HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/06/2008 ~n GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: TIME: PLACE: October 6, 2008 9:30 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS 4. MINUTES (a) Minutes of a Regular Meeting of September 22, 2008 401 5. PRESENTATIONS (a) Claudio Covelli, Dillion Consulting Limited, Regarding Report ESD-014-08, Master Fire Plan 6. DELEGATIONS (Draft List at Time of Publication - To be Replaced with Final List) 601 (a) Stephen Hogg, Regarding Report PSD-099-08 (b) Libby Racansky, Regarding Report PSD-102-08 (c) Richard Ward, Regarding Taxes and Receive for Information (d) Beth Kelly, Valiant Property Management, Regarding Rezoning Application to Permit a Shoppers Drug Mart (e) Markus Lise, Regarding The Sea to Sea Bike Tour (f) Nick Mensink, Sernas Associates, Regarding Report PSD-100-08 7. PUBLIC MEETINGS (a) Application to Amend the Clarington Zoning By-Law Applicant: 896443 Ontario Ltd. Report: PSD-096-08 701 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO L 1 C 3Al;l T 905-623-3379 G.P. & A. Agenda -2- October 6, 2008 8. PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT (a) PSD-096-08 Zoning By-law Amendment to Rezone to Permit Prestige 801 Employment Uses Applicant: 896443 Ontario Limited (b) PSD-097 -08 Monitoring of the Decisions of the Committee of 813 . Adjustment for the Meeting of September 18, 2008 (c) PSD-098-08 Rezoning to Permit an Indoor Golf Driving Range and Club 819 House as Permitted Uses at 2735 Hancock Road, Courtice Applicant: Gertrud Tomina (d) PSD-099-08 Municipality of Clarington General Amendment to Zoning 832 By-law 84-63 Regarding Recreational Vehicle Parking and Accessory Buildings and Structures (e) PSD-100-08 Proposed Official Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Plan of 853 Subdivision to Delete a Secondary School Site and to Permit the Development of 90 Single Dwellings and 66 Block Townhouse Dwellings Applicant: Prestonvale Heights Limited (f) PSD-102-08 Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment by the Municipality 867 of Clarington for 3289 Trulls Road North in Courtice (g) PSD-103-08 Repeal of Heritage Designation 25-27 King Street East, 878 Bowmanville 9. ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT (a) EGD-040-08 Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for August, 2008 901 (b) EGD-041-08 TSH Merger with Aecom Canada Limited - Amendments 907 to Agreement for Professional Consulting Services and Related Amendments to the Purchasing By-law (c) EGD-043-08 Veltri Gardens Subdivision, Bowmanville, Plan 40M-21 07, 928 "Certificate of Acceptance" and "Assumption By-laws", Final Works Including Roads and Other Related Works (d) EGD-044-08 Newcastle Meadows Subdivision Phase 2, Bowmanville, 934 Plan 40M-1911, "Certificate of Acceptance" and "Assumption By-laws", Roads and Above Ground Services Including Roads and Other Related Works G.P. & A. Agenda - 3 - October 6, 2008 10. OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT No Reports 11. EMERGENCY AND FIRE SERVICES DEPARTMENT (a) ESD-013-08 Memorandum of Understanding - St. Marys Cement Inc. 1101 (Canada) (b) ESD-014-08 Master Fire Plan Update 1108 12. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT No Reports 13. MUNICIPAL CLERK'S DEPARTMENT (a) CLD-026-08 Amend Appointment of Officers 1301 (b) CLD-027 -OB Confidential Report Regarding Litigation or Potential Litigation. Including Matters Before Administrative Tribunals, Affecting the Municipality (c) CLD-028-08 Quarterly Parking Reports 1304 14. CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT (a) COD-054-08 Price Hedging Agreements (Commodities) Statement of 1401 Policies and Goals (b) COD-056-08 CL200B-15, Construction of Aspen Springs 1415 (c) COD-057-08 CL2008-34, Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various 1423 Trees & Stump Grinding Requirements for the Municipality of Clarington (d) COD-059-0B Review of Clarington.net, Publication 1428 (e) COD-060-0B RFP2008-2, Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex Lease 1433 Space - Community Care Durham 15. FINANCE DEPARTMENT (a) FND-021-0B List of Applications for Cancellation, Reduction, 1501 Apportionments or Refund of Taxes (b) FND-022-08 Municipal Performance Measures Program - 2007 1507 G.P. & A. Agenda -4- October 6, 2008 16. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE (a) CAO-010-08 Corporate Strategic Business Plan 2007-2010 2008 Progress Report 1601 17. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 18. OTHER BUSINESS 19. COMMUNICATIONS (a) Memorandum from the Director of Planning Services Requesting that a 1901 recommendation, regarding an amendment to Zoning By-law 84-63 respecting the development of a mixed use building (for a Shoppers Drug Mart and Second Storey office space) be postponed to a later date in support of the request for postponement from MHBC Planning. (b) Memorandum from the Director of Planning Services Requesting that 1905 Report PSD-091-08, remain tabled at this time. 20. ADJOURNMENT CJM.-flJgton General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, September 22, 2008 at 9:30 a.m., in the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL Present Were: Also Present: Mayor J. Abernethy Councillor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor M. Novak Councillor G. Robinson Councillor C. Trim (left at 11 :15 a.m.) Councillor W. Woo Acting Chief Administrative Officer, M. Marano Deputy Fire Chief, Emergency Services, M. Berney Director of, Engineering Services, T. Cannella Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Deputy Director of Finance, L. Gordon Director of Operations, F. Horvath Deputy Clerk, A. Greentree Clerk II, E. Atkinson Mayor Abernethy chaired this portion of the meeting. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest stated at this meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS Councillor Foster announced the following upcoming events: · Whitecliffe Terrace Retirement home will be hosting a Tickle Me Pink event on September 26th,with the proceeds going to Run for the Cure · Whitecliffe Terrace Retirement home will have a box located in the lobby on September 25th for clothing and blanket donations for a daycare of about 60 children · Courtice Business Association met on September 1 ih and one concern raised was with regards to the proposed median strip to be installed in front of the Whitecliffe buliding 401 General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 Councillor Novak announced the following events she attended over this past week: . Durham Agricultural Committee hosted their farm tour on September 16th . The Region of Durham evening event for long-term service and retirees on September 18th . Clarington Older Adults Association Gala Dinner on September 19th . Grand Re-Opening of Langes Photos on September 20th . The ball tournament at Memorial Park on September 20th in support of Lukes Place Councillor Hooper announced the following up coming events: . Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is hosting it's annual festival on September 23rd at Camp Samac . Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority will be celebratin~ it's 50th Anniversary celebrations at Cullen Gardens on September 25 Councillor Robinson announced the following event: . Orono BIA hosted a Chili Cook Off with the proceeds donated to the local food bank Councillor Woo announced the following events: . He attended the Grand Re-Opening of Boston Pizza on September 17th . The Bowmanville Eagles Hockey team hosted the Ontario Junior Hockey Tournament at Rickard Recreation Complex on September 19th through to September 21st . Dan Carter will be at the Chapters Book store between 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. on September 22nd to promote his new book . Durham Regional Soccer Association is hosting their awards dinner at the Bowmanville Indoor Soccer Facility on September 24th . Clarington Blooms 2008 winners of the Apple Blossoms awards will be announced on September 24th . Clarington Squash Club will be hosting a tournament at the Clarington Fitness Centre on September 27th . Family Safety Day will be held at Fire Station #1 from 10 - 4 on Saturday September 27th MINUTES Resolution #GPA-507-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on September 8, 2008, be approved. CARRIED - 2. 402 General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 PRESENTATIONS There were no presentations. DELEGATIONS Terra Sayer, Canadian Red Cross, rescheduled to address the Committee at the General Purpose and Administration meeting scheduled for October 6, 2008. Jaison Gibson addressed the Committee regarding the concept of a Public Nature Credit Program. He would like to see the local government and the public rally together and work with nature to help solve some of the problems with the environment. As an incentive for land owners to participate, the Municipality of Clarington could provide a tax credit to the land owners at the end of the year. With the cost of living increasing, price of food and gas rising rapidly, Mr. Gibson has planted a shared garden on his family's farm to share with his neighbours. Mr. Gibson would like to have the Municipality promote shared gardens and he would like to see at least ten in the area next year. Mr. Gibson informed the Committee he will be back every two weeks to present new ideas and anyone wishing to contact him with their suggestions can do so by emailinghimatblacklabstudio@hotmail.com. Stephen Hogg addressed the Committee regarding trailer and boat storage on his property. Mr. Hogg felt the complaints with regards to his property were not valid because he had not yet had any trailers or boats stored on his property. He did state that he had put a sign on his front lawn indicating his intentions but nothing was stored. Mr. Hogg had contacted the Planning Department over a year ago and felt the cost to apply for rezoning was too expensive and he was not guaranteed this request would be approved. He is concerned that having his property rezoned from agricultural to commercial will have a significant impact on his taxes. Mr. Hogg would like to see a permit system implemented, with some reasonable fee structure. He feels this is a reasonable request, if the permit holders are not in compliance with the by-laws then their permits can be revoked and not renewed. He would like to meet with Planning staff to discuss any options. Richard Ward addressed the Committee regarding taxes. Mr. Ward would like something done from the Committee with his delegations, other than "received with thanks." He requested a current tax breakdown of his property taxes, indicating the amount paid for garbage pick up and any penalty charges. Mr. Ward requested an explanation as to why he has been denied the request to have his property rezoned, which he explained was requested a few years ago during the official plan review. -3- 403 General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 Councillor Novak chaired this portion of the meeting. PUBLIC MEETING (a) Subject: Applicant: Report: Application for Draft Plan of Subdivision Approval Ontario Power Generation Inc. PSD-093-08 Tracey Webster, Planner, Planning Services Department provided a verbal report supported by a Powerpoint presentation pertaining to Report PSD-093-08. No one spoke in opposition to Report PSD-093-08. Richard Ward spoke in support of the recommendations contained in Report PSD-094-08. Mr. Ward stated this type of development should be encouraged as it promotes job creation not just in Clarington but also in the Durham Region. Mr. Ward requested that Council strongly support this type of development. Nick Mensink, Sernas Associates, was present on behalf of the applicant to address any concerns or questions raised at the public meeting. There were no questions or concerns raised. Mr. Mensink will continue to work with staff and looks forward to a subsequent report this fall. (b) Subject: Application to Amend the Zoning By-Law 84-63 Applicant: 564069 Ontario Inc. Report: PSD-094-08 Richard Holy, Senior Planner, Planning Services Department provided a verbal report supported by a Powerpoint presentation pertaining to Report PSD-094-08. No one spoke in opposition to or support of Report PSD-094-08. Glen Genge, DG Biddle & Associates, was present on behalf of the applicant to address any concerns or questions raised at the Public Meeting. There were no questions or concerns raised. Mr. Genge advised they are willing to work with all of the issues, stated in the Report, through the site plan process. (c) Subject: Application to Amend the Clarington Official Plan, Zoning By-Law 84-63 and for an Approval of a Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision Applicant: Smooth Run Developments and Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited Report: PSD-095-08 Cindy Strike, Planner, Planning Services Department provided a verbal report supported by a Powerpoint presentation pertaining to Report PSD-095-08. .4. 404 General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 Doug Rombough spoke in opposition to the recommendations contained in Report PSD-095-08. Mr. Rombough is a resident of the area and has several concerns. He provided the Committee with a presentation showing the history of his house and the surrounding area. He is concerned the new development is not in keeping with the historic look of the area. Mr. Rombough is concerned with the number of houses proposed for this site and the impact it will have on the traffic flow. Mr. Rombough feels his residence will be the most adversely affected by this development. Therefore, he requested an increase to the buffer area to be greater than ten meters and that evergreens be planted around his property for further enhancement; that the number of housing units be decreased and the lots sizes increased; and that the development be constructed so it does not affect the water flow in the year-round stream flowing across his property. He would like to see the park sizes and the number of parks increased. Robert Franssen spoke in opposition to the recommendations contained in Report PSD-095-08. Mr. Franssen expressed concerns over the impact this development will have in future years on the water and sewer treatment for the Village of Newcastle. He enquired if there would be an arm or an overpass installed at the rail tracks on Arthur Street. Mr. Franssen has traffic concerns, he would like to see turning lanes implemented and possibly the widening of Arthur Street. The southbound access to the 115/35 needs to be addressed as well. Mr. Franseen would like to have more parks, especially baseball diamonds developed in the area, and would like to see a police station built in Newcastle to help deal with the increase of population and resulting increase in enforcement needs. Pastor Brouwer, Crossroads Christian Assembly Church, spoke in opposition to the recommendations contained in Reoport PSD-095-08. He expressed concerns that there are no places of worship within this proposed development. He is opposed to the road closure for North Street which is the street in front of his church. He has concerns that the proposed changes would cause the public to take short cuts to McDonald's and believes that putting a gate up is not an option as there has to be public access to this road at all times. He would like to see Regional Rd. 17 remain as it is. Helen HuDocin spoke in opposition to the recommendations contained in Report PSD-095-08. Ms. HuDocin is an owner of a century home on Concession #3. Ms. HuDocin informed the Committee she has concerns regarding the increase in traffic and the proposed exits this development will have on North Street. She is currently experiencing problems getting out of her driveway because of traffic and this will only add to the problem. No one spoke in support of Report PSD-095-08. -5- 405 General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 Bryce Jordan, Sernas & Associates, was present on behalf of the applicant to address any concerns or questions raised at the Public Meeting. He informed the Committee this is a large development covering 280 acres and will be implemented in stages to keep pace with infrastructure. Mr. Jordan informed the Committee the water issues raised at this Public Meeting will be reviewed and Mr. Rombough will be kept informed. Resolving the traffic and road issue with regards to the North Street closure and re-alignment of Regional Rd #17 will take cooperation between the developers, Ministry of Transportation, the Region and the Municipality of Clarington. Mr. Jordan will look into the increasing the buffer size and the parks. Resoultion #GPA-508-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the Committee recess for 10 minutes. CARRIED The meeting reconvened at 11 :30 a.m. PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT APPLICATIONS FOR DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION TO PERMIT THE DEVELOPMENT OF THREE INDUSTRIAL BLOCKS APPLICANT: ONTARIO POWER GENERATION INC. Resolution #GPA-509-08 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Mayor Abernethy THAT Report PSD-093-08 be received; THAT the application continue to be processed to address outstanding issues and any concerns raised at the Public Meeting; and THAT all interested parties listed Report PSD-093-08 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. CARRIED PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT BY 564069 ONTARIO INC. TO PERMIT ADDITIONAL PARKING FOR A SUPERMARKET EXPANSION Resolution #GPA-51 0-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Report PSD-094-08 be received; -6- 406 General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 THAT the proposed amendment to Zoning By-law 84-63 to permit additional parking for a 929 sq.m. supermarket expansion be approved and that the by-law as contained in Attachment 3 to Report PSD-094-08 be passed; and THAT the Region of Durham, all interested parties listed in Report PSD-094-08, and any delegations at the Public Meeting be advised of Council's decision. CARRIED PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT PROPOSED NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLAN FOR VILLAGE NORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD IN NEWCASTLE APPLICATIONS TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW AND FOR APPROVAL OF DRAFT PLANS OF SUBDIVISION APPLICANTS: SMOOTH RUN DEVELOPMENTS (METRUS DEVELOPMENTS INC.) BROOKFIELD HOMES (ONTARIO) LIMITED Resolution #GPA-511-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Mayor Abernethy THAT Report PSD-095-08 be received; THAT the application to amend the Clarington Official Plan COPA 2005-008, submitted by Smooth Run Developments and Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited continue to be processed including review of comments received at the Public Meeting; THAT the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2005-0003 and application for rezoning, ZBA 2005-042 submitted by Smooth Run Developments continue to be processed including review of comments received at the Public Meeting; THAT the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2005-0004 and application for rezoning, ZBA 2005-043 submitted by Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited continue to be processed including review of comments received at the Public Meeting; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-095-08 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. CARRIED -7 - 407 General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 Councillor Foster chaired this portion of the meeting. ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. - REQUEST FOR EASEMENT Resolution #GPA-512-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report EGD-039-08 be received; and THAT the By-law attached to Report EGD-039-08 as Attachment 1. be passed to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk, on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington, to execute documents considered necessary by the Municipality's Solicitor for the Municipality of Clarington to transfer a perpetual easement for a nominal consideration to Hydro One Networks Inc. to permit the location, repair, maintenance and replacement of a Switch Gear Box on Part 1 shown on Plan 40R-25551 containing terms satisfactory to the Director of Engineering Services, conditional on Claret Investments Limited and 1361189 Ontario Limited paying the Municipality's reasonable costs for legal services and disbursements. CARRIED OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. EMERGENCY AND FIRE SERVICES DEPARTMENT There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. Councillor Hooper chaired this portion of the meeting. CLERK'S DEPARTMENT HERITAGE DESIGNATION BY-LAW AMENDMENT Resolution #GPA-513-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report CLD-025-08 be received; -8- 408 General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 THAT the by-law attached to Report CLD-025-08 as Attachment No. 1 to amend the designation of 19 King Street East, Bowmanville, be forwarded to Council; THAT the Municipal Clerk be authorized to carry out all actions necessary to complete the process of amending the property designation pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.O.18 and detailed within Report CLD-025-08; and THAT the property owner, the Clarington Heritage Committee and the Ontario Heritage Trust be advised of Council's decision. CARRIED Mayor Abernethy chaired this portion of the meeting. CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT CL2008-10, VEHICLES FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Resolution #GPA-514-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report COD-052-08 be received; THAT Colombo Motors LP, Woodbridge, Ontario, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2008-10 for the supply of vehicles required by the Clerk's, Operations and Community Services Departments; be awarded the contract as follows: Item No. Part C Description Bid Amount Part E One (1) Light Duty 4WD Crew Cab Short Box Pick-up Truck Four (4) 4WD Long Box Pick-up Trucks Total Award (Plus G.S.T) $25,215.82 $131.049.58 $156.265.40 THAT Section Part B and Part Dare re-tendered as no bid submissions were received; THAT Section Part A, Part F and Part G are re-tendered as the bid submissions received do not meet the Municipality of Clarington's specifications; and - 9- 409 General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 THAT the funds required in the amount of $156,265.40 (plus G.S.T.), be drawn from accounts as follows: Department & Account Number Clerk's Department - 2008 Capital Budget Account #110-19-388-81904-7401 Operations Department - 2007 Capital Budget Account #110-36-388-83642-7401 Account #110-36-388-83650-7401 Amount $25,215.82 $32,762.39 $65,524.80 Community Services Department- 2008 Capital Budget Account #110-42-388-84205-7401 $32.762.39 Total Funds Available $156.265.40 CARRIED CL2008-33, ONE (1) SIDE LOADING COMPACTOR Resolution #GPA-515-08 Moved by Councillor Hooper. seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report COD-053-08 be received; THAT Haul-All Equipment, Lethbridge Alberta, with a total bid in the amount of $130,489.65 (plus G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2008-33, be awarded the contract to supply one (1) Side Loading Compactor, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Operations Department; and THAT the funds required in the amount of $130,489.65 (plus G.S.T.) be drawn from Operations Department 2008 Capital Account # 110-36-388-83616-7401 as follows: 2008 Budget Amount $120.000.00. Additional Funds from Development Charge Reserve Fund $9,441.00 and Operations Equipment Reserve Fund $1,049.00. CARRIED CL2008-29, TWO (2) 60,000 G.V.W. TANDEM DIESEL DUMP TRUCKS WITH PLOW EQUIPMENT Resolution #GPA-516-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Report COD-055-08 be received; -10 - 410 General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22,2008 THAT Winslow-Gerolamy Motors Limited, Peterborough, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $353,272.32 (plus G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2008-29, be awarded the contract to supply two (2) 60,000 G.V.W. Tandem Diesel Dump Trucks with Plow Equipment, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Operations Department; and THAT the funds required in the amount of $353,272.32 (plus G.S.T.) be drawn from the Operations 2008 Capital Budget Account 110-36-388-83642-7401. CARRIED FINANCE DEPARTMENT AGGREGATE RESOURCE ACT Resolution #GPA-517-08 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report FND-019-08 be received for information. CARRIED ANNUAL LEASING REPORT. 