HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/29/2008 Council Meeting Minutes SEPTEMBER 29,2008 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on September 29,2008, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Councillor Trim led the meeting in prayer. ROLL CALL Present Were: Also Present: Mayor J. Abernethy Councillor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor M. Novak Councillor G. Robinson Councillor C. Trim Councillor W. Woo Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Facilities Manager, G. Acorn, attended until 8:15 p.m. Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Manager of Communication & Marketing, J. Cooke, attended until 8:18 p.m. Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Solicitor, D. Hefferon Director of Operations, F. Horvath Corporate Safety & Project Manager, B. Taylor Director of FinancelTreasurer, N. Taylor Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, G. Weir Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Fleming Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest stated for this meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS Councillor Novak confirmed that Wal-Mart is still committed to building a store in Bowmanville, that zoning issues have been resolved; and, that the delay is due to internal Wal-Mart business arrangements. It is anticipated the store will be open in 2009. Councillor Novak presented Mayor Abernethy with a plaque in recognition of the Municipality's Platinum Sponsorship for the 2008 Children's Groundwater Festival. Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - September 29, 2008 Councillor Hooper announced the following: . He was pleased to represent the Mayor at the Durham Region Soccer Association Volunteer Reception on September 24, 2008. The event was held at the Darlington Indoor Soccer Facility. Clarington residents Sherry Bonanza and Alf Huggins were among the recipients. . He attended CLOCA's 50th Anniversary Watershed Tour. A butterfly box provided by residents of the Whitby Mental Health Centre was unveiled at the Hampton Pond. The 50th Anniversary Reception was held at Cullen Gardens and was very well attended. . The Bowmanville BIA will be hosting the Apple Festival and Craft Sale on October 18, 2008. There will be free half-hour transit service during the event. . Leisure Lady and Second Chance have re-opened following the downtown fire. . The Clarington Board of Trade will be launching a "Shop Local" Campaign on October 1, 2008. . On October 25,2008, the Clarington Sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony will be held. . The Clarington Older Adult Centre will be "fiddling" around with Scott Woods playing Old Time Country and Fiddle Music on October 16, 2008, at the Beech Centre. Councillor Robinson announced the following: . The Orono Chilli Cook-off was held on September 20,2008, with $1,000 donated to Clarington Food Bank. . The Ganaraska Conservation Area "Building for Change" Campaign has raised over $3.6 million towards the $4 million redevelopment project. . On September 24, 2008, the Clarington Blooms Awards were held at the Orono Community Centre. Councillor Robinson requested that the PowerPoint presentation be scheduled at an upcoming Council meeting. . The Official Opening of the Newcastle & District Recreation Complex will be held on October 4,2008, at 12:00 p.m. . The Purina Walk for Guide Dogs will be held on October 4, 2008. . The Newcastle Fall Festival will be held on October 3 and 4,2008. Mayor Abernethy announced that Anne Ottenbrite will be in attendance at the Official Opening of the Newcastle & District Recreation Complex. Councillor Woo extended appreciation to Fire & Emergency Services, the Durham Regional Police Service and sponsors of the 8th Annual Family Safety Day held at Fire Station #1 on Saturday. The event attracted 3,000 to 4,000 attendees. Council Meeting Minutes - 3 - September 29, 2008 Councillor Woo also announced that the Bowmanville Eagles hosted the Annual Governor's Showcase Tournament at the Garnet B. Rickard Complex on September 19, 20 and 21, 2008. Thirty-seven teams from the Ontario Provincial Hockey League participated at this year's tournament and Clarington will be the site for the tournament for the next two years. He expressed appreciation to Jim Campbell and staff of the Rickard Complex. MINUTES Resolution #C-460-08 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the minutes of a special meeting of Council held on September 12, 2008, and the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on September 15, 2008, be approved. "CARRIED" PRESENTATIONS Resolution #C-461-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the order of the agenda be altered to allow for Presentation (g) to be heard at this time. "CARRIED" Dan Remollino, MTO Project Manager, Dean Kemper, MTO, Brenda Jamieson and Doug Allingham, TSH Project Managers addressed Council to provide an update on the Highway 407 East EA & Preliminary Design Study. Doug Allingham stated since their last update to Clarington Council one year ago when the technically recommended route was presented, a