HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/07/2002 ,.. CI€K!JJgton ,. ".. - ,.. GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: OCTOBER 7, 2002 ,... TIME: 9:30 A.M. - PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 . ROLL CALL - 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST - 3. MINUTES (a) Minutes of a Regular Meeting of September 23, 2002 301 -- 4a. PRESENT A TION -- (a) Russ Powell, Chief Administrative Officer and Jill McColl, Policy Coordinator, CLOCA, 100 Whiting Avenue, Oshawa, L 1 H 3T3 .- - re: Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan 4b. DELEGATION - (a) Harvey Thompson, 4720 Concession Rd. #6, Newtonville, LOA 1JO - re: Report PSD-101-02 - 5. PUBLIC MEETING - (a) Official Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications Applicant: Waverly Road Properties Inc. - REPORT PSD-098-02 501 - - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 - lIIIII G.P.& A. Agenda - 2 - October 7, 2002 .. ... 6. PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT (a) PSD-098-02 - Draft Plan of Subdivision Application ... Applicant: Waverly Road Properties Inc. Part Lot 14, Concession B.F., Former Town of Bowmanville 601 ... (b) PSD-099-02 - Monitoring of the Decisions of the Committee of Adjustment for the meeting of September 26, 2002 610 ... (c) PSD-100-02 - Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan 618 ... (d) PSD-101-02 - Port Granby Project Community Advisory Committee 629 - (e) PSD-102-02 - Application for Removal of Part Lot Control Applicant: 2001544 Ontario Ltd. (Robinson Ridge Phase 2) 638 ... (f) PSD-103-02 - Application for Removal of Part Lot Control Applicant: Veltri and Son Limited 644 -. 7. ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT ... No Reports 8. OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT ~ No Reports - 9. EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT .. No Reports 10. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT .. (a) CSD-13-02 - Recreational Swimming - Summer Heat Conditions 1001 .. (b) CSD-14-02 - Summer Day Camp Program 2002 1004 (c) CSD-15-02 - Volunteer Screening Initiatives 1009 ... .. .. - - G.P.& A. Agenda - 3 - October 7, 2002 - (d) CSD-16-02 Introduction of Eazy-Reg Online Computerized - Registration 1012 - 11. CLERK'S DEPARTMENT (a) CLD-38-02 - Parking Report for August, 2002 1101 - (b) CLD-40-02 - Animal Services Monthly Report for the Month of August, 2002 1104 - 12. CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT - (a) COD-45-02 - RFP 2002-8, Brookhill Neighbourhood Subwatershed Study 1201 - (b) COD-46-02 - Tender CL2002-34, Reconstruction of Prestonvale Road 1206 ... (c) COD-4 7 -02 - Donation of Printer Cartridges and Surplus Computers 1212 - (d) COD-48-02 - Clarington Library Construction/Municipal Administrative Centre Expansion 1215 - (e) COD-49-02 - Co-operative Tender T-257-02, Gasoline & Diesel Fuel 1219 - (f) COD-50-02 - CL2002-31, One (1) 2003 Cab & Chassis, 16,000 GVW 1222 - 13. FINANCE DEPARTMENT - No Reports 14. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S DEPARTMENT - No Reports - UNFINISHED BUSINESS 15. 16. OTHER BUSINESS - 17. ADJOURNMENT - - .. ... .. .. ... .. ... - .. - ... ... .. ... .. .. .. .. ... ... ... THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON - General Purpose and Administration Committee September 23, 2002 - Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, September 23, 2002 at 9:30 a,m., in the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL - Present Were Mayor J. Mutton Councillor D. MacArthur Councillor P. Pingle Councillor G. Robinson Councillor J. Rowe Councillor J. Schell Councillor C. Trim - - Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella (until 12:35 p.m.) Director of Community Services, J. Caruana (until 12:35 p.m.) Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Director of Operations, F. Horvath (until 12:35 p.m.) Director of Corporate Services, M. Marano (until 12:35 p.m.) Emergency Services, Suppression/Training Manager, G. Weir, (until 12:35 p.m.) Deputy Clerk, M. P. Knight Stanley - - ... Mayor Mutton chaired this portion of the meeting. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST - ... Councillor Robinson indicated that he would be stating a disclosure of pecuniary interest with respect to the presentation of Glenn Case, Low Level Radioactive Waste Management. MINUTES Resolution #GPA-349-02 .. Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Rowe - THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on September 9, 2002 be approved. "CARRIED" - ... The Director of Engineering Services advised of the recent hirings of Jenny Bilenduke, Administrative Assistant and Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation and welcomed the new members of staff to his team. Councillor Robinson advised that he attended the Chili Cook Off and the Scarecrow Board of Trade events over the weekend. - - Councillor Schell attended the 25th Anniversary of the Big Brothers and Sisters who expressed special thanks to staff regarding the expansion of their building through a Trillium grant. Councillor Pingle advised that she attended the Drummond Art Exhibit which will be at the Visual Arts Centre until November. 301 .. G.P. & A. Minutes PRESENTATIONS DELEGATIONS - 2 - September 23, 2002 .. Councillor Rowe noted that she attended the celebration of the Wetland Restoration of the Oshawa 2nd Marsh. lIlIII Mayor Mutton advised that the Official Opening of Guildwood Park would take place the afternoon of September 23, 2002. .. Councillor Robinson stated a pecuniary interest with respect to the Presentation of Glenn Case, Low Level Radioactive Waste; vacated his chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Robinson resides within the boundaries of the Study area. lIlIII .. (a) Glenn Case, Project Director, Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Office, 5 Mill Street South, Port Hope, L 1A 2S6 circulated a copy of his power point presentation which highlighted the following: .. ... PHAI - Activities update Projected timeline 1 Initiative - 2 projects - Port Granby Waste Management Facility reference concept undergoing assessments Port Granby Project Update - initial studies Port Granby long term Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Project Scope of the Environmental Assessment Process EA Studies in progress Communications - Consultation Program; and Waste Expo, 2002. .. ... ... (b) David Stewart on behalf of John G. Williams Limited, Architect, 40 Vogell Road, Unit 46, Richmond Hill, L4B 3N6 made a power point presentation which addressed the following: .. Education background and experience of John G. Williams Limited, Architect and staff Review of current architectural design standards which included a tour of the new housing sites and review of the zoning by-law Current practice - issues General Architectural Design Guidelines and benefits Community Design Vision - main objective Dwelling design criteria Design guidelines for priority lots Review process: Initial meeting with developers and builders Initial review prior to sales Final review and approval Site inspections by a Control Architect Current project in Clarington. .. IIIIlIi .. .. .. (a) Victor Fiume, President, Durham Home Builders Association, 1 Wheel House Drive, Newcastle, L 1 B 1 B9 referred to his letter addressed to the Municipality pertaining to Architectural Controls and expressed concerns as to why Architectural Control is needed in the Municipality of Clarington, what does it bring and who will benefit. He noted that, although he respects John G. Williams and his team of Architects, he has the following concerns: ... lIlIII 302 IIIIlIi - G.P. & A. Minutes - DELEGATIONS CONT'D. - - ... - ... - - ... ... - ... ... ... PUBLIC MEETING .. - - ... - 3 - September 23, 2002 Architectural Control will add costs to every home Only people driving by will benefit from this Profit margins are already tight All better building companies are already undertaking Architectural Control Builders who do not have Architectural Control should not be in the business Statistics indicate that expensive housing will become more expensive Most people will not want bigger porches closer to the street when, the first thing they do when they purchase a house, is build a 6 foot privacy fence in their backyard Architectural Control will slow the process down and add more delays to projects; and Why does Clarington have to be the same as the GTA? (b) Jim Sandberg, 7 Bridges Drive, Newcastle, L 1 B 1 M6 - re: United Church signage was present to answer questions from Members of the Committee. (c) Libby Racansky, 3200 Hancock Road, Courtice, L 1 E 2M1 circulated a copy of her presentation wherein she noted opposition to the Courtice Pollution Control Plant for the following reasons: 1) Site selection 2) Choice of chlorination instead of preferred by the Environmental Assessment - UV disinfection 3) Dechlorination process 4) Use of ferrous chloride for phosphorus removal 5) Odour and air emission concerns 6) Proposed sewage trunk not part of the EA Environmental Assessment or addendum; and 7) The overall cost. She suggested that each municipality should have its own pollution control plant. Resolution #GPA-350-02 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the committee recess for 10 minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 11 :18 a.m. Pursuant to the Planning Act, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington, through its General Purpose and Administration Committee, is holding a Public Meeting for the following applications: 303 G.P. & A. Minutes PUBLIC MEETING CONT'D. - 4 - September 23, 2002 ., .. (a) Official Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications Applicant: Valiant Property Management .. The Planning Services Department sent public notice for the combined rezoning, official plan amendment, and subdivision by first class mail on or before August 23, 2002 to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject property in accordance with the latest municipal assessment record. A public notice was also posted on the property in question. The notice procedure followed is in compliance with the Ontario Regulations made under the Planning Act. .. .. (a) Report PSD-090-02 - Official Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications - The purpose and effect of the three applications is to subdivide the subject lands into two retail commercial development blocks, provide for the dedication of Uptown Avenue, Clarington Blvd. as municipal road allowance and permit the development of 6,410 m2 of retail commercial floorspace. .. .. No one spoke in opposition to or in support of this application. .. It was noted that a letter of opposition by the Bowmanville Business Centre was received by Council which opposed this proposal. .. Debbie Clarke, Valiant Property Management, 177 Nonquon Road, 20th Floor, Oshawa, L 1 G 352 described the background of this application stating that this property was the subject of an OMB Hearing and that various requirements and restrictions were placed on the property which is zoned, in part, Agricultural and partly Commercial. She introduced Bryce Jordan from Sernas Associates, 110 Scotia Court, Unit 41, Whitby, L 1 N 8Y7 who advised that the site has already been zoned retail commercial and that it is not a matter of "if' but "when". He noted that this 6,000 square metre development will be justified by a market study. .. ... .. PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Official Plan Amendment Applicant: Valiant Property Management COPA2002-009, ZBA 2002-025 & S-C- 2002-003 Resolution #GPA-351-02 .. Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report PSD-090-02 be received; .. THAT the development applications submitted by Valiant Property Management be referred back to staff for further processing and preparation of a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding comments; and .. THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-090-02 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. ... "CARRIED" .. lIIIlI 304 .. .. G.P. & A. Minutes - 5- September 23, 2002 ... PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONT'D. - Bowmanville Heritage Resolution #GPA-352-02 Conservation District Study By-law Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report PSD-091-02 be received; - THAT the By-law attached to Report PSD-091-02 be approved to initiate the study of a portion of the Bowmanville urban area as a Heritage Conservation District pursuant to Section 40 (1) of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 018; and - - THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-091-02, all property owners identified on Attachment 8 of Report PSD-091-02 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" - - Monitoring of the Decisions of the Committee of Adjustment Resolution #GPA-353-02 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT Report PSD-093-02 be received; and - THAT Council concur with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on September 12, 2002 for applications A2002/045, A2002/046, A2002/051 to A2002/060, inclusive and that staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. ... "CARRIED" ... ... Application for Resolution #GPA-354-02 Minor Variance to Sign By-law Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson Applicant: Newcastle United Church THAT Report PSD-095-02 be received; ... THAT the sign by-law minor variance application submitted Newcastle United Church for a ground sign with a total sign area of 2.0 square metres be approved; and - THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-095-02 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision, FORTHWITH. - "CARRIED" General Architectural Design Guidelines Resolution #GPA-355-02 - Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Report PSD-096-02 be received; - THAT the General Architectural Design Guidelines, prepared by John G. Williams Limited, Architect, dated May 2002 be adopted; and ... 305 - GP. & A. Minutes - 6 - September 23, 2002 .. PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONT'D. Planning Services Department Organ izational Review Confidential Report lIlIII THAT, pending the approval of a roster of Control Architects, John G. Williams Limited, Architect be approved in the interim as the Municipality's Control Architect. ... "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-356-02 .. Moved by Mayor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Pingle ... THAT Report PSD-097-02 be received; THAT the change in name and function for a Community Planning and Design Branch and the manager's title to the Manager of Community Planning and Design be approved; ... THAT the creation of a Special Projects Branch and the new position of Manager of Special Projects be approved; ... THAT, subsequent to the approval of the position of Manager of Special Projects, fair compensation be determined through a review conducted by the Pay Equity Committee; .. THAT the reclassification of two planner positions to senior planners be approved; and ... THAT the Director of Planning Services be authorized to fill the new positions. ... "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-357-02 .. Moved by Mayor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Rowe ... THAT Confidential Report PSD-098-02 pertaining to a Property Matter be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered at a "closed" meeting. ... "CARRIED" Councillor MacArthur chaired this portion of the meeting. .. ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT 'Certificate of Acceptance' and 'Assumption By-law" Resolution #GPA-358-02 .. Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson .. THAT Report EGD-42-02 be received; THAT the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the Roads and Above Ground Services including roads and other related Works constructed within Plan 40M-1688 (part of), and for Bradshaw Street Urban Upgrading Works; and .. .. 306 ... ... G.P. & A. Minutes - 7 - September 23, 2002 - ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONT'D. - - - Engineering Services Restructuring Recommendations - - - THAT Council approve the by-law attached to Report EGD-42-02, assuming certain streets within Plan 40M-1688 (part of) as public highways. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-359-02 Moved by Mayor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT Report EGD-43-02 be received; THAT Council give authorization for the creation of a position of Manager of Construction without adding to the overall staff complement; and THAT subsequent to the approval of the position of Manager of Construction, fair compensation be determined through a review conducted by the Pay Equity Committee. "CARRIED" Councillor Trim chaired this portion of the meeting. .. OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Resolution #GPA-360-02 .. Senior Citizens And Physically Disabled Sidewalk And Driveway Windrow Snow Clearing Program .. ... Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report OPD-13-02 be received for information. "CARRIED" Councillor Robinson chaired this portion of the meeting. EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Resolution #GPA-361-02 ... Monthly Response Report - August, 2002 - - Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report ESD-018-02 be received for information. "CARRIED" COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT There were no items considered under this section of the agenda. ... CLERK'S DEPARTMENT ... - .. There were no items considered under this section of the agenda. 3D7 G.P. & A. Minutes - 8 - September 23, 2002 .. .. Mayor Mutton chaired this portion of the meeting. CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Tender CL 2002-33, Rehabilitation of Sand Dome & Salt Shed, Orono Depot Tender CL 2002-26, Guide Rail Installation .. Resolution #GPA-362-02 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson ... THAT Report COD-42-02 be received; THAT Barr's Roofing and Sheet Metal, Newcastle, Ontario with a total bid in the amount of $72,225.00 (Including G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2002-33, be awarded the contract for the Rehabilitation of the Sand Dome and Salt Shed at the Orono Operations Depot; .. lIlIII THAT the unexpended funds from the 2002 Capital Budget for the Rehabilitation of the Sand Dome and Salt Shed at the Hampton Operations Depot in an approximate amount of $25,000.00 be re- allocated to this project and drawn from Account #7029-X-501; .. THAT the remaining total funds required be drawn from Account #7029-X-501 as carried over from 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 Capital Budgets as identified in the body of Report COD-42-02; and .. .. THAT the by-law attached to Report COD-42-02 marked Schedule "Aft authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreement be approved, FORTHWITH. lIlIII "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-363-02 11III Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT Report COD-43-02 be received; lIIIi THAT Peninsula Construction Inc., Fonthill, Ontario with a total bid in the amount of $123,418.08 (including G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2002-26, be awarded the contract for the Guide Rail Installation, as required by the Operations Department; .. .. THAT the total funds required in the amount of $141,200 ($123,418.08 tender plus $17,781.92 consulting) be drawn as follows: .. a) $80,000. from 2002 Capital Budget for guide rail installation Account #7212-02001-0261 b) $58,824. from the carried over 2001 Capital Budget for guide rail installation and processed through Account #7212-02001-0261 c) $2,376. from the 2002 Current Budget for guide rail maintenance and processed through Account #7212-02001-0261 .. lIIIi THAT the by-law attached to Report COD-43-02 marked Schedule "A" authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreement be approved. .. 