl ed and kept most continuously during" he period. 3. The use of curing compounds must be approved by the Project Manager or City of Oshawa Laboratory Technician. Curing compounds shall be approved and shall be applied in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations or as directed. 3.4 Admixtures ~, It is the contractors full responsibility to adjust the proportioning and/or admixtures in order to prevent cracking, spelling, etc. due to weather or any other reason. Submit written report from supplier when doing so. 3.6 Testing 9 noaccordance with Section Q1700 Qual~ty Control, Materials Testing Laboratory, 2, Cylinders shall be taken from the concrete as it is delivered to the job site. 3. Cylinders shall be cured under laboratory conditions and shall be tested for compressive strength, slump and air content. One cylinder shall be tested at seven (7) days and two (2) cylinders at twenty-eight (28) days. 4. All freshly mixed concrete shall be tested for air content at the time of placement. END DIVISION 5 METAL FABRICATION (GAZEBO) SECTION 05100 PART 1 -GENERAL ' 1.1 Generallnstructions ' 1. Comply with requirements of Division 1. 1.2 Related Work 1. Poured in Place Concrete Section 03300 2. Asphalt Paving Section 02552 ' 1.3 Quality Assurance 1. Design shall be in accordance to applicable CSA standards and applicable requirements of the Ontario Building Code. 2. Ensure that welding is neat, symmetrical, clean, unobtrusive in appearance and smooth to the touch. 1.4 Shop Drawings 1. Submit detailed shop drawings showing fabrication and erection requirements including profiles, members, fastenings, thicknesses and finishes including ' concrete foundations. 2. All shop drawings are to be certified by a professional engineer licensed in ... Ontario. ' PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 Materials 1. Prefabricated Steel Gazebo to be Poligon Model No. GOX 16MR, roof colour to be daffodil, posts (style #3) surrey beige powder coat, and standard diamond overhead and upper ornamentation, as supplied by A.B.C. Recreation ' (Tel) 1-500-267-5753 2. Concrete foundations shall be in accordance with requirements of Section 03300 -Poured in Place Concrete. i 1 1 ,..' i , DIVISION 5 k~ L li l PART 3- EXECUTION 3.1 Installation METAL FABRICATION (GAZEBO) SECTION 05100 1. All facilities to be staked out and approval obtained from the Project Manager 1. Ensure prefabricated gazebo is ordered and delivered in ample time for installation. 2 excavated material shall be ermoved from s to aand grope y dispo ~. surplus 3. Coordinate installation of concrete foundations with the installation of decorative asphalt areas. END ' SPRAY POOLS SECTION 015280 DIVISION 15 PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 Description 1. Comply with requirements of the General Conditions. Supply shop drawings 1 for approval. 1.2 Related Work Section 02200: Earthwork, Site Excavation, Backfilling, Grading Section 02552: Asphalt Paving Section 02614: Concrete 1.3 Acceptable Suppliers Vortex Aquatic Structures International Inc. 403 Saint Roch ' Montreal, Quebec H3N 1 K2 (Tel) 1-877-58&7839 ' PART II -MATERIALS ' 1.1 Materials 1. Spray Fixtures: (a) Silver sodder for all joints in copper underground a 304E (b) Spray fixtures shall be constructed of stainless steel of typ schedule 10 pipe, with a wall thickness of 0.134° and stainless steel plate materials will be of a 2B finish stainless steel (c) Spray fixtures to meet ADA compliance, handicap accessible (d) Spray fixtures will be supplied with all necessary anchoring hardware and necessary stainless steel hardware (see hardware) and installation templates, shipped in time to accommodate site work (e) Spray fixture nozzles shall be of brass constlvction, three piece assembly, interchangeable with a standard receiving brass body. Nozzthrough address water consumption, and variable water displays, attachments in the interchangeable fittings. All nozzles will be supplied with 'custom' securing tools for access to interchangeable parts. (~ f ttingsuAll wat Ir 11nes to drain to low point Vandalsproof quick coupler to valve to drain line to clear stone (ass approved by the Landscape Architect) (g) All spray fixtures are to a carry a minimum Warranty in writing of three (3) years, on alt workmanship and materials. i t LJ ~~ SPRAY POOLS SECTION 015280 DIVISION 15 Coating: Fixtures shall receive a coat of weather resistant polyester powder, bake application, similar to that manufactured by Tiger Drylac U.S.A. Inc. or approved equal. Coatings shall have a gloss finish, have ultraviolet inhibitors, withstand 1/10" no removal @ 180 in/lb, exceed all specifications of organic coatings and a 'theme'' graphics are applied, use a blasedcoat cleatlcoat system nd finish). Where 3, Output Controller VOR-0710.000OR1 (see specifications and drawings) 4. Footing: Concrete for footings shall conform to the detail, footing size per detail, minimum 1.2m deep. 5. Granular. Shall be No.3 conforming to the item 'broken stone'. g. Sand: Shall consist of clean washed builder's sand consisting of hard, durable uncoate grains, free from lumps of clay or other deleterious substances, of such size that when dry 100% and shall pass a No.20 