great deal of work has been done on the Preliminary Design and Environmental Assessment. Minor changes to the route were presented to the public in June and July and they are continuing to do fieldwork analysis, conduct stakeholder consultation and are anticipating completion of the preliminary design and Environmental assessment for 2009, for submission to the Province for approval. Mr. Allingham thanked members of staff for their participation in the study and advised he looks forward to staff's participation as they conclude the study next year. Council Meeting Minutes - 4 - September 29, 2008 Through use of a PowerPoint presentation, Brenda Jamieson provided a status update on the 407 East Environmental Assessment, highlighting preliminary design activities, route refinements, design alternatives and illustrating the technically preferred route. Ms. Jamieson advised route refinements were considered at seven locations to further avoid and/or mitigate identified impacts. She outlined the proposed crossing road treatment strategy, noting there are 31 road crossings in Clarington, five arterial road interchanges, 18 overpasses/underpasses and 8 road closures. She highlighted the preliminary design plan for sections Townline Road to East of Enfield Road, East of Enfield Road to East of Liberty Street, and East of Liberty Street to Highway 35/115. Ms. Jamieson stated transitway stations and transfer stations, a highway maintenance yard and a commercial vehicle inspection facility will be located along the corridor. Ms. Jamieson highlighted the East Durham Link which included transitway stations at Taunton Road, Highway 2 and Bloor Street, a commercial vehicle lay-by and improved access to Holt Road from the Link. She noted that a number of additional property requirements have been identified as a result of route refinements and that the Ministry is proceeding with advance purchases on a case-by-case basis where property is substantially impacted by the Technically Preferred Route. Ms. Jamieson summarized the findings of the fourth round of Public Information Sessions and reviewed the Community Value Plan (CVP) designed to provide an opportunity to further enhance public involvement to identify priority community values. Ms. Jamieson outlined next steps in the process advising of key elements in completing the impact assessment and identifying mitigation and compensation measures for the recommended design. She indicated it is anticipated that the final EA will be submitted in June 2009 and that the Federal (CEAA) process has been initiated and will be done concurrently with the Provincial Environmental Assessment. Marty Epp, Program Manager, Central East Prehospital Care Program, provided an overview of the Cardiac Safe Community Program, a Ministry of Health funded partnership between Fire and Emergency Services in Durham Region, the eight area municipalities, the Ontario Power Generation, Lakeridge Health Corporation and the Central East Prehospital Care Program. He noted the Central East Prehospital Care Program provides a number of programs and services to the community including the Public Access Defibrillation Program. Mr. Epp stated there are more than 80 public locations equipped with public access defibrillators with ten located in the Municipality of Clarington. Mr. Epp advised on July 22, 2008, Mr. John Vesters collapsed during a hockey game and was successfully defibrillated as a result of the prompt and professional action taken by Clarington staff and EMS. Mr. Epp extended appreciation for support of the program and advised that next year the 9th Annual Cardiac Safe Program Survivor Day will be celebrated. Marty Epp, Kim Arsenault and Andy Benson, Central East Prehospital Care Program presented Certificates and Lightning Bolt Pins to Steve Parker, Mark Sutherland, Christine Faulkner and Helena Hisey in recognition of their heroic actions regarding a medical emergency at the South Courtice Arena and acknowledged Jeremy Czechowski who was unable to attend this evening. Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - September 29, 2008 A hockey jersey was presented to Mr. John Vesters, on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington. John Vesters expressed appreciation both personally and on behalf of his family to staff and the emergency team for their valiant efforts in saving his life stating he is extremely grateful for the support of the Public Access Defibrillation Program. Chief Weir provided a brief synopsis of the events leading up to the 911 Emergency call on April 29, 2008, regarding the downtown Bowmanville fire in which Milt Dakin, Dave Byrant, Rob Sage and Derek DeJong were instrumental in helping residents of the buildings get out safely. Mayor Abernethy and Chief Weir presented Certificates of Commendation to Derek DeJong, Dave Bryant, Milt Dakin and Rob Sage on their Acts of Courage regarding the Downtown Bowmanville Fire April 29,2008. Serina Mayberry, Metroland Durham Region Media Group presented Mayor Abernethy with a plaque in recognition of the Municipality's "Commitment to Fostering Growth in Durham Region". Tariq Asmi, Executive