HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/27/2008 Council Meeting Minutes OCTOBER 27,2008 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on October 27,2008, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Councillor Hooper led the meeting in prayer. ROLL CALL Present Were: Also Present: Mayor J. Abernethy Councillor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor M. Novak Councillor G. Robinson Councillor C. Trim Councillor W. Woo Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Purchasing Manager, J. Barber Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Solicitor, D. Hefferon Director of Operations, F. Horvath Director of FinancelTreasurer, N. Taylor Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, G. Weir Manager of Park Development, P. Windolf Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Fleming Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Novak indicated that she would be stating a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 11 of Report #1 and By-laws 2008-189 and 2008-190. Councillor Robinson indicated that he would be stating a pecuniary interest with respect to Correspondence Item D - 11 . ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Abernethy announced the following: . On Thursday, October 23, 2008, he attended the Durham Region Police Services Appreciation Dinner and Awards Night providing an opportunity for business and community leaders to express appreciation to Durham Regional Police Officers. Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - October 27, 2008 . On Friday, October 24, 2008, he addressed the Rotary Club of Courtice presenting a financial overview, growth issues and the Municipality's Corporate Strategic Business Plan. . On Saturday, October 25, 2008, he attended the 6th Annual Clarington Sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony. The guest speaker for the evening was Paul Henderson, famous goal-scorer. Inductees included Lori Glazier, Sommer West, Garry Bachman, Jack Brough and AI Osborne (posthumous), and the Splash Fitness Fundraising Committee in the honourary category. Councillor Novak announced the following: . On Saturday, October 25,2008, she, along with Councillors Foster and Hooper, assisted CLOCA in putting up bird boxes. . Today she attended the official unveiling of the Regional Municipality of Durham Promenade at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT). Councillor Novak also advised the farming community that a pack of coyotes have taken down a large animal in the vicinity of Harmony Road North and Coates Road. Councillor Hooper announced the following: . The Apple Festival and Craft Sale held on Saturday, October 18,2008, was a huge success. Councillor Hooper extended appreciation to staff for their efforts and also advised that Durham Transit was satisfied with the number of people who took advantage of the free service. . He attended the first information session for the OPG New Nuclear build at Darlington. Councillor Robinson advised the Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner was hosted by the Clarington Museum on October 21,2008. The event was very well attended and he expressed appreciation to staff. Councillor Trim announced that over 325 vehicles brought hazardous waste products for disposal to the Household Hazardous Waste and Electronic Waste collection event held at the Bowmanville Indoor Soccer West Parking Lot on Saturday, October 25, 2008. Councillor Foster announced that the Rotary Club of Courtice will be hosting a Charity Euchre Tournament on Saturday, November 8, 2008 at Dr. G. J. MacGillivray Public School. Mayor Abernethy announced that the 21 st Annual Harvest Ball took place on Friday, October 24, 2008. The sold-out event was held in support of the Memorial Hospital Foundation - Bowmanville. Council Meeting Minutes - 3 - October 27, 2008 Mayor Abernethy commented further on the official unveiling of the Regional Municipality of Durham Promenade at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology announced earlier in the meeting by Councillor Novak. He stated the Region of Durham has gifted $10 million to UOIT through in-kind support and pledges to capital projects. Mayor Abernethy acknowledged both the University of Ontario Institute of Technology and Durham College as economic drivers for the Region and encouraged students to consider both institutions for post-secondary education as there are various emerging industries that will require an expanded workforce. MINUTES Resolution #C-505-08 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on October 14, 2008, be approved. "CARRIED" PRESENTATIONS Glenn Rainbird, O.C., Chair and Michael Angemeer, President and CEO, Veridian Corporation, addressed Council to present Veridian's Annual Shareholders' Report providing details on past accomplishments, challenges and opportunities facing the company. Mr. Rainbird advised the Municipality of Clarington is one of four shareholders in Veridian Corporation and as Chair of the Board of Directors, he is pleased to advise that 2007 was a year of very solid performance, and that Veridian has provided an excellent rate of return for its shareholders by practicing sound fiscal management while maintaining reasonable rates for its users. He noted last year, the Board adopted a new approach to the dividend process and put into place a five-year escalating dividend plan and changed their payment policy to provide for quarterly dividend payments. Mr. Rainbird stated the approach allows municipalities to plan on cash flow and noted the Municipality of Clarington has already received three dividend payments this year. Mr. Rainbird advised Veridian has set a challenging ambition for itself and will