2008 Resolution #GPA-518-08 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report FND-02Q-08 be received for information. CARRIED CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. UNFINISHED BUSINESS DELEGATION - JAISON GIBSON - REGARDING PUBLIC NATURE CREDIT PROGRAM Resolution #GPA-519-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the delegation of Mr. Jaison Gibson be received with thanks. CARRIED . 11 . 411 General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 DELEGATION - STEPHEN HOGG - REGARDING TRAILER & BOAT STORAGE ON HIS PROPERTY Resolution #GPA-520-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the delegation of Mr. Stephen Hogg be referred to the Director of Planning Services for further review and consideration. CARRIED DELEGATION - RICHARD WARD - REGARDING TAXES Resolution #GPA-521-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the delegation of Mr. Richard Ward be received; and THAT the Director of Finance be directed to provide Mr. Ward with a letter detailing a breakdown of his outstanding property taxes including penalty charges. WITHDRAWN Resolution #GPA-522-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the delegation of Mr. Richard Ward be received; THAT the Director of Finance be directed to provide Mr. Ward with a letter detailing a breakdown of his outstanding property taxes including penalty charges. for the previous 5 year period; and THAT the correspondence be sent to Mr. Ward via registered mail. CARRIED AS AMENDED (See following motion) -12 - 412 General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 Resolution # GPA-523-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the foregoing resolution be amended to add the following: "THAT the Director of Planning Services be directed to provide Mr. Ward with correspondence explaining in simple terms the requirements to be met to consider a rezoning of his property; and THAT this correspondence be sent to Mr. Ward via registered mail." . CARRIED The foregoing Resolution #GPA-522-08 was then put to a vote and carried as amended. OTHER BUSINESS There were no items dealt with under this section of the agenda. COMMUNICATIONS There were no items dealt with under this section of the agenda. ADJOURNMENT Resolution #GPA-524-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the meeting adjourn at 12:10 p.m. CARRIED MAYOR DEPUTY CLERK - 13 - 413 DRAFT LIST OF DELEGATIONS GPA Meeting: October 6, 2008 (a) Stephen Hogg, Regarding Report PSD-099-08 (b) Libby Racansky, Regarding Report PSD-102-08 (c) Richard Ward, Regarding Taxes and Receive for Information (d) Beth Kelly, Valiant Property Management, Regarding Rezoning Application to Permit a Shoppers Drug Mart (e) Markus Lise, Regarding The Sea to Sea Bike Tour (f) Nick Mensink, Sernas Associates, Regarding Report PSD-100-08 CICJ!.#JglOn Report # PSD-096~08 896443 Ontario Ltd. AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE CLARINGTON ZONING BY.LAW 84-63 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington will consider a proposed Zoning By.law Amendment, under Section 34 of the Planning Act, 1990, as amended. APPLICATION DETAILS The proposed Zoning By.iaw Amendment submitted by 896443 Ontario Limited would permit the development of a prestige employment area containing approximately 4585 m' of industrial floor area, a restaurant, a coffee shop, a bank totalling 1240 m' of floor area, an addllional1170 m' anciliary commercial building, and a 5-storey, 100 room hotel with a conference centre. The subject property is located in Part Lot 17, Broken Front Concession, fonmer Township of Darlington at 922 Green Road in Bowmanvilie, as shown on reverse. Planning File No.: ZBA200a.-0019 PUBLIC MEETING The Municipality of Clarington wili hold a public meeting to provide interested parties the opportunity to make comments, identify issues and provide addllional information reiative to the proposed development. The public meeting wili be held on: DATE: Monday, October 6, 2008 TIME: 9:30 a.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, 2"' Floor, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Sl,.Bowmanville, Ontario ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposal. The start time listed above reflects the time at which the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting commences. If you cannot attend the Public Meeting on this application you can make a deputation to Council at their meeting on Tuesday October 14, 2008, commencing at 7:00 p.m. Should you wish to appear before Council, you must register with the Clerks Department by the Wednesday noon, October 8, 2008, to have your name appear in the Agenda. COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS? If you wish to be notified of subsequent meetings or the approval of the proposed zoning by-law amendment or of the refusal of a request to amend the zoning by.law, you must make a written request to the Clerk's Department, 2'" Floor, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L 1C 3A6. Additional Information relating to the proposai is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (during July and August 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.) at the Planning SeIVices Department, 3~ Floor, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3A6, or by calling Susan Ashton at (905) 623-3379 extension 218 or bye-mail atsashtontll!clarinatan.net . APPEAL If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a publiC meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Clarington Planning SeIVices Department before the proposed zoning by-law amendment is approved, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of Clarington Council to the Ontario Municipai Board. If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a publiC meeting or make written submissions - to the Municipality of Clarington before the proposed zoning by.law amendment is approved, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party, /?jjf;~'" ~ .~...~ ,~ rolrector of Planning SeIVices Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L 1C 3A6 701 ~ ::l CD :l '" .. '" t; w o ::l il' ~ o' r- 3" ~ , I, I h I ~ i: ~ ?li _ m ~ ~ I: : ~ ~ ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --' -~ _ 1 -- Ii(W) ~ BE7WEEN fiREEN'RtW'J LO~ 16~ I? GREEN. ROAD ~ S' ::l ~. N ~~ . r- I\) .. Cl :Ii Cl ~~ CD Cl ::l .... C. '" 3 CD ::l - ... a 1il ~ b n . 6' " f ... 702 QWilJgton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, October 6, 2008 Report #: PSD-096-08 File #: ZBA 2008-0019 By-law #: Subject: ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT TO REZONE TO PERMIT PRESTIGE EMPLOYMENT USES APPLICANT: 896443 ONTARIO LIMITED RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-096-08 be received; 2. THAT the rezoning application submitted by 896433 Ontario Limited for prestige employment lands continue to be reviewed to address outstanding issues and any concerns raised at the Public Meeting; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: David J. rome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services Reviewed by: u~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer SAlCP/av/df September 26, 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 801 REPORT NO.: PSD-096-08 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Owner: 896433 Ontario Limited 1.2 Applicant: Commercial Focus Advisory Services Inc. 1.3 Proposal: To rezone the subject lands from "Agricultural (A)" to an appropriate zone to permit the development of a prestige employment area containing approximately 4,585 m2 of industrial floor area, a commercial area containing a restaurant, a coffee shop, a bank, totaling 1240 m2, a 1,170 m2 ancillary commercial building, and a 5 storey, 100 room, hotel with a conference centre. 1.4 Site Area: 8.8 ha (21.75 ac) 1.5 Location: The subject lands are located in Bowmanville, west of Green Road and south of Baseline Road. (Attachment 1). The property is contained within Part Lot 17, Broken Front Concession, and is known municipally as 922 Green Road. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 On June 24, 2008 the applicant submitted a partial application for rezoning on the subject property. On July 10, 2008 the owner submitted the remaining necessary studies and fees to the Municipality of Clarington to rezone the subject lot. The application was deemed complete on July 22, 2008. 2.2 The Owner/Applicant has previously submitted official plan amendment and rezoning applications in 2007 to develop the property residentially with a mix of low and medium density dwelling units. The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe 2006 prohibits the conversion of employment lands to residential uses except through a municipal comprehensive Official Plan review. At that time Clarington was not undertaking its Official Plan Review process and the applicant did not wish to wait. The applications submitted were not complete, and after several meetings with the Municipality and the Region of Durham, the Owner withdrew the official plan amendment and re-submitted the rezoning application to be in conformity with the current Clarington Official Plan. 3.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 3.1 Currently the site is vacant and has been used for agricultural crops. The Darlington Creek area is the western boundary for the proposed development. The Owner, 896443 Ontario Limited, is also the owner of the lands located on the west side of the Darlington Creek, extending to the western urban area boundary of Bowmanville and designated as "Environmental Protection Area". The Owner is contemplating residential 802 REPORT NO.: PSD-096-08 PAGE 3 uses in the future for the west side of the Darlington Creek, but that is not part of the current rezoning application. 3.2 The property contains steep slopes that will require significant engineering and grading to become useable. There is a grading separation of approximately 20 metres between the northerly abutting property and the flatter agricultural portion of the subject property. The steeper slopes are bush covered as they are unusable for agricultural purposes. The creek valley is densely treed and drops approximately another 5 metres to the valley bottom. 3.3 Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: single detached dwellings, Baseline Road, future draft approved plan of subdivision single detached dwelling, agricultural Municipal recreational complex - Bowmanville Indoor Soccer/Lacrosse Bowl Rural residential West: 4.0 PROVINCIAL POLICIES 4.1 Provincial Policv Statement Provincial Policy regarding employment areas states that municipalities shall plan for, protect and preserve employment areas for current and future uses. The applicant is seeking to develop lands designated Prestige Employment Area in the Clarington Official Plan. There shall be no conversion of employment areas to non-employment uses, except through a comprehensive review, and then only where it has been demonstrated that there is a need for the conversion. 4.2 Growth Plan The Growth Plan states that municipalities shall promote and provide for economic development by providing for employment uses. These lands have been designated for industrial development since being included in the Bowmanville Urban Area in 1996. To date they have been used for agricultural uses and industrial development has not occurred. The Growth Plan states that Greenfield development shall plan for an ultimate minimum density target of not less than 50 residents and jobs combined per hectare. The applicant has not provided any information on how this will be achieved. There is a commercial component to this application, a restaurant (310 m2), a coffee shop (320 m2), and bank (610m2) and an ancillary commercial building (1170 m2). There is no specific use for the ancillary commercial building. The Growth Plan states that major retail uses are considered non-employment uses, and thus not permitted on employment lands. Further discussion is required on the commercial component of this application. 803 REPORT NO.: PSD-096-08 PAGE 4 5.0 OFFICIAL PLANS 5.1 Durham Reaional Official Plan The Durham Regional Official Plan designates the land "Employment Areas". Lands designated Employment Areas permit the manufacturing, assembly and processing of goods, services industries, research and development facilities, warehousing, business parks, limited personal service uses, hotels, storage of goods and materials, retail warehouses, freight transfer and transportation facilities. The goal of Employment Areas is to increase job opportunities in the Region. 5.2 Clarinaton Official Plan The Clarington Official Plan designates the land "Prestige Employment Area" and "Environmental Protection Area". The Prestige Employment policies allow for professional, corporate and office buildings, data processing centres, research and development facilities, commercial or technical schools, and light industrial uses within enclosed buildings. Provided they are limited in scale, certain commercial, community or recreational uses, including banks, restaurants, athletic clubs, banquet facilities and fraternal organizations are permitted. Additionally hotels and trade and convention centres may be permitted by site specific zoning amendment. Office development shall not exceed a floor space index of 1.0 to protect Central Areas. Further discussion on the "ancillary commercial building" will be required to determine conformity. The site has frontage on Baseline Road, which is designated a Type 'A' Arterial Road and on Green Road which is a local road. New access to a Type 'A' Arterial Road is limited to one every 200 metres within urban areas. The applicant is proposing a new access to Baseline Road. There is also a proposed access to the site from Green Road. The Environmental Protection Area is associated with the Darlington Creek and its valley which bisects the property. An Environmental Impact Study is required. 6.0 ZONING BY-LAW 6.1 Zoning By-law 84-63 as amended, zones the subject land "Agricultural (A)" and "Environmental Protection (EP)". The applicant has applied to rezone the "A" portion of the lands to permit the development of a prestige employment area containing approximately 4,585 m2 of industrial floor area, a restaurant, a coffee shop, a bank, a 1,170 m2 ancillary commercial building, and a 5 storey, 100 room, hotel with a conference centre. 804 REPORT NO.: PSD-096-08 PAGE 5 7.0 SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND STUDIES 7.1 Prestiqe Employment Rezoninq Justification Report This report concludes that the application is in conformity with the Provincial Policy Statements, the Growth Plan, the Regional Official Plan and the Clarington Official Plan. Both Official Plans designate the lands "Employment Areas" and "Prestige Employment Area" respectively. Staff would concur that the industrial component of the application would conform. However, the report does not justify or explain the inclusion of the large commercial component of this rezoning application. Although the Clarington Official Plan Prestige Employment Area designation does permit limited retail uses such as banks and restaurants, they are only permitted on a limited scale and to provide services to employees of an Employment Area. The report does not indicate what uses are contemplated for the commercial building beyond the restaurant, coffee shop and bank, and how the uses would serve the industrial area in conformity with the Official Plan policies. 7.2 Community Impact Analysis This report analyzed the impact of converting the lands on the east side of the Darlington Creek from agricultural lands to prestige employment lands. As such, the report should include a review of the physical changes required to modify the property for its proposed use, noise, traffic volumes, impact on adjacent roads including necessary upgrades (rural to urban standards, turning lanes etc), and the ability of the Municipality to absorb additional retail floor space. The report contains none of the above information. It does detail the impact of the absorption of the employment lands and finds it to be negligible as the site is only 8.8 ha and the proposal only seeks to develop approximately 60% of the site or about 5 ha of land. Further work by the applicant is required on this Community Impact Analysis. 7.3 Detailed Servicinq Report A Detailed Servicing Report was completed by D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited in June 2008. The report addresses sanitary sewers, water distribution, storm drainage and the road network in conceptual form. The site contains a portion of a drumlin which splits the property's drainage 1/3 to the east to the Westside Creek and the remainder to the west to the Darlington Creek. The report proposes to bring sanitary service to the east side of the property from Green Road, by crossing municipal property known as the Bowmanville Community Park. This concept has not been reviewed in detail or endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington at this time. Water service will be from existing watermains located on Baseline Road at Green Road, which were installed with the Baseline Road re-construction. These existing watermains will be extended southward along Green Road to service the subject site. 805 REPORT NO.: PSD-096-08 PAGE 6 Stormwater drainage will be accommodated through the site grading and the installation of paved parking areas, paved roadways and a below grade storm sewer network. Ultimately, there will be an outlet to Darlington Creek. Although the report addressed sanitary service, water service and stormwater drainage for additional lands owned by the applicant to the west of Darlington Creek, the lands are not part of this application. The report proposes a berm to be constructed across the Darlington Creek for the purpose of running services to service possible future development on the west side of the Darlington Creek, inside the urban area boundary. At this time those lands are designated Environmental Protection Area in their entirety, so Staff do not endorse the future servicing of those lands as part of this application. 7.4 Traffic Studv. Javar Consultants Inc.. June 17. 2008 The Traffic Study concludes that up to two accesses may be accommodated on Baseline Road. However, it also correctly refers to the Official Plan policy, which permits one private access every 200 metres of road for a Type "A" Arterial Road. Currently the site has approximately 45 metres of frontage on Baseline Road, not within the existing Environmental Protection Zone surrounding Darlington Creek. Given the entrance to the residence at 974 Baseline Road immediately adjacent to this property, and the Environmental Impact Study pending to determine the actual limits of the "EP" zone, any entrance from the subject site to Baseline Road will require further review by the Municipality of Clarington. The Study refers to a "concept plan" submitted by Commercial Focus Advisory Services which was used as a comparison for the actual rezoning application submitted to the Municipality. A copy of the "concept plan" is not included in the Traffic Study. Staff have several concerns with the Traffic Study, including the basis of the zoning rights used in the study. Clarington Engineering Services requested a review of the Traffic Study by Totten Sims Hubicki. Their review concluded that it appears the basic assumptions in the study are correct, but further work is needed to ensure that number and location of site access driveways is appropriate on Baseline Road and Green Road, that adequate site lines at the proposed accesses will provide safe sight distances for turns to and from the site, and whether access limitations are required, such as right in, right out limitations. The further work required would be appropriate at the site plan approval stage when more information is available about the design and operation of the site is known. 7.5 Phase 1 Site Assessment. Construction Controllnc.. 2006 A Phase 1 Site Assessment was conducted in June 2006 by Construction Control Inc. and was submitted as part of the application package. The purpose of the Phase 1 was to determine the potential for contamination at the subject site which could pose a hazard to users of the site or the surrounding environment. The Phase 1 Site Assessment consisted of a historical review of the past uses of the site and adjacent 806 REPORT NO.: PSD-096-08 PAGE 7 lands, and a visual inspection of the site for visual or olfactory evidence of contamination. The Assessment determined the site previously contained a farm building, which has been demolished. It appears some rubble may have been left at the site, but it is anticipated to be minimal and should pose no significant adverse effect. The surrounding lands appear to have been used for agricultural and/or rural residential purposes. There was no visible indications of chemical spillage, contamination, or of below ground fuel storage tanks. At the writing of the report in 2006, it is noted a response from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) had not been received. The request for the information was included in the documentation, but no response from the Ministry. Staff have requested this further information from the applicant. 7.6 StaQe 1-3 Archaeolooical Assessment An archaeological assessment was carried out by Archaeological Assessments Ltd. in July 2008. The study comprised three stages. Stage 1 reviewed existing data for other previous artifact finds within a 2 kilometre radius, reviewed all published and unpublished known reports and reviewed the Archaeological Sites Database of the Ontario Ministry of Culture. This site does not contain any previously registered archaeological sites. Stage 2 was a field assessment conducted on June 12, 2008. The property was test- pitted at 5 metre intervals by shovel. Two areas of disturbance were noted and are attributed to the existence of a former laneway and the existence of a former barn. An artifact was discovered and has been registered as the Hedley site (AIGq-89). The site is located in the north eastern portion of the property. A single Onondaga chert biface thinning flake was recovered from a test pit at this location. A Stage 3 excavation was then carried out at the site on June 23, 2008, which entailed the excavation of six, one metre deep test pits at 5 metre intervals. No further artifacts were discovered and the chipped stone is attributed to an isolated findspot or a temporary camp occupied by a single person or small group of people. This find does not represent a significant archaeological resource. It was recommended that no further investigations be carried out at this site. 7.7 Environmental Impact Study The applicant submitted a Terms of Reference, as required by the Municipality, resulting from preconsultation meetings. However, the Terms of Reference required work by the Municipality prior to forwarding it to Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for review, and then to a consultant for a proposal submission. The Environmental Impact Study will be undertaken by Aquafor Beech. This Study will commence this fall and will focus on the following features: a warm water stream, a significant valley land and a wetland. 