Director, Growing Communities Healthcare Alliance, addressed Council requesting Council's assistance in supporting the Alliance's recommendations for a more equitable population-needs-based funding for hospital care in Ontario's high growth communities. Mr. Asmi stated the Alliance believes that Ontario's vision to help Ontarians stay healthy can be strengthened by adding the principle of "care close to home" by providing an appropriate range of health care services in a timely manner within the community. Through use of a PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Asmi reviewed the Alliance's vision and goals, provided statistical information on population growth in high growth Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs), reviewed statistics specific to the Central East LHIN, and addressed funding inequities. Mr. Asmi stated each year there is a widening gap in per-resident funding and there needs to be a plan to complement "Places to Grow" to ensure adequate facilities are built to keep pace with the growing population. Mr. Asmi urged Council to add their voice as the Alliance moves forward and endorse a resolution requesting the Provincial government to speed up implementation of hospital growth funding commitment to ensure that $100 million in growth funding is targeted to high growth hospitals and provide funding for social services; implement a population-needs-based-funding for provincial health care and social services; and, develop a health care and social services growth plan for Ontario to complement Places to Grow legislation. Council Meeting Minutes - 6 - September 29, 2008 John Slater, Vice Chair and Michelle Sumere, Stewardship Coordinator, Durham Land Stewardship Council addressed Council expressing appreciation to the Municipality for support of the 2008 Ontario Stewardship Ranger Program. Ms. Sumere stated Ontario Stewardship Rangers work in teams of four 17 year-old rangers and one team leader on environmental projects with community partners. She highlighted program achievements as a result of the municipality's support which provided five students with the ability to gain appreciation of the environment through employment. The Team completed five days of work for the Municipality working with Valleys 2000 volunteers, trimming and hauling trees on the Courtice Millennium Trail, rerouting the trail due to erosion, mulching trails, trimming trees and grooming trails at the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area. Ms. Sumere reviewed the mandate of the Durham Land Stewardship Council; thanked Council for supporting the program; and, indicated she looks forward to working with the Municipality again next year. John Slater presented Mayor Abernethy with a plaque in appreciation of the Municipality of Clarington's partnership contribution to the 2008 Ontario Stewardship Ranger Program. Resolution #C-462-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Council recess for ten minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 9:05 p.m. DELEGATIONS There were no delegations introduced under this section of the Agenda. COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-463-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the communications to be received for information be approved, with the exception of Items, 1-7, 1-9, 1- 11 and 1-12. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 7 - September 29, 2008 I - 1 Minutes of the Clarington Museum Board dated June 25, 2008. I - 2 Minutes of the Kawartha Conservation Authority dated June 25, 2008. 1-3 Minutes of the St Marys Cement Community Relations Committee dated September 9, 2008. I - 4 Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee dated July 17, 2008. I - 5 Correspondence has been received from the following individuals/groups objecting to the proposed "Energy-From-Waste facility and urging Council to support more environmentally sustainable and fiscally responsible alternatives: a) Ben Bronsema b) Susan McKee I - 6 Guiliana Rossini, Director Strategy & Conservation Officer, Hydro One, forwarding a copy of "Conserving Energy Together", their first public report on the results of Hydro One's Conservation and Demand Management Program (CDM) launched in 2005, advising that collectively, their business and residential customers have saved 272 million kilowatt hours, enough electricity to power 23,000 homes for one year and inviting Council to share their thoughts and questions about these achievements by contacting her at q. rossini@HydroOne.com. I - 8 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, forwarding a copy of correspondence he received from the Honourable Jim Watson, MPP, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing in reply to Council's endorsement of a resolution from the City of Waterloo regarding Municipal Road and Bridge Infrastructure Investment in which the Minister confirms that the funding provided for roads and bridges in 2008 was a one-time funding investment but indicates that the Province has made other long-term commitments of substantial benefit that will allow for increased infrastructure