HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/23/2002 - - CI~iogron - - GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE - DATE: SEPTEMBER 23, 2002 TIME: 9:30 A.M. - PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 1. ROLL CALL 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST - 3. MINUTES - (a) Minutes of a Regular Meeting of September 9, 2002 301 4a. PRESENTATIONS - - (a) Glenn Case, Project Director, Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Office, 5 Mill Street South, Port Hope, L 1A 2S6 - update on project - (b) David Stewart on behalf of John G. Williams Limited, Architect, 40 Vogell Road, Unit 46, Richmond Hill, L4B 3N6 - re: Architectural Control Guidelines - 4b. DELEGATIONS - (a) Victor Fium, 1 Wheel House Drive, Newcastle, L 1 B 1 B9 re: Architectural Control - (b) Jim Sandberg, 7 Bridges Drive, Newcastle, L 1 B 1 M6 re: United Church signage - (c) Libby Racansky, 3200 Hancock Road, Courtice, L 1 E 2M1 re: Courtice Pollution Control Plant - - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 - .. G.P.& A. Agenda - 2 - September 23, 2002 .. 5. PUBLIC MEETING ... (a) Official Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications .. Applicant: Valiant Property Management REPORT PSD-090-02 501 .. 6. PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT (a) PSD-090-02 - Official Plan Amendment, Rezoning .. and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications Applicant: Valiant Property Management 601 11III (b) PSD-091-02 - Bowmanville Heritage Conservation District Study By-law 614 .. (c) PSD-093-02 - Monitoring of the Decisions of the Committee of Adjustment for the meeting of September 12, 2002 661 .. (d) PSD-095-02 - Application for Minor Variance to Sign By-law Applicant: Newcastle United Church, Former Village of Newcastle 677 11III (e) PSD-096-02 - General Architectural Design Guidelines 684 .. (f) PSD-097-02 - Planning Services Department Organizational Review 69904 .. (h) PSD-092-02 - Digital Data Sharing Agreements .. (g) PSD-098-02 - Confidential Report - Property Matter .. 7. ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT (a) EGD-42-02 - Mearns 1 Subdivision Stage B, Bowmanville, Plan 11III 40M-1688 (part of), 'Certificate of Acceptance' and 'Assumption By-law' for Roads and Above Ground Services including Roads and other related works, .. and for Bradshaw Street urban upgrading works 701 (b) EGD-43-02 - Confidential Report - Personnel Matter .. .. 11III - - G.P.& A. Agenda - 3 - September 23, 2002 - 8. OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT - (a) OPD-13-02 - Senior Citizens and Physically Disabled Sidewalk and Driveway Windrow Snow Clearing Program 801 - 9. EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT (a) ESD-018 -02- Monthly Response Report - August, 2002 901 - 10. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT - No Reports - 11. CLERK'S DEPARTMENT No Reports - 12. CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT - (a) COD-42-02 - Tender CL2002-33, Rehabilitation of Sand Dome & Salt Shed, Orono Operations Depot 1201 - (b) COD-43-02 - Tender CL2002-26, Guide Rail Installation 1205 (c) COD-44-02 - RFP 2002-7, Rescue Pumper 1211 - 13. FINANCE DEPARTMENT - (a) FND-013-02 - Ontario Transit Renewal Program 1301 (b) FND-014-02 - Municipal Performance Measures Program - - 2002 1307 (c) FND-015-02 - Cash Activity Report - Second Quarter of 2002 1310 - 14. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S DEPARTMENT - No Reports 15. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - - - .. G.P.& A. Agenda - 4 - September 23, 2002 ... 16. OTHER BUSINESS .. (a) Ontario Heritage Foundation's Program 2002 - referred from September 16, 2002 Council Meeting - Nominations in recognition of individuals who have made a significant contribution to local heritage presentation 11III 1601 .. 17. ADJOURNMENT .. .. 11III .. ... ... .. .. .. .. ... .. ... IIIIi ... - THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON General Purpose and Administration Committee September 9, 2002 ... ... Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, September 9, 2002 at 9:30 a.m., in the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL - Present Were Mayor J. Mutton Councillor D. MacArthur Councillor P. Pingle Councillor G. Robinson Councillor J. Rowe Councillor J. Schell Councillor C. Trim - - Absent: Councillor G. Robinson ... Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie (attended at 12:55 p.m.) Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella (until 1 :55 p.m.) Director of Community Services, J. Caruana (until 1 :55 p.m.) Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, M. Creighton (until 1 :55 p.m.) Director of Planning Services, D. Crome (until 1 :55 p.m.) Director of Operations, F. Horvath (until 1 :55 p.m.) Director of Corporate Services, M. Marano Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor (until 1 :55 p.m.) Deputy Clerk, M. P. Knight Stanley (until 1 :55 p.m.) - ... ... Mayor Mutton chaired this portion of the meeting. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST ... Councillor Pingle indicated that she would be stating a Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest with respect to Report PSD-086-02. ... Mayor Mutton requested that one minute of silence be observed to remember the victims of the World Trade Centre. ... MINUTES Resolution #GPA-314-02 ... Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim - THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on June 17, 2002 be approved. "CARRIED" - - 301 - G.P. & A. Minutes DELEGATIONS PUBLIC MEETINGS - 2 - September 9,2002 ... .. (a) Gilbert Trolly, R.R. #3, Bancroft, KOL 1CO re: Report PSD-088-02 advised that all municipal requirements are in place and that he was present to answer questions from Members of the Committee. IIlIIi (b) Libby Racansky, 3200 Hancock Road, Courtice, L 1 E 2M1 circulated a copy of her presentation wherein she requested: ... . that the Clarington Official Plan be amended to recognize the Ministry of Natural Resources evaluation of wetlands in Courtice and in the Zoning by-law for the lands displayed as areas of further study ... . to adopt wetland by-law for the Black Farewell Complex . to request the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario for water analysis results on their property on Nash Road and to access the help of the Aquifer during the Highway 407 studies ... .. . to continue doing a very good job in the maintenance of Hancock Road and the integrity of the wetlands/woodlots as well as the investigation of dumpers; and ... . to collaborate with other levels of government to purchase the Black Farewell Complex. .. She also requested that previous requests during the course of her delegations receive a response from the municipality. ..J Councillor Schell chaired this portion of the meeting. 11III Pursuant to the Planning Act, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington, through its General Purpose and Administration Committee, is holding a Public Meeting for the following applications: .. (a) Clarington Official Plan Amendment Applicant: Seal and Holdings Inc. Part Lot 7, Concession 2, Former Township of Darlington .. (b) Clarington Official Plan Amendment Applicant: Sylvan Developments Inc. and Bennett Developments Inc. Part Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, BF Concession, Former Township of Darlington IIlIIi (c) Clarington Zoning By-law Amendment Applicant: Wayne Allen Part Lot 12, Concession 1, Former Town of Bowmanville ~ (d) Rezoning Application Applicant: The TDL Group Ltd. (Tim Hortons) Part Lot 33, Concession 2, Pormer Township of Darlington ... ~ 302 i ..i ~( J ... G.P. & A. Minutes - 3 - September 9, 2002 PUBLIC MEETINGS CONT'D. - - The Planning Services Department sent public notice for the rezoning and official plan amendments, by first class mail on or before August 9, 2002 to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject properties in accordance to the latest municipal assessment record. Public notices were also posted on the properties in question on or before August 21,2002. The notice procedure followed is in compliance with Ontario Regulations made under the Planning act. ... ... (a) Report PSD-080-02 - Clarington Official Plan Amendment - The purpose and effect of the application is to delete the Community Park designation from the lands; to redesignate the land from Future Urban Residential to Urban Residential; to expand the Apple Blossom Neighbourhood to include these lands and adjust the neighbourhood population target from 4800 to 5750; and to amend Table 9-2 to allocate 300 additional low density housing units to the Apple Blossom Neighbourhood and adjust the corresponding totals. - ... - Cindy Lewis, 103 Sprucewood Cres., Bowmanville, L 1C 4H5 advised that her residence backs onto the proposed development and stated strong objection to this proposal because, in her estimation, Camp 30 is in jeopardy. She stated objection to the buildings on the property being demolished, and the fact that she purchased her home based on information which she received which indicated that the area would not be developed further. She stated objection to anything being touched on this site and suggested that the site be designated as Camp 30. .. - Norm Baker, 11 Cabot Court, Newcastle, L 1 B 1 A7 circulated a copy of his presentation and advised that he is a taxpayer and a former veteran who does not agree to the rezoning of these lands as he sees nothing wrong with the present or the existing usage of the lands. He stated that he sees no significant reason that would justify this former "bad boy school" site to be glorified as a historical site. - - Lynn Hodgson, 467 Fralick's Beach Road, Port Perry, Ontario, L9L 1 B6 advised that he is the author of the book entitled "Inside Camp X" and was misquoted by a local newspaper. He requested clarification pertaining to the signage advising of the rezoning which is located on the site. He advised that, for historical reasons, he would like to see at least one building preserved; ie; a library or a community centre. He would like to be an interested party and involved in the process. .. - Kevin McCarthy, 143 Sprucewood Cres., Ontario, L 1C 4T8 circulated a copy of his presentation, a petition containing approximately 105 signatures of persons opposed to the application which would remove the "future urban residential and community park" designations and also opposed to the proposal which would use the subject lands to increase the population target from 4800 persons to 5750 persons and increase the housing target from 1250 low density housing units to 1550 units in the Apple Blossom Neighbourhood. Mr. McCarthy also circulated another petition containing approximately 107 signatures of persons who would like to "help save Camp 30" and who would like to see the lands currently occupied by Great Lakes College and the buildings that stand on those lands protected by means of a Historical Significance. Mr. McCarthy advised that he is a twelve year resident and was originally attracted to this area because of the history, environment and surrounding neighbourhood. ... - ... ... ... 303 G.P. & A. Minutes -4- September 9, 2002 11IIII PUBLIC MEETINGS CONT'D. :; " .. He requested that Members of the Committee save the park and protect the environment. Tom Barrie, 3006 Concession Street East, Bowmanville, L 1C 3K5 advised that he and his family own a dairy farm operation approximately 1 1/3 mile from the site and suggested that, if this application is allowed to proceed, it may set a dangerous negative precedent for the development of the lands located to the east of this site. He suggested that a buffer zone be created between development and farming operations. .. .. IIlIIl Barry Majoor, 193 Guildwood Drive, Bowmanville, L 1 C 5C9 expressed opposition to the proposal and suggested that the path along the creek would be desirable. He requested that the community park which now complements the area not be moved. I IIlIIl Terry Bradbury, 165 Guildwood Drive, Bowmanville, L 1C 5C9 advised that he would not have purchased his home or paid $15,000 for a premium lot backing onto the ravine if he had known that there was a possibility that the zoning could be changed. He suggested that the residents are afraid to trust the developer. ... .. Maurice LeBlanc, 169 Guildwood Drive, Bowmanville, L 1 C 5C9 advised that he and his family presently enjoy the natural habitat including the deer and the salmon in the area. He requested clarification on wetlands comprised "north of the school". He requested that the significant wildlife corridor be left untouched. .. IIlIIi Drew Smith, 135 Sprucewood Cres., Bowmanville, L 1 C 5K4 noted concurrence with the previous speakers and wants to continue to enjoy the wildlife and natural area park. ... Charles Elliott, 2878 Concession Street East, Bowmanville, L 1 C 3K5 advised that the installation of services in this area are premature. ..i Jim Baker, 77 Soper Creek Drive, Bowmanville, L 1 C 4K6 expressed objection for the following reasons: . The removal of the existing community park; Additional traffic on Concession Street and related future signalization; and New services introduced to this area which will disturb the environment. ... . . .... Walter Hendrikx, 2892 Concession Road 3, Bowmanville, L 1C 3K5 has been a resident of this area for fifty years and objects to this application on the grounds that he wishes the site to remain as is and does not want the community park dedication removed. He requested Members of the Committee to leave the area in its natural state. ... ... Dean Prebble, 131 Sprucewood Cres. Bowmanville, L 1 C 4H5 stated objection to this proposal or any change to the area and to the designation until the year 2016 and objects to any change in the use of the school or the buildings. He advised that, in his estimation, that more details should have been included in the map which was provided. .J ... ~. 304 .. - G.P. & A. Minutes - 5 - September 9,2002 PUBLIC MEETINGS CONT'D. - - Allison Walker, 123 Sprucewood Cres., Bowmanville, L 1C 5H4 advised that she is a ten year resident and strongly opposes the proposed use because she and her family enjoy the nature trails, feed the ducks and, as they sit in their back yard, hear the creek running. - Lynn Tyers, 20 Marchwood Cres., Bowmanville, L 1 C 4J9 advised that she is opposed to any future residential development in the municipality. People have purchased homes in this municipality because of the "small town" atmosphere. - Joe Wells, 173 Guildwood Drive, Bowmanville, L 1C 5C9 expressed opposition to this proposal because, from his back deck, he enjoys the beautiful wildlife and related activities and would like to see this preserved for his children. - - Terry Witherspoon, 181 Sprucewood Cres. Bowmanville, L 1C 5H3 expressed opposition and concurrence with the previous speakers. No one spoke in support of this application. - Mark Conway, c/o N. Barry Lyon Consultants Ltd., 3 Church Street, Suite 100, Toronto, M5E 1M2 advised that Seal and Holdings Inc. is a company owned by Mr. Gary Ku and his family. He delved into the history of the site and advised that approximately one half million dollars has been invested on renovation of the buildings. The College has been an outstanding success and it is the intention of Seal and Holdings Inc. to only develop approximately 40 acres of this 105 acre site. It is the family's deepest wish to keep each existing building on the property and to reassure the residents of the complete protection of wildlife. The applicant intends to develop a trail system and preserve wildlife. Approximately 300 homes would be built over a period of 5 to 10 years. In his estimation, "New Vision" of the applicant and the fact that approximately 60 acres will remain in their natural state, will only serve to add value to the existing homes. He advised that the applicant would support the heritage designation of the property. In his view, development of this site would lead to a better and more intensive use of the land. - - ... .. - Resolution #GPA-315-02 Moved by Mayor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Ping Ie ... THAT the Committee recess for ten minutes. "CARRIED" ... The meeting reconvened at 11:40 a.m. ... (b) Report PSD-081-02 - Clarington Official Plan Amendment- The purpose and effect of the application is to relocate the District Park symbol to the east; re-align the intersection of the arterial roads; adjust the population target of the Port Darlington Neighbourhood from 3200 to 1850; amend Table 902 to allow 725 units, as opposed to 1200 in the Port Darlington Neighbourhood along with the corresponding adjustments to the low, medium and high density categories. - - 305 - G.P. & A. Minutes - 6- September 9, 2002 11III PUBLIC MEETINGS CONT'D. .. No one spoke in opposition to or in support to this application. Bryce Jordan, G.M. Sernas & Associates, 110 Scotia Court, Unit 41, Whitby, L 1 N 8Y7 appeared on behalf of the applicant and noted that the Official Plan target of 1200 is not achievable in this plan because there is not enough developable land, therefore, the population target has been set at 725. The applicant is willing to fund external road improvements and related capital costs pertaining to this development. .. .. (c) Report PSD-082-02 - Clarington Zoning By-law Amendment - The purpose and effect of the application is to permit the continuation of an existing motor vehicle repair garage and automobile glass replacement establishment. .. IIIIlII No one spoke in opposition to this application. Dan Strike, Strike Salmers & Furlong, 38 King Street West, P.O. Box 7, Bowmanville, L 1C 3K8 was present to answer questions from Members of the Committee. .. (d) Report PSD-083-02 - Rezoning Application - The purpose and effect of the application is to permit a 281 m2 (3030 ff) restaurant with a drive-thru facility. .. Ann Dubray, 7 Valleycrest Drive, Courtice, L 1E 1J2 circulated a copy of her presentation as well as a listing of 21 neighbours who are also opposed to this development. She noted that she and the neighbours are opposed to the development because of the increase in traffic volumes which will present a hazard to school children, pedestrians and vehicular traffic. She advised that some bus routes have already been diverted from this area because of the danger associated with the traffic volume. She also expressed concern pertaining to the manhole and sewer easement and the water runoff associated with developing this site. She advised that, in her view, the installation of traffic lights will not alleviate the situation. .. .. IIIIlII ... Marie Racine, 11 Centerfield Drive, Courtice, L 1 E 1 H5 advised that her son's school bus had to be re-routed because of the volumes of traffic in this area. She noted there are already two donut shops in place and stated that, if this organization is allowed to proceed, there will be two Tim Horton Donut shops within a one mile radius. i ... .. Libby Racansky, 3200 Hancock Road, Courtice, L 1 E 2M1 advised that she is opposed to this development and would like to see a park in this location. She referred to sections of the Environmental Impact Study, the validity of which is questionable. .... No one spoke in support of this application. ... Mark Bradley, TDL Group Ltd., Project Manager, 874 Sinclair Road, Oakville, L6K 2Y1 advised that a traffic study has been done for the intersection and access and the study has been reviewed by the Region and the Municipality and will function with design standards. An environmental study is required to ensure that the post development flow compares to the pre-development flow and it has been determined that the water quality will not be negatively altered. i .. I ~ 306 J - G.P. & A. Minutes - 7 - September 9,2002 PUBLIC MEETINGS CONT'D. - ... The traffic study indicates that there is no warrant for signalization at this time, and, if a problem should develop in the future, the applicant will be willing to look at the situation. PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT - - Clarington Official Plan Amendment Applicant: Sealand Holdings Inc. COPA2002-008 Resolution #G P A-316-02 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Report PSD-080-02 be received; - THAT the application to amend the Clarington Official Plan by Sealand Holdings Inc. be referred back for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report; - THAT the Clarington LACAC be requested to review the architectural and historical significance of the existing buildings at Great Lakes College and report back to Council; and - THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-080-02 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. - "CARRIED" ... Clarington Official Resolution #GPA-317 -02 Plan Amendment Applicant: Sylvan Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Trim Estates Inc. and Bennett Developments THAT Report PSD-081-02 be received; Inc. - ... THAT the application for amendment to the Clarington Official Plan, submitted by Sylvan Estates Inc. and Bennett Developments Inc. be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; and ... THAT the Durham Region Planning Department and all interested parties listed in Report PSD-081-02 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" - ... Rezoning Application Applicant: Wayne Allen DEV 86-060 Resolution #G P A-318-02 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report PSD-082-02 be received; - THAT the rezoning application submitted by Wayne Allen be approved and that a zoning by-law be forwarded to Council for adoption; - THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-082-02 and a copy of Council's decision; and - 307 - GP. & A. Minutes - 8 - September 9,2002 ... PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONT'D. 11III THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-082-02 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. lIIlIl "CARRIED" Rezoning Application Resolution #GPA-319-02 Applicant: The TDL Group Ltd. (Tim Moved by Mayor Mutton, seconded by Councillor MacArthur Hortons) ZBA2000-022 THAT Report PSD-083-02 be received; .. .. THAT the application to amend Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by the TDL Group Ltd. on behalf of Equibanc Funding Inc. be referred back to staff to take into consideration the public comments and a further traffic analysis be done; ... THAT the amending by-law be forwarded to Council for adoption at such time as Equibanc Funding Inc. enters into an appropriate agreement with the Region of Durham and submitted funds to the Region of Durham for the installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Centrefield Road and Durham Highway #2; ,; .. .. THAT a copy of Report PSD-083-02 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department and the Region of Durham Works Department; and f ... THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-083-02 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "'" "CARRIED" Monitoring the Decisions of the Committee of Adjustment Resolution #GPA-320-02 .. Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Trim .. THAT Report PSD-085-02 be received; and THAT Council concurs with decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on July 4, July 25, and August 8, 2002 for applications A2002/006, A2002/007, A2002/025, A2002/031 to A2002/050, inclusive and that staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. lIIlIl 11III "CARRIED" Councillor Pingle stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Report PSD-086-02; vacated her chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Pingle's relative resides in the immediate area of the subject site. ... ... .. ; lIIIi 308 i ',] .. - G.P. & A. Minutes - 9 - September 9, 2002 - PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONT'D. Resolution #GPA-321-02 - Removal of Part Lot Control Applicant: Eiram Development Corp. ZBA 2002-018 ... - - ... ... Rezoning Appl. Applicant: Denise Gerrits ZBA 2002-024 - ... ... .. ... ... ... - Rezoning Application Applicant: Gilbert Trolly ZBA 2002-013 - - - Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report PSD-086-02 be received; THAT the request for removal of Part Lot Control in respect of Block 1412 on Plan 40M-1776 be approved and the Part Lot Control By-law attached to Report PSD-086-02 be adopted; THAT a copy of the By-law attached to Report PSD-086-02 and Report PSD-086-02 be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham for their information; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-086-02, any delegation and the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-322-02 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Mayor Mutton THAT Report PSD-087-02 be received; THAT the rezoning application to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle, submitted by Denise Gerrits be approved; THAT the amending by-law attached to Report PSD-087-02 be passed by Council; THAT a copy of Report PSD-087-02 and the amending by-law attached to Report PSD-087-02 be forwarded to the Durham Region Planning Department; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-087-02 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARR I ED" This Report will be presented at a Special Council Meeting to be held immediately following the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting. Resolution #GPA-323-02 Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report PSD-088-02 be received; 3'09 G.P. & A. Minutes - 10 - September 9, 2002 .. PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONT'D. Removal of Part Lot Control Applicant: Stephen Pustil on behalf of Penwest Dev. Corp. Ltd. ZBA 2002-026 .. THAT the application to amend Zoning By-law 84-63, be approved and that the amending by-law attached to Report PSD-088-02 be forwarded to Council for approval; .. THAT a copy of Report PSD-088-02 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and .. THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-088-02 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. .. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-324-02 11III Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT Report PSD-089-02 be received; .. THAT the request for removal of Part Lot Control with respect to Lots 1 - 18 inclusive and Lot 42, on 40M-2094 be approved and that the Part Lot Control By-law attached to Report PSD-089-02 be passed pursuant to Section 50 (7.1) of the Planning Act; and .. THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-089-02, any delegation and the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department be advised of Council's decision. .. "CARRIED" ... Councillor MacArthur chaired this portion of the meeting. ... ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Monthly Report on Building Permit for April, 2002 Monthly Report on Building Permit for May, 2002 Monthly Report on Building Permit for June,2002 Monthly Report on Building Permit for July, 2002 Resolution #GPA-325-02 ... Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report EGD-37-02 be received for information. .... and THAT Report EGD-38-02 be received for information. .. and ... THAT Report EGD-39-02 be received for information. and .ii ... THAT Report EGD-40-02 be received for information. "CARRIED" .. ... 310 .. G.P. & A. Minutes - - 11 - September 9, 2002 - ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONT'D. Resolution #GPA-326-02 - Old Scugog Road Storm Sewer Replacement ... - - ... ... Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Mayor Mutton THAT Report EGD-41-02 be received; THAT a copy of Report EGD-41-02 be provided to Stacey and Thomas Cowan, 5487 Old Scugog Road; THAT the estimated total cost of $35,000.00 to complete the storm sewer replacement works be obtained from the General Capital Reserve Account #2900-17 -X a recommendation the Director of Finance concurs with; and THAT staff be authorized to proceed with the tendering of the remedial works upon funding allocation in order that the storm sewer replacement be completed this fall. "CARRIED" Councillor Rowe chaired this portion of the meeting. ... OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT There were no items considered under this section of the agenda. ... EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Resolution #GPA-327-02 ... Monthly Response Report,June,2002 - Monthly Response Report, July, 2002 - - Municipal Operations Centre - Expansion ... - - - - Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report ESD-013-02 be received for information. and THAT Report ESD-017-02 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-328-02 Moved by Mayor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT Report ESD-014-02 be received; and THAT the expansion of the Municipal Operations center be deferred to the 2003 Capital Budget. "CARRIED" 3 1 1 GP. & A. Minutes - 12 - September 9,2002 .. EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONT'D. .. Public Fire Safety Guideline on Staffing Resolution #GPA-329-02 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor MacArthur ... THAT Report ESD-015-02 be received; and THAT Council endorse the correspondence from the Township of Smith- Ennismore-Lakefield. ... "CARRIED" IIIii Emergency Measures Resolution #GPA-330-02 By-law 87-53 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor MacArthur IIIi THAT Report ESD-016-02 be received; and THAT By-law 87-53 is repealed. ... "CARRIED" ... COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Naming of New Arena Resolution #GPA-331-02 Facility at Prestonvale Road, Courtice Moved by Mayor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Schell ... THAT Report CSD-12-02 be received; and ... THAT the name, "South Courtice Arena" for the new twin pad arena facility to be constructed on Prestonvale Road in Courtice be approved. .. "CARRIED" Councillor Pingle chaired this portion of the meeting. ... CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Heritage Designation - 5311 Acres Road, Bowmanville Resolution #GPA-332-02 .. Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report CLD-29-02 be received; .. THAT the by-law attached to Report CLD-29-02 as Attachment No. 1 to designate 5311 Acres Road, Bowmanville as a heritage property be forwarded to Council; .... THAT the Clerk be authorized to carry out all actions necessary to complete the process of property designation pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.O. 18 and detailed within Report CD-29-02; and ... IIIii THAT Mr. and Mrs. Fraser and the Local Architectural Conservation and Advisory Committee be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" ... 312 .II ... G.P. & A. Minutes - 13 - September 9,2002 ... CLERK'S DEPARTMENT CONT'D. Resolution #GPA-333-02 ... - Parking Report For the month of June,2002 - - Parking Report For the month of July, 2002 - - ... Animal Services Monthly Report for the Month of June - 2002 - ... Animal Services Monthly Report for the Month of July - 2002 ... - Municipal Law Enforcement Division Staffing Compliment - ... - - Amendment to Responsible Pet Ownership By-law - ... Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report CLD-30-02 be received; and THAT a copy of Report CLD-30-02 be forwarded to the Bowmanville Business Centre for their information. and THAT Report CLD-32-02 be received; and THAT a copy of Report CLD-32-02 be forwarded to the Bowmanville Business Centre for their information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-334-02 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report CLD-33-02 be received for information; and THAT a copy of Report CLD-33-02 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee and THAT Report CLD-34-02 be received for information; and THAT a copy of Report CLD-34-02 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee "CARRI ED" Resolution #GPA-335-02 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Mayor Mutton THAT Report CLD-35-02 be received; THAT the staffing compliment within the Municipal Law Enforcement Division be increased; and THAT the Organizational Chart be adjusted to reflect the staff increase. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-336-02 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Report CLD-36-02 be received; 313 G.P. & A. Minutes - 14 - September 9, 2002 ... CLERK'S DEPARTMENT CONT'D. Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 ... THAT the By-law attached to Report CLD-36-02 to amend By-law #99-90 be approved by Council; and ... THAT the Animal Advisory Committee be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" .. Resolution #GPA-337-02 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell ... THAT Report CLD-37-02 be received for information. "CARRIED" .. Mayor Mutton chaired this portion of the meeting. 11III CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Co-operative Agreement - Direct Purchase of Natural Gas Supplier Information Night Tender Awards - Summer Council Break Resolution #GPA-338-02 11III Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report COD-38-02 be received; THAT the Agreement with A.E. Sharp Limited at a price of .00134/m3 (.03/GJ) extended for an additional three years; and .. .. THAT the By-law marked Schedule "A" attached to Report COD-38-02, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the agreement be approved. "CARRIED" .. Resolution #GPA-339-02 .. Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report COD-39-02 be received for information. ... "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-340-02 ... Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT Report COD-40-02 be received; ... THAT the By-laws marked Schedules "A", "B" and "C" attached to Report COD-40-02, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to enter into the necessary agreements be approved. IIIlIIi "CARR I ED" .. 314 .. ... .. G.P. & A. Minutes - 15 - September 9, 2002 CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONT'D. - Confidential Report - Personnel Matter Resolution #GPA-341-02 ... Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor MacArthur - THAT Confidential Report COD-41-02 pertaining to a Personnel Matter be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered at a "closed" meeting. "CARRIED" - FINANCE DEPARTMENT - Annual Statement Resolution #GPA-342-02 For Development Charges Reserve Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell Funds for year Ended Dec. 31,2001 THAT Report FND-012-02 be received for information. - "CARRIED" - CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S DEPARTMENT - There were no items considered under this section of the agenda. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #GPA-343-02 - Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor MacArthur ... THAT the delegation of Libby Racansky be referred to the Planning Services Department. - OTHER BUSINESS Road Closure Resolution #GPA-344-02 ... Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Schell - THAT the correspondence dated August 7, 2002 from Donna Stephens, requesting permission for a road closure for the holding of the Enniskillen Community Barbeque and Street Dance on September 14, 2002 be received; - THAT the request be approved provided the applicant applies for and obtains a road occupancy permit; and - THAT Donna Stephens be advised of Council's decision, FORTHWITH. "CARRIED" - - 315 - GP. & A. Minutes - 16 - September 9, 2002 ., OTHER BUSINESS CONT'D. .. 2nd Annual Luke's Resolution #GPA-345-02 Place Charity Baseball Tournament Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor MacArthur ... THAT the correspondence from Detective Craig Greentree, Durham Regional Police Service requesting Council to approve a grant to cover the cost of the ball diamond rental fee on September 14, 2002 at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex, east ball diamond be received and approved; and ... THAT Detective Craig Greentree be advised of Council's decision. ... "CARRIED" .. Resolution #GPA-346-02 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Rowe 11III THAT the meeting be "closed" for consideration of Confidential Report COD-41-02 pertaining to a personnel matter. 11III "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-347-02 ... Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the actions taken at the "closed" meeting be ratified. ... "CARRIED" ADJOURNMENT .... Resolution #GPA-348-02 .. Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the meeting adjourn at 1: 15 p.m. .. "CARRIED" .... MAYOR .. DEPUTY CLERK IIIIi IIIIi 316 ~ , IIIIIIi ... ... ... ... .. "". 011I' .... "III' tII!" ., .... ... -. -. ... ... -, -. PUBLIC MEETING REPORT # PSD-090-02 VALIANT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ClfJ!.-y!gron CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING VALIANT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Development Application by: PLANNING FILE NOS.: COPA 2002-009, ZBA 2002-025 & S-C-2002-003 AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington will consider a proposed Official Plan Amendment, a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, and a non-residential Draft Plan of Subdivision under Sections 17, 34 and 51 respectively of the Planning Act, 1990, as amended. APPLICATION DETAILS The proposed Official Plan Amendment submitted by Valiant Property Management would permit the development of 6,410 m2 of retail commercial floor space on the subject property. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision submitted by Valiant Property Management would implement the proposed Official Plan Amendment. The subject property is located in Part Lot 16, Concession 1, former Township of Darlington, more specifically on the north side of Highway 2 between Green Road and Clarington Boulevard in Bowmanville (See key map on reverse side). PUBLIC MEETING The Municipality of Clarington will hold a public meeting to provide interested parties the opportunity to make comments, identify issues and provide additional information relative to the proposed development. The public meeting will be held on: Monday, September 23, 2002 9:30 a.m. Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposal. The start time listed above reflects the time at which the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting commences. DATE: TIME: PLACE: COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS? If you wish to make a written submission or if you wish to be notified of subsequent meetings or the adoption of the proposed Official Plan Amendment and approval of the Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision, you must submit a written request to the Clerk's Department, 2'ld Floor, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L 1C 3A6. Additional information relating to the proposal is available for inspection between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the Planning Services Department, 2nd Floor, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L 1C 3A6, or by calling Richard Holy at (905) 623-3379 extension 332 or bye-mail atrholy@municipalitv.clarinqton.on.ca. APPEAL If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision for the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By- law Amendments and Draft Plan of Subdivision to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed Official Plan Amendment is adopted or the Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision are approved, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. Dated at the Municip . of Clarington this 21st day of August, 2002. 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L 1C 3A6 501 arry or Manager of Development Review Municipality of Clarin9ton ) ~. ---....... ." , J ~ a:: r::I :; zi3 .. wA: ~ w~ . a::~ : "CJ .. .. III ... Q ., . ~/(I"'G'S HIGH""AY "'0. ? Bowmanville Key Map ZBA 2002-025, COP A 2002-009 and SC2002-o03 Zoning By-law Amendment Clarington Official Plan Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Owner: Valiant Property Management 502 ... ... ... .. .. LOT : .. ... .. .. -- .. .. ... .. - ... .. .. f/fII .., .. CI~mgron REPORT PLANNING SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING .... .. .. Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, September 23,2002 iiiIIw Report #: PSD-090-02 File #: COPA 2002-009, By-law #: ZBA 2002-025 & S-C-2002-0Q3 .. Subject: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT, REZONING AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS APPLICANT: VALIANT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT .. Ill. RECOMMENDATIONS: 11I11I It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-090-02 be received; 2. THAT the development applications submitted Valiant Property Management be referred back to Staff for further processing and preparation of a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding comments; and, 11I11I .. 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. .. 4. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. ... Submitted by: Reviewed by: o~~~, .. vi . Crome, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P. Director, Planning Services Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer - RH*L T*df 17 September 2002 - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 - 601 - ... REPORT NO.: PsD-090-02 PAGE 2 ... 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 11IIII 1.1 Applicant: Valiant Property Management 1.2 Agent: Sernas Associates ifill 1.3 Official Plan Amendment: To permit the development of 6,410 m2 of retail commercial floors pace by increasing the retail commercial development thresholds contained in Section 5.2.4 of the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan. .. III .. 1.4 Rezoning: To rezone the property from "Agricultural (A) Zone" to permit the development of 6,410 m2 of retail commercial floorspace. 11III 1.5 Draft Plan of Subdivision: 11IIII To subdivide the subject lands into two retail commercial development blocks and provide for the dedication of Uptown Avenue as municipal roadway. 11III - 1.6 Site Area: 5.9 hectares (14.6 acres) .. 2.0 LOCATION 2.1 The property under consideration includes 1989, 1991, and 1993 Green Road, which is located at the southeast corner of Highway 2 and Green Road in Bowmanville (See Attachment 1). The applicant has also recently purchased property at 2374 Highway 2 to accommodate the larger proposal. The land holdings under consideration total 5.9 hectares (14.6 ac). The property is located within Part Lot 16, Concession 1, in the former Township of Darlington. .. .... ... .. ... 602 ... ... - ... - - - - - - - - REPORT NO.: PsD-090-02 PAGE 3 3.0 BACKGROUND 3.1 On August 1, 2002, Valiant Property Management submitted official plan amendment, rezoning and draft plan of subdivision applications to permit the redevelopment of 6,410 m2 of retail commercial floorspace as shown on Attachment 2. The development would consist of a 3,716 m2 supermarket and 2,694 m2 of other retail commercial floorspace. Proposed building elevations are contained in Attachment 3. 3.2 Although the applicant may purchase the Scotia Bank building and the surrounding lands on the northwest corner of Highway 2 and Clarington Boulevard, this portion of the development is currently zoned "General Commercial Exception (C1-15) Zone" and is not subject to these applications. Further commercial development may occur on these lands subject to site plan approval. 3.3 Although the applicant recently purchased the property at 2374 Highway 2, the - applicant does not own the property at 2380 Highway 2. - 4.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 4.1 The majority of the subject lands, with the exception of the dwelling on 2374 ... Highway 2, are currently vacant. This area drains towards Highway 2. - - - - - - 4.2 Surrounding Uses: East - North - West - South: - Cineplex theatre and restaurant uses Agricultural lands and rural residential Agricultural lands Clarington Centre shopping plaza and Canadian Tire 603 11III REPORT NO.: PSD-090-02 PAGE 4 ... 5.0 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5.1 The Clarington Official plan designates the property as "Retail Commercial" within the Bowmanville Main Central Area Secondary Plan. Although the land use designation permits retail commercial development, a series of retail thresholds related to population growth governs when lands can be zoned or released for commercial development. An initial allocation of retail f100rspace to establish a critical mass for development was approved by the OMB. Neither the critical mass established in Section 5.2.4 of the Secondary Plan nor the population thresholds provide for a sufficient amount of retail f100rspace to permit development of the subject lands. As such, an amendment to the Clarington Official Plan was submitted to seek commercial development rights on these lands. A copy of the proposed amendment to the Clarington Official Plan is contained in Attachment 4. - III .. ... 11III .. III 5.2 Prior to approval of additional retail commercial f100rspace on the subject lands, the policies require that a retail market impact study at the applicant's expense, is necessary to address the following issues: · the impact of existing commercial development in West Bowmanville on the downtown and other designated commercial areas; - .. .. · changes in consumer expenditure patterns from those patterns documented in retail market studies prepared in 1992; and, .. · the impact of additional retail commercial development on existing commercial development throughout Clarington. - The terms of reference for the market study are discussed in Section 9.2 of this report. .. .. ... 604 III .. - - - - - - - ... - - ... - - - - - - - - REPORT NO.: PsD-090-02 PAGE 5 6.0 ZONING BY-LAW CONFORMITY 6.1 The lands subject to the application are currently zoned "Agricultural (A) Zone". In order to permit the proposed development, a rezoning application was submitted for consideration. 7.0 PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSION 7.1 Public notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site and three public meeting notice signs were installed on the lands. 7.2 No general inquiries or correspondence has been received on these applications to date. 8.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 The Building Division has no objections to the proposal as long as proper fire protection and access routes are provided, all servicing approvals are obtained, and commercial development charges are paid. 8.2 Enbridge Consumers Gas has no objections to the proposal provided that all streets are constructed to municipal standards and that all necessary information is provided to permit the installation of their gas lines. 8.3 The application has been circulated to the following agencies for review. . Clarington Engineering Services . Clarington Operations . Clarington Emergency Services . Durham Region Planning Department . Durham Region Public Works Department . Durham Regional Police Services . Central Lake Ontario Conservation 605 ... REPORT NO.: PsD-090-02 PAGE 6 .. · Public School Board · Canada Post Corporation · Bell Canada .. .. · Hydro One Networks Inc. Due to the complexity of the application, comments have not been received from .. these agencies to date. 9.0 COMMENTS 9.1 West Diamond Properties Inc. and Players Business Park Ltd. submitted official plan amendment and rezoning applications to permit 24,000 m2 of retail commercial fIoorspace at the northeast corner of Green Road and Highway 2. Development applications on the subject lands propose a further 6,410 m2 of retail commercial fIoorspace. If approved, these two applications would more than double the amount of existing commercial fIoorspace in the Bowmanville West Main Central Area. . ..., .. .. .. lIIIIi .. 9.2 Staff have prepared the terms of reference for a commercial policy review and retail market study. This developer-funded study will examine the following issues. .. .... · How has the retail market evolved in Bowmanville and surrounding area since 1993? - · Can the Clarington market support additional commercial fIoorspace in advance of the population thresholds established in the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan? If so, where and how much? - · What level of support exists for each retail category? Are there any impacts on other commercial areas? Would the impacts differ for big box retailers? .. · Would approval of these developments delay the introduction of other designated commercial areas? ... IIIlIi 606 IIIlIi ... - - REPORT NO.: PSD-090-02 PAGE 7 ... . If the proposals impact the viability of unbuilt lower order commercial centres, should they be considered for removal from the Official Plan? - . Based on the retail market analysis prepared for recent commercial developments in Oshawa, what level of market support remains for these proposals? .. . What are the known impacts from other locations of Wal-Mart on smaller businesses carrying competitive merchandise? - - Staff anticipate that this study will commence once the West Diamond Properties application is finalized. ... 9.3 A critical issue for this application is the phasing of infrastructure improvements, including the extension of roads. In this regard, improvements are required to _ upgrade Highway 2 and Green Road. Internally, extensions of Uptown Avenue and Clarington Boulevard are required. - - The Clarington Official Plan designates Uptown Avenue from Regional Road 57 to Boswell Avenue. This transportation link, running parallel with Highway 2, will provide an important component for the grid system of streets providing an alternate route to Highway 2. This is important to alleviate the future traffic pressures on Highway 2. The applicant will be required to dedicate the lands for Uptown Avenue as a condition of draft plan approval. - - - The extension of Clarington Boulevard northerly to the unopened portion of Concession Road 2 is the other internal public road required to be constructed. While the developer considers this road section to be unnecessary in the short term to service its first phase development, this road section is critical for the servicing of the new Bowmanville High School site. - - - - 607 - - REPORT NO.: PsD-090-02 PAGE 8 .. The Municipality has an agreement with the existing owner of the lands, Willsonia Industries, that in the event of the sale of the lands, the road extensions for Clarington Boulevard and a portion of the future Uptown Avenue will be transferred to the Municipality, and appropriate securities for the construction of the roads will be posted. 11III ... ... Municipal staff and solicitor have met with Willsonia Industries and Valiant Property Management with respect to the arrangements under the agreement with the Municipality and a potential solution to the servicing needs of the future High School site. This matter will be addressed by separate report when a solution is reached. .. - .. 9.4 This proposal will be subject to urban design review with the assistance of outside consultants. ... - 10. CONCLUSIONS 10.1 As the purpose of this report is to satisfy the requirements for the Public Meeting under the Planning Act, and taking into consideration all of the comments received, it is respectfully requested that this report be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report. - ... .. Attachments: .. Attachmel1t 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Proposed Development Plan Attachment 3 - Proposed Building Elevations Attachment 4 - Proposed Amendment to the C1arington Official Plan - .. ... 608 ... iii - - - - - - - - - - ... - - - - - - - - REPORT NO.: PsD-090-02 PAGE 9 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Glenn Willson Willsonia Industries Limited 140 Bond Street West P.O. Box 488 Oshawa, Ontario L 1 H 7L8 Robert Hann Valiant Property Management 177 Nonquon Road 20th Floor Oshawa, Ontario L 1 G 3S2 Bryce Jordan Sernas Associates 110 Scotia Court Unit 41 Whitby, Ontario L 1 N 8Y7 Bill Creamer D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited 96 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario L 1 H 1 B6 609 ATTACHMENT 1 ... ) .. .. J ~ a:: ~ ... .,. ----- ." .. - .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... Bowmanville Key Map .. ZBA 2002-025, COPA 2002-009 and SC2002-o03 ... Zoning By-law Amendment Clarington Official Plan Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision .. ... Owner: Valiant Property Management ... A10 11III .. ATTACHMENT 2 · i l ."1 I ~ ~ . ~~~ t <C I ztI ~ ! I .. z u~ ~\Q' Ii ~~~; <I I f ~I ~ h ~ ili I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~i I ~ '7 .:: Ii . !:I ,I ~ ~ .. ~ I'%-~" iL~; ~ . ~ :; ~ .. a' '" . ... - - ~"- - - - I- - z . w :::! I CL , g I w - ~D . . DO II · III I w I a:: :) , I- :) - I I . I - I , , '" II: - , ~~a / , ~~ - :'i' .,.., " " '6'" E :::i -=- u" :::i c - ....J lIT.... lii -:: ~:i lii "$u ", ~! II:~ '" "'''' ~~~;1j '" Ill'" I ", "'''' - i~ \ LU a a aa . . !~ ~ g; ~ g;~ W ::00. ::00. \ !J II:~ 00 00 oE LU LU a: LULUa: III ua:o. _ ~ a: a.. - . , ... - ~ oC 1111:;",1.1 U -a..cnln - ll;fll!:l o:~ F ~ II) Wl.IJ \ it -' !;l!;l ~-'~~ 0-0. Vl fi: ~ &; ll; o.~&;&; ~E F . , ~ - a:!U ~a:~~ i~ III ~ ~u lil ~~~ - W LU oC oC I- it-a.~ I'-~~ -.:---- Vi D. D. - - 61 1 - 0- " "0 N a I ,.... a I if) I .D ...., I <.D a ('oJ a "- '" o '" o C>- o D: " 0:: ~ Vi I <.D o ('oJ o "- ~ v a; ~ <; u ~ .> ~ E " o en I o N o "- '" u v '0 D: <<: ~ "- u lk . . I.i" I · :\,00 ~ ~ . I f\ I ~ :: ~ ill .!%~ diU; I ATTACHMENT 3 l ~~~ i g II ~ -~I ~ 9 l!: ~ ~t\J~ ~ ~~ ~ 1Il~~~ ~ ~~ ~ il~ ..I !Z~1~~.2'~ .cI:ii ~~~~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ a!8 ... .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. - 11III ... .. .. -~ 1-----.'- ,1--....-..... .............~..~..... ATTACHMENT 4 Amendment No. To the Clarington Official Plan - Purpose: The purpose of the amendment is to (1) amend the thresholds for retail floors pace within the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan; and (2) to allocate present and future commercial f100rspace potential to the area bounded by King Street, Green Road, the road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 and Clarington Boulevard. This amendment will permit the zoning of up to 6,000m2 of retail and personal service floorspace in the subject area based on current population levels and the zoning of up to an additional 6,000m2 of retail f100rspace when the population of Clarington exceeds 78,000 persons. - - - Basis: The basis of this amendment is an Official Plan Amendment application (COPA 2002-009) filed by Valiant Property Management. - Actual Amendment: The Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan (Part VI of the Clarington Official Plan) is hereby amended by: - 1. Revising the chart within Section 5.2.4 a) to read as follows: - Clarington Population Target Retail Thresholds l (gross leasable area in square m) 78,000 33,000 94,000 41,000 110,000 57,000 - - 2. By amending Section 5.2.4 by adding the following sub-section - "(e) An additional 6,000m2 of the initial threshold is hereby allocated to the parcel bounded by King Street, Green Road, the road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2, and Clarington Boulevard. A further 6,000m2 will be allocated to this parcel from the second threshold upon the Clarington Population surpassing 78,000 persons." - - Implementation: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan as amended regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. - Interpretation: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. - - - 613 - .. .. 11III .. 11III .. .. 11III .. 11III .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. - - Cl~mgron REPORT PLANNING SERVICES - - - Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, September 23,2002 - Report #: PSD-091-02 File #: PLN By-law #: - Subject: BOWMANVILLE HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT STUDY BY-LAW - RECOMMENDA liONS: - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. THAT Report PSD-091-02 be received; - 2. THAT the attached By-law be approved to initiate the study of a portion of the Bowmanville urban area as a Heritage Conservation District pursuant to Section 40 (1) of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 018; and - 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report, all property owners identified on Attachment 8,and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. - Submitted by: Reviewed by: 0 ~.~......; ,~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer - David . Crome, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P. Director, Planning Services - - IL*DC*df 17 September 2002 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623- 3379 F (905)623-0830 - - 614 ... REPORT NO.: PsD-091-02 PAGE 2 .. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On May 21, 2002, Report PSD-048-02 was presented to Council for information purposes. The Report explained the steps and procedures involved in designating a portion of the Bowmanville urban area as a Heritage Conservation District under the Ontario Heritage Act. 11III .. ... 1.2 Section 40(1) of the Act states that the Council of a municipality may, by By-law, define an area of the municipality as an area to be examined for future designation as a Heritage Conservation District. The Council may, after such examination is completed, prepare Official Plan provisions with respect to such designation. Approval of a by-law to study an area does not stop demolition, additions, unsympathetic infills or any other type of activity from being conducted if that activity complies with the current regulations in place. The purpose of the By-law is only to delineate the area to be studied. .. .. .. ... "" 1.3 The Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association (OBNA) has requested the neighbourhood bounded by Concession Street, Wellington Street and Liberty Street to be considered for designation. Upon staff review of the listed heritage resources on the opposite sides of these streets the proposal was expanded to include the north side of Concession Street and the south side of Wellington Street. The expanded area was presented through the public consultation process to date and no objections to the expansion area have been raised. The study area is now identified as Schedule "An to Attachment 1. .. .. .. .. Public Consultation 1.4 All Heritage Conservation Districts are approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. Public consultation is one of the key factors in gaining final approval of a District. To this effect, a neighbourhood residents open house was held on June 11, 2002, to obtain the input of the affected property owners. There are 308 properties within the proposed boundary. Forty-three people attended the open house, representing 34 property owners, or 11 % of the total. .. - .. .. .. 6~5 .. -- REPORT NO.: PsD-091-02 PAGE 3 1.5 The meeting consisted of a presentation by staff (Attachment 2) and a question and answer period. The EducationlTechnical Advisor with the Heritage Branch - of the Ministry of Culture participated in the questions period. A list of the question raised is attached as Attachment 3. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.6 At the end of the open house all attendees were presented with a combined questionnaire and District Steering Committee volunteer form (Attachment 4). The first question asked if the property owners would like their property to be included within the boundaries of a Heritage Conservation District. Seventeen responded yes, 4 responded no, and 6 responded maybe or gave no response. A hard copy of the staff presentation was distributed at the open house. 1.7 In order to inform those who did not attend the meeting a newsletter was prepared (Attachment 5) summarizing the process and the implications. The newsletter also notified the public that this report would be presented to Council at the September 23, 2002, meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee. It was distributed in August by means of an insert in the OBNA newsletter, which is circulated to the property owners within the proposed District area and beyond. Five hundred copies were provided. 1.8 Opportunity was provided for written comments on the open house questionnaire. Staff have received 6 separate written submissions, one in favour and 5 against, and two verbal inquiries into the proposal outside of the questionnaire responses. The written submissions are included as Attachment 6. Interim Control Bv-Iaw 1.9 The OBNA had requested that an interim control by-law be passed to control development while the District was being studied. The process was explained at the open house. Public opinion was also requested on the questionnaire. Eleven were in favour, 6 were opposed, and 8 gave no response. 616 REPORT NO.: PsD-091-02 PAGE 4 ... 1.10 Section 8.3.2 of the Clarington Official Plan states where a structure is designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, or is recognized on the heritage resource list, the Municipality will: 11III .. · allow alterations, renovations, additions or repairs provided the proposed changes are compatible and consistent with the building and the surrounding area in terms of building materials, colour, height, scale and design, including windows, doors and roof lines; · discourage the demolition or the inappropriate alteration of a heritage resource; and · require infill buildings to be compatible and consistent with the surrounding buildings and streetscape in terms of building materials, height, width, scale, colour, setback and design, including windows, doors and roof lines. .. .. .. .. - 1.11 There are 13 designated properties in the study area. A further 110 are recorded on the heritage resource list. The remaining 185 buildings have not been evaluated to date. An interim control by-law would be in effect for one year, with a one year option to renew. Given the number of significant heritage homes disbursed throughout the neighbourhood, the provisions of the Official Plan should be sufficient to guide development until a formal Heritage Conservation District is approved. On this basis staff are not in support of an interim control by-law being applied to the study area. "'" .. .. ... .. District Steerinq Committee 1.12 The best practices of other municipalities have indicated that the establishment of a District Steering Committee is instrumental to guide the Municipality through the preparation of the Heritage Conservation District Study. The Committee is to be appointed by the Director of Planning Services. The Committee is to be comprised of representatives of Municipal staff, the LACAC, the OBNA, and neighbourhood residents. It is anticipated that 3 neighbourhood residents would .. .. .. .. ... 617 .. - - - - - - - - - - ... - - - - - - - - REPORT NO.: PsD-091-02 PAGE 5 be appointed. Through Resolution. GPA-229-02 Council removed any "designated political representation" on the Steering Committee. 1.13 Staff representatives would be Isabel Little, Planner, Planning Services Department, and Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation and Design, Engineering Services. The OBNA has designated Bill Humber, Chair, and Doreen Fletcher from their executive. The LACAC would be represented by Mavis Carlton, Chair and Victor Suppan, Vice-Chair. A number of neighbourhood residents will be chosen and all will be notified of appointment upon Council's approval of the study area By-law. The first task of the Committee will be to review the bids submitted by interested heritage consultants on the request for proposals for the district study. Heritaae Consultant 1 .14 This project is to proceed in two phases. Phase one would be to conduct a Heritage Conservation District Background Study. This phase documents the character of the neighbourhood as an area of architectural and historic significance. Should Council approve the continuation of the designation of the District, the process will move on to phase two, which would be the preparation of Heritage Conservation District Plan. The Plan will incorporate specific architectural guidelines as well as strategies for conserving and enhancing the character of the district. A professional heritage consultant will be required for both phases. 