807 REPORT NO.: PSD-096-08 PAGE 8 8.0 PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSION 8.1 Public notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site. Also two (2) public meeting notice signs were installed on the property along the Green Road and Baseline Road frontages. 8.2 A number of inquiries have been received regarding this application. The inquiries have been regarding the size of the land parcel, the precise location of the subject property, the proximity of the subject property to the urban area boundary, impact on property values, what buffers are proposed for the industrial development and could the industrial component of the site be located to the south and the commercial component front on Baseline Road. 8.3 There has been one objection to the application. The neighbouring property owner is objecting due to the negative impacts on his property. The proposed 5-storey hotel will block the view to the south, and the proposed entrance on Baseline Road will create a traffic hazard. The property owner states that speed is already a concern on Baseline Road entering Bowmanville and there will be no clear view to the east from the proposed entrance. 8.4 There has also been one concern raised regarding the mailing addresses for correspondence from the Municipality. Staff have taken steps to have the mailing addresses updated. The Municipality uses the most current assessment information available to generate the mailing list for new applications. 9.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 9.1 At the writing of this report, comments have been received from Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, Hydro One Networks Inc., Rogers Communications, Enbridge Gas and Bell Canada. These comments have been forwarded to the applicant for review. 9.2 There were no objections from Hydro One Networks Inc., Rogers Communications, and Enbridge Gas. Bell Canada also had no objection, but did provide conditions for future site plan applications on the site. 9.3 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority reviewed the application and advises that a portion of the property contains a wetland, identified through the Ecological Land Classification System. The EIS to be conducted by the Municipality of Clarington includes identifying any potential impacts to this feature. There are also hazard lands on the property in association with the flood plain of the Darlington Creek. Based on the drawings submitted by the applicant's engineer, the hazard lands would be defined as a 6 metre setback from the existing stable top of bank. However, there is potential for a greater setback to be defined through the EIS as there is a wetland feature associated with the creek and valley system. 808 REPORT NO.: PSD-096-08 PAGE 9 CLOC staff find that conceptually there is possibility for portions of this property to be developed; however, they do not support this application at this time. Until such time as the EIS has been completed, and thus the development fully assessed and an area to be rezoned delineated, positive comments cannot be provided. 9.4 Clarington Engineering Services have reviewed the application and the following is a summary of their comments: 1) Green Road has recently been asphalt overlaid to a temporary rural standard and Baseline Road fronting the subject parcel has been reconstructed largely to a rural standard. Thus, actual development of the subject lands is premature until such time as the surrounding road network has been reconstructed to a full urban standard including curbs, sidewalks, illumination, storm sewers etc. in a manner that can support urban development and that is satisfactory to the Director of Engineering Services. No development can proceed until the Municipality has approved the expenditure of the funds for the reconstruction of Green Road south of Baseline Road. These works are not in the current budget forecast. 2) The applicant has submitted a Detailed Servicing Report in support of this application. The Report indicates that a new trunk sanitary sewer must be constructed on lands owned by the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. These lands are located on the east side of Green Road. Staff are not aware of any discussion regarding the proposed sanitary sewer easement on the recreational facility. The suitability of this aspect of the servicing scheme will be subject to further review and discussion. 3) Baseline Road is a Type "A" Arterial and a minimum road allowance width of 36.0 metres is required. The existing road allowance fronting the subject lands is irregular and deficient in width. Thus a road widening, to accommodate the ultimate width, horizontal alignment and vertical alignment of Baseline Road must be dedicated to the Municipality. 4) All plans show a berm to be constructed across Darlington Creek with a 2000 mm culvert through the berm. The purpose of this berm is unclear and the suitability of its construction will be subject to further discussion and the EIS. 9.5 Durham Region Planning Department has no objections to this application and offers the following comments: Portions of the site are identified within areas of "Key Natural Heritage and Hydrological Features". Development is not permitted within these "Features" and the Regional Plan indicates that a vegetative protection buffer zone shall be determined through an environmental impact study (EIS). The EIS shall be conducted to identify potential impacts and mitigating measures. The Justification Report submitted in support of the application indicated appropriate buffers were delineated but did not provide further detail. The Region found that the application generally met the PPS, providing the EIS provides protection for the natural features and their ecological functions. The PPS also contains policy direction on employment areas, including the protection and preservation of employment lands for future employment uses. 809 REPORT NO.: PSD-096-08 PAGE 10 The Region states that the subject lands are within the "Designated Greenfield Area" of the Growth Plan. The Growth Plan includes a minimum density target of not less than 50 residents and jobs combined per hectare, to be measured over the entire "Designated Greenfield Area". The intensification targets for the Municipality of Clarington will be determined through the Growth Plan Implementation Study, which is underway to bring the Regional Official Plan into conformity with the Growth Plan. The Region notes the applicant is proposing an access to Baseline Road, a Type "A" Arterial. This proposed access does not conform to the minimum access requirements stipulated within the Regional Official Plan. However, if the applicant conducts a specific study which demonstrates why the Region's access provisions are impractical in this instance, the Region may permit a deviation and allow the access. 9.6 The Regional Works Department will require the developer to extend a 300 mm watermain on Green Road from Baseline Road to the south limit of the subject site. The existing sanitary sewers are presently located on Baseline Road, approximately 350 metres east of Green Road. The developer will be required to acquire a minimum 9.0 metre easement cutting across the Municipality of Clarington's park lands and install minimum size 200 mm sanitary sewer, from the existing sanitary sewer on Baseline Road, through the easement to Green Road. All costs shall be borne by the developer. The Region shall not approve the servicing of the subject lands until written confirmation/approval from the Municipality of Clarington is received regarding the servicing scheme and applicable easement documents. All comments received to date have been forwarded to the Owner/Applicant for review and discussion. 10.0 STAFF COMMENTS 10.1 The apJ)licant has requested to develop approximately 4,585 m2 of industrial floor area, 2410 m2 of commercial floor area, consisting of a restaurant, a coffee shop, a bank, and an ancillary commercial building, and approximately 2390 m2 in a 5 storey, 100-room hotel with a conference centre. 10.2 The commercial component of this application specifically consists of the following: Coffee Sho Restaurant Free Standin Bank Ancilla Commercial Buildin The Clarington Official Plan permits some commercial uses in Prestige Employment Areas, provided they are limited in scale and provide services to employees of the Employment Area. Staff find the concept of a coffee shop, restaurant and free standing bank to be in conformity with the Official Plan. 810 REPORT NO.: PSD-096-08 PAGE 11 It is not clear how the ancillary commercial building conforms to the Official Plan. The sale of goods manufactured or assembled on the premises of an industrial building is permitted provided it does not exceed 20% of the total gross building area. This building does not appear to contain any industrial uses, and by its location, is part of the commercial area of the site. This will need to be reviewed further with the applicant. 10.3 The steep slopes on the site make parts of it very difficult to develop for industrial purposes. The concept plan as proposed may have to be revised considerably as these issues are reviewed in more detail. 11.0 RECOMMENDATION 11.1 In consideration of the issues raised and the agency comments not received at the writing of this report, and that the purpose of this meeting is to fulfill the Planning Act requirements for a Public Meeting, it is recommended that the application continued to be reviewed by staff. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Commercial Focus Advisory Services Inc. 896443 Ontario Limited Bill Colville Laurel McRoberts John Colville Hazel Forsey Patricia MacDonald Elizabeth and Maurice Courneyea 811 Attacnment 1 To Report PSD-096-08 iil - "C I!I l: .e D- CI) l~ .. E :::i :E Ol "C <: ... l: 0 0 0 CI) .;: '" 0 E III .. I <( ... co - 0 l: ...I 0 ~ 0 0 ~ N ...J C"l . C"l .. c( >> .., D- e lD aI U> Ol II. N Cl co .!: i,; l: CI) ~ l: ~ ~ 15 ~ ~ " ~ ~ o Ii: 0:: ~ ~ w i z ~ ...J " W - C/) 15 <( " III ~ " Ii1 G ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ili " ~ a\;fOH 'N33HD LI ONV 91 S.107 N33 0Y'08.N3389 'Mll8 3.:JNV'M077V 0'P'0l!! . -- ~~ - ,-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ". ",. I I- I' I' I 1 I I I III ~ ! ~_l_ ~i h I I I . , . , . , 812 CI![iggton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING Date: Monday, October 6, 2008 Report #: PSD-097-08 File No's: A2008-0027, A2008-0028 A2008-0029 By-law #: Subject: MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 18, 2008 RECqMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-097-08 be received; 2. THAT Council concurs with Staff that an appeal by the Municipality of the decision made by the Committee of Adjustment on September 18, 2008 for application A2008- 0028 is not warranted. However, should an appeal be lodged by another party, that Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend its original recommendation; and, 3. THAT Council concurs with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on September 18, 2008 for applications A2008-0027 and A2008-0029 and that Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. Submitted by: D id Creme, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services Reviewed by: ()~ ~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer MKlCP/sh September 26, 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 813 REPORT NO.: PSD-097-08 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 All applications received by the Municipality for minor variance are scheduled for a hearing within 30 days of being received by the Secretary-Treasurer. The purpose of the minor variance applications and the Committee's decisions are detailed in Attachment 1. The decisions of the Committee are summarized below. DECISIONS OF COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR SEPTEMBER 18, 2008 A2008-0027 A2008-0028 Approve Deny Approved Approved with conditions A2008-0029 Approve with conditions Approved with conditions 1.2 Application A2008-0028 was filed to permit the construction of an attached carport by reducing the minimum required easterly interior side yard setback from 6 metres to 0.6 metres. Staff recommended denial of this application as the proposed variance was not considered to meet the intent of the Zoning By-law, be minor in nature or desirable. The staff report detailed how these three (3) tests were not being satisfied. The Committee considered Staffs opinion and decided to approve the application for a carport with a reduced interior side yard setback of 0.6 metres subject to the condition that all the unobstructed sides of the carport, as indicated on the submitted drawings, would remain unobstructed and that the applicant shall receive Regional Health Department approval prior to construction. In forming their decision the Committee noted the subject property currently has alarge amount of mature vegetation along Prince Rupert Drive, and the proposed location of the carport is not visible from the road due to this vegetation. There also exists a mature hedge row, on the neighbouring property, along the shared property line providing a natural screening. The carport will therefore not be seen from the neighbouring property to the east, or from the road. It was also noted by Committee that the existing neighbouring dwelling to the east is set back considerably from the subject dwelling/proposed carport, and a hydro easement located in the rear of the neighbouring property would limit the possibility for future development in their rear yard. Therefore the same amount of privacy which currently exists between neighbouring properties will continue to be maintained if the proposed carport was approved. The Committee also received three (3) separate letters from three (3) separate neighbours along Prince Rupert Drive in support of the application (including the adjacent neighbour to the east). 814 REPORT NO.: PSD-097-08 PAGE 3 In reviewing the Committee's decision, the Engineering Services Department advised that there shall be no significant drainage issues due to the construction of the carport as the applicant is still required to comply with the Site Alteration By-law No. 2008-114 during construction. Although the Committee of Adjustment decision is contrary to Staffs recommendation, in consideration of support from the neighbourhood and existing conditions an appeal of this decision is deemed not to be in the best interest of the Municipality. However should an appeal be lodged by another party, Staff have requested that Council authorize them to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend their original recommendation. 2.0 COMMENTS 2.1 Staff have reviewed the Committee's decisions and are satisfied that applications A2008-0027 and A2008-0029, are in conformity with both Official Plan policies, consistent with the intent of the Zoning By-law, are minor in nature and desirable. 2.2 Council's concurrence with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment for applications A2008-0027 and A2008-0029, is required in order to afford Staff official status before the Ontario Municipal Board in the event of an appeal of any decision of the Committee of Adjustment. 2.3 Although Staff was not in favour of the approved easterly interior side yard setback of 0.6 metres, after further discussion with Building and Engineering Services, the consensus between Staff was that since the approved 0.6 easterly interior side yard setback will not create significant building issues or significant drainage issues (the applicant is required to comply with the Site Alteration By-law 2008-114) and there is strong neighbourhood support, it would not be the best use of staff resources to appeal the decision. Therefore, Staff believes an appeal by the Municipality for the decision made by the Committee of Adjustment on September 18, 2008 for application A2008- 0028 is not warranted. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Periodic Report for the Committee of Adjustment 815 Cl. U L~!J!!l]glO PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT: OWNER: GANARASKA REGION CONSERVATION BRUCE KIDD PROPERTY LOCATION: 4682 MCMILLAN ROAD, CLARKE PART LOT 5, CONCESSION 9 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF CLARKE FILE NO.: A2008-0027 PURPOSE: TO PERMIT SEVERANCE OF A 3.92 HECTARE PARCEL OF LAND TO BE DONATED TO GANARASKA REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY BY REDUCING THE MINIMUM REQUIRED LOT SIZE OF THE RETAINED PARCEL OF LAND FROM 40 HECTARES TO 5.48 HECTARES. DECISION OF COMMITTEE: TO APPROVE THE APPLICATION TO PERMIT THE SEVERANCE OF A 3.92 HECTARE PARCEL OF LAND TO BE DONATED TO GANARASKA REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY BY REDUCING THE MINIMUM REQUIRED LOT SIZE OF THE RETAINED PARCEL OF LAND FROM 40 HECTARES TO 5.48 HECTARES, AS IT MEETS THE INTENT OF BOTH OFFICIAL PLANS AND ZONING BY-LAWS, IS CONSIDERED MINOR IN NATURE AND IS NOT DETRIMENTAL TO THE NEIGHBOURHOOD. DATE OF DECISION: LAST DAY OF APPEAL: September 18, 2008 October 8, 2008 816 CllJl-!lJgtDn PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT: OWNER: ABBOTT DRAFTING & DESIGN LL YOD ALGAN PROPERTY LOCATION: 25 PRINCE RUPERT DRIVE, DARLINGTON PART LOT 32, CONCESSION 4 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF DARLINGTON A2008-0028 FILE NO.: PURPOSE: TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CARPORT BY REDUCING THE MINIMUM REQUIRED EASTERLY SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 6 METRES TO 0.6 METRES. DECISION OF COMMITTEE: TO APPROVE THE APPLICATION TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CARPORT BY REDUCING THE MINIMUM REQUIRED EASTERLY SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 6 METRES TO 0.6 METRES, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: . THAT ALL UNOBSTRUCTED SIDES OF THE PROPOSED CARPORT AS NOTED ON THE SUBMITTED DRAWINGS REMAIN OPEN AND UNOBSTRUCTED; AND . THAT THE APPLICANT RECEIVES THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM HEALTH DEPARTMENT'S APPROVAL FOR THE PROPOSED CARPORT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AS IT MEETS THE INTENT OF BOTH OFFICIAL PLANS AND THE ZONING BY-LAW, IS CONSIDERED MINOR IN NATURE AND IS NOT DETRIMENTAL TO THE NEIGHBOURHOOD DATE OF DECISION: LAST DAY OF APPEAL: September 18, 2008 October 8, 2008 817 Cl~illgron PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT: OWNER: BRETT MURAKI WALLACE MURAKI PROPERTY LOCATION: 2672 CONCESSION RD 6, DARLINGTON PART LOT 10, CONCESSION 6 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF DARLINGTON A2008-0029 FILE NO.: PURPOSE: TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY BUILDING (DETACHED GARAGE) BY INCREASING THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED LOT COVERAGE FOR ALL ACCESSORY BUILDINGS FROM 40% TO 52% OF THE EXISTING MAIN BUILDING TOTAL FLOOR AREA TO A MAXIMUM OF 157 M2 AND BY INCREASING THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED HEIGHT FROM 5 METRES TO 5.6 METRES. DECISION OF COMMITTEE: TO APPROVE THE APPLICATION TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY BUILDING (DETACHED GARAGE) BY INCREASING THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED LOT COVERAGE FOR ALL ACCESSORY BUILDINGS FROM 40% TO 52% OF THE EXISTING MAIN BUILDING TOTAL FLOOR AREA TO A MAXIMUM OF 157 M2 AND BY INCREASING THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED HEIGHT FROM 5 METRES TO 5.6 METRES, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: . THAT NO ADDITIONAL ENTRANCE BE PERMITTED ONTO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FROM EITHER ROAD FRONTAGE; AND . THAT THE PROPOSED DETACHED GARAGE DOES NOT EXCEED 157 M21N SIZE AS IT MEETS THE INTENT OF BOTH OFFICIAL PLANS AND THE ZONING BY-LAW, IS CONSIDERED MINOR IN NATURE AND IS NOT DETRIMENTAL TO THE NEIGHBOURHOOD. DATE OF DECISION: September 18,2008 LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 8,2008 B18 Cl~ilJ-glOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, October 6, 2008 Report #: PSD-098-08 File #: ZBA 2006-0018 By-law #: Subject: REZONING TO PERMIT AN INDOOR GOLF DRIVING RANGE AND CLUB HOUSE AS PERMITTED USES AT 2735 HANCOCK ROAD, COURTICE APPLICANT: GERTRUD TOMINA RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-098-08 be received; 2. THAT the application for Zoning By-law amendment submitted by Gertrud Tomina be APPROVED as contained in Attachment 2; 3. THAT the Holding symbol (H) be removed at such time as the owner has entered into a site plan agreement with the Municipality; and 4. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: David J. Creme, MCIP, R.P.P. Director of Planning Services Reviewed bY~=-~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer LB/COS/sh September 30, 2008 . CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3AG T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 819 REPORT NO.: PSD-098-08 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant/Owner: Gertrud Tomina 1.2 Proposal: To rezone the subject property from the "Agricultural Exception (A-76)" zone to an appropriate zone to permit an indoor golf driving range (Golf Dome) and club house facility and to give permanent zoning to the existing golf driving range 1.3 Area: 9.036 ha 1.4 Location: 2735 Hancock Road, Courtice, Part Lot 26, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 On May 24, 2006, Ms. Gertrud Tomina submitted a rezoning application to permit the construction of an indoor golf driving range and clUbhouse building at 2735 Hancock Road in Courtice. There is an existing outdoor golf driving range on the property as well as a single-detached residential dwelling. The application was deemed complete on August 28, 2006. The Applicant has also submitted a related site plan application (SPA 2006-0014). 2.2 The golf driving range has existed on this site since 1998 when a temporary Zoning By- law was approved for three (3) years. The temporary zoning was extended for an additional three (3) years in 2002, and again in 2005. The current temporary zoning will expire on October 10, 2008. 2.3 The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) indicated through Mr. Tomina's rezoning applications in 1998, 2001 and 2003 that a permanent golf driving range would impact the future development of the north-south connecting link between the Highways 401 and 407. At the time the Ministry recommended that the implementing Zoning By-law be a temporary use by-law and the owner enter into an agreement with the MTO describing the driving range as an interim use. The current MTO position will be discussed in Section 9 of this report. 3.0 LAND CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 3.1 Located on the northeast corner of Hancock Road and Highway 2, the lands are currently occupied by a single-detached residential dwelling and an outdoor golf driving range facility (see following map). A significant portion of land on the east side of the site (approximately 3.65 hectares according to the Ministry of Transportation) contains land identified as the "Previously Technically Preferred Route" for a Highway 407 to Highway 401 link interchange. There is also a telecommunications tower on the site just to the west of the "Previously Technically Preferred Route." There is also a significant woodlot on the northeast corner of the property. 820 REPORT NO.: PSD-098-08 PAGE 4 4.3 The PPS indicates that development and site alteration shall not be permitted in significant wetlands and significant woodlands, or among other natural features. In addition, development and site alteration is not permitted unless the ecological function of the "adjacent lands" has been evaluated and there are no negative impacts. 4.4 An Environmental Impact Study (EIS) has been undertaken to assess this current proposal in relation to the natural heritage features and functions that have been identified on and adjacent to this site. This EIS has determined, that with the installation of appropriately sized buffers, and permanent water quality treatment, the proposed Golf Dome and club house facility, or continued use of the site for a driving range will not negatively impact the surrounding natural heritage features and functions. 