308 "CARRIED" .. ... G.P. & A. Minutes - 9- September 23, 2002 ... CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONT'D. RFP 2002-7, Rescue Pumper Resolution #GPA-364-02 - Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report COD-44-02 be received; - THAT Asphodel Fire Trucks Ltd., Norwood, Ontario with a revised total bid amount of $354,422.11 (including G.S.T.), being the lowest most responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Request for Proposal RFP 2002-7, be awarded the contract for the supply and delivery of one only Rescue Pumper as required by the Municipality of Clarington Emergency Services Department; and - - THAT the required funds be drawn from the 2002 Capital Budget Account #7102-1-504. - "CARRIED" FINANCE DEPARTMENT - Ontario Transit Renewal Program Resolution #GPA-365-02 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim ... THAT Report FND-013-02 be received; - THAT the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to sign the Letter of Agreement with the Ontario Minister of Transportation (Attachment #1 to Report FND-013-02), per the requirement of the Ontario Transit Renewal program; ... THAT municipal staff be authorized to complete and submit the required Ministry forms for the Ontario Transit Renewal Program; and - THAT the Ministry of Transportation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" ... - Municipal Resolution #GPA-366-02 Performance Measures Program Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Report FND-014-02 be received for information. - "CARRIED" - Cash Activity Report - Second Quarter of 2002 Resolution #GPA-367-02 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT Report FND-015-02 be received; - - THAT, in accordance with provision of Chapter M-45, Section 79 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, the Treasurer reports the cash position of the Municipality of Clarington for the second quarter of the year 2002, as shown on the schedule attached to Report FND-015-02; and - 309 G.P. & A. Minutes - 10- September 23,2002 ... FINANCE DEPARTMENT CONT'D. lIlIII THAT Part "A" of the expenditures for the first quarter of the year be confirmed. ... "CARRIED" CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S DEPARTMENT .. There were no items considered under this section of the agenda. UNFINISHED BUSINESS .. Presentation of Glenn Case Resolution #GPA-368-02 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell ... THAT the presentation of Mr. Glenn Case, pertaining to the Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Project be received with appreciation. ... "CARRIED" Delegation of Libby Racansky Resolution #GPA-369-02 .. Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor MacArthur ... THAT the delegation of Libby Racansky be received for information. "CARRIED" .. OTHER BUSINESS Resolution #GPA-370-02 ... Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the correspondence dated June 19, 2002 from Allan Gotlieb, Chairman, Ontario Heritage Foundation providing the opportunity to nominate individuals who have made significant contributions to local heritage preservation be received; ... ... THAT Ms. Diana Grandfield and her Book Committee comprised of Mavis Carlton, Nancy Miller and Garfield Shaw, be nominated in the Cultural Category; ... THAT Ms. Janie Dodds be nominated for her long standing volunteer service to a Historical Society, Museum or history site; and ... THAT Allan Gotlieb, Ms. Diana Grandfield and Ms. Janie Dodds be advised of Council's decision, FORTHWITH. III "CARRIED" III ... 310 .. ... G.P. & A. Minutes - 11 - September 23, 2002 - OTHER BUSINESS CONT'D. Resolution #GPA-371-02 ... - - - - ADJOURNMENT - ... ... ... .. ... - - - - - ... Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the meeting be "closed" for consideration of Confidential Report PSD-098-02 pertaining to a property matter. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-372-02 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT the actions taken at the "closed" meeting be ratified. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-373-02 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the meeting adjourn at 12:45 p.m. "CARRIED" MAYOR DEPUTY CLERK 3 1 1 ... .. ... lIlIII ... ... ... ... ... .. ... .. ... .. IIIIll .,J .. .. .. .. PUBLIC MEETING REPORT PSD-098-02 WAVERLY ROAD PROPERTIES INC. - CI~ilJglOn CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING - I Development Application by: PLANNING FILE NO.: S-C-2002-004 AN APPLICATION FOR DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington will consider a proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision under Section 51 of the Planning Act, 1990, as amended. WAVERLY ROAD PROPERTIES INC. - - APPLICATION DETAILS The proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision submitted by Waverly Road Properties Inc. will permit nine commercial lots. - The subject property is located in Part Lot 14, Broken Front Concession, former Town of Bowmanville, more specifically on the south side of Baseline Road West between Waverly Road and Martin Road in Bowmanville (See key map on reverse side). - - PUBLIC MEETING The Municipality of Clarington will hold a public meeting to provide interested parties the opportunity to make comments, identify issues and provide additional information relative to the proposed development. The public meeting will be held on: - DATE: TIME: PLACE: Monday, October 7, 2002 9:30 a.m. Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario - ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposal. The start time listed above reflects the time at which the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting commences. .. COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS? - If you wish to make a written submission or if you wish to be notified of subsequent meetings or the approval of the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision, you must submit a written request to the Clerk's Department, 2nd Floor, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L 1C 3A6. .. - Additional information relating to the proposal is available for inspection between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the Planning Services Department, 2nd Floor, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3A6, or by calling Richard Holy at (905) 623-3379 extension 332 or bye-mail at rholy@municipalitY.c1arinqton.on.ca. - APPEAL If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision for the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision is approved, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. the Municipality of Clarington this 5th day of September, 2002. 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3AG 501 - - - Dav ~. Crome Director of Planning Services Municipality of Clarington .. .. .. ~ ~ ~ . -~- AND CON 1) I .. ..-rLI'UJI~ .... ....- .....,. L PUll.......... R.c.MP. OCTACHHENT ; 1 2 NI'1L............... .. i .... ... ........ ~ v > - Nll'f L ...... ......... . "" ^ 1 z ~ <1 .. "" M Z - <1 3 063> ... VI V ~ .. I ..- ... ",,0 VI <1...J .. ..- ,.,. .. lUll ........,. Oz 0 8 O::w 8...J UOl ... ~w Wz W> Zw - L .... ..-.. ...J"- Ww ~La ..... - .. I '1 \ o::W 0..> . WIXl .. 0..- i >w Zw i . <1u alXl >z <1 ""W 7 > <1U 0 OZ L7JII'" ...J ... 0::<1 ...J > 9 11\ <1 0 ..... ... Z...J "" ........J <1 ~<1 0 <1"" ~ . ~<1 ~ ; '" II ~ .. .. ILK lCl II'Dl SPOCUS\IlI am... .. .. .. - SC 2002-004 Draft Plan of Subdivision .. III Owner: Waverly Road Properties Inc. 502 .. .. - CI!Jlmgron REPORT - PLANNING SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING - Meeting: - Date: - Report #: - Subject: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Monday, October 7,2002 PSD-098-02 File #: S-C-2002-004 By-law #: DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION APPLICANT: WAVERLY ROAD PROPERTIES INC. PART LOT 14, CONCESSION B.F., FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE - RECOMMENDATIONS: - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. THAT Report PSD-098-02 be received; 2. THAT the development applications submitted Waverly Road Properties Inc. be referred back to Staff for further processing and preparation of a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding comments; and, ... .. 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. - - .... o~~~ Submitted by: Dav' J rome, MCIP, R.P.P. Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Director of Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer - - RH*L T*DJC*sh September 25, 2002 - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE., ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-0830 - 601 .. REPORT NO.:PsD-098-02 PAGE 2 ..I 1.0. APPLICATION DETAILS - 1.1 Applicant: Waverly Road Properties Inc. .'IllIII 1.2 Agent: D.G. Biddle & Associates Ltd. 1.3 Draft Plan of Subdivision: To subdivide the subject lands into nine commercial lots. ... 1.4 Site Area: 11 .2 hectares (27.7 acres) ... 2.0. LOCATION 2.1 The property under consideration is located at the southwest corner of Waverly Road and Baseline Road in Bowmanville (See Attachment 1). The land holdings under consideration total 11.9 hectares (27.7 ac). The property is located within Part Lot 14, Broken Front Concession, in the former Town of Bowmanville. IIIIi .. ... 3.0 BACKGROUND ... 3.1 On August 27, 2002, Waverly Road Properties Inc. submitted a draft plan of subdivision application to permit the subdivision of nine commercial lots, ranging in size from 0.63 hectares to 1.78 hectares as shown on Attachment 2. Block 10 contains a storm water management facility to service the subdivision. ... .. 3.2 The uses contained in the development would comply with the current special purpose commercial zoning. The applicant intends to develop these lands with an auto mall, restaurants, and a hotel. The number of dealerships in the auto mall has not been confirmed. Any additional uses not currently permitted within Zoning By- law 84-63, would be subject to a further rezoning application. ... .. ... ... ... .. 602 .. - REPORT NO.:PsD-098-02 PAGE 3 - 4. ... 4.1 - SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES The property was previously used as a tree nursery, which accounts for all of the tree stock on the property. The property is generally flat with drainage occurring south and west. ... 4.2 Surrounding Uses: - East: North: Tim Horton'slWendy's restaurant and Shell gas station Preston Transport, retail commercial, car wash, Sunoco gas station, Skylight Donuts kiosk RCMP building, vacant commercial lands, and Westside Creek Highway 401 - West: South: - 5. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES - .... 5.1 The Clarington Official Plan designates the property as "Highway Commercial". Permitted uses include automotive sales and service, restaurants, and hotels. The proposal conforms to the relevant policies. ... ... 5.2 The development will be subject to the following urban design principles. . A variety of urban forms are permitted. · A consistent building setback with consistent architectural principles should be achieved. · Safe automobile circulation should be achieved through turning lanes, consolidated access points, and internal traffic between lots. · Some pedestrian walkways should be provided where necessary. · Attractive and coordinated signage should be developed. .. - ... 5.3 The southwest corner of the property is designated "Environmental Protection". This area contains the proposed storm water management facility. No development will be permitted in this area. - - - 603 - REPORT NO.:PsD-098-02 PAGE 4 6. ZONING BY-LAW CONFORMITY 6.1 The developable portion of the subject lands are currently zoned "Holding - Highway Commercial ((H)C5) Zone". The proposed development consisting of an auto mall, restaurants, and hotel are permitted by the zoning. The holding (H) symbol ensures that no development will proceed on the property prior to registration of a subdivision agreement and relevant site plan agreements for all lots. Prior to development commencing on the site, the holding (H) symbol must be removed. 6.2 The southwest corner of the property is zoned "Environmental Protection (EP) Zone". No development will be permitted on or within 3.0 m of these lands. 7. PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSION 7.1 Public notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site and two public meeting notice signs were installed on the lands. .... ..... lIlIII JIlII ... .. . .. ... .. 7.2 Two general inquiries for information on proposed uses and access management were received. No correspondence has been received on this application to date. ... 8. AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 The Clarington Emergency Services Department has no objections to the proposal as long as proper fire protection and access routes are provided. 8.2 The Ministry of Transportation has requested the following items. · No modifications to the existing Tim Horton'slWendy's entrance onto Waverly Road to accommodate a mutual entrance with lots internal to this development will be permitted. · All new structures and buildings must be set back 14 metres from the Ministry's property line. · All lots within the subdivision are subject to site plan approval. Ministry building and sign permits will be issued through this review process. 604 .. .JIll ... .. ... .. - ... - REPORT NO.:PsD-098-02 - PAGE 5 .... - - - The Ministry has requested the following conditions of draft plan approval, all of which must be approved by the Ministry: a) A traffic study outlining anticipated traffic volumes and impacts on the Waverly and Baseline Road intersection as well as the Highway 401 on- ramp must be submitted to the Ministry for review. b) A stormwater management report indicating treatment methods must be submitted. c) An illumination plan indicating the intended treatment of glare emanating from building signage must be submitted for review. 8.3 Veridian Connections has no objections to the proposal provided that the applicant pays for the installation of electrical services to the property. - 8.4 - . .... - ... ... 9. - 9.1 .t'w - - - - The application has been circulated to the following agencies for review. · Clarington Engineering Services · Clarington Operations . Clarington Building Division · Durham Region Planning Department · Durham Region Public Works Department · Durham Regional Police Services · Central Lake Ontario Conservation . Canada Post Corporation . Bell Canada . C.N. Rail · Rogers Cable · Enbridge Consumers Gas Comments have not been received from these agencies to date. COMMENTS Staff have requested that the applicant provide an architectural concept plan to address the urban design policies. The plan should address the following issues. · The plan should outline the uses being contemplated for each site. The urban form in terms of massing and height for each site should be delineated on the plan. · A consistent set of building setbacks and architectural principles should be achieved. 6QS -- REPORT NO.:PsD-098-02 PAGE 6 -- . Safe automobile circulation and necessary turning lanes will be determined through the traffic study. The concept plan should create internal traffic connections between lots where appropriate. . The necessity for pedestrian walkways will be evaluated through the concept plan. . Attractive and coordinated signage themes should be developed. This would include signage exposure internal to the development and external to the subdivision. .. .. .. 9.2 The southwestern corner of the property contains a portion of wide West Side Creek floodplain. This floodplain is wide at this location but lacks a clearly defined top-of- bank feature. Delineation of environmental protection (EP) zone limits will be determined through the approvals process in conjunction with staff at Central Lake Ontario Conservation. These lands will be transferred to the Municipality free and clear of all encumbrances. - .. ... 9.3 Staff have requested that Martin Road be constructed as a second access to the development. The roadway would be constructed to the northern limit of the environmental protection (EP) zone area. The internal roadway and lotting pattern should be modified to incorporate the Martin Road entrance. Further discussion on this matter with the applicant will be required. ... .." .. 10. CONCLUSIONS JIll 10.1 As the purpose of this report is to satisfy the requirements for the Public Meeting under the Planning Act, and taking into consideration all of the comments received, it is respectfully requested that this report be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report. ... - ... Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision ... .. .. 606 rII - REPORT NO.:PsD-098-02 PAGE 7 - - Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: - Don Gleed Waverly Road Properties Inc. 595 Foxwood Trail PICKERING, Ontario L 1V 4K1 - t!'!J Glenn Genge D.G. Siddle & Associates Limited 96 King Street East OSHAWA, Ontario L 1 H 1 B6 - I!'!I Robert Dragecivic Walker Nott Dragecivic Associates Limited 172 St. George Street TORONTO, Ontario M5R 2M7 .. .. Louis Reznick Group 262 81 Ronald Avenue TORONTO, Ontario M6E 4M9 - ... "'" .. .. - - - 607 .. (ROAD AND CON 1) ....-r L P\.IlIl,....... P\.IlIl ....l,.. ,.,. L """" 4Ia-IIIU R.C.H.P. DEl ACHHENT 1 ..... .. 2 .... .. ^ ~ ,..., L "-'iIIl ............ > ~ l ... ~ Z <l: '<t ... .-, Vl f-- o 8...J Wz Zw Ww o..~ of-- Zw 21Xl ,..., L ...... ......a91 8 -.. -- . ...... " L'" ..... - --= '111 7 .771 .. .. un .. 9 .... .. ILl< 10 CPOi SPACt/SVM om .. ATTACHMENT 1 .. ~ -~- I ^ '<t ... ~ Z <l: C"l ... Vl f-- ~o <l:...J Oz Cl:w W >-~ Wf-- ...Jw eJlXl >w <l:u ~z <l: ~ 0 ...J ...J <l: ~ <l: 0 Cl: v I ~ .. - .. - ~ - ~ .... ., -- III ,)OJ .. "/III SC 2002-004 Draft Plan of Subdivision - Owner: Waverly Road Properties Inc. .. Lnn .. .. -- - Q W VOw f= 0", :: II I I i t;; ~ ~ !:i h.;. ~, ~~ ,., is ~: I ~!;!i~! I ~i E 'i!itl~1 I ~ ~: a ~: Ii ~ I h I,! ~~ ~ I It;;; I a 8 I E ~ I, ;~ ril.1 ~ " .. ~;: i!~~~5' r5 d! 'I ! ~lN HIU~r ~ i'll !~i; I !ihH~ i ~tl"h I l5 5 - l- ~ Iii > - - ~ a: o _ < o~:d!d~ ~ III ~ ~ I.J... ~ OlL..IUQ::/. 150~~ >-~ [~~f~~ ~L~~~ Ii D.. ~ ~~ z :> ~ - l- l1. -< a: o s. - i S ; !! I! ~ II 15 ... .. ~~ I~ <pI ONV ~ I 5107 N33M138 3:JNVM077V OVOY I OVOY ,{ 7Y3A VM " I --- I ... I ., ill ., I '" ~ ~ I ... ~ I ... ei ~ I ., ... , .::, ~ I ' :3 { ~ I ~ ;1 :3 I : Cll.o.. I : "<{. o <l:l . ll: I: \u~ : :::~I : Gjt;j lI)<l:l1 "<{ <l:l~1 ~ ' ~\ 0 ::JI "<{ Cl I ' ~ ... ~I ~! -I ~ ~~ "'l!: I I I I t03N3dONn I - I - <SI ONV pI 5107 N33A113B 3:JNVM077V OVOYI I OVOY Nil YVff i .. oJ ~ .. ~ > :J 30lS 153M -~ ~ >l33~ __ --- -------------- ... - .. .. .. ... .... .... - ... .. - -- - 6D9 ATTACHMENT 2 A I p~ III V -15 ~ ~ -I- N CL <VI E jE 0_ ~- J.. . 0 ~ o~ : I n I: 1-0 .i . II I H ~ ~~ ~ " ! .. VI H i~ i :3:a I v wl1. n ::10 : r IE ' i i I ~ -z ~ i ' I . - r . I I >< I ; .1 ~ Z-I <D.. . . " ~ ~l- = I ;1 ;:: ~l1. I 0< ma: 0 i u It -'I 'it' ~ ,II iii o "Z. '>- . :L VI \J.l :L \- - .. - .. .. ... .. .... ... ... .. ... ... .. ""* .... ... .. .. - - Cl!J!iQgfOn REPORT - PLANNING SERVICES - Meeting: Date: .. Report #: - ... Subject: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Monday October 7, 2002 PSD-099-02 File #: A2002/058, A2002/061 TO A2002/064 By-law #: INCLUSIVE MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 26, 2002 - RECOMMENDATIONS: .. It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: .. 1. THAT Report PSD-099-02 be received; and 2. THAT Council concurs with decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on September 26, 2002, for applications A2002/058, A2002/061 to A2002/064, inclusive and that Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. .. .. .. .. Submitted by: D v d JlCrome, MCIP, R.P.P. Direc or of Planning Services Reviewed bY:O ~..::, ~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer .. .. - SA *CP*DJC*lw September 27, 2002 4I!'t 610 - REPORT NO.: PsD-099-02 Application Number Staff Recommendations Decision of Committee A2002/058 Table Tabled A2002/061 Approve as modified Denied A2002/062 Approve/Deny Approved/Denied A2002/063 Approve Approved A2002/064 Approve Approved 1. PAGE 2 All applications received by the Municipality for minor variance are scheduled for a hearing within 30 days of being received by the Secretary-Treasurer. The purpose of the minor variance applications and the Committee's decisions are detailed in Attachment NO.1. The decisions of the Committee are detailed below. DECISIONS OF COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR SEPTEMBER 26, 2002 1. Application A2002/061 was to permit construction of a detached garage and to keep an existing shed, increasing total lot coverage by all accessory buildings from the maximum permitted 40% to 70% of the minimum floor area permitted in this zone. Committee were of the opinion that the application as applied for was not minor in nature and were prepared to offer a compromise of an increase to 54% or a 640 ft2 accessory building. The applicant stated that unless he received approval for the full 70% he was not interested in the application and did not want a lesser amount approved on his behalf. Thus, taking the applicant's comments into consideration and their opinion that the application as applied for was not minor in nature, the application was denied. 