1.15 In order to keep project costs to a minimum, the consultant will be requested to guide the process versus completing the entire project unassisted. A Draft of the Request for Proposals has been prepared and will be finalized in consultant with the Purchasing Manager. It is anticipated that the consultant request for proposal, review of submissions, and final selection will be completed by November. 618 REPORT NO.: PsD-091-02 PAGE 6 ... 2.0 CONCLUSION 2.1 Four of the 34 property owners who attended the June 11th open house, indicated that they were not in support of the designation. Five written submissions were received after the open house in objection. Two of these five had previously noted their opposition at the open house. Therefore, the total in opposition to date is 7 property owners out of 308 in proposed Heritage Conservation District area. - ... ... ... 2.2 It is recommended that the study area by-law be approved so that the District Steering Committee can be established, the consultant can be engaged, and the formal process can begin. .. .. .. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Study Area By-law Attachment 2 - Open House Presentation Attachment 3 - Open House Questions Attachment 4 - Questionnaire Attachment 5 - Newsletter Attachment 6 - Public Submissions Attachment 7 - Request for Proposals Attachment 8 - Open House Attendants .. .. .. .. 11III .. .. .. - 619 - .. .. - - ... - - ... ... - - ... - ... ... - - - - - REPORT NO.: PsD-091-02 PAGE 7 List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Mavis Carlton LACAC Chair Planning Services Department 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 3A6 Bill Humber, Chair OBNA 15 Beech Avenue Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 3A 1 Barbara Lee 34 Wellington Street Bowmanville, ON L 1C 1V2 Alma Langmaid 95 Wellington Street #116 Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 5A 1 Douglas Woods 5 Grant Lane Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 2Y 4 Frances and Bill Huether 22 Centre Street Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 2X9 Grace Forrester 79 Division Street Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 2Z9 Douglas Doxtater 53 Centre Street Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 2Y2 All Open House Attendees identified on Attachment 8 620 ATTACHMENT 1 "' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 2002- , .. being a By-law to initiate the study of a portion of the Bowmanville urban area for its potential as a designated Heritage Conservation District .. .. WHEREAS the Ontario Heritage Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 018, Section 40(1) provided in part the Council of a municipality may, by by-law, define in the Municipality one or more areas thereof as an area to be examined for future designation as a Heritage Conservation District; .... .. AND WHEREAS Section 8.3.1 (d) of the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan provides for the designation of a group or groups of heritage properties as a Heritage Conservation District; 11III NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: .. ... That a portion of the Bowmanville Urban Area shown on Schedule 'A' , be examined as an area for possible future designation as a Heritage Conservation District, pursuant to the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act. 2. Schedule "An attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 1. .... 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Chapter 018, Section 40(1) of the Ontario Heritage Act. ... .... BY-LAW read a first time this 30th day of September 2002 .. BY-LAW read a second time this 30th day of September 2002 ... BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 30th day of September 2002 .... ~ .. John Mutton, Mayor . Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk .. 621 11III ~ n- - \ e-Ir~ ~(; HI\..- :)[ ELL STR~ m " J-L- ~~-JJ / - I--- Ol/ ~I""'"A - c- -_w i.%: ~ \ c- == /~ ~~~~ ~ /~ ~ ,~~ /~ I~ /'i >> / ./ ~ / '/. '// I /~w. / ~~I) ~~ ~ .~ ///"X ~ ~~ ~ <<1/ 'I~ '/// {////, '/ T ~ ~ C<<;2 o <!l ::> ~~- - - - f--- STURRnC:K F D I-- L-- ~ - - - - - - - - - ~ \ ~( \> < - ... ... - - - - ~. .- - z ~j/ 1.. ~~~;;~ z ill W/' S/'h "~~ ~ ~ ,,~ ~ ' ~~ :!: 01t ~ ~<i) ~ ') ~ 'I ~J: ~ oS')'~ ~cf~{A ~ ~~ (j ,. "'" . ~~ G' oS']; tJ~ ~ 1/ :r: rl .- ~<:.~ h:~ ~ O~E~ C ~" ~ ltU/ib.y oS' ~~ r:::: m ~ ~~ (J) 7 ~ . i~rl ...J CH ~ SCHEDULE -A- / \ \ ~J\ \1\1 H. BORLAND CRT ~/ //. ~ - I--- ~ OV () - ~~ 7'7. '// /~~r/ '/ ~ f1 ~ 1/ ~,,~~ ~ )'/ 'lII" '/, ~ I/~ '/ / ~ ~ ;; //- ~ ~~ / '/ '/ '/ '// ~ % 1/7} / :;/,/ 'i ~ all, :AT ~ ~/, /)t ~ '/ '/'/ '/ '/ /~ /A t> ~~ ~ ~ r/ '7ffJ0 ~ it -ti~ ~ G'oS' ~ )'Ij>~ ~h" ~.s',. ~~ ~ ~ / ~ '/ ""-< j ~~ ~~ I ~1lI 0~ $ ~<i) 7'. !jl~~ Jl /:-0 ~ ~ tJ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :;. 622 ~% ~~'* ~~ ~~A\~ .l-- i1 ~I l- e: o z I- -I-- lli- - e: - I- r-- ~ en I-- ~ f-,- V - ffi f-- rr //.1 lD '-4 ...J f- ~ '-,y Z --.l tii I-- - ~ >:;; I- ffi~ lD ...J 1 ~ :;M4IL I ~ .6\ '"---' - KING ~ r::: ~ E = .... ' r= I- == == I~ -;Jtb~ I HERITAGE CONSERVA'TION DISTRICT STUDY AREA ATT ACHMENT 2 ... .. .. /,~" //' ',", ~,::,:~", -..., ~"" ~~>c' ~;-;...... -..,., /.' #f ~('~' ......"... 7;;;""'" ... Bowmanville Heritage Conservation District Proposal Neighbourhood Residents Open House June 11, 2002 .. ... .. .. ~""'.""""-"-"-'"''",,,,,,,'''',,,,''' Cl!lr!.lJ~10n ... ... ,/ J'...' ;/ ",- ~~""'~;;.<,;~.-;.. ....., /' , .J! ......., -.. .. What is a Heritage Conservation District? .. architectural, historic, scenic and/or archaeological features worth conserving a few buildings or an entire municipality special character and/or associations that distinguish it from its surroundings Part V of Ontario Heritage Act 51 within Ontario, 23 under study approved by the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) .. public support .. justification of district boundary IIIIlIi ... .. iii "',~-_._-~,-",'~""'- .- ......~<~.....-----...:....~,.....- -'-.' "--~"~'~-~'-''''--- ~,.-",.~,.~."".;/'....."".~ CI!)l~f!Jglnn ... .. 623 .. - - - '"" // ,.--< I>" ........ - - - - ... - - - - ... - - - - - - ,.'" --:::::::,~:." ~;;"'~~- ' ~-,' # ...,' What Area is Being Proposed? OBNA request for Concession Street, Wellington Street, Liberty Street expansion V-"'K'. ...-......._--~~..;-,,-;<:..-:...,.P.....- . '.lII''l --......-""--,.-..'"".._,..;.~40;;.' Cl&i!lgton ,,/,/ l/ ~~".........",- .... ..... ~;;", ' Why Expand? . ., -- qo ',--.... ~,~,-,~",,,,,,.=..,,,.-,-- ClilljlJ~10n 624 -"'.--- ~. ~, -, ';.~...;;.t...__',,~ ~'- .~ - _~....",-_,c;;;..:..... 2 /.... i"'" . ..... .......,~ /" <# A.-~' ~; ~,,-;,;;, What is a Heritage Resource? LACAC recorded in the inventory historical and/or architectural significance 3 categories: .. Designated .. Primary .. Secondary 13 designated 60 primary 50 secondary 183 not on list mixture of homes ClfKilJgtOl1 ./ 1'/ '''''''. ~,:,:;:.' "'~i..:....,..', "~ """'.. ~ /. 110 Wellington Street Clmineton Id'Gdill 1I"n'atl 625 .. ... .......".-. ... ... ... .. .. .. ... ... """,..~' .... - .. .. !!"II ... ... 11IIII 3 III - - - /' j/ .-/ r -.". ~"~" /"'" ~ "" ..tf' ......, '"""':'. - 33 & 35 Centre Street - - - - - ClfJ[lllgfon - - ,/ J/ '''''''''''''''"..'~. ~""'--"... """",. ., ;;;.- "".' - West on Carlisle - -~_,;"",~.",,,,,,,--:".'"'''-~''~~''''''' -~... ~ . .=-,-",,,,~-',~">-: -.~:.,;.;~"".....".~_..._-<;'~..~_.-,~~""':,.; - ... - .. - CI!JLlpgton ... - 626 4 ,/.,/ '// ,/ j/ 11III - 'Jo;;,'~'~>::",> ~~7:;'", ~- .'-. ,..-".,--- -~..-,. ''''''',~~" ........4;;c ~:.' -.. .. South on Division .... .. ... ... .. Cl{}[j!Jgton III .. ""'," ~~~":"""-..., ,.... ~~.." ..,. ...;<' JfI """< -" The Process to Obtaining Approval ... Ontario Heritage Act Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation Guidelines experience of other municipalities neighbourhood consultation and support .. .. .. ... ClaljD,4!lOl1 J..-"dlll/tlhtWQ,(... .. 11III 627 5 IIIIIi - - - /"--",,- 'J'/' .."" ~","--"" .....,,* ;/< ~ -::' - Step One: Study Area By-law - defines area to be examined does not stop activities possible Interim Control By-law - - - ...'.-___.~_.;o..._<.~~_.. '__"'_.y..;..~~~_~=~....,..", ...~'~..~___.__...........___ .., Clw:lqglnfl - - /~ .- ,/ J' '....... - "";. ~.:::< ," ~>-'. ...... . ; ~ ,/ "'i" ~- - Step Two: District Steering Committee - 2 members of LACAC 1 staff member from Planning Services 1 staff member from Engineering Services 2 representatives of the OBNA 2 neighbourhood residents not involved in OBNA no Council representation as per Council request May 28th - ... Guide the HCD Study and HCD Guidelines - Step Three: Select Consultant ."-___""~~~_~~"(.".'"""'.__r.~..____,.._. '.'- .",_,""__~~',,,,,_~~...~nc,_..'.__....;,~~.,c_ __-"~_.", - Cl81jn~ton J~Qd"'tll" n'or t .., - 628 6 ~/ ,-'* j/ J'.... ,,-~' ... - '...... .....", .... ".- II' """ ~,-' ~"--,< .. Step Four: Heritage Conservation District Study (Phase One) .. examines historical growth and development examines streetscape and landscape attributes examines planning policies examines heritage resources determines the appropriate boundary ... .. ., .. Cl!}lllJgton .. III .~~ ~,:;~;;. ~......-...;;-,-:.' """", ~; 1IilW?:,- .. /r' ..;.' Step Four: Heritage Conservation District Study (Phase One) Continued .. study will be presented at neighbourhood meeting comments evaluated by District Steering Committee Committee recommendation to LACAC LACAC recommendation to Council Council decides if go to Phase Two ... .. .. .. ClaJJU!210J1 ,...otli"R Ih, \\'(1\- ~- alii \IIIIlIi 629 7 .. - - - /" ,,/ '1/ ...."."" '""",- .----... .., '-,"""'-- , ~t-',' 4/ :/- ~~'~,~~:~*~, - Step Five: Heritage Conservation District Guidelines (Phase Two) - Intent is to conserve and maintain original building form Does not apply to interior changes - Does address: alterations and additions recommendations on landscaping private and public direction to public works by the municipality or other agencies provides basic form for infill - - -,,,~,<,--,,'.'~ -,._.;~,\-~ - CI~!JlJgton - - ,/ ? J/ ," -,. ,,~ "".;:::::." -"''''",,' - Step Five: Heritage Conservation District Guidelines (Phase Two) - lJf\:j. tJrr::. ~~ [Set -,... ...-.... ~~. '-w. _.~ COfHJffiiBl ~~ ~ ~~_I - - - ~""":-.' - ~ ,~ -;;:' ....:;. ~,' -"',;.,....;""";~-....;~"".,...~-~.,~.-......,.....,,,..""....- - ClillilJgtOll - - . 630 8 r' 'i/ ~=~';:"~"';:, -,.., .,,"" '" '*' Concession and Elgin Streets .;00-......- <.. '~" '- -:..:.. . '..,. .___.__.,.".,..~'_. ''''~''''''' n. .. .. .-....": _:"' - .. .. .. .. Clf}[!.Qf,1(011 ,~,_,,,_,,._,_"_""""~''''.':''''_-c..._: __,:-,_,,,,_...,.~.,:,_,,._..,>-_~_-':'_. ._.'".".,.;.,;._'............-'..,'~.......,........___''''''''''''_,,;..,..,~ - /./ """ ,If" -'" ~,.,;: _. 1/. ....., Concession and Elgin Streets Side View ......'-"-"""~,-...~"""~"""'~~.__.~,.,.,._" , .. ... ,,, -, .. .. . .. - Clill:l!.~gton . _:-................~......"'.._..... ~ .""-~"'......~....,,,'"""~~.....~,,-_:..,"'"'"',..'^...~.- .. 631 .. .... 9 .. - - - ./ ',./ ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .'""", ......,.. ~"'" -." .,4.' . -/fI ...,r' ---.. -" Concession Street <. ~ ~ '. ~ ," ..~.~~:: ~~~'t,~~. ,~r~':::~ '" ~ _' -,_,_"~-,-""",,,,,_,.,,'-' ',..,."-..."'.....~-.'"'.-'---..... ~-.",;-.~~..---~..---.~"",';..,._. Clarjll~1on I~utll" IhtU..t1......r ~..;..- /' ,/ ~,';;~ """". #' .;." ......" _"'C Lovers Lane . ~.<c=.-_~,....._~ ~-" ,~,.."-'''',..~...._'''.,.'''__~_~~___--''".:;:.~,...~. Clmjn(..10n 1""dIH~ ,h,. WIII- t..-. 632 10 ,,' ./f~ /-''''~ jt" /"" '. -' I' -",,~, '....... ... AIfI'" . ~~".., r..,,'~ ~,n,. -., Lovers Lane .. .. ......" -,-' - ... ., .. ... ... ~'..,,~.--c-.,,;..,.,.'" ..._.-_;-,,:'a."'.,.....-~;;,__-<_~_""".'N..';'~'''' Clarin!..I:0n 'A'tuliUllbtWQrLj "......" -, /"" d!'...,r ~;::';" -~', Lovers Lane .. .. ...... -- .. .. IIf/II .. .. . ~""-"""'~~'~'-"'_r'""'"-"""'~' . '~""""~"":"""',,"=-~"i"'-._->-~~'"' ._~~"..,.,to.:".,-"'-'.~ III C[glilJgl'On 633 .. .. 11 till - - - ./ ,(' . l/ - - - - - - - - ",'; " l'/ - - - - - - .. - ;~_",-~.f'^ '~';:'~~~~"" -""-",,,, """""', ~'-~,- // <#/ Wellington Addition '~-'~"''''''''''''''''-''''''''''~ Clill:lpglon _/.- .~...." .......;.-- ----~',. "-:"':;~ ~" 4' ""r Wellington Addition ~ Claljne.ton 1~f1dill~ II,,,W/I'll.r 634 ......, ---""' ;.o'"'i~ -- ~;-" 12 /' .~ "./ J .. .. '~"':.:~:~:",~.. ~ ~;:"'~~~" /. -if Ar ~. -.,...... - 74 Temperance Street Garage ... ., ... ... .. ..,-,__...~_....;.iOt~__..___.,_"- . --',_'._, .._."...;.",.-.~.........'~""'_'_< ".' ""r .~^,,,,.,;,,~,.....,,___;O",..,,_,._,._..."_~..,,,,,,,,-.,;.. Clarin4,10n '...odln~ '/,rlrltf "--< ... ... .,/ j "- .r ""'" ~.;;;:" ........,... -." --.. ~.<: ... 74 Temperance Street Garage ... - .. ... iii ,",,~_~~~,,"_"~=~"""''''''''?''~~_''''''_~~''~'''W'A''''-_-''~''''''''_'--.- -"U'.'-'"">'---",~..w;.:...j-''-'-''''''",,'--'-''''''' (lalin'10n Ilud"'1!lht W,n C .... ... .. 635 13 till - - - / '// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _/ ..... """"'" . ~"':'~'" '"..,. --- "'.-.... "ff.&..',t;"lllf"" ~ ----,~... '_..-'7'- ,.~.:.;' ""'..- .< ..'" ;"r Step Six: Approval of Designation By-law Council to approve to OMB in 14 days Board hearing 6 months + amendment to Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law --=.".'--..,............. Clill:I!J.glnn ./ . -~~..,..,.. ," i/ / .....: -.,. ~"---. /.- 4' .JIf" How Does This Affect Me? MONITORING erect, demolish, remove or alter any exterior feature Council can delegate minor projects Heritage Permit required The District Advisory Committee: representatives of LACAC neighbourhood residents Municipal staff ......, .,",:"","'~ .....:h;-,: -..v~' J' ~~,,,,<_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,=,,,,,,,_,''''"'''' . ___.,,,..~,,,,~,;,_,",,...,,,,,,,,.....~_..__..._..,,,..c..~......~,,,._.:.-' Clarin~10n 1,,(Jai'l!:. tI.r Will' l. 636 14 .. .. /, 1/ .,.-/ . ....... ~~'" ""'i"-",, '>".~, .....,~ ~"->, ~' -#/ ~c ~f" ~;- ... How Does This Affect Me? Continued .. Committee recommendation to Council 90 days to ma ke decision if refused owner appeal to OMS if approved decision can not be appealed by another resident Municipality not required to go through process neighbourhood resident can hot appeal a Municipal decision on municipal lands .. .. ... .. " -~~.__..~.,~<o-._-,~.'__'.> -"'"~.=_'.~.....~-~ '. ""_",".,",.-.,",~"",,~,,,_.,____~ C[f}!i!Jgton III III /" .~ ,./ ~c'''''. '-.~-~.~ ~'~H' """". .' ..", ...tf" ~,-~ ~.,' .. Benefits .. control direction . Private initiatives, i.e. construction, landscaping .. Public improvement, i.e. lighting, signage justification for spending pride of ownership attraction to potential purchasers .. .. - ... J_..~","""",-"",~,_,,~~_,_,,_ Clmjll~10I1 J~adlll lIlt IrQI' l - .. 637 15 .. - - - ,/ 1/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C"~, ~~-_._--"'. /. ."... ........' .4 Time Frame NtliQteourtaxl Public InlonNtion Cenn Y' SbJdyA,..Iy.lew .t AppolnlJMnlofDlsll'lctSIMfI'IO 0/ ComnInoo SelKtian 01 ConIUIllnI " IiI~Con..I"t'.lionOl.t1ct .bod NIIgttIolIrhoodP\oltlllc InlDrmdon Cenn DtMtct 8...mg ~ ........ LACAC RKofmlenNtian m """"" Councl Approv. ofHeriLlge Oiall1ClhId "'1Uge Can.-rtllian D18ttct au....... -- InlDrrMlIon c.nn 0tMrtct ''"ma CormIIIn - Councl Appnw. of 00 .... 0rI'-ioMun1clpel8oercl Ho Y' Y' Y' Y' Y' Y' Y' Y' ~~'. ..--:..",."., ClwlfJ{{ton ,'/ j/ -4- A1!" ~..r- "._-_.~ ~'. Questionnaire .OW.......VlU.E HEftRAOE COMHRVATlON DIITJlK:T PROPOSAL "IUNI:ll.2002 PulLIC RI~1 OUbllOfftO.lltli - o.llllCfSfl._c-nn\lcl.uNTllltfOf!ll - lI"o_____1 ......- .-- Woulll)'OU.... \'lU~ 10 IlII ~..III.... ~oI.......c.:.n.-_O'IIId? o NO-'NO.__~.bnII_"""" o TES-.VES.-.ldyou.....,~CcN'l:lI.....~IarIN~....,...d... -' 0..... ONo_.NO.......~.bnII_"""" WouId.,.....lo..._otl...o.Ir1d..-.~? 0 Va 0 No .YEa.cIo)'OU....~Muql~Wl......___llII\or~? o NIl 0 v..-+IVEa....--... .ylEs.dla)'Ool.........,.~_.____l*'1 o No 0 Y__JYt:S,__~ Wcdll)'OUlilotlCl"lleP~llflNl~d"-'c-.IlOI'lQooltlCl~ o 0 No '':'-~'_.",-"~....~'lo~.:.i~,.....~~",,,~._--~-~'' . Clarineton '-nltI"'1:"/t'nol- t 638 ~',...~ ........, -' ~ tIIllIlM.;'- . ;... ~'- "';..',,,,-"'~,,,"--,,,,~,-~'---"' ",,,,-.,,,-,...-;;...:,.,,-' 16 ATT ACHMENT 3 .. Bowmanville Heritage Conservation District Proposal Questions raised at the June Ilt\ 2002 Open House .. .. . Do non-residential uses have to follow the same regulations as residential? - . Can a property opt out of the designation? . What is the difference between Primary and Secondary? .. . How restrictive are the regulations going to be? .. . Are there any grants available? ... . Do the older homes have to be made Victorian? . Will the people that did not attend be informed of what was presented at the Open House? .. · Does the Municipality have a concept of what it wants? .. . What is going to happen with the Central Public School? .. · If a building is demolished what can be done with the property? .. - .. - - .. .. .. 639 , .. - ATTACHMENT 4 .. BOWMANVILLE HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT PROPOSAL JUNE 11, 2002 PUBLIC RESPONSE QUESTIONNAIRE AND DISTRICT STEERING COMMITTEE VOLUNTEER FORM .. - Name: Address: (Please include postal code) - - Phone Number: Email Address: - Would you like your property to be included within the boundaries of a Heritage Conservation District? D NO ~ If NO, please provide a brief reason why. - - D YES~ If YES, would you like an Interim Control By-law passed for the first two years of the process? - DYes D No ~ If NO, please provide a brief reason why. ... Would you like to be a member of the District Steering Committee? DYes D No - If YES, do you have any education/background in heritage conservation or architecture? - D No D Yes ~ If YES, please describe: ... If YES, do you have any experience as a committee member? - D No o Yes~ If YES, please describe: - - Would you like to be kept informed of the outcome of this Heritage Conservation District proposal? D Yes D No - 640 - ATTACHMENT 5 Bowmanville Heritage Conservation District Newslener August, 2002 On June 11, 2002, an Open House was held to explain the process and the consequences of designating the area shown on this map as a Heritage Conservation District. A copy of the presentation given by staff is available on the Municipality's website. Why is the Municipality Considering this Panicular Areai>> In 2001 a consultant report was prepared at the direction of Council in response to concerns raised by the OBNA regarding planned public improvements to the neighbourhood. The report suggested that a "special designation" be considered by Council for this section of Bowmanville. That designation is a Heritage Conservation District. In June of 2001 the OBNA requested Council to direct staff to commence the process of considering the area as a Heritage Conservation District. Council approved the request. What is a Heritage Conservation Districti>> It is an area with architectural, historic, scenic and/or archaeological features worth conserving and can be as small as a few buildings along one street, or as large as an entire municipality. It is to have a special character and/or historical connections that distinguish it from neighbouring properties. What is the Process lor Designating a Heritage Conservation Districti>> All Districts are approved under the Ontario Heritage Act by the Ontario Municipal Board (OM B), not by Council. There are many steps involved and the entire process can take several years. Step One: Study Area BY-law A Study Area. By-law is to be passed by Council which is to identify the area that will be examined for its potential to be a District. The by-law does not contain any regulations that would restrict what can or cannot be done with a property. It just identifies the area to be studied. Step Two: District Steering Comminee A District Steering Committee is to be appointed by the Director of Planning Services. The group will consist of municipal staff, 2 members of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC), 2 representatives of the OBNA and 2 neighbourhood residents not involved in the OBNA. Step Three: Select Consultant A consultant will be hired to guide the Municipality through this process by preparing a work. program and making presentations at future neighbourhood residents meetings. meetings of Council, and before the OMB. 641 .. ... .. ... .. .. 11III .. .. ... 11III .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... - - Step Four: Heritage Conservation District Studv [Phase Onel The project will progress in two phases. The first phase will be the completion of a Heritage Conservation District Study. The Study will examine the historical development of the area, the streetscape and landscape features, and review the planning policies. It will evaluate the heritage buildings that have been recorded and identify any that should be. The Study will determine the appropriate boundary for the District. All findings will be presented at a neighbourhood meeting and the comments received will be evaluated by the District Steering Committee. The Committee will make a recommendation to the LACAC, who in turn will report to Council. Council will then decide whether or not to continue on to phase two. Step Five: Heritage Conservation District Guidelines [Phase Twol The District Guidelines are designed to conserve what is visible on and from the street. They do not apply to the interior of buildings. They will address alterations and additions to buildings and may also provide landscaping suggestions for both private and public property. The Guidelines will give recommendations for public works such as street signage, furniture and lighting, and will provide the basic form for new construction. Step Six: Approval of Designation Bv-Iaw After the Study and the Guidelines are complete Council is to adopt a Designation By-law which will be forwarded on to the OMB for approval. The Board will hold a hearing and make the final decision on whether to approve all, part, or none of the request for designation. How Does This Affect Me;' Being a Heritage Conservation District does not mean that you will be required to do work on your property. It does not mean that the neighbourhood will be frozen in time or that it has to be restored to match a particular era. The intent of having a District officially designated is to ensure that changes are compatible with the neighbourhood. There will be a monitoring process whereby a heritage permit will be required for specific types of work such as the erection, demolition, removal or alteration of any significant exterior feature. All permits will be reviewed by a District Advisory Committee, compiled of members of the LACAC, neighbourhood residents, and municipal staff. Permits for minor projects can receive final approval from the Director of Planning Services. Major projects are to be approved by Council. If Council denies the application the owner can appeal the decision to the OMB. If Council approves the application no one else can appeal the decision. Neither can any neighbourhood resident appeal a Municipal decision on municipal lands. What are the Benefits;' Having an area designated as a Heritage Conservation District provides a measure of control which is not currently available. It provides direction as to how a neighbourhood should develop over time. It can be a justification for spending more money on public improvements than would normally be spent. It can also contribute to pride of ownership and can potentially increase property values. The designation of the District will ensure that the neighbourhood maintains its heritage ambience. What Happens Next;' A Study Area By-law will be presented to Council and the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of September 23, 2002, and a consultant will be hired. There will be several neighbourhood meetings held throughout the process and many opportunities to provide an opinion. How Can I Get More Information;' Copies of an information report to Council are available from the Planning Services and staff are - available to answer questions. Please contact Isabel Little by phone at (905) 623-3379, ext. 217, by fax at (905) 623-0830, or by email at ilittle@municipalitY.c1arinqton.on.ca if you would like more information or if you would like to be on a mailing list. - - 642 I jUft Y"ec.eM;W yo-uv Lette..v Y"et: ~W1"\I of a-vv u.vb-cvv\l 'Bow wt.aA'l.NQle, curet to-a.-tle..vit"~C~Clt"W1"\IdA:ftY"ia: I CVWlIa.Y~of #34 W~ St: Whe-nt I movwto-'BOWm.ctA'WaLe-, 11 Ye<U'"~ ago-; I ~~ ~ ~ ~ (MY". Tom;Tu.vvuw) ~I w~a.-ce+'\tUry ~to-UNetiK\t~ Y"~ ~ ~ iK\ta.- "~LowV\l ~~'. Aft;ey mo-v~ iK\t I q~ Y"eq~ a.- ~W1"\Ithv~"ttuv C01n+nitteet cwuL Y"eoW.Ie<L it" ~ ~et"ttuvplaqU€l ow o-uv hom& . I ~etdor\eto1LY"e-v\OVClt"~cwpe..v Y'II:Y ~~W1"\I~~to-keep iK\t M:yIe" wi:t1-v"ttuv ''per~'' of"ttuv ~~ U}r ~YY"~ I feeL ~~ wvery unportcvv\t" CVVldt v~ p~for thet ~hootL. ~~W1"\Ito-a.- ~at'W1"\I ~U;:t w a.-w~ (,deo.;~ I amt" iK\t ~port" of it;; I wouldt ~to-p"Lay a.-pCU"t owthet com,m.itte.etto- ww.ke-- ~ettha.t; o1L Y"~ curet 'heardt iK\tfhe,{,r c.oncef"VW oft;hetfu:tur'et Y"~~~ I feeL~"ttuv~W1"\I~b€la.-po~uOtlet ~ aM NOT LLet"ttuv ~ oft:lMqJCt::Yey~ who- ~to- Y"e-v\OVat"e,- Of' ~their ~ Wet n.e.e.dtto- ~eta.- heol.th:Y ~ betwee+'lt owvuw~who-a.Yet~ "cib!e)' ~'tho1,etw'ho-haNet4 ~~curet "~ cib!e)'. p~~ ~ Y"eq~ I ~ethadt~ey~owSchodl;C~ R~WCttcJv, 'Boo4for'B~ "S~Up& Recui, speciol;Neektlocl<.e:Y A>>OCt., ~ welL ~ PY"ov. & fed-. "poU:t:~ iK\t a-vv Of'~wna,.l; ca:po.d.:ty. I amt Y"~0' L+wotve<L iK\t Speciol;PY"og-vCU1'Wfor sch004-& C~, fLM1.dv~& CorpOf'Ctt:"et ~~~~ 7h.cu11vyo-wfor yo-ur ~Clt"wrv. y~ I waLooiK\t~cd;"ttuv m.ee.t"~ . Little, Isabel From: Barbara Lee [barbaralee@sympatico.ca) Sent: Friday, May 24,200210:58 AM To: Newell, Bin Cc: Little, Isabel Subject: request for position on Designation Steering committee file#pln34.2.4.1 tl eUo- 13a..t"'bcura.- Lee; V~ Co--Of'cU.rtat-or 643 ,. '''' n ,,, """" Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT 6 11III .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. - Page 2 of2 - spedcWScJwOl;& c~ PV~CU1'W Corpona€/ Po.-t1:V\..e;V~}, e,cl;905 -LJ.31-9760 & voice/J~ v~ 905 -623 -8835 In^,d~~.b'mp_et;C~g;y - - - - - - - - - ... ... ... - - - - 644 _. - Little, Isabel From: Sent: To: Subject: Tielemans, Philip [philip.tielemans@eds.com] Monday, June 17, 20029:57 AM Newell, Bin; Little, Isabel Potential designation of a heritage conservation district .. .. Bin Newell & Isabel Little Community Planning Branch Planning Services Department Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 .. .. June 17, 2002 .. Dear Ms. Newell and Ms Little, I am writing this document in follow up from the June 11/02 meeting that I attended to discuss the potential designation of a heritage conservation district for a portion of the municipality of Clarington. .. I am finding it difficult to express my serious concerns regarding this issue. I am adamantly opposed to my property being part of a heritage conservation district. .. .. My concerns arise from the potential guidelines that may arise from the formation of a heritage conservation district. The potential for an outsider to determine what is ascetically pleasing for the neighbourhood troubles me. I was told that the study is only in its initial stages, however the tone of the presentation was far more concrete. I have been assured that the heritage guidelines would be jointly determined by council and residents. I would like to suggest that 100% consensus be required to pass this designation. - .. Why is the municipality not more involved with treating all properties in Clarington on an equal basis? I am not someone who wants to be treated any differently than any other taxpayer in the municipality. I would like to suggest that the guidelines that the heritage conservation district hopes to attain should be applied to the entire municipality when it comes to the general preservation of the community (i.e.fill-in's, demolition's, etc.). The municipality should already be working towards an ascetic town plan for the entire municipality (i.e. traffic flow, new construction, enforcing current by-laws, etc.). I do not think that the measures that would be enforced by the Ontario Heritage act would benefit homeowners in this district. I do not think that excessive measures need to be taken in 2002, and onwards, to correct problems that the municipality approved in the 1970's. The damage has been done already by the municipality. - .. ... - Why is the municipality seeking provincial legal protection when most of these issues could have been addressed by local council? It seems that the planning department should be looking for changes at the local municipal level without intervention from the provincial government. If the potential benefits of a heritage conservation district presented by Ms. Little could be achieved by existing and improved local by-laws, fewer restrictions on homeowners could be attained. .. .. It appears that the municipality would be the only winner of a heritage conservation district: 1. The municipality would be able to promote the area at the expense of local home owners. Increased traffic in an already over used area of town 1 .. 645 ... - could result. Also, the district would attract more outsiders to the area, giving the potential for increased vandalism and home break-ins. .. 2. It was expressed that perhaps tax exemptions could be given to residents in this area. But as councilor Rowe pointed out a reduction in 'heritage' municipal taxes would mean an increase in other homeowners taxes in the municipality. It is quite clear that this would not be passed by a council .. that represents the entire municipality. 3. It was also stated that potential provincial funding could be given to the area. Based on the cutbacks and tight financial budgets that the province is facing I find this hard to accept. - 4. In regards to the 'free landscaping consultation' that Ms. Little stated we may receive, I feel that the level of landscaping on one's property should be left up to the homeowner. Ms. Little mentioned that 'it would _ have been suggested' to the homeowners at the property on the corner of Elgin and Concession Streets (84-A Concession Street) that a hedge be planted to cover the siding on their rear garage, had they not already done so. This only enforces my feeling of an outsiders opinion of ascetically _ pleasing landscape design. 