4.5 Greenbelt Plan The property is located within the Protected Countryside and is therefore subject to a number of rural area policies set out in the Greenbelt Plan. Specifically, the proposal is considered to be a major recreational use as defined in the Plan. A major recreational use is one that normally requires large-scale modification of terrain, vegetation or both and usually also requires large-scale buildings or structures. Non-agricultural recreational uses are permitted in the Greenbelt provided they are not located in a Prime Agricultural Area as defined in the Clarington Official Plan. Proposed non-agricultural uses must demonstrate that the use is appropriate in the rural area, that proposed water and sewer servicing is appropriate, that no negative impacts on key natural heritage features or hydrologic features are generated by the use, and that the biodiversity and connectivity of the Natural Heritage System is not disturbed. 4.6 The current proposal has met the tests set by the Greenbelt Plan. The extension of municipal services will not be required. The proponent has demonstrated that the site has sufficient land to accommodate the septic system. The hydrogeologic component of the EIS has determined that the groundwater is adequate in order to accommodate the use without negatively impacting the surrounding uses. 4.7 Provincial Growth Plan This proposal is not required to conform to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe because the application was made prior to the Plan coming into effect on June 16, 2006. 5.0 OFFICIAL PLANS 5.1 Durham ReQional Official Plan The Durham Regional Official Plan was recently updated through Amendment #114 however this application predates this Plan and is therefore subject to the policies of the Official Plan that was in place at the time the application was made. 822 REPORT NO.: PSD-098-08 PAGE 5 The previous Durham Regional Official Plan designated the lands as "Major Open Space." Recreational activities are permitted in these areas as long as every effort is made to preserve ecological features including groundwater resources, habitats for plants, fish and wildlife, flood and erosion control, and scenic and recreational values. The ecological integrity of the area will not be impacted by this development. 5.2 Clarinqton Official Plan The Clarington Official Plan designates the lands at Hancock Road and Highway 2 in Courtice as "Green Space." Lands designated as such are to be used primarily for conservation and active or passive recreational uses. This proposal is considered to be an active recreational use provided that the nature and extent of the uses proposed in the "club house" are recreational in nature. An Environmental Impact Study was required as the property is located on the "Lake Iroquois Beach". As well, the property contains a portion of the Maple Grove Provincially Significant Wetland Complex. It is also located within the natural heritage system of the Greenbelt. The Environmental Impact Study is complete and has determined that the proposed development will not negatively impact the natural heritage features identified on or adjacent to the site if the proposed mitigation measures and recommendations are implemented. To address this, the features (wetland and watercourse) and their buffers have been incorporated in to the area to be zoned Environmental Protection and the permanent water quality treatment will be incorporated into the site plan agreement and installed during construction. 6.0 ZONING BY-LAW 6.1 The subject lands are currently zoned Agricultural Exception (A-76), which is a temporary use by-law which limits the use of this property to one residential dwelling and an outdoor golf driving range facility. There have been three consecutive temporary use by-laws applied to this site since 1998 (A -54 expired Sept 2001; A-67 expired April 2005). The current temporary use by-law A-78 expires on October 10, 2008. The proposal to build an indoor golf driving range (golf dome) and club house building has resulted in this rezoning application. Through this application the proponent also wishes to include the outdoor golf driving range as a permitted (not temporary) use on the property. The outdoor driving range will cease to operate once the golf dome is built. 7.0 PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 7.1 A public meeting was held Monday October 2, 2006 to present the proposal to the public. 823 REPORT NO.: PSD-098-08 PAGE 6 7.2 Notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site and a public meeting notice sign was installed on the property. Public Notice was also posted on the Municipal website, and on the information screens in the main lobby of the Municipal Administrative Centre, running from September 2, 2005 to October 4, 2005. 7.3 No inquiries were received on this application prior to the public meeting. One submission was made subsequently. The submission was made by Marion Weber and Donald, John, and Carol Muir. Their submission was concerned that this proposal was premature. The reasons cited included: . Lack of storm sewers and fire hydrants . It was a year round building . Access from Hancock is inadequate, and . The use is better suited to already serviced areas with existing recreational facilities. 8.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 Ministry of Transportation At the fourth round of public consultation for the Highway 407/East Link project in June & July of this year MTO presented further refinements to the Technically Recommended Route (TRR) to the public. The East Link alignment has been shifted slightly to the west in the area of the Tomina lands to avoid a sensitive wetland area further north. In addition, a transit-way station is now being proposed in the NW quadrant of the East Link & Highway 2 interchange. These refinements have now rendered the Tomina's lands completely impacted and the Ministry will be pursuing a complete buyout. Previously MTO was only pursuing a purchase of a portion of the property. The MTO has clearly advised that proceeding with any form of permanent development on this site is not without risk. The MTO has indicated they have informed the Tominas of these design changes and of the risks of proceeding with such a development. However, the MTO also understands that until the 407 East EA approvals are in place, development proposals such as this, may be approved. MTO wanted the Municipality to be aware of their process and timelines in order to ensure that planning decisions can be made appropriately. 824 REPORT NO.: PSD-098-08 PAGE 8 8.5 Reqion of Durham Health Department Regional Health is satisfied with the details of the sewage disposal system. 8.6 Reqion of Durham Works Department Region of Durham Works Department has acknowledged the work that MTO is undertaking in this area for the Highway 407 link. They have requested that if the site plan process is to proceed, there would like a dedicated site triangle at Highway 2 and Hancock Road. 9.0 STAFF COMMENTS 9.1 The concerns that have been noted by the commenting agencies are all associated with details that are normally addressed through the site plan process. None of the commenting agencies have raised concerns with the proposed land use. 9.2 The majority of the issues regarding the subject property throughout the years have been associated with the Ministry of Transportation and their land needs for the Highway 407 link to Highway 2. MTO has recently made it clear to staff that they can only advise of their position regarding a development proposal if the Environmental Assessment is not complete and the Technically Preferred Route has not been solidified. They do not object to the proposal and they have advised us and the applicant about their process and the risks associated with proceeding with this development. 9.3 An Environmental Impact Study (EIS) has been completed for the property and it has been determined that this proposal will not negatively impact the Provincially Significant Maple Grove Wetland complex, the Tooley Greek or the Lake Iroquois Beach Shoreline. Buffers to the wetland and the watercourse have been recommended in the EIS and are proposed to be zoned Environmental Protection. 9.4 The existing golf driving range is providing a recreational opportunity for not only Gourtice, but also other Glarington residents. The next closest driving range is in Oshawa. With respect to the proposed indoor driving range, a facility such as this does not exist in the Durham Region; the next closest facility is in Scarborough. Our growing population will demand an expanded range of all season sporting opportunities. 9.5 The proposed indoor driving range, if constructed, is not a significant obstacle to the proposed Highway 407 link. The development of the indoor golf driving range requires minimal site grading and/excavation and the dome itself does not have a traditional block or poured foundation that will require large scale demolition. The site can easily be restored to its existing state. 9.6 The proponent has completed the necessary steps to address the technical requirements of various agencies at this stage. 9.7 Although the Ministry of Transportation has indicated that developing this site is not without risk, until the EA is completed, the route cannot be protected. The applicant has 826 ~ REPORT NO.: PSD-098-08 PAGE 9 demonstrated that this use is appropriate for this location, save and except for MTD's future plans. Not to further process this application would expose the Municipality to a potential appeal. 9.8 The Finance Department advises that taxes have been paid in full. 10.0 CONCLUSIONS 10.1 Based on the comments contained in this report, staff do not object to the approval of the rezoning application. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Zoning By-law List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Marion Weber John and Carol Muir Donald Muir Gertrud Tomina 827 Attachment 1 To Report PSD-098-08 ! c i .E "i: II Q .. .. E .. o LL - Cl. II :2 c o :; ~ ~ ., Cl. e lL ~ I- I I I I I I , I I I I ~} I l.-, I i!'_J .J_ I- Z W III :IE - .!: Q c E ClOZ . CIl 0 ....w .... E I- O:IE O'tl CIl q<( q C 'tl g~ CQCIl 2 o E 0<( 1:: N c CIl N, <(.!!! 0 <(>- i.: mlD o..D.. CIl NO UJ.! c z in ~ Z 0 N I , ~~ III t: 3::~ at: o .,.~ ~- t:Cl. oCl. -l"'C ~~ :5/ a _I Ii ~;: a, r: . I. _g , ,~ -"'::"" ~~~ ,,-..:~.~ '--...~~-:?\ ~0~\ \'~ / \~i\~\ \ ~~~ ~\\ \\'~ \/"'?I?~ ~~, - ~ ,-l,~ ~\\~ '. ~ \ '='----~ \ (....... ~ \, " 1: " " // '. cv ,),.., ff if :f .'~ .~ i .::::l Q 1 1 L I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L 828 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2008- Attachment 2 To Report PSD-098-08 being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Murlicipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for ZBA 2006-018 to permit the development of a golf driving range, an indoor golf driving range and a club house facility in addition to the existing residential uses. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Section 6.4 "SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS - AGRICULTURAL (A) ZONE" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following new Special Exception 6.4.83 as follows: 2. "6.4.83 AGRICULTURAL EXCEPTION (A-83) ZONE Notwithstanding Sections 3.11, 6.1 (b) and 6.3, those lands zoned "A-83" on the attached Schedule to this By-law, in addition to the permitted residential uses, shall be used in accordance with this By-law and the following zone definitions and regulations. a) Definitions i. Golf Driving Range: Shall mean an outdoor facility operated for the purpose of developing golfing techniques, including miniature golf, but excluding golf courses. ii. Indoor Golf Driving Range: Shall mean an enclosed facility operated for the purpose of developing golfing techniques but excludes golf courses. iii. Club House Facility: Shall mean facility accessory to a golf driving range or an indoor golf driving range which may include uses such as a golf pro-shop, snack-bar/canteen, and lounge/ recreation area. b) Permitted Non-Residential Uses i. Permitted non-residential uses within the A-83 zone are a golf driving range, an indoor golf driving range, conservation and forestry. ii. Only a golf driving range, conservation and forestry are permitted prior to the removal of the (H) Holding symbol. c) Regulations for Non-Residential Uses i. lot Area (minimum) ii. lot Frontage (minimum) iii. Yard Requirements a. Front Yard (minimum) i. Building less than 30m' ii. All other buildings ili. Club House Facility 8.5 ha 165 metres 5 metres 30 metres 30 metres b. Interior Side Yard (minimum) c. Exterior Site Yard (minimum) d. Rear Yard (minimum 30 metres 30 metres 30 metres 829 iv. Lot Coverage (maximum) 15% v. Landscaped Open Space (minimum) 10% vi. Building Height (maximum) 19m vii. Total Floor Area (maximum) a. Indoor Golf Driving Range b. Club House Facility accessory to Indoor Golf Driving Range c. Club House Facility accessory to Golf Driving Range 6100m2 410m2 40m2" 2 Schedule "1" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from "Agricultural Exception (A-76) Zone" to "Holdin9 (H) Agricultural Exception (A-83) Zone" as illustrated on the attached Schedule "A" hereto. 3. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 4. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. BY-LAW read a first time this day of 2008 BY-LAW read a second time this day of 2008 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 2008 Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 830 This is Schedule nAn to By-law 2008- , passed this day of , 2008 A.D. rlJ!JT' luJ ~ l- I \ r~~ DlJl?~;'~ \ ~ I ~ ~ \ ~ ItIGItV'v. I ~ I ~ I ~ "I}" <' I ~ ~ ~ I I I ~ ~ ---- J I I I~~ ~ ~ Zoning Change From "A-76"-To "(H)A-83" m Zoning Change From "A-76" To "Ep. Jim Abernethy, Moyor J Patti l. Barrie, Municipal Clerk ~ g LLI JL ~ ~QII ~ffii! 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DARLINGTON ZBA 2006-0018 831 Clw:mgron REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, October 6, 2008 Report #: PSD-099-08 File #: ZBA 2008-0004 By-law #: Subject: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON GENERAL AMENDMENT TO ZONING BY-LAW 84-63 REGARDING RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARKING AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-099-08 be received; 2. THAT the application to amend the Municipality of Clarington Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, be APPROVED and that the by-law as contained in Attachment 4 be PASSED; 3. THAT the proposed changes to By-law 84-63 in regards to Aggregate Extraction Areas continue to be reviewed and an additional public meeting be scheduled; and 4. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: David . Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services ReViewedbYO ~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer TW/CP/df/av 1 October 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 832 REPORT NO.: PSD-099-08 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On September 24, 2007, Council adopted a Resolution #C-488-07 directing staff to proceed with a Zoning By-law amendment allowing recreation vehicles to be parked within a garage; restrict the size and number of the recreational vehicles parked and/or stored on a residential property; and to provide limited timeframes for vehicles that are larger than a proposed size to be parked on a residential property. 1.2 The direction to regulate recreational vehicles was a result of resident complaints regarding the parking of recreational vehicles on private residential properties. Through the Clerk's Department investigation, it was determined that the most effective way to regulate recreational vehicle parking was by amending the Zoning By-law. 1.3 .I.n addition to providing regulations for recreational vehicles and trailers, this amendment proposes a number of other changes to the Zoning By-law as follows: . Modifications to regulations for Accessory Buildings and Structures and Uses based on current trends in minor variance applications and changes brought forward by other local municipalities. . A modification to the definition of cartage or transport depot is also contemplated. 1.4 The proposed by-law contains the following key changes from the draft by-law presented in June. Recreational Vehicles: . The timeframe for parking of larger recreational vehicles in the driveway has been increased from 72 to 120 hours (3 to 5 days). . The number of recreational vehicles permitted to be stored in rural areas has been increased from 2 to 3. . A definition for "commercial" recreational vehicle storage has been added for future use in considering applications. Accessorv DwellinQs: . The maximum floor area for accessory dwellings permitted in the rural area has been increased to 120 square metres for lots larger than 2 ha (5 acres). . Shipping/cargo containers have been defined in a manner to prevent them from being used as accessory structures. 2.0 PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS 2.1 Staff hosted a public information centre on June 12, 2008 to get feedback on the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment. The primary concerns noted by the public with the proposed modifications were: . Ensuring that existing trailers and recreational vehicles would be allowed to continue to be parked and stored on a property through grandfathering. 833 REPORT NO.: PSD-099-08 PAGE 3 . That 72 hours in anyone month was not long enough to park oversized recreational vehicles on residential properties to prepare for and return from a trip. . A suggestion was provided to allow for storage behind the front wall of a dwelling. This would permit storage of recreational vehicles on larger lots and corner lots in urban residential areas. . It was suggested that a maximum of three recreational vehicles or trailers be permitted to be parked or stored in the open in a rural residential or agricultural zone. 2.2 A statutory public meeting was held on June 16, 2008. Two residents appeared regarding the draft proposal. One resident discussed the costs associated with legalizing outdoor storage facilities. The other resident was in favour of the proposal. 2.3 Numerous general inquiries were received from the public. One gentleman indicated that he was happy with the proposed regulations for parking recreational vehicles in a driveway as his neighbour's motor home extends over the boulevard. Another gentleman suggested larger recreational vehicles and trailers be permitted in a driveway for one week per month rather than the proposed 72 hours. Many recreational vehicle owners called with concerns about being able to continue to park or store the vehicles on their property if a by-law is passed restricting them from doing so. These individuals were advised that if a by-law is passed and they can prove that they had used there property to park and/or store a recreational vehicle or trailer prior to the passing of the by-law then they will be able to continue the legal non- conforming use, provided that it complies with all other existing municipal by-laws. A resident had called with concerns about a neighbour who parks and repairs his snowmobiles and ATVs on his front yard. Although there are no provisions in the Zoning By-law to prevent such use, the resident was advised to contact By-law Enforcement as the neighbour may be in contravention with the Property Standards By- law. 2.4 A written submission was received in regards to a commercial storage facility for boats and recreational vehicles. The property owner outlined his displeasure with the planning process and associated fees involved in legitimizing his business. The property in question is not located in an appropriate Official Plan designation or Zone category to permit the outdoor storage use. There were also discussions on this topic during the General Purpose and Administrative Committee meeting. This topic will be discussed further in Section 4. 3.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 3.1 The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment was circulated to relevant agencies for comment. All comments provided by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, Region of Durham Planning Department, 834 REPORT NO.: PSD-099-08 PAGE 4 Clarington By-law Enforcement Division and Clarington Building Division were addressed through adjustments to the proposed modifications. 3.2 The Clarington Engineering Services Department did not initially endorse the construction of an accessory building or structure with a setback of less than 1.2 metres. They were concerned that the reduced setback would cause difficulties for maintenance and would lead to modification of grading and drainage. Planning and Engineering Services staff discussed this concern and have concluded that the proposed 0.6 metre setback is appropriate. It was determined that the Site Alteration By-law (2008-114) requires property owners to maintain the grading and drainage on their property in a manner that will not negatively affect adjoining properties. Planning Staff have agreed that all building permits for accessory buildings and structures will be stamped to advise property owners of their responsibility to maintain the grading and/or drainage of their property in accordance with the Site Alteration By- law. Staff will also inform the public when they inquire about the regulations for construction of accessory buildings and structures which may not require a building permit. 4.0 STAFF COMMENTS 4.1 Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Parkinq in Residential Zones 4.1.1 Through the public consultation process it was suggested that residents be permitted to park a recreational vehicle behind the front wall of a dwelling in urban residential zones. The proposal permits parking in both the side and rear yards provided the trailer or recreational vehicle does not exceed 6 metres in length or 2.9 metres in height. Typically the side yard begins at the front wall of the dwelling. There is no restriction on the size of trailers or recreational vehicle in rural areas. 4.1.2 During the review of the application at the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting on June 16th, it was asked if the proposal would apply to commercial trailers. The definition of "Trailer" currently contained in Zoning By-law 84-63 is: "Shall mean any vehicle that is designed to be drawn upon a highway by a motor vehicle, except an implement of husbandry, another motor vehicle or any device or apparatus not designed to transport persons or property temporarily drawn, propelled or moved upon such highway. A trailer shall be considered a vehicle and not part of the motor vehicle by which it is drawn, and, for the purposes of this By-law does not include a mobile home as defined herein." In accordance with this definition the proposed regulations would apply to commercial trailers. However, the restriction on parking in the driveway would only apply if it is longer than 5.5 metres or higher than 2.4 metres. 835 REPORT NO.: PSD-099-08 PAGE 5 4.1.3 Through the public consultation process, some recreational vehicle owners questioned why the Municipality was proposing to regulate parking and storage of their vehicles. The issue has been a source of resident's complaints. As a result, Council directed the Planning Services Department to formulate regulations to deal with recreational vehicles on residential properties. The Zoning By-law Amendment found in Attachment 4 tries to address the issues identified. By-law Enforcement Services has indicated that they receive 12 to 15 complaints on average during the summer months from residents concerned with the size and location of recreational vehicles parked on neighbouring properties. The volume of these complaints is greater than the number of concerns received regarding the proposed regulations. Most recreational vehicle owners were satisfied with the proposal once they were aware that they could continue to park existing trailers as a legal non-conforming use, largely referred to by the public as 'grandfathering'. 