investment in the future. Council Meeting Minutes - 8 - September 29, 2008 I - 10 Kathryn Shaver, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) forwarding a copy of the discussion document - "Moving Forward Together: Designing the Process for Selecting a Site", as part of Canada's approach to the long-term management of used nuclear fuel; advising a draft proposal based on input received on a site selection process will be released next year with the process of site selection beginning after the draft proposal has been considered and reviewed; and, requesting comments on the design of the siting process by December 15, 2008. I - 13 Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, Government of Canada Public Notice announcing the release of the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines and draft Joint Review Panel (JRP) Agreement related to the Ontario Power Generation's (OPG) proposed Darlington New Nuclear Power Plant Project for public comment. The draft Guidelines and draft Agreement, along with information on the project, are available at www.ceaa-acee.qc.ca, www.nuclearsafetV.qc.ca, or by calling 1-866- 582-1884. Comments on the draft documents are to be received by November 19, 2008. I - 14 Jim Richards expressing appreciation to Council for implementing the dusk to dawn curfew in municipal parks and properties as it pertains to questionable presence or loitering. I - 15 David Clark, Executive Vice President, Corporate Services and CFO, Veridian Connections, forwarding a cheque in the amount of $142,800 representing the Municipality's quarterly Veridian dividend payment for September 15, 2008, and advising that prior to the last quarterly dividend payment for 2008, the Board of Directors will review Veridian's projected 2008 financial position and earnings with the purpose of determining if extra dividends will be distributed to shareholders. I - 7 Ryan Pomeroy, Pomeroy Group, extending an invitation to Members of Council to tour the new Pomeroy Hotel and Convention Centre in Fort St. John, British Columbia in October, to view their facility to see the high standards they adhere to in construction of their hotels and suggesting the construction of a similar facility in Clarington. Council Meeting Minutes - 9 - September 29, 2008 Resolution #C-464-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Item I - 7 from Ryan Pomeroy, Pomeroy Group, regarding the Pomeroy Hotel and Convention Centre be received for information; and that Mayor's office be requested to obtain additional information from the Pomeroy Group on the Centre. "CARRIED" I - 9 Peter Evans, President, Dorothy Bond, Director, Irene Gourlay, Director, Jim Hilborn, Treasurer, Peggy Milligan, Director, Jane Moores, Director, Muriel Moynes, Director, Don Welsh, Director, Robert Windsor, Director and Moe Richards, Past President, Clarington Older Adult Association (COAA) expressing their unanimous dissent with Council's decision to proceed with a four-year term lease for the Beech Centre tennis courts, given the unresolved parking situation at the Centre; requesting Council's reassurance that the lease extension will not adversely influence Council's decision- making regarding a resolution to the parking deficiencies; and, advising they will be relying on Council's objectivity in considering the needs of the COAA and Clarington older adults as a whole when considering the parking report anticipated to be submitted in mid- 2009. Resolution #C-465-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the request from the Clarington Older Adult Association (COAA) for reassurance that the lease extension for the Beech Centre tennis courts will not adversely influence Council's decision-making regarding a resolution to the parking deficiencies at the Beech Centre be endorsed; and, that the Association be reassured that Council will consider the needs of the Association and older adults as a whole when considering the parking report. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 10- September 29, 2008 I - 11 Cynthia Morton, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health Promotion, advising the Province is currently accepting Expressions of Interest in Sport Hosting Events for 2009-2010 under the Ontario International Amateur Sport Hosting Policy; advising the policy and relevant guidelines are available at www.mhp.qov.on.ca/enqlish/sportandrec/ hostinqpolicv/hostinqpolice.asp; and, advising the deadline to apply for assistance under the policy for the period 2009/2010 is October 17, 2008. Resolution #C-466-08 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Correspondence Item I - 11 be referred to the Directors of Operations and Community Services. "CARRIED" I - 12 Laurie Swami, Director, Licensing, Nuclear Generation Development Division, Ontario Power Generation (OPG), extending an invitation to the fourth round of Environmental Assessment (EA) Community Information Sessions providing the public with an update on the potential project and status of the environmental studies and providing OPG with the opportunity to receive public and community input on preliminary areas