2. Application A2002/062 was to permit the construction of a detached garage by reducing the exterior side yard setback from 6 metres to 0.6 metres, and to recognize an existing shed with a rear yard and interior side yard setbacks of 0.6 metres instead of the required 1.2 metres. Committee approved the variance for the existing shed, however, found that the proposed reduction in exterior side yard setback was not in keeping with 6 1 1 - - .. - ,. .. .,. ... .. . rtIi ." .. .. .. ... .. .. rtIII - REPORT NO.: PSD-099-02 PAGE 3 - - the neighbourhood nor was it minor In nature and thus denied this portion of the application. - 3. Staff has reviewed the Committee's decisions and is satisfied that the applications that received approval are in conformity with the Official Plan policies, consistent with the intent of the Zoning By-law and are minor in nature and desirable. Council's concurrence with the Committee of Adjustment decisions is required in order to afford Staffs official status before the Ontario Municipal Board in the event of an appeal of any decision of the Committee of Adjustment. .. - - - Attachments: Attachment 1 - Periodic Report of the Committee of Adjustment .. .. .. .. - - - .... - - 612 - ATTACHMENT 1 JIll Cl!l!ilJgtnn .. .. PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT .. APPLICANT: OWNER: PROPERTY LOCATION: FILE NO.: DAILEY, TIM DAILEY, TIM 80 KINGSWOOD DR." COURTICE PART LOT 35, CONCESSION 2 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF DARLINGTON A2002/058 ... - ... PURPOSE: TO RECOGNIZE AN EXISTING ADDITION CONSTRUCTED IN THE EXTERIOR SIDE YARD BY REDUCING THE EXTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 3.1 METRES (PREVIOUSLY REDUCED IN 1988 TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DWELLING), TO 1.2 METRES. - ell "" DECISION OF COMMITTEE: THAT THE APPLICATION BE TABLED TO THE NEXT MEETING, OCTOBER 10,2002. .. ... .. DATE OF DECISION: September 26,2002 LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 16, 2002 .. .. .. . .. 613 "'" ... - Q!J!i!1gfOn - PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT - FILE NO.: FLINT. JUSTIN FLINT, CAROLYN 2195 HIGHWAY 2 , DARLINGTON PART LOT 20, CONCESSION 2 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF DARLINGTON A2002/061 ... APPLICANT: OWNER: PROPERTY LOCATION: - - - PURPOSE: TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A DETACHED GARAGE AND KEEP EXISTING SHED, INCREASING TOTAL LOT COVERAGE BY ACCESSORY BUILDINGS FROM THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED 40% TO 70% OF THE MINIMUM FLOOR AREA PERMITTED IN THIS ZONE. .. ... DECISION OF COMMITTEE: ... THAT THE APPLICATION BE DENIED AS IT IS NOT MINOR IN NATURE AND THE APPLICANT DOES NOT WISH TO PROCEED WITH THIS APPLICATION WITH ANYTHING LESS THAN THE 70% APPLIED FOR. - - DATE OF DECISION: September 26, 2002 - LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 16, 2002 - - - - 614 ... lI!lII Cl~glOn .. .. PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT .. APPLICANT: OWNER: PROPERTY LOCATION: FILE NO.: BRIDGER. GARY BRIDGER, GARY 2 MERRYFIELD CT." BOWMANVILLE PART LOT 9, CONCESSION 1 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF BOWMANVILLE A2002/062 .., .. till PURPOSE: TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A DETACHED GARAGE BY REDUCING THE EXTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 6 M TO 0.6 M, & TO RECOGNIZE AN EXISTING SHED WITH A REAR YARD & INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACKS OF 0.6 M INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 1.2 METRES. ... ... .. DECISION OF COMMITTEE: THAT THE EXISTING SHED BE APPROVED AT 0.6 M REAR & SIDE YARD SETBACKS AND THE PROPOSED REDUCTION IN EXTERIOR SIDE YARD BE DENIED AS IT IS NOT MINOR IN NATURE AND IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH THE NEIGHBOURHOOD. .. fIfI .. DATE OF DECISION: September 26,2002 LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 16, 2002 .. .. .. .. .. 615 till ... - Cl~glOn - PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT - ... APPLICANT: OWNER: PROPERTY LOCATION: FILE NO.: CUMMINS. JOHN CUMMINS, JOHN 1715 CONCESSION RD 9 , DARLINGTON PART LOT 30, CONCESSION 8 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF DARLINGTON A2002/063 - - PURPOSE: TO FURTHER REDUCE AN EXISTING UNDERSIZED 23.19 HA FARM PROPERTY BY - 0.24 HA CREATING NEW 22.95 HA FARM PROPERTY. 0.24 HA WILL BE ADDED TO AN EXISTING RESIDENTIAL HAMLET LOT, BRINGING IT INTO COMPLIANCE WITH THE ZONING BY-LAW REQUIREMENT FOR LOT AREA. - - DECISION OF COMMITTEE: ... THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS IT IS MINOR IN NATURE, AND IS IN CONFORMITYWITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW. - .. DATE OF DECISION: September 26, 2002 _ LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 16, 2002 - - - - 616 - .. ClmilJgron. .. .. PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT .. FILE NO.: HUBBLE & SONS LTD. HOLLINGSWORTH, TERRY 4240 CONCESSION RD 4 , CLARKE PART LOT 14, CONCESSION 4 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF CLARKE A2002/064 lit APPLICANT: OWNER: PROPERTY LOCATION: .. .. PURPOSE: TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION TO AN EXISTING AGRICULTURAL BUILDING FOR MANURE STORAGE BY REDUCING THE AGRICULTURAL SETBACK FROM THE REQUIRED 300 METRES TO 229 METRES. ... ... .. DECISION OF COMMITTEE: THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS IT IS MINOR IN NATURE, IS NOT .. DETRIMENTAL TO THE NEIGHBOURHOOD AND CONFORMS TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW. .. - DATE OF DECISION: September 26,2002 LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 16, 2002 .. - .. .. - 617 filii ... - Cl!J!:il1glOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES - - - Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, October 7,2002 - Report #: PSD-100-02 File #: PLN By-law #: - Subject: OsHAWA CREEK WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PLAN - RECOMMENDATIONS: - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. THAT Report PSD-100-02 be received; 2. THAT Council endorse the Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan, 2002, as prepared by CLOC; and - 3. THAT Central Lake Ontario Conservation and the City of Oshawa be provided a copy of this report and Council's resolution. - - Submitted by: Reviewed by: ':-"" \ o ~~~ Q~'t~, - Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer - avi . Crome, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P. Director, Planning Services - H8*DC*df 1 October 2002 - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905)623- 3379 F (905)623-0830 - 618 - REPORT NO.: PsD-100-02 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Assessment of the cumulative effects of development and land uses changes within a watershed must occur in order to gain an understanding of the health of a watershed. As land uses change within a watershed, having an effective watershed management plan will ensure that the health of the ecosystem is not adversely affected. Recommendations contained within watershed management plans focus on ways to protect and enhance the health of the watershed over time. 1.2 The Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan was prepared by staff at Central Lake Ontario Conservation. The plan was fully funded by CLOC. 1.3 The watershed management plan has been done in 2 phases. The first phase culminated in the release of the draft Existing Conditions Report in May 2001. This report describes the physical and biophysical condition of groundwater, surface water, aquatic resources and terrestrial resources within the watershed. The second phase assesses possible future impacts to the watershed and includes the creation of guidelines and policies to assist in environmentally sound land development, including official plan policies to assist with impact assessment and mitigation. A draft final report entitled Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan was released in May 2002 which combines the first and second phases into one document. An executive summary is provided in Attachment 3 to this report. 1.4 The Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan was received by the Board of Directors of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation on September 1 ih , 2002, and was endorsed. Council of the City of Oshawa has yet to receive the plan. 1.5 Central Lake Ontario Conservation staff will make a presentation to Committee on the Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan. III' iii .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... 2.0 PUBLIC CONSULTATION 2.1 In 2001 and 2002, Central Lake Ontario Conservation held an open house each .. summer inviting the public to attend and review the results of the plan. A 619 .. .. .... REPORT NO.: PsD-100-02 PAGE 3 - questionnaire was also sent to all interested parties to solicit feedback. This questionnaire was posted on the Central Lake Ontario Conservation website. - 2.2 Meetings with staff of the municipalities within the watershed and the Ministry of - Natural Resources were held after release of the first phase and the draft final report. All comments made by Clarington during the consultation process were - addressed. - 3.0 THE OsHAWA CREEK WATERSHED 3.1 The Oshawa Creek watershed originates in the Oak Ridges Moraine and - discharges into Lake Ontario at the Oshawa Harbour. This 120 square kilometre watershed is primarily located within the City of Oshawa, but extends into the - Town of Whitby, the Township of Scugog, and the Municipality of Clarington (Attachment 1). - 3.2 Almost 9% of the Oshawa Creek Watershed is located within Clarington - (Attachment 2). Lands occupied by Clarington's portion of this watershed are designated, in part, "Oak Ridges Moraine", "Prime Agricultural Area subject to the - Oak Ridges Moraine", "Environmental Protection", and "Aggregate Extraction Area" in the Clarington Official Plan. Zoning on these lands are complimentary to - these respective official plan designations. - - 3.3 The watershed management plan identifies over 50% of Clarington's portion as having either medium or high levels of environmental sensitivity. An important feature within the Clarington portion of this watershed is the Enfield Wetland Complex. This is a locally significant wetland complex and associated with the wetland complex are 2 large areas providing interior core habitat. Interior core habitat, or core areas, are those areas that are self-sustaining and are of sufficient size and quality to withstand the influences of adjacent land uses. Within the entire Oshawa Creek watershed, only 8 core areas exist. - - - - 620 - REPORT NO.: PsD-100-02 PAGE 4 .. 4.0 STUDY FINDINGS 4.1 The plan identifies the Oshawa Creek watershed as an area under stress and the following concerns have been raised: forest and wetland cover within the watershed falls below Environment Canada guidelines; impaired water quality and nutrient enrichment is evident; warming water temperatures; existing development is subject to flooding and erosion hazards; annual excess storage in the regional aquifer is limited; large sectors of the watershed are void of core habitat area; and connections to facilitate the movement of wildlife are weak. .. - .. - - 4.2 It is reported that 15% of the watershed has impervious surfaces. According to Environment Canada Guidelines, 15% is the threshold that should not be exceeded in urban watersheds in order to maintain water quality and quantity and leave biodiversity unimpaired. Large areas within the watershed are already designated to allow for additional urban uses, increasing the percentage of impervious uses well over this 15% threshold. The plan recommends that through long term planning exercises, such as Official Plan reviews, consideration be given to lessening the impacts of exceeding this threshold. - .. .. .. 4.3 Despite these concerns, the watershed does exhibit these healthy elements: · sources of groundwater recharge are found in the Oak Ridges Moraine and the Lake Iroquois Beach portion of this watershed; · the north-south oriented valleys are generally well vegetated; · the Enfield Wetland Complex is a locally significant wetland; · healthy warm water and cold water fish communities are evident; and · there exist good to high quality wildlife habitats in the north portion of the watershed .. ... .. .. 4.4 Clarington's portion of the watershed is dominated by rural and agricultural land uses. The policies within the Clarington Official Plan dictate that this area will remain rural, having no negative impact on the percentage of impervious surfaces within this watershed. .. .. 4.5 The Enfield Wetland Complex is designated "Environmental Protection" in the Clarington Official Plan. The adjacent forest cover and early regeneration habitat associated with these wetlands which contribute to the interior core habitat of the .. .. 621 .. .... - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - REPORT NO.: PsD-100-02 PAGE 5 Enfield Wetland Complex, are designated Oak Ridges Moraine in the Official Plan, but have not been identified on Map 'C' to the Official Plan as a natural heritage feature. Land uses currently permitted within the Oak Ridges Moraine designation would not deter the use of these lands as wildlife habitat. However, if a request to amend the designation of these lands is received, an environmental impact study (EIS) would be required. Any EIS would, among other things, give consideration to the wildlife habitat features that have been identified in this watershed management plan. 4.6 Linkages and watershed corridors have also been identified within the Clarington portion of the watershed. The management plan advocates the protection of these linkages and corridors and recommends that future development does not preclude corridor use. Designation of these areas in the Clarington Official Plan does not preclude corridor use or corridor restoration. Any development proposed in these areas should incorporate corridor restoration and/or rehabilitation as requirements of development. 5.0 CONCLUSION The Municipality of Clarington is satisfied with the findings of the Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan. Recommendations with respect to creating corridors within Clarington will be given consideration during future review of the Clarington Official Plan. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Map of Oshawa Creek Watershed Attachment 2 - Clarington's Portion of Watershed Attachment 3 - Executive Summary List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Russ Powell Sandra Kranc Chief Administrative Officer Clerk Central Lake Ontario Conservation City of Oshawa 100 Whiting Avenue 50 Centre Street South Oshawa, ON L 1 H 3T3 Oshawa, ON L 1 H 3Z7 622 -+i I '-----,--~. i I :. I I I ....; : i ~.. -;--. -.----. ! L-! i ! , ~!LL ATTACHMENT 1 .. I i -----1- -, ... ... ... .. .. .. .. .- .. .. - - .. .. .. .. Lake Ontario .. Oshawa Creek Watershed 623 .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Existing Landuse ... D Crop and Improved .. [] Open Space [ill Pasture and Unimproved .. III Woodlots and Forest ~ Wetland ~ Hamlet/Estate Residential . Railway Corridor - - - .... Oshawa Creek ---- Watershed Boundary - ATTACHMENT 2 I REGIONAL ROAD 3 - Oshawa Creek Watershed - E~isting landuse - 624 L-~ lL:. L':.-:~-, 1::::-.- ~. .,-=') L==,- E 1_.1 ~J ~ ~ ~ t~;1 ~! ~; :r-- [~~: rE~J rE~ ;;d e ~I ~: rr=!1 :~I b. ~' ~ ~ 2 :~ rI., G=' ~ ,c S ~ ~ 5 ~ u;::;: ~ ~ ~~ ~~-I r;::.:'~1 ATTACHMENT 3 i: Ii ... - Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan Draft May, 2002 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - - The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) has recognized the need to prepare comprehensive management strategies for all of its watersheds. In order to prepare and enact an effective strategy, CLOCA has initiated. a watershed management planning process to supplement previous studies and to guide future management decisions. In an effort to create an up-to-date, and complete foundation of information, several key watershed components were investigated: . history of the watershed . land use . climate, physiography and surficial geology . surface water . groundwater . hazards . fisheries . vegetation . wildlife habitat . corridors and connections ... ... j;.' "'. r:::' .. r-. ~) ~, F.' 1.:::::::, IF-.:I L= .. IE r,-. "=';1 ~. .. After gathering and analysing the relevant data, numerous issues of concern became evident: t1~. . An initial analysis has been undertaken to apply the guidelines for habitat rehabilitation as developed by r~" Environment Canada. The Oshawa Creek watershed falls short of achieving the majority of these guidelines l~:, including those for forest and wetland cover. re': ... . An approximate water budget indicates that the annual excess storage in the regional aquifer is limited. It.: . Water quality studies have shown that the Goodman Creek, Montgomery Creek and Oshawa Harbour have r~" e:_.1: impaired water quality. Additionally, nutrient enrichment is occurring in the northern part of the watershed. ~ . Thermal studies have shown a warming in water temperatures. ~ ...... ,,=;, - . There are areas where existing developments are subject to both flooding and erosion hazards. ~ . Wildlife habitats are greatly concentrated within the remaining natural areas of the landscape and the ~. distribution of core areas is poor, with no representative areas within the watershed from Conlin Road to rEi Columbus Road. ~i: - . The landscape corridors are not intact, causing restrictions to wildlife movement. The local corridors are r;="" intact, but do not function to connect with core areas. Linkages are compensating in areas without local or ~~., Desp'tel::::::;::':~~:::~: ,:::::: :: ::a,ed sevem' positive 'nd~wm of walemhed hea'~ for ~ .. the Oshawa Creek. It is important to recognize situations where ongoing appropriate management can build upon 2 existing strengths: ~ . The Oak Ridges Moraine, the South Slope including the Outwash area, and the Lake Iroquois Beach, are [2 .- sources of groundwater recharge. a__', . There are concentrations of naturally vegetated areas across the Oak Ridges Moraine and the Lake Iroquois ~ Beach. ...., .. · The north - south oriented valleys are generally well vegetated. ~ · The Enfield Wetland Complex is a locally significant wetland, and has been previously identified as an ESA ~ ~~ ~ ' . Remnant wetlands are located on the Iroquois Beach in the form of deciduous and mixed swamps. ~I · · Smaller wetlands are present in headwater and riparian areas. ~ . The watershed has seven Life Science ANSls and one Earth Science ANSI, all having local significance. ~ . The watershed has ten ESAs, two within the Oak Ridges Moraine with the highest level of sensitivity. ~ till · The watershed has healthy warm water and cold water fish communities. ~ · The watershed has a system of good to high quality wildlife habitats within the northern portion of the 51 · ~~~e~:r:~~hed has an extensive, yet somewhat fragmented publicly accessible greenspace established ~l .. adjacent to the creek valley. 51 This plan examines what a healthy watershed would look like in the future, and provides the following 5 recommendations outlining what needs to be done to make that a reality. ~,' - 625 S~.. ''-::'1 r:=:,"1 r:-:...-;--, ,;::..-; r;::::;l r;::::.-I l. .j r;=;l r;:::::,l ~ fri rr:;l r;::::;\ ~I I~ r,:;-I r;=,l r;=:i r;:::;-I r,--=;1 rr:;l rr:::l r;:::;-j ~ r"-::;-I 1;'=:;-1 In' rr=-I r~ ~, :;:::::;l r;::;-, r;::::;-~ r;:::,l r;:::=:;-t f;;::;l r'::"'l ~ r;::::;l r;:::;-', r;:::::,] r.