sieve and not mon: than 5% by weight shall pass a No.100 sieve. The sand may be rejected if it contains more than 6% by volume of loam and silt. 7. Fittings: Shall be approved red brass cla ~ti n9threadless type, containing no less an 85% copper adaptable for coppe g. Joints: Shall be made by soldering, using silver sodder. g, Pipe and Fittings: Main line pipe to be schedule 80 PVC. The distribution laterals I ed tolttallgg n to be schedule 80 PVC. Insure that a 2% slope is consistently app ~ P P 9 ensure positive gravity assisted drainage of the entire system. Ensure all fittings are secured to close openings (off season) to protect from water entry back into drainlpipe andtthen tothhe cat h bas nlwi h vDalve but olffte system to 100mm (4") 3.0 System Components and Accessories The following components are to be installed (see manufacturer's instructions and specifications for further information): Command Centre (#1606.3040-R05) Bucket Trio (#103-2000-R01) Ground Geyser (#301-4000-R03) Magic Touch Bollard (#600-0000-R02) Aqua Dome (#555-2000-R01) Water Tunnel (#304-0000-R04) Water Jelly-03 (#7010-0000-R03) r SPRAY POOLS SECTION 015280 DIVISION 15 PART III -EXECUTION 3.1 Execution ' 1 Excavation for foundation: All excavation shall be cut accurately to required lines and dimensions for work as clearatnce for theeprope e9ecufion of the work wehin themh to provide adequate ' z, The Contractor shall install all necessary piping in general accordance with the plan, however, the Landscape Architect reserves the right to change the routing, ' or depth of pipe. Special care should be taken to ensure that all backfitl material enve pe of sand, to'enscu el compaction'and proltectio 9 andlsloped to drain. by 6" 3.2 Concrete Work ~ . Cast in place footings: Inspection: When the excavation has carried out to the ' required depth as shown on th Utdere an dscapeCArnc~hitect, swhodshall order the until after the inspection by foundation work to proceed, or further excavation as the conditions indicate, and ' no other work shall be done until the excavation has been approved by the Landscape Arohitect. od. The 2, Forms: Forms for footings shall be lined with exterior grade plywo formwork shall be coated with an approved oil or lacquer. 3. Curing: All finished concrete shall be protected and kept moist continuously for three days, as directed. ' 3.3 Installation 1. Installation: The spray fixtures and ground sprays shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specification, and approved by the Landscape Architect. The Contractor shall use extreme care with installing spray fixtures, and it is advisable to leave intact all wrapping through installation, to be removed upon completion. Entire assemblies shall be installed ' fin shed grade, on fooU'ngs, as sh lown on the pl nsurred location to surrounding ~~ SPRAY POOLS SECTION 015280 DNISION 15 3.4 Testing f 1. Testing: All spray fixtur a d,op Pouring of li:oncretees abs and/or asphalt owork. The backfilling and paving, I lines are free of debris, and flused of any 1 Contractor is to ensure all water supp y fixtures, and the Contractor foreign material, prior to the hook-up of any spray presence of the Landscape Archit s~ Prior t the backfeCng of anyssupply lines, joints or connections, the entire system shall be maintained under full pressure, aond s lecured to the (1Owner's satisfadion~The Contractoeli nt Z test all drajmage 1 systems of the spray fixtures. 2. Measurement and Payment: For each spray fixture furnished and install complete in accordance with the plans and specifications and directions of the Landscape Architect, the Contractor shall receive the bid unit prices. 3. The price bid shall be unit prices for each spray fixtures shall include the cost of nses necessary all labour, materials, tools, plant equipment, and incidental expe to furnish, construct and to tel valves,fconcrete footngu hardwaPeeand fittings excavation, all pipes up r wit the platns a d specfications to the sati action of theeLandscape grchite~ ce 3.5 Control System Provide shop drawings. Refer to the manufacturer's specification pages. 1. Power supply: 120 Vac 2A full load. Maxime m.o p eut ainr electric an onmelectrical certified electncian in his tender. Supp installation for trouble free installation. 2. Wire type: SJO or SJOW having diameter of 0-31", 3 conductor. Each activator lo~caution and uadditional grotund wires#14.nA11 wirec connectont watee 9 t (see ' details). ' 3. Solenoid Valve: Refer to specifications for Vortex equipment. 