of potential effects and mitigation measures. Community Information Sessions will be held in Clarington as follows: October 21,2008 Garnet B. Rickard Bowmanville Recreation Complex October 28, 2008 Newcastle Newcastle Community Hall October 30,2008 Orono Arena Orono November 4, 2008 Courtice Community Courtice Centre Sessions will be held from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. with presentations at 7:00 p.m. Council Meeting Minutes - 11 - September 29, 2008 Resolution #C-467 -08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item I - 12 from the Ontario Power Generation concerning the Environmental Assessment (EA) Community Information Sessions be received for information. "CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION Resolution #C-468-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Items be approved as per the agenda with the exception of Items D - 6 and D - 9 to D - 13, inclusive. "CARRIED" D - 1 Marie DeLuca, Manager, Public Programs and Services, Canadian Diabetes Association, GT A Regional Leadership Centre, advising November is "Diabetes Awareness Month" and November 14 has been designated as the annual observance of "World Diabetes Day" by the United Nations General Assembly to raise awareness of diabetes and related complications as well as prevention and care; inviting Council to issue an official statement in support of World Diabetes Day; and, highlighting additional campaigns and events for 2008 and 2009 to improve the quality of life for those affected by diabetes through research, education, services and advocacy. (Proclaimed) D - 2 The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander, Chairman, Ontario Heritage Trust, inviting Council to participate in the 2008 Young Heritage Leaders Program by submitting up to three nominations, one in each of the heritage areas - built, cultural and natural, to acknowledge young volunteers for their significant contributions to heritage conservation; enclosing information on the program; and, encouraging Council to work with local heritage organizations and youth groups to identify worthy young recipients. The nomination deadline is October 31,2008. (Correspondence referred to the Municipal Clerk to place an ad in the local newspapers) Council Meeting Minutes - 12 - September 29, 2008 D - 3 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) inviting Ontario municipalities, local schools and teachers to participate in "Local Government Week", October 19 to 25, 2008 to celebrate the key role that Ontario local governments play in helping to define the character, priorities, amenities and physical make-up of communities, advising resources guides have been developed which provide information on activities and presentations for schools about local government; and, encouraging municipalities to visit the Local Government Week web pages at http://www.amo.on.ca/AMIT emplate. cfm?Section= Home for additional materials and resources. (Proclaimed) D - 4 Captain Anne Silvey, Commanding Officer, 172 Clarington Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Cadets, requesting Council to approve April 24,25 and 26,2009, for Air Cadet Tag Days. If approved, the Squadron will contact merchants in Clarington requesting permission to conduct the fundraising event outside their premises. (Approved for tag days April 24, 25 and 26, 2009) D - 5 Mrs. Brown, expressing concern with pet owners who permit their dogs to relieve themselves on private property and requesting the Municipality implement a "leash by-law" to prohibit pet owners from trespassing on private property regardless of whether pets are leashed. (Correspondence referred to the Municipal Clerk) D - 7 Jim Richards questioning if the Municipality has considered placing a ban on plastic bags, styrofoam food and beverage containers and non-recyclable paper cups in Municipal facilities and outlets throughout the Municipality similar to what is being undertaken by the City of Toronto or considered approaching various outlets in the Municipality about the potential of placing bins to dispose of batteries to help keep these hazardous products out of landfill or proposed incineration facilities as he feels that these initiatives are worthwhile and will have positive outcomes and that Municipal leaders should attempt to make it as easy and convenient for the public to get into the habit. (Correspondence referred to the Region of Durham) Council Meeting Minutes - 13 - September 29, 2008 D - 8 Dave Werheid, tendering his resignation effective June 20, 2008, from the Newcastle Memorial Arena Board due to his current workload and personal commitments and extending best wishes to the Board for the future. (Correspondence received with regret and referred to the Municipal Clerk) D - 6 Teri Normoyle, expressing concern that the decision-making process was flawed with respect to the construction of the skateboard park at the Courtice Community Complex as adjacent residents were not notified or provided with an opportunity to comment prior to the park's construction; advising she does not consider 11 :00 p.m. an "early curfew" noting