=:l r;::;] r;::::;-I r,:::;-I rr=:;-] r:="';l rrfr-> .-' f,=.;lj ~_:Jl ~,:-;';'I "=[, rr=1 "'-11 ~: fe' ,:.,"_.1 ;~-~ L'=;l r~-::- ' [r:-:I ~~;! ~~:1 " I, ~=I: 1:"::- , F. ~ ~-, r;:=11 l-::-==-I ir-' ~-i """::::"";1 r;=' L=-Il F' ~! ~ "==c red' ~ ~I ~J ~I rr:::::.-) <:-1 ~. [,.q L!'~. " ii:--' "51 ~ $1 ~ ~ $ ~ F ~J ~! ~! "~'" Jr.:-': ,~ _~ ~ = = = = = = =, = enl rr;: In' rril Inl ri'il Inl rnl rnl rnl Inllnllnllnl [ell rnl rnllnl fnl Inl rFli rill fill fill I ill fill Inlinr- - - ..... Land Use Planning The watershed has reached a point where approximately 15% of its land base is in impervious uses. Studies have shown that this is a threshold that should not be exceeded in urban watersheds in order to "maintain stream water quality and quantity and leave biodiversity relatively unimpaired". Large areas are already designated to allow for additional urban uses that will increase this percentage well over the threshold. Through long term planning exercises such as Official Plan reviews, consideration is required regarding the impacts of exceeding this threshold. :.- Throughout the watershed, policies applied to new development must reflect the need for protection of the existing valued features as identified in this study including: .~... l~ C""' ~ lO=., The Town of Whitby . Consideration of existing valued features (e.g., watercourses, local corridor and linkages) be completed in the required Environmental Impact Study prior to consideration of any development application for existing valued features found in areas that are "Hazard Land" and "Environmentally Sensitive Areas". . Provision of a corridor be required as a condition of any amendment to the "Agriculture" designation found on lands containing the linkage in Concession VII or the watershed corridor immediately north of Taunton Road (shown of Figure 26) . Consideration of wildlife habitat features be completed in an Environmental Impact Study prior to consideration of any change in designation for lands that are "Hazard Land" and "Environmentally Sensitive Areas" containing a large parcel of early regeneration habitat immediately east of the Hamlet of Myrtle Station. iF c= ~ ~ ~ [ ~ F The Municipality of Clarington . The preparation of an Environmental Impact Study is presently required for development within Enfield Wetland Complex. This requirement should apply to the entire core habitat areas found on adjacent lands, as provided through policy 4.3.7 of the Clarington Official Plan (features and land characteristics presently not identified on Map C). . Provision of a corridor should be required as a condition of any amendment to the "Oak Ridges Moraine" and "Prime Agricultural Area" designation found on lands containing linkages and watershed corridors. ~ ~ :--.0::'1 "=1 ~ 'j ;~ l'c~] r:=' ~; The City of Oshawa . All watercourses and their riparian areas be shown in the Official Plan schedules and identified as "Hazard Lands" or "Environmentally Sensitive Areas" or included in the definition of watercourses contained in the Environmental Management policy 5.1.2 (d). . Consideration of wildlife habitat features be completed in an Environmental Impact Study prior to consideration of any change in designation for lands which are designated "Open Space and Recreation" and identified as "Hazard Land" or "Environmentally Sensitive Areas" containing four areas of core habitat in the northem portion of the watershed. . It is recommended that the "Special Study Area" designation at the headwaters of the Goodman Creek not be amended until such time as a provincial wetland evaluation has been completed. . In addition, any study undertaken to amend the designations should require an adequate level of protection for the following as currently provided by this area: o wetland features and functions o core habitat (interior habitat); o recharge/discharge functions; o thermal water quality; and additionally o linkages west to Pringle Creek Woods; and o linkages to habitat in WS. . Provision of a corridor should be required as a condition of any amendment to the "Agricultural" designation found on lands containing a local corridor in the most eastem extent of Concession 7 or linkages identified along tributaries and across tablelands to upland habitats. . Consideration of wildlife habitat features be completed in an Environmental Impact Study prior to consideration of any change in designation for lands that are designated "Agricultural" containing four areas of core habitat in the northern portion of the watershed. ~ ~ F , ' I I .. 12' ~=~i , J 'I ~ ~ ~ D ~-:-I r-~JI :SJ ~ ~ ~ J] "5 ]] :.~ 626 :] ~ ~' =,1 b:- ~; L5 ~ I ~ ~I ~ 5 IL-, ~ Fdl ~i r;=5J ~ G ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~l .- 2 Enhancement/Restoration r,=-~ r~ To be achieved through a wide variety of partners including, individuals, schools, community groups, public lands [2 ~ managers, municipalities, private land stewardship and conservation agencies. FU 5~~ ~. i!=; Montgomery Creek Sub watershed ~ · retrofitting of developed areas with stormwater management facilities ~ ~ · further investigations of the point and non-point sources of elevated trace and major elements in the creek i~=:Jl- 5 · develop a monitoring program of stormwater sewers in the watershed FJ ... ~ · removal of non-native and invasive plant species 2 5 ~_ ~ ~ 5 627 ~ ronUrTI iill IF1llflllF1llllllff11ll1 1fj]IllIlF1llllllnl ~illF1llFilIlllIlll IT11 rnl rrlllFi1IFi1If~ rrll ff~ 1il1lt~ IITi IFfI [fil rnllFfl rnllfiliril 1fj1 IFfI rnllfil 1Il1liil rFlllnl [["II In1 Irll IFilin'F,: .. fr::. ,- :"E-.: =_;1 I:::U Ii":" ---., t~ ".-- =J1 G; 'j :! Groundwater . All new development within areas delineated as Iroquois Beach, Outwash Plain, or Oak Ridges Moraine undertake geotechnical studies to identify the role of the site in the hydrological cycle. As deemed necessary, a water balance may be required from post development levels to predevelopment conditions. Infiltration of stormwater may be required to accomplish this condition. Development Review - Natural Hazards All future development in hydrologic units W3, W2, W1.1, E3, E2, E2.1, E1.1, E1.2, G7, and G2 (as identified on Figure 8) provide stormwater management, designed with a capacity to control flows for all storm events (2 through 100 year) to pre-development levels. Future developments that will drain directly to the Main Oshawa Creek, East Tributary, or West Tributary may discharge without stormwater quantity control, as there are not any detrimental impacts anticipated. Floodplain-mapping exercises should include both peak flow rates with the greater of the 1 DO-year or regional flood line, to be considered the regulatory event. Where stormwater control ponds are planned to maintain a 1 DO-year flood level, and the 1 DO-year flood level is the regulatory event (larger than the regional floodline) in the receiving stream reach, then the control pond should be designed as a flood control facility. Development Review - Surface Water Quality Level 1 stormwater quality and thermal protection is recommended for the Oshawa Creek watershed and Level 2 is recommended for the Montgomery Creek subwatershed. Generally it is recommended that all developments with a proposed impervious land area of 0.25 hectares or more provide some form of water quality treatment. For small sites, facilities may not be practical but source control, conveyance treatment or "best effort end of pipe" solutions should be examined. Infrastructure Planning Design considerations should address: · protection of the existing width of corridor in order to maintain the corridor functions of the 2 main valleys (wildlife crossings); · provision of fish passage at all watercourse crossings, and no net loss of fish habitat; · maintenance of water quality and thermal stability in receiving streams; · maintenance of groundwater recharge function within the Outwash Plain; . maintenance of flooding conditions and surface runoff conveyance; · maintenance of natural channel processes (erosion, deposition and flows); and . use of only native species for planting purposes. Landowner Awareness In order to assist in protecting the watershed's existing valued features, the owners of these features must be informed of their importance and provided with information about stewardship tools available to them. Land Acquisition The identified components of the natural heritage system of the Oshawa Creek watershed should be reflected as a priority in acquisition strategies implemented by public bodies, either alone or in partnership. Valleyland/hazard land and tableland dedications to the local municipalities should continue through the land use planning process to protect existing valued features and assist in developing further linkages. .. .. .. .. ~~)I ::~..:}: ~--;..- r.:..-=-' I ~.~ .. 1 .. t .i .. :4 , till ... .. .. .. .. - - -c-- :~~~ c [P~_ ~ ~~~ r~ 1'= 'c';:;:- b~ ~ ~ ~ l2 [ ~ [1' ~ ~I '=;1 [I ~ ~ ,,==, [ ~ ? . ] I ; , J 2 r~J :~ ~ D <$ ~ II ~ 5 ~ ~ ',~ J] 5 'J] ~.-.J .1 d_ ~, ~ :-,e ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ $ ~ ~ - --'~ - ~, ,- ,~, ,~ ,~ ~ ~ cc,,~, ~ ~ -~ ,,~ ,", "Q ,~,Q 'no ",. '" "" Cnl C1l "" "" "' C1llel CnlIfHli ;m Ifl1 fill in' Wi iii III j :i i. Main Branch Subwatershed . retrofitting of developed areas with stormwater management facilities . stream cleanup projects to remove garbage within and adjacent to the creek . riparian zone restoration . modification of the CPR Bridge to improve flood conveyance . restoration of the channel and riparian areas to more naturally meandering (and vegetated) conditions in areas north of Highway 401 . reduce amount and distribution of invasive plants Goodman Creek Subwatershed . restore the channel and riparian area to reflect natural conditions (priority Rossland Road to Gibb Street) . natural channel design for the confluence of the Goodman and Oshawa Creeks . goldfish removed from Goodman pond and a program for prevention developed . retrofitting of developed areas with stormwater management facilities . stream cleanups to remove garbage within and adjacent to the creek . riparian zone restoration . expansion of core habitats in the subwatershed . corridor connections improved through planting and habitat protection . creation of tableland forest in the eastem portion of the subwatershed . corridor connections are needed to join the west branch of the Oshawa Creek with the Goodman Creek headwaters and linkages are required between the valley systems and tableland woodlot . wetland creation or reclamation ES Subwatershed . riparian restoration . creation of habitat through plantings on upland areas currently lacking forest cover . redesigning the Camp Samac Dam to allow fish passage . removal of old tires within the channel and along the banks of the creek west of Simcoe Street . wetland reclamation WN Subwatershed . riparian restoration . expansion of both core areas through restoration of adjacent wetlands and agricultural lands . wetland reclamation . redesign of structures to allow fish passage EN Subwatershed . revegetation of creek valley corridors . create connections to upland habitats . restore connections with adjacent watersheds . riparian restoration . redesign of dams to allow fish passage Best Management Practices Adoption of Best Management Practices by everyone in the watershed from individual landowners to corporate citizens to govemment agencies Monitoring Program It is recommended that a program to monitor key indicators within the Oshawa Creek watershed be established and undertaken. Watershed Management Plan Review Review of the Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan within a 1 O-year timeframe. Continued Public Support Public support is essential for long-term success, because every step of the process relies upon it. Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan Endorsement It is recommended that CLOCA seek the endorsement of the Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan from the Region of Durham, the City of Oshawa, the Municipality of Clarington, the Town of Whitby and the Township of Scugog. l~--:'::-' ~I .....--11 ~l l.:..:.:..-: F=~.i ~I ~~1: I' [:~~i 1-;-"::--- ='] I-f~. t.=-:;I P "=-j1 r~ tr='! 9 p ~ $ I ~ r=: ;d '~ ~ ~J] ~ 5 ~J :~~ ~ ~ ~ .. - .. ... , , ~ .. , .. ,j f .. 1 ... ~ j ... .. .. .. - .. .. .. :-:.j ... . :1 .. - - CI!1[h!gton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES - - Meeting: Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Monday, October 7, 2002 - Report #: PSD-101-02 File #: PLN 33.4.6 By-law #: - Subject: PORT GRANBY PROJECT COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE - RECOMMENDATIONS: - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-101-02 be received; 2. THAT the Terms of Reference for the Port Granby Project Community Advisory Committee, attached to this Report as Attachment 1, be approved; - 6. THAT the Clerk be directed to advertise for the positions on the Community Advisory Committee and report back to Council; THAT the Regional Councillor for Wards 3 and 4 be appointed as the Council representative on the Community Advisory Committee; THAT the Medical Officer of Health for Durham Region be requested to provide a representative on the Community Advisory Committee; and THAT a copy of this Report and Council's resolution be forwarded to the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office, Natural Resources Canada-Energy Resources Branch, and the Durham Region Medical Officer of Health. - 3. - 4. 5. - - - Submitted by: Reviewed by: d ~.....=. ~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer - avi . Crome, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P. Director, Planning Services - - JAC*DC*sh September 27, 2002 - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623- 3379 F (905)623-0830 - 629 REPORT NO.: PsD-101-02 PAGE 2 ,. 1.0 BACKGROUND .. 1.1 In June 2001, the Government of Canada and the Municipality of Clarington announced the signing of a legal agreement under which both parties agree to work towards developing a local solution to the secure long term storage and management of the low level radioactive waste currently stored at the Port Granby Waste Management Facility. The undertaking is known as the Port Granby Project (the Project) and the Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Office (LLRWMO) has been designated as the Proponent. ... ... ... ... 1 .2 The planning and implementation of the Project will take place over several years and is expected to proceed in three distinct stages: .. · the undertaking of the environmental assessment, Council approval of a preferred alternative for the Project, and approval of the preferred alternative by the responsible federal authorities; ... · the construction of the new waste management facility; .. maintenance and monitoring of the new facility by the federal government. ... 1.3 The Agreement commits both the Municipality and the Federal Government to work cooperatively in order to expedite the completion of the Project, and to consult and communicate regularly throughout the process until final decisions have been reached by the relevant authorities. In this regard, the Agreement provides the Municipality with the option of establishing a Community Advisory Committee (CAC), with the organization and mandate of the CAC to be decided by Council in consultation with the Federal Government. The Federal Government will provide funding to the Municipality to reimburse reasonable expenses related to the CAC. .. ... .. ... - 1.4 The purpose of this Report is to approve the Terms of Reference for the Port Granby Project Community Advisory Committee. The Terms of Reference as set out in Attachment No. 1 define the mandate, organization and administration of the CAC. .. .. .. 630 .. - - REPORT NO.: PsD-101-02 PAGE 3 2.0 COMMENTS _ 2.1 The Community Advisory Committee will assist the Proponent in helping residents understand the various issues related to the Port Granby Project, and will provide _ public input to Council on the planning and implementation of the Project. As such, it is important that the Committee membership be broad - based and _ balanced to ensure that its recommendations to Council reflect a wide range of perspectives from various interests across the Municipality. The groups identified in _ the Terms of Reference include area residents, as well as agriculture, education, environment, business and health. - - - - - ... - - - - - - - It is important to emphasize however, that the CAC will be an advisory committee to Council and not an oversight committee for the Project. The CAe will not make recommendations directly to the Federal Government, but rather will advise and make recommendations to Council on matters related to the Project. 2.2 The potential human health effect of the Project is as important issue and is expected to be of particular interest to the CAC. In this regard, a member should be appointed that possesses the knowledge necessary to understand and evaluate the public health implications of the Project. Therefore, it is suggested that the health community representative be recognized as a special appointee and not as a citizen member. The Durham Region Health Department possesses the appropriate expertise and has provided leadership in the field of the human health effects of nuclear facilities. Dr. Robert Kyle, the Medical Officer of Health for Durham Region, has agreed to provide a staff person to sit on the Committee, if requested by Council. 2.3 Staff will provide administrative, clerical and technical support to the Committee, as well as administer the Committee's budget. The consulting team retained by the Municipality to provide technical assistance for the Project will also be available to the CAC to assist in the review and understanding of technical matters. A member of the consulting team will also assist the Chair as a facilitator to manage committee dynamics. 631 REPORT NO.: PsD-101-02 PAGE 4 till 2.4 As is normal practice, the term of the Committee shall coincide with the term of Council. This will require the Committee to be re-appointed by the new Council in January 2004 to sit for a further three years to the end of 2006, at which time it is anticipated that that the environmental assessment and licensing phase of the Project will be at or close to completion. Council may wish to review the need for and the mandate of the Committee at that time. - .. till - 2.5 The Federal Government has agreed to compensate the Municipality for costs related to the CAC for the 2002 federal fiscal year (ending March 31, 2003), up to a maximum of approximately $50,000.00. Consultants account for the bulk of the estimated costs, with the balance covering administrative costs. Additional funding will be made available on an annual basis to the end of the Committee's mandate. till .. .. 2.6 Membership on the CAC will be voluntary and, as such, members will not receive an honorarium. This approach is consistent with that of other advisory committees established by Council (eg. Agricultural Advisory Committee, Traffic Advisory Committee), ... .. 3.0 CONCLUSION - 3.1 The creation of a Community Advisory Committee is important to developing and implementing a successful resolution to the low level radioactive waste management problem at the Port Granby site. The CAC will assist residents in understanding the various issues related to the Project, provide a venue for residents to participate in constructive debate and discussion, and assist Council in making decisions regarding the Project. .. .. .. .. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Terms of Reference - Port Granby Project Community Advisory Committee .. .. ... 