4.1.4 It was also requested that the timeframe be increased for parking larger recreational vehicles on driveways in urban residential areas. The recommended by-law has been increased from 72 to 120 hours (3 to 5 days). 4.1.5 The number of recreational vehicles permitted to be stored in the open in rural areas have been increased from two to three, based on public and Council's comments. 4.2 Commercial Storaqe of Recreational Vehicles and Boats 4.2.1 Although not a part of the proposed General Amendment, the topic of Commercial Storage of Recreational Vehicles and Boats was raised through submissions, delegations and subsequent discussions of the application at the June 16th General Purpose and Administrative Committee meeting. Concern has been raised that there may be nowhere for residents to store larger trailers and recreational vehicles. It should be noted that there are six commercial storage facilities located in Clarington that have gone through the planning process to obtain the necessary approvals. These facilities are typically located in our General Industrial Areas and offer storage for recreational vehicles and trailers. 4.2.2 The By-law Enforcement Division had been in contact with a number of outdoor storage facilities advising them that their properties must be brought into compliance with the Zoning By-law. In addition to the facilities already contacted by By-law Enforcement, Planning Staff have examined aerial photographs and determined that there are at least a dozen such facilities in operation without the appropriate approvals. 10 date, the Planning Services Department has held three pre-consultation meetings with owners of these facilities, only one of the three owners suggested they plan to legalize their use. In order to permit the commercial outdoor storage use, all locations currently identified would require an Official Plan amendment, Rezoning and Site Plan approvals; some would also require amendment to the Region of Durham Official Plan. Two locations could not be recommended by Planning Staff as they are on lands designated Prime Agricultural. Commercial uses unrelated to agriculture are not permitted in prime 836 REPORT NO.: PSD-099-08 PAGE 6 agricultural areas in accordance with the Provincial Policy Statement and Greenbelt Plan. 4.2.3 It has been indicated by owners of the non-compliant storage facilities that the costs involved in establishing the use are too great. However, the process to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, and in some cases the Region of Durham Official Plan is required. It is the cost of the Official Plan amendments that are particularly expensive. 4.2.4 The consideration of each proposed storage facility would be different, based on the existing Official Plan framework. The existing non-compliant uses are located in: . Prime Agricultural Areas . Green Space and General Agricultural Areas . Urban Residential Areas . Various Industrial Areas There would be different considerations for commercial recreation vehicle storage areas in each of these designations. Staff have had some preliminary discussions with the Region of Durham planning staff on this matter. If Council wants to undertake changes to the Regional and Clarington Official Plan to enable individual rezoning applications subject to specific criteria, we require further discussion with Regional staff. It should be clear, however, that any uses in the Prime Agricultural Areas would not be recommended and most of these lands are governed by the Provincial Greenbelt Plan, which does not permit this use. 4.3 Aqqreqate Extraction Areas Following the public meeting, additional properties came to Staff's attention than had surrendered aggregate extraction licence that no longer had the Aggregate Extraction Area Official Plan designation. The properties were not previously identified in the notice for the public meeting, an additional public meeting is required. Staff will continue to process this aspect of the General Amendment. 4.4 Accessorv Buildinqs. Structures and Uses 4.4.1 The draft by-law proposed moving from regulating the size of accessory structures in relation to the size of the house; instead it would be regulated on the basis of 10% of the lot area for residential use up to a maximum cap. 4.4.2 During the review of the Public Meeting Report at the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting, concern was raised that the proposed 90 square metre floor area maximum for accessory buildings and structures in rural residential or agricultural zones would not be adequate. 4.4.3 Although the proposed cap on the total accessory building floor area was consistent with the Oak Ridges Moraine Zoning By-law 2005-109, staff has considered an increase. In order to ensure that buildings and structures maintain an 'accessory' character in relation to a residential dwelling and lot, Staff now propose a cap of 120 square metres for rural residential or agricultural zones for lots with a minimum area of 2 hectares (4.94 acres). This regulation will apply to buildings and structures 837 REPORT NO.: PSD-099-08 PAGE 7 accessory to a residential use only. Agricultural buildings continue to be regulated by the relevant agricultural zone category provisions. 4.4.4 The previous proposal included a regulation to prevent the use of a "trailer or portable buildings" to be used as an accessory building. The By-law Enforcement Division suggested using the term "Shipping/Cargo Container". This terminology better reflects the concern some residents have expressed to municipal staff. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS 5.1 In consideration of the comments contained in this report, Staff respectfully recommends that the proposed Zoning By-law amendment contained in Attachment 4 be passed by Council and that staff continue to process the amendment in regards to Aggregate Extraction Areas. Attachments: Attachment 1: Proposed Modifications dealing with recreational vehicles and trailers Attachment 2: Proposed Modifications dealing with accessory buildings and structures Attachment 3: Proposed Modification to cartage or transport depot definition Attachment 4: Zoning By-law Amendment 838 REPORT NO.: PSD-099-08 PAGE 8 List of Interested Parties to be notified of Council's decision: Tim and Sandra Kerns T. Moyer Stephen Uriadka Steve Burt Bill Rapanos Linda VanGestel Everette DeHart Brian Cullen & Robin Brown Dave McCargar Steve Bobas Mike Bilsky Anna Uriadka Durga Persaud David Wallace Barber Mike and Melissa Girard Shawn Deegan Leslie Ellen Hung Alice McKeen Adam James Stephenson Bryan Potter Tom McKee Steven Hogg Mr. Bergsma James Darrach Gerald Bihun Maurice Wicks Ellen Cowan Gord and Bev Cory David and Terry Barber Marie McRae Lisa Robinson Jim Vinson Jean and EI Ward Hugh Neill Libby Racansky Kerry Meydam Elain Dillon Dan Walker Ron Smith Elspeth Theriault Geraldine Carmelo Ray Jacula Scott Bolger Clayton Read Edgar Robert Allen 839 Attachment 1 To Report PSD-099-08 PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS DEALING WITH RECREATIONAL VEHICLES AND TRAILERS Section 2 Definitions Add or modify the following definitions DRIVEWAY Shall mean the portion of a lot extending to the streetline, designed to provide motor vehicle access from the lot to the traveled portion of the street, private road or lane. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE A motorized or non-motorized vehicle that is used predominantly for recreational purposes, including, but not limited to, mobile recreational trailers, snowmobiles, boats, personal watercraft and all-terrain vehicles. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE STORAGE A commercial establishment for the storage of licensed recreational vehicles and their trailers. RESIDENTIAL ZONE Shall mean an "'rllan Residential Type One (R1) Zene, Urllan Residential Type Twe (R2) Zene, Urllan Residential Type Three (RJ) Zene, and an "'rllan Residential Type Four (R1) Zene and the term includes Special Exception Zones to any ef these zenes provided in the aforesaid By law 34-63. Shall mean a Rural Cluster (RC) Zone, Residential Estate (RE) Zone, Residential Hamlet (RH) Zone, Residential Mobile Home (RM) Zone, Residential Shoreline (RS) Zone, Urban Residential Type One (R1) Zone, Urban Residential Type Two (R2) Zone, Urban Residential Type Three (R3) Zone, and an Urban Residential Type Four (R4) Zone and the term includes Special Exception Zones to any of these zones provided in the aforesaid By-law 84-63. RURAL RESIDENTIAL ZONE Shall mean a Rural Cluster (RC) Zone, Residential Estate (RE) Zone, Residential Hamlet (RH) Zone, Residential Mobile Home (RM) and Residential Shoreline (RS) Zone, and the term includes Special Exception Zones to any of these zones provided in the aforesaid By-law 84-63. URBAN RESIDENTIAL ZONE Shall mean an Urban Residential Type One (R1) Zone, Urban Residential Type Two (R2) Zone, Urban Residential Type Three (R3) Zone, and an Urban Residential Type Four (R4) Zone and the term includes Special Exception Zones to any of these zones provided in the aforesaid By-law 84-63. 840 3.16 m. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE AND TRAILER PARKING AND STORAGE IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES The following regulations apply to parking of recreational vehicles and trailers: i) Driveway a) A recreational vehicle or trailer, and any load thereon, not exceeding 5.5 metres in length or 2.4 metres in height may be parked on a driveway in an urban residential zone. b) A recreational vehicle or trailer, and any load thereon, exceeding 5.5 metres in length or 2.4 metres in height may be parked on a driveway in an urban residential zone for a period not exceeding 120 hours in one calendar month with a minimum setback of 0.5 metres from the street line. c) A recreational vehicle or trailer, and any load thereon, may be parked on a driveway in a rural residential zone and Agricultural (A) Zone. ii) Storage Storage or parking of trailers or recreational vehicles shall be permitted within a garage, carport or other permitted accessory structure. iii) Location a) The parking or storage of a recreational vehicle or trailer, and any load thereon, not exceeding 6 metres in length or 2.9 metres in height shall be permitted in any side yard or rear yard in an urban residential zone, subject to the provisions of Section 3.1. b) The parking or storage of a maximum of three (3) recreational vehicles or trailers, and any load thereon, shall be permitted in any side yard or rear yard in a rural residential zone and Agricultural (A) Zone, or any exception zone thereto, subject to the provisions of Section 3.1. iv) Number a) The owner may not store or park in the open more than one recreational vehicle or trailer, and any load thereon, on a lot in an urban residential zone. b) The owner may not store or park in the open more than three (3) recreational vehicles or trailers, and any load thereon, on a lot in a rural 841 residential zone and Agricultural (A) Zone, or any exception zone thereto. 3.22 SIGHT VISIBILITY TRIANGLES On a corner lot, within the triangle space formed by the street lines and a line drawn from a point in one street line to a point in the other street line, each such point being 7.5 metres measured along the street line from the point of intersection of the street lines, no motor vehicle, as defined in the Highway Traffic Act, as amended, recreational vehicle or trailer, and any load thereon, shall be parked or stored, no building or structure which would obstruct the vision of drivers of motor vehicles shall be erected, and, no land shall be used for the purposes of growing shrubs or trees in excess of 0.75 metres in height. 842 Attachment 2 To Report PSD-099-08 PROPOSED MODIFICATION DEALING WITH ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES Section 2 Definitions Add the following definition GARAGE Shall mean a building, structure or part thereof, including a carport, designed and/or used for the parking of motor vehicles having adequate access to a driveway, and where household equipment incidental to the residential use may be stored. SHIPPING/CARGO CONTAINER Shall mean a prefabricated metal container or box specifically constructed for the transport of goods by rail, ship or transport truck. 3.1 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND USES a. PERMITTED USES Where this By-law provides that a lot may be used or a building or structure may be erected or used for a purpose, that purpose shall include any accessory building or structure or accessory use, but shall not include the following: i) any occupation for gain or profit conducted within or accessory to a dwelling unit or on such lot associated therewith, except as is specifically permitted in accordance with this By-law; or ii) any building used for human habitation except as is specifically permitted in accordance with this By-law; or Hi) a maximum of three (3) coin-operated pinball or video machines or other electronically or mechanically coin-operated entertainment machines as accessory uses within a Commercial zone. b. RELATION TO STREET A permitted accessory building or structure may be located between the principal or main building on the lot and the streetline, provided such accessory building or structure complies with the yard and setback requirements of the Zone in which such building or structure is located. c. RELATION TO PRINCIPLE OR MAIN BUILDING - DELETED c.€h LOT COVERAGE The total lot coverage of all accessory buildings and structures, except swimming pools, shall not exceed: forty percent of the main building totol floor mea, or 40 pen:ent of the prescribed minimum floor area for a residential dwelling 843 within the appliGable zone, '...,hiGhever is greater, ner, shall the height of any accessory buildin€l or structure exceed 5.0 metros i) Ten percent of the total lot area in a residential or agricultural zone. ii) Fifty percent of the ground floor area of the principal building in a commercial or industrial zone. iii) Ten percent of the lot area for Public Uses. d. FLOOR AREA The total floor area for accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed: i) 120 m2 accessory to a dwelling in a rural residential or agricultural zone with a minimum lot area of 2 hectares. ii) 90 m2 accessory to a dwelling in a rural residential or agricultural zone for lots less than 2 hectares in area. iii) 60 m2 in all other zones. e. HEIGHT The total height for accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed: i) 3 metres for buildings or structures with a floor area less than 10m2; ii) 4 metres in an urban residential zone; and iii) 4.5 metres in any other zone. f. ACCESSORY BUILDINGS FOR SCHOOL BUSES OR COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLES In the case of an accessory buildin€l being used for the parking er storage of school buses or commercial motor vehicles on a non farm rolatea residential lot in an a€lricultural zone, the maximum height of suct-J accessory building st-Jall be 5 metres and the total floor area fer all accessory buildings shall not exceed 150 square metros. f.&. BOAT HOUSE, PUMP HOUSE OR DOCKING FACILITIES Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law to the contrary, a boat house, pump house or docking facilities may be erected and used in the required yard of a lot abutting a navigable waterway, provided, such accessory buildings or structures comply with all other side yard requirements of the respective zone. 844 g.t- INTERIOR SIDE YARD, REAR YARD AND EXTERIOR SIDE YARD REQUIREMENTS Where an accessory building or structure is located in an interior side or rear yard it shall not be closer to the interior side lot line or the rear lot line than ~ motreE: 0.6 metres in an urban residential zone and 1.2 metres in all other zones to the interior side lot line or rear lot line. An accessory building or structure, other than a detached garage, located in an exterior side yard shall not be closer than 1.2 metres to the exterior side lot line in an urban residential zone. A detached garage shall comply with the zone minimums for permitted residential uses but in no case shall be located less than 6.0 metres from a streetline. h.!Jo GATE HOUSE IN INDUSTRIAL ZONE Notwithstanding the yard and setback provisions of this By-law to the contrary, in an industrial zone, a gate house shall be permitted in a required front or side yard or in the area between the street line and the required setback, but in no instance shall such gate house be located closer than 1.25 metres to the street line or in a sight triangle. i.J:h MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL BAR SHELTER Notwithstanding the yard and setback provisions of this By-law to the contrary, in the service station commercial zone, a fuel bar shelter shall have a total floor area of not more than 9 square metres. j.h YARD REQUIREMENTS Notwithstanding the yard and setback provisions of this By-law to the contrary, every part of any yard to be provided in all zones shall be open and unobstructed by any structure from the ground to the sky, except for the following: i) sills, belt courses, cornices, chimney breasts, bay windows, cantilevered floor areas, pilasters or parapets may project into any yard to a distance of not more than 0.75 metres; ii) eaves or gutters, for other than an accessory building or structure, may project into any required yard a distance of not more than 0.75 metres; iii) eaves or gutters for an accessory building or structure may project into any required yard 0.3 metre; iv) ~ balconies, canopies, unenclosed porches, steps, Elf patios, or decks may project into any required front, side, or rear yard to a distance of not more than 1.5 metres, but in no instance shall a required side yard be reduced to below 1.2 metres. 845 v) ~ fire escapes may project into any required side or rear yard to a distance of, not more than, 1.5 metres; vi) vt fences, freestanding walls, flag poles, clothes poles, diving boards, antennae, light standards, and similar accessory structures and appurtenances, and hedges, trees, and shrubs are permitted, but in the case of a residential interior lot line situated in any residential zone, no structure, hedge or obstruction that is more than 0.75 metres in height is permitted within 3 metres of any street line where such structure, hedge or obstruction will impede vision between a height of 0.75 metres and 2.5 metres above the centreline grade of an access from any improved public street to any lot. k. EXCLUDED USES No shipping/cargo container shall be used as an accessory structure. 846 Attachment 3 To Report PSD-099-08 PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO CARTAGE OR TRANSPORT DEPOT DEFINITION C/\RT.^.GE OR TRNJSPORT DEPOT Shall mean a building, Eltructure or place where trucks or tractor trailerEl are rented, leaEled, kept for hire, or Eltored or parking for remuneration, or from which truckEl or tranElports, stored or parked en the preperty, are diElpatched f-or hire as common carriers. TRNJSPORT OR C/\RT/\GE DEPOT Shall mean a building or structure or lot whore transport '/ehicles are kept for hire, rented or leased, or stored or J)arked for remuneration, or from which transport ':ehicles are dispatched for hire as common carriers and may include a warehouse, but Elhall not include any other use or activity other"/ise defined or classified in this By law. CARTAGE OR TRANSPORT DEPOT Shall mean a building or structure and lot where transport vehicles are kept for hire, rented or leased, or stored or parked for remuneration, or from which transport vehicles are dispatched for hire as common carriers and may include a warehouse, but shall not include any other use or activity otherwise defined or classified in this By-law. 847 Attachment 4 To Report PSD-099-0e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2008- being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastie to implement ZBA2008-0004; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: a) By adding to Section 2, thereof, the following new definitions in alphabetical order as follows: "DRIVEWAY Shall mean the portion of a lot extending to the streetline, designed to provide motor vehicle access from the lot to the traveled portion of the street, private road or lane. GARAGE Shall mean a building, structure or part thereof, including a carport, designed and/or used for the parking of motor vehicles having adequate access to a driveway, and where household equipment incidental t the residential use may be stored. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE A motorized or non-motorized vehicle that is used predominantly for recreational purposes, including, but not limited to, mobile recreational trailers, snowmobiles, boats, personal watercraft and all-terrain vehicles. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE STORAGE A commercial establishment for the storage of licensed recreational vehicles and their trailers. RURAL RESIDENTIAL ZONE Shall mean a Rural Cluster (RC) Zone, Residential Estate (RE) Zone, Residential Hamlet (RH) Zone, Residential Mobile Home (RM) and Residential Shoreline (RS) Zone, and the term includes Special Exception Zones to any of these zones provided in the aforesaid By-law 84-63. SHIPPING/CARGO CONTAINER Shall mean a prefabricated metal container or box specifically constructed for the transport of goods by rail, ship or transport truck. URBAN RESIDENTIAL ZONE Shall mean an Urban Residential Type One (R1) Zone, Urban Residential Type Two (R2) Zone, Urban Residential Type Three (R3) Zone, and an Urban Residential Type Four (R4) Zone and the term includes Special 848 Exception Zones to any of these zones provided in the aforesaid By-law 84-63. " b) By deleting from Section 2, thereof, and replacing with the following definitions in alphabetical order as follows: "CARTAGE OR TRANSPORT DEPOT Shall mean a building or structure and lot where transport vehicles are kept for hire, rented or leased, or stored or parked for remuneration, or from which transport vehicles are dispatched for hire as common carriers and may include a warehouse, but shall not include any other use or activity otherwise defined or classified in this By-law. RESIDENTIAL ZONE Shall mean a Rural Cluster (RC) Zone, Residential Estate (RE) Zone, Residential Hamlet (RH) Zone, Residential Mobile Home (RM) Zone, Residential Shoreline (RS) Zone, Urban Residential Type One (R1) Zone, Urban Residential Type Two (R2) Zone, Urban Residential Type Three (R3) Zone, and an Urban Residential Type Four (R4) Zone and the term includes Special Exception Zones to any of these zones provided in the aforesaid By-law 84-63." c) By deleting Sections 3.1 c) through 3.1 i) and replacing them as follows: c. LOT COVERAGE The total lot coverage of all accessory buildings and structures, except swimming pools, shall not exceed: i) Ten percent of the total lot area in a residential or agricultural zone. ii) Fifty percent of the ground floor area of the principal building in a commercial or industrial zone. iii) Ten percent of the lot area for Public Uses. d. FLOOR AREA The total floor area for accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed: i) 120 m' accessory to a dwelling in a rural residential or agricultural zone with a minimum lot area of 2 hectares. ii) gO m' accessory to a dwelling in a rural residential or agricultural zone for lots less 2 hectares in lot area. iii) 60 m' in all other zones. e. HEIGHT The total height for accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed: i) 3 metres for buildings or structures with a floor area less than 10m'; ii) 4 metres in an urban residential zone; and iii) 4.5 metres in any other zone. f. BOAT HOUSE, PUMP HOUSE OR DOCKING FACILITIES Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law to the contrary, a boat house, pump house or docking facilities may be erected and used in the required yard of a lot abutting a navigable waterway, provided, such 849 accessory buildings or structures comply with all other side yard requirements of the respective zone. g. INTERIOR SIDE YARD, REAR YARD AND EXTERIOR SIDE YARD REQUIREMENTS Where an accessory building or structure is located in an interior side or rear yard it shall not be closer to the interior side lot line or the rear lot line than 0.6 metres in an urban residential zone and 1.2 metres in all other zones to the interior side lot line or rear lot line. An accessory building or structure, other than a detached garage, located in an exterior side yard shall not be closer than 1.2 metres to the exterior side lot line in an urban residential zone. A detached garage shall comply with the zone minimums for permitted residential uses, but in no case shall be located less than 6.0 metres from a streetline. h. GATE HOUSE IN INDUSTRIAL ZONE Notwithstanding the yard and setback provisions of this By-law to the contrary, in an industrial zone, a gate house shall be permitted in a required front or side yard or in the area between the street line and the required setback, but in no instance shall such gate house be located closer than 1.25 metres to the street line or in a sight triangle. i. MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL BAR SHELTER Notwithstanding the yard and setback provisions of this By-law to the contrary, in the service station commercial zone, a fuel bar shelter shall have a total floor area of not more than 9 square metres. d) By adding a new Sections 3.1 j) and 3.1 k) as follows: j. YARD REQUIREMENTS Notwithstanding the yard and setback provisions of this By-law to the contrary, every part of any yard to be provided in all zones shall be open and unobstructed by any structure from the ground to the sky, except for the following: i) sills, belt courses, cornices, chimney breasts, bay windows, cantilevered floor areas, pilasters or parapets may project into any yard to a distance of not more than 0.75 metres; ii) eaves or gutters, for other than an accessory building or structure, may project into any required yard a distance of not more than 0.75 metres; iii) eaves or gutters for an accessory building or structure may project into any required yard 0.3 metre; iv) balconies, canopies, unenclosed porches, steps, 9f patios, or decks may project into any required front, side, or rear yard to a distance of not more than 1.5 metres, but in no instance shall a required side yard be reduced to below 1.2 metres. v) fire escapes may project into any required side or rear yard to a distance of, not more than, 1.5 metres; vii) fences, freestanding walls, flag poles, clothes poles, diving boards, antennae, light standards, and similar accessory structures and appurtenances, and hedges, trees, and shrubs are permitted, but in the case of a residential interior lot line situated in any residential 850 zone, no structure, hedge or obstruction that is more than 0.75 metres in height is permitted within 3 metres of any street line where such structure, hedge or obstruction will impede vision between a height of 0.75 metres and 2.5 metres above the centreline grade of an access from any improved public street to any lot. k. EXCLUDED USES No shipping/cargo container shall be used as an accessory structure. e) By adding a new Section 3.16 m. as follows: "m. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE AND TRAILER PARKING The following regulations appiy to parking of recreational vehicles and trailers: i) Driveway a) A recreational vehicle or trailer, and any load thereon, not exceeding 5.5 metres in length or 2.4 metres in height may be parked on a driveway in an urban residential zone. b) A recreational vehicle or trailer, and any load thereon, exceeding 5.5 metres in length or 2.4 metres in height may be parked on a driveway in an urban residential zone for a period not exceeding 120 hours in one calendar month with a minimum setback of 0.5 metres from the street line. c) A recreational vehicle or trailer, and any load thereon, may be parked on a driveway in a rural residential zone and Agricultural (A) Zone. ii) Storage Storage or parking of trailers or recreational vehicles shall be permitted within a garage, carport or other permitted accessory structure. iii) Location b) The parking or storage of a recreational vehicle or trailer, and any load thereon, not exceeding 6 metres in length or 2.9 metres in height shall be permitted in any side yard or rear yard in an urban residential zone, subject to the provisions of Section 3.1. c) The parking or storage of a maximum of three (3) recreational vehicles or trailers, and any load thereon, shall be penmitted in any side yard or rear yard in a rural residential zone and Agricultural (A) Zone, or any exception zone thereto, subject to the provisions of Section 3.1. iv) Number d) The owner may not store or park in the open more than one recreational vehicle or trailer, and any load thereon, on a lot in an urban residential zone. 851 e) The owner may not store or park in the open more than three (e) recreational vehicles or trailers, and any load thereon, on a lot in a rural residential zone and Agricultural (A) Zone, or any exception zone thereto." d) By deleting Section 3.22 and replacing it as follows: "3.22 VISIBILITY TRIANGLES On a corner lot, within the triangle space formed by the street lines and a line drawn from a point in one street line to a point in the other street line, each such pOint being 7.5 metres measured along the street line from the point of intersection of the street lines, no motor vehicle, as defined in the Highway Traffic Act, as amended, recreational vehicle or trailer, and any load thereon, shall be parked or stored, no building or structure which would obstruct the vision of drivers of motor vehicles shall be erected, and. no land shall be used for the purposes of growing shrubs or trees in excess of 0.75 metres in height." 2. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof. subject to the provisions of Sections 34 of the Planning Act. BY-LAW read a first time this day of BY-LAW read a second time this day of BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 2008 2008 2008 Jim Abernethy. Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 852 Cl!1!ington REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, October 6, 2008 Report #: PSD-100-08 File #: COPA 2007-0007, ZBA 2007-0031 and S-C-2007-0007 By-law #: Subject: PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT, REZONING AND PLAN OF SUBDIVISION TO DELETE A SECONDARY SCHOOL SITE AND TO PERMIT THE DEVELOPMENT OF 90 SINGLE DETACHED DWELLINGS AND 66 BLOCK TOWNHOUSE DWELLINGS APPLICANT: PRESTONVALE HEIGHTS LIMITED RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-100-08 be received; 2. THAT Amendment No. 65 to the Clarington Official Plan as submitted by Prestonvale Heights Limited to delete the requirements for a Public Secondary School and to permit the development of 90 lots for single detached dwelling units and a block for 66 townhouse units as contained in Attachment 2 be ADOPTED and the By-law contained in Attachment 3 be PASSED; 3. THAT the application for proposed draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007-0007 submitted by Prestonvale Heights Limited be APPROVED subject to the conditions as contained in Attachment 5; 4. THAT the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Prestonvale Heights Limited be APPROVED as contained in Attachment 6; 5. THAT the By-law authorizing the entering into a Subdivision Agreement between the Owner of Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007-0007 and the Municipality of Clarington be approved as contained in Attachment 7; 6. THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of this report and Council s decision; and 853 REPORT NO.: PSD-100-08 PAGE 2 7. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision Submitted by: Da id . Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services TW/CP/av/df 26September 2008 Reviewed bY:O ~.=:G.... )1c, Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 854 REPORT NO.: PSD-100-08 PAGE 3 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1 .1 Applicant: 1.2 Official Plan Amendment: Prestonvale Heights Limited To amend Map A2 to delete the provIsion for a Public Secondary School and to add a Medium Density Residential symbol; amend Map H1 to increase population target of Neighbourhood 9 - Penfound; amend Table 9-2 to increase the Low and Medium Density housing targets, as well as the totals for the. Penfound Neighbourhood and Courtice Urban Area; and amend Map A - Land Use of the South-West Courtice Secondary Plan by deleting the Public Elementary School and replacing it with Low Density Residential and Medium Density Residential. 1.3 Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision: The proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision includes 156 residential units consisting of 18 lots for 11 metre single detached dwellings, 59 lots for 12 metre single detached dwellings, 4 lots for 13.7 metre single detached dwellings, 9 lots for 15 metre single detached dwellings and a block for 66 block townhouse dwellings. 1.4 Rezoning: To change the current zoning to permit the development of the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision. 1.5 Site Area: 6.657 hectares (16.449 acres) 1.6 Location: The subject lands are located on the west side of Prestonvale Road, north of Bloor Street and west of Meadowglade Road (Attachment 1). 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 The subject property was identified as a secondary school block within a draft approved Plan of Subdivision. The lands were subsequently registered as a block for a Public Secondary School in May 2003. The School Board's option on the property has since expired. On May 29, 2007 Staff received applications to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By- law along with an application requesting approval of a Draft Plan of Subdivision. A Noise Impact Study and a Functional Servicing Brief were submitted in support of the applications. In order to deem these applications complete, a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment was requested. This document was submitted on October 9, 2007 and the application was deemed complete on October 17,2007. 855 REPORT NO.: PSD-100-08 PAGE 4 2.2 The applicant submitted revised Draft Plans in April and June 2008 in order to satisfy department and agency comments. The final revision was received in September 2008. 2.3 The applicant submitted a Functional Servicing Brief, Noise Impact Study and Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment in support of the proposed development. 3.0 LAND CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 3.1 The subject site is currently vacant. A large mound of topsoil and rubble which was transported to the site during the development of adjacent lands within registered plan of subdivision 40M-2148 has recently been removed and the lands have been prepared for development. 3.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North - South - East - West - Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Public School Residential and a vacant commercial mixed use block Agricultural and large lot single detached dwellings Residential 4.0 PROVINCIAL POLICY 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement The applications are consistent with the Housing policies of the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). Planning authorities are required to provide for a range of housing types and densities with a ten year supply of lands which are designated, and a three year supply of zoned and serviced lands within draft approved and registered plans. New housing is to be directed to locations where infrastructure and public services are available. 4.2 Provincial Growth Plan The Provincial Growth Plan directs growth to built-up areas where the capacity exists to best accommodate the expected population. The guiding principles include building compact, vibrant and complete communities while optimizing the use of existing and new infrastructure to support growth in a compact efficient form. Greenfield areas are required to achieve a minimum density target not less than 50 residents and jobs combined per hectare. This proposal has a population projection of approximately 444 residents or 66.72 persons per hectare. The applicant's proposal is consistent with the Provincial Growth Plan. 856 REPORT NO.: PSD-100-08 PAGE 5 5.0 OFFICIAL PLANS 5.1 Durham Reqional Official Plan The lands are designated as Living Area within the Durham Regional Official Plan. Lands designated as Living Area permit the development of communities with defined boundaries, incorporating the widest possible variety of housing types, sizes and tenure. The proposed uses appear to conform to the Plan. Clarinqton Official Plan The subject lands are within the South-West Courtice Secondary Plan and are designated as Urban Residential with a Public Secondary School symbol. The lands are within the Penfound Neighbourhood, which has a population target of 3500 people and a housing target of 1225 units. The applicant is requesting to amend the land use schedule to add a medium density symbol and to delete the public secondary school provision. An increase in the number of low density units from 1075 to 1175 and medium density units from 75 to 150 has also been requested. This will increase the total housing units in the Penfound Neighbourhood from 1225 to 1400; and the population projection for the neighbourhood from 3500 to 3950. The goals of the South-West Courtice Secondary Plan are to provide a residential living environment that promotes a desirable quality of life and social interaction; and to provide a broad range of housing to meet evolving needs of current and future residents. The Clarington Official Plan designates Bloor Street as a Type 'A' arterial road, which is designed to move large volumes of traffic at moderate speeds over a relatively long distance. Meadowglade Road is a Type 'c' arterial which moves lower volumes of traffic at slower speeds over a shorter distance. Prestonvale Road is a collector road with a purpose of moving moderate volumes of traffic over a short distance primarily to collect traffic and distribute it among local roads, collector roads, arterial roads and major traffic generators. Streets "A" and "B" are to be constructed as local roads. Street 'A' will connect to Meadowglade and Prestonvale Roads. 6.0 ZONING BY-LAW 6.1 Within Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 as amended the lands are zoned "Holding- Urban Residential Exception ((H)R1-42)". This zoning is specific to a school use hence the need for the rezoning. The recommendations of the report support a rezoning to implement the proposed draft plan of subdivision. 7.0 PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS 7.1 A Public Meeting was held on December 3, 2007. Hugh Neill, a neighbouring land owner, indicated that he objected to the proposal and that the details of his objection were sent to the Planning Department. The following outlines the objections contained in the letter: 857 REPORT NO.: PSD-100-08 PAGE 6 . Less medium density homes and more low density homes should be planned and built; . Homes on Prestonvale should be similar to the existing homes and should have driveway turnarounds to eliminate backing on to Prestonvale Road; . Traffic calming should be continued on Prestonvale; . Street A should not be aligned with Partner Drive and should only have access onto Meadowglade Road; and . Traffic lights should be installed at Prestonvale and Meadowglade and Meadowglade and Bloor. 7.2 No other inquiries were received on the proposed applications. 8.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 Clarington Emergency and Fire Services, Clarington Building Division and Hydro One offered no concerns or objections to the proposal. Durham Region Planning Department, Bell Canada and Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. offered no objections to the proposal and asked that standard conditions be included in the conditions of draft approval. 8.2 Previous comments provided by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) regarding overland drainage from the school property to the north were addressed by the applicant. CLOCA provided standard conditions for inclusion in the Conditions of Draft Approval for the proposed subdivision. 8.3 The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board had been concerned with a proposed walkway between lots 7 and 8 due to its location in relation to a blind spot on the school property. The walkway was proposed to accommodate overland flows from the school site to the south. Rather than the walkway a 3 metre wide easement which accommodates a rear yard catch basin is proposed. This solution has been reviewed and deemed acceptable by the Engineering Services Department. 8.4 The applicant has addressed comments previously provided by the Engineering and Operations Services Divisions through submission of the revised draft plan. Their conditions and requirements are contained in the Conditions of Draft Approval. 9.0 STAFF COMMENTS 9.1 The Clarington Official Plan was prepared to provide for two Public Secondary Schools to serve Courtice and surrounding rural areas anticipating a future population in Courtice of 45,000. Given that the existing Courtice Secondary School was in the north- east quadrant of Courtice, a site for a second school was selected in the south-west quadrant to provide for geographic separation. Since the School Board is not proceeding with acquiring the lands due to funding constraints, and reduced enrolments there is no other site identified for a future secondary school in Courtice. While there may be other opportunities a future change to the Official Plan will be required to provide for a Secondary School. 858 REPORT NO.: PSD-100-08 PAGE 7 9.2 Planning Staff consulted with the Director of Engineering Services to ensure access to individual lots near the intersection of Bloor Street would not be a concern from a traffic perspective. Engineering Services would have identified the need for street lights and traffic calming measures, through their review of the application based on current guidelines. The applicant also increased the frontage of the lots near the. intersection from 13.7 metres to 15 metres, eliminating one lot with direct access onto Prestonvale Road. 9.3 The concept for the Medium Density block was previously provided. It depicted units fronting onto Bloor Street and Meadowglade Road. This same premise was used to complete the Noise Study. This layout will prevent the need for arterial noise fencing and will be carried forward during the review of the site plan application. 9.4 Prior to scheduling a recommendation report to Committee and Council on a draft plan of subdivision application, a list of the proposed conditions of draft approval were submitted to the applicant for their review and concurrence. The purpose of this exercise is to determine if there are any conditions of draft approval that the applicant does not agree with and that they be identified for further discussions purposes. The applicant has provided concurrence with the attached Conditions of Draft Approval. 10.0 CONCLUSIONS 10.1 In consideration of the comments received from circulated agencies and review of the proposal, staff recommend: . Adoption of Official Plan Amendment No. 65 as contained in Attachment 2 and approval of the By-law as contained in Attachment 3; . Approval of the Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007-0007, as contained in Attachment 4, subject to the conditions contained in Attachment 5; and . Rezoning the subject lands within the plan of subdivision, as contained in Attachment 6. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Proposed Amendment to the Clarington Official Plan Attachment 3 - By-law to Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 50 Attachment 4 - Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007-0007 Attachment 5 - Conditions of Draft Approval Attachment 6 - Zoning By-law Amendment Attachment 7 - By law Authorizing Subdivision Agreement List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Prestonvale Heights Limited Geranium Corporation Sernas Associates Hugh Neill Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board 859 ~ .1 J I ::::i~~- ... ~_ i ~E ~WJ J''f3 .- ~ == n.J -l.....L - r ~ ~ 'EO d I r,- r 0 i :~L~~-BI~ ~!t-t:~ '=! c I ~ ~ ~ 't:' ! .2 ~:t:1. ~n~ I I E. ~ '(; " ~::) ~"'" grm~!L t ~O, '~iI~ e , A. <\::: It: w. ILL "I F !~, ,1:::E:iu II ~ 1 EE > .-- ~;.&~~ 0 P' 0 tf r6 >13018 ., :..:::::<; ..c- ..:t:':-"""O-.J J::- N o N ~ ~ ~ N n ~ n n . n ~ ~ :::; ~ ~ ^ n ~ <(\ ~ ~ ( . ^ n -~ f-- -~~- W ~ ~ :;: ~ I- Z w ::iE C .....Z MW C::iE C?el: g~ N, c(~ m NC) 2: z o N Attachment 1 To Report PSD-100-0B .. C III E "C C III C E oel: C c I III r--- Ca.. c- N .!! u ~8 o c U 0 1>> c .;: III (3 ':l- : ~ ~ 1 -=! _-" I:i 1 < ^ ^ ~ ~ in ~ ~ ~ ~ < ^ ~ w ~ ^ ~ ;;$ :0 ~ 0:: f--\' IJJ (( " ,~ l~-",-d.d,-< o ro ^ ro -~ ._~ ~ ~ :ri ~ :g ,,~ R \ o < ro < ~ < < 1: Q) E "C C Q) E r--el: C c C 0 c'iij I ,_ r-- > C ,- c"C N.g Urn tn'O c III ii: ifi ... c "C s 'E :::i II .c: Cl 'iji :I: III ~ C o 'Zi l!! a.. .: III c ~ 860 Attachment 2 To Report PSD-100-08 AMENDMENT NO. 65 TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this amendment to the Clarington Official Plan and the South-West Courtice Secondary Plan is to delete a public secondary school symbol and add a Medium Density Residential symbol in the Penfound neighbourhood, and adjust the neighbourhood housing targets accordingly. LOCATION: The subject site is located on the northwest corner of Prestonvale Road and Bloor Street, within Part of Lot 34, Concession 2, in the former Township of Darlington. BASIS: This amendment is based on Council's consideration of an Official Plan Amendment Application (COPA 2007-0010) submitted by Sernas Associates, on behalf of Prestonvale Heights Limited. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: A) The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: i) By amending Map "A2", as indicated on Exhibit 'A' attached to this amendment. ii) By amending Map "H1", as indicated on Exhibit 'B' attached to this amendment. iii) By amending Table 9-2 by: a. Adjusting the housing targets for the Penfound neighbourhood (N9) as follows: Low Density units from "1075" to "1175" Medium Density units from "75" to "150" Total housing units from "1225" to "1400" b. Adjusting the housing total for the Courtice area as follows: Total Low Density units from "8775" to "8875" Total Medium Density units from "1735" to 1810" Total housing units from "12918" to "13093" 861 Courtice N9 Penfound TOTAL 1,175 8,875 150 1,810 375 75 2,033 1,400 13,093 B) The South-West Courtice Secondary Plan is amended as follows: i) By amending Map 'A' - Land Use, South-West Courtice Secondary Plan, as indicated on Exhibit 'C' attached to this amendment. ii) By deleting Section 4.3 of the South-West Courtice Secondary Plan. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan and South-West Courtice Secondary Plan, as amended regarding the implementation of the Plans, shall apply to this amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan and South-West Courtice Secondary Plan, as amended regarding the interpretation of the plans, shall apply to this amendment. 862 EXHIBIT" A" TO OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT / ro) r"1 , I II J ' , .0 , / _!SPtcw.! OTO~' '_STu:rr. , :""", 'r . i': ' / /-, ~j /' : : / i...... (" ,; - I I I II 'I h--'(II / I") <,; @ '""=:. I . I '-::. I. '9:'!; ~~) . ~ ~// f i r' ( ) ~ '~ MAP A2 LAND USE CQURTICE URBAN AREA lAKE ONTARIO ---UR8AN~ E:ZJ ~RESlDEHTW.. L~lIRIlAHRESlDENTW.. r-~~DEtGl1'Y ~ RESIOENfW. [ID ~~ ..., MAIN CENTRAl AREA fPlIii SUB-CENTRAl NIO .. LOCAl CENTRAl AREA . ~~rrl~HOOO .. HIGHWAY COMWERClAl. NIIl'3R!PRESTlGE _OoIPLoYW[NTARE:A .ffm ~~STRIAL ,\RE:A l1li ~:::T~W. AREA 1~l1TllJTY I;.:;'~:'I==T~ IIi1IJ GREEN SPACE &Bl WATtRfROHT GREENwAY "COt.lNUtlTYPARI< . D1STRICTPAflK . NEIGHBOORHOOO PARK .. ~ " ca if;~~'k- SCHOOL SEe"""",, --PlANNlN(t.NlQ. "'"'" S(C()N0Nt!' SCHOOl ""MATE SECONOAAY SCtOOL "'..