homeowners have experienced disturbances both prior to and after the curfew and that the problem is that the skateboard facility is not frequently policed; questioning what factors will be considered in determining what the time of "dusk" will be; and, requesting to be advised of what the cost of construction and annual maintenance costs of the park are. Resolution #C-469-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Correspondence Item D - 6 from Teri Normoyle expressing concern with the skateboard park at the Courtice Community Complex be referred to the Director of Engineering Services to investigate noise mitigation measures. "CARRIED" D - 9 Douglas G. Martin, Mayor, Town of Fort Erie, advising of the incremental closure of the Douglas Memorial Hospital (DMH) in Fort Erie, as a result of the creation of the Niagara Health System (NHS) improvement plan, which action will cause family doctors to leave the community; advising of the dissolution of the Rural and Northern Health Framework which previously protected small hospitals in Ontario and expressing concern that other small hospitals will be subject to "improvement plans" that will mean hospital closures; and, suggesting that hospital board members be publicly elected. On September 8,2008, the Town of Fort Erie adopted the following resolutions: Council Meeting Minutes - 14 - September 29, 2008 "THAT in recognition of public accountability and democratic principles, the Municipal Council of the Town of Fort Erie hereby supports the efforts of Peter Kormos, MPP to introduce a Private Member's Bill calling for the public election of all hospital boards in the Province of Ontario as part of the municipal elections commencing in 2010, and further THAT this resolution be circulated to all municipalities in the Province of Ontario for support." and THAT the Municipal Council of the Town of Fort Erie hereby petitions The Honourable David Caplan, Minister of Health to legislatively enact the protective status of the Rural Hospital designation as previously defined in 1998 under The Rural and Northern Health Care Framework by the Conservative Government and apply the designation to the Douglas Memorial Hospital in the Town of Fort Erie and all other qualifying hospitals in Ontario, and further THAT this resolution be circulated to all municipalities in the Province of Ontario for support." Resolution #C-470-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the resolution from the Town of Fort Erie with respect to the Niagara Health System - Hospital Improvement Plan be received for information. "CARRIED" D - 10 The Municipality of Tweed advising Council that on July 22, 2008, the Municipality of Tweed adopted the following resolution pertaining to taxes on petroleum products: "WHEREAS the Municipality of Tweed is a rural municipality in eastern Ontario; AND WHEREAS the Municipality has 575 kilometres of roadway which it is responsible to maintain; AND WHEREAS the maintenance of these roads involves consumption of gasoline and diesel fuel for the municipal fleet; Council Meeting Minutes - 15 - September 29, 2008 AND WHEREAS heating fuels for the municipal buildings has also increased considerably; AND WHEREAS the price of petroleum products are expected to continue skyrocketing prior to year's end; AND WHEREAS our Municipality spent $128,417.55 on gasoline and diesel fuels and $40,199.68 on furnace oil in 2007; AND WHEREAS our calculation for gasoline and diesel fuels based on today's cost per litre would be $190,485.82 and furnace oil increase would be $65,723.28, a total increase of $87,591.17 which represents a 52% increase over previous years; AND WHEREAS the increased costs of fuel oils are borne by the taxpayers of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS the majority of taxpayers living in this rural Municipality travel to their places of employment; AND WHEREAS the high gas prices discourage the sustainability of small communities and prohibits non-urban living; AND WHEREAS the taxpayers of the Municipality are facing increased municipal costs as well as individual costs for vehicle gas and home heating; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Municipality of Tweed request that the Provincial and Federal governments become involved and reduce taxes on petroleum products, including the Provincial road taxes and the Federal Excise Tax; BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this resolution be distributed to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the County of Hastings and our Provincial and Federal members of Parliament for consideration, action and support." Council Meeting Minutes - 16 - September 29, 2008 Resolution #C-471-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the resolution from the Municipality of Tweed with respect to taxes on petroleum products be received for information. "CARRIED" D - 11 Carolyn Downs, City Clerk, City of Kingston, advising Council that on September 2,2008, the City of Kingston adopted the following resolution pertaining to the Provincial "heads and beds" payment: "WHEREAS post-secondary institutions and hospitals are exempt