632 .. .. REPORT NO.: PsD-101-02 PAGE 5 - Interested parties to be advised of Council and Committee's decision: - Mr. Robert Zelmer, Director Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Office - 1595 Telesat Court, Suite 700 Gloucester, ON K1 B 5R3 - Director General, Energy Resources Branch Natural Resources Canada - 580 Booth Street Ottawa, ON K1A OE4 - - Mr. Glenn Case, Director Port Hope Area Initiative Low Level Waste Management Office 5 Mill Street South Port Hope, ON L 1A 2S6 - - Dr. Robert Kyle Durham Region Health Department 1615 Dundas Street E. Suite 210 Whitby, ON L 1 N 2L 1 - - - - - - - - 633 - ATTACHMENT 1 Background - The Government of Canada and the Municipality of Clarington have entered into a legal agreement committing both parties to work towards developing a local solution for the .. secure long term storage and management of the low level radioactive waste currently stored at and associated with the Port Granby Waste Management Facility. This - process to establish a new waste management facility is known as the Port Granby Project (the Project). The Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Office is the .. Project Proponent (the Proponent). .. The purpose of the Project is to clean up and provide appropriate local, long term management of low level radioactive wastes and marginally contaminated soils currently located in Clarington that are associated with the existing Port Granby Waste Management Facility. The principai objective of the Project is to manage the wastes in a suitably constructed, environmentally safe, socially acceptable and appropriately controlled facility for at least 500 years. ... .. ... Under the Agreement, the Municipality and the federal government have agreed to work together and to develop and maintain excellent communications and professional working relationships throughout the life of the Port Granby Project in order to attain the highest level of success in the completion of the Project. Both parties also believe that meaningful involvement by residents, businesses and community leaders in the Port Granby Project is important. In order to facilitate effective communications with the public, the Proponent has established a comprehensive communications program and Council is establishing a Community Advisory Committee (CAC), as provided for by the Agreement. ... .. .. .. .. .. Committee Mandate The Community Advisory Committee shall assist the Proponent in communicating with the public about the Port Granby Project, and provide advice to Council on the Project .. 634 .. .. - that reflects the comments and concerns of Clarington residents. In performing this _ function, the CAC will be expected to represent the views of both present and future residents of the Municipality. The members of the Committee shall work cooperatively _ and in partnership with the Municipality and the Federal Government to achieve the purpose and objectives of the Project. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Scope of Activities The Community Advisory Committee, in fulfilling its mandate, shall review matters related to the Port Granby Project referred to the Committee by Council or the Government of Canada, including the Proponent: The Committee may be requested to: a) Assist the Proponent in communicating with the general public on the Project; b) Receive and review studies and reports regarding the Project. The Committee shall report regularly to Council with advice and recommendations on matters being considered by the Committee. Membership and Structure The Community Advisory Committee is a volunteer committee. It shall consist of 7 citizen members representing a variety of interests drawn from across the Municipality in order to provide a range of perspectives on the Port Granby Project. Council shall generally seek to appoint members from each of the following groups: . agricultural community (1 member) . area residents (3 members) . education (1 member) . environment (1 member) . industry and local business (1 member). One member of Council and the Durham Region Medical Officer of Health or his designate shall also be appointed to sit on the Committee. One member of Clarington staff shall sit on the Committee as a non-voting member. 635 - Given the projected life span of the Port Granby Project and the complex and potentially controversial nature of the issues to be addressed by the Committee, members must be willing to commit the time required to understand and evaluate the information provided, as well as be open-minded about listening to various opinions and perspectives on the Project. .. .. .. Openings for membership shall be publicly advertised and all residents of the Municipality are eligible to apply. Applicants will submit applications to the Municipality of Clarington Clerk's Department. Members will be formally appointed by Council. .. .. The Staff representative on the Committee shall sit as the interim chair. Once the Committee is operating in an acceptable manner, the Committee will select a Chair and Vice-Chair from among its membership. The Chair shall provide leadership to the Committee, ensure that the Committee carries out its mandate, and act as the primary liaison between the Committee and Staff, Council and the federal government. III .. .. Citizen members cannot send delegates or alternates to meetings. The Chair shall advise the Clerk of any member who is absent for three consecutive meetings without reason being given at least 24 hours prior to the meeting, and may request that the member be removed from the Committee. The Chair shall also advise the Clerk of the resignation of any member. Council shall appoint new members to the Committee to fill any vacancies as required. .. .. .. .. Technical Support Municipal Staff will provide clerical, administrative and technical assistance to the Committee, as well as act as liaison between the Committee and the municipal administration. A facilitator will assist the Chair in ensuring that the Committee is successful in achieving its mandate. The Municipality's consultants will be available to the Committee to assist the members in understanding the various technical issues related to the Project. .. .. .. .. .. 636 ... .. - - - - - - - - ... - - - - - - - - ... Term of the Committee The terms of the Committee shall coincide with the term of Council. At the end of the first phase of the Project (environmental assessment and licensing), Council may review the need for and the mandate of the Committee. Meetings Committee meetings shall be held in the Municipal Administrative Centre. The Committee shall generally meet a minimum of once per month; however, the Chair may schedule additional meetings or cancel meetings after consulting with the other members of the Committee. The Chair shall set the agenda for each meeting in consultation with Staff of the Municipality and the Proponent. A majority of the Committee membership (5) shall constitute a quorum. Decisions will be carried by a majority of the members present. At the first meeting of a calendar year, the Committee shall meet with Staff and representatives from the Government of Canada to discuss and plan the Committee's liaison work for the year. Reporting to Council The Committee shall report to Council as follows: . The recording secretary shall submit the minutes of all Committee meetings to the Municipal Clerk for inclusion in the Council agenda for information; . The Committee shall submit reports or make presentations to Council a minimum of twice per calendar year to provide Council with an update on the Committee's activities and to provide advice and recommendations on various matters related to the Project; . All recommendations from the Committee shall be submitted to the Clerk for inclusion in Council agenda for direction. 637 ", .. IlIllI .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - IIIilI .. .. "" - - CI!1[.-!l1gtnn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES - - Meeting: - Date: Report #: - - Subject: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Monday, October 7,2002 PSD-102-02 File #: ZBA 2002-020 By-law #: APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL '~OF PART LOT CONROL APPLICANT: 2001544 ONTARIO LIMITED (ROBINSON RIDGE PHASE 2) - RECOMMENDATIONS: - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. THAT Report PSD-102-02 be received; .. 2. THAT the request for removal of Part Lot Control with respect to Lots 106 t0109, 122 to 137, 141 to 148 and Blocks 149 to 156, on 40M-2113 be APPROVED and that the attached Part Lot Control By-law be PASSED pursuant to Section 50 (7.1) of the Planning Act; and ... 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report, any delegations and the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department be advised of Council's decision. ... - 'A ~ Reviewed by: . () [ .7 ~ tUt-1. Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer ... - L rDC*df 1 October 2002 - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623- 3379 F (905)623-0830 - 638 - REPORT NO.: PsD-102-02 PAGE 2 ... 1.0 APPLICATION DEl AILS 1.1 Applicant: 2001544 Ontario Limited 1.2 Location: Part Lot 35, Concession 1, former Township of Darlington (Attachment 1). lIIIii .. .. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Draft approved plan of subdivision 18T -89037 was given final approval and Phase 2 was registered on title as plan of subdivision 40M-2113 on October 1, 2002. This plan of subdivision consists of 28 lots for semi-detached dwellings (for a total of 56 units) and 38 townhouse units for which part lot control is required. lIIIii .. lIIII 2.2 On June 5, 2002, staff received a request from 2001544 Ontario Limited for the removal of Part Lot Control in respect of the appropriate lots and blocks on Plan 40M-2113. The removal of Part Lot Control will permit the sale of each unit, following the construction of the semi-detached and townhouse units. .. .. .. 3.0 STAFF COMMENTS 3.1 The removal of Part Lot Control facilitates the creation of semi-detached and townhouse lots as contemplated in the draft approved plan of subdivision. The Planning Act leaves it to the Municipality to determine an appropriate timeframe during which the by-law shall apply. Staff recommends that the by-law be in force for a period of three (3) years following Council approval, ending October 7, 2005. lIlIII .. ... .. 3.2 Attachment 3 is a Summary Table provided in accordance with the Region of Durham's requirements under the delegation of Part Lot Control. It details lots affected by the Part Lot Control By-law and the unit type and number to the Part Lot Control By-law. ... iii .. iii 639 .. ... REPORT NO.: PsD-102-02 PAGE 3 - 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Staff has no objections to the approval of a by-law exempting the subject lands - from Part Lot Control as provided for in the attached by-law (Attachment 2). - Attachments: - Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - By-law for Removal of Part Lot Control Attachment 3 - Unit Type and Number Summary Table - - List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: 20011544 Ontario Limited 1748 Baseline Road Courtice, ON L 1 E 2T1 - - Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department 4th Floor Lang Tower, P.O. Box 623, West Bldg. 1615 Du nd as Street East Whitby, ON L 1 N 6A3 - ... - - - - - - - 640 - I I- ::> o (f) o <C o a:::: w z --.J Z ~ o I- ~ "'L--- ~ L ,.- ~ I I \ PICKARD GATE v i E i ~ i e ~~ ~ 1..J!l .~ J J I J 1..J!l ia E i~ !:: J ~ - I ~;~ ~~;t~:t~it~& <t I 1 I- -. _ ; Iff I- -. ~ ~ ~::- ~IJ w~ -- "'_ ~=, p .s ::! .... 0 Ii: iE.~ '" Q ~- ~ _ CD P f{J .... - ...... b ,l:: · fr- ~ j ~ ~~: -- :" 'J;1 L g ~ e e ~ l1: l1: ~ l1: l1: ~ l .... 00;. ~ ~ / (~ ~ CD ...... ...... ...... ;j . =-- =oiaOl:::lc;lUl.....'" t~ ~~~ ~ 1/ J so, _~ 2~ -1' r-SOUTHFiELD ~ ~-_. ... - 1-139.L ~ e l iti~9 ili .. ./1 ~ ~ 81 8l MONTAGUE ~ ~ 8: 8: ~ Ie f;S 2! g I I AYLESWORTH STAPLES AVE ; r ~ ! .. z !e 0 (f) l L (f) J~ W U Z 0 U CD ...... '\ 81 ., a::: ~ Cl '\8 <.:> ~ z z '" '" z '" I.LJ ... l.L. ~~ ~jg iiie~ ~ ~ es J ~ ;~ \ i5i ill o~;:;\~;~~15aiiDl~lJ CORNISH DRIVE !..J!l I~ J 1~ \\ ~ ~ 8~eS98l8~~8~~ Courtice Key Map ~ , LOT 35 ... ~ L ~ a:: ~ ~ w a:: ll. Lots 106-109, 122-137,141-148 and Blocks 149-156 BLOOR STREET ZBA 2002-020 Part Lot Control ATTACHMENT 1 ... III lIfII lIfII ~ ie~ :Ji III - .. L.,,, --..., -'- ~ ~ ~.-, i ,.. .. ... .. ~ .. , ~ ~ / .. .. if---- - -.l .. Iii III .. .. Owner's Name: 2001544 Ontario Limited . 641 .. .. - - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY.LAW NUMBER 2002. - being a By-law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-2113 from Part Lot Control - - WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to exempt from Part Lot Control, Lots 106 to 109, 122 to 137. 141 to 148 and Blocks 149 to 156; - NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT. the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: - 1. That Subsection 5 of Section 50 of thl:l Planning Act shall not apply to those lands described in Paragraph 2 within the By-law. - 2. That this By-law shall come into effect upon being approved by the Municipality of Clarington and thereafter Subsection 5 of Section 50 shall cease to apply to the following lands: - - a) Lots 106 to 109, 122 to 137,141 to 148 and Blocks 149 to 156 on 40M- 2113. ... 3. Pursuant to Subsection 7.3 of Section 50 of the Planning Act, this By-law shall be in force for a period of three (3) years ending on October 7,2005. - - BY-LAW read a first time this 2002 day of BY-LAW read a second time this - day of 2002 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 2002 - - John Mutton, Mayor - - Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 642 - ATTACHMENT 2 PART LOT CONTROL EXEMPTION BY-LAW UNIT TYPE AND NUMBER SUMMARY TABLE Registered Plan: 40M-2113 Result of Part Lot Control Exemption on Unit Type and Number By-law: Lots/Blocks Affected Lot 106 Lot 107 Lot 108 Lot 109 Lot 122 Lot 123 Lot 124 Lot 125 Lot 126 Lot 127 Lot 128 Lot 129 Lot 130 Lot 131 Lot 132 Lot 133 Lot 134 Lot 135 Lot 136 Lot 137 Lot 141 Lot 142 Lot 143 Lot 144 Lot 145 Lot 146 Lot 147 Lot 148 Block 149 Block 150 Block 151 Block 152 Block 153 Block 154 Block 155 Slock 156 Total . UnIt Type (Number) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-petached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) SE:lmi"petachE:ld Dwelling (~) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Sernl~t5etachedDwejling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi"Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) SE:l.mFDetached Dwelling (2) Townhouse Units (5) Townhouse Units (4) Townhouse Units (4) Townhouse Units (5) Townhouse Units (5) Townhouse Units (5) Townhouse Units (4) i'6wrll)puseU nits (6) 94 Units 643 'R;~uits No Change No.Change No Change NQ..Q119nge No Change No Change No Change .. "'(.f",'-'xc': ".> . l'...b\;.nEinge No Change NQGhal1ge No Change t'J()Gh~nge No Change No Ghange No Change No qhange No Change No Ch9nge No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change No qhange No Change No Change No Change t'J() Change No Change No Change ATTACHMENT 3 ., ... .. ... ... .. .. .. .. ... ... ... ... .. .. .. II .. ... .. tJl~mgton REPORT - PLANNING SERVICES - Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE - Date: Monday, October 7,2002 - Report #: PSD-103-02 File #: ZBA-2002-030 By-law #: - Subject: APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF PART LOT CONTROL APPLICANT: VELTRI AND SON LIMITED - RECOMMENDA TIONs: _ It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. THAT Report PSD-103-02 be received; 2. THAT the request for removal of Part Lot Control with respect to Lots 1 to 5, and 12 to 28, on 40M-2107 be APPROVED and that the attached Part Lot Control By-law be PASSED pursuant to Section 50 (7.1) of the Planning Act; and - ... 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report, any delegation and the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department be advised of Council's decision. - - Submitted by: David . Crome, MCIP, R.P.P. Director of Planning Services Reviewed byeJ- ~-=--~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer - - L T*DC*sn September 24, 2002 - - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-0830 - f)44 .J REPORT NO.: PsD-103-02 PAGE 2 J APPLICATION DETAILS 1.0 1.1 1.2 Applicant: Location: Veltri and Sons Limited Part Lot 10, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville (Attachment 1) .. .. 2.0 BACKGROUND .. 2.1 Draft approved plan of subdivision S-C 2001-001 was given final approval and registered on title as plan of subdivision 40M-2107 on August 20, 2002. This plan of subdivision consists of 22 lots for semi-detached dwellings (for a total of 44 units) and 6 lots for single detached dwellings. III .. 2.2 On September 24, 2002 staff received a request from Veltri and Son Limited for the removal of Part Lot Control in respect of Lots 1 to 5 and 12 to 28 on Plan 40M-2107. The removal of Part Lot Control will permit the sale of each unit, following the construction of the semi-detached dwellings. .. iii 3.0 STAFF COMMENTS .. 3.1 The removal of Part Lot Control facilitates the creation of semi-detached lots as contemplated in the draft approval of the plan of subdivision. The Planning Act leaves it to the Municipality to determine an appropriate timeframe during which the by-law shall apply. Staff recommends that the by-law be in force for a period of three (3) years following Council approval, ending October 7, 2005. 3.2 Attachment 3 is a Summary Table provided in accordance with the Region of Durham's requirements under the delegation of Part Lot Control. It details lots affected by the Part Lot Control By-law and the unit type and number to the Part Lot Control By-law. IIIIll ... .. ... IIIIi 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Staff has no objection to the approval of a by-law exempting the subject lands from Part Lot Control as provided for in the attached by-law (Attachment 2). .. ..~ III .. 645 .. .. REPORT NO.: PsD-103-02 PAGE 3 ... - Attachments: - Attachment 1- Key Map Attachment 2 - By-law for Removal of Part Lot Control Attachment 3 - Unit Type and Number Summary Table - Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: - Veltri and Son Limited 68 King Street East BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L 1 C 3X2 - - Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department, 4th Floor Lang Tower, P.O. Box 623, W. Building 1615 Dundas Street East Whitby, Ontario L 1 N 6A3 - - - - - - - - - - 646 - I 20.0 I I I I I " I ~ I .... \=>\".... I - \ · a:: ---~ -- ---- - - -- -- ----- WARCHWOOD I Cl aM~A R C H WOOD eRE seE N T ~ 9RESCENT k\~~ T~4-4.-,~ -Pl~.N--:.OR- -~~'-~ 5 8 I ..... I - L~\ LO 27 -zu- co I ~ 1 ; ; i r::: I 4.1 ~ I c. (. ~ A N ~ ' N G ' PAN lI: ~ -.J L>~ I a:: 1 PAR )p ANi 40R - 77 0 ~ 1....1 i / I I 23 22( 21 20 19 1 20.0 I I ... I ~,,~ \ ". If:"""'" -- ~ \ - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :- .pUDEAU ~ ,. ,_ ~~~! ~.!!!l. ~ A U 0 3 ~ '!.- E :. lliDRIVE % """"- v ---... II:~T ~ ,+ 1ft I LOT 50 "1 co 'ot It") - ~a: 0 I-'Ot a: <(2: Q<( - -J Q I PROPOSED PRIVATE STORW I I SEWER EASEIolENT "iJ.Om WIDEll ,.. Ii llW'..o't' 55." 6 ;!O.. ;; ....... \7 ~ ; ,. r- ..,..- \.. -h.-- - ~i->"~ I - ~ ti: I 8 ~ ~ a: ....0 H 71'Oroo-r L 1 d -; ~]i ,. H~ ~, ... .'-- ,&i',.; ; _~5 ~ ~; 9 -- - · ""'m ,.. cr PT. 3 -.0 Ii 12'D5'OO"[ ,.... - -- - ,. llJl ~~ 10 B L 0 C K ~ N ~~,,:;ooT ~1I ~!' ~ 11 . H7I"4JJO ... ~t! ~~ i Nn'tf.J'JO " 3. PLAN lOR - ~ ,. ~~ i . M"" .. ATT ACHMENT 1 j ~ L5 ~,. Q a: ~ -.J Q "I;: ~ ;l 't'u.4JO 1I('5(Jf'E II ... LOT 49 LOT 48 LOT 4 LOT 4 LOT 4 P L 1\ N 1 0 ~ - E o 0 --..-- 0 .. " B L 0 C 7 5 ~ .. ~ ~ i lI: L> o -J !Xl .. ~ o '!! 1 2 3 5 ,., , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 .. ... .. .. 2: <( ....J Q .. , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ... ~ - , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 B I'- 0 (K 10", - 15 16 ~~3 18 ll~ "'.. "Ii ~ PLAN 14 - ~ "'. - ~ a Ii 7f''''' ,0- r '~7." 3.0m Walkway..J BLOCK 29 .. .. ZBA 2002-030 Part Lot Control Lots 1 to 5 and 12 to 28 incl. Plan 40M-2107 .. . Owner: Veltri and Son Limited .. . 647 .. -, ATTACHMENT 2 - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON - BY-LAW NO. 2002- - being a by-law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-21 07 from Part Lot Control - - WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to exempt from Part Lot Control, Lots 1 to 5 and 12 to 28 on 40M-21 07, registered at the Land Title Division of Whitby. - - ',' NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. That Subsection 5 of Section 50 of the Planning Act shall not apply to those lands described in Paragraph 2 within the By-law. - 2. That this By-law shall come into effect upon being approved by the Municipality of Clarington and thereafter Subsection 5 of Section 50 shall cease to apply to the following lands: a) Lots 1 to 5 and 12 to 28 on 40M-21 07 3. Pursuant to Subsection 7.3 of Section 50 of the Planning Act. this By-law shall be force for a period of three (3) years ending on October 7. 