seek new opportunities in the regulated and non-regulated business. He noted in 2008, a new labour agreement was signed which will be in effect until March 2011 and that recently the company exceeded 2 million hours without a lost-time accident. Mr. Rainbird introduced Michael Angemeer to highlight key accompl ishments. Council Meeting Minutes - 4 - October 27, 2008 Michael Angemeer reviewed Veridian Corporation's vision and highlighted key business goals, including the goal to achieve 50% growth by 2012, to be in the top 10% of utilities for customer satisfaction, to be in the top 25% of utilities for system reliability, to provide high value and low cost service to customers, to achieve a low carbon footprint, to achieve excellence in safety and to provide a rewarding workplace for employees. Mr. Angemeer stated Veridian has had open discussion with other companies on potential acquisitions or mergers and indicated that Veridian's net income was $8.9 million for 2007, with a 10.2% return on equity. He noted reliability improved 28% with respect to power interruptions and that they are working on a business plan for network intelligence and will be further investing in the plan over the next year. Mr. Angemeer highlighted other technologies including the installation of 40,000 smart meters with 40,000 additional meters to be installed in 2008. He also noted that customer satisfaction for 2007 was 95% bringing Veridian into the top 10% of utilities in Canada. Mr. Angemeer encouraged the public to review Veridian's website to learn about their "Peak Saver" and "Great Refrigerator Round-up" Programs. A copy of Veridian Corporation 2007 Annual Report was provided to all Members of Council. Mayor Abernethy introduced Brian Mountford and Ralph Sutton, Veridian Board Members also in attendance this evening. Councillor Novak advised this evening's presentation on Clarington Trails had been developed by herself and Peter Windolf, Manager of Park Development, for presentation to the Durham Trails Committee. Councillor Novak advised each municipality presented an inventory of their trail system to the Committee to use as a platform for other Committee initiatives. Councillor Novak introduced Peter Windolf to conduct the presentation. Through use of a PowerPoint presentation, Peter Windolf, Manager of Park Development, provided a brief overview of the recreational trail system in Clarington and highlighted future opportunities for trail construction. Mr. Windolf noted recreational trails have proven to be popular with the public in providing a variety of recreational opportunities for both young and old. He noted the majority of Clarington trails have been built in the southern part of the Municipality in Courtice, Bowmanville and Newcastle. Mr. Windolf highlighted individual trails including the Waterfront Trail, the Courtice Millennium Trail, the Bowmanville Valley Trail (Valleys 2000), the Soper Creek Trail, the Newcastle Lions Trail, and the Sidney B. Rutherford Trail. He noted the most extensive development of trails in the Municipality is the Waterfront Trail, a combination of both on and off-road routes with some of the newest sections constructed in Newcastle along the lake and along Graham Creek. Mr. Windolf also noted that the Oak Ridges Trail extends across the north end of the municipality. He highlighted partnership and funding opportunities that have been formed with service clubs, schools, and other agencies and land use agreements for the construction of trails. Mr. Windolf advised of plans to build more trails as opportunities become available and noted with new development, the municipality attempts to acquire land along valley lands. Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - October 27, 2008 Mr. Windolf also advised that the Region of Durham Trails Co-Ordinating Committee has produced a trail network map, guidelines for trail construction and are working on a Regional Trails Signage Program. DELEGATIONS Nick Krishko was called but was not present. COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-506-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the communications to be received for information be approved, with the exception of Correspondence Items I - 6, I - 7 and I - 8. "CARRIED" I - 1 Minutes of the Tyrone Community Centre Executive Board dated October 15, 2008. 1-2 Minutes of the Santa Claus Parade Committee dated September 8, and October 20, 2008. 1-3 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, advising Council that he has followed up with Chief Mike Ewles, Durham Regional Police Service regarding public safety on overpasses during repatriation of Canadian Soldiers and that the matter will be referred to Inspector Charlie Green for further consideration; and further advised that the Staff Sergeant and Inspector assumed traffic control duties during the repatriation ceremony on September 8, 2008, which allowed other officers to respond to emergencies as necessary. I - 4 The Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing expressing his pleasure at meeting Members of Council and staff representatives at the Annual Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Conference which provided him with the opportunity to listen to and learn from discussions of municipal issues, challenges and opportunities; and, advising he looks forward to continuing to work with community leaders in partnership with the Ministry and AMO on behalf of Ontario municipalities. Council Meeting Minutes - 6 - October 27, 2008 I - 5 Kathy Blake, Municipal Relations Representative, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) advising Property Assessment Notices will be mailed to every property owner in Ontario this fall based on a