4. Valve wire: Refer to specifications for Vortex equipment. r The controller ' S. Water service: The water service to the site is 2" diameter coppe is to be programmed to send water to the features in sequence in accordance with water supply. i' [~ SPRAY POOLS SECTION 015280 DIVISION 15 6. Backflow preventer: Refer to specifications for Vortex equipment vault. Backflow roved by the Region of Durham and Municipality of Clarington b ' e app ect s preventer to t l l e with gate valve and test codes. be comp e to appro al Backflow preventers 7. Water meters: To Region of Durham requirements 50mm line meter or better. g. Electrical control valves: Refer to Vortex Equipment specifications. ' 9 troller shallhserve asl the power supply c g t ll ( l on the t solenoids a neutral vdre to ' ground controller. stem such that the s l y y Quick coupling valve (QC) shall be installed in each supp Operating valves should ssure i . r pre entire system may be blown out by use of a ositioned at the lowest point in the park, allow for `gravity' drain features. b ' e p All items shall be carefully installed and supported in their positions free from all distortions and strain. All materials shall be inspected for defects in s are to be free of any debris and li l 1 ne y workmanship or materials. All supp foreign material. Test all items. ' A sufficient number of unions shall be installed to allow the dismantling of any lchloride) shall be schedule in l P y o yv and all valves and equipment. PVC piping ( ith solvent weld bell ends and meet with all local codes. The pipe shall be 40 At ' w laid in trenched to grades such that the system drains to the drain valves. shall be a 6" sand envelope surrounding th ere the low point of each supply line, the entire length of all piping. 10 Manual: A complete operational manual of the installation, programming and . maintenance manual will Ue provided. END I~ L~~ Section 16010 Electrical -General Requirements page 1 Aspen Springs Park March 2008 1.0 General Conditions ' .1 Information for tenderers, general conditions, supplementary conditions and the tender form, form an integral part of this Division of the specification. .2 Conform to General Instructions. 3 Unless specified otherwise, the following instructions will apply to all ' . sections of Division 16. .4 Read in conjunction with all details and plans. ' l 0lntent 2 s, .1 Mention herein or indication on drawings of articles, materia uires: supply of each item mentioned or . operations or methods req of quality, or subject to qualifications noted; installation dicated i ti , n on ccording to conditions stated and; performance of each opera d a prescribed with fumishing of necessary labour, equipment an 16 ' . inadentals for Electrical Trades, Division .2 Supplementary to definitions established are: fumishing to site in location required or ' ' will mean .1 'Supply directed complete with accessory parts. nd secured or affoced to building 2 "Install" will mean set in place a 1 . structure as noted or directed. ill mean supply and install as each is described above. " " w Provide .3 ,3 Where used, wordings such as "approved, to approval, as directed, will mean: approved, tance" cce d , p , a permitted, permission, accepte directed, permitted, accepted, by authorized representative of the owner. 3.0 Standards and 1 References Equipment provided under this Division wi-I conform to applicable standards and regulations of the following organizations: Canadian Standards Association Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada Canadian Electrical Code Electrical Safety Authority Ontario Electrical Safety Code Canadian Underwriters Association Veridian Connections Ontario Building Code 4.0 Materials .1 Materials will be new, of Canadian manufacture where available, first quality and uniform throughout. Submit tender based on the use of materials and equipment specified or on the listed acceptable alternate equipment as further detailed. r 1 Section 18010 Aspen Springs Park Electrical -General Requiremerrls page 2 March 2008 .2 Electrical materials will be CSA approved or equal and be so labeled. Materials not CSA approved will receive acceptance for installation by the Electrical Safety Authority Special Inspections Branch before delivery, and modrfications and changes required for such acceptance will be inGuded in work of this Section. Material will not be installed or connected to the source of electrical Power until approval is obtained. .3 Conrynn capacity, ratings and characteristics of equipment items being provided to supply power to equipment provided under other Divisions of the work. Resolve discrepancies before such items are purchased. of materials installed presumes that materials have not 5 0 Material Acceptance .1 Acceptance damaged or exposed to conditions thaan Y kl be considered to b een adversely affect performance and I'rfe expect osed to abnormal coed tionsV t be 2 n exp sustained damage, or have the responsibility of the contractor to have such tests e will be own~r'~ re p r~ nt ae~ltO ed as deemed necessary by th f th ~ ~ l m a orm per brl establish condition and therefore, accep .3 Tests will be conducted by independent testing specialists resentatrve who will provide written re ' p s acceptable to the owner report of tests directly to the owner's representative. 6.0 Examination of SiteSite &~~s .1 Examine the site, local condi~n~~ of th s P m~ Examine s affecting i ng landscaped draw carefully all Tender Documents and ensure the work can be work i , ng satisfactorily carried out as shown. Before commenc ork of other sections and report at once any defect or examine the w interference affecting the work of this Sedion. No allowance will be h failure to make this made later for any expense insured throug discrepancies in writing. The complete examination or to report any are available at the owner's office. set of drawings and spermcations is to be in writing with the Tender i ce Any item affecting the pr submission. 