2005. ... - ... BY-LAW read a first time this day of 2002 ... BY-LAW read a second time this day of 2002 - BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 2002 - ,- John Mutton, Mayor - - Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 648 - ATTACHMENT 3 ... .. PART LOT CONTROL EXEMPTION BY-LAW UNIT TYPE AND NUMBER SUMMARY TABLE .. ... Registered Plan: 40M-2107 By-law: .. Result of Part Lot Control Exemption on Unit Type and Number .. Lot 1 Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) No Change Lot 3 Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) No Change Lot 5 Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) No Change Lot 13 Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) No Change Lot 1 5 Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) No Change Lot 1 7 Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) No Change Lot 19 Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) No Change Lot 21 Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) No Change Lot 23 Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) No Change Lot 25 Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) No Change Lot 27 Semi-Detached Dwelling (2) No Change Total 44 Units No Change .. .. .. .. .. .. - .... .. iii .. ... tS49 .. t: .. ( ~ II. q![#!glon REPORT l.. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT I' ... Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE .... Date: October 07, 2002 Resolution #: Report #: CSD-13-02 File #: By-law #: .. ... Subject: Recreational Swimming - Summer Heat Conditions .... Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: II. 1. THAT Report CSD-13-02 be received. .. l.. , ~ ~ ... Submitted by: J ! e h P. Caruana rector of Community Services Reviewed by;J ~-=.. ~ nklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer ~ .. JPC/BRT* Last Revision Date: September 27, 2002 .. ... ~ rr\\)' ,n 1 1\ VI:..t ~ ... REPORT NO.: CsD-13-02 PAGE 2 j J .J J J j J J J j .J 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 During the summer months, we experienced severe heat conditions where the temperature exceeded 30 degrees Celsius; and high humidity in excess of 40 degrees Celsius. 1.2 In an effort to offer relief from the heat to the residents, the Municipality offered free swimming during regular recreational swimming periods when the temperature would rise above 30 degrees Celsius. In addition, when we experienced these conditions the pool recreational swimming hours were extended to 9:00 p.m. 1.3 These actions by the Municipality were very well received by the general public. Accordingly, the Community Services Department has adopted the following procedure for future summer seasons when the temperature and or humidity reach these levels. 2.0 COMMENTS 2.1 The following procedure is adhered to in order to open various Municipal Pools to the public in the event of severe summer heat conditions as described. (See attachment #1) 2.2 These procedures are limited to the summer months only, between July 1 and Labour Day. During this time period, summer staff resources are sufficient to schedule the additional required hours. (Staff resources outside of this period are limited as most of the staff are students and their availability cannot be confirmed until late in the day. Additional hours are limited by educational commitments.) 1002 t J J j J J J J J CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-6506 l l .. i.. l.. .. il. ~ .. il. l.. .. .. l; ... ... ... I.. ... .... ... Attachment #1 to Report CSD-13-02 1. PURPOSE To provide for procedures related to opening various Municipal Aquatics Facilities (pools) to the public between July 1 and Labour Day, in the event of severe summer heat conditions. 2. DEFINITION Summer heat conditions include any weather condition such as extreme heat where the temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius; and/or the Humidex reaches 40 degrees Celsius or higher. 3. DECISION TO INVOKE PROCEDURE Should the weather conditions warrant, the decision to invoke the procedure shall be made by the by the Director of Community Services or designate. 4. OPENING OF AQUATICS FACILITIES (POOLS) (a) The Director of Community Services may open the Municipal Aquatics Facilities (pools) as a result of extreme heat conditions. (b) Summer heat conditions would occur when either of the above weather conditions exists prior to 2:00 p.m. (c) Both temperature and humidex conditions may be confirmed by Environment Canada through their web site (http://weatheroffice.ec.ac.ca) or The Weather Network (http://theweathernetwork.com) for either the Cobourg or Markham-Buttonville stations. (d) Notwithstanding Health Protection & Promotion Act for the operation of public pools, aquatics facilities will be open to the public free of charge during all time periods not normally reserved for scheduled swimming programs/classes. All swims will be public swims (adults & children) during the severe heat conditions and the hours of operation will be extended to 9:00 p.m. (e) The Communications & Tourism Division of the Corporate Services Department will provide public notice of Summer Heat Conditions through local radio stations (Energy FM 94.9 and AM 1350 at (905) 571-0949 - Fax (905) 571-1150 and KX96 at (905) 428-9600 - Fax (905) 686-2446. 5. WEEKENDS & STATUTORY HOLIDAYS If necessary, on weekends and statutory holidays the Aquatics Coordinator will consult with the Director of Community Services or designate regarding the decision to invoke the Summer Heat Conditions policy and will contact the radio stations as required. lOD3 j j J J J j J J J J j j J j J J J J J .. ! .. CJl1!:!ngfDn REPORT ... COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT .. Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee .. Date: October 07, 2002 Resolution #: .. Report #: CSD-14-02 File #: By-law #: .. Subject: SUMMER DAY CAMP PROGRAM 2002 , .. Recommendations: i. It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: ... 1. THAT Report No. CSD-14-02 be received for information: l.. .. .. .. Submitted by: Jo h P. Caruana Di ctor of Community Services r) ~~~ Reviewed b~ . Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer ... I ~ JPC/BT/SC ... ... 1004 ( ... REPORT NO. CsD-14-02 PAGE 2 j J J j j J J J J j .J J J J J J J J J 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 For the past number of years, the Community Services Department has provided a Summer Day Camp program for our residents. Previously the program was offered at Courtice Community Complex, Rickard Recreation Complex and in 2001 was introduced at the Newcastle Arena. This year the program was expanded to include a camp at the Orono Town Hall, a mobile Day Camp which was scheduled at four locations, a Skateboard Camp at various locations and a one week Drama Camp at Rickard Recreation Complex. . 1.2 The Summer Day Camp program is advertised in the Community Activity Guide and local newspapers. Banners were erected at Haydon Community Hall, Kendall C.C., Darlington Arena, Newcastle Arena and Orono Pool. Flyers were distributed to all elementary aged students through the Public and Catholic School boards, mailed to all of last years' registrants and also distributed door to door in certain areas. In addition, staff promoted the program at community events such as the Orono Tractor Pull, Tyrone Spirit Day, Kendall Spirit Day and community meetings. Registration for the camps began upon receipt of the activity guide and continued throughout the spring and summer. 2.0 SUMMER DAY CAMP 2.1 Twenty-eight students were employed in Day Camps this summer as Supervisors and Counsellors. All staff was required to be certified in First Aid and CPR. In addition they received training in leadership development, team building, child abuse, program planning, behaviour management and administrative responsibilities among other things. Staff meetings were also held weekly throughout the summer to review issues and update staff. The staff was very dedicated and committed to children and brought a wide range of knowledge, excitement and experiences to the program. 2.2 The Courtice Complex location utilized the multi-purpose room, pool, tot pool, library and outside green space. At the Rickard Recreation complex the areas used were the multi-purpose rooms, arena floor space, ice surface, ball diamonds and green space. The Newcastle day camp worked around the ongoing construction and utilized the arena floor and the green space around the arena. Staff also accessed the Newcastle Public Library and the Newcastle Lions Pool as part of their program. The Orono day camp had excellent facilities at the Orono Town Hall and the nearby Orono Park. 2.3 Participants were able to register for weekly sessions with a total of eight weeks of programming available at the Courtice, Rickard, Newcastle, Orono and Mobile Day Camps. The Drama Camp was offered in week nine only at Rickard Recreation Complex. Despite of the increased promotional campaign and the new programs, registration did not meet last year's totals. Registration was down 1005 \ ~ REPORT NO. CsD-14-02 PAGE 3 .. , .. 2.4 .. , 2.5 ... ... .. ... .. 2.6 .. I, i.. 2.7 .. ( .. .. 3.0 l... 3.1 l... ... ... .. at the established locations while the new site at Orono and the mobile camp had disappointing numbers. In order to accommodate working parents, our extended hours service was provided again this year. Early drop off started at 7:30 a.m. and pick up ran as late as 5:30 p.m. We had 352 children in our extended care program throughout the summer. The campers were divided into groups each week based on that weeks registration. This allowed us to make better use of staff and to align the groups more appropriately based on the campers' age and maturity level. The weekly program revolved around a central theme with daily activities and special events catering to the theme. Themes included "Outdoor Extravaganza, Sports of Every Sort, Time Warp, Animal Planet, 'Lights, Camera, Action', Crazy Careers, Up in the Sky, and lastly, Friendship and Memories. Some of the more memorable special events included a Camp Carnival, a Crazy Careers Day which involved representatives from the police, fire, paramedics, block parents and the health department and a Mini Olympics. The Up in the Sky special event included a demonstration on kite making by an expert followed by the opportunity for all campers to make and fly their own kites. This summer, participants were offered several trips during the camp that were tied into the theme of the week for the program. A conscious effort was made to focus the trips on local attractions and minimize travel time. Trips included the Bowmanville Zoo, Doc Ville, Cullen Gardens and North End Bowl as well as trips to the local pools and skating. The annual end of summer "Day Camp Reunion" was hosted for all participants and their families at Rickard Recreation Complex on the evening of August 22. Staff treated guests to a barbeque, games, skits and songs. Despite the threat of rain, spirits were high and many children and their families enjoyed the numerous activities. Many thanks go to our community partners who contributed to the success of this event including Tim's Rentals, M&M Meats, McDonalds Restaurants, Durham Regional Police and the Clarington Emergency Services Department. NEW INITIATIVES In an effort to boast enrolment at the Orono Camp and to provide a camp experience to young campers impacted by the labour dispute in the City of Toronto, a program was developed to transport participants from the city to the Orono camp. Campers were picked up each morning at a Scarborough location and returned there in afternoon. We were able to offer this program without incurring any added expense and while only two campers registered, we did receive favourable publicity in the press and very positive feedback from the participants. 1006 REPORT NO. CsD-14-02 PAGE 4 3.2 The mobile day camp was a new concept that was offered this year in an effort to take the program to some of the smaller outlying communities. As it was acknowledged that these communities could not sustain an eight-week program due to their smaller catchments, the program rotated between Darlington Sports Centre, Kendall Community Centre, Tyrone Community Hall, and Haydon Community Hall in one-week cycles. In spite of our best efforts this program did not attract the local communities and will be reviewed for next year. 3.3 The Skateboard Camp was added this year to provide an opportunity for skateboard enthusiasts to hone their skills and learn safe, respectful skateboarding. The camp took advantage of a traditionally slow time period for the mobile skateboard staff, mornings from 9:00am to noon, providing fifteen hours of instruction each week. Camp locations included the Clarington Fitness Centre, Courtice Community Centre, Newcastle Lions Pool, Orono Fair Grounds, and Darlington Arena. This program was extremely successful, selling out each week including an extra ninth week which was added to meet demand. 3.4 The Drama Camp was a one-week program offered in partnership with The Drama Club. Campers received training in acting, voice projection, character development, singing and dancing. The highlight was the production staged at the end of the week in which the campers had the opportunity to showcase their newfound talents. This popular program also sold out. A fall program will be offered on Saturday mornings starting October 5TH. Totals 2002 2001 107 128 159 192 173 184 146 177 139 188 116 165 196 180 151 173 50 90 40 1237 1387 Jul 2-5 Jul 8-12 Jul 15-19 Jul 22-26 Jul Au Au Au Au Totals 373 523 539 675 144 189 20 31 1007 J j j J J j J J J j J J J J J J J J J L ~- .. ! 4.0 i. t .. ~ ... ... ... I.. ... I.. , L. .. L. r .. IliIIII l.. - ... ... REPORT NO. CsD-14-02 PAGE 5 CONCLUSION 4.1 The Community Services Department is committed to providing the residents of the Municipality of Clarington a safe and innovative program during the summer. While the new camp locations at Orono and the Mobile program did not achieve target registrations they did reach out to underserved communities and will provide a foundation for future potential programs. The Skateboard and Drama camps proved to be very successful, exceeding registration targets, and may indicate the community is ready for more specialty programs to augment our traditional camp program. Staff are currently reviewing the 2002 Summer Day Camp program and will strive to develop the appropriate program to meet the varied needs of our community. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 F (905) 623-5506 ~008 J j j .J J J J J J J J J J J .J J J J J l. , .. ; i .. till ... .. till l. F ... .. ; ... I i .. , ... ; .. till ... - - .. Cl!Jlfflgton REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: October 7, 2002 Resolution #: Report #: CSD-15-02 File #: By-law #: Subject: VOLUNTEER SCREENING INITIATIVES Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. CSD-15-02 be received for information: Reviewed bY:O v~~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer e h P. Caruana irector of Community Services JPC/BT/SC '1 '~n'7:'i i C'l : lu\i./'7 REPORT NO. CsD-15-02 PAGE 2 .J J J J J j J J J J j J J J J J J J J 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Every year in Ontario more than 2.3 million people deliver programs and services that contribute positively to the quality of life in communities throughout the province. In the community recreation sector alone more than 60,000 volunteers assist in coaching and administering sports, physical activities, and cultural programs. 1.2 In 1999, the Government of Ontario introduced The Ontario Screening Initiative in an effort to introduce risk assessment, recruitment and volunteer management methods designed to screen out potential abusers from the community volunteer environment and keep program participants safe. 2.0 COMMENT 2.1 The Ontario Screening Initiative has two programs, which are promoted by Parks and Recreation Ontario and Volunteer Canada titled Ontario Screening Initiative - Safe Steps; and, Ontario Screening Initiative - Lessons Learned. 2.2 Safe Steps is a half-day session designed for paid and/or volunteer members of community associations or Community Services/Recreation Departments that work with children, youth or older adults. The workshop is an orientation to volunteer screening including its purpose, why it's important, and the ten steps to . building an effective volunteer screening process. 2.3 Lessons Learned is a full day session, which brings together municipal staff and local community partners to develop a coordinated screening process for their community. The workshop builds on the experiences of 6 other municipalities that have previously experienced the process of exploring how best to introduce screening into their communities. 2.4 The Community Services Department will be hosting a Safe Steps Workshop on October 30, 2002 at 6:30 p.m. at Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex. Community groups and associations will be invited to participate in this worthwhile session. The Safe Steps session is considered the first step in implementing a community screening process for these groups and associations. 2.5 It is essential that all community groups be aware this initiative involves significantly more to volunteer screening than a police criminal check; and that community volunteers and coaches have skills to offer the youth of our community. 1 0 1 0 i, ill REPORT NO. CsD-15-02 PAGE 3 l.. 3.0 SUMMARY 1.. 3.1 The Community Services Department will continue to monitor this program and assist community groups through the implementation of the Ontario Screening Initiative. II. 3.2 i. 3.3 ... ... ... ~ ... ... ... .. lit .. .. In addition, the Department is investigating the screening process as it applies to departmental program staff, who work directly with youth. Staff will prepare a future report advising on the results of the Safe Steps Workshop as well as the Screening process for departmental program staff. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON i. 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 F (905) 623-5506 ... .. , ... 1 0 1 1 J J J J J J J J J J J j .J J J J J J J ... \ f ~ l.. It.. ... .. It.. i .... lilt I ~ .. ... II. .. .. ... - , - .. l.. Cl~mgron REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE I Date: October 7, 2002 Resolution #: Report #: CSD-16-02 File #: By-law #: Subject: Introduction of Eazy-Reg Online Computerized Registration Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CSD-16-02 be received; Submitted 6 . J. h. Caruana . irector of Community Services Reviewed bQ ~~ ~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer / JPC/BRT/E Last Revision Date: September 27, 2002 1 01 2 REPORT NO.: CsD-16-02 PAGE 2 J j j j J J J .J J j J J J J J J J J J 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Through the 2002 Current Budget process, the Community Services Department introduced E-Connect, a computerized on-line registration program as part of the Municipality's e-Government initiative. 1.2 E-Connect is an enhancement to the existing "EazyReg" registration service. 1.3 On-line registration will enhance customer service and improve communications and registration opportunities for residents of the Municipality. The Community Services Department will implement this service for the Winter 2003 program registration session. Clarington's on-line registration will be the first in Durham Region. 1.4 Computerized online registration allows clients to access program information via the web; and, to register for programs from their home or office. This new service builds on the foundation of the first Program Registration module from the CLASS suite of recreation software first introduced in the summer of 1999. 1.5 "EazyReg" computerized online registration is an advanced and highly flexible online registration and secure on-line credit card payment system that offers our customers access to electronically register and pay for programs 7 days a week from the comfort of their own home or office during the registration period using a personal computer. The key benefit to the customer is speed, convenience, and flexibility. 