January 1, 2008 valuation date; advising of a number of changes to the property assessment system which take effect for the 2009 property tax year including the introduction of a four-year assessment update cycle and a phase-in of assessment increases; enclosing an information kit to assist staff who may receive public inquiries; and, advising enquiries about Property Assessment Notices and assessment in general may be directed to MPAC's website at www.mpac.ca or to their Customer Contact Centre at 1-866-296- 6722. I - 9 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, advising he has referred Council's resolution regarding the exemption of Provincial Sales Tax on goods and services purchased by Police Services in Ontario to Premier McGivney to help in ensuring that the resolution from Owen Sound City Council and Clarington's support for the resolution are brought to the attention of the Provincial Government. I - 10 Jim Hankinson, President and CEO, Ontario Power Generation, (OPG) forwarding OPG's semi-annual Performance Report covering the first half of 2008, providing an update on key aspects of their operations including electricity production, financial performance, environmental and community initiatives and new generation development. I - 11 Chi Nguyen objecting to the proposed "Energy-From-Waste" facility and urging Council to support more environmentally sustainable and fiscally responsible alternatives. I - 6 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that on October 8, 2008, the Region of Durham adopted the following resolution pertaining to the Proposed Regional Revitalization Program (RRP): "a) THAT the proposed Regional Revitalization Program (RRP) to provide financial assistance, through the area municipalities, to revitalization projects individually approved by Regional Council during the annual business planning review, with the following key elements, be approved and implemented: i) The RRP will target new Community Improvement Plan (CIP) projects as recommended by area municipalities; Council Meeting Minutes - 7 - October 27, 2008 ii) The RRP will focus on initiatives that advance the goals of the Regional Official Plan (ROP) as a basis for achieving positive economic and community objectives; iii) The RRP encourages both residential and employment growth in the Region's key urban locations, including Regional Centres and Regional Corridors; and brownfield sites throughout the Region, which will be given preference; iv) The project must entail significant and substantial revitalization and/or development. Construction cannot already be underway. Examples of eligible project types are: . New construction; . Addition to existing; . Redevelopment . Brownfield Redevelopment; v) The RRP continue for a five year term (2008 to 2013) with an annual review by Regional Council of the RRP to determine its effectiveness and need for continuation; vi) Program eligibility will be determined through the submission of an application, including a business case by the supporting area municipality, which demonstrates the benefits of the project and the need for Regional financial assistance. Area municipalities must submit an application, including a business case, to the Region's Commissioner of Finance by September 1 st of any given year for consideration in the subsequent year's funding allocation; vii) Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by the Commissioners of Planning, Works and Finance to ensure that program eligibility and business case requirements are addressed; viii) Recommendations regarding project selection will be presented to a Joint Finance & Administration, Planning and Works Committee and Regional Council. Final funding approval will be contingent upon the Regional Business Planning and Budget process; ix) Regional financial assistance under the RRP will not be greater than the area municipality's financial assistance; Council Meeting Minutes - 8 - October 27, 2008 x) Funds for approved community improvement projects will be transferred to the applicable area municipality at the following stages: . Building permit issued by area municipality 50% . Framing inspection passed by local building Inspection authority 25% . Occupancy permit received from local building authority or passed preoccupancy inspection of those municipalities who do not issue an occupancy permit 25% xi) The participating area municipalities will be required to provide relevant project information for all qualified community improvement projects approved through the RRP on an annual basis for the five years after substantial occupancy of each project. A summary of these monitoring reports will be presented to Regional Council on an annual basis for consideration, prior to approval of subsequent annual budget allocations to new projects; xii) Funding will be provided through the recommended new Regional Revitalization Reserve Fund, which will be replenished through the dedication of the increased Regional property tax revenue of the RRP projects, resulting from increased current value assessment, for a time period after substantial occupancy to be determined by Regional Council at project approval; b) THAT a Regional Revitalization Reserve Fund be established to provide one-time funding to approved revitalization projects per the conditions of the RRP, and include the following conditions and sources of funding: i) Seed funding in the amount of approximately $1.0 million be transferred from the Industrial Land Reserve Fund to the Regional Revitalization Reserve Fund; ii) For five years after substantial occupancy, the increased tax revenue generated from the Pilot Regional Downtown Revitalization project at 44-50 Bond Street in the City of Oshawa, as a