7 0 W o~ip .1 Workmanship and method of installation will cero aln Licensed tice and will be performed to app _ standards and prac Ministry of Trades Certificates of i o electricians holding valid Ontar rm all work and they will be employed by a rf o Quaycation will pe ill be employednlon sths n h o i ce tender form w the on sted l contractors project ' Section 16010 Aspen Springs Park Electrical -General Requirements page 3 ' March 2006 ' 8.0 Co-operation and Res_ r~onsibility .1 Work of this division will i~used tollother section of work by reason ' work: and for any damage of improper location or installation; prompt installation of work in advance of concrete pouring or similar work; and responsibility for condition of all material and equipment supplied under this Section and responsibility for protection and maintenance of work completed and accepted until termination of contract .2 Co-operate with the landscape contractor engaged on the work to ensure that items installed under this Section are located in proper relation to other materials. Co-operate fully with the preparation and maintenance of an accurate constnKtion co-ordination schedule. ' 9.0 Temporary and 1 Temporary or trial usage of materials, will not be construed as Trial Usaae evidence of acceptance of same. ' 2 rise directed nowri6ng by the th n e r enn o purposes except as struction con owner's representative. ' i ts Protect work from damage that would impair its efficiency or mar 10.0 P_ ro_ t_ action .1 appearance. ~~ys to prevent obstruction 2 l . pprov~ manufactured devices using a 3 Protect factory-finished equipment from damage. Damaged finishes , will be restored to original condition. Return equipment to manufacturer for refinishing, 'rf so directed. .4 11.0 Bylaws and Reaulations .1 Work will conform with latest rules, regulations and definitions of ctrical Code and applicable Municipal and Provincial El e Canadian Codes and Regulations, and with requiremerrts of other authorities where work is to be performed. Minor having jurisdiction in the area es required by an authority having jurisdiction will be canied han g c ithout change to the wntract amount. Standards establi~ t w ou ble by drawings and spec cations will not be reduced by app ' codes or regulations. ''' ' Section 18010 Electrical -General Requirements Page 4 Aspen Springs Park March 2008 ' ' 12.0 Permits and Fees .1 File contract drawings with proper authorities and obtain their roval of installation and permits for s s o app shop drawings a detailed and submit necessary work. Prepare required by Authorities. permits f drawings , , 2 Pay all fees in connection with examination o , inspections and final certificate of approval. ' 13.013.0 C~t?s •1 Furnish necessary certificates as evidence that work installed to laws and regulations of authortties having jurisdiction. f orms con 14 0 Warranty .1 Warranty materials and workmanship for period of one year (except te of final acceptance by the owner, and d a as otherwise noted) from ill be corrected and made good, except in case of defects t s w defec occuring from misuse by occupants. 15 0 Contract DraWInQS .1 Land areanot necessarily rworkmgtidraw rigs t 9 s, arrangemen genera from which measurements can be taken, except where dimension figures are specifically shown. Information involving accurate m the site drawings as prepared by f ro measurements will be taken the Landscape Architect ' 16.0 Shop Drawing 1 Prepare and submit (a minimum of six) shop drawings and lists o e Material and Lists , ore than two pages nntwoklet form. f m contract}. Make submittals o .2 prior to equipment fabrication, delivery or installation, submit indicating manufacturer, rials proposed t ' , e complete lists of ma catalogue numbers and complete performance data. Review of shop drawings by the owner's representative is for the .3 sole purpose of ascertaining conformance with generaeS detail t mean that the owner appro concept This review will no inherent in shop drawings, responsibility for which will remain i gn des with contractor and such review will not relieve contractor of his irements of contract documents. responsibility for meeting all requ Contractor is responsible for dimensions to be confirmed and correlated at site, for information that pertains solely to fabrication truction and installation and for f ' cons processes or to techniques o co-ordination of work with all trades. ~' ' Electrical -General Requirements Section 16010 Aspen Springs Park page 5 ' March 2008 ' 17.0 Record Drawings and Specification .1 Maintain record revisions and furnish record drawings for work of this Division. Obtain for this purpose at least two sets of white prints. .2 Show on record drawings, all deviations in the work; exact locations ' for all electrical services buried below pavement and soft surfaces; concealed junction or pull boxes; access panels. Locate exterior buried work by dimension from lighting poles and other fixed objects. .3 Obtain approvals for all provisions for future extension, and establish verification before these are concealed. .4 Provide "As Built" Record Drawings together with other