5. Potential extra revenue from the generation of newly required permits could be achieved. - I found it hard to accept that the municipality is excluded from abiding by the heritage conservation rules. The Clarington Beech Centre has placed a strong demand on road and parking facilities in the area over the last years. I would hate to think what the feeling would be from local residents should the municipality be unaccountable for their actions on this property while heritage regulations are enforced on surrounding homeowners. - .. In regards to the Central School property, I would hope that the municipality would be able to persuade the school board not to have the building demolished. If the municipality has the right to enforce by-laws on residential home owners, I would think that they should have some control of School Board property in their jurisdiction. - .. At this point in time, it is difficult for me to say what the outcome would be of a heritage conservation district. I have a great fear of a self policing community where it will be dictated how an individuals' property should appear. The majority of properties in the area are well maintained and show pride of ownership. I only think that placing excessive.and overpowering regulations on residents in this neighbourhood would be more of a hindrance that an asset. In regards to town responsibilities (i.e. roads, signage, etc.), the municipality should be using better judgment in the execution of current regulations. .. .. Should the need exist to pursue the potential designation of a heritage conservation district, I would like to be considered as a potential member on the District steering committee. I would like to have the opportunity to ensure that my potential concerns will be addressed by the study and any potential by-laws that may be created. ... ... In closing I would like to state that I have a strong pride of ownership of my property and most definitely would like to see it sustained as such. I have lived in my current residence for 34 years. - I request that I continue to be informed on any issues relating to the potential heritage conservation district project. .. Philip Tielemans 39 Elgin Street Bowmanville, ON LIC 3C7 (905) 623-3231 mailto:philip.tielemans@eds.com - - 646 2 Heritage Conservation reply Page 1 of 1 June 18, 2002 5 Grant Lane Bowmanville Ont. LIC 2Y4 Bin Newell, Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, Community Planning Branch Manager Dear Bin: Due to a previous commitment, I was unable to attend the June 11 meeting concerning the Heritage district conservation proposal. After hearing horror stories of other out-of-control neighbourhood associations dictating their "Vision" upon other residents, I am curious as to exactly what is in store for my property. For example, should I decide to add to or alter my house to better suit my needs, will I need approval from the Committee as well as the Municipality to obtain a building permit? Will I have to adhere to a "Heritage Conservation-based" set of guide lines, determined by the elite members of the neighbourhood each time I do necessary replacement repairs? Many of the prestige homes already have garages and out buildings incorporating "Granny flats". If this designation is implemented, will I be allowed to build such a structure at a later date? If! was allowed to build, would it have to conform to the committee's interpretation of architectural integrity or could I simply build an affordable structure that compliments my existing buildings? While I'm on the subject of community planning concerns, please assure me that the increased lime ash emissions from the cement plant are good for Bowmanville's residents. Assure me that in the summer, when the winds blow from the south-west, the burning sensation I feel in my lungs and the difficulty I have in breathing are just a coincidence. Assure me and all the other residents presently taking asthma medications that the high percentage of bronchial symptoms is just a coincidence. Assure me that the lime dust blowing through the town on windy days and the brown plume coming from Blue Circle's stack is a different kind of lime dust than the type used to rapidly decompose dead animals. Assure me that the frequent explosive detonations that rattle my windows from 2 Ian away, are good for the nuclear plant, 1 Ian away and the proposed ITER plant, next door to the pit. I'd appreciate your input on these concerns of mine. Perhaps that might put this thirty-six year resident ofBowmanville's mind more at ease in this time of uncertainty. Yours respectfully, Douglas Woods 647 fil...//{"".\ 'lTThThTT'\ D..",+. T....\ h...n 1 \ T r.,,,.. TOL '")nC'",,++;...~...\ T""_...,,,..~_,OL '")nT....""~"".OL '")nV;l""...\ AT v CC :.J /;','")n,'")n,,'") ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... ... - - - - l)2JUL03 !c~.; :::cn:;:~L: m lr~,(CJEI~Y: :-~\'\L,CES & BITl HLTI11ER , ~ \).. . r' r, - \ 22 CET'ITRE ST. I ! U L - 3 7 n ' J ,/ ~( )\'i"MA.J\ VIUE. ON. L1 C 2."\'/ June 27, 2002 . 0 o. 0 O. I \i~' PH i-l)()'Xi21,..')R"i:lo MUN\C\PP.L\\YU\-lL;\i"'~:"'~1 \J'< . 0 _ Mayor & Counci '\\N\HLl ;5PAH\:l:~ It\ 'GE N D~, Munipality of Clarington ~ ; .:.~ ri-'rft.i~~'--;-':' . .) 1;- ~ \ i I ~ ' "',' I:. \...J.' \] ,I "-'-.- .- . 'II '..' f'J 2 ". :'"':G> Re -Heritage Conservation Area -Your file PLN :\dL'I'L.,:. I . _I _' .. ._ '1 f~.~~~__ _~__~.~...:::.~ _. ._..J In response to a notice of meeting held June 11 {notice received May 27) & additional information received since then, I wish to register my firm opposition to this project. Further, I suggest that the Town proceed very cautiously in this matter. ~his designation appears to create a similar encumbrance on a residence as a Heritage Designation, from che macerial I have received so far. The difference is that the Conservation Area consists of an entire district rather than 1 house. With the Heritage Designation, an individual owner applies for his house & can apply for a repeal later. There appears to be no repeal available for an owner under the Area plan. If his application for Permit is declined, he must appeal to the OMB. Other considerations for the Owner are- Real Estate-at the least, the owner must declare the designation of his property when listing for sale. A Real Estate Professional should be consulted to determine any other complications. Insurance-your Insurance Advisor should be consulted to find out the stance of your Insurer regarding these Designations. Renovations-your application for changes to your property are subject to approval of not only the municipal Property Dept, but also a committee which appears to have a majority of your neighbours. All in all, it seems to be a dangerous situation to assume that all owners are in agreement with this process unless each is given a summary of the Pros & Cons & signs off on the imposition of this Designation. Since the Town has seen fit to commit substantial funds to this project, I am confident that these moneys are aimed at making certain that each owner is contacted & made aware of all the implications of this Designation. Respectfully submitted W. J. Huether 14~ [l!mCCIB1IW!]]J JUN 2 7 2002 (f ~ ~ ~ -?'- ~ ~ 'IJ ::l)L~ ~ ~ t:. ;"J ~ - L" .,c....,. -- " 9" j 648 ','UNICIPAlITY OF CtAA'''Glg;; MA'tOR'S OfFICi IL ~l'm\f\\t\) JUl 1 6 2002 -- ... July 11, 2002 . r-. ~Gt;t.' UUNtCIPAlIT'{ OF CLARING jljN tM~OR'S OFfIC~ 11III ... Mayor John Mutton Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville. Ontario L1 C 3A6 "'~JE!I::T0': . ... f)U~I'Jf'J!!\j(:: U~ . ... Dear Mayor Mutton: I wish to express my strong objection to the heritage conservation district designation of the residential core of Bowmanville. IIIIi Prior to purchasing our home, we were assured by the Clarington Planning Department that no special restrictions or designations applied to our new home and neighbourhood, and that none were planned. I was extremely distressed to discover recently that the Municipality is now exploring the possibility of imposing a special designation on our area. We would never have purchased our home if we had known that this was coming. .. .. I understand that the executive of the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association supports the designation, however, as a member of the association since its inception, I would like to caution you that not all of its members support this campaign. I would ask that prior to approving the designation, the council ensures there is a comprehensive polling of all area residents by an independent party, and that the wishes of the whole are taken into consideration rather than those of only a vocal few. .. .. .. The subjectivity of the committee conducting the study concerns me. The committee inherently consists of individuals who support the movement. How will the council be equipped to make an objective decision when the group making the recommendation has publicly displayed their support of the designation from the onset? Negative feedback from individuals affected by special designations in areas from Whitevale through Port Hope, and even Bowmanville, makes me cautious to proceed in our own area. Will this type of feedback be solicited and reported by the committee? .. IIlIlI . :~: l ~ U'( iO:-"1; Both my husband and myself work long hours, and adding any steps ofapplicati6n::l- .. consultation, or approval to the upkeep of our home and property will make routirte rasks . .... . .. time consuming and unpleasant. Contacting the necessary parties for approval ~m~A~ iG. 'J problem. I would assume that we are not atypical in that we work the same ~~T';---""'==""". times as the Municipal staff. Will Municipal hours be extend<xl to accommo~ ,- . ~ ___:____.._._. residential applications and inquiries? 177' ..... .. . ")?';"'..--l i~ .. .... a~}~~ 649 //~~~7~~ '- ... - - - - If the designation causes our homes to be on the market longer when we attempt to sell them, or reduces their resale value, will the Municipality compensate us for our losses? Will area homeowners be reimbursed for the additional time and material costs incurred with maintaining and renovating their homes under the designation? Who will pay the costs associated with administering and enforcing the guidelines? - - I am enclosing my letter to the editor of The Canadian Statesman which was published on July 3, 2002. If you have not yet had the opportunity to read it, I would ask that you do so at your convenience. - ... In conclusion, while I thoroughly enjoy living in the neighbourhood I do, the quality of our precious little free time will deteriorate if we must obtain permission to maintain the homes our own hard work and savings have purchased. Those who wish to have their homes historically designated currently have the ability to do so without imposing the same fate on their unwilling neighbours, and that is the way it should remain. I believe that the Municipality and area residents can successfully work together to enhance the streetscape and ambiance of the neighbourhood without the costly restrictions and administration of a heritage conservation district designation. - - Thank you for your consideration. - Yours truly, /}~ /~ - Kim Goyne 74 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Ll C 3A9 - Telephone # (905) 623-2690 ... ... ... - - 650 - PAGE 6 THE C..lNAOU'N STATESMAN. Jufy 3. 2002 ., ... .~ Editorial &OpjNioNS. ... FOR 14.6 YEARS. OUR FIRST CONCERN HAS BEEXOUR COMMUNITY': Publi.her'- Tim Whitbker Edilor.;n.Chief - Joann. Burghardt M.n.8lng Edilor . Chri5 80vi. Reglon.1 EdilOr .. .Iud; Bnhhill ..~Jvcnlsinll: ~lJna2cr - FrnJ Eisln~,"( C:rculal1\;n Man;l!(r - Kirk Railev CiJlTlOOSlng M;ma~;r . H..rh tI..rris~m Orf,,:e ;\OlJn;\~-=r . Lillian Huuk UI:ue QCanalJian. ~tatesman FOrm4!f Puhlbhen and P:Jrtnen Re'l/. John M. Climle :lond W.R. Climie 19S4-1~78 '.1.-\. blnes 1:S79-1935. Norman S.B.James 19t9-1(r~9 :.:. ::i~l1:J James. 1929.l~7. Dr. Gc:or~e w. bmcs 1919.19~1 Juhn M. J3m.:s. 1~5'7.1 qqq .. Produc.d by Metrol.n<l PliOI,';" PUblishing &'D;SlIi~'lini LId. Also Publi.hers oi CLARINGTON'nUS WEEK P.O. Bo. -lS1. 3M F....w.I\.Sr:.O.h.w~ OnI.riO L1H 7L5 TEL: "OS.379~ FAlC: 9OS-S79-1238 E. rn:Ul: n~wnoom(ldurhamrelion.com PublicJ.uonl M:;ul Registration No: 07637.. - nROP OFFICE: jame. Publi.hlng. 66 King SI. W.. :>owmanviHt:. ~:3') p.m. - 5 p.m. weelc.d:Lys .. .. .. LETTERS TO TI-IE EDITOR e-mailletterstonewsroom@durhamregion.com 11III Designation open. to interpretation routine as landscaping, chang- ing house trim colours, or re- placing windows' will not only make the projects more time- consuming, but may also dis- courage creativity and diversity, and inflate material costs.! fear such conditions will also signif- .. icantly" reduce--.t!1e"'nllriibef 'of homebuyers willing"' t6<move into our neighbourhood, ex- tending the time it takes to sell our homes and quite possibly reducing their resale value'. The Municipality of Clar- ington recently incorporated feedback from local residents when planning the reconstruc- tion of Centre and Concession streets. The impact of a heritage conservation designation on such a process is doubtful, as municipally owned property and infrastructure are not legal- ly required to comply with the regulations of the designation. If our municipality currently lacks the tools to prevent inap- To the editor:.. I would like'to sh.are ~orne thoughts and concerns I have with respect to the proposed heritage conservation designa- tion of the residential area bounded by Concession, Wellington, and Liberty streets in Bowmanville. . As a homeowner within the affected area, I support individ- ual homeowners' rights to ob- tain a historical designation for their own homes, however I do not believe such restrictions should be imposed upon home- owners who do not wish to par- ticipate. Mandating that permits and/or consultation be obtained prior to undertaking tasks as 651 propriate development withir existing. residential areas,' per-.. haps a solution other than tht designation of one small neigh. bourhood would better servt.J the needs of the entire munici. pality. The costs associate, with developing and enforcinu the- designation, including tht . fees of outside~' consultants; fui ther concern'me. Will an ChiI.. ington taxpayers bear the bur den of these costs, or will on1' local residents be subjected t..j increases, whether or not the: support the action?' . The ability of the municipc.J and provincial governments t( proceed with the designation ; they feel it is in the best intere.. of the area, regardless of. th level of support. from affecte- homeowners, seems to indica.... we don't truly own the home we have worked so hard to pu - chase. .. Kim' Goyn BowrnanviJ .. .... .. ... - \'\ m 11[.'(("'IG'i -;-.:.\ ''''IT''iT> '1' : IJ ",\ ..,. ;' . " : I ; I. ~II I ,-,~ . '. :, I,' 1'\\1 '..... . '.' " . \) .' -':....,J I I \ ,~ . ./ ; I i N. ./ K ') r; WI ..' \J L. l. L L ,I L . - MUNICiPP.Li i i lit ~i.t,lilIJGi UN PLANr~!i~C i,;EPAHn~IWI. /'X~..d~;Z %/~ .........~~~ <:ff~~,L/~.s-h "_. - ---- ".-.- - - ---.--- -. -"'-..-'_"_'____ n. - --. ".". - ---~~r_~~ - ,~~/~~_u_ uu__~__u______ _______~~_=~_===___ :~...t8.&~.~.~.~t~t~/..n__~..____._._____ _._______n___________.____________________ ~~-d....L!2._c::;---______________.___._____._._...____ __________ _. ?~. ---~---------~- d~--------=:4;----n=;-Z7;-,' ~ c-7~ ~~~, dt~ -;;:;::;~-2u~~:~:/:2- ~ . -~-~_~L..c.,A:/ o.-~$.2 '%_L~__ - ---n.....___.__n...____..___...___.___n...___..___.._______ ~--- -______.----n-__----- _ . ~ ------------.-----------..--------.--_n______n_ _ ~'~ - . , ",,' - -- . ~ /,J - ....,. A.~ '_. . ~ ___~~-----./ fA...(l _~ .' _.-. ~. __ _. __....___.. --------~---~~-~- "''-<- ~ ~ ~,{ - __.. __ I.. . :---dZ<J.---~..._kt2_j .. __ ____ -, f7 '/-1- · -/' '-. u;_. -~7;-- __.__.___ ______._ ~---- _u_~___ ___~~~-_ .' ~~~Z-,-<~ ~~ ~7V~~..z-~, ----------zd -~~- ,- - '=/d;~ - - _. - '.:..:-:. - - - ---- - ------ ----------- ---------- ----- ---.--------- --- -- ---- - 652 - ATTACHMENT 7 .. DRAFT BOWMANVILLE HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT STUDY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CONSULTING SERVICES .. III III 1. BACKGROUND The Municipality of Clarington has for some time acknowledged the potential for designating a heritage conservation district within the municipality. The former Town of Newcastle Official Plan, which was approved on July 22, 1985, contained a provision under Section to establish a district in Bowmanville. This provision was carried over into the 1996 Municipality of Clarington's Official Plan as indicated in Section 8.3.1. ... .. III On June 25, 2001, the Chair of the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association (OBNA) appeared before Council to request that staff be directed to commence discussions regarding the process of designating a portion of the Bowmanville urban area as a heritage conservation district. Council approved the request and staff met with the OBNA executive to discuss the procedures and implications. In October of 2001 staff received a formal request from the OBNA to begin the process. 11III lIIIIi IIIiI The area being requested for designation was identified as those lands bounded by the south side of Concession Street, the west side of Liberty Street, and the north side of Wellington Street. Upon staff review of the submission the boundary was expanded to include the north side of Concession Street and the south side of Wellington Street. An open house was held on June 11, 2002, to obtain public input into the proposal. There are 308 properties within the proposed boundary. Forty-three people attended the open house, representing 34 property owners, or 11 % of the total. Five hundred copies of a newsletter explaining the process were also distributed in August, 2002. .. .. .. The proposed Bowmanville Heritage Conservation District would help preserve some of the development patterns and architecture that are representative of the heritage of Bowmanville and that contribute to its uniqueness. This request for proposals serves as the Terms of Reference for the Heritage Conservation District Background Study and Plan to be prepared by a professional heritage consultant. .. .. ... .. .. 653 ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... ... t'lIII - - - 2. STUDY AREA The proposed study area for the Heritage Conservation District is located in north central Bowmanville within walking distance of the commercial downtown core. Land use within the study area is primarily low density residential. The lands defined for the purposes of this study include the north side of Concession Street, the south side of Wellington Street, the west side of Liberty Street, and the area in between (Schedule A). It is recognized that the area so defined for the purposes of this study may be recommended for designation in its entirety, or may be reduced to a portion of the neighbourhood. 3. PURPOSE The Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Heritage Conservation District proposal has two purposes which equate to two separate phases. The purpose of Phase One is to conduct a HeritaQe Conservation District BackQround Study which will examine and analyze the physical, social and economic fabric of the lands within the study boundary in the effort to contribute to an understanding as to how the various elements of the area contribute to its significance. The purpose of Phase Two is to prepare a HeritaQe Conservation District Plan that will serve to provide policy direction and strategies aimed at conserving and enhancing the character of the district. 4. GOALS & OBJECTIVES . To gather and organize the necessary background information that will serve to collectively justify the creation and maintenance of the Heritage Conservation District. . To preserve and encourage the maintenance of existing buildings and structures having inherent historical and/or architectural value. . To preserve and enhance the streetscapes so as to maintain the character of the district. . To establish guidelines, policies and associated regulations that will serve to guide change in a way that will conserve, maintain and enhance the significant heritage attributes of the district. . To preserve and enhance the built and natural heritage features of the district including the geographic features, transportation corridors, development 654 .. . patterns and architecture that are representative of the heritage of the lIIIiII Bowmanville and which contribute to the uniqueness of the district. . To develop a strategy that will guide Municipality of Clarington staff in IlIi implementing the plan recommendations and policies, and to maintain and monitor the district. . To promote an increased awareness of the heritage value of the district. 5. ADMINISTRATION & DISTRICT STEERING COMMITTEE The Heritage Conservation District Study and Plan shall be prepared by a professional heritage consultant under the direction of a District Steering Committee. The Committee shall be responsible for overseeing all of the consultant's work and will be made up of the following members: two members of the Clarington Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC), one of whom shall be the LACAC Chair; two representatives of the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association (OBNA), one of whom shall be the OBNA Chair, one representative of the Planning Services Department; one representative of the Engineering Services Department, and a limited number of property owners from within the study area. The consultant shall assist staff in preparing agendas of all District Steering Committee meetings. The minutes of the meetings will be taken by staff. Following the completion of the Heritage Conservation District Background Study (Phase One), which shall include the presentation of the District Study at a public meeting, the District Steering Committee in evaluating the feedback and comments from the public, shall make a recommendation to LACAC whether or not to proceed with the Heritage Conservation District Plan (Phase Two). The LACAC shall consider the recommendation of the District Steering Committee and make a formal recommendation to Council. The final decision regarding the undertaking of the Heritage Conservation District Plan (Phase Two) will be made by Council. 6. HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT BACKGROUND STUDY 6.1 Study Area Analysis . History - review the settlement pattern and development history of the study area. . Land Use - determine existing land use patterns in the study area and identify conforming and non-conforming uses relative to the existing Official Plan and Zoning By-law provisions; identify park activities and setting. 655 .. tIIlIIi .. .. .. 11III IIlIiI ... .. ... .. .. -' .. .. .. - - · Movement - describe total movement system current and planned including vehicular and pedestrian; egress and ingress points int%ut of the study area; parking and traffic controls, road improvements. - - . Building and Site - note individually designated buildings; identify architecturally and/or historically significant property noting the history, architectural style, material, construction, form and other important features; note features of contextual importance including the height and scale of buildings, setting, notable landscaping or outbuildings; and evaluate the integrity of the building stock such as building condition, age, nature of alterations and whether the structure occupies its original site; this analysis should also be conducted for other built features and structures located within the study area. - - - . Visual Environment - note significant streetscapes and their features including evidence of mature vegetation (tree canopies), alignment and grouping of buildings, significant views and approaches to and from the park; identify topographical features including vegetation, open space areas, notable surfaces, textures, walls, fences, and street furniture; note factors which intrude upon or are of detriment to the study area such as unorganized car parking, inappropriate signs, lighting, etc. - - - . Socio-Economic Environment - prepare socio-economic profile of the study area to include demographics, dwelling and household characteristics and economic base. - 6.2 Commitments and Activities - Identify approved or pending plans or policies that would affect the study area (Official Plan Amendments, zoning amendments, draft zoning by-law provisions, site plan/development agreements, etc.); note other planned programs (municipal/public works, road improvements, parks & recreation plans, special projects, lighting plans, etc.); note development activity (buildings under construction, building permits, demolition permits). - - 7. HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT PLAN 7.1 Policy, Quidelines & Recommendations - - . Land Use - outline existing land use and park features/activities within the district compatible and not compatible with heritage conservation; recommend treatment for incompatible uses and activities; recommend location and type of future land use; recommend appropriate use for vacant or underutilized land; recommend methods of maintaining and enhancing the positive social, cultural, environmental and recreation attributes of the district. - - 656 - .. · Movement - suggest improvements to movement patterns in the district as they relate to community character including pedestrian activities, vehicular traffic, parking, etc. .. · Building Design - formulate design policies and/or guidelines for existing buildings and structures within the district relative to alteration, restoration or removal with specific reference given to noteworthy architectural styles and ... details; formulate design policies and/or guidelines for new construction, review present development proposals and planned programs (municipal or otherwise) and make recommendations where appropriate; formulate policies and/or .. guidelines regarding contextual design including appropriate scale and height of buildings and structures, materials, construction, colours, building setback and yard requirements; and indicate the importance of buildings and structures within .. the district in terms of their contribution to the streetscape and district character, as a preface to specific recommendations regarding the alteration, restoration or removal of existing features or details. ... - · Visual Environment - suggest treatment of distinctive elements of the district that would contribute positively to its visual environment, including maintaining and .. enhancing significant streetscapes and views and approaches to the neighbourhood, and the application of signage and lighting throughout the district; recommend methods of correcting detrimental visual intrusions. III 7.2 Implementation, Maintenance and Monitorinq 11III · State the methods required for implementing the District Plan's recommendations and proposals; note where amendments to the Official Plan, existing Zoning By- law or draft Zoning By-law, or application/permit procedures may be required. .. · Outline the staging involved in implementing the District Plan's recommendations and proposals. .. · Develop a strategy for maintaining the District Plan and monitoring its effectiveness. .. · Define the role and responsibility of various parties in implementing, maintaining and monitoring the District Plan including the role and responsibility of Council, staff, the LACAC, provincial ministries, interest groups and the general. - 8. REPORT FORMAT .. The Heritage Conservation District Background Study and the Heritage Conservation District Plan, should be presented in a clear and concise written manner supported by relevant statistics and information and illustrated by maps, photographs and other visual materials. All original graphics and visuals including 11II ... ... 657 ... - .. - - - - 9. - - - ... ... - -- ... - - - - - negatives that form part of the District Study and/or District Plan shall become the possession of the Municipality of Clarington. One original copy and one ready to print digital copy of the first draft District Study and if applicable the first draft District Plan shall be presented to staff for reproduction. It will then be forwarded to the District Steering Committee for review and corresponding revision, as well as to the LACAC. The consultant shall provide staff with a master copy of the final District Study, and if proceeding with Phase Two, the master copy of the final District Plan, both in print and digital format, incorporating all approved revisions. These will be forwarded on to the District Steering Committee and the LACAC. Any graphics and visuals that are not able to be reproduced by the Municipality shall be the responsibility of the consultant. CONSULTANT RESPONSIBILITIES & PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The consultant shall attend all District Steering Committee meetings and shall assist staff in preparing the meeting agenda in consultation with the Chair. Staff will distribute the agenda and minutes of all Committee meetings. The Heritage Consultant will prepare a work program for the Steering Committee, including research tasks that can reasonably be expected of Committee Members, including Staff. At least two public meetings will be undertaken during the preparation of the Study Plan. Typically, the first public meeting will occur after the draft of the District Study is completed, and the second public meeting after the draft of the District Plan is completed. The consultant shall have a direct role in the ongoing discussion with individual property owners who may have concerns or objections to the District Study and Plan. The Heritage Conservation District Plan should not be in conflict with provisions in the Official Plan. Where conflicts exist, the Official Plan should be amended before the area designation by-laws are prepared. Approval of the District designation, the Heritage Conservation District Study and Plan, and any Official Plan amendment will be at a public participation meeting of Council. The consultant shall be responsible for presenting the Study and Plan at all LACAC meetings, neighbourhood public meetings, Council meetings, and shall be available for an Ontario Municipal Board Hearing. 10. TIME FRAME It is anticipated that the work program will commence in October 2002 with expected completion by the mid of 2004. This timeframe will include the consultant selection process, the preparation of the drafts and the final master copy of the Heritage Conservation District Study and Plan, and the presentation of same to Council. 658 BOWMANVILLE HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT PROPOSAL ATTACHMENT 8 NEIGHBOURHOOD RESIDENTS OPEN HOUSE TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2002 - John Coffee 26 Beech Ave. L 1 C 3A2 905-697 -2856 Bowmanville, ON .... Don Welsh 26 Beech Ave L1 C 3A2 905-697 -2856 Bowmanville, ON David Evans 15 Elgin Street L 1 C 3C7 905-697 -8854 david .evans@eds.com r Bowmanville, ON , Philip Tielemans 39 Elgin Street L 1 C 3C7 905-623-3231 r Bowmanville, ON Wally Grundy 8 Horsey Street L 1 C 1 X7 905-623-4928 wallyj@sprint.ca r Bowmanville, ON Andrew Kozak 86 Concession Street W L 11 C 1 Y9 905-697 -2985 creativevse@rogers.com Bowmanville, ON David Reesor 152 Wellington L 1C 1W1 905-623-8456 Bowmanville, ON Marijke Cunningham 58 Division Street L 1 C 2Z7 905-623-3617 marijke@speedline I Bowmanville, ON Nancy Swan 14 Concession Street W L 1C 1Y5 905-623-1864 swansong@ideirect.com I Bowmanville, ON. ... r I Barbara Hicks 38 Centre Street L 1 C 2Y3 905-623-6364 mhicks@sprint.ca Bowmanville, ON Mavis Carlton 43 Centre Street L 1 C 2Y2 905-623-1298 T Bowmanville, ON i Bill Humber 15 Beech Ave. L 1 C 3A 1 905-623-2872 T Bowmanville, ON - Irv Miller 4160 Concession Road 3 L 1 B 1 L9 905-987 -5132 T RR#8 Newcastle, Ontario .... Johanna & Keith 23 Liberty Place L 1C 1W7 905-623-4214 I I Bellman Bowmanville, ON Alan & Anna Strike 8 Beech Avenue L 1 C 3A2 905-623-2102 i Bowmanville, Ontario Marjorie Couch 17 Beech Ave L 1 C 3A 1 905-623-3228 I Bowmanville, Ontario Hugh Laing 68 Temperance Street L 1 C 3A9 905-623-7167 1 Bowmanville, Ontario .. .. 659 .. - - BOWMANVILLE HERITAGE CONSERVATION DISTRICT PROPOSAL NEIGHBOURHOOD RESIDENTS OPEN HOUSE TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2002 T NAME ADDRESS POSTAL PHONE E-MAIL CODE r 54 Wellington Street Dorothy Turner Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 1 V2 905-623-5510 T Pat MacAruther 38 Beech Ave L 1 C 3A2 905-623-3274 Bowmanville, ON TDonalda Creasser 49 Centre Street L 1 C 2Y2 905-623-2441 Bowmanville, ON 1 Jean Dustan 17 Lowe Street L 1 C 1 X4 905-623-5481 Bowmanville, ON Glenn Wallis 13 Carlisle Ave L 1C 1W4 905-623-3120 ggwallis@sympatico.ca Bowmanville, ON Kim & Don Goyne 74 Temperance Street L 1 C 2A9 905-623-2690 Bowmanville, ON Chris Fredericks 72 Temperance Street L1 C 3A9 905-697 -3198 Bowmanville, ON r Danielle & Mike 20 Wellington Street L 1 C 1 V2 905-697 -2520 Kransay Bowmanville, ON r Ron & Allison Strike 52 Concession Street W. L 1C 1Y5 905-623-6704 astrike@idirect.ca Bowmanville, ON 1 Kelly & Michele Bell 146 Wellington Street L 1C 1W1 905-623-2899 rmskbell@sympatico.ca Bowmanville, ON 1 Robert & Judy 110 Wellington Street L 1 C 1 V9 905-623-5949 judyrobt@durham.net Hagerman Bowmanville, ON l Kathryn Roberts 24 Liberty Place L 1 C 1 W8 905-623-7313 robe6a6@attglobal.net Bowmanville, ON l Gary & Maureen 62 Division Street L 1 C 2Z7 905-697 -1869 Crawford Bowmanville, ON . Phyllis McRobbie 2 Alexander Cr. L1C 1C1 905-623-7159 Bowmanville, ON r I Virginia Campbell 70 Division Street L1 C 2Z7 905-697 -9082 - Bowmanville, ON Gloria Bate 67 Division Street L 1 C 2Z8 905-623-2755 - Bowmanville, ON Kathy Higgins 72 Division Street L 1 C 2Z7 905-623-6219 kathy. higgins@rogers.com - Bowmanville, ON - 66U ... ... wi ..... ... - .. .. .. - ... .. .. 