result of the increased current value assessment, be directed into the Regional Revitalization Reserve Fund; Council Meeting Minutes - 9 - October 27, 2008 iii) The increased property tax revenue generated from the increased current value assessment of approved projects of the RRP be used to replenish the Regional Revitalization Reserve Fund for a time period after substantial occupancy to be determined by Regional Council at time of project approval; c) THAT the RRP be implemented upon approval of the ROP Amendment necessary to enable the Region to participate in Community Improvement Plans (anticipated in November 2008); and d) THAT a copy of Joint Report #2008-J-37 be forwarded to the area municipalities for their information and future use." Resolution #C-507 -08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item I - 6 from the Region of Durham with respect to the Proposed Regional Revitalization Plan be received and referred to the Director of Planning Services. "CARRIED" 1-7 Sylvie Grenier, Manager, Affordability and Choice Today (ACT), a Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation funded program delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities in collaboration with the Canadian Home Builders' Association and the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association, advising of ACT grants of up to $5,000 to hold workshops or training sessions with municipal staff, industry members and other key stakeholders to facilitate transfer of knowledge and implementation of existing regulatory solutions that contribute to housing affordability or that increase housing options. The application form and "About ACT Grants" are available at www.actproqram.com. Application deadline is November 28, 2008. Council Meeting Minutes - 10- October 27, 2008 Resolution #C-508-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item 1- 7 from Affordability and Choice Today (ACT), with respect to ACT Grants be referred to the Director of Planning Services. "CARRIED" 1-8 Mary Tillcock, Run Day Organizer, The Terry Fox Run 2008 for Cancer Research thanking Members of Council, Municipal Staff and Clarington Tourism for their support of this year's run held on September 14, 2008; and, advising that early results for Clarington indicate that the 28th Anniversary of Terry's Marathon of Hope has raised over $60,000 for cancer research through the efforts of 1000 Clarington participants. Resolution #C-509-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Mary Tillcock, Run Day Organizer, The Terry Fox Run 2008, and Event Volunteers be thanked, on behalf of the Municipality, for their efforts in the success of the 28th Anniversary of Terry's Marathon of Hope. "CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION Resolution #C-51 0-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Items be approved as per the agenda with the exception of Items D - 4, D - 6 and D - 10 to D - 12, inclusive. "CARRIED" D - 1 Mary-Anne Muizelaar, Club President, Bowmanville Toastmasters Club, a non-profit organization devoted to helping people develop their communication and leadership skills, advising that Bowmanville Toastmasters are celebrating 21 years of continued success on Saturday, November 8, 2008, and requesting that the week of November 8,2008, be proclaimed "Bowmanville Toastmasters Week". (Proclaimed) Council Meeting Minutes - 11 - October 27, 2008 D - 2 Edmond Vanhaverbeke expressing concern that the provision of bicycle and multi-purpose traffic lanes are lacking in Clarington and that road construction or rehabilitation is being undertaken without consideration of the inclusion of separate bike/walking lanes or paved shoulders. Mr. Vanhaverbeke states that cycling lanes would be a boon for tourism and would address safety concerns and hopes that in future, Council and staff have more concern for non- automotive traffic in view of the environment, physical fitness, recreation and tourism aspects. (Correspondence referred to the Director of Engineering Services) D - 3 J. Black, Secretary, Newcastle Business Improvement Association, requesting investigation into additional parking space in downtown Newcastle to benefit the foreseeable expansion of the downtown business area. (Correspondence referred to the Director of Engineering Services) D - 5 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, forwarding a copy of correspondence from Kelly-Ann Maika opposing the requirement for cats to be leashed in Clarington as she feels this is contradictory to promoting a "green" Ontario by encouraging the use of pesticides instead of permitting cats to control mice, rats and sick birds as nature intended; advising low cat populations are directly linked to disease in several areas of the world; and questioning the logic of enacting a by-law just to keep gardens free of cats. (Correspondence referred to the Municipal Clerk) D - 7 Nestor Chornobay, Director, Strategic Planning Branch, Region of Durham, forwarding a copy of Commissioner's Report 2008-P-72 regarding the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee, 2008 Farm Tour. (Correspondence referred to the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington) Council Meeting Minutes - 12 - October 27, 2008 D - 8 Kristin Robinson expressing disappointment that bicycle lanes have not been included in the road construction currently underway on the north side of Highway 2 in the vicinity of Green Road. Ms. Robinson feels that bicycle lanes could be added whenever road construction takes place and over time a network of connecting lanes would allow for a safer mode of transportation for cyclists and provide an environmentally friendly transportation network. (Correspondence referred to the Director