documents required upon completion of the work. 18 0 Interference Drawings .1 r@SOPVe conflict of tradessland tto eco-o d Hate I work of oElectrical Division with all other trades. .2 Interference drawings will indicate exact arrangements, of all areas and equipment to scale with dimensions. .3 Co-operate with work of Mechanical Division and provide data requested and as required in the preparation of interference drawings for the work of Mechanical Division. .4 Make interference drawings in conjunction with all parties and trades concerned showing sleeves and openings and passage of electrical work through the site. Drawings will also show inserts, special hangers and other features to indicate routing through confined spaces, installation of equipment in such areas. .5 Provide detail drawings of pulling pits, equipment bases, anchors, etc. pertaining to electrical work. 19.0 Instructions to Oaerator 1 Instruct owners' representative in care, maintenance and operation of Electrical Systems and associated equipment. .2 Supply full Operating and Maintenance Instructions in triplicate, each in stiff cover, three-ring binder suitably separated and labeled. Operate each item of equipment in presence of owners to ensure understanding of working Parts and function of each item of equipment. Supply one complete set of "Approved" Shop Drawings in separate hard cever binder suitably separated and labeled for owner's use. ' Electrical -General Requirements Section 16010 Aspen Springs Park page 6 March 2008 20.0 Maintenance Data .1 Compile information and prepare two Maintenance Data manuals which will include: .1 Manufacturer's installation, operation and maintenance instructions, replacement parts and names and addresses of suppliers, for all movable apparatus and mechanically and electrically operated items, appliances and equipment. .2 Chart showing any necessary seasonal adjustments to electrical apparatus and rewmmended minimum and maximum time intervals for inspection of all items. .3 Lists of lamps used throughout the project indicating: wattage, voltage, ordering abbreviation and/or catalogue number. .4 List of fuses, overourrent, overload, protective relays, etc. Indicating type; size; quantity; and name of machine, motor, feeder, or device protected. 21.0 Cleaning, Lubrication and Adjustment .1 Immediately prior to completion of work: .1 Remove all dust, dirt, and other foreign matter from internal surfaces of enclosed electrical apparatus and equipment. .2 Remove all temporary protective coverings and coatings, temporary labels. .3 Clean, repair, lubricate and adjust all mechanism and movable parts of apparatus and equipment leaving it in new condition and operating properly. .4 Balance demand loads for service and distribution feeders within 5 percent upon completion of work and after the facility is in full operation. ' 22 0 Inspection and Testing .1 Systems, equipment, and all major items of material will be tested to the satisfaction of the owner's representative, MJS Consultants Inc., ' and as required to establish compliance with plan' and specifications, and with the requirements for the Supp y Inspection Authorities. ' .2 Faulty and defective equipment will be replaced with new materials. Conductors which are found to be shorted or grounded, or have less ^ than proper insulation resistance, will be replaced with new conductors. .3 Tests will incude, but are not limited to, the following: .1 Test of secondary voltage cables will include megger tests to establish proper insulation resistance, and phase-to-ground resistance of cables. .2 Test of all adjustable overload and overcurrent protective devices of secondary switchgear to establish calibration and operation in accordance with spermcations and approved co-ordination curves. 1 ~' ' Electrical -General Requirements Section 18010 Aspen Springs Park Page 7 ' March 2008 .3 Visual examination of switchgear to determine adherence to allowable manufacturing tolerance and cempliance with manufacturer's recommended installation requirements. ' .4 proper functioning of all systems. .5 Polarity tests - to establish proper polarity connections to all sockets and receptacles. ' .6 Test of system neutral to establish proper insulation resistance and isolation of neutral from ground except for required ground connection a Service. ' 0 Certification of Tests 23 • 1 tsr thatohave obeent perfotrmeddas lbl nt s n IP ce g ' . es a st ng nt ned stateme si required by specifications and manufacturers instructions. ° n ) per for ~ ~resenke .1 Provide receipts from designated etc s ' 24 0~ - a . , y ortable and loose materials (e.g. sp p Provide copy of final inspection cerfrficate from Electrical Inspection ' .2 Authority. .3 Perform tests and provide documentation as further described herein. .4 Provide Record Drawings to approval. .5 Provide manufacturers corrected "as built" shop drawings for all inGuding all shop drawings major electrical items and systems, returned for mod'fiications. nings and sleeves in pavements, as required for work of v ' 25 0 Cutting and Patching •1 his Section. .2 Pay for cutting and patching and making good as required for work loy appropriate Em k ' p . of this Division by reason of faulty or late wor ite to perform such cutting, etc. h e s trades already engaged on t obtain the owner's approval for extent and i ' ng, Before commenc nature of cutting. Make good disturbed surfaces to the owners approval. 