1.6 Some of the benefits of Online Registration are: . Convenient and equal access to programs for the community . Increased access to eligible programs . Enhances customer service through speed, convenience and flexibility . Reduces registration operating costs . Raises municipal and community profiles . Improves communications with residents . Assists in attracting and retaining customers . Instant registration for customer without having to wait in long lines . Boosts revenue by providing the customer with additional opportunities and flexibility to access classes 1.7 The greatest benefit derived from self-service on-line registration is the processing of a high volume of transactions that save staff time and allow them to perform a "higher" level of service for their customers. "EazyReg" Online Registration will help to attract new customers, retain existing customers and raise the municipality's profile in the community. 1 0 1 3 ~ ... ... \ ... l - l.. i i. \ ... '- ... ~ J ~ I. ( ... f ~ .. l' ... I ... ... ... REPORT NO.: CsD-16-02 PAGE 3 1.8 Public access to program registration gives the Community Services Department the tools required to face today's challenges in meeting the needs of the community, maximizing existing facilities and establishing future community recreation trends. 2.0 "EAZYREG" ONLINE REGISTRATION PROCESS 2.1 The EazyReg Online Registration component will allow clients to log onto the Municipality's existing web site (www.municioalitv.c1arinQton.on.ca) and link to "EazyReg" in order to check program schedule and availability. The client may also search the database using the course barcodes found in the most recent copy of the Community Guide. 2.2 As with EazyReg Touch Tone Telephone Registration, clients will be prompted to enter their family account number and personal client barcode as well as a valid Visa or MasterCard number with expiry date to process their registration. A confirmation receipt will be mailed to their mailing address within five (5) business days. 2.3 EazyReg Online Registration is run from a secure server, which offers secure credit card and registration information to clients. (It is highly recommended that clients use Internet Explorer 5.0 or Netscape 7.0 or higher with new security and encryption features.) These programs are both readily available at no charge on the Internet. 3.0 MARKETING & PROMOTION 3.1 On-line registration information packages will be available to clients at various Municipal Facilities, which will include: . Instructions on how to use online registration . Contact information . Credit Card policy 3.2 Customer sign-up forms for new customers, along with promotional material will continue to be located at every "walk-up" counter in all municipal recreational facilities and at the MAC Customer Service Desk. 3.3 Posters will be distributed to all facilities, libraries, elementary & high schools, senior's centers, and post offices (where permitted). Two weeks prior to the full launch, a series of ads will run in the Clarington page of the local newspaper as well as radio spots on local radio stations. Press releases will also be distributed. 1 0 1 4 REPORT NO.: CsD-16-02 PAGE 4 ] J j j .J j J J J j J j j j J J J J J 3.4 All information, instructions and printable registration forms will be included on the Municipal Web Page. At the Town Hall, displays will be set up and information can be included on the electronic message board. 4.0 TESTING 4.1 An internal test will be performed by having a number of staff members "experiment" by logging on and trying out the system. This test group will be helpful for feedback in gauging the clarity of the instructions. 4.2 Once all of the internal feedback is received, a subsequent direct mailing will be sent to a target group of existing clients inviting them to log on and "test" the system. Feedback from this group will be recorded to determine the ease of the registration process. Feedback will be assessed and adjustments will be made were required. 5.0 COMMENT 5.1 The Community Services Department is committed to providing quality programs and services to the community. EazyReg Online Registration will provide our customers with an easy and convenient option to use when registering for recreational programs. 5.2 The current EazyReg Touch Tone Telephone Registration Program currently processes approximately 60% of all registrations. 5.3 Members of the public who do not have access to Touch Tone Registration or a personal computer will still be able to register in person at Clarington Fitness Centre, Courtice Community Complex and Rickard Recreation Complex during their respective operational hours. (Residents will also be able to register at the Municipal Administration Centre when the Community Services Department moves back to the MAC.) CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-6506 1 0 1 5 ~ ~ ClfJIilJgton REPORT CLERK'S DEPARTMENT ~ Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE ~ Date: October 7, 2002 Report #: CLD-38-02 File #: By-law #: l.. Subject: PARKING REPORT FOR AUGUST 2002 .. RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ l il. It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CLD-38-02 be received; and i.. 2. THAT a copy of Report CLD-38-02 be forwarded to the Bowmanville Business Centre for their information. i.. t L. I. Submitted by /'.:... f) () ~_) l~~ ~. Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer ~ l ... PLB*LC*ct .. .. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 1 1 0 1 il. REPORT NO.: CLD-38-02.doc PAGE2of2 BACKGROUND The following pertinent statistical information relates to Parking Enforcement activities for the month of August 2002 and is provided herein for the information of Committee and Council. Attachment 1 Parking Report For The Month Of August 2002 , , 02 J J J j j J J J J J J J .J .J J J J J J .. , i.. PARKING REPORT AUGUST 2002 ATTACHMENT #1 III. TICKETS ISSUED AUGUST YEAR TO DA TE YEAR TO DA TE YEAR TO DA TE 2002 2002 2001 2000 P.E. Officers 373 3653 4423 5030 Police 3 45 187 257 Public Works 0 0 25 42 Group Four 38 173 52 124 Fire Services 0 2 0 0 TOTAL ISSUED ...... 1< .414. 38'13 4687 5453 ... ........ > ...... REVENUE Meters $7,355.00 $41,771.50 $51,283.50 $43,162.00 Permits 161.00 2,449.50 2,075.50 123.05 Fines 5,629.00 39,192.00 46,182.00 61,487.00 MTO Chargeback ($990.00) (7,788.00) (3,671.25) (5,626.50) TOTAL REVENUE $...12,155.00...... h $75;625.00. $95,869.75 $9.9,14.5.:55 1ST APPEARANCES Total Conducted 6 92 N/A N/A # Tickets Cancelled 11 84 N/A N/A # Tickets Upheld 0 16 N/A N/A # Requests for Trial 0 9 N/A N/A # Tickets Disputed 11 109 NIA NIA L iI. ~ ~. .~ l.. .. l I.. L. iI. I' ... .. ... ... *NOTE: Current revenue (fine) amount accurately reflects the revenue for the months of June and July 2002 L i.. ... 11 03 J j j j j j J J J j j j J J J J J J J ~ ~ Clwillgton 1 ... I. II. ! ... , L. w ~ I ~ l ~ i i. L. L , I ... L ... ... ... REPORT CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: OCTOBER 7, 2002 Report #: CLD-40-02- File #: By-law #: Subject: ANIMAL SERVICES MONTHLY REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 2002 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1) 2) THAT Report CLD-40-02 be received for information; and THAT a copy of Report CLD-40-02 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee. Uf'~~ ~ Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer MPKS*PLB*dm CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 .. 1 1 0 4 REPORT NO.:CLD~:P:!-02 PAGE 2 of3 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT For the information of Council, the tables attached to Report CLD-40-02 summarizes the activities and revenues pertaining to Animal Services for the month of August, 2002. Attachment #1 Animal Services Monthly Report Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Animal Alliance of Canada 221 Broadview Avenue Suite 101 Toronto, Ontario M4M 2G3 Animal Advisory Committee 1 1 05 J j J j j J J .J J J J J J J J J J J J .. I i ~ REPORT NO.:CLD-10 -02 PAGE 3 of3 ... CLERKS DEPARTMENT ANIMAL SERVICES DIVISION ATTACHMENT NO.1 TO REPORT NO. CLD- 40 -02 ~ ANIMAL SERVICES MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST 2002 t ... A. ACTIVITIES THIS MONTH YR. TO DATE 2002 YR. TO DATE 2001 PICKED UP - WILDLIFE 20 99 121 DOGS CATS DOGS CATS DOGS CATS PICKED UP 26 7 156 70 154 112 BROUGHT IN 10 34 92 203 125 153 RETRIEVED BY OWNERS 26 2 155 9 133 14 SOLD TO RESIDENTS 8 24 87 176 120 157 SOLD TO RESEARCH 0 0 0 0 0 0 EUTHANISED 2 9 2 37 6 21 DEAD ON ARRIVAL 0 6 4 51 20 73 I QUARANTINE 0 1 1 8 10 4 WRITTEN WARNINGS 31 195 190 P.O.A. TICKETS 9 41 72 CONVICTIONS 6 20 26 CALL-OUTS AFTER HOURS 7 33 37 OVER TIME HOURS 23 I 119.5 I 114 . .,........"UES DOGS & CATS RELEASED 45.00 30.00 675.00 300.00 450.00 195.00 LICENSES 6406.00 1817.00 34304.00 8311.00 29645.00 5731.00 SOLD TO RESEARCH 0 0 0 0 0 0 SOLD TO RESIDENTS 600.00 855.00 5475.00 7335.00 7425.00 6165.00 DOGS REDEEMED 1200.00 40.00 6933.00 160.00 6134.00 110.00 SUB TOTAL 8251.00 2742.00 47387.00 16106.00 43654.00 12201.00 ~ t w. II. ... L i ... f .. t ~ , I .. I.. ~ L ill. TRAP REVENUE 72.00 381.00 549.00 TOTAL REVENUE 11065.00 63874.00 56404.00 EUTHANISED: 5 FERAL CATS, 3 SICK CATS, 1 INJURED CAT, 2 DOGS DISPOSITION PROBLEMS I... 1 1 06 .. ] J J J J J j J j J j J j J j J J J J L L L L L L l L L L L L L l , L. L L L L ~n REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 7, 2002 Report #: COD-45-02 File # By-law # Subject: RFP 2002-8, BROOKHILL NEIGHBOURHOOD SUBWATERSHED STUDY Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-45-02 be received; 2. THAT Aquafor Beech Limited, Brampton, Ontario with a total bid in the amount of $90,950.00 (including GST and disbursements), being the lowest most responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Request for Proposal RFP 2002-8, be awarded the contract for the consulting services for the Brookhill Neighbourhood Subwatershed Study, as required by the Planning Services Department; 3. THAT the total funds required be drawn from account #2015-00028-0000; and 4. THAT the attached By-law, marked Schedule "B" authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the agreement be approved; FORTHWITH. ENT Reviewed by: o ~ -= ~"'l.. Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Submitted by: MM\DC\LM\LAB\lm 1 201 , . REPORT NO.: COD-4S-Q2 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT A Request for Proposal was issued with twelve (12) firms being invited to submit on providing Consulting Services for the Brookhill Neighbourhood Subwatershed Study. Subsequently, six (6) proposals were submitted and tabulated as per Schedule "A" attached. A committee comprised of representatives from Planning Services, Engineering Services, Purchasing, and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, reviewed each of the submissions. As stipulated in the proposal documents, proponents were evaluated based on the following criteria: .. Previous subwatershed study experience · Consultants ability and capacity to perform work · Time line suitability · ApproaCh to methodology of project · Key personnel · Ability to communicate · Working knowledge in Clarington/Region of Durham · Overall impression · Proposed fees and hourly rates · Financial status. As per the Request for Proposal document, the consultant selection would be made on the basis of written proposals and a potential interview. Based on the above evaluation criteria, the committee unanimously agreed on one (1) proponent, Aquafor Beech Limited, Brampton, Ontario. Their overall evaluation provided scoring which clearly illustrated their unparalleled ability to fulfill all requirements as outlined in the proposal document. Furthermore, Aquafor Beech Limited is prequalified as a Consultant on the Environmental Impact Study Roster for the Planning Services Department, for conducting Environmental Impact Studies. Although they are on the roster, these considerations were not taken into any bearing in the evaluation of the proposals. 1202 J J I .I J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J L l L L L L L L l L L L l L L L L L L REPORT NO.: COD-4S-Q2 PAGE 3 Consequently, due to the above rationale, the evaluation committee strongly believes they have justified that the interview process was not required. After further review of the bids by the committee, it was mutually agreed that the bid from Aquafor Beech Limited, Brampton, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $90,950.00 (including GST and disbursements), being the lowest most responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Request for Proposal RFP 2002-8, be awarded the contract for the consulting services for the Brookhill Neighbourhood Subwatershed Study, as required by the Planning Services Department. As timing is of the essence for the commencement of this project, a FORTHWITH approval is requested. The total funds required will be drawn from Account #2015-00028-0000, and are 100% recoverable by the Municipality through local developers. Letters of Credit from developers are held by the Municipality as guarantees for the Brookhill Neighbourhood Subwatershed Study. The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requirement and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to the department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Planning Services. The subject firm have previously performed satisfactorily for the Municipality of Clarington. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTA~IO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 - 120) Cl!J!ilJgton Municipality of Clarington SCHEDULE "An BID SUMMARY RFP 2002-8 BROOKHILL NEIGHBOURHOOD SUBWATERSHED STUDY , ",..' , SII)J;!II$R ",", mC>jJ'jl:..'I:U~\jMC>~NJ..".,' > '. .' Aquafor Beech Limited $90,950.00 Brampton, ON Philips Engineering Ltd. $99,796.17 Burlington, ON Greenland International Consulting Inc. $126,639.85 Concord, ON Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. $128,218.10 Bethany, ON Marshall, Macklin, Monaghan $142,027.52 Thornhill, ON Dillon Consulting Ltd. $148,055.90 Toronto, ON * Note, all of above prices include GST 1204 - J J J j j J J J J J J J J J J J J J J l L L L L L l l L l L l l L L l L L L Schedule "B" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2002- Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Aquafor Beech Limited, Brampton, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Brookhill Neighbourhood Subwatershed Study. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between, Aquafor Beech Limited, Brampton" Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2 . THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of ,2002. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of ,2002. John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 1205 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J ,J J I L L L L l L L L L L l l l L L L L l L CJ~n \, REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 7th, 2002 Report #: COD-46-02 By-law # File#_ Subject: Tender CL2002-34, Reconstruction of Prestonvale Road Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-46-02 be received; 2. THAT Cobourg Development Services Ltd, Cobourg, Ontario with a total bid in the amount of $1,665,276.74 (Including G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender CL2002-34, be awarded the contract for the Reconstruction of Prestonvale Road, as required by the Engineering Department; 3. THAT the total funds required in the amount of $1,468,000.00 ($1,665,276.74 less Region of Durham portion, plus design, administration, utility relocations, contingency and net G.S.T.) be drawn from the Engineering Capital Account # 7205-02008-0261; and 4. THAT the attached By-law marked Schedule "A" authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreement be approved. Submitted by: ;r-:') ',' - C . ~~ Reviewed by~ {~. '-.l Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer arie Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.c. Director of Corporate Services .U(~ A.S. Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services 1206 MM\ASC\LAB\km REPORT NO.: COD-46.Q2 PAGE 2 J I J J J J J J J J J J J I J j J J t BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Tender specifications were provided by SRM Associates for the Reconstruction of Prestonvale Road, as required by the Engineering Department. Tenders were advertised in local papers, as well as the Daily Commercial News. Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as per Schedule "B" attached. The total price cost, including a final design and tendering, contract administration, utility relocations, contingency and G.S.T., less ~he Region of Durham portion, is as detailed in the letter from SRM Associates, marked SchedUle "8" is estimated at $1,468,000.00. Included in the total tendered price is work to be completed on behalf of the Region of Durham, for which they will be invoiced separately. It is re~ommended that the required funds be drawn from the Engineering Capital Budget Account # 7205-02008-0261 as reflected on page 246 of the 2002 Capital Budget. Although the low bidder has not previously performed work for the Municipality of Clarington, they have recently completed similar work for the Town of Whitby, City of Peterborough and City of Quinte West. The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Engineering Services. After further review and analysis of the bids by the Engineering Department, SRM Associates and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Cobourg Development Services Ltd, of Cobourg, cntario, be recommended for the contract for the Reconstruction of Prestonvale Road. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 1207 L L L L J .. SCHEDULE "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON L ~ L L l l l L L L L L L L BY-LAW 2002- Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Cobourg Development Services Ltd, Cobourg, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Reconstruction of Prestonvale Road. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between Cobourg Development Services Ltd, Cobourg, Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of ,2002. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of ,2002. John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 1208 Land Development Engineering Land Development Planning Municipal Engineering Services Transportation & Transit Planning Utility Infrastructure Design Water Resources Engineering SPlM ASSOCIATES R member of The 5ernas Group Inc. SCHEDULE" B" J J I J J J J J l J J J J J J I J J I September 23, 2002 110 Scotia Court Unit41 Whitby, ON L1N 8Y7 T . 905-686.6402 F.905.432.7877 srmassociates.org FACSIMILE AND DELIVERY 1W ]E(cJEIfW[TlII The Corporation of the Municipality of Claringt nU\> I~ 40 Temperance Street SEP 2 5 2002 Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 Attention: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON URCHASING DEPARTMENT Ms. Lou Ann Birkett, C.P.P., A. Purchasing Manager Dear Madam: Re: Tender Closing Reconstruction of Prestonvale Road Municipality of Clarington Contract CL2002-34 Our Project No. 01261/ 02056 Tender submissions for the above noted project were received and opened on Friday, September 6, 2002 at 2:00 p.m. The following is a summary, excluding Contingency Items and G.S.T., of the six (6) tenders received. Arithmetic and / or extension errors have been made as noted below. Tenderer Total Tendered Amount (Excluding G.S.T.) 1. Cobourg Development Services Ltd. 2. Miwell Construction Ltd. 3. Hard-Co Construction Ltd. 4. B.N. Fenton Construction Ltd. 5. Ron Robinson Ltd. 6. Elirpa Construction and Materials * Error in Calculation ** Error in Extension $1 ,556,333.40 * $1,579,439.43 $1,581,144.56 ** $1,663,991.10 * $1,708,499.08 $1,764,600.46 The six (6) tender submissions have been examined and found to be complete and in compliance with the general tender requirements. Furthermore, we have analyzed the unit prices on the three (3) lowest tenders and a copy of our summary comparing the three (3) low tenders is attached for your information. We have concluded our tender analysis of the three lowest tenders for Contract CL2002-34 and provide the following comments. The Engineer's Estimate for the tendered work, (including Addendum revisions and excluding Contingency Items and G.S.T.), was $1,863,129.25. In comparison to the Engineer's Estimate, the lowest tender represents a decrease of $306,795.85 or approximately 16.5%. 