of Engineering Services) D - 9 Terry Downey, Executive Vice-President, Ontario Federation of Labour, requesting November 6, 2008, be proclaimed "Community Social Service Workers Appreciation Day" in recognition of the essential services social service workers provide in building strong communities and making life better for families and individuals. (Proclaimed) D - 4 Leonard Corvers, expressing concern with the rental of the Newtonville Community Centre, located adjacent to his property, as renters of the Centre continue to use his property as if it were part of the rental to park, smoke and play; expressing concern with the issue of liability; and, requesting a fence be erected along both the east and south sides of the Community Centre to protect privacy and to clearly denote the property line between the Centre and his property. Resolution #C-511-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Correspondence Item D - 4 from Leonard Corvers with respect to rental of the Newtonville Community Centre be referred to the Director of Operations. "CARRIED" D - 6 Brad Sinclair advising that he has operated a beach volleyball league in Clarington since 1995 and currently runs the Port of Newcastle beach volleyball league on the Kaitlin property at the Newcastle Marina; advising that due to future development in the area the league may not be able to use the location in the near future; and, requesting that the Municipality consider installing two beach volleyball courts at the new Newcastle and District Recreation Complex or other suitable location and provide programming in response to the growing popularity of beach volleyball in Durham Region and to provide community fun and enjoyment to residents. Council Meeting Minutes - 13 - October 27, 2008 Resolution #C-512-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Correspondence Item D - 6 from Brad Sinclair with respect to the installation of outdoor beech volleyball courts be referred to the Director of Community Services and the Director of Engineering Services. "CARRIED" D - 10 Blair Labelle, Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk, Town of Ajax, writing to Susan Self, Chair, Region CTC Source Protection Committee advising that on September 22,2008, the Town of Ajax adopted the following resolution pertaining to Comments on Draft Proposed Terms of Reference for Drinking Water Source Protection Plans: "1. THAT the report entitled "Comments on Draft Proposed Terms of Reference for Drinking Water Source Protection Plans" be endorsed subject to the addition of specific language to be included within the body of the report indicating that water quality problems in the nearshore waters of Lake Ontario are also being experienced in other lower tier municipalities within Durham Region; 2. THAT the Ministry of the Environment be strongly urged to better protect public health in the Town of Ajax and other Great Lakes communities through this process by: a) revising the Draft Proposed Terms of Reference to require assessment of both acute and chronic public heath threats posed by the contaminants (pathogens and chemicals) that have been discharged into Lake Ontario (the Ajax community's source of drinking water) from the Duffin Creek sewage treatment plant for 30 years and which will continue to do so through the 21 st century and beyond, including the accumulating contaminants in nearshore waters, algal matter, beach sand and sediments on the Lake bottom; Council Meeting Minutes - 14 - October 27, 2008 b) requiring the installation of more effective contaminant- removal technologies in drinking water treatment plants, especially the Ajax water supply plant due to its intake pipe's proximity in Lake Ontario to the outfall pipe of the Duffin Creek sewage treatment plant, such as the new ozonation process being implemented by the City of Montreal, through amendments to existing Ministry of the Environment Certificates of Approval soon; c) requiring identification of "legacy" contaminants from closed, aging landfills and the recently decommissioned Stouffville sewage treatment plant in the water and sediments along the Duffins Creek and in the water and lakebed sediments in the nearshore of Lake Ontario at Ajax and assess the associate risks; and d) funding a detailed study, with the Durham Region Health Department, Environment Canada, Ministry of the Environment and the Toronto Region Conservation Authority of the public health threats posed by the bacteria and, potentially, viruses harboured in shoreline algae and beach sand along the Ajax waterfront, especially at Rotary Park Beach, which the Medical Officer of Health has permanently posted to prohibit swimming and bathing; 3. THAT the Draft Proposed Terms of Reference be revised to require direct participation by local municipal staff and include estimates of the costs to be incurred by local municipalities in the development of source water protection policies, establishing and implementing conformity amendments to local municipal Official Plans and Zoning By-laws and implementing Source Protection Plans, and defending against appeals of such new policies at the Ontario Municipal Board; and 4. THAT this report be sent to the CTC Source Protection Committee, Environment Canada, Health Canada, the Ministries of the Environment, Energy and Public Infrastructure Renewal, Natural Resources and Municipal Affairs, the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, the Durham Region Medical Officer of Health, and other municipalities within Durham Region and the Environmental Commissioner for Ontario." Council Meeting Minutes - 15 - October 27, 2008 Resolution #C-513-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the resolution from the Town of Ajax with