from paying property taxes to municipalities under provincial law and instead pay a fixed amount, set by the provincial government, for each student ("head") or patient ("bed") in their institutions; and WHEREAS the amount of the "heads and beds" payment is $75 per student or patient and this amount has not been changed by the province since 1987, and WHEREAS at this time the city receives the following amounts as "heads and beds" payments instead of property taxes: . Queen's University and Theological College - 17,217 "heads" = $1,291,275 . St. Lawrence College - 3,668 "heads" = $275,100 . Hotel Dieu Hospital - 264 "beds" = $19,800 . Kingston General Hospital- 538 "beds" = $40,350 . Providence Continuing Care - 448 "beds" = $33,600, and WHEREAS increasing the "heads and beds" amount to match the rate of inflation over the last 21 years would result in a minimum estimated increase from $75 to $126.35 and would bring in an estimated minimum additional payment in lieu of property taxes of $1.1 million to the City of Kingston, and WHEREAS Council passed a motion on August 14, 2007 with respect to the "heads" payment asking the provincial government to increase the amount it sets for this payment with the objective of making this amount equivalent to the taxes that would be collected if the properties were taxable by the municipality, and WHEREAS efforts to have the provincial government review the "heads and beds" amount and approach have not met with any positive responses to date, Council Meeting Minutes - 17 - September 29, 2008 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Province of Ontario be requested to: . Increase the "heads and beds" payment immediately to at least match the rate of inflation since 1987 and build in an automatic annual adjustment for inflation from now on, and . Meet with officials from Kingston and other municipalities affected by this law to discuss a fairer way that is closer to the fair market value of the properties, to compensate for the loss of property taxes because of property tax exemption rules for post-secondary institutions and hospitals under provincial law. AND FURTHER THAT this motion be circulated to all municipalities in Ontario with Universities, or Colleges, or Hospitals, requesting their support." Resolution #C-472-08 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the resolution from the City of Kingston with respect to the Provincial "Heads and Beds" payment be received for information. "CARRIED" D - 12 Barry Bracken requesting that Doug Anderson be permitted to make a presentation to Council on his waste diversion proposal. Resolution #C-473-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Correspondence D - 12 from Barry Bracken be referred to the Municipal Clerk to invite Mr. Anderson to make a presentation to Council on his waste diversion proposal, subsequent to the upcoming Federal Elections. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 18 - September 29, 2008 D - 13 Gordon Lee, Chairman, Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board requesting municipal financing to assist with the purchase of a new Olympia Ice Resurfacer for the Newcastle Memorial Arena which will provide the arena with a laser ice leveler for consistent ice thickness and less consumption of energy and water usage; advising of the Board's unblemished record with regard to financial commitments; attaching the Board's financial commitment indicating that although they have the budget in place and financing arrangements they are uncomfortable with the interest charges offered by the manufacturer and the possibility that the manufacturer may re-sell financing to a secondary lender; and, requesting Council's consideration of interest-free or low interest financing for the purchase. Resolution #C-474-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim Whereas the Newcastle Arena Board has previously been approved for an interest-free loan for improvements at the Newcastle Arena; Whereas the Newcastle Arena Board has faithfully complied with the repayment terms of the existing loan that is due to be paid off completely by December 31, 2010; Whereas the Board has requested assistance in financing a portion of the cost of a new Olympia Ice Resurfacer; Now therefore be it resolved that the Newcastle Arena Board be approved for an interest-free loan of $60,000, to be added to the existing interest free loan whereby the existing repayment schedule be extended by an additional two year period to December 31, 2012. "CARRIED" COMMITTEE REPORT(S} Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report September 22, 2008 Resolution #C-475-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of September 22, 2008 be approved. Council Meeting Minutes - 19 - September 29, 2008 "CARRIED" BUSINESS ARISING FROM NOTICE OF MOTION There were no Notices of Motion introduced under this section of the Agenda. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #C-476-08 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Foster Whereas Ontarians believe in the principle of fairness. That fairness defines who we are and how we live. Whereas the high growth communities in Ontario grow at more than twice the rate of the provincial population growth rate, adding more than 100,000 new residents each and every year; Whereas these regions are also aging at twice the provincial rate; Whereas population growth in these regions will further intensify due to Ontario's 30- year growth plan, Places to Grow; Whereas as of 2008/09 Ontarian's residing in the Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) representing high growth communities are receiving $258 less per resident for local hospital services when compared to the average Ontarian, which translates into a $1.4 billion annual operating funding gap for local hospital services - and these provincial funding inequities are worsening each year; Whereas more than four million Ontarians living in high growth communities are receiving $218 less per resident for provincially funded local social services when compared to the average Ontarian, which translates into a $708 million annual operating funding gap for local provincially funded social services - and these provincial funding inequities also worsening each year; Whereas the Government of Ontario has acknowledged the growing funding gaps for hospital services in high growth communities by committing during the 2007 provincial election to provide $100 million in additional annual operating funding to high growth hospitals; Whereas the promise of $30 million in growth funding for 2008/09 still means that the funding gap continues to widen; Council Meeting Minutes - 20- September 29, 2008 Whereas the Government of Ontario has announced that it is developing since 2006 and will implement a new Health Based Allocation Model (HBAM) to allocate new health care resources to local Health Integration Networks based on patient care needs in a way that will address health care funding inequities in Ontario; Be it resolved that in order to improve timely and local access to hospital care in Clarington, across high growth communities in Ontario, the Municipality of Clarington asks that the Government of Ontario: 1) Speed up implementation of hospital growth funding commitment ensuring that $100 million in growth funding is targeted to high growth hospitals and provide growth funding for social services 2) Quickly implement "Health Based Allocation Model" (HBAM) i.e., population- needs-based-funding for provincial health care funding and develop a population-needs-based funding formula for social services. 3) Develops a health care and social services growth plan for Ontario to complement Places to Grow. And that this resolution be forwarded to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Health and long-Term Care, the Minister of Finance, the MPP for Clarington, High Growth Communities Mayors and Chairs, and the Central East lHIN. "MOTION lOST ON THE FOllOWING RECORDED VOTE" Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Councillor Foster '-/ Councillor Hooper '-/ Councillor Novak '-/ Councillor Robinson '-/ Councillor Trim '-/ Councillor Woo '-/ Mayor Abernethy '-/ Council Meeting Minutes - 21 - September 29, 2008 BY-LAWS Resolution #C-477 -08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2008-161 to 2008-166 inclusive; 2008-161 Being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle 2008-162 Being a by-law to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington to execute documents considered necessary by the Municipality's Solicitor to transfer a perpetual easement to Hydro One Networks Inc. for a Switch Gear Box to be located, repaired, maintained and replaced on Part 1 on Plan 40R-25551 2008-163 Being a by-law to amend By-law 90-185, Being a by-law to designate the property municipally known as 19 King Street East, Bowmanville 2008-164 Being a by-law to appoint Members to the Solina Community Centre Board 2008-165 Being a by-law to appoint Members to The Tyrone Community Hall Board 2008-166 Being a by-law to appoint Members to the Orono Arena Community Centre Board and to repeal By-law 2007-034; and THAT the said by-laws be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. "CARRIED" NOTICE OF MOTION There were no Notices of Motion introduced under this section of the Agenda. Council Meeting Minutes - 22- September 29,2008 OTHER INFORMATION Councillor Trim advised that traffic signal warrants have been met for Liberty Street and Longworth Street and have been identified in the 2009 Regional program. The Regional Road 57 and Aspen Springs Drive warrants have not been met based on a May 2008 count and will be addressed through a site plan agreement on the northwest corner. Councillor Foster recognized the important role of Marty Epp, Program Manager, Central East Prehospital Care Program. CONFIRMING BY-LAW Resolution #C-478-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2008-167, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 29th day of September, 2008; and THAT the said by-law be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. "CARRIED" ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-479-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:50 p.m. "CARRIED" .9~ ~