~ ElEMENTARY SCHOOl ------- SPECI.IIl. POUCY AREA .-....- sPECIAL STUOY AREA t= GO STATION ,no """ """ lIDO.. _. OFFICIAl PlAN UUN\C1PAllTY Of CLARINGTQN Df;cna:1I' ~. ~OIIO I~OEFERR(D(IY ~ TIlE REGION Of DURHAM ~------- o 863 MAP H1 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING UNITS COURTICE URBAN AREA OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPAUlY OF CLARINGTON JANUARY 2, 2007 REFER TO SECTIONS 5 AND 9 ll-IIS CONSQUDATlON IS PRO"o'OED fOR CONVENIENCE ONlY AND REPRESENTS RtQUESTED I.tODlFlCATIONS AND APPROVAlS EXHIBIT "B" ---, 1 I~ I 1M I~ 7 AVONDALE (3600) '~ '" - - - URBAN BOUNDARY NBGHBOURHOOO BOUNDARY (1000) POPUlAnON (0) SEE SEcnON 17.6 1 ~I "'I t o 200 400 600 800 m 200 m ------ Ii _~_~CE:: '0'"" LAKE ONlAR/O 864 BLOOR ST., I , , @ EXHIBIT 'e' FROM: PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL TO: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ~ . DELETE PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL SYMBOL o It: GRAND VIEW ORI VE: TO: . ... ~o o .... . . . SOUTHGATE ORI VE: I BASELINE ROAO PlANNING AREA BOUNDARY ~ f"UlURE URBAN RESIDENTIAL C=:J LOW DENSITY RESlDENUL I ~ :t~::j WEDlUW DENSITY RESOENTIAL ffiillill HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL F::@J:::I NElGHBOURHOOO PARK 1=::;0:::1 PARKETTE ,....,.;'.~4l EN\1RON"ENTAL I.'~.','~'l.':;l'. PROTECTION AREA ~ STORIA WAlER FAClUTY ~ PUSUC ~ SECONDARY SCHOOL ~ PUBUC ~ ElfIolENTARY SCHOOL ~ SEPAAATE ~ ElEMENTAAY SCHOOL _ NEIGHBOURHOOO CENlRE ~~~:;;,::~~~ UTIUTIES o HomAGE HOUSE ARTERIAl. ROADS TYPE A AATERlAL ROADS T'tPE B - - - ARTERIAL ROADS T'r'PE.C _..u__.. COLLECTOR ROADS ... LOCAL ROAD ACCESS /~-, l ) INTERSECnON IMPROYEt4ENT '-~ .. PEDES1RI~ AND BICYCLE ROUlES MAPA LAND USE SOUTH-WEST COURTICE SECO~DARY PLA~ JANUARY 2. 2007 'THIS CONSOUDAllON IS PROVDED roR CONVENIENCE ONLY N<<l: REPRESENTS REQUESTED "ODIFlCA1)ONS AND mROVIILS 865 Attachment 3 To Report PSD-100-08 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2008 being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 65 to the Clarington Official Plan WHEREAS Section 17(22) of the Ptanning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, authorizes the Municipality of Clarington to pass by-laws for the adoption or repeal of Official Plans and Amendments thereto; NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend the Clarington Official Plan and the South-West Courtice Secondary Plan to delete the provision for a Public Secondary School and add a Medium Density Residential symbol in the Penfound neighbourhood, and adjust the neighbourhood housing targets accordingly, to permit the development of ninety (90) lots for single detached dwellings and a block for sixty-six (66) townhouses; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment No. 65 tothe Clarington Official Plan, being the attached Explanatory Text is hereby adopted. 2. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the passing hereof. BY-LAW read a first time this day of 2008 BY-LAW read a second time this day of 2008 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 2008 Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 866 Cl~i!1glOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, October 6,2008 Report #: PSD-102-08 File #: ZBA 2007-0011 By-law #: Subject: PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT BY THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FOR 3289 TRULLS ROAD NORTH IN COURTICE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-102-08 be received; 2. THAT the Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone lands owned by the Municipality of Clarington on the northeast corner of Trulls Road and George Adams Drive be APPROVED, as contained in Attachment 2; 3. THAT Staff be authorized to complete all the necessary requirements to remove the Holding symbol; 4. THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department be forwarded a copy of this report and Council's decision; and 5. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: David . Creme, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services ~ q...W<c Wk Reviewed b~ J Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer IUFUsn/sh/df 1 October 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 867 REPORT NO.: PSD-102-08 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Proponent: The Municipality of Clarington 1.2 Rezoning: To change portions of the current zoning to permit the development of four residential lots with a minimum lot frontage of 15 metres each. 1.3 Site Area: 0.95 hectares 1.4 Location: The subject lands are located at the northeast corner of Trulls Road North and George Reynolds Drive, 3289 Trulls Road North, Courtice (Attachment 1). 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 In November 2001 Council acquired a site at 2611 Trulls Road for a new fire station in Courtice. The new station opened in June of 2005. The building on the property subject to this application has been vacant since the new station was occupied. At a meeting held on September 25th, 2006, Council passed resolution #GPA-341-06 declaring the property identified as 3289 Trulls Road as surplus and offered for sale. 2.2 At a meeting held on March 26th, 2007 Council passed resolution GPA-278-07 authorizing the Chief Administrative Officer to make application for rezoning of the property, and to have the necessary reports prepared including an Environmental Site Assessment, an Environmental Impact Study, and engineering/survey plans. 2.3 The application to amend Zoning By-law 84-63 for 3289 Trulls Road North was deemed complete on May 9th, 2008 and a Public Meeting was held on June 16th, 2008. The submission included a Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment and a draft Natural Heritage Evaluation which has since been finalized. These reports are summarized in Section 7.0 of this report. 3.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING LAND USES 3.1 The south-west portion of the property is currently occupied by the former Courtice Fire Station and associated parking lot. To the east and northeast of the parking lot is a wooded area which contains a portion of the Harmony-Farewell Iroquois Beach Provincially Significant Wetland. 3.2 Surrounding Uses North - South - East - West - large lot residential 12 metre wide residential lots George Reynolds Parkette 12 metre wide residential lots 868 REPORT NO.: PSD-102-0S PAGE 3 4.0 PROVINCIAL POLICY 4.1 Provincial Policv Statement Planning authorities are required to provide for a range of housing types and densities. A ten year supply of designated residential lands and a three year supply of residentially zoned and serviced lands are required. New housing is to be directed to locations where infrastructure and public services are available. The application is consistent with the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement. 4.2 Provincial Growth Plan The Provincial Growth Plan directs growth to built-up areas where the capacity exists to best accommodate the expected population. The guiding principles include building compact, vibrant and complete communities while optimizing the use of existing and new infrastructure to support growth in a compact efficient form. This application for zoning amendment conforms with the Provincial Growth Plan. 5.0 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5.1 Durham Reqional Official Plan The lands are designated Living Area within the Durham Regional Official Plan. Living . Areas shall be used predominantly for housing purposes. A Key Natural Heritage and Hydrologic Feature is identified on the property and its individual features and associated vegetation protection zone is to be identified and shown in more detail in the municipality's Official Plan and Zoning By-law. Limited development or site alteration is permitted in key natural heritage and/or hydrologic features, such as forest, fish and wildlife management and minor recreational uses such as trails and picnic facilities. The application conforms to the Living Area policies and the environmental goals of the Durham Regional Official Plan. 5.2 Clarinqton Official Plan This property is designated Urban Residential and Environmental Protection in the Clarington Official Plan. The predominant use of lands designated Urban Residential shall be for housing purposes. The property has frontage on Trulls Road North, which is identified as a Type B arterial road. These roads are designed to move significant volumes of traffic and have a right-of-way width ranging from 30 to 36 metres. Environmental Protection Areas are recognized as the most significant components of the Municipality's natural environment. As such, these areas and their ecological functions are to be preserved and protected from the effects of human activity. The precise limits of these Areas are to be determined in consultation with the Conservation Authority. Map C1 Natural Heritage Features indicates that the property is within the Lake Iroquois Beach, a tributary of Farewell Creek runs through the eastern portion of the property, and the lot contains a Wetland and a Significant Valleyland. The wetland is a part of the Harmony-Farewell Iroquois Beach Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW) and the limits are identified on Attachment 1. An Environmental Impact Study is to be undertaken for development applications located on lands within the Lake Iroquois Beach. Central Lake Ontario Conservation has assisted the Municipality and prepared a Natural Heritage Evaluation of the property in accordance with the Environmental 869 REPORT NO.: PSD-102-08 PAGE 4 Impact Study requirements of the Official Plan, which is discussed in Section 7.0 of this report. Residential development is to maintain a minimum setback of 30 metres from a PSW. The Natural Heritage Evaluation concludes that the proposed residential development will not negatively impact the identified natural heritage features. The application conforms to the Clarington Official Plan. 6.0 ZONING BY-LAW 6.1 The lands are zoned "Agricultural (A)" and "Environmental Protection (EP)" under Zoning By-law 84-63. The majority of the property is within the Environmental Protection zone (Attachment 1). There is a small section of Agricultural zoning in the southeast corner and a larger section of Agricultural zoning in the northwest corner. The fire station building and parking area are located within the EP zone boundary. The station was constructed in 1979, prior to the approval of By-law 84-63. The recommendations of this report support a rezoning of the site to permit the development of four residential lots in the location now occupied by the fire station and related parking areas. 7.0 SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND STUDIES 7.1 Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment A Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment was conducted in May of 2007. The results of the assessment indicated that there were low to moderate potential for environmental impacts to the property. Many years ago there was a spill of approximately 20 to 30 L of diesel fuel onto the ground near a former diesel fuel aboveground storage tank, and the contents of a corroded drum observed in an outdoor metal shed, could not be confirmed. As a result a Phase 2 Assessment was completed. The Phase 2 Assessment indicated that no evidence of petroleum contamination was observed, no combustible vapour concentrations were measurable during the shallow vapour survey, no evidence of petroleum vapour concentrations, odours or staining were detected during a test pit program, and no evidence of petroleum impacts were detected during a water well decommissioning. The existing wells on the site were decommissioned as part of the Phase 2 Assessment. The report concluded that concentrations of petroleum parameters did not exceed the Ministry of Environment site condition standards. The property is suitable for planned future residential uses. 7.2 Natural Heritaqe Evaluation Central Lake Ontario Conservation assisted the Municipality by preparing a Natural Heritage Evaluation on the property. The report indicates that the eastern portion of the property is comprised of existing forest cover which includes a portion of the Harmony- Farewell Iroquois Beach Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW). A tributary of the Farewell Creek traverses through the eastern extent of the lot. The western portion of 870 REPORT NO.: PSD-102-08 PAGE 5 the property is viewed as being in a developed state therefore the Authority views this area as providing no natural heritage features or functions to the eastern portion of the property and the existing natural features located there. The proposed residential development woUld be located 30 metres from the PSW and would not intrude into the vegetation on the eastern portion of the site. The eastern portion of the site with its woodlot, PSW and creek tributary, has been identified as an area of high environmental sensitivity within the Authority's Environmental Sensitivity Mapping Project prepared by Gartner Lee Limited in 1978. The existing natural features have been classified under their Ecological Land Classification system. Authority staff state that a proposal for residential lots within the existing developed portion of the property could be supported provided that the lots were limited to this area. By limiting development to the disturbed portion of the site the required setbacks of 15 metres from a PSW and 5 metres from the drip line of existing forest cover would be exceeded by approximately 10 metres. They support the removal of the asphalt as it would result in a more pervious surface. The Environmental Protection zoning on the property covers much of the site but its precise limits are to be determined in the evaluation of development applications. The Authority have reviewed their files and have conducted field investigations on the site and are advising that the current EP zoning does not accurately reflect the lands that they have determined should be zoned EP. They are recommending that the EP boundary be adjusted so that it only includes the PSW and the Farewell Creek tributary as shown on Attachment 1. This adjustment to the EP boundary is reflected in the proposed By-law amendment. Authority staff recommend that the existing forested area east of the paved area remain in municipal ownership as is proposed, that appropriate fencing be installed to limit intrusion into the natural features by the public and domestic pets, that future homeowners be provided with a homeowners package which would describe the environmental sensitivity of the area and offer suggestions in regards to landscaping practices and other measures that could be undertaken to preserve the sensitivity of the surrounding natural areas, and that any future development proposal beyond the residential development proposed in this application be .required to undertake all required studies which may include a scoped Environmental Impact Study. 8.0 PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSION 8.1 Public Notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site and Public Meeting signs were installed on the property along the Trulls Road and George Reynolds Drive frontages. The Public Meeting was held on June 16th, 2008 and two members of the public spoke in opposition. 871 REPORT NO.: PSD-102-08 PAGE 6 One resident expressed concerns with regards to the dumping of debris on the designated wetland area and she would like to see provisions included to address the debris being placed on the wetlands. She was in agreement with the public being educated through a homeowners package. Another resident would like to see a 5 metre setback included in the recommendations and have the ownership of the wetlands stay with the municipality with the words "conservation protection area" included. She referred to a guide from 1994 which she would like to have used for this area and she would like to see the lands protected forever. 9.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 9.1 The application has been circulated to the appropriate departments and agencies for comment. 9.2 The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, Rogers Cable, the Clarington Operations Department, the Clarington Emergency Services Department, and the Clarington Engineering Services Department have no objection to the proposed rezoning. 9.3 The Clarington Engineering Services Department have provided additional comments in regards to the location of future utility services, requirements for engineering drawings and lot grading and servicing plans, works within the boulevards, performance guarantees, road damage deposits and cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication. All of these requirements will have to be fulfilled prior to the Holding symbol being removed and residential construction proceeding. 9.4 Comments from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority have been discussed in Section 7. 9.5 The Region of Durham Planning Department have noted that the property abuts a Type "B" arterial road in the Durham Region Official Plan. A noise impact study is required to identify any potential impacts from vehicular noise and to identify appropriate noise mitigation measures. The study is to be submitted to the Region for review and any noise attenuation measures recommended in the study are to implemented as a condition of the removal of Holding. A Record of Site Condition (RSC) for the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment reports must be submitted to the Ministry of the Environment. An acknowledgement letter from the Ministry, which acknowledges the RSC and indicates the site has not been selected for audit, is to be provided to the Region in accordance with Regional policy. They are requesting that the Holding symbol not be removed until the acknowledgement letter is received and reviewed. 872 REPORT NO.: PSD-102-08 PAGE 7 There are water and sanitary services available on George Reynolds Drive. Under the Region's Sewer By-law and Foundation Drain Policy, foundation drains are not permitted to connect to the sanitary sewer system. The Region is requesting that a road widening be provided along the Trulls Road frontage and that sight triangle be retained at the intersection of George Reynolds Drive and Trulls Road. The road widening and the sight triangle are identified as property to be retained by the Municipality on Attachment 1. Municipal governments are not required to obtain approval of land severance applications in order to divide land and dispose of individual property. Each lot identified on the plan of survey is a transferable piece upon registration of the sale in the Land Registry system. 10.0 STAFF COMMENTS 10.1 The Provincially Significant Wetland and other wooded lands will remain in municipal ownership and retain the Environmental Protection zoning. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority are satisfied that by limiting development to the disturbed portion of the site the required setbacks of 15 metres from a PSW and 5 metres from the drip line of existing forest cover could be met and will be exceeded. The area east of the proposed residential lots will remain in Municipal ownership and as this area is designated Environmental Protection in the Clarington Official Plan they have already been identified as a "conservation protection area". 10.2 The Conservation Authority is recommending a homeowners guide be providing to the purchasers of the four residential lots. Staff are in support of this recommendation. 10.3 A road widening will be reserved along the Trulls Road and George Reynolds Drive frontage. 10.4 The redevelopment of this property for residential use is in keeping with the surrounding residential neighbourhood. The R1-70 zone will require the lots to be developed in accordance with today's design standards. 10.5 The demolition of the fire station and the removal of the asphalt will occur this fall and the funds are to be drawn from the Reserve for Municipal Acquisition/Real Estate Account #100-00-000-00000-2903. The sale of the 4 lots generate funds to be deposited in the Municipal Acquisition/Real Estate Account to be utilized for future land acquisitions as the need and opportunity arises. 11.0 CONCLUSIONS 11.1 It is respectfully recommended that the rezoning application submitted by the Municipality of Clarington be APPROVED. 873 REPORT NO.: PSD-102-08 PAGE 8 Attachments: Attachment 1 - Location Map Attachment 2 - Zoning By-law Amendment Interested parties to be notified of Committee's decision: Max Vanderheide Helen and Steve Krawchuk Lorraine Loannou Don Cram Kim Thompson Libby Racansky . Kerry Meydam 874 Attachment 2 To Report PSD-102-08 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2008- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle to implement application ZBA 2007-0011; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Schedule "4" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing th" zone designation from: "Agricultural (A)" Zone to "Environmental Protection (EP) Zone"; "Agricultural (A)' Zone to "Holding - Urban Residential Type One ((H) R1-70) Zone"; "Environmental Protection (EP)" Zone to "Holding - Urban Residential Type One ((H) R1-70) Zone"; and "Environmental Protection (EP)" Zone to "Agricultural (A) Zone". as illustrated on the attached Schedule "A" hereto. 2. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of passing hereof, subject to the provisions of sections 34 and 36 of the Planning Act. BY-LAW read a first time this day of 2008 BY-LAW read a second time this day of 2008 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 2008 Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Cierk 876 This is Schedule "A" to By-law 2008- , passed this day of . 2008 A.D. , I'" .."",. '\1'\1'\1'\1'\1'\1'\1tD ~ '\1'\1'\1'\1'\1'\1'\1'~ '\1 '\1 '\1 '\1 '\1 '\1 '\1 ''-'\ }C 7( '\1'\1'\1'\1'\1'\1'\1 'iCY ~~ j' PUT' "'AN 'UFO VVVVVVt ~ Jr ~ - .- . - J " V '\1 '\1 '\1 '\1 '\1 )C{ ICX II, I , '\1'\1'\1'\1V'\1~'\2 ~ ~. ,. \1'\1,V'\1'\1'\1';;. ~~\! '\1 '\1 '\1."",, '\1 '\1 J()(-W )c'"51 )< - ~~ ~'w/- ~ :'\1:'\1:'\1:'\1~~--- ~ ~/// ~~ ~ "no;;! '\1 'i;!. 2Y')b" It:. a:j \..~ '///// ~ ~ '\1 '\1 '\1 '\1 7A... ~ " g !i~ ~,#)~:'\1'\1'\1'\1v.'V.~~' )C~C?J, ,\ ~ ;"'" ~~ '\1 V '\1'\1 ~.A~ :-Yfia~, '_'_" ..~~,.~~ '\1 '\1 '\1 '\1,'~~,~ '. .J~_~C~~ ',r-~ tj~~ . ~ ...... _ P,,"T'~ oj ai \., ~ \.~~'N' ~'1! I ~ ""'"' 'III .........,... ii-.' lIUI1i1YoP.___ "~- '~ i \:... .....:.::' ',jii; GEORGE REYNOLDS DRIVE I. 1'$ ;J Jim Abernethy, Mayor HJ Zoning To Remain "EP" IlllllilllI Zoning Change From "A To "EP" ~ Zoning Change From "A" To "(H)R1-70" ~ Zoning Change From "EP" To "(H)R1-70" W Zoning Change From "EP" To "A" Patti L Barrie, Municipal Clerk ~~~II 'I / /- . i-~i~/ ./ 'J<{fh... '- - ~ ~ /\ 'A / rll/:.', '~- ij g I r~ ~ ~R~ ==~~~~~ N r - 1 ~ ~~I III'~ Till ~ i::J~~~/IIIIIIII-- ~ r= rTIl I , ~ ~ ~ F ~ ir:!" -I~r:n IllTTffiMt Ii=. """"""" L.L.l/ --: ~ ~ -ill ''A' ~Hlltrm I- rllTTTIl m'''''~ · . -= ~~ """~~- R COUR, [[[[jJJJ - ::::::. I- ~I-- EE == I- ~IIIIIIIIIIII liT ~ ~ 1-- ~ 'I ~. ~~ "RaT Dfjf'ltl,,'i" 'IIIiii\'? ~1-"7"'" '-.= I"'".u~ " ~~~,..- -~ c:fffib ER^Y('" ~__ 1--"= , .:=.