0 Schedule of Work 26 .1 Electrical services and auxiliary services will be maintained Interruptions to services will be ti . on. continuously without interrup be designated the owners t o confined to periods of time representative. Include in tender for temporary connections, t d o er overtime labour charges, and such related allowances in or conform to these conditions. (, _ ___ Aspen Springs Park ~~ n Hvdro Charges Section 16010 Electical -General Requirements page 8 March 2008 1 The General Landscape Contractor will pay the Veridian Connections connection charges related to this project, directly to Veridian Connections from the cash allowance as directed by the Landscape Architect . .2 The electrical sub-contractor will provide the scheduling and co- ordination with Veridian Connections, to ensure prompt service connection. END OF SECTION ' Section 16020 Aspen Springs Park Electrical -Basic Materials and Methods page 1 ' Match 2008 eral G .1 Conform to Section 16010: Electrical -General Requirements. en 1.0 2.0 Branch Circuit Wiring Provide branch dtcuit wiring, conduits and feeders as require r ' and Feeder cables .1 Lighting, Power and auxiliary Systems. Separate conduit systems will be provided for feeder, lighting and power systems. t 1 In general, equipment will be galvanized or painted in the factory the is required ti ' 3.0 Painting . , ng before being shipped to site. Where pain ill be sanded and deaned. The metal will have an l w materia roved prime rust resistant coat and will be finished in two coats a pp of an approved exterior gloss enamel paint. 2 After installation, touch up all scratches, chips, other damage and ecial t or s i , p n defects in paint, using zinc chromate primer or pa atch the finish and resistance of the t ' o m enamels as necessary original. ' .3 Finish and colour of all equipment will be co-ordinated to provide uniform appearance. 4 Painting of conduits and supports and other exposed surface work 1 . will be done under Painting Section except as noted. ' .5 Install materials in time to be painted together with mounting surfaces. ' 6 Do not paint over nameplates. ,7 Refer to other Sections for special paint finishes of equipment. 4.0 Nameplates 1 Identify electrical equipment supplied under this Division with mm t ' and S_ chedules . thick blade laminated plastic nameplate to indicate equipmen Lettering will be 6 mm in g. controlled to provide instruction or warn ntrol stations and at least 13 mm ' high for small devices such as co high for all other equipment. Submit a list of proposed nameplates for approval before manufacture. ' 2 Provide paneltwards with typewritten schedules identifying outlets tect schedules P . ro and equipment controlled by each branch circuit. with non-inflammable clear plastic. ' i 3 Identify junction boxes, pull boxes, cover plates, conduits and the . like, provided for future extension, indicating their function. ' 1 G ,' ' Electrical -Basic Materials and Methods Section 16020 ' Aspen Springs Panic Page 2 March 2008 ' S.0 Excavation and Backfill .1 Provide necessary excavating and backfilling required for work of afied under another Division of the this Division, performed as spe work, except as modified below. 2 Keep excavations free of water and pump as necessary. Provide ' . and maintain adequate heat, shoring and other necessary temporary protection. .3 The trench excavation will be carried out in strict conformity with the ' Trench Excavator Protection Ad. .4 The excavation for underground services will be to required depths ortion t h ' no p a and dimension and will be prepared as required, so t of any conduit or duct bank, bears directly against any rock or other ' hard surface. .5 Remove and dispose of all surplus excavated material. 6 Backfill promptly after the approval of the work. Prevent damage to . or displacement of walls, piping, conduits, waterproofing and other work. ' 7 For direct buried conduit and cable in all soil conditions excavate to . 150 mm below and a minimum of 100 mm either side of the cable run. Badc fill with a bedding of granular "A" gravel or sand to ' subgrade elevation and compact to 98% SPD. .6 Refer to details on drawings and to utility company requirements for concrete encased duct installations. .g Where excavation is necessary in proximity to and below the level k fill ' of any footings, provide a sleeve at the proximity line and bac with 20 mPa concrete to the level of the highest adjacent footing. Proximity is determined by the angle of repose as established by the owner's representative. ' .10 Provide sleeves under all roads and paved areas. 