11III IIliI .. .. ." III ... - Clw:il1gton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES - - - Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, September 23,2002 - Report #: PSD-093-02 File #: A2002/045, A2002/046, By-law #: A2002/051 to A2002/060, Inclusive - Subject: MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 12, 2002 - - RECOMMENDATIONS: - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-093-02 be received; till 2. THAT Council concurs with decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on September 12, 2002 for applications A2002/045, A2002/046, A2002/051 to A2002/060, inclusive and that Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. ... - Submitted by: /\,~ r~. Reviewed by: U ' --J "'- Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer - - D vi . Creme, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P. Director, Planning Services - SA*CP*DC*df 16 September 2002 - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905)623- 3379 F (905)623-0830 - 661 - REPORT NO.: PsD-093-02 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 All applications received by the Municipality for minor variance are scheduled for a hearing within 30 days of being received by the Secretary-Treasurer. The purpose of the minor variance applications and the Committee's decisions are detailed in Attachment NO.1. The decisions of the Committee are detailed below. DECISIONS OF COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR SEPTEMBER 12, 2002 APPLICATION NUMBER sT AFF DECISION OF RECOMMENDATION COMMITTEE A2002/045 Approve Approved A2002/046 Approve Approved A2002/051 Approve Approved with conditions A2002/052 Approve Approved A2002/053 Table Tabled A2002/054 Approve Approved A2002/055 Approve Approved A2002/056 Approve Approved A2002/057 Approve Approved A2002/058 Approve Approved A2002/059 Approve Approved A2002/060 Approve Approved 1 .2 Application A2002/045 was previously heard on August 8, 2002 and TABLED as neighbouring property owners raised concerns that construction of the inground swimming pool had blocked the approved drainage flow of a number of surrounding subdivision lots. The applicant removed the majority of the new fill from around the pool and regraded the rear yard. Engineering Services staff inspected the property and were satisfied that surface drainage of the 662 ." .. .. .. .. .. .. 11III 11III .. ... ." .. ... .. .. .. ... .. - REPORT NO.: PsD-093-02 PAGE 3 - neighbouring subdivision lots were no longer affected. The application received approval. - - 1.3 Application A2002/046 was previously heard on August 8, 2002 and TABLED to permit additional time for the applicant to consider other locations on the property for the shed(s). The applicant has relocated the tallest shed to the rear yard, and Committee was satisfied that the location of all the sheds were no longer detrimental to the neighbourhood. The application was approved. - - - 1.4 Application A2002/051 was filed to recognize four accessory buildings and structures totaling 98% of the floor area of the existing dwelling. This application - had been previously applied for in 1997, 2001 and 2002. In 1997 approval was given for a detached garage and garden shed totaling 48% of floor area of the - dwelling. In November 2001 the application received approval for a detached garage, garden shed, pool deck, play structure and tree fort totaling 109%, - subject to the application obtaining building permits for all accessory buildings and structures greater than 10m2 in area (Ontario Building Code), within 90 days - of Committee's decision. The applicant did not apply for or obtain the required building permits, thus approval of the minor variance expired. - - The applicant applied again in June 2002 and was heard July 4, 2002 before the Committee of Adjustment. At this hearing the applicant did not attend, or send regrets prior to the meeting. A number of residents did attend the meeting in opposition to the application. This application was DENIED. - - - The property owner filed application A2002/051 and the necessary building permits were applied for on August 15, 2002. The application received approval for all accessory buildings and structures and is subject to a number of conditions (see Attachment 1). - - 663 - REPORT NO.: PsD-093-02 PAGE 4 .. 1.5 Staff has reviewed the Committee's decisions and is satisfied that the applications that received approval are in conformity with the Official Plan policies, consistent with the intent of the Zoning By-law and are minor in nature and desirable. Council's concurrence with the Committee of Adjustment decisions is required in order to afford Staffs official status before the Ontario Municipal Board in the event of an appeal of any decision of the Committee of Adjustment. .. .. .. .. .. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Periodic Report of the Committee of Adjustment .. III 11III ... - .. .. - 11III .. ... .. 664 .. - - ClocmglOn - PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT .- FILE NO.: DONELLE, STEVEN DONELLE, STEVEN 78 SAGEWOOD AV., , COURTICE PART LOT 33, CONCESSION 2 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF DARLINGTON A2002/045 - APPLICANT: OWNER: PROPERTY LOCATION: - - - PURPOSE: TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN IN-GROUND POOL BY REDUCING THE REQUIRED MINIMUM EXTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 6 METRES TO 3 METRES. - - - DECISION OF COMMITTEE: THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED TO REDUCE THE EXTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK OF THE IN-GROUND POOL AS IT IS MINOR IN NATURE AND IS CONSIDERED DESIRABLE. - - ... DATE OF DECISION: September 12, 2002 LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 2, 2002 - - - - 665 - - (~mgron .. . PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT .. APPLICANT: OWNER: PROPERTY LOCATION: FILE NO.: BRECH, KIM BRECH, KIM 72 TURNBERRY CR." COURTICE PART LOT 35, CONCESSION 2 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF DARLINGTON A2002/046 .. .. PURPOSE: TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACK FOR SHED #2 & #3 FROM 6 M TO 0.91 M & 4.3M RESPECTIVELY, TO REDUCE THE SEPARATION DISTANCE BETWEEN SHED #3 & THE DWELLING FROM 1.2 M TO 0 M & RELOCATE SHED #1 TO THE REAR YARD & REDUCE THIS SETBACK FROM 1.2 M TO 0.38 M. ... ... .. .. DECISION OF COMMITTEE: THAT THE AMENDED APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS IT IS DEEMED MINOR & - DESIRABLE AND IS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN & ZONING BY-LAW. ." - DATE OF DECISION: September 12,2002 LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 2, 2002 - .. . ... .. 666 . CI~ilJgton - - - PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT - APPLICANT: LEANNE AMYOTTE - PROPERTY LOCATION: 6 SUMAC ROAD, BURKETON, PART LOT 18, CONCESSION 10, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE NO.: A2002/051 - PURPOSE: TO RECOGNIZE ALL EXISTING ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES (DETACHED GARAGE, SHED, PLAY STRUCTURE, POOL DECK) INCREASING TOTAL lOT COVERAGE BY ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES FROM 48% (81.3 M2) (GRANTED BY COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT IN 1997) TO 98% (162 M2). DECISION OF COMMITTEE: THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS PER STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: - - - - - - - 3. - 4. - 5. - - - - 1. THAT THE DETACHED GARAGE, SHED, POOL AND DECK AND PLAY STRUCTURE BE IDENTIFIED WITHIN 60 DAYS ON A REAL PROPERTY SURVEY BY AN ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR; THAT EACH STRUCTURE BE RECOGNIZED AS EXISTING, AS A PERCENTAGE OF THE EXISTING HOUSE AS FOLLOWS: PLAY STRUCTURE AT 30% DETACHED GARAGE AT 45.6% GARDEN SHED AT 5.5% POOL DECK AT 20.3% ONCE THE STRUCTURE/USE IS REMOVED OR CEASES, THE PERCENTAGE OF THAT STRUCTURE/USE IS SUBTRACTED FROM THE TOTAL OF 75%; THAT lANDSCAPING SCREENING CONSISTING OF EVERGREENS ARE A MINIMUM OF 1 METRE IN HEIGHT, SPANNING A LENGTH OF 30 FT ON THE SOUTH SIDE ADJACENT TO THE GARAGE, AT A SPACING OF 3 METRES, BE PLANTED WITHIN 60 DAYS; THAT THE BUILDING PERMIT FOR THE DETACHED GARAGE BE APPROVED WITHIN 45 DAYS OF THIS DECISION; AND, THAT THE TREE FORT MATERIAL BE REMOVED WITHIN 45 DAYS. 2. DATE OF DECISION: LAST DAY OF APPEAL: September 12, 2002 October 2, 2002 667 .. Q![mglOn .. .. PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT ... FILE NO.: CHRISTL, JOE CHRISTL, JOE 4215 CONCESSION RD 1 , CLARKE PART LOT 14, CONCESSION BF FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF CLARKE A2002/052 .... APPLICANT: OWNER: PROPERTY LOCATION: .. PURPOSE: TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE DETACHED DWELLING BY REDUCING THE REQUIRED MINIMUM AGRICULTURAL SETBACK REQUIRED FROM 300 METRES TO 117 METRES. .. .. .. .... DECISION OF COMMITTEE: THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS IT IS DEEMED MINOR AND DESIRABLE AND IS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW. - .. .. DATE OF DECISION: September 12, 2002 LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 2, 2002 .. - .. .. .. 668 .. - - ClfJ!illgton - PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT - - APPLICANT: OWNER: PROPERTY LOCATION: FILE NO.: CALEDON PROPANE 1494263 Ontario Ltd. 40 PORT DARLINGTON RD." BOWMANVILLE PART LOT 10, CONCESSION BF FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF BOWMANVILLE A2002/053 - - PURPOSE: TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM 7.5 METRES - TO 3.05 M FOR SHED #1, TO 3.4 M FOR SHED #2, AND TO 4.3 M FOR SHED #3 . - - DECISION OF COMMITTEE: - THAT THE APPLICATION BE TABLED FOR UP TO 1 YEAR TO ALLOW TIME FOR SITE PLAN ISSUES TO BE RESOLVED. - - ... DATE OF DECISION: September 12, 2002 LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 2, 2002 - - - - 669 - .. CI!J!mgton .. .. PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT .. FILE NO.: CURRIE, LINDA CURRIE, LINDA 1611 NASH RD." COURTICE PART LOT 31, CONCESSION 2 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF DARLINGTON A2002/054 .. APPLICANT: OWNER: PROPERTY LOCATION: .. PURPOSE: TO PERMIT THE REDUCTION OF THE EASTERLY SIDE YARD SETBACK FOR AN EXISTING DECORATIVE WOODEN ARCHWAY FROM THE REQUIRED 1.2 METRES TO o METRES. .. .. .. .. DECISION OF COMMITTEE: THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED TO RECOGNIZE THE EXISTING .. DECORATIVE ARCHWAY WITH A 0 METRE SETBACK AS IT IS MINOR IN NATURE. .. .. DATE OF DECISION: September 12, 2002 LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 2, 2002 .. .. .. .. .. 670 .. - - Clfff}Qgton - PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT - FILE NO.: HAMILTON, IAN HAMILTON, IAN 1615 NASH RD." COURTICE PART LOT 31, CONCESSION 2 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF DARLINGTON A2002/055 - APPLICANT: OWNER: PROPERTY LOCATION: - - - PURPOSE: TO PERMIT THE REDUCTION OF THE WESTERLY SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM THE REQUIRED 1.2 M TO 0.55 M FOR AN EXISTING COVERED DECK & HOT TUB AND TO REDUCE THE WESTERLY SIDE YARD SETBACK FOR AN EXISTING DECORATIVE ARCHWAY FROM 1.2 METRES TO 0 METRES. - - - DECISION OF COMMITTEE: THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED TO RECOGNIZE THE EXISTING DECORATIVE ARCHWAY WITH A 0 METRE SETBACK, AND THE EXISTING DECK AND HOT TUB BE APPROVED AT 0.55 METRES PROVIDED NECESSARY PERMITS ARE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DIVISION WITHIN 60 DAYS. - - DATE OF DECISION: September 12, 2002 - LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 2, 2002 - - - - 671 - .. CI!J!.mgron .. .. PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT .. FILE NO.: GRAHAM, KEVIN & DIANE GRAHAM, KEVIN & DIANE 81 CLAYTON CR." BOWMANVILLE PART LOT 11, CONCESSION 2 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF BOWMANVILLE A2002/056 .. APPLICANT: OWNER: PROPERTY LOCATION: ... PURPOSE: TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A SWIMMING POOL BY REDUCING THE EXTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 6 METRES TO 1.4 METRES, & THE EXISTING DECK'S INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 1.2 METRES TO 0 METRES & REAR YARD SETBACK FROM 6 METRES TO 2.4 METRES. .. .. .. .. DECISION OF COMMITTEE: THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS APPLIED FOR AS IT IS MINOR IN NATURE AND IS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW. .. ... DATE OF DECISION: September 12, 2002 LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 2, 2002 ... .. .. ... ... .. 672 ... - - ClfJ!il1glOn - PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT - - APPLICANT: OWNER: PROPERTY LOCATION: FILE NO.: HAMMOND, HAROLD SHERIDAN, ROBERT 116 CHURCH ST." BOWMANVILLE PART LOT 11, CONCESSION 1 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF BOWMANVILLE A2002/057 - - PURPOSE: TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION TO AN EXISTING PLACE OF - WORSHIP BY INCREASING THE MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE FROM 40% PERMITTED TO 45%. - - DECISION OF COMMITTEE: - THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS IT IS MINOR IN NATURE AND IS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW. - ... - DATE OF DECISION: September 12, 2002 LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 2, 2002 ... - - - 673 - - Cmriygtnn .. .. PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT ... FILE NO.: DAILEY, TIM DAILEY, TIM 80 KINGSWOOD DR." COURTICE PART LOT 35, CONCESSION 2 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF DARLINGTON A2002/058 .. APPLICANT: OWNER: PROPERTY LOCATION: ... .. PURPOSE: TO PERMIT INSTALLATION OF AN IN-GROUND SWIMMING POOL BY REDUCING THE EXTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 6 METRES TO 1.2 METRES. ... .. ... DECISION OF COMMITTEE: THAT THE REDUCTION OF THE EXTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK FOR THE POOL BE ... APPROVED AT 1.2 M AND THE AMENDED PORTION OF THE APPLICATION BE TABLED TO THE SEPTEMBER 26, 2002 MEETING. ... ... DATE OF DECISION: September 12, 2002 LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 2,2002 ... ... .. .. .. 674 .. - - ClwmglOn - PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT - FILE NO.: HARSELL, J. ROB HARSELL, J. ROB 6623 LESKARO RD." CLARKE PART LOT 30, CONCESSION 6 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF CLARKE A2002/059 - APPLICANT: OWNER: PROPERTY LOCATION: - - ... PURPOSE: TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A DETACHED GARAGE BY REDUCING INT. SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 2M TO 0.6M, REDUCE SEPARATION DISTANCE BETWEEN HOUSE & CARPORT TO DETACHED GARAGE FROM 1.2M TO 0.6M, & TO INCREASE GARAGE TO 50% OF FLOOR AREA OF EXISTING DWELLING. ... - - DECISION OF COMMITTEE: THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED SUBJECT TO THE APPLICANT REMOVING THE TWO EXISTING SHEDS WITHIN 6 MONTHS OF THE ISSUANCE OF THE BUILDING PERMIT FOR THE DETACHED GARAGE. - - DATE OF DECISION: September 12, 2002 - LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 2, 2002 - - - - 675 - .. Clw:.mgton .... ... PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT .... APPLICANT: OWNER: PROPERTY LOCATION: FILE NO.: BAKLER, JULIUS BAKLER, JULIUS 141 EDWARD ST.E." NEWCASTLE VILLAGE PART LOT 27, CONCESSION 1 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF NEWCASTLE VILLAGE A2002/060 III - PURPOSE: TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 15 sa METRE DECK BY INCREASING TOTAL LOT COVERAGE FROM THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED 40% TO 43%. ... IIIIil - ... DECISION OF COMMITTEE: THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS IT IS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AND IS DEEMED MINOR IN NATURE AND DESIRABLE. ... IIIIil DATE OF DECISION: September 12, 2002 LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 2, 2002 ... ... ... .. ... .. 676 ... - - Clw:.-illgton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES - - Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE - Date: Monday, September 23,2002 - Report #: PSD-095-02 File #: S2002-019 By-law #: - Subject: APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE TO SIGN BY-LAW APPLICANT: NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH, FORMER VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE - RECOMMENDATIONS: - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. THAT Report PSD-095-02 be received; 2. THAT the sign by-law minor variance application submitted Newcastle United Church for a ground sign with a total sign area of 2.0 square metres be APPROVED FORTHWITH; and, - - 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. - Submitted by: Reviewed by: G ~ ~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer - - Davi . Crome, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P. Director, Planning Services - RH*L T*DC*df 13 September 2002 - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 - 677 - REPORT NO.: PSD-09S-02 PAGE 2 .. 1.0 LEGISLATION 1.1 Section 207 of the Municipal Act, Subsection 146 allows Council to authorize minor variances to the Sign By-law, if in the opinion of Council, the application is minor in nature and maintains the intent of the by-law. - IIIIlI .. 2.0 BACKGROUND AND PROPOSED MINOR VARIANCE 2.1 On July 25, 2002, Newcastle United Church submitted a sign by-law minor variance application to permit a ground sign with a total sign area of 2.0 square metres. The sign would be illuminated at night. The larger sign would replace a smaller identification sign presently located in front of the church at the Emily and Mill Street intersection. .. .. .. ... 2.2 The church is located at 84 Mill Street South in Newcastle Village, just south of the downtown core area as shown in Attachment 1. Surrounding properties are all residential in nature. ... ... 2.3 The sign by-law currently permits a ground sign for a community facility with a maximum sign area of 1.5 square metres. The church proposes to increase the maximum sign area by 33% to 2.0 square metres. Their reason for the increase is that a 1.5 square metre sign does not permit sufficient area for a read-o-graph message board. The proposed sign holds three read-o-graph message lines. The proposed sign is contained in Attachment 2. ... ... ... 3.0 STAFF COMMENTS 3.1 Staff conducted a site inspection of the church site and surrounding area. Although the surrounding area is residential in nature, the proposed sign would not be obtrusive to the neighbourhood. The proposed sign would suit the public message needs of the church without being excessively large. - ... .. 3.2 The existing sign is approximately 0.3 square metres in size and is located within the site triangle. Although the proposed sign is larger, it would be located on an .. .. 678 UIl - REPORT NO.: PSD-09S-02 PAGE 3 - angle outside of the site triangle, therefore improving traffic visibility at the Emily Street and Mill Street intersection (see Attachment 3). - - 3.3 The applicant had requested a larger ground sign with an area of 2.97 square metres. Staff could not support this increase for the following reasons. - . The proposed sign area would represent a 98% increase in size area. Being located in a residential area, Staff felt that such an increase was not in keeping with the residential character and could therefore not be supported. .. - - . A 2.97 square metre sign to be used in conjunction with a home occupation in a residential area was previously denied. In order to be consistent, Staff felt that a 2.97 square metre sign for the church was not appropriate. .. - 3.4 The application was circulated for agency comment. Neither the Clarington Services Engineering nor the Durham Region Public Works Departments had - any objections to the application. - - 3.5 Staff are willing to support the proposed sign by-law minor variance application for a 2.0 square metre ground sign for the following reasons. - . The proposed increase in sign area is minor in nature, is in keeping with the intent of the Sign By-law, and is not obtrusive to the residential area. - - . The proposed sign would be located outside the site triangle. This improves the existing situation by removing the sign from within the site triangle. - - 679 .. REPORT NO.: PSD-09S-02 PAGE 4 ..... 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 Staff respectfully recommends that this application be APPROVED FORTHWITH for a ground sign with a total sign area of 2.0 square metres. ... ... .. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Proposed Ground Sign Attachment 3 - Proposed Location of Sign .. ... Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Jim Sandberg 7 Bridges Drive Newcastle, Ontario L 1 B 1 M6 .. ... Greg Forget Newcastle United Church 450 Beaver Street Newcastle, Ontario L 1 B 1 C3 MIl ... ... .... ... ... ... .. iii .. 680 .. - ATTACHMENT 1 LOT 28 ,. \ '-- KING AVENUE WEST KING AVENUE EAST ....... -L--- ~ - f-- - V"'"' - '" I-- V - '--- \ - J , EMILY STREET WEST EMILY STREET EAST I- W ::c WI- W ..... w ~ w ~ w 0 ~ ..... \ ~ z t; Ul t; I I- W4 ~ W I- Z ::c ~ ~ ()~ ~ ..... w 3: ~ ~ Ul ~ - I- C ::) .....J ::c .....J <( () .....J CD I- CD ~ - CAROLINE STREET WEST CAROLINE STREET EAST - I- - f- I- - f-/ EDWARD STREET WEST EDWARD STREET EAST -- ...- - - - .. .. .- z o (/) (/) w () z o () .- I. I. .. .. I. .. - - _Area subject to a Minor Variance to the Sign By-law 84 Mill Street South, Newcastle Village Newcastle Village Key Map 82002-019 - - 681 ATTACHMENT 2 .. .. .E 'Ot CIO .11I = ... i iii. ...I ",- III ...l!. ~ ~. ...~ III .,... a: .... za: ... .... ~~ I: ~.. x... ~-~ u., ... =>>:'0 ...I ... ...~ ... a.1lI Olll 1Il.~ ",Ill ., III 0 ...... z ii1:a'fi z:' ~ ... ." ::; x .. ..~ u ~o:n e ft ...~ . ... ... IlIlI IlIlI IlIlI .. z: ~ Sr.. lrc :;f ....,4. -6. ~~<8i i~Ei€ :or 1i _ iU IIlIII .5: 0() M --J ... -1 ... Jl J .. .5: o 0- ... .. ... .. 682 ... - - - - - ";':':-..--' -"-. cI'I ~ ~ ;"\, v- .... ~ ...~'. 'II> -- -... r- ,-. -. r- '- v.. 1. ,.~ :', w._ ~. M ~ S". ...... (;- t .:.. f' ?::::, ~/ - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - It ~ ,.. r:. \- - ;' \l\ .: ;/ ... \:J "'\ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ATTACHMENT 3 l-==_._~i ~'i-------- ., 5 dJtf W,.,L f( , 1--~~ /JA i/f r, d"" a tP'/.{.;.---- ~ ~ r I ~ ~"',. \/- ~ ?oo- " (>-. ,. ~. v '" .... "" j I I ~ Q(.'I " - " ~. ~. ~~ <:... ~ ..):." i ,- "If. ".I_ <- : ~ I i~ , I J I I I ">--. ,^ "''' r-- ---.- ~ ~ ~ :i:.... /1 ' > , , ----~'-- .j.:. - -> ...:-. ,-.(\-. ,.,;;.. ',~-~--,..~... '-"'"'-:::\ \ ',. J" .. 1,.. " " "'--:~i " , :24.b T . iJAI ~ (J L I. f) Ci II "-3 r ~ C t. AC; S .2 a' - Cl111Ly SI: ~R~ ~ :::t:::.. ~ ~ ~ :5:.. -,/ .... ~ 1', ....-. __ L .. - Cloc-illgton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES - - - Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, September 23,2002 - Report #: PSD-096-02 File #: PLN 6.1 By-law #: - Subject: GENERAL ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES - RECOMMENDATIONS: _ It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. THAT Report PSD-096-02 be received; 2. THAT the General Architectural Design Guidelines, prepared by John G. Williams Limited, Architect, dated May 2002 be ADOPTED. - 3. THAT pending the approval of a roster of Control Architects, John G. Williams Limited, Architect be approved in the interim as the Municipality's Control Architect. - - Submitted by: Reviewed by: 0 ~---:. Wz.t Davi '. Crome, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P. Franklin Wu Director, Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer - - - L T*DC*df 18 September 2002 - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905)623- 3379 F (905)623-0830 - - 684 REPORT NO.: PSD-096-02 PAGE 2 .. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 In December 2001, Council, after due consideration of Staff Report PSD-049-01 (see Attachment 1) endorsed the recommendations authorizing Staff to prepare and implement Architectural Design Guidelines for residential plans of subdivision in the Municipality. .. .. ... 1.2 In January 2002, John G. Williams Limited was retained to prepare the Architectural Design Guidelines. They have provided architectural control services in other municipalities in Durham Region and the GT A. It was Staffs intention that by retaining a firm used by a number of the other local Durham Municipalities, there would be a consistency in the approach and general design standards for the development industry. till .. ... .. 2.0 GENERAL ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES 2.1 The guidelines as prepared provide a general architectural design concept that would be used in all new residential development throughout the Municipality. They generally focus on the provision of common architectural design themes, built form and siting objectives. ... .. .... The guidelines address a number of key issues such as: .. . Design Guideline Objectives . Architectural Design Criteria . Garage Design Criteria . Model Design Criteria ~ architectural style/elevations ~ roofs and windows ~ external materials/colors . Siting Criteria/Model Repetition . Priority Lot Dwellings ~ gateway dwellings ~ corner dwellings ~ community window dwelling .. .. .. III IfIIi till 685 .. - REPORT NO.: PSD-096-02 PAGE 3 .. - 2.2 Each development would need to prepare Supplementary Architectural Design Guidelines to identify priority lot dwellings as a minimum. This would also be the opportunity to address any specific design themes for the plan of subdivision. - 2.3 A presentation by Mr. David Stewart of John G. Williams Limited Architect has been scheduled for the September 23rd General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting to provide Committee with a comprehensive overview of the guidelines. - - 3.0 DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRY COMMENTS - 3.1 Following the completion of the draft guidelines, copies of the staff report authorizing their preparation along with the draft guidelines where forwarded to - the Durham Region Home Builders' Association and the Urban Development Institute - Durham Chapter on May 30,2002, seeking their comments. .... 3.2 The Durham Region Home Builders' Association (DRHBA) indicated two primary - concerns (Attachment 3). It was opposed to any policy which restricted their ability to provide "what the marketplace dictates" and it was concerned that it ... would add costs to every home. The DRHBA also identified two specific concerns regarding siding-clad dwellings and community gateway dwellings. - Both of these latter concerns could be addressed by Supplementary Design Guidelines to address the architectural themes of a specific development. In this - respect, the new policy is much more flexible than the previous municipal policy. - .. 3.3 The Urban Development Institute indicated that it would have a response ready in early September. As of the date of this report, a response has not been received. - - 3.4 During the time the draft guidelines were being finalized, staff was approached on four (4) separate occasions by developers requesting that the required - - 686 REPORT NO.: PSD-096-02 PAGE 4 ... subdivision agreement be prepared so that they could proceed with the .. registration of their respective plans of subdivision. .. As a transition measure, each Developer, through their respective subdivision agreement, was requested to either comply with the draft guidelines or retain a Control Architect and submit architectural design guidelines for the approval of the Municipality. .. .. In each case, the Developer opted to use the services of John G. Williams Limited and implement the Municipality's draft guidelines with some minor modifications. Staff would note, each set of the guidelines as approved were consistent with the transition provisions contained within the Architectural Design Policy adopted by Council in December 2001. .. .. .. 3.5 In light of the above, I believe that the development industry will find the Architectural Design Guidelines generally consistent with the approach currently used by other lakeshore municipalities within Durham Region. 1IIII/i ... 4.0 CONTROL ARCHITECTS 4.1 As noted in Staff Report PSD-049-01, a control architect is engaged to provide architectural design expertise for the Municipality in preparing supplementary design guidelines and to review the building drawings to be submitted for a building permit. A control architect is the liaison between the Municipality and the. builder's architect. .. - .. III 4.2 With the adoption of the Architectural Design Guidelines, staff will seek Expressions of Interest from qualified architectural firms in order to recommend a limited roster to Council to implement the Municipality's Architectural Design Guidelines. III .. .. .. 687 .. - - - - - - - - - - .... - - - - - - - .. REPORT NO.: PSD-096-02 PAGE 5 In the interim, pending the approval of a roster, John G. Williams Limited, Architect will be utilized to fulfil the role of Control Architect for the Municipality. 5.0 CONCLUSION 5.1 It is respectfully recommended that the General Architectural Design Guidelines be ADOPTED. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Attachment 2 - Staff Report PSD-049-01 General Architectural Design Guidelines (forwarded under separate cover) Durham Region Home Builders' Association Comments Attachment 3 - List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Victor Fiume, President Durham Region Home Builders' Association P.O. Box 26064 206 King Street East Oshawa, ON L 1 H 1 CO Debbie Clarke Urban Development Institute - Ontario Durham Chapter 2025 Sheppard Avenue East Suite 2208 Willowdale, ON M2J 1V6 688 . ATTCHMENT 1 WIllI CI~mgton .. REPORT .. PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT .. Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, December 3, 2001 '~D I i Resolution #:G~Pfl-5<;j;3-D / .. Report #: PSD-049-01 File: PLN 6.1 By-law #: .. Subject: ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL IN PLANS OF SUBDIVISION .. Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: .. .. 1. THAT Report PSD-049-01 be received; and 2. THAT the Policy on Architectural Control be approved as contained in Attachment 3 to Report to PSD-049-01 ~ -' .. - .. Reviewed bQ ~.::::.C.Jl.. . Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer ... .. DJC*sh November 28,2001 .. .. .. 689 64tt5 IIIIIIi - REPORT NO.: PSD-049-01 Page 2 - 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 For the last decade, the Municipality has had a simplified architectural control policy. It addresses three major issues only: · External materials · Model repetition · Colours - - ... - - 1.1 - - - 1.2 - - - - - - - - - The standard requirements are contained in Shedule "w" to subdivision agreement (Attachment 1). This has provided a base level of control over materials and model repetition but has not focused on the many other issues that are important to provide high quality living environment. Current municipal practice is that the architectural control standards reviewed after submission of a building permit application. Planning staff review architectural control issues concurrently with the review for zoning by-law conformity of building applications. Some of the issues with our approach to date are as follows: · Architectural control has not been results-oriented but primarily input- oriented, given the lack of architectural expertise on staff · Architectural control has focused on a few issues but not design details that have become increasingly problematic such as garage projections, porches, prominent lots · Some developers have applied to use creative use of other materials in keeping with a theme but not consistent with the 40 % masonry requirement. · Given the lack of architectural training, important design details are not addressed in the review · There has been little attention given to prominent lots with high public visibility 690 647 REPORT NO.: PSD-049-01 Page 3 .... .. 2.0 PRACTICES IN OTHER MUNICIPALITIES .. 