- f;hJlIl...... ~ OIIID ~ :-- ~ ~ < ~W~ ~ ,,- '~''''"" '-- - I ,"",""",llllZ ~i/Jfff'jo}- ~E~II II t=. '--~ --( [lTITTTTl111l7; 'T "l....j~1= ,--;E ~ --- r= ' - ~ ~ I ES." '" II -~I I I~~l I frHfIT, I ". " - COURTICE ZeA 2007-0011 = - - 877 Cl~mgron REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, October 6, 2008 Report #: PSD-103-08 File #: PLN By-law #: Subject: REPEAL OF HERITAGE DESIGNATION 25-27 KING STREET EAST, BOWMANVILLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-103-08 be received; 2. THAT the Clerk be authorized to prepare the required Notice of Intention to repeal heritage designation By-law 92-81 and report back to Council following the prescribed notification period; and 3. THAT the Ontario Heritage Trust, the Clarington Heritage Committee, the property owner and the interested parties listed in this report be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: David ome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services Reviewed by: ()~~ } Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer IUFUdf/lw 30 September 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 878 REPORT NO.: PSD-103-08 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On March 9th, 1992, Council approved the heritage designation of the property identified as 25-27 King Street West in Bowmanville under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. The property is located in Bowmanville's heritage downtown core (Attachment 1). Heritage designation By-law 92-81, which is included as Attachment 2, specifically lists the historical significance and the architectural features of the building that supported the reasons for designation. 1.2 This property is owned by Bethesda House of Mercy. On April 29th, 2008, a fire started in an adjacent building on King Street West in downtown Bowmanville. The fire caused severe damage to four heritage buildings. 33 King Street West, 31 King Street West and 21-23 King Street West were listed in Clarington's heritage inventory as Primary heritage resources. 25-27 King Street West was a designated building under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. On Wednesday, April 30th, 2008, an Emergency Order was issued under the Ontario Building Code by the Chief Building Official which required that 25-27 King Street West and 29-31 King Street West be demolished immediately as they were considered unsafe and a public hazard. 1.3 When a property is designated by By-law, the by-law is registered on title of the property and the Clerk adds the property to the register of designated properties within the municipality. As 25-27 King Street West was a designated building, and as it has now been demolished, the designation By-law should be repealed. The heritage designation registered on the property's title should be removed to allow for redevelopment. Further, the listing of the property should be removed from the Clerk's register of heritage sites. 2.0 Ontario Heritage Act Regulations 2.1 The Ontario Heritage Act empowers a municipality to pass a by-law designating a structure to be of historic and/or architectural value or interest. Section 31 of the Act 879 REPORT NO.: PSD-103-08 PAGE 3 states that where Council intends to repeal a by-law designating a property the Clerk of the Municipality is to serve Notice of the Intention to repeal the designation By-law on the property owner and the Ontario Heritage Trust, and the Notice is to be published in a local newspaper. The Notice will provide for a 30 day appeal period whereby any objectors can submit a statement of objection to the Clerk. 2.2 Council is required to consult with its heritage committee prior to repealing a designation By-law. The Clarington Heritage Committee will review the repeal of By-law 92-81 during its October 21st, 2008, meeting. It is anticipated that the Clarington Heritage Committee will not have any objections to the removal of the heritage designation By- law. If there is no public objection to the proposed repeal then the Clerk will report back to Council with a recommendation to repeal the By-law. Any objections to the proposed repeal will be referred to the Conservation Review Board for a hearing. 3.0 CONCLUSIONS 3.1 It is our understanding that Bethesda House intents to rebuild with an architecturally sympathetic design that will complement the heritage character of King Street. The new building will have to meet the building code with regards to accessibility and other current standards. Staff from the Ministry of Culture has advised that the repeal of a heritage designation By-law is at the discretion of the municipality. However, should the heritage attributes listed in the By-law no longer exist on the property, as is the case for this property, then the Municipality should consider repealing the designation By-law. Since the building has been demolished the property no longer contains the heritage attributes listed in the designation By-law (Schedule B of Attachment 2). 3.2 It is recommended that the Clerk prepare, send, and publish the required Notice of Intention to repeal heritage designation By-law 92-81, pursuant to Section 31 of the Ontario Heritage Act, and report back to Council following the prescribed notification period. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Property Location Attachment 2 - Heritage Designation By-law 92-81 Interested parties to be notified of Council's and Committee's decision: Clarington Heritage Committee members Bethesda House of Mercy Ontario Heritage Trust Bert Duclos, Heritage Advisor, Ministry of Culture 880 Attachment 1 To Report: PSD-103-GS tv W~~ s Property Location Map (Bowmanville) ~ 25-27 King Street West PLN Attachment 2 To Report PSD-103-08 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NBWCASTLB BY.LAW # lJ2.& being a by.law to --'IV"'''' the property known for municipal purposes lIB 27 KIng Street West, !lowmanviIIe, lIB a property of historic or architectund value or Interest under the Ontario Heritage Ad. WHEREAS the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, C.O.18 IUlthmizeo the counci1 of the municipality to eoacl by.laws to deoigoale properties to be of historic or architectural vaJue or Interest for the purpooes of the Act; WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Town of NewcostIe baa caused to be IIl!I'Ved upon the owner of the property known for munidpol purposes lIB 27 KIng Street West, BowmaoviI1e and upon the Ontario Heritage F....-.""". Noti<e of Intention to Desigoale the aforellllid real property and baa caused 8Ucl1 notice of intention to be publiabed in the C.ana..1iclI" St....--._n a newspaper having a general. c:ircuJatioo In the ...... of the doT'''OD, oooe eocl1 week for three CODSeCUtive weeks, oameJy January 8, January 16 and January 22, 1992; and WHEREAS the _ for the desigoalioo of the aforesaid property under the Ontario Heritage Ad; ore contained In Scl1edule 'II" attached to and forming pllI't of tbia By-laW; and WHEREAS the Loco! Architectural eo....rvatIoo Advisory Committee of the Town of Newcutle baa recommended that the property known for mltn~l purpoeea u 27 KIng Street West, Bowmaoville, be '-'IV""ed lIB a property of historic or architectural vaJue or Interest under the Ontario Heritage Act; and WHEREAS DO notice of objection to the proposed d..;8"'''~ _ oerved UJlOIl the CIerIt within the periDd prescribed by the Ontario Heritage Act. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ,HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The property known for municipal purposes lIB 27 KIng Street East, Bowmaovme, which ill more partjcuJarly deoc:ribed In Scl1eduIe 'A' whioh is attached to and forms pllI't of _ by-law, ill hereby deolgoated lIB a property which baa historic or architectural value or intereot under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act R.S.O. 1990, C.O.l8. 2. The Solicitor for the Town of Newcastle is hereby authorized to cause a copy of thi8 by-law to be registered against the title to the property de8cribed In Schedule ~Au hereto. S. The Town Clerk ill here by authorized to cause a copy of thi8 by-law to be oerved upon the owner of the property described in Scl1eduIe 'A' hereto and on the Ontario Heritage Foundaticn. The Clerk also ill authorized to cause notice of the passing of thi8 by-law to be pubIisbed In the (,..","'~ Stateomao, a newspaper having general c:ircuJatioo In the are the dssip1atioo, oooe each week for three CODSeCUtive weeks, By.law read'; firat and seccod time thi8 8th day of March 1992. By-law read a third time and finally passed _ 8th day of March 11l92. ";!/<t1/1~~~dU' 882 SCHEDULE . A . TO BY-LAW 92-81 ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, in the Province of Ontario and being composed of Part of Lot 7, Block N on the south side of King Street according to a plan of the said Town of Bowmanville, made by John Grant, P.L.S., and registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the West Riding of the County of Durham on the 20th day of April, 1852, described as follows. COMMENCING at the north-easterly angle of said Lot 7 at the point of intersection of the westerly face of a brick wall with the southerly limit of King Street distant north 67 degrees west a distance of 193.5 feet from the ~orth-easterly angle of Lot 10, Block Nl THENCE north 69 degrees 54 minutes west along the northerly limit of said Lot 7 a distance of twenty-five and eight one-hundredths feet (25~08') to the point of intersection with the westerly face of a brick wall forming part of the easterly limit of the lands herein described; THENCE south 17 degrees 58 minutes west along the westerly face of said wall and its production southerly a distance of one hundred and seventeen and sixty-three one hundredths feet (177.63') more or less to an iron bar planted in the northerly limit of the southerly forty-four (44') of said Lot 71 THENCE north 71 degrees 40 minutes west along the said limit a distance of seventeen and forty-six one-hundredths feet (17.48') to an iron bar planted in the southerly extension of the centre line of the westerly wall of the premises adjacent in the land herein described I THENCE south 17 degrees 35 minutes west along the said extension a distance of twenty-seven and eighty-three one-hundredths feet (27.83') to an iron barl THENCE south 71 degrees 40 minutes east parallel to the southerly limit of said Lot 7 a distance of forty-two and fifty-eight one- hundredths feet (42.58') to an iron bar planted in the easterly limit of said Lot 71 THENCE north 71 degrees 52 minutes east along the easterly limit of said Lot 7 a distance of one hundred and forty-four and seven- tenths feet (144.7') more or less to the POINT OF COMMENCEMENT. 883 -~.'!' . ~ '. BCBEDULE "B" TO BY-LAW IJS.81 27 King Street West, Bowmanvil1e bas . very ..Il"........ historic or orcbitecturaI value or interest to the Town of Newcastle and ita people in that the property has been home to commercial activity in Bowmanvil1e since the 1860'0 and during the 1860'0 the second lIoor of the otructure was uaed as one of the _ offices of the Bell Telephone Co_. The following features.... d""'1l""'-! as being of ercbitectural vaJue; ~ L Ruaning bcmd pattem masonry; 2. Deeorathe pilaslers; 8. Keyslo!le8; . 4. The segmentally erohed windows of the seoond IIoor; and 8. Comioe witb dlstInctlve fretwork and bnocketa; and IDl!rl2!: 1. Pine flooring; and 2. Tongue and groove panelling on both ceiling and walla. 884 CI~gron REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTME Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, October 6, 2008 Resolution #: Report #: EGD-040-08 File#: By-law #: Subject: MONTHLY REPORT ON BUILDING PERMIT ACTIVITY FOR AUGUST, 2008. Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-040-08 be received for information. S"bm""", by, ~ A. S. Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services Reviewed b . jj ranklin Wu 7lJ Chief Administrative Officer ASC*RP*bb September 17, 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARIN( 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623 901 REPORT NO.: EGD-040-08 PAGE 2 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 With respect to the Building Permit Activity for the month of AUGUST 2008, Staff wish to highlight the following statistics for the information of Committee and Council. MONTH OF AUGUST 2008 2007 BUILDING NUMBER OF VALUE OF NUMBER OF VALUE OF % CHANGE OF CATEGORY PERMITS CONSTRUCTION PERMITS CONSTRUCTION VALUE 2008-2007 Residential 66 $11,883,775 66 $10,520,246 13.0% Industrial 2 $5820000 0 $0 N/A Government 0 $0 0 $0 N/A Commercial 3 $120,000 1 $731,790 -83.6% Institutional 1 $1,316,000 6 $116,400 1,030.6% Agricultural 2 $397,428 5 $1,719,305 -76.9% Demolition 5 $0 6 $0 N/A TOTAL 79 $19,537,203 84 $13,087,741 49.3% YEAR TO DATE 2008 2007 BUILDING NUMBER OF VALUE OF NUMBER OF VALUE OF % CHANGE OF CATEGORY PERMITS CONSTRUCTION PERMITS CONSTRUCTION VALUE 2008-2007 Residential 586 $105,073,871 603 $102,125,627 2.9% Industrial 7 $22,360,056 10 $6,576,800 240.0% Government 3 $3,175,000 0 $0 N/A Commercial 32 $2.583,151 37 $14,083,219 -81.7% Institutional 10 $4,446,000 11 $1,356,300 227.8% Agricultural 17 $5,951,388 20 $5,322,393 11.8% Demolition 24 $0 29 $0 N/A TOTAL 679 $143,589,466 710 $129,464,339 10.9% 902 REPORT NO.: EGD-040-08 PAGE 3 1.2 With respect to building permit activities (over $250,000) and large residential building permit activities, the details are provided as follows: Owner I Applicant OPG-DNGS KAWARTHA PINE RIDGE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD NANCY MALLETTE Construction Type Location Modify existing auditorium to accomodate Addition to Existing School (Waverley P.S.) Greenhouse Value $5,800,000 2151 SOUTH SERVICE ROAD, DARLINGTON 168 WAVERLEY ROAD, BOWMANVILLE 3745 HIGHWAY 2, CLARKE $1,316,000 $385,428 903 REPORT NO.: EGD-040.08 PAGE 4 The following is a comparison of the types of dwelling units issued for the month of "AUGUST" and "YEAR TO DATE". Dwelling Unit Type "AUGUST" 2008 o 0 T Qwnhouse 0% Apartment 0% Dwelling Unit Type "YEAR TO DATE 2008" 3 Apartment 1% 49 Townhouse 11% 8 Semi- Detached 18% 38 Single Detached 82% 70 Semi. Detached 16% III Single Detached 36 III Semi-Detached 8 o Townhouse 0 o Apartment 0 308 Single Detached 72% .. Single Detached 308 III Semi-Detached 70 o Townhouse 49 o Apartment 3 The following is a historical comparison of the building permits issued for the month of "AUGUST" and "YEAR TO DATE" for a three year period. Historical Data for Month of "AUGUST" $150,000,000 $25,000.000 $145,000,000 $140,000,000 $20,000,000 $135,000,000 $15,000,000 $130,000,000 $125,000,000 $10,000,000 $120,000,000 $5,000,000 $115,000,000 $110,000,000 $0 $105,000,000 II Value IIValue Historical Data "YEAR TO DATE" 904 ! REPORT NO.: EGD-040-08 PAGE 5 i PERMIT REVENUES 2008 2007 August Year to Date August Year to Date PERMIT FEES $ 105,417 $ 917,403 $ 94,075 $ 980,934 INSPECTION SERVICES 2008 2007 . August Year to Date August Year to Date Building Inspections 90 2,025 548 3,986 Plumbing & Heating Inspections 115 2,560 619 3,683 Pool Enclosure Inspections 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 205 4,585 1,167 7,669 NUMBER OF NEW RESIDENTIAL UNITS 2008 2007 August Year to Date August Year to Date Single Detached 36 308 33 290 Semi-Detached 8 70 0 86 Townhouse 0 49 0 50 Apartments 0 3 2 3 TOTAL 44 430 35 429 905 REPORT NO.: EGD-040-0B PAGE 6 RESIDENTIAL UNITS HISTORICAL COMPARISON YEAR: 2008 (to end of 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 AREA August) Bowmanville 242 451 608 307 587 468 345 312 188 184 313 Courtice 103 82 126 241 173 180 133 129 231 296 254 Newcastle 40 77 84 202 191 123 131 76 110 78 4 Wilmot Creek 23 16 15 15 25 29 38 24 19 21 33 Orono 2 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 Darlington 7 6 7 14 15 13 17 47 102 31 14 Clarke 2 11 12 13 10 16 15 9 17 17 12 Burketon 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 Enfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ennlskillen 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 5 7 6 3 Hampton 0 1 1 0 0 3 3 1 1 2 1 Haydon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Kendal 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 2 0 1 0 Kirby 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Les kard 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Maple Grove 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Mitchell Corners 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Newtonville 6 2 2 4 5 3 3 0 3 1 0 Solina 0 6 3 3 3 3 1 1 0 0 0 Tyrone 5 0 0 0 0 3 9 3 0 0 0 TOTALS 430 655 860 802 1,015 843 701 609 679 640 636 906 CI![mglOn REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: October 6, 2008 Resolution #: Report #: EGO-041-08 File#: By-law #: Subject: TSH MERGER WITH AECOM CANADA LIMITED - AMENDMENTS TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES AND RELATED AMENDMENTS TO THE PURCHASING BY-LAW Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT report EGO-041-08 be received; 2. THAT amendments to the Agreement for Professional Consulting Services between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Tottem Sims Hubicki (1991) Limited by replacing the corporate name "Totten Sims Hubicki Associates (1991) Limited" and the letters "TSH" with "Aecom Canada Limited" wherever the former corporate name and letters appear and the other amendments referred to in this Report, be approved; 3. THAT a by-law be passed (Attachment 2) to authorize the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington to execute a Professional Consulting Services Agreement with Aecom Canada Limited in the form and with the content of the Agreement contained in Attachment 1 which contains the amendments referred to in Recommendation 2; and 4. THAT a by-law (Attachment 3) be passed to amend Sections 1 and 28 of the Purchasing By-law 2006-127 as recommended in section 5.3 of this Report. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLAR~ON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 REPORT NO.: EGD-041-08 PAGE 2 Respectfully by, o~~~ Reviewed by: Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer Submitted by: A.S. Cannella Director of Engineering Services ASC/jb September 15. 2008 908 REPORT NO.: EGD-041-08 PAGE 3 1.0 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE 1.1 Clarington's principal engineering and related professional services consulting firm, Totten Sims Hubicki Limited ("TSH"), has been acquired by Aecom Technology Corporation. As of October 1, 2008, the services now provided by TSH to the Municipality, will be provided by the same staff operating under the corporate name Aecom Canada Limited ("Aecom Canada"). This Report recommends that Council approve amendments to the current Agreement for Professional Consulting Services between the Municipality of Clarington and Totten Sims Hubicki Associates (1991) Limited dated September 1, 1993 ("TSH Agreement") and pass amendments to the Purchasing By-law 2006-127 to the change in the corporate name to "Aecom Canada Limited". Amendments to the Agreement for Professional Consulting Services are necessary because Aecom Canada and Totten Sims Hubicki Associates (1991) Limited are separate legal persons. The TSH Agreement does not permit it to be assigned without the consent of the Municipality and TSH. 1.2 Certain technical amendments have been made to update the terms of this Agreement including an increase in the amount of the liability insurance that is required to be consistent with the Municipality's current insurance requirements. 1.3 Amendments to the Purchasing By-law are necessary because Sections 1 and 28 of this by-law now refer to the TSH Agreement since the services now provided by TSH will be provided by Aecom Canada from October 1, 2008, Sections 1 and 28 of the Purchasing By-law will need to be amended to reflect this fact. 1.4 TSH's key staff who now provide consulting services to the Municipality will continue to do so after October 1, 2008, operating under the corporate name of Aecom Canada. 1.5 The recommended amendments both to the Agreement and the Purchasing By-law referred to above are essentially of a housekeeping nature. 909 REPORT NO.: EGD-041-08 PAGE 4 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 The Municipality and TSH have shared a professional relationship since the incorporation of the Municipality on January 1, 1974 prior to the incorporation of the Municipality. TSH provided consulting services to the former Townships of Clarke and Darlington. 2.2 TSH has responded effectively and expeditiously to the needs of the Municipality's increasing population and infrastructure requirements by providing a broad range of professional consulting services to the Municipality in respect of public works undertaken by the Municipality. The services provided by TSH also include assisting the Municipality's staff in the preparation of background studies related to the passing of Development Charges By-laws. Their work has been essential in the preparation of these background studies. 3.0 BENEFITS FROM THE RELATIONSHIP WITH TSH 3.1 TSH's accumulated experience with the implementation of Clarington's public works programs have allowed TSH's staff to gain an intimate knowledge of the Municipality's infrastructure. This knowledge is put to use with each new project undertaken for the Municipality by minimizing the need to research existing infrastructure and by enabling TSH's staff to conceptualize solutions based on a fully integrated understanding of the Municipality's current and historical needs. 3.2 TSH has been successful in completing assignments on schedule and on budget. I fully expect that Aecom Canada will continue to do so after October 1, 2008. Cost-effective services have been provided by TSH. I expect that after October 1, 2008, Aecom Canada will also provide cost-effective services. 3.3 Very importantly, TSH has worked diligently to liaise with residents affected by projects in which it has been involved, during both design and construction phases, to ensure that all issues and concerns are dealt with in the most satisfactory manner possible. The result of this effort has provided TSH with an excellent track record in community relations, one that is confirmed in the minimal number of calls and concerns the Municipality has received from residents as a result of TSH projects over the years. I 910 REPORT NO.: EGD-041-08 PAGE 5 expect that Aecom Canada will match TSH's track record in this regard after October 1, 2008. 4.0 AECOM CANADA 4.1 In addition to TSH, Aecom Technology Corporation has acquired other consulting companies which provide related professional consulting services under the names UMA, GLL, Cansult, KMK and Earth Tech. Each of them will also operate as part of Aecom Canada. As a result, Aecom Canada will be one of the largest group of engineers, architects, planners, technologists, technicians and support staff available to clients within Ontario. 4.2 As is currently the case with TSH, Aecom Canada will continue the practice of reviewing with the Director of Engineering Services, on a case by case basis, any potential work for private sector clients and other levels of government whose jurisdiction encompasses the Municipality of Clarington, to ensure that no conflict of interest will arise. 5.0 PURCHASING BY-LAW 2006-127 AMENDMENTS 5.1 Section 28 of the Purchasing By-law provides that: "For clarity, none of the provisions of this By-law is intended to or shall be deemed to affect any provisions of, or the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties to the TSH Agreement including the responsibilities of the official of the corporation named in the TSH Agreement." 5.2 Section 1 of the By-law defines "TSH Agreemenf' to mean the agreement between the Corporation and Totten Sims Hubicki Associates (1991) Limited dated September 1, 1993. 5.3 If Council approves my recommendation in effect to replace the corporate name of "Totten Sims Hubicki Associates (1991) Limited" with the corporate name of "Aecom Canada Limited", similar amendments should be made to Sections 1 and 28 of the Purchasing By-law. 911 REPORT NO.: EGD-041-08 PAGE 6 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 I recommend that Council approve amendments to the Agreement for Professional Consulting Services between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Totten Sims Hubicki Limited to replace "Totten Sims Hubicki (1991) Limited" with "Aecom Canada Limited" wherever the former corporate name appears and the other amendments referred to in this Report. 6.2 I recommend that Council authorize the execution of a new Agreement with Aecom Canada Limited which incorporates these amendments. A copy of the recommended Agreement for Professional Consulting Services with Aecom Canada Limited is contained in Attachment 1 to this Report. 6.3 