11 Before backfilling, obtain approval. Remove all shoring during ' backfilling. .12 Make good existing paving, curbs, lawns and other work where ' damaged by excavation and filling work of this Division. Repair any subsequent settlement of fill placed under this and pay all costs in replacement of other work damaged by such settlement and restoration. a' ~' ' Aspen Springs Park ' 6.0 Support for Underground Services Electrical -Basic Materials and Methods Section 16020 Page 3 March 2008 Provide suitable solid support to comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction, where solid, undisturbed earth stratum is not available for support of underground services. Minimum requirements where services pass through backfill or exterior foundation walls will be 20 mPa concrete fill, full depth to undisturbed earth. 7.0 Conduits, Raceways and Wirewavs .1 Wire and cable will be installed in conduit (or tubing) as follows: ' .1 Rigid aluminum conduit with threaded IPS fittings to be used: -Where noted and required by regulations -Surface mounted within 1200 mm of floor and where subject to mechanical damage -Where embedded in poured-in-place concrete -Where installed in concrete which is in contact with earth or grade ;' .2 Conduit installed below grade and below concrete grade slabs will be rigid heavywall PVC type, with solvent weld joints and Electrical ' Safety Authority approved for use above grade. (CSA SPEC C22.2- No. 211.2). Rigid TYPE 2 PVC underground conduit, EBII, DBII and poly pipe are not acceptable. ' .3 Provide a separate code gauge supplementary grounding conductor run in each conduit or duct, terminating at ground block at panelboards. .4 Where conduit is installed in concrete slabs, obtain general approval, prior to commencing the work, on both maximum ' dimension and crossovers which may be used therein. Comply with requirements of CSA Standard No.A23.3 paragraph 5.17. ' .5 Install conduits with a 150 mm wide plastic warning tape located 300 mm below finished grade for the full length of the conduit. Obtain approval for routing of conduits. Keep conduits at least 150 ~ mm (6") dear of mechanical pipes, drains. 8 0 Wiring and Cable '1 ated 90 degle C'll 1000 nvoltcminimumnandoCSAlZappaovedtfor applications. .2 Wire and cable unless noted, will be rubber insulated Type RWU which cable will not be installed at temperatures below 20 deg. F. ~' ~' Electrical -Basic Materials and Methods Section 18020 ' Aspen Springs Park page 4 March 2008 ' .3 Use X-Link insulated cables for circuits protected by ground fault circuit interrupters. ' .4 Incude in each conduit, tubing and raceway, a code gauge green onnected to ill b e c supplementary grounding conductor which w suitable ground bus in equipment. ' .5 Minimum wire size for power wiring will be No. 6 AWG gauge Control wiring will be #10 AWG RWU i se. unless specified otherw insulation. Maximum voltage drop between furthest outlet of any ' when fully energized, and panel to which it is connected will circuit , not exceed two percent except for electric heating circuits which will ' not exceed one percent. .6 Number of wires indicated for lighting and power systems is intended to show general scheme only. The required number and ' types of wires will be installed in accordance with equipment manufacturers diagrams and requirements, and with requirements of the installation, except that specification standards will not be ' reduced. 7 5olderless connectors nylon jacketed "Vibration-Proof' screw-on ' . wire connectors "Ideal-Wing Nuts" rated 600 volts will be used for joints in Branch Wiring. B Wires or cables in feeders, sub-feeders and branch circuits will be ' . colour-coded in accordance with Ontario Electrical Safety Code. Each end of feeder terminations (e.g. in Switchboard, Panelboards, switches, splatters and the like) Code Phase A-Red, Phase B-Black, ' Phase GBIue, NeutrahWhite. ' 9.0 Switches .1 Provide fusible and non-fusible switches of one manufacture NEMA Type "HC" with quick-make, quick-break contacts, horsepower- rated where required to match the motor protected. Provide holders ' to accept specified fuses. Switches to include mechanical cover interlocks and line side bartiers. ' .2 Where applicable and available, switches will be CSA "Approved for High Service Factor." .3 Provide safety disconnect switches adjacent to motors and other equipment when required by regulations. Use switches of one manufacture throughout ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS ARE: ' .1 Cutler-Hammer .2 Federal Pioneer Electric .3 Siemens 1' Aspen Springs Park Electrical -Basic Materials and Methods Page 5 18020 March 2008 1 Fuse holders in fusible equipment generally will be provided with a 10.0 Fuses . complete set of proper size Form 1, HRC Nema J or L current limiting fuses, except as noted. Fusible equipment so provided will be adapted to reject CSA Standard C22.2 No. 59 fuses. Fuses will be of one manufacturer throughout. .2 Fuses for motor circuits will be class J Time Delay, HRC, (e.g.: Gould Type AJT). .3 Select fuses for motor protection as recommended by manufacturer. .4 Provide one complete set of spare fuses for each rating and type used, unless othenMSe scheduled. .5 Apply Thomas and Betts "Kopr/Shield" conductive anti-seize compound to all fuse ferrules and holders. .6 Acceptable manufacturers are: .1 Sussman Limitron .2 Cefco 11.0 Electrical Service ~ 1 as further described he a al service as shown on the drawings and 2 Grounding service, equipment, feeders, and the like will be performed in accordance with OESC regulations and the Veridian Connection's requirements. .3 The neutral connector of the wiring system together with the conduit system and service equipment will be bonded to the ground system as near as practical to the service entrance. 