2.1 Over the years, there has been a growing sophistication among municipalities to improve on the architectural control process. There are two primary elements of ... architectural control used elsewhere that should be incorporated in a new' process in Clarington: .. · Preparation of architectural design guidelines Architectural design guidelines are developed to provide more detailed and site-specific outline of the architectural design requirements for a plan of subdivision or a neighbourhood. These guidelines address a variety of factors focusing on the exterior impact dwellings on the public realm. The scope of the guidelines may vary among municipalities but are developed to provide a basis for the municipal review. .. .. .. · Use of a control architect .. A control architect is the municipality's reviewer of the exterior architecture design of buildings and street elements in the subdivision. The control architect works closely with the developer's or builder's architect, usually in ... advance of the submission of drawings to the Municipality's Building Division. ... 2.2 Many other municipalities in the Greater Toronto area have a adopted similar approaches. Within Durham, Whitby, Ajax and more recently Oshawa have adopted a similar approach to that being recommended in this report. Pickering requires an architectural design statement but currently does not employ control architects, with the exception of within the Pickering Main Central Area. ... .. .. The following is a list of municipalities that utilize architectural design guidelines and a control architect in one form or another: . Ajax . Oshawa . Whitby . Markham . Richmond Hill . Vaughan . Aurora . Brampton ... .. .. .. 691 648 .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REPORT NO.: PSD-049-01 Page 4 3.0 DISCUSSION 3.1 General Architectural Design Guidelines The approach proposed for Clarington would be to provide generic architectural design guidelines that would be used in new residential development throughout the Municipality. These guidelines would focus on common architectural design, built- form and siting objectives. It would identify requirements for preparing supplementary architectural design guidelines in each plan of subdivision including which lots are deemed to be a priority due to their highly visible location. An example of a priority lot treatment for a corner lot would include wrap-around porches and detailing on both facades. The guidelines would be prepared after reviewing current practices relating to architectural control, zoning, and building permit requirements. The General Architectural Design Guidelines would be circulated in draft form to the development industry and presented to Council for approval. It is proposed to use one of the control architects used by the other Durham municipalities so that there is a consistency of approach and general design standards for the development industry. The preparation of the General Architectural Design Guidelines is estimated to cost approximately $12,000 and can be accommodated within the Planning Department budget. 3.2 Use of Supplementary Design Guidelines Supplementary Architectural Design Guidelines would be required for each plan of subdivision to identify priority lot treatment as a minimum. If the developer so desires, the supplementary guidelines would also address site-specific variations to the General Architectural Design Guidelines such as specific architectural themes or increased architectural performance. The supplementary design guidelines would be prepared by the control architect for the specific plan of subdivision and approved by the Director of Planning Services. 692 649 REPORT NO.: PSD-049-01 Page 5 ... 3.3 Control Architects Control architects are engaged to provide architectural design expertise for the municipality in preparing the supplementary architectural design guidelines and the review of building drawings to be submitted for a building permit. A control architect is the liaison between the municipality and the builder's architect. Using the municipal objectives, the site-specific conditions including local history and architecture and taking into account the developer's plans, the control architect prepares the set of recommendations to which the builders must adhere. ... ... .. .. ... Control architects provide an enhanced level of review and could expedite the review process by being undertaken in advance of the formal submission to the Municipality. The use of control architects would be on a full cost-recovery basis for the Municipality. ... - 3.4 The costs of an enhanced architectural control process to be picked up by the developer is generally as follows: ... ... . Final approval of model design . House Sitings $ 85 per model $ 70-85 per house ... The fee standard for architectural control process is relatively standard across the Greater Toronto Area. ... ... 3.5 Transition The revised architectural control procedures would not apply to any development with an approved subdivision agreement. In the event of a major revision to an , existing draft plan of subdivision, the Municipality would consider whether to apply the new process. .. .. The new procedures would be applied to any future subdivision agreement to be executed after Council's approval of the policy. .. ... ... 693 650 ... - REPORT NO.: PSD-049-01 Page 6 - However, there will be some circumstances where this will pose a hardship - particularly if the developer is marketing homes. The Director of Planning Services would be authorized to consider requests to adjust this implementation - approach to provide for a smooth transition in consideration of the circumstances of a particular development. - 4.0 CONCLUSION - - 4.1 An enhanced architectural control process will provide the Municipality with the tools to achieve a higher quality built environment. It has been used successfully in other municipalities to produce valued neighbourhoods and a positive image for those municipalities. At the same time, by utilizing a roster of approved control architects, there is the opportunity for efficient review outside of the normal municipal review process. The approach of using a roster of architectural firms also ensures that a variety of architectural concepts and design solutions can be employed. - - - _ 4.2 It is recommended that the new architectural control policy contained in Attachment 2 be approved, and that staff be authorized to retain an architect to prepare - General Architectural Design Guidelines for Council's approval. - Attachment 1 - Schedule "W" Attachment 2 - Architectural Control Process Attachment 3 - Development Policy - - - - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 F (905 )623-0830 ... - 694 651 ATT ACHMEINT 1 Page 91 SCHEDULE"W" THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "W" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by, By-law No. of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. enacted and passed the day of , 2000. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL STANDARDS All dwellings to be erected on the said Lands shall satisfy the following architectural control standards: 1. EXTERNAL MATERIALS (a) Exterior construction must be a minimum of forty (40%) percent masonry products excluding stucco and concrete blocks. Dwellings sited at the comers require full height masonry products on all elevations. (b) No substitutions are allowed within paragraph (a) except by written permission of the Director of Planning Services Department. 2. COLOURS (a) Colours of bricks, siding, roofs and trims must be compatible and in harmony such as earthtone range, pastel range, grey/black range etc. (b) Where bricks are used, coloured mortar is required. (c) Accent colour bricks for brick detailing is permitted provided if used consistently in group of dwellings. (d) Colour of caulking around metal flashing or windows is required to match colour of brick or siding. 3. REPETITION OF ELEVATIONS AND STYLES (a) Any two (2) dwellings abutting each other must exhibit a minimum of twenty-five (25%) exterior variations in elevations or colour schedule. (b) Dwellings of identical elevation and/or colour schedule must be separated by a minimum offour (4) dwellings. 695 652 .. .. .. .. - .. - .. , .. .. - - - .. .. .. .. ... ... """ '- Page 92 Schedule "W" . 2 . - (c) Dwellings which mimic the influence of a particular architectural influence (eg. Georgian, Colonial, Spanish) are permitted only if constructed in a group reflecting the same architectural influence. - - 4. OTHERS - (a) All metal roof vents and stacks must be located in the rear slope of roofs and must be painted to match the roof colour if exposed to public view. - - (b) All dwellings must carry brick veneers to within twelve (12) inches of the grade on front elevation and within twenty (20) inches on side and rear elevations. Exposed concrete foundation in excess of the aforementioned standard will not be permitted. - (c) The Owner shall encourage the builder of dwellings to vary siting and setback of dwellings. - - (d) The above standards are minimum standards and builders are encouraged to exceed the standards as long as the objective of creating attractive and aesthetically pleasing appearance is achieved. - - - - - - - 696 -653 - ... Attachment 2 Architectural Control Process Steps in Process Current Process New Process Architectural Schedule "w" to Subdivision Municipality prepares Architectural Design Control Agreement Design Guidelines (ADG) Guidelines Preparation of priority lotting plan, and, if necessary, supplement architectural design guidelines for the subdivision Preliminary None Initial design sketches of floor plans Review of Models and elevations Approval of model Review of models by Control working drawings Architect for compliance to ADG Submission of models to Building Submission of models to Building Division for review under Building Division for review under Building Code Code Review of models for zoning Review of models for zoning compliance by Planning staff compliance by Planning staff Review of models by Planning staff for compliance to architectural control policies Approval of Submission to and review by building permits control architect of working and related site drawings with engineer-certified site grading plans grading plans and streets capes for compliance to ADG Submission of building permits with Submission of building permits with engineered-certified site grading engineered-certified site grading plans. plans. If approved model, no detailed If approved model, no detailed review required by Building review required by Building Review of grading plan by Review of grading plan by Engineering staff Engineering staff Review of building drawings by Review of building drawings by Planning staff for zoning Planning staff for zoning compliance. compliance. Review of building drawings by Planning staff for model repetition. Review of other architectural control requirements only if it is not previously approved model. Monitoring for None - Inspections and periodic reports on compliance Only complaints are reviewed any deficiencies by control architect - - .. .. - ..... ... .. - .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. 697 AS4 .. ATTACHMEINT 3 .. -PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENTAL POLICY APPROVED BY: Council SUBJECT: ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL GUIDELINES DATE APPROVED/ UPDATED: _ SUBSECTION: - PURPOSE: _ To promote high quality residential environments and to promote excellence in urban design through a clear community vision. The preparation of architectural design guidelines and the use of architectural and urban design specialists in the municipal review process will ensure that _ municipal objectives are achieved while providing for flexibility and architectural design creativity. BACKGROUND: - The Clarington Official Plan states that "excellence in urban design will be pursued to contribute to a sense of place, ensure physical safety, promote social interaction and enjoyment, provide - human scale to the urban environment and promote the integration of land uses." (Section 3.2.2) Architectural control procedures are one important means to ensure that the principles of the - Clarington Official Plan are achieved and the site characteristics of each neighbourhood are addressed. The existing architectural control procedures in the plans of subdivision shall be replaced by this policy. Architectural design review in the context of this policy shall refer to a - review of a site plan application by external consultant with architectural and/or urban design expertise. - POLICY: - 1. Architectural Design Guidelines shall generally comprise the following elements: · Design vision · Heritage considerations · Architectural styles · Building massing and roof form · Fenestration · Porches and main entrances · Treatment of the garage · Exterior materials and colours · Trim detailing · Sitting requirements · Model repetition criteria · Treatment of dwellings on priority lots - - - - - - MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT - 698 655 .. PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENTAL POLICY .. APPROVED BY: Council SUBJECT: ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL GUIDELINES DATE APPROVED/ UPDATED: .. SUBSECTION: 2. The Municipality shall prepare General Architectural Design Guidelines. These will be written in a general manner for use in new residential neighbourhoods throughout the Municipality. The Municipality's General Architectural Design Guidelines will be approved by Council. 3. As a minimum, every developer shall prepare a Priority Lot and Sitting Criteria Plan identifying lots that require special attention due to their highly visible location in the public realm. .. .. .. 4. Site specific issues for any plan of subdivision shall be addressed in a Supplementary Architectural design Guideline document for each plan of subdivision that will address architectural theming and local design vision. 5. Supplementary Architectural Design Guidelines must be prepared by a Control Architect with an architectural firm on a roster approved by the Director of Planning Services. Supplementary Architectural Design Guidelines will be approved by the Director of Planning Services. 6. Every plan of subdivision shall be required to have a Control Architect save and except for the following: · Industrial plans of subdivision · Country residential (Estate) plans of subdivision · Residential plans of subdivision that are exempted by the transition provisions below. - .. .. ... - 7. Architectural review by the Control Architect will be conducted expeditiously and shall generally comprise the following steps: _ · Orientation meeting with the developer/builder and municipal staff · Preparation of the Supplementary Architectural Design Guidelines · Model Review and Approval .. · Approval of house sitings · Monitoring for compliance .. 8. Only model working drawings bearing the stamp of the Control Architect shall be eligible for submission to the Building Division. ... 9. Architectural control will be conducted on a full cost recovery basis. .. .. MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT .. h9q 656 ... - -PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENTAL POLICY _ SUBSECTION: APPROVED BY: Council SUBJECT: ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL GUIDELINES DATE APPROVED/ UPDATED: - Transition - The transition to this new Architectural Control Policy shall be as follows: - 1. Any development with an approved subdivision agreement is not subject to this policy. In the event of a major revision to an existing draft approval where the developer has an approved subdivision agreement, the Municipality will generally apply this policy. - 2 Any subdivision agreement executed after December 10, 2001 shall contain provisions requiring the use of a Control Architect and conformity to the Municipality's Architectural Design Guidelines. - - 3. The Director of Planning Services will be authorized to make appropriate modifications process given the particular circumstances of the development so as to no create any undue hardship or prejudice to the development process. - - - - - - - - - MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT - 69901 657 ATTACHMENT 3 .. "., I.. Ir;~IE CG'en' \fTI:,l! f. . ~ ~ ~ ,n n ,-, , alii Mr. Larry Taylor Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 i ~ i\/lUj)':[):-i--,'_! '; u~ !,,--<...:';~li',,:G Ui\ ~LH\'J;;.k. ~~;!-'Y'-,'EiJ i .. .. .. Dear Mr. Taylor: Re: Architectural Controls ... I have had an opportunity to review the proposed Architectural controls for the Municipality of Clarington on behalf of the Durham Region Home Builders' Association. I have some comments to make on the Controls. ... DRHBA is opposed to any Legislation, which restricts our ability to provide what the marketplace dictates. Architectural Controls are an artificial and contrived method of telling the house buying public what their house and their community should look like. It is our opinion that the best judge of what people want their home to look like are the people whose hard earned money is being spent on the purchase. The concept that an architect, based in Richmond Hill should be able to tell a house purchaser in Clarington, what their home should like, in order to appease the general public who may drive past the sub-division is completely contrary to the a great many of the principals that we hold near and dear to our hearts. Principals such as freedom of expression. It should be the house buying public that decide whether or not the architectural features in a given sub-division are acceptable. They demonstrate their acceptance or lack thereof, by either purchasing or not. "., ... .. "., Furthermore, Architectural Controls will add costs to every home built in Clarington. The preamble contained in the Design Guidelines mentions the affordability factor of the Clarington market. We then launch into a document, which will increase costs and push the first time homebuyer even further east or north. Architectural Controls, while pleasing to the eyes of some passersby, does not help the plight of this all-important segment of the market. In 1950' s and 60' s, when we had a tremendous housing boom, form tended to take a back seat to substance. However, there was a great demand for affordable homes for young families and these homes were purchased by the tens of thousands. If these proposed Controls were in place at that time, we would have virtually eliminated the huge housing boom, all in the name of aesthetics. Moreover, in subsequent years many of these buyers of the" cookie cutter" homes updated and upgraded their homes to the extent that there is now a considerable array of different elevations and front facades. In the process, a great number of these people saw a huge increase in the value of their homes. Some people would call this " sweat equity". This opportunity is being eroded by these Controls. We maintain that it is the purchaser of the homes to decide what they want. ... - .. .. .. 69902 .... .. - - - It would seem that Clarington is determined to follow other Municipalities down the wrong path. Notwithstanding this, I would agree that these Architectural Controls are very much in line with what other Municipalities have included in their Design Guidelines. There are a couple of requirements that I would like to comment on. - - Requirements for Primarily Siding-Clad Dwellings Consideration on the amount of siding allowed should take into account the architectural theme of the community. Certain Victorian, Georgian or Cape Cod themed communities would not necessarily need masonry to create visually appealing streetscapes. - Community Gatewav Dwellings Once again I would suggest that the theme of the community should be taken into account. Masonry may very well look out of place in certain situations. - In conclusion, while these design criteria are similar to other jurisdictions, we feel that it is counter productive to the Clarington housing market to bring in yet another requirement that will increase costs. - Thank you for the opportunity to register my input. - Questions or comments may be directed to me at 905-697-5805. Or bye-mail at wilmotcreekmanager@rogers.com. - Yours truly, - - Victor Fiume DRHBA, President - - - - - - 69903 - ... .. - .. .. .. - iii .. .. ... - - .. - .. .. .. .. - ~1!J!mglOn - Meeting: - Date: - Report #: REPORT PLANNING SERVICES GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Monday, September 23,2002 PSD-097-02 File #: By-law #: - Subject: PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATIONAL REVIEW - RECOMMENDATIONS: - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. - 2. - 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - - - - - THAT Report PSD-097 -02 be received; THAT Council approve the change in name and function for a Community Planning and Design Branch and the manager's title to the Manager of Community Planning and Design; THAT Council approve the creation of a Special Projects Branch and the new position of Manager of Special Projects; THAT subsequent to the approval of the position of Manager of Special Projects, fair compensation be determined through a review conducted by the Pay Equity Committee; THAT Council approve the reclassification of two planner positions to senior planners; and THAT the Director of Planning Services be authorized to fill the new positions. Submitted by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer c- ~~ ~'tC Reviewed by: D vi J. rome, MCIP, R.P.P. Director of Planning Services DJC:sn September 17,2002 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-0830 69904 .. REPORT NO.: PSD-097-02 PAGE 2 .. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 It had been my intent to review of the Department's structure and staff positions in the context of the 2003 Budget, as indicated in Report FND-008-02. With the resignation of Bin Newell as the Manager of Community Planning, it is opportune to advance the reorganization initiative prior to hiring a replacement. .. .. .. 2.0 EXISTING STRUCTURE .. 2.1 The current structure of the Planning Services Department was established in the late 1980's when the Department expanded to accommodate the growth pressures facing the .. Municipality. At that time, the focus of the Department was the processing of development applications and there was an evident need for a long term planning function within the .. Municipality. The Strategic Planning Branch was established to formulate municipal policies to address short and long term land use planning issues. Over the years, the .. Branch took on an expanded role in dealing with a variety of increasingly complex issues beyond the realm of traditional land use planning and specifically sought to work with the .. community in various initiatives. In recognition of this, the Branch was renamed the Community Planning Branch. - 2.2 More recently, in the overall organizational review of the Municipal Departments, the .. Department took on added responsibility for real estate issues and corporate projects. .. 2.3 Two specific issues are proposed to be addressed through this organizational review: .. · To provide a structure that will enable the staff to effectively focus on the critical issues in the evolving responsibilities of the Planning Services Department. · To provide opportunities for internal promotion and succession planning. .. 3.0 PROPOSED REORGANIZATION OF THE PLANNING DIVISIONS .. 3.1 It is recommended that the existing 2 branches be reorganized into three branches, each with a manager that would concentrate on the key work areas. lIIIIII tIlIIiI 69905 lIIIIII - REPORT NO.:PSD-097-02 PAGE 3 - 3.2 Community Planning and Design Branch - - This Branch would be responsible for developing and, in some cases, implementing municipal policy with respect to land use and urban design issues facing the Municipality. The emphasis on urban design reflects the growing recognition of the importance of urban design issues to community character. - - This branch would have primary responsibility for the Municipality's Official Plan and Zoning By-law and any significant amendments with a policy implication for the Municipality. This Branch would interact with other municipal and provincial bodies on traditional land use planning issues (smart growth, transportation, natural heritage, etc.) In recognition of the emphasis on urban design issues, this Branch also handles site plan approval responsibilities for commercial and industrial development. - - - - Key responsibilities include: . Updating, Review of and Major Amendments to the Clarington Official Plan . Updating, Review of and Major Amendments to the Clarington Zoning By-law . Developing and Updating Urban Design Policies . Neighbourhood Design Plans . Land Use, Urban Design and Heritage Studies . Transportation Planning . Municipal input into the Regional Official Plan . Municipal input into Provincial Planning Policy . Site Plan Approval focusing on commercial and industrial applications - - - The work of LACAC would be related to the urban design role of this Branch and thus the heritage planner would be part of this Branch. - - 3.3 Development Review Branch - The Development Review Branch would be responsible for the implementation of municipal policy through the review of development applications concentrating on residential development. This Branch is also responsible for providing responsive customer service responding to general inquiries from the public. - - 69906 - ... REPORT NO.:PSD-097 -02 PAGE 4 - Key Responsibilities are: · Plans of subdivision · Part lot control · Consents · Site Specific Rezoning · Minor Variance · Residentialllnstitutional site plan approval · Building permit compliance review · Zoning clearance letters · Apartments-in-house licencing · Street names and addresses · Customer Inquiries · Monitoring compliance to zoning, site plan and sign permits ... .. ... ... - 3.4 Special Projects Branch .. The Special Projects Branch recognizes the complex issues facing Clarington and is structured to undertake special projects and strategic initiatives for the Municipality. Many of these are initiatives that extend beyond the realm of traditional land use planning. The Special Projects Branch will undertake ongoing research in support of other planning divisions, including developing and maintaining various databases. In addition the Manager will also supervise the Department's GIS program. The Manager of the Special Project Branch is a new position and hence the compensation for this position will have to be established by the Pay Equity Committee. .. - - - Key responsibilities include: · Special Projects including input into EA studies (e.g. Port Granby, Ontario Hydro), development charges studies, biosolids, nutrient management, and emergency planning. · Formulation of municipal policy not related to land use or urban design (site alteration by-law, tree preservation, communication towers, community improvement projects, etc.) · Corporate studies and initiatives identified by Councilor the CAO. · Community initiatives (Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee, Samuel Wilmot Nature Area MAC, etc.) · Environmental Stewardship including woodlot preservation, watershed initiatives with conservation authorities. · General Research including developing and maintaining a variety of databases for municipal use (demographics, housing, development activity, etc.) and publishing information for municipal use. 69907 ... .. - III .. .. IlIIliI AI REPORT NO.:PSD-097 -02 PAGE 5 - . Geomatics including development of planning-related applications using the municipal GIS system. Planning content for the website and municipal publications. - . - 3.5 Other Functions - In addition to the 3 proposed planning branches, the Director of Planning Services would have direct responsibility for municipal real estate transactions. One planner would be assigned to work with the Director to handle the daily administrative aspects of real estate. This would streamline negotiations with property owners. - - Responsibility for crossing guard services would be transferred from the Director to the Administrative Assistant. The Crossing Guard Co-ordinator would handle most functions but report to the Administrative Assistant rather than to the Director. - - 4.0 PROPOSED STAFF COMPLEMENT 4.1 With the reorganization, there is no new additional staff proposed at this time. The - creation of the new manager position would leave a planner position vacant. This position would remain vacant indefinitely. - The proposed changes in staff complement for the planning divisions are as follows: - Position Current After Reorganization Director 1 1 Managers 2 3 Senior Planner 2 4 Planner 7 4 Junior Planner 2 2 GIS Technician 2 2 Total 16 16 - - - - - The proposed re-organization provides for two additional Senior Planners, for a total of four. The additional Senior Planner positions will provide the opportunity to recognize that there are staff who are undertaking more complex assignments, have greater experience, show more initiative, can work with a minimum of supervision and provide guidance to their - 69908 - ~ REPORT NO.:PSO-097 -02 PAGE 6 ... - peers. At present, there is little opportunity for progression within the Department and this will allow the Municipality to retain staff seeking to progress in the profession. - One of the Senior Planners will have overall responsibility for commercial urban design policy and supervision of the processing of Site Plans including all commercial and industrial applications to ensure fast tracking and one-stop customer service .. ifili With the current staff levels, and particularly in the transition phase over the next year, there will be the need for the planners to be managed as a pool available to assist multiple managers in meeting the priorities facing the Department. In particular, it is anticipated that some staff will split their time between Community Planning and Design and Development Review in order to deal with the current level of commercial and industrial site plans. .. .. - The total costs for the restructuring would require approximately $30,000 per year. ifili 5.0 ACTING DIRECTOR OF PLANNING SERVICES .. At the present time, the backup for the Director of Planning Services is the Manager of Community Planning. It is recommended that with the new organizational structure, the Manager of Community Planning and Design or the Manager of Development Review be authorized to exercise the powers and perform the responsibilities of the Director in his absence. ... .. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS ifili The proposed revision to the organizational structure of the Planning Services Department will provide for better focus on the issues within the Department's expanded mandate and allow .- opportunities for internal promotion within the Department. .. The Chief Administrative Officer has reviewed the proposed staffing structure and he is in support of the recommendations contained in this report. ifili .. .. 69909 11IIII - - Clw:.-illgton REPORT - ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT - Meeting: - Date: Report #: - Subject: - GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,2002 Resolution #: EGD-42-02 File #: B.02.09.004 By-law #: - MEARNS 1 SUBDIVISION STAGE B, BOWMANVILLE, PLAN 40M-1688 (PART OF), 'CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE' AND 'ASSUMPTION BY-LAW' FOR ROADS AND ABOVE GROUND SERVICES INCLUDING ROADS AND OTHER RELATED WORKS, AND FOR BRADSHAW STREET URBAN UPGRADING WORKS - Recommendations: - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-42-02 be received; - 2. THAT the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the Roads and Above Ground Services including roads and other related Works constructed within Plan 40M-1688 (part of), and for Bradshaw Street Urban Upgrading Works; and - ... 3. THAT Council approve the by-law attached to Report EGD-42-02, assuming certain streets within Plan 40M-1688 (part of) as public highways. - - Submitted by: .~ A.S. Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services Reviewed byG~ ~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer - - AHC* ASC*ce 10/09/02 - ,f'(J) 1 - REPORT NO.: EGD-42-02 PAGE 2 .. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The former Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, now the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, entered into a Subdivision Agreement, registered November 22, 1991, with 621182 Ontario Limited to develop lands by plan of subdivision, located in Bowmanvjlle and described as Plan 40M-1688 (internal subdivision works) and external works comprised of the reconstruction of the north portion of Bradshaw Street (Attachment 1). The agreement required the developer to construct all roadworks, including hot-mix paving, sidewalks, curb and gutter, street trees, a storm drainage system and streetlights, hereinafter referred to as the 'Works'. .. IIIIt .. .. .. .. 1.2 The Subdivision Agreement provides for the separation of the Works into three (3) stages: .. a) Storm Sewer System b) Roads and Above Ground Services; and c) Bradshaw Street Urban Upqradinq Works .. .. 1.3 The Storm Sewer System was issued a 'Certificate of Completion' and subsequent 'Certificate of Acceptance' by the Director of Engineering Services, as per the maintenance requirements set out in the Subdivision Agreement. ... .. 1.4 The Roads and Above Ground Services for Stage B (part of Plan 40M-1688) were issued a 'Certificate of Completion' dated November 1, 1999. This initiated a two (2) year maintenance period, which expired on November 1,2001. The Works have been re-inspected and all deficiencies have now been rectified to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. ... .. .. 1.5 The Bradshaw Street Urban Upqradinq Works were issued a 'Certificate of Completion' dated January 5, 2000. This initiated a two (2) year maintenance period, which expired on January 5,2002. The Works have been re-inspected " .. ... .. 102 .. .. REPORT NO.: EGD-42-02 PAGE 3 .. and all deficiencies have now been rectified to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. - - 1.6 It is now appropriate to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for both the Roads and Above Ground Services for Stage B (part of plan 40M-1688), and for Bradshaw Street Urban Upqradinq Works. The Subdivision Agreement requires Council approval prior to the issuance of the 'Certificate of Acceptance' for these Works. - - 1.7 Further to the issuance of a 'Certificate of Acceptance', a by-law is required to permit the Municipality to assume certain streets within Plan 40M-1688 (part of), as public highway (Attachment 2). .. - Attachments: _ Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Proposed Road Dedication By-law - - - - - - - - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 F (905) 623-9282 .. 703 .. o -- j MEARNS I SUBDIVISION PLAN 40M-1688, STAGE B , -(@l- ... Ireland Street ~-- Apple Blossom Drive ...... (1) (1) L... ...... CJ) 3: ro .c f/) "'0 ro ?.- m ---/\ \ ...... Q) (1) I.- ...... CJ) 3: ro .c f/) I.- (1) ~ ~------" --------- Edgerton Drive ~=~~- -l i __~ I Concession Street East BOWMANVILLE 704 ATTACHMENT NO.1 ., .. IIIlIl ... ... ... ~~ - (1) :J C (1) > <C f/) C I.- ro (1) ~ ... .... .. ... .. .. ... I I 1______ ... f-~--.---~ --~_. i I I I I .. ! \ Engineering Services REPORT EGD-42-02 .. .. ATTACHMENT NO.1 MAY 2002 .. .. ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: EGO-42-02 - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY -LAW 2002- - - Being a By-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby enacts as follows: ... 1. THAT the streets and Blocks shown on Plan 40M-1688 and listed below and listed in this section, all being in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, are hereby accepted by the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington as public highways, and assumed by the said Corporation for public use: ... - Ireland Street Apple Blossom Boulevard Kershaw Street .. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 30th day of September 2002. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 30th day of September 2002. - .. - John Mutton, Mayor .. Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk - - - - - ... 705 - ." .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. II \ f .. .. C[!!fillgron !f i .. REPORT .. OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT r ~ L Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE r ... Date: September 23, 2002 ! t ... Report #: OPD-13-02 File #: By-Law #: l .. Subject: SENIOR CITIZENS AND PHYSICALLY DISABLED SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY WINDROW SNOW CLEARING PROGRAM i' I till t L. Recommendations: L 1. THAT Report OPD-13-02 be received as information. ~ ~ l L i ! .... Submitted by: Reviewed bY:O hf-..Q J(-.:..., ~ Fred ick . orvath, B.A., RD.M.R, RRF.A. Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Operations Chief Administrative Officer . ... , t ~ ~o \ L 33 17 4 5 3 N/A N/A N/A 1 1 1 65 Did Not Return to Program from 01-02 Total Participants in 00-01 Program Bowmanville Courtice Newcastle Newtonville Orono Solina Burketon Enniskillen Hampton Maple Grove Mitchell's Corners 315 137 43 6 20 4 1 1 9 2 7 545 65 611 40 27 7 2 4 o o 1 2 o 1 84 355 164 50 8 24 4 1 2 11 2 8 629 j J J J J 'J J J j J J J J j J J J J J REPORT NO.: OPD-13-02 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND The Senior Citizens and Physically Disabled Sidewalk and Driveway Windrow Snow Clearing Program was a popular program again this past season. Since its introduction in 1993 the program has significantly expanded across the Municipality. Although there were 65 participants that did not return to the program this past season, there were 84 new participants and 545 residents who returned to the program, totaling 629 participants for the 2001-2002 season. Increase to the 01-02 Program from last Year For residents to be eligible for this service, applicants must be 65 years of age or older or be physically disabled, occupy a single family, dwelling which fronts onto a Town street in the specified urban areas or the urbanized areas of the specified hamlets, and have no able bodied persons under the age of 65 years residing on the CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905) 263-2292 F (905) 263-4433 802 \ ... ~ 1- l ~ .. REPORT NO.: OPD-13-02 PAGE 3 property. Senior citizens must provide a copy of a birth certificate or Senior Citizens Number; physically disabled applicants must provide a doctor's certificate. L The snow clearing service on municipal sidewalks starts when a snowfall ends and only when there is more than 2 cm (approximately 1 inch) of snow on sidewalks. The driveway windrow snow clearing service is not undertaken until the snow ploughing on all Municipal streets has been completed. l t ~ L Below is a table of call-out statistics for snow clearing from 1998 to 2002. There were 20 less call-outs compared to the 2001 season. Call-Out Statistics: j '-- November December Janua Total ... I ... , i '-- Note: The Call-outs listed above are not all for full call-outs. Some are for sand and salt only, and some for snow clearing only. Windrows are not required to be cleared for each snowfall. Also note that the March dates listed are the final call-out dates for that year. i 1.. I I .... Winter Patrol: During the winter months the Operations Department implements an evening road patrol seven days a week commencing in November. They check roads and sidewalks for snow and ice as well as any other potential hazards due to winter conditions. It is more efficient for the contractor to be notified as soon as the sidewalks require clearing and/or sanding. The contractor is notified for snow removal if there is more than 3", even if it is still snowing. The road patrol personnel L L $ 1- L CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905) 263-2292 F (905) 263-4433 803 .... REPORT NO.: OPD-13-02 PAGE 4 j J J J J j J J J J J J J J J J J J J keep a written record of all weather conditions and temperatures. Further information will be available in your Winter Operations Information Package available to you by the end of October. Increase to the Existina Proaram: For your information, during the summer approximately 2,313 metres of new sidewalk was installed in Clarington. We will be adding 1,258 metres of this sidewalk to our snow removal program, which will increase our budget by $1,258.00 per snow clearing and sand/salting. Also, with the commencement of Clarington Transit in Bowmanville, there will be an additional 38 locations added to the contract which will represent an additional estimated cost of $400.00 per snow clearing and sand/salting. Based on the previous winter season, this represents an increase of $41,514.00 to our winter maintenance budget. Attachments: Attachment #1 Letter to Previous Seniors Citizens and the Physically Disabled in the Program CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905) 263-2292 F (905) 263-4433 804 1 .. \ l.. September 3, 2002 ~CJ-'a;t;'gt;n ONTARIO ATTACHMENT NO.: 1 REPORT NO.: OPD-013-02 i L L Dear Resident: t t. RE: APPLICATION FOR SNOW CLEARING - 2002-2003 WINTER SEASON SENIOR CITIZENS AND THE PHYSICALLY DISABLED SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY WINDROW SNOW CLEARING PROGRAM ~ i.. Please find an application enclosed for the 2002-2003 season. This letter is also a reminder to those who have been in the program, that although you were approved to receive the snow clearing service in the 2001-2002 season, you must complete the enclosed Snow Clearing Application for the 2002-2003 Winter Season. Please submit the application to the Operations Department in the enclosed envelope before October 18. 2002. L L l To be eligible for this service, applicants mu.~t be 65 years of age or older or be physically disabled, occupy a single family, dwelling which fronts onto a Town street in the specified urban areas or the urbanized areas of the specified hamlets, and have no able bodied persons under the age of 65 years residing on the property. Senior citizens must provide a copy of a birth certificate or Senior Citizens Number; physically disabled applicants must provide a doctor's certificate. - l ~ The snow clearing service on municipal sidewalks starts when a snowfall ends and only when there is more than 2 cm (approximately 1 inch) of snow on sidewalks. The driveway windrow snow clearing service is not undertaken until the snow ploughing on all Municipal streets has been completed. L We ask that you be patient during this process and we will do our best to ensure an effective servIce. t t III When your 2002-2003 application is approved, a copy will be forwarded to you for your records. If you have any question regarding your application, please contact the undersigned at 905-263-2291 between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. ~ L L w I .. y~~ Susan D. Arends, Operations Technician Operations Department }~ L. .sa Enclosures pc: Frederick Horvath, Director of Operations t i. ON SRLETOZ l.. 805 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWWANVILLE .ONTARIO. L1C 3A6. (905) 623-3379' FAX 623.4169 @ "lCYClID LlAPIA J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Clw:.-illgtnn REPORT EMERGENCY & FIRE SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 23, 2002 Date: Report #: ESD-018-02 File #10.12.6 By-law # Subject: MONTHLY RESPONSE REPORT - AUGUST, 2002 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report ESD-018-02 be received for information. /l&~~ Reviewed bY:U on, CT.CMM11 Franklin Wu, ncy Services/Fire Chief Chief Administrative Officer MGC.amc 901 REPORT NO.: ESD 018-02 PAGE 2 t I 1 I I I I j J I J J J I 1 I ) ) I BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Our report covers the month of August, 2002. It is our intent to provide Committee with information relevant to this department, in a timely manner. 2. REPORT 2.1 The department responded to 254 calls in August and recorded total fire loss at $536,155.00. A breakdown of calls responded to follows in the table attached. Substantial loss was sustained ($500,000) in the East Side Mario fire on August 01, 2002. The majority of damage was to the electrical room and electrical system. *Standbv As indicated in the table attached, Station 1 volunteer firefighters were activated six times. Four while Pumper 1 and Pumper 4 responded to emergency calls, once for training and once due to mechanical repairs to Pumper 1. Station 4 volunteer firefighters were activated once for training. 902 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I EMERGENCY & FIRE SERVICES MONTHLY RESPONSE REPORT MONTH YEAR MONTH YEAR ENDING TO ENDING TO DATE DATE CLASSIFICATION AUGUST/02 2002 AUGUST/Ol 2001 PROPERTY FIRES (Includes structure, chimney, vehicle 28 167 30 203 Miscellaneous e.g. furniture, clothin~, etc.) UNAUTHORIZED BURNING (Burning complaints) 13 50 14 68 FALSE FIRE CALLS (Includes alarm activations- 44 271 33 216 accidentaVlmalicious,human-perceived emergencies/check calls e.g. investigate unknown odour PUBLIC HAZARD CALLS (Includes propane/natural gas leaks, 8 159 15 148 fueVchemical spills, power lines down/arcing, C.O. leaks, etc.) RESCUE CALLS (Includes vehicle extrication/accidents, 32 279 32 284 conunerciaVindustrial accidents, home/residential accidents, water/ice rescue) MEDICAL ASSIST CALLS (Includes assist to ambulance personnel with 98 694 82 686 respiratory and resuscitation emergencies MISCELLANEOUS CALLS (Incidents not found, assistance not req' d. by 31 245 44 189 other agency, call cancelled on route, etc.) TOTAL CALLS 254 1865 250 1794 TOTAL FIRE LOSS $536,155 $1,589,440 $48,330 $692,825 NUMBER OF ALARMS BY STATION ST.#1 ST.#2 ST.#3 ST.#4 ST.#S TOTAL 129 30 6 71 18 254 NUMBER OF STANDBY CALLS BY STATION ST#1 ST#2 ST#3 ST#4 ST#S TOTAL 6 0 0 1 0 *7 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-6506 903 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L L l L l L L L L l L L L L L L L L L Cl~n REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE September 23, 2002 Report #: COD-42-02 Date: By-law # File #_ Subject: Tender CL2002-33, Rehabilitation of Sand Dome & Salt Shed, Orono Operations Depot Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-42-02 be received; 2. THAT Barr's Roofing and Sheet Metal, Newcastle, Ontario with a total bid in the amount of $72,225.00 (Including G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender CL2002-33, be awarded the contract for the Rehabilitation of the Sand Dome and Salt Shed at the Orono Operations Depot; 3. THAT the unexpended funds from the 2002 Capital Budget for the Rehabilitation of the Sand Dome and Salt Shed at the Hampton Operations Depot in an approximate amount of $25,000.00 be re-allocated to this project and drawn from Account # 7029-X-501; 4. THAT the remaining total funds required be drawn from Account # 7029-X-501 as carried over from 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 Capital Budgets as identified in the body of this report; 5. THAT the attached By-law marked Schedule "A" authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreement be approved; FORTHWITH. ;)~~ SUbmitted~: .' arie Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.O. Director f C rporate Se~i~~~ _J ~ .rr-C '.-7 Reviewed by: U - ""-.) ~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer MM\FH\LAB\km 1 201 REPORT NO.: COD-42-02 PAGE 2 J j J J I . II J J J J J J J J J ~ J J J BACKGROUND AND COMMENT During the summer recess the Director of Operations advised Council by memorandum of the urgent need for the Rehabilitation of the Sand Dome and Salt Shed at the Orono Operations Depot. Subsequently, tenders were advertised and invited with the following bids being submitted: Barr's Roofing & Sheet Metal Newcastle, ON The Foundation Building Co. Ltd. Thornhill, ON Aron Van Pelt Mitchell, ON $72,225.00 $93,333.00 Bid Rejected This project was not provided for in the 2002 Capital Budget and it is therefore recommended that funding be approved as follows: AMOUNT $20,100.00 $22,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $25,000.00 $77,100.00 The total funds required for the project are approximately $75,225.00 ($72,225.00 tender and $3,000.00 consulting) As the roof structure currently presents a hazard and timing is of the essence to complete this work, a FORTHWITH approval is requested. The low bidder has provided satisfactory service to the Municipality of Clarington in recent years. The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Operations. _ 1202 L L L l l L L L l L l L l L L L l L L REPORT NO.: COD-42.Q2 PAGE 3 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT After further review and analysis of the bids by the Operations Department, the consultant James Knight and Associates and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Barr's Roofing and Sheet Metal, be recommended for the contract for the Rehabilitation of Sand Dome and Salt Shed, Orono Operations Depot. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 1203 By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of ,2002. J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J Cl~n Schedule "An THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2002- Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Barr's Roofing and Sheet Metal, Newcastle, Ontario, to enter into for the Rehabilitation of the Sand Dome and Salt Shed at the Orono Operations Depot, Orono, Ontario. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington with the Corporation Seal, a contract between, Barr's Roofing and Sheet Metal, Newcastle, Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of ,2002. John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 1204 L L L L L L L l L L l L L L L L L l L ~Jmil1gton REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE September 23, 2002 Report #: COD-43-02 Date: By-law # File#_ Subject: Tender CL2002-26, GUIDE RAIL INSTALLATION Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-43-02 be received; 2. THAT Peninsula Construction Inc, Fonthill, Ontario with a total bid in the amount of $123,418.08 (Including G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender CL2002-26, be awarded the contract for the Guide Rail Installation, as required by the Operations Department; 3. That the total funds required in the amount of $141,200 ($123,418.08 tender plus $17,781.92 consulting) be drawn as follows: a) $80,000. from 2002 Capital Budget for guide rail installation Account# 7212-02001- 0261 b) $58,824. from the carried over 2001 Capital Budget for guide rail installation and processed through Account # 7212-02001-0261 c) $2,376. from the 2002 Current Budget for guide rail maintenance and processed through Account# 7212-02001-0261 4. THAT the attached By-law marked Schedule "A" authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the ne sary agreement be approved. Submitted by: 1205 Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Submitted by: Fred , RDMR, Director of Operations REPORT NO.: COD-43-02 PAGE 2 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Tender specifications were provided by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates for the Guide Rail Installation within the Municipality of Clarington, as required by the Operations Department. Tenders were advertised in local papers, as well as the Daily Commercial News. Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as per Schedule "B" attached. The total project cost, including Project Administration, and costing allocation is as detailed in the letter from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, marked Schedule "B" and will be provided from the accounts specified in the recommendations of this report. Although the lowbidder has not previously performed work for the Municipality of Clarington, they have recently completed similar work for the City of Ottawa, Ministry of Transportation and the City of Thorold. The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Operations. After further review and analysis of the bids by the Operations Department, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Peninsula Contracting Inc., Fonthill, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the contract of Guide Rail Installations. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 1206 L L ," L L L L L L L L L L L L l L L L L Cl~-!lJglon Schedule "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2002- Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Peninsula Contracting Inc. Fonthill, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Guide Rail Installation. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington with the Corporation Seal, a contract between, Peninsula Contracting Inc., Fonthill, Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of ,2002. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of ,2002. John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 1207 II 11M SCHEDULE "B" J ~ J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 513 Division Street, Cobourg, Ontario, Canada K9A 5G6 (905) 372-2121 Fax: (905) 372-3621 E-mail: cobourg@tsh.ca www.tsh.ca engineers architects planners 40 Years __ .l~ September 10,2002 Ms. Lou Ann Birkett, CPP, AMCT Purchasing Manager Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street, BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3A6 FAX: 905-623-3330 Dear Ms. Birkett: Re: Contract No. CL2002-26, Guide Rail Installation Structure Nos. 99031, 99033 and 99037 Municipality of Clarington Tenders for the above project were opened at the Municipal Offices on Friday, August 30, 2002, at 2:00 p.m. The bids received, inclusive of GST, are summarized as follows: Peninsula Construction Inc. Fonthill, ON Powell Contracting (Richmond Hill) Limited Richmond Hill, ON $123,418.08 $147,322.95 The low bidder's submitted tender has been reviewed and is in order. Peninsula Construction Inc. has completed work similar in nature to the subject contract for the City of Ottawa, Ministry of Transportation and the City of Thorold. References that were contacted indicated Peninsula Construction Inc. 's performance was acceptable. This tender is composed of three different projects from the 2001 and 2002 Capital Budget. A cost apportionment is attached detailing the estimated total project costs based on the low bid for each individual site. Funding for the contract shall be obtained from the 200 1 General Capital Reserve account 2900-00017-0000 (pg. 132) and from the 2002 Capital Budget account 7212-02001-0261 (pg.432). The total project costs are estimated to be over budget by approximately $2,400 and it is 1208 L L L L L~~ L L L l l L L L L l l L l . L SCHEDULE "S" Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington September 10, 2002 2 recommended that funding for this deficit be drawn from the account 7211-04001-0169 (2002 Budget, Guide Rail Maintenance). As the total project costs can be funded from the above noted accounts and based on the past experience of the low bidder it is recommended that Contract CL2002-26 be awarded to Peninsula Construction Inc. in the total amount of $123,418.08 (incl. of G.S.T.). Tender deposits shall be retained until such time that the low bidder has provided executed contract documents. Should you require any additional information, please contact the undersigned. Yours truly, Ron Albright, P.Eng. Project Engineer RAfra p:\12-29183\prjadmin\staff report.doc Encl. cc: Mr. A. S. Cannella, Municipality of Clarington (+ encl.) Mr. F. Horvath, Municipality of Clarington (+ encl.) Mrs. K. Rand, Municipality of Clarington (+ encl.) 1209 VH N (f) oeo 0.... Nm .N ~N .... ... .8-g E .~ .me c..o.. 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" S ca E :; W ~ I-;" ..a = UJ - fI) CIl 'y- 1)1) c...= m en &tns-g-g :S ci ~ m m C en<J g o C ~ 0 CJ :e - 0 = CIl .- i 'C:) .2' ~ ~ .5 D. g - - " <<;' fie = S e CO').y cae - c E en ...= CIl := N tn m wfI) 1: . c = C) := - 0 c So CJ 8 ... ~ 1) Z ... C = o E < .... CD N C? .... o o N C? N .... N I' ... C = o CJ CJ < "0 i:ii ~ -J c: o "0 Q) III IV co "0 .m ~ e 0.. eo (f) N o (f) ~ ~ m q .... ~ .... <0 ~ N eo cO (f) o ~ ~ eo .... ('f) ~ ~ o eo ~ "o:t ri ~ o N Iri .... I'- ~ o e "Ii N 00 rJi CO') .... ~ o o ~ (f) N ~ I ... c = o E < 'S en " = m ii ~ :t:: CJ q: CIl Q ! 'eo = (I) 'S en " = CD i E := fI) w J iJ J J J J J J J ~.I.. iI = ;f J J J ~ :sl U 00 ~~ -; ~ .:.: ~ ~ il 121j L L L L L L l L L L l L l L L L L L l ClwJl1gton REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: September 23, 2002 Report #: COD-44-02 File#_ By-law # Subject: RFP 2002-7, RESCUE PUMPER Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-44-02 be received; 2. THAT Asphodel Fire Trucks Ltd., Norwood, Ontario with a revised total bid amount of $354,422.11 (including GST), being the lowest most responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Request for Proposal RFP 2002-7, be awarded the contract for the supply and delivery of one only Rescue Pumper as required by the Municipality of Clarington Emergency Services Department; and 3. THAT the required funds be drawn from the 2002 Capital Budget Account # 7102-1-504. Reviewed b~ t-c.-(j2 --5 ~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Submitted by: ane Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.O. Director of Corp rate Services Q. N"\ Michael Creighton, .M.C.T., C.M.M.II Director of Emergency Services I Fire Chief MM\MC\LAB\km 1 2 1 1 REPORT NO.: COD-44-02 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT A Request for Proposal for a Rescue Pumper was issued and received as per Schedule "A" attached. A committee comprised of representatives from Emergency Services, Operations, the Fire Fighters Local Union and Purchasing reviewed each of the submissions. Upon review of the bids, it was revealed that the following did not meet the minimum requirements requested. Superior Emergency Vehicles Engine 330 HP 350 HP Red Deer, Alberta Bids 1 and 2 Fort Garry Fire Trucks Engine 330 HP 350 HP Winni e ,Minitoba Advance Engineered Products Engine 330 HP 350 HP Concord, ON Bid #2 Dependable Emergency Vehicles Engine 330 HP 350 HP Bram on, ON Bid #1 Almonte Fire Trucks Ltd. Engine 330 HP 350 HP Carleton, ON Darch Fire Engine 330 HP 350 HP A r,ON Bid Band C The required funds will be drawn from Account # 7102-00001-0504 and are within the $375,000.00 budget allocation as reflected on page 196 of the 2002 Capital Budget. The specifications did provide for negotiation with the preferred bidder and as such a revised bid was requested from Asphodel Fire Trucks Ltd., to include the replacement of some worn out hurst tools and hose reels on the old pumper, as well as minor modifications to the new truck. A revised bid in the amount of $354,422.11 was submitted. After further review of the bids by the committee, it was mutually agreed that the bid from Asphodel Fire Trucks Ltd., Norwood, Ontario in a revised amount of $354,422.11 be recommended for the contract award to supply and deliver one (1) only Rescue Pumper and that the trade-in offered in the amount of $20,000.00 be accepted. It is staff's opinion that the trade-in exceeds any amount that would.be realized at the Regional Auction Sale. 1 21 2 J j J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J L L l L L l L L L L L L l l L L L L L REPORT NO.: COD-44-02 PAGE 3 The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requirement and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to the department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Emergency Services. Although the subject firm have not previously supplied to the Municipality of Clarington, they have provided satisfactory service to Dashwood Fire Department, Township of Rideau Lakes Fire Department and South Huron Fire Department. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 121 3 e o -I-J C1 e .- (J L.. t/) CO >~ - ~ ~ U :i~ :iN :;:)0 '-I- ~ ~ ~~ 0 iiie: ~ a 0:: ~ <c . ~ >--::..J ~~ -I-J ~~ .5 = fa no 1 CO:I:O ~~c~ u~ ~~ C. CI)~ .- 0 U LL . - .... e ffi ::J 5 ~ ~ OCO 0 ..-0 O"-IOI'-~ oil ..- 10 cx)1O C\I 0 C\l0 0cx)1O~I'- 0 N...t cx:iariojcx:icx:i 10 ~~ co co 0>10 10 M M C\I MCOIOO>CX) 10..- CX) ~~ 1'-0> I'-I'-..-COO> ..- cON Ct'i coo ";cO...:Ct'icO I'- co ..; C\I~ ~ co MI'- O>COC\lIOM C\IC\I C\I C\I MC\I C\lC\IMC\lM ~ WW W W ww WWWWW W 0:: w no :e ::) no w ::) z}- .,.z w:) 0 Ooz ~:Il }-c( I- Z :;:) o ~ o iii o o ~ ~ CX) Ct'i C\I C\I W (ij C o ~ C ~ C o U In Q) l3 :2 ~ ~ C nl Q)t:: e>Q) Q)::9 E<( w..... .... Q) .g Q) Q)O ~"O ::) Q) (/)0:: o o o g 0 zq z o C\I W 01'- 0 o co 0 ON M ~..- 0 CO.M 0> MCO I'- ..-~ C\I C\IC\I C\I ww W -(ij nl C C 0 o ._ .- - - C nl Q) E > Q) C - 0 Cu nl C o ~ C ~ C o U 0 00000 0 0 00C!C!C! 0 00 . 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L L L L L CI!!!iQgton REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,2002 Resolution #: Report #: FND-013-02 File #: By-law #: Subject: ONTARIO TRANSIT RENEWAL PROGRAM Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended the General Purpose and Administrative Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report FN D-O 13-02 be received; 2. THAT Council authorize the Mayor and the Clerk to sign the Letter of Agreement with the Ontario Minister of Transportation (Attachment #1), per the requirement of the Ontario Transit Renewal program; 3. THAT Council authorize municipal staff to complete and submit the required Ministry forms for the Ontario Transit Renewal Program; and 4. THAT the Ministry of Transportation be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Reviewed bye) r-JJ2~ ~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer NMT/LG/hjl J301 REPORT NO.: FND-013-02 PAGE 2 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J j J J J BACKGROUND The Ontario Premier announced on September 27, 2001, the new provincial transit investment plan of which the Ontario Transit Renewal Program is a key component. The program covers conventional transit and specialized transit services. The program will provide up to one third of the costs of the replacement or major refurbishment of municipal transit vehicles. The Municipality of Clarington has been allocated $25,640 (total over 5 years), as the Ministry's contribution under the Ontario Transit Renewal Program for Specialized Transit Services. The program funding will be used for the replacement of the Handi Transit vehicle that was approved in the 2002 budget process with a budget value of $77,000. The Municipality of Clarington's 2002 funding allocation is $5,128. The 2002 funding allocation represents one fifth of the Province's allocation to the Municipality. In June 2002, the Municipality of Clarington received from the Ministry of Transportation the Guidelines and Requirements for the 2002 Ontario Transit Renewal Program. There are several requirements that are part of the Ministry's guidelines and the requirements are summarized as follows: 1. Capital costs must occur between January 1 and December 31,2002 inclusive to be eligible for 2002 renewal funds. 2. A municipality receiving renewal funds must ensure that all funds received are used only to offset the municipal share of the cost of the replacement or major refurbishment of transit vehicles. 3. The Municipality must approve by Council resolution for staff to complete and submit the necessary forms to request payment from the Province under the Ontario Transit Renewal Program. 4. The Municipality enters into a letter of agreement with the Minister per Attachment #1 and the Municipality submits a binding agreement between the municipality and the manufacturer of transit vehicles. 5. Renewal funds are kept in a capital reserve account, including all interest earned, and must be used only towards payments for eligible transit vehicles ordered or any eligible major refurbishment costs of transit vehicles. 1302 , ~ L L ~ ... L L L L L L ~ L L l L L L L \ L. REPORT NO.: FND-013-02 PAGE 3 6. Transit vehicle replacement: Only transit vehicles are eligible. Renewal funds will only be available towards the base purchase price of one transit vehicle for each transit vehicle replaced. Where the municipality leases a transit vehicle, only the leasing costs related to capital costs are eligible. 7. Major refurbishment of transit vehicle: Only transit vehicles ranging from 30 feet to 60 feet will be considered eligible for renewal funds towards major refurbishment. The municipality must provide information as to the extended life span that will result from the major refurbishment of the transit vehicle. Renewal funds for major refurbishment will only be provided once for a transit vehicle. 8. Transit vehicle replacement and major refurbishment must comply with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws, and all relevant rules, regulations, by-laws, notices and approvals. 9. A municipality must obtain written approval from the Ministry for any transfer of ownership of a transit vehicle for which the municipality has received provincial subsidies including renewal funds. 10. The Ministry will provide, at a later date, the communication requirements and guidelines. The communication requirements will include appropriate visual recognition on transit vehicles. 11. A municipality receiving renewal funds must maintain separate records and documentation related to any renewal funds received for a minimum of three (3) years after the final settlement of accounts. CONCLUSION In order to take advantage of the funding available for specialized transit services, it is Recommended that the requirements of the Ontario Transit Renewal Program be complied with. 1303 REPORT NO.: FND-013-02 PAGE 4 J J J J J J J J J J J ] J J J J J J J Attachment #1 - Letter of Agreement Interested Parties: Ministry of Transportation Inter-Regional Transit Office 3rd Floor, Building C 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsveiw, Ontario M3M 1 J8 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0608 1304 L L L L l L l L L L Clarmm-on Leading the Way ~. U.J: Attachment #1 September 16, 2002 Ministry of Transportation Inter-Regional Transit Office 3rd Floor, Building C 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M U8 Attention: Legal Clerk Re: Letter of Agreement between Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Ontario, represented by the Minister of Transportation (the "Ministry") andthe Municipality of Clarington (the "Municipality") Related to Renewal Funds to be provided by the Ministry to the Municipality under the OTRP (this "Letter of Agreement") This Letter of Agreement is in response to the Municipality's request to the Ministry for financial assistance under the OTRP with regard to the purchase of transit vehicles. L In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained in this Letter of Agreement and the Guidelines and Requirements - Ontario Transit Renewal Program 2002 (the "Guidelines and Requirements") which have been reviewed and are understood by the Municipality and are hereby incorporated by reference and other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged), the Ministry and the Municipality covenant and agree as follows: L L L L L L L 1. In recognition of the Municipality's need to replace ageing transit vehicles and the Municipality having entered into a binding agreement with a manufacturer for the purchase of such vehicles (the "Agreement"), the Ministry agrees to provide renewal funds to the Municipality in the amount of$5,128 (over 5 years = $25,640), in accordance with and subject to the terms set out in this Letter of Agreement and the Guidelines and Requirements. 2. The Municipality agrees that is shall provide a copy of the Agreement to the Ministry prior to the payment of any renewal funds by the Ministry under this Letter of Agreement and that the terms of the Agreement must comply with the requirements under the Guidelines and Requirements. 3. The Municipality agrees that the renewal funds are to be deposited in a capital reserve account by the Municipality and are to be used only in accordance with the Guidelines and Requirements. L 13D5 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 Date J J J J J J ] J J j J J ] J J J J J J 4. The Municipality understands and agrees that the renewal funds represent the full extent of the Ministry's and Province's financial contribution towards the major refurbishment and replacement of transit vehicles and that no additional funds will be provided by either the Ministry or the Province for such purposes to the Municipality for the year 2002. I have read and understand the terms of this Letter of Agreement, as set out above, and by signing below I am signifying the Municipality's consent to be bound by these terms. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Mayor John Mutton Patti Barrie, Clerk 1306 L L L L L L L l L l l l L I , I .. l L L t L L Clw:.mgfOn REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,2002 Resolution #: Report #: FND-014-02 File #: By-law #: Subject: MUNICIPAL PERFORMANCE MEASURES PROGRAM - 2002 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended the General Purpose and Administrative Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-014-02 be received for information. Reviewed bY:cJ ~-.:.,~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer Submitted by: Nancy M. aylo, B.B.A., C.A. Director of Finance NMT/hjl 1307 REPORT NO.: FND-014-02 PAGE 2 J J J J J ] J ] J J J J J J J J J J l BACKGROUND 1.0 On December 10, 2001, the Province announced the formal requirements for Year 2 (2001) of the Municipal Performance Measures Program (MPMP). 1.1 The required measures have been filed with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and are included as Schedule "A". 1.2 The province has mandated that these measures be published for taxpayers by September 30, 2002. The information will be posted on the Municipality's website. 1.3 The provincial objectives of the MPMP are to enhance accountability to taxpayers, increase taxpayer awareness and share best practices between municipalities. New measures were added for 2001. As well as some measures from last year have been refined. FUTURE MEASURES 2.0 Indirect costs are those that are not necessarily directly included in the costs of the department providing direct services to the public, such as Human Resources, Information Technology, as well as corporate costs such as Council, CAO, Clerks, etc. To ensure that program costs are comparable between municipalities, a common methodology for the allocation of these costs is necessary. 2.1 A model for allocating indirect costs has been approved. Its use was optional for 2001 but is required for 2002. Clarington has adopted the model for 2001 and this is reflected in our measures as attached. We will further enhance this in future years. CONCLUSION 3.0 It is recommended that the Municipal Performance Measures Program results for 2002 be received for information. Schedule "A" - Performance Measures CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0608 1308 L L L L Schedule "A" PERFORMANCE MEASURES I L. l L l L L L l L L L L L L L DESCRIPTION OF MEASURE 2001 2000 Portion of operating costs spent on general 9.47% 10.66% government administration Operating costs for fire services per $1000 of $0.90 $1.02 assessment Operating costs for paved roads per lane $509.15 N/A kilometre Operating costs for unpaved roads per lane $1,585.24 N/A kilometre Operating costs for winter control per lane $736.54 $612.83 kilometre Operating costs for solid waste collection per $13.68 $12.10 tonne Percentage of paved lane km rated as good to 81.66% N/A very good Percentage of winter event responses that meet 100% 92.59% or exceeded maintenance standards Garbage collection complaints per 1000 0.46 N/A households Percentage of new development units within 98.22% N/A settlement areas Designat,ed agricultural land in Official Plan 100% 100% preserved * N/ A means not applicable, as these measures were not required for 2000 1309 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J ) L L l . L L l L L L L L L L L L L L L L Clm:mgton REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,2002 Resolution #: Report #: FND-015-02 File #: By-law #: Subject: CASH ACTIVITY - SECOND QUARTER OF 2002 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-01s-02 be received; 2 . THAT in accordance with provision of Chapter M-45, Section 79 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, the Treasurer reports the cash position of the Municipality of Clarington for the second quarter of the year 2002, as shown on the attached schedule; and 3. THAT Part "A" of the expenditures for the first quarter of the year be confirmed. A-- (r(J'~' ~ Reviewed by~ --.:. Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. NT /LB/hjl 131 0 REPORT NO.: FND-01s -02 PAGE 2 J J J J J J J J J ] J J J J J J J J J BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: The attached schedules indicate the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington's cash transactions for the second quarter of 2002, the cash investment position, the taxes receivable position and statistical information for the month ending June 30, 2002 and the comparative information for the month ending June 30, 2001. The attached schedules for the development charges information is for the months of April, May and June 2002. Attachments: Attachment A - Analysis of Revenue and Expenditures - Second Quarter of 2002 Attachment B - Continuity of Taxes Receivable - As at June 2002 Attachment C - Statistical Information - As at June 2002 Attachment D - Investments Outstanding - As at June 2002 Attachment E - Development Charges Information - April 2002 Attachment F - Development Charges Information - May 2002 Attachment G - Development Charges Information - June 2002 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0608 1 3 11 L t La CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Analysis of Revenue and Expenditures for the Second Quarter of the Year 2002 PART "A" L l III. Second Quarter Second Quarter 2002 2001 REVENUE RECEIVED FOR GENERAL OPERATING AND RESERVE FUND PURPOSES: TAX PAYMENTS RECEIVED 18,312,320 16,018,946 LINEAR PROPERTIES 0 0 NATURAL RESOURCES CANADA-HOST COMMUNITY FUND 0 10,000,000 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO-ROAD WATCH PROGRAM 0 5,000 CANADIAN WASTE - RENT AND ROYAL TIES 21,015 24,620 FEDERAL GOV'T-WASTE MGMT STUDY-PORT GRANBY 0 23.469 BOWMANVILLE HERITAGE BOOK SALES 0 1,517 ONTARIO POWER GENERATION-SPARKY 3,000 0 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES-TOWN 1,242,920 676,185 GENERAL 3,010,810 2,230,011 INTEREST 593,513 918,570 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES-SCHOOL BOARD 183.483 104,996 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES-REGION 1,272.478 643.638 24,639,539 30,646,952 USE OF FUNDS: PAYROLL 3,374,270 3,077 ,977 REGION LEVY 7,558,794 7,153,250 SCHOOL BOARD LEVIES 5,995,362 28,832 GENERAL-INCLUDING CAPITAL EXP." 11,714,518 6,984,542 28.642,944 17,244,601 NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) (4,003.405) 13,402,351 BANK NET CASH BANK BANK BALANCE PROVIDED BALANCE BALANCE FINANCIAL POSITION: MAR. 31, 2002 I (USED) JUN. 30, 2002 JUN. 30, 2001 GENERAL FUND 6,854,315 (1.482,161 ) 5,372,154 11.499,273 RESERVE FUND 4,982,244 (2,803,266) 2,178,978 1,886.416 MUNICIPAL BOND INVESTMENTS 2,256,206 30,905 2,287,111 2,163,126 HOST COMMUNITY FUND IN TRUST 10,000,000 0 10,000,000 10,000,000 INVESTMENTS (GENERAL + RESERVE FUNDS) 55,963,615 251,117 56,214,732 43,305,236 TOTALS 80,056,380 (4,003.405) 76,052,975 68,854,051 L \ 1. L L 1. 1 ... i i .. . L , I .. , &.. I L. \ t.. BANK BALANCES AS AT: APR. 30, 2002 APR. 30, 2001 MAY 31, 2002 MAY 31, 2001 GENERAL FUND 4,640.429 4,944,797 1.487,011 2,343,574 RESERVE FUND 5,549,178 1,256,844 5,159,175 1,750,919 MUNICIPAL BOND INVESTMENTS 2,266.455 2,141,917 2,276,974 2,152,563 \ i ... L NOTE A: Difference in comparison between years due to timing difference in receipt of funds. 131 2 t I ... CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PART "'B"' Continuity of Taxes Receivable for the Second Quarter of the Year 2002 March 31, 2002 JUNE JUNE BEGINNING BALANCE INTEREST TAXES PAYMENTS 2002 2001 RECEIVABLE ADDED BILLED BALANCE IADJUST."* Note 2 CURRENT YEAR TAXES 631,918 19,771,149 20,403,067 (18,472,918) 1,930,149 (348,391 ) PENALTY AND INTEREST 34,319 141,047 175,366 (93,599) 81,767 61,809 FIRST PRIOR YEAR TAXES 2,367,388 222,137 2,589,525 25,093 2,614,618 3,554,830 PENALTY AND INTEREST 231,177 116,750 347,927 (129,051) 218,876 189,769 SECOND PRIOR YEAR TAXES 2,631,292 113,250 2,744,542 (1,624,563) 1,119,979 1,144,446 PENALTY AND INTEREST 203,820 47,162 250,982 (67,997) 182,985 175,346 THIRD & PRIOR YEARS TAXES 1,551,823 36,978 1,588,801 (232,202) 1,356,599 1,275,225 PENALTY AND INTEREST 587,872 53,289 641,161 (62,844) 578,317 498,903 TOTAL 8,239,609 358,248 20,143,514 28,741,371 (20,658,081 ) 8,083,290 6,551,937 *** Includes refunds, write-offs, 496's, etc. NOTE 1: Tax payments do not tie into Part A due to timing differences since Part A is on a cash basis (ie. difference due to outstanding deposits) NOTE 2: For information purposes only. True comparison to prior year not applicable due to changes in the tax legislation. NOTE 3: Final 2002 budget not yet determined NOTE 4: 2002 Interim Installment months: February and April. 2001 Interim Installment months: March and April. NOTE 5: June 2001 Current year taxes are in a negative position because they represent prepaid taxes for Final 2001 installments. 1 31 3 J J J J J J J J J J J J J ] J J J J J , L. L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PART "C" STATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR THE MONTH OFJUNE YEAR TO DATE Tax Certificates 105 528 Number of Properties eligible for Tax Registration (see Note 1) 98 ** see Note 2 Accounts Payable Cheques Issued #47739 to #48186 448 3,247 Number of Births Registered 36 243 Number of Deaths Registered 24 184 Note 1: Only includes those properties whose arrears are greater than $10,000. Note 2: Number of eligible properties for tax registration not applicable for year-to-date comparison. L 1 31 4 L CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON INVESTMENTS OUTSTANDING AS AT JUNE 30, 2002 PART "0" J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J FINANCIAL INVESTMENT INTEREST # OF DAYS MATURITY MATURITY INSTITUTION COST RATE O/S VALUE DATE GENERAL FUND TO 995,370.00 2.61% 65 1,000,000.00 Aug. 14/02 MTL 1,984,020.00 2.47% 119 2,000,000.00 Aug. 23/02 MTL 1,988,040.00 2.44% 90 2,000,000.00 Jut. 25/02 TO 1,980,060.00 2.57% 143 2,000,000.00 Sept. 16/02 TO 1,988,560.00 2.66% 79 2,000,000.00 Aug. 28/02 TO 1,989,000.00 2.22% 91 2,000,000.00 July 4/02 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 10,925,050.00 RESERVE FUND RBC 182,177.00 6.20% 1,095 218,206.00 Aug 1/03 RBC 1,425,999.88 5.11% 1913 1,851,467.00 June 1/06 RBC 1,683,100.32 5.15% 2019 2,221,035.00 Sept.15/06 WOOD GUNDY 1,855,574.20 5.15% 1913 2,414,000.00 June 1/06 RBC · 295,000.00 8.50% 3285 295,000.00 May 26/04 RBC 774,999.81 5.25% 1249 922,509.00 Dee 15/02 RBC 287,862.47 5.40% 1319 347,702.00 Feb 23/03 RBC 771,999.33 5.40% 1596 970,580.00 Nov 27/03 RBC 1,566,467.00 5.45% 1826 2,042,463.00 Jan.29/06 RBC · 1,114,680.00 4.90% 730 1,114,680.00 June 26/03 RBC · 500,000.00 6.25% 365 500,000.00 June 21/03 RBC 1,600,000.00 5.05% 365 1,680,800.00 July 12/02 RBC · 475,000.00 8.58% 2761 475,000.00 Mar 17/03 RBC · 2,513,000.00 5.00% 365 2,513,000.00 May 9/03 WOOD GUNDY. 250,000.00 6.50% 1839 250,000.00 June 21/03 RBC · 500,000.00 4.25% 365 500,000.00 June 21/03 RBC 1,815,962.00 5.00% 1825 1,906,760.10 Feb. 7/07 RBC 601,664.00 5.30% 1461 739,720.00 Feb. 5/05 RBC . 1,482,702.57 5.50% 1825 1,487,000.00 Feb. 13/06 RBC · 1,400,000.00 3.50% 730 1,449,000.00 Nov. 28/03 RBC 1,259,402.96 2.74% 91 1,268,000.00 Sept. 1 0/02 1 3 1 5 L L CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON INVESTMENTS OUTSTANDING AS AT JUNE 30, 2002 PART "0" t L. L L L L L L L L L L L L L L I I FINANCIAL INVESTMENT I NTERESl # OF DAYS MATURITY MATURITY INSTITUTION COST RATE O/S VALUE DATE RESERVE FUND RBC 1,566,466.88 5.30% 1386 1,904,519.00 Nov. 15/04 RBC 933,400.00 5.20% 1827 1,202,670.00 Nov 12/02 RBC 58,479.40 5.95% 2032 80,639.00 Dee 15/02 RBC 25,125.57 5.95% 2025 34,613.00 Dee 15/02 RBC. 250,000.00 4.75% 1839 250,000.00 June 21/03 RBC · 250,000.00 5.25% 180 250,000.00 Jun 21/04 RBC 1,323,000.00 5.00% 365 1,389,150.00 May 1/03 RBC 81,049.00 2.25% 365 82,872.60 May 3/03 WOOD GUNDY · 638,000.00 5.40% 1598 638,000.00 June 1/05 RBC 945,210.00 5.60% 730 1,054,038.00 Dee.21/02 RBC 43,523.00 5.50% 1095 51,107.00 Dee.21/03 RBC 942,893.00 6.30% 1825 1,239,904.30 Oct 27/03 RBC 855,000.00 5.35% 1832 1,065,102.90 Mar 1/04 RBC 827,385.00 2.50% 369 848,069.63 Apr. 1/03 RBC 1,520,617.00 5.35% 1826 1,973,297.00 Mar.15/07 RBC 548,000.00 5.40% 1507 548,000.00 Apr 7/03 RBC 534,978.37 5.20% 1729 679,942.00 Dee 1/03 HSBC 2,583,091.99 2.75% 92 2,600,996.71 Sept. 3/02 RBC 118,693.50 5.10% 1976 155,297.00 Oct. 15/04 TO 8,294,894.30 2.45% 154 8,380,638.51 Sept. 23/02 RBC. 553,392.00 3.70% 732 553,392.00 Sept. 23/03 RBC 40,891.57 5.20% 482 43,171.00 Dee 15/02 TOTAL RESERVE FUND 45,289,682.12 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 56,214,732.12 t L. L . Investment interest paid on a monthly/semi-annuallannual basis 1 31 6 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON PART "E" APRil 2002 Development Charges Education Education Total Town Region English Separate English Public Prestonvale Heights limited 91,595.94 36,270.94 50,710.00 1,095.00 3,520.00 Glen Eagles Dr., Courtice 40M-1929 Pt lot: 49,63,64,69,70 B/P # 02.0160 - 64 Torben Gollas 10,852.00 7,317.00 2,612.00 219.00 704.00 4576 Concession Rd. 6, Clarke 10R-292 Part 2 B/P # 02.0067 1138337 Ontario Inc. 35,736.00 29,268.00 2,776.00 876.00 2,816.00 Carveth Cres., Newcastle 40M-1984 pt lot 44UR, 18 UR B/P #00.0129,30,45,46 1138337 Ontario Inc. 53,858.00 43,902.00 4,418.00 1,314.00 4,224.00 Port of Newcastle Dr., Newcastle 40M-1984 Pt Lot 10,11,13,15,47,66 B/P # 02.0134,35,37,42,02.0093,200 1138337 Ontario Inc. 34,526.00 14,634.00 18,046.00 438.00 1,408.00 Waterview Lane, Newcastle 40M-2003 pt Lot 21 UR B/P #02.0094-5 Storage Depot Inc. 21,621.87 7,241.55 12,180.89 527.99 1,671.44 Baseline Rd., Courtice 40R-18331 Part 1-7 B/P 02.0091-92 Clarnew Developments Inc. 35,768.00 13,638.00 20,284.00 438.00 1,408.00 Brookhouse Dr., Newcastle 40M-2038 Pt Lot:12,20 B/P #02.0104,02.0007 673666 Ontario Limited 69,052.00 29,268.00 36,092.00 876.00 2,816.00 High St., Bowmanville 40M-2022 Pt Lot:11 UR, 12UR B/P # 02.0108-11 Kevin Farrow 10,852.00 7,317.00 2,612.00 21.9.00 704.00 3969 Lakeshore Rd., Clarke 10R-3551 Part: 1 B/P # 02.0208 Dunbury Homes (Newcastle) Ltd. 45,788.00 21,951.00 21,068.00 657.00 2,112.00 Brookhouse Dr., Newcastle 40M-2038 pt Lot:24,40,117 B/P # 02.0103,212,215 Carriage Country Baptist Church 1,298.48 0.00 311.71 986.77 4830 Trulis Rd., Courtice Con: 4 Lot: 31 B/P # 02.0010 131 7 J J J J J J J J J J J J j J J J J J J l L CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PART "E" APRIL 2002 L L Development Charges Education Education Total Town Region English Separate English Public St. Stephens Estate Inc. 110,292.00 43,902.00 60,852.00 1,314.00 4,224.00 Sprucewood Cres., Sowmanville 40M-2048 pt Lot: 43,61,10,12,42,44 SIP # 02.0236-8, 234,243,126 Green Martin Holdings Ltd. 18,382.00 7,317.00 10,142.00 219.00 704.00 78 Rustwood St., Sowmanville 40M-2005 pt Lot:79 SIP # 02.0225 Paul Reid 10,852.00 7,317.00 2,612.00 219.00 704.00 9722 Murphy Rd., Darlington Con: 9 Lot: 3 SIP # 02.0170 Prestonvale Heights Limited 68,474.32 28,690.32 36,092.00 876.00 2,816.00 Eastfield Cres., Courtice 40M-1929 PI Lot: 118UR, 127UR SIP # 02.0165-68 Ridge Pine Park Inc. 8,240.00 7,317.00 219.00 704.00 168 Wilmot Trail Lot 459 SIP # 02.0263 Ridge Pine Park Inc. 8,240.00 7,317.00 219.00 704.00 60 Wilmonl Tr., Wilmont Creek Con: SFC 1 Lot 171 SIP # 02.0265 Orchard Park Estates (Bowmanville) Inc. 36,764.00 14,634.00 20,284.00 438.00 1,408.00 Scottsdale Dr., Sowmanville 40M-2066 PI Lot:18, 30 SIP # 02.0178-9 Green Martin Holdings Ltd. 36,764.00 14,634.00 20,284.00 438.00 1,408.00 33 Weldrick Cres., Sowmanville 40M-2005 pt Lot:31 , 34 SIP # 02.0217-8 Green Martin Holdings Ltd. 128,674.00 51,219.00 70,994.00 1,533.00 4,928.00 Rustwood St., Sowmanville 40M-2005 pt Lot:73-78, 80, 82 SIP # 02.0219-23,27,28 Gary Soper 10,852.00 7,317.00 2,612.00 219.00 704.00 2095 Nash Rd., Darlington 40R-19192 Part:3 B/P # 02.0229 Daystar Homes 10,852.00 7,317.00 2,612.00 219.00 704.00 7 Venton Ct., Tyrone 40M-2009 pt Lot:6 SIP # 02.0250 L L L L L , . ... t L. L L l L L L L L 1 3 1 8 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PART "E" APRIL 2002 Development Charges Education Education Total Town Region English Separate English Public St. Stephens Estates Inc. 34,526.00 14,634.00 18,046.00 438.00 1,408.00 27 Cotton St., Bowmanville 40M-2048 Pt Lot:68UR B/P # 02.0241-2 Steve Huisman 10,852.00 7,317.00 2,612.00 219.00 704.00 8225 The Dell Rd., Clarke Con:8 Lot:8 B/P # 02.0209 TOTALS 904,712.61 429,739.81 417,940.89 13,541.70 43,490.21 1319 J J J J J J J J J J J J .J J J J J J J L L CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PART "E" APRIL 2002 L CONTRIBUTIONS - CASH-IN-LIEU OF PARKLAND L L L L L L L L L L L L L l i. L L Tremeer SPA 2001-036 375.00 Lizjan Developments 18T-99018 77 ,850.00 Tugmoh Investments SPA 01-040 1,369.00 Primrose Heights 18T -99005 4,325.00 Total Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland 83,919.00 CONTRIBUTIONS - ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION FEES Lizjan Developments 18T-99018 53,500.00 Penwest Developments 18T -99005 24,936.23 Total Engineering and Inspection Fees Contributions 78,436.23 CONTRIBUTIONS - ROADS Total Roads Contributions 0.00 1320 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON PART "F" MAY 2002 Development Charges Education Education Total Town Region English Separate English Public Clarnew Developments Inc. 9,024.00 7,317.00 784.00 219.00 704.00 129 Brookhouse Dr., Newcastle 40M-2038 pt Lot: 118 B/P # 02.0216 Clarnew Developments Inc. 9,024.00 7,317.00 784.00 219.00 704.00 53 Bloom Ave., Newcastle 40M-2038 Pt Lot: 73 B/P # 02.0315 Galloro Construction 18,382.00 7,317.00 10,142.00 219.00 704.00 82 Bloom Ave., Newcastle 40M-2038 pt Lot:63 B/P # 02.0337 Ridge Pine Park Inc. 24,720.00 21,951.00 - 657.00 2,112.00 Wilmot Trail, Wilmot Creek pt. Lot: 461, 246, 245A B/P # 02.0293-5 Jeff Canfield 923.00 0.00 219.00 704.00 7035 Langstaff Rd., Clark 10R-2565 Part: 1 B/P # 02.0319 Orchard Park Estates 34,526.00 14,634.00 18,046.00 438.00 1,408.00 Swindells St., Bowmanville 40M-2066 Pt Lot: 68R&L B/P # 02.0182-3 Galloro Construction 18,382.00 7,317.00 10,142.00 219.00 704.00 62 William Jose Ct., Newcastle 40M-2038 pt Lot: 99 B/P # 02.0296 Randy Henry 10,852.00 7,317.00 2,612.00 219.00 704.00 10R-3279 Part 1-7 B/P # 02.0175 Prestonvale Heights ltd. 200,593.38 78,878.38 111,562.00 2,409.00 7,744.00 Glen Eagles Dr., Courtice 40M-1929 pt Lot: 43,50,53-57,59-62 B/P # 02.0270,72-73,75-77,79-80,83-84,285 James Petrella 923.00 0.00 - 219.00 704.00 2690 Regional Rd. 20 10R-2806 Part: 1 B/P # 02.0310 1138337 Ontario Inc. 80,496.00 65,853.00 6,336.00 1,971.00 6,336.00 Carvath Cres., Newcastle 40M-1984 pt Lot:16,19L&R,41-43L&R B/P # 00.0127-8,31-34,47-48,02.0143 1321 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J L L. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PART "F" L MAY 2002 , 1 L. I II Total\ Development Charges Education Education Town Region English Separate English Public Gay Company Ltd. 34,132.38 14,634.00 17,652.38 438.00 1,408.00 Richfield Sq., Courtice 40M-1994 pt Lot: 49L&R B/P # 02.0289-90 Keuning Construction Ltd. 3,535.00 0.00 2,612.00 219.00 704.00 31 Virtue Ct., Enniskillen 40M-1826 pt Lot: 9 B/P # 02.0324 1138337 Ontario Inc. 81,216.00 65,853.00 7,056.00 1,971.00 6,336.00 Port of Newcastle Dr., Newcastle 40M-1984 pt Lot:69-76, 45 B/P # 02.0340-48 Dunbury Homes (Newcastle) Ltd. 34,085.00 14,634.00 17,605.00 438.00 1,408.00 Edward St., Newcastle 40M-2038 PI Lot: 15L&R B/P # 01.0987-8 Dunbury Homes (Newcastle) Ltd. 9,024.00 7,317.00 784.00 219.00 704.00 140 Brookhouse Dr., Newcastle 40M-2038 pt Lot: 32 B/P # 02.0313 Lorne Hardy 10,852.00 7,317.00 2,612.00 219.00 704.00 Con: 8 Lot: 34 B/P # 02.0338 Delta Rae Homes 110,292.00 43,902.00 60,852.00 1,314.00 4,224.00 Collier Lane, Bowmanville 40M-2087 PI Lot: 43-44,48,53-55 B/P # 02.0251-2,80-81,84-85 Delta Rae Homes 18,382.00 7,317.00 10,142.00 219.00 704.00 160 Padfield Dr., Bowmanville 40M-2087 Pt Lot: 56 B/P # 02.0253 Dunbury Homes (Newcastle) Ltd. 9,024.00 7,317.00 784.00 219.00 704.00 188 Brookhouse Dr. 40M-2038 pt Lot: 44 B/P # 02.0314 Ridge Pine Park 16,480.00 14,634.00 - 438.00 1,408.00 pt Lot: 163A, 763 B/P # 02.0357-8 TOTALS 734,867.76 400,826.38 280,507.38 12,702.00 40,832.00 r I.. i l II. ! l.. L L t ... L L ( iI. L ~ i. L. I ~ .. L 1322 ... CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PART "F" MAY 2002 CONTRIBUTIONS. CASH.IN.L1EU OF PARKLAND Veltri & Sons SIC - 2001-001 18,195.35 Primrose Heights 18T99005 4,844.73 Region of Durham Ont Reg 403/97 810.00 Total Cash.in.Lieu of Parkland 23,850.08 CONTRIBUTIONS. ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION FEES Total Engineering and Inspection Fees Contributions CONTRIBUTIONS. ROADS Total Roads Contributions 1323 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J j J J L L CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON PART "G" JUNE 2002 l ! ! I.. Development Charges Education Education Total Town Region English Separate English Public Gallora Construction 73,528.00 29,268.00 40,568.00 876.00 2,816.00 William Jose Crt. 40M-2038 pt Lot: 61,94,98,66 B/P # 02.0460,418-20 John Jaspers-Fayer 10,852.00 7,317.00 2,612.00 219.00 704.00 40R-541 Part:1 B/P # 02.0017 Delta Rae Homes 18,382.00 7,317.00 10,142.00 219.00 704.00 Collier lane 40M-2087 pt lot:51 B/P # 02.0414 Bruce Gamble 923.00 0.00 - 219.00 704.00 3575 Pollard Rd., Newcastle 10R-2640 Part:1 B/P # 02.0387 West Bowmanville Developments Ltd. 301,941.00 98,445.00 175,806.00 6,570.00 21,120.00 91 Aspen Springs Dr., Bowmanville 40M-1881, pt Lot: Blk 12 B/P # 01 .0970 Bell 18,382.00 7,317.00 10,142.00 219.00 704.00 35 Thornbury St., Courtice 40R-19721 Part 4,7 B/P # 02.0329 St. Stephens Estates Inc. 110,292.00 43,902.00 60,852.00 1,314.00 4,224.00 Sprucewood Cres., Bowmanville 40M-2048 pt Lot:3,4,6,9,11,16 B/P # 02.0023,33,376,377,379 St. Stephens Estates Inc. 34,526.00 14,634.00 18,046.00 438.00 1,408.00 Cotton St., Bowmanville 40M-2048, pt Lot:67L&R B/P # 02.0239-40 Prestonvale Heights limited 68,474.32 28,690.32 36,092.00 876.00 2,816.00 Eastfield Cr., Courtice 40M-1929 pt Lot: 119L&R, 126l&R B/P # 02.0355-6,02.0456-7 Daystar Homes 10,852.00 7,317.00 2,612.00 219.00 704.00 10 Venton Crt., Tyrone 40M-2009 pt Lot:3 B/P # 02.0388 Primrose Heights Ltd. 18,382.00 7,317.00 10,142.00 219.00 704.00 34 Bridle Court pt lot:2 B/P # 02.0306 L L L L L L . l.. L I L.. L L L t, L.. L , ... 1324 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PART "G" JUNE 2002 Development Charges Education Education Total Town Region English Separate English Public 1413345 Ontario Inc. 34,526.00 14,634.00 18,046.00 438.00 1 ,408.00 Sagewood Ave., Courtice 40M-1876 Pt Lot: Block 22L&R 40R-20886 Part 1 B/P # 02.0291-2 Keuning Construction Ltd. 1,846.00 0.00 - 438.00 1,408.00 Old Scugog Rd., Darlington 10M-836 pt Lot: 1 &2 B/P # 02.0129, 02.0417 Prestonvale Heights Inc. 18,237.58 7,172.58 10,142.00 219.00 704.00 Glen Eagles Dr., Courtice 40M-1929 pt Lot:58 B/P # 02.0421 Orchard Park Estates (Bowmanville) 34,526.00 14,634.00 18,046.00 438.00 1,408.00 Forrester Dr., Bowmanville 40M-2066 Pt Lot:53L&R B/P # 02.0180-81 Orchard Park Estates (Bowmanville) 34,526.00 14,634.00 18,046.00 438.00 1,408.00 Redfern Cres., Bowmanville 40M-2066 pt Lot:55L&R B/P # 01.0936-7 673666 Ontario Limited 69,052.00 29,268.00 36,092.00 876.00 2,816.00 High Street, Bowmanville 40M-2022 pt Lot:10L&R, 9L&R B/P # 02.0303-5,307 Delta Rae Homes 36,764.00 14,634.00 20,284.00 438.00 1,408.00 Hammond St., Bowmanville 40M-2087 pt Lot: 60,62 B/P # 02.0448, 415 Delta Rae Homes 18,382.00 7,317.00 10,142.00 219.00 704.00 Collier Lane, Bowmanville 40M-2087 pt Lot:49 B/P # 02.0413 Dunbury Homes (Newcastle) Ltd. 36,764.00 14,634.00 20,284.00 438.00 1,408.00 Brookhouse Dr., Bowmanville 40M-2038 pt Lot:108, 115 B/P # 02.0465, 02.0214 St. Stephens Estates Inc. 73,528.00 29,268.00 40,568.00 876.00 2,816.00 274 Sprucewood 40M-2048 pt Lot:2, 5, 7, 8 B/P # 02.0375,78,80,81 BCR Construction 3,535.00 0.00 2,612.00 219.00 704.00 9 limmiman Ct., Solina 40M-1897 pt Lot: 38 B/P # 02.0005 1325 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J ~ t , L. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PART "G.' JUNE 2002 1 ~ ! I .. I I Development Charges Education Education Total Town Region English Separate English Public Dunbury Homes (Bowmanville) 18,382.00 7,317.00 10,142.00 219.00 704.00 307 Longworth Ave. PtLot:4 SIP # 02.0335 Elaine Garrett 923.00 0.00 - 219.00 704.00 3689 Lakeshore Rd., Clarke 10M-758 pt Lot:5 SIP # 02.0561 Daryl Hudgin 10,852.00 7,317.00 2,612.00 219.00 704.00 23 Venton Ct., Tyrone 40M-2009 pt Lot: 1 0 SIP # 02.0447 David & Michelle Robichaud 923.00 0.00 - 219.00 704.00 Hwy 2 Srownsville Con 1 pt Lot 19;Now RP 10R3676 pt 2 SIP # 02.0500 TOTALS 1,059,300.90 412,353.90 574,030.00 17,301.00 55,616.00 L L l ~ L r l L L i ~ L L L ~ I... f '- L. 1326 ; , ... CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PART"G" JUNE 2002 CONTRIBUTIONS - CASH-IN-L1EU OF PARKLAND 1413345 Ontario Ltd. 18T-92011 20,000.00 Dunbury Homes LD 108/2001 3,900.00 Total Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland 23,900.00 CONTRIBUTIONS - ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION FEES 1413345 Ontario Ltd. 18T-92001 9,420.37 Total Engineering and Inspection Fees Contributions 9,420.37 CONTRIBUTIONS. ROADS Total Roads Contributions 1327 J J J j J J J J J J J j J J J J J J J ,.// ,/ .' -:r=-~:2L/ - ~02.JlJLOq F'r'i 3:~19;2~;8 OTHER BUSINESS - .. Mayor John Mutton The Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L1 C 3A6 ~Gt.~\)~ JIlIBCClJillWU\Th) - A nOl.lor-profit agency of the Government of Ontario Un organisme a but non lucratil relevant du gouvernement de l'Ontario June 19,2002 JUl - 3 2002 .. ~UNICIPAlITY Of CLARINGl UI\ MAYOR'S OffiCE Dear Mayor Mutton: - I am pieased to invite your council to participate in the Ontario Heritage Foundation's Heritage Community Recognition Program 2002. - - Now in its seventh year, this program provides you with the opportunity to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to local heritage preservation. Participating councils have confirmed that the program is an excellent way to promote awareness of local heritage projects and the people who make them happen. .. Councils may submit up to four nominations - a maximum of one in each available category - built, cultural or natural heritage preservation, or heritage garden conservation. Small project groups may also be considf~red for nomination where the effort is shared. - Staff and volunteers of community and heritage organizations are ideally suited to identify individuals who are making exceptional contributions to heritage preservation in their local areas. I encourage you to work with these groups to identify people worthy of nomination. .. A Guidelines and Nomination Form brochure explaining the program in detail is enclosed. Please note that the guidelines have been updated to respond to suggestions made by some municipalities. - The nomination deadline is Mondav, September 30.2002. Yours truly, I encourage your council to participate in this program to recognize the significant work being dcne to preserve and promote heritage in your community. r"~~"""''''-'-""-,,,",,~~,"- ;D fS'''RLBU i.ON~"~'} i ft' - ",.. - ! ! \?...fRK-~1 i Milt BY _-=----- i I ._ ------1 ,ORIGI'NAL TO:_ I -.- ........... .'. COPIES TO: I Allan Gotlieb Chairman - - ~~ - c.c. F. Wu Director of Planning and Development ." - ~ _.Jj~..~ I . -"'<:'/\-/1 r--' . r=---=--+-=--::j r-~..:~-~.""-._.--l , I i 1~'--p\--;~?'-l'::'::r' ) , -"''''--w."I,L~_:..~_l:;; 1 0 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, Ontario M5C 1)3 Telephone: 416-325-5000 FaqimiJe_:~1~~-}}'?.;,_~071"._ .. '_"h"^ " .;-_.~r:"",',~""""'~~:i."~"~I~ Telecopieur: 416-325"::S0"7Y'''''--'''' - ..... - - 1 6 ~ 1 - - 10, rue Adelaide est, Toronto (Ontario) M5C 1)3 Telephone: 416-325-5000 Website: www.heritagefdn.on.ca '" III ... ... ... .... ... IIllII ... .... ... ... ... .. ... ... .. .... IIllII ..