1209 'L " L~ L L L L L L L L L l L L L L L L L SCHEDULE "B" Ms. Lou Ann Birkett, C.P.P., A.M.C.T., Purchasing Manager The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington September 23, 2002 Page 2 When comparing Cobourg Development Services Ltd.'s submission to that of the second lowest bidder, Miwell Constrction Ltd., there is a $23,106.03 or approximately 1.5% reduction in the overall tender price, exclusive of contingencies and G.S.T. We have reviewed Cobourg Development Services Ltd.'s tendered unit rates and they appear to be reasonable and balanced. Also, we are familiar with past work completed by Cobourg Development Services Ltd. and believe that they are capable of fulfilling the requirements of Contract CL2002-34. The contract is open for acceptance for a period of ninety (90) days following the tender closing date of September 6, 2002. The contract work is scheduled for completion within twenty (20) weeks after the date of Official Notification to Commence. Based upon the lowest tender received, that of Cobourg Development Services Ltd., the apportionment of Estimated Project Costs is appended as Attachment No.1. The Municipality of Clarington's cost of the Contract (Account No. 7205-02008- 0261), including a contingency allowance, is under budget by approximately $54,600.00. With regard to the above information, we therefore recommend acceptance of the low tender and award of the contract to Cobourg Development Services Ltd. subject to the requisite approvals. Trusting the above is to your satisfaction'. Yours truly, SRM ASSOCIATES ~ Ben Davies, B.Sc.Eng. Contracts Administrator Ibd Encl. cc: Municipality of Clarington, Attn: Mr. A. Cannella Region of Durham, Attn: Mr. P. Gillespie Mr. G. Chartier Totten Sims Hubicki, Attn: Mr. W. McCrae SRM Associates, Attn: Mr. R. Weldon 12' 0 ATTACHMENT NO.1 Schedule "8" J j J J I J J J J J J J J I I I J I I APPORTIONMENT OF ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS PRESTONV ALE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION Approximately 40m south of Glenabbey Road to approximately 700m south of Bloor Street (Regional Road 22), Courtice MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CONTRACT CL2002-34 SECTION 7205-02008-0261 i:i:iI::~i~i::::::::iENbleii::~~:It:~:~:::: :if~:~:~::btAftilG.i6iif::i::I! ::i!::t:i:~ti::~:::REiiiaMmrS~t. ~~V._iiii\ll 1. GRADING, DRAINAGE, GRANULAR BASE, HOT MIX PAVING... $1,070,312.40 $1,009,216.40 2. SANITARY SEWERS $268,708.00 3. WATERMAIN $157,313.00 $60,000.00 $40,599.42 4. GENERAL ITEMS SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION $1 556 333.40 $1.049815.82 ADD: ENGINEERING (incl. Disb.) (i) DESIGN & TENDER (to Sept. 28/02) $54,300.00 $54,300.00 (ii) CONTRACT ADMIN. $166,500.00 $112,663.38 (iii) TRAFFIC & GEOTECHNICAL REPORTS $37,950.00 $37,950.00 , ADD: UTILITY RELOCNS (Estimated incl. Disb.) $115,347.00 $112,397.00 SUBTOTAL PROJECT COSTS (excl. Cont.) $1 930430.40 $1 367126.20 NET G.S.T. (3% excl. Cont.) $57,912.92 $41,013.79 ADD: CONTINGENCY (incl. G.S.T.) $91,156.68 $59,860.01 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS $2,079,500.00 $1,468,000.00 $57,808.00 $3,288.00 $268,708.00 $157,313.00 $19,400.58 $503 229.58 $3 288.00 $53,836.62 $2,950.00 $560 016.20 $3 288.00 $16,800.49 $31,183.31 $98.64 $113.36 $608,000.00 $3,500.00 ....NOTE: 1. General Items pro-rated based on construction costs from Low Bid. 2. Contract administration cost estimated based on Low Bid & includes Geotechnical material testing during construction. 3. Sub-consultant fee estimate reflects "design" components. 4. Utility relocation estimates: Bell- $25,347; Hydro One - $90,000. 5. GST is not included in the subconsultant, utility relocation and engineering amounts. Low Bid CA 1 2 1 1 PAGE - 1 L L L L L L L l L L L l L L L L L L L CJNJQgron REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting~ GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 7th, 2002 Report #: COD-47-02 File#_ By-law # Subject: DONATION OF PRINTER CARTRIDGES AND SURPLUS COMPUTERS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-47-02 be received; 2. THAT the Municipality of Clarington participate in the John M. James Public School Project for the recycling of printer cartridges; 3. THAT should other charitable, non profit associations approach the Municipality with similar requests for recycling of printer cartridges that they be included on a rotating basis; 4. THAT the Municipality of Clarington participate in the Computers for Schools Program; 5. THAT the donation be designated initially for schools within the Municipality of Clarington should there be a need ; 6. THAT prior to the donation of the surplus computers, the Municipality of Clarington Hall Boards be offered the opportunity to obtain a computer if required for Hall Board use; and ' 7. THAT the Purchasing Manager be authorized to dispose of surplus equipment and materials in this manner on an ongoing basis where appropriate. Submitted by: Reviewed bY:O. ~-.:.. CA......-~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer MM\LAB\km arie Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.c. Director of Corporate Services 12\ 2 REPORT NO.: COD-47.Q2 PAGE 2 J I I J~ i~:, J J J J J J J J J J J J J J I BACKGROUND AND COMMENT In accordance with the existing Purchasing By-law 94-129, the Purchasing Manager has the authority to dispose of surplus equipment where appropriate. However, as in this case the disposal is actually a donation and it is appropriate to seek Council approval. 1. Donation of Printer Cartridaes: Currently the Municipality of Clarington disposes of printer toner cartridges to various suppliers who pick them up at no charge with no revenue being generated for the Municipality. A request was received from John M. James Public School in Bowmanville for the Municipality to participate with them and a number of other elementary schools to educate and increase awareness on the problem of Printer Cartridge Waste. (See Schedule "A") attached. The schools have partnered with a Company called Planet Earth Cartridge Recycling. Under this program, the school would be responsible for picking-up the cartridges from the Municipality, preparing them for recycling and shipping them to Planet Earth Cartridge Recycling, who in turn pays the school for their efforts. This program assists the schools in earning much needed funds. The City of Pickering and The Town of Whitby are participating in this program already. It is further recommended that should other non-charitable, non profit associations approach the Municipality with similar requests, that they be included on a rotating basis. 2. Donation of Surolus Comouters Recently, the Municipality entered into a lease agreement for the replacement of approximately 100 computers to replace existing outdated technology. In the past, surplus computers have been sold via the Regional Auction Sale as well as the Public Tender process. In both cases, the revenue generated was minimal. 12' 3 L L L L L l L L L l l l l L L l L L L REPORT NO.: COD-47.Q2 PAGE 3 In addition, surplus computer monitors have been offered for sale to staff, however, the revenue received was minimal and the administrative staff time to conduct the sale was excessive. As the Municipality currently supports an employee's computer purchase plan, it is felt that offering the computers for sale to staff is not the best alternative due to the logistics of conducting the sale, warranty and service issues and the staff time involved in co-ordinating. The computers for school programs accepts donations of used computers for distribution to schools in need. In addition, the Municipality of Clarington is able to specify in their donation, that the computers be given to schools within the Municipality of Clarington as a first priority should there be a need. Prior to the donation of any surplus computers it is recommended that the Municipality of Clarington Hall Boards be offered the opportunity to obtain a computer if is required for Hall Board Use. If approved, this offer would be made to the Hall Boards at a meeting scheduled with Municipality of Clarington Staff on October 10, 2002. Summary Both of these programs provide the Municipality of Clarington an opportunity to assist schools within the Municipality of Clarington. It is therefore further recommended that the Purchasing Manager be authorized to dispose of surplus equipment and materials in this manner on an ongoing basis where appropriate. All agreements for donations will include ensuring the Municipality of Clarington is relieved of any warranty problems, Liability Insurance or WSIB Claims and Health and Safety concerns. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 1 ') 1 J1 J I I J J J J J J J J J J J J J J j j L L \ L L I ... L L L L l L l L L L L L l L Cl~n REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 7th, 2002 Report #: COD-48-02 File #_ By-law # Subject: Clarington Library Construction I Municipal Administrative Centre Expansion Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-48-02 be received; 2. THAT Edge Technologies, Pickering, Ontario, be retained to provide consulting services to the Municipality of Clarington to provide a review of the existing telephone system and to co-ordinate the move of the telephone equipment for the Clarington Library and the Municipal Administrative Centre in an approximate amount of $16,600.00. 3. THAT funds in the amount of approximately $40,000.00 (50% of $80,000.00) be approved to cover the installation of the data and telephone cabling; 4. THAT funds in the amount of approximately $25,000.00 be approved to cover moving expenses for the Municipal Administrative Centre Expansion; 5. THAT funds in the amount of $10,500.00 be reallocated from within account #7004- 00002-505 and be drawn from this account; 6. THAT the remaining funds required in an approximate amount of $62,900.00 ($8,400.00 (50% of $16,600.00) + $40,000.00 (50% of $80,000.00) + $25,000.00 less $10,500.00 = $62,900.00) be drawn from account #7009-x-505; and , 21 5 REPORT 'NO.: cOD-4S.Q2 PAGE 2 7. THAT The Clarington Library be invoiced for the portion applicable to the Library where appropriate. Submitted by: arie Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.O. Direct r of orporate Services MM\FH\LAB\km 1 21 6 Reviewed bY:C-\ (,~~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer J I I J it J - J J ,J J J J J I J J J J I L L \ L L L L . L. L L L L L L L L L L L L REPORT NO.: cOD-48-02 PAGE 3 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1. Telephone and Data CablinQ The telephone and data cabling for the new Clarington Library I Municipal Administrative Centre Expansion was not provided for in the total construction tender, but rather is being tendered separately. In order to avoid any Health and Safety issues with the existing contractor, this will be treated as an addition to the original contract. It is anticipated that the total cost for cabling will be approximately $60,000.00 to $80,000.00 which will be shared equally with the Clarington Library. 2. Movino Expenses As Council is aware, during the construction it was necessary to move several staff to temporary locations. Although this created a tremendous workload for existing Operations staff, it was done over a period of several months which assisted in minimizing the impact. Once the construction is completed, the re-Iocated staff will need to be moved back to their respective areas. In addition other Departments will be relocating within the building. As the majority of the moves will take during the winter snow clearing season, it is not practical for the Municipality of Clarington Operations staff to complete the move. It is therefore recommended that funds in an approximate amount of $25,000.00 be allocated to retain a professional mover. 3. Telephone Consultant It has been proposed that the Clarington Library be added to the Municipality of Clarington existing telephone system and voice mail. This will provide the most efficient service to the customer as the phone system will then appear seamless allowing calls to be transferred back and forth. In addition, it will provide a substantial savings to the Library as they will not need to purchase a separate phone system. Funds to expand the existing system were provided for and approved in the 2002 Capital Budget. 1 21 7 REPORT NO.: COD-4S.Q2 PAGE 4 J I :- . I J J J J J II J J J J ] J J J J Due to the complexity of the phone system and the need to relocate telephones within the building, it is proposed that Edge Technology be retained to provide consulting services and a review of the existing telephone system and to determine the exact requirements. The total approximate funds required are in the amount of $16,600.00 and will be shared as appropriate with the Clarington Library. It is anticipated that a review of the telephone lines will result in a cost savings by reducing our monthly expenditure, which will assist in offsetting the cost of the consultant. Summary The total required funds are in the amount of $73,400.00 ($8,400.00 (50 % of $16,600.00) + $40,000.00 (50% of $80,000.00) + $25,000.00. It is recommended that funds included in the proposed account #7004-00002-505 for some miscellaneous phone equipment be reallocated to this project. Due to timing of these purchases, it is not appropriate that they proceed this year and will be rebudgeted for next year if they are still required. It is therefore recommended that funds in the amount of $10,500.00 be drawn from account #7004-00002-505 and that the remaining funds in the approximate amount of $62,900.00 be drawn from account #7009-x-505 Computer Services Equipment. The Clarington Library will be invoiced for their portion of the costs where appropriate. The Library Director is in concurrence with the recommendations contained in this report. The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 1218 L L L L , L L L L L L l L l L L L L L L Q!J!il1gron REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 7th, 2002 Report #: COD-49-02 File #_ By-law # Subject: Co-operative Tender T257-02, Gasoline & Diesel Fuel Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-49-02 be received; 2. THAT Shell Canada Products, Toronto, cntario in an approximate annual amount of $199,428.92, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications be awarded the Municipality of Clarington requirements for Co-operative Tender T257-02 Gasoline and Diesel Fuel for a three year term and to expire cctober 4th, 2005; and 3. THAT funding be provided from the current year's respective departments Operating Fleet Budgets. Submitted by: Jt,~-~ Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative cfficer arano, H.B.Sc., C.M.O. Director of Corporate Services MM\LAB\km 1 21 9 REPORT NO.: cOD-49.Q2 PAGE 2 J I J J J I j J J J J J J J J J J J J BACKGROUND AND COMMENT The Municipality of Clarington participated co-operatively in Tender T257-02, for the Supply and Delivery of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel. The contract is for a three year term, expiring October 4th, 2005. Subsequently, bids were received and tabulated as per Schedule "A" attached. Note, price adjustments throughout the contract are made in accordance with the formula supplied in the tender document, however the firm mark up price is firm for the three (3) year term. cverall the prices submitted for the firm mark up portion reflect a price decrease with the greatest being on the impact price for #1 Diesel Clear which is an approximate 20% decrease. Funding will be provided from the current year's respective departments Operating Fleet Budgets. After review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing and the Durham Purchasing Co-operative, it is recommended that Shell Canada Products be awarded the contract. The subject firm have previously performed satisfactorily for the Municipality of Clarington. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 1220 L L L L L L L L L L L L l L L l L L L c e +-' en c .- L- eo - U \.l- e ~ .- - eo c.. .- u .- C :::J ~ :: ~ .. LU 5 fil ~ CI) N :2 0') a:l c:ci 16 U N ~ :J + oi' c: c: a:l 0') ...... <( ...... 0 + ER- N S <( ER- {:. ...J W N=:) oLL ....J .....w ant/) NW t-_ ~e we ez z<c Ww t-z w- >...J -0 ~t/) ~ <C a:l W C) t:: 0.. LL ~ 00 . o~ Ow .> )-- ~...J <(w :IE e <( :IE e t:: =:) Z co t/) <C c.. e~ tOo.. 0.. =:) t/) Q) :J :2 u.. ~ a:l Q) 'u 16 II) 'C :J .~ ~ ~ t:: c: C :J - co ~ ~ ::i c.. 0 8 0 16 ...; 8 - c: {:. :J ...... 0 LO ~ ....... ...... =l:t: :2 Q) 'C a:l :J ~ 16 u.. :J Q) .... ~ c: l3 co ~ S! -J 0 U 0 S (l) ...; LO {:. c: ...: :J 0 M ~ N ....... o LO ~ 0') ...: ...... ER- o N oi 0') N r-: ...... ER- """ ~ c:ci N (l) N N ...... ER- 'C 'C a5 ~ 16 m :J "2 c: :::l ~ ...; c: ~ g I- ~ 0 - ~ 0 ~ M 0 LO oi II) (l) Q) ~ M .5: ...... """ ~ (l) ...... -J ER- (l) 0 ER- co 8 (!) ~ ..... ....... II) ts :J .... ~ Q) 'C 'C c.. a5 co 'C co 0 c: 8 .E Q) d .r; c: en :J 1')')1 en N o ~ oi' ..... ...... ER- J I I:' ?' I J J I J J J J J J J J J J J J IL L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L Cl~n REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 7th, 2002 Report #: COD-50-02 File #_ By-law # Subject: ' CL2002-31, One (1) 2003 Cab & Chassis, 16,000 GVW Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the foUowing: 1. THAT Report COD-50-02 be received; 2. THAT Wajax Industries Ltd, Milton, Ontario with a total bid in the amount of $63,595.00 (Including taxes and trade-in), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender CL2002-31, be awarded the contract to supply cne (1) 2003 Cab & Chassis, 16,000 GVW, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, cperations Department, and 3. THAT the funds be provided from the 2002 Operations Vehicle I Heavy Equipment Account # 7203-00000-0504. ReViewedbQ ~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Submitted by' rie Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.O. Director of Corporate Services Fr d Horvath, RDMR, RRFA, Director of Operations MM\FH\LAB\km 1222 .,. REPORT.: COD-50-02 PAGE 2 ,I . , I I J I' ..~.. i j J J J J J J J J J J J BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Tenders were publicly advertised and invited for the supply and delivery of one (1) 2003, Cab and Chassis, 16,000 GVW, as required by the Operations Department. Tenders were received and tabulated as per Schedule "A" attached. It is staff's opinion that the trade-in offered ($6,100.00) for the 1994, 15,000 GVW, Ford with Fibreglass Utility Body, exceeds that which would be realized at the Regional Auction Sale and it's therefore recommended that it be accepted. The required funds in the amount of $63,595.00 will be provided from the 2002 Operations- Vehicles I Heavy Equipment Account # 7203~OOOOO-0504. The total funds required for this particular vehicle exceeds the $60,000.00 budget allocation as reflected on Page # 418 of the 2002 Capital Budget. There are sufficient funds remaining from Tender CL2002-5, One (1) 35,000 GVW Cab & Chassis, where a balance in the amount of $5,638.95 remains, of which only $3,595.00 is required for this purchase. For the information of Council, due to the dollar value and size of the vehicle required, leasing would not be appropriate in this case. Leasing will be investigated as an option for any future purchases of large equipment. The Finance Director has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Operations. The subject firm has not previously provided service for the Municipality of Clarington, but have provided satisfactory service for the City of Cambridge and the Region of Peel. After further review and analysis of the bids by Operations and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that Wajax Industries Limited, Milton, cntario, be recommended for the contract to supply and deliver one (1) 2003 Cab & Chassis, 16,000 GVW, to the Municipality of Clarington, as required by the Operations Department. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 1223