12.0 Main Service Cabinet 1 Supply and install an EEMAC 3R weatherproof, gasketted power service entrance cabinet as indicated on the drawing and as further detailed in the specifications. .2 The cabinet is to include a gasketted cover with concealed hinges and a locking bar to cover and overlap the opening edge of the door. .3 The locking bar is to be manufactured from 3" wide by 318" thick steel stock and will have a lock shield to prevent tampering with the lock. Aspen Springs Park .4 .5 Electrical -Basic Materials and Methods PegBOOn 16020 March 2008 The locking bar will have a '/." diameter hole suitable for the owner's padlock. Arrange and co-ordinate with the owner to install their lock on the cabinet at the time of the final acceptance. Submit detailed shop drawings for review by the consultant. END OF SECTION Electrical -Lighting Systems Section 16030 Aspen Springs Park page 1 March 2008 1.0 General .1 Conform to Section 16010: Electrical -General Requirements. .2 Provide luminaires complete with lamps, ballasts and necessary accessories required for their installation and performance. 2.0 Materials .1 Catalogue reference numbers given for individual luminaire types are to be supplied as specified. .2 H.I.D. lamp ballasts (Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium, etc.) will comply with CSA Spec. C22-2 No. 66 inGuding amendments for outdoor operation where applicable, and will be compatible with fixture and lamp assembly which they serve. Ballasts will be of the two winding type having an isolated secondary. Shells of all H.I.D. lamp holders will be grounded. .3 Acceptable ballast manufacturers are: .1 Universal .2 MagneTek .3 Balastronix 3.0 Shop Drawinsts .1 Conform to the requirements of Section 16010 .2 Submit for review a bound brochure containing illustrations of each fixture. Illustrations to be complete showing dimensions, light distribution and mounting requirements. Illustrations are to note all special features and finishes. A copy is to be retained by the contractor on the site, to ensure co-ordination of installation requirements. 4.0 Lamps .1 Provide luminaires with a full complement of clear lamps, unless otherwise specified. 2 H.I.D. lamps will be of the type recommended by the manufacturer of the fixture in which they are to be installed, and compatible with ballasts installed. .3 Acceptable lamp manufacturers are: .1 Canadian General Electric .2 Osram/Sylvania .3 Phillips 5.0 Type APole / Luminaire Assembly .1 A complete lighting assembly consisting of a StressCrete direct buried, octagonal, concrete pole and a Cooper Lighting "Tribute" luminaire. Aspen Springs Park Electrical -Lighting systems ~~~°~^ ~ ~°-- page 2 ' March 2008 2 The concrete pole will be StressCrete #E200.APO-G-E11c/w140- . 25/35 pre-stressed "Decor Series" tapered octagonal 20 foot long finished in #E11 Eclipse (Black), etched aggregate. 3 Each pole will have a cast tamper proof, black, metal hand hole . a pole top tenon (2.5" dia. O.D. X 3.5" long), and avast-in cover ' , ground wire. 4 The Iuminaire will be Cooper Lighting "Tribute" #HPS-TR-35-70. . 120V-BK-MA1017-BK(Black) 70 watt 120 volt high pressure sodium ' with a CWA high reactance ballast and an integral button photo cell in the first Iuminaire in the circuit. 5 The Iuminaire will have NEMA Type III (3S) segmented distribution " . O.D. reflector and a # MA1017-BK round mounting ann fora 2.5 ,' pole top tenon. .6 Each Iuminaire is to be finished in black, powder coat themtoset acrylic enamel. ' .7 The overall pole length is to be 20 feet, for a finished 15 foot mounting height. '' are to be wired with #10 RWU from the pole hand i .8 res The lumina holes. ,, .g Refer to detail sketch #SKE-3. 6.0 Tvpe G Gazebo Luminaire .1 A complete lighting assembly consisting of a Cooper Lighting "Fail- Safe" Iuminaire and a custom made wire guard. .2 Cooper Lighting "Fail-Safe" #HPUGPP-100N-120V-LL 15" round surface mounted, 100 watt, 120 volt, vandal resistant, high pressure sodium Iuminaire. Provide the owner with 2- #VRSD tamper proof screwdrivers with the final documentation. .3 Securely fasten the Iuminaire to the structural supports of the underside of the gazebo roof with four (4) 2" X 10 self-tapping screws with fender washers. .4 Provide suitable galvanized steel mounting brackets to secure the Iuminaire to the roof structure. .5 Supply and install a 18" square by 12" deep galvanized welded wire mesh guard to cover the complete Iuminaire. The guard will be manufactured from 1" X 1" welded wire mesh and hot dipped Aspen .6 7 Eledrical -Lighting Systems ~aw,~•, •---- Page 3 March 2008 galvanized after fabrication. Fasten the guard to the structure with four (4) 2" X 10 self-tapping screws with fender washers. Provide a closed top for the wire guard to keep birds from entering the guard enclosure. Fasten the guard to the structure with four (4) 2° X 10 self-tapping screws with fender washers. The wire guard will be manufactured by Wire Guards Inc., Markham (905-475-0688). END OF SECTION