respect to comments on the Draft Proposed Terms of Reference for Drinking Water Source Protection Plans be received for information. "CARRIED" Councillor Robinson stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Correspondence Item D - 11 as he is related to both parties involved. Councillor Robinson refrained from discussion and voting on this matter. D - 11 Joan Paul, Secretary, Kendal Community Centre, requesting assistance by way of a mediator to represent the Kendal Community Centre Board in resolving an issue affecting the Board. Resolution #C-514-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the Director of Operations be requested to provide assistance, on behalf of the Municipality, to meet with the parties in an effort to resolve an issue affecting the Board. "CARRIED" D - 12 Tom Barrie, Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington, advising Council that the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee adopted the following resolution: "WHEREAS farming is the #1 industry in Clarington; and WHEREAS the Greenbelt and Places to Grow legislation was designed to help protect farmland; and WHEREAS the best farmland in southern Ontario is within sight of the CN Tower; and WHEREAS the most productive farmland within the "white belt" has now been identified by the Region of Durham as the future employment and urban residential lands to 2031 and 2056; and Council Meeting Minutes - 16 - October 27, 2008 WHEREAS identifying the lands would eliminate the urban separators between Courtice and Bowmanville and Bowmanville and Newcastle in Clarington, contrary to the Durham Region and Clarington's current Official Plans; and WHEREAS farmland is necessary for food security; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington is requesting Clarington Council, all other local municipalities in Durham Region, the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee and the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee to call on Regional Council to support protection of agricultural lands within the white belt by redirecting the Grow Durham planning initiative focus to exploration of alternate solutions for urban development and intensification with appropriate planning measures to protect responsible agricultural practices (e.g. buffers and setbacks)." Resolution #C-515-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item D - 12 from the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington with respect to protection of agricultural lands be referred to the Director of Planning Services for consideration in preparing comments on the Durham Growth Plan; and, THAT the resolution of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington be forwarded to the Region of Durham, the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee, the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee and other local municipalities in Durham Region. "CARRIED" COMMITTEE REPORT(S) Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report October 20,2008 Resolution #C-516-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of October 20,2008 be approved, with the exception of Items #4 and #11. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 17 - October 27, 2008 Item #4 Resolution #C-517 -08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report P S D-1 05-08 be received; THAT Amendment No. 64 to the Clarington Official Plan as submitted by the Durham Church Network, to permit a Church and its associated Day Care, Parking Areas and Playing Fields in the Rural Residential Cluster and Green Space, be adopted as indicated in Attachment 4 to Report PSD-1 05-08 and that the necessary by-law contained in Attachment 4 to Report PSD-1 05-08, be passed, and further that the amendment be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham for approval; THAT the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department be sent a copy of Report PSD-105-08; THAT staff be directed to meet with area residents prior to reporting to Council regarding a rezoning for the subject property; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-1 05-08 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Councillor Novak stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 11 of Report #1 as she has an employment affiliation with Great West Life Assurance Company. Councillor Novak refrained from discussion and voting on this matter. Item #11 Resolution #C-518-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report COD-064-08 be received; THAT the presentation provided by Buffett Taylor Employee Consulting be received; THAT Great West Life Assurance Company be awarded the contract for the provision of Employee and Dependent Life, Long Term Disability, Health and Dental coverage for a minimum four year term with a review at the conclusion for a possible renewal of a further term pending satisfactory service and acceptable terms; Council Meeting Minutes - 18 - October 27, 2008 THAT Chubb Insurance Company of Canada be awarded the contract for the provision of Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage for a minimum four year term with a review at the conclusion for a possible renewal of a further term pending satisfactory service and acceptable terms; THAT staff be authorized to proceed with negotiations of a final agreement with Great West Life Assurance Company and Chubb Insurance Company on behalf of the Municipality; THAT the By-laws marked Schedule "A" and "B" attached to Report COD-064-08, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute agreements with the Great West Life Assurance Company and Chubb Insurance Company of Canada, be approved; and THAT the Director of Corporate Services be authorized to approve administrative policies/agreements as required. "CARRIED" BUSINESS ARISING FROM NOTICE OF MOTION There were no Notices of Motion introduced under this section of the Agenda. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #C-519-08 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report PSD-099-08 be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-520-08 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report PSD-099-08 and Addendum to PSD-099-08 be received; THAT the application to amend the Municipality of Clarington Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, be approved and that the By-law as contained in Attachment 4 to PSD-099- 08 be passed; THAT the proposed changes to By-law 84-63 in regards to Aggregate Extraction Areas continue to be reviewed and an additional public meeting be scheduled; Council Meeting Minutes - 19 - October 27, 2008 THAT the Planning Services Department examine whether any changes are required to the Official Plan with respect to commercial recreational vehicle storage area uses outside of Industrial Areas in the Municipality of Clarington and report back within four weeks; and THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (See following amending motion) Resolution #C-521-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the foregoing resolution #C-520-08 be amended as follows: "That Attachment 4 to PSD-099-08, being proposed By-law 2008-169, be amended by adding the following words to the end of Section 3.16 m. ii) "but within an urban area, as identified in the Clarington Official Plan, shall not be permitted within a tent, shelter, canopy, enclosure or similar structure covered with fabric, polyester or similar covering material." "CARRIED" Resolution #C-520-08 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. BY-LAWS Resolution #C-522-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2008-169 and 2008-184 to 2008-188 inclusive; 2008-169 Being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Municipality of Clarington) 2008-184 Being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 64, to the Clarington Official Plan (The Durham Church Network) 2008-185 Being a by-law to adopt Bowmanville Community Improvement Plan Amendment No. 1 Council Meeting Minutes 2008-186 2008-187 2008-188 - 20- October 27, 2008 Being a by-law to amend By-law 2005-145, a by-law respecting the appointment of a Chief Building Official, Building Inspectors, Plumbing Inspectors and Fire Safety Inspectors Being a by-law to authorize an agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, the Newcastle Skating Club and the Newcastle Memorial Arena Board to execute a collaborative agreement regarding the construction of a music/storage room at the Newcastle Memorial Arena Being a by-law to authorize an agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Clarington Kids Inc., Courtice, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the lease space at Courtice Community Complex, 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, Ontario; and THAT the said by-laws be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. "CARRIED" Councillor Novak stated a pecuniary interest with respect to By-laws 2008-198 and 2008-190 as she has an employment affiliation with Great West Life Assurance Company. Councillor Novak refrained from discussion and voting on these matters. Resolution #C-523-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2008-189 and 2008-190 inclusive; 2008-189 2008-190 Being a by-law to authorize an agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Great West Life Assurance Company, Ontario, for the Provision of Employee Group Benefits Being a by-law to authorize an agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Chubb Insurance Company of Canada for the Provision of Employee Group Benefits; and THAT the said by-laws be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 21 - October 27, 2008 Deputy Mayor Novak assumed the Chair. NOTICE OF MOTION Mayor Abernethy and Councillor Trim gave notice of the following motion for consideration at the next regular Council meeting: "THAT award of the Request for Proposal RFP 2008-2 for the lease of space at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex, recommended in Report COD-39- 08 and approved by Resolution #GPA-445-08, be rescinded; THAT the Request for Proposal RFP2008-2 process for the lease of space at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex be cancelled and the proponents be advised accordingly; THAT the requirements of Purchasing By-law #2006-127 be waived to facilitate a single source negotiation for the lease space at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex; THAT the Manager of Purchasing be authorized to enter into negotiation with Community Care Durham for the lease of required space at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex; and THAT staff report back to Council on the results of the discussions with Community Care Durham, and options regarding any residual space." Mayor Abernethy resumed the Chair. OTHER INFORMATION There was no other information considered under this Section of the Agenda. CONFIRMING BY-LAW Councillors Novak and Robinson stated pecuniary interests earlier in the meeting and refrained from voting on the Confirming By-law. Resolution #C-524-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2008-191, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 2ih day of October, 2008; and Council Meeting Minutes - 22- October 27, 2008 THAT the said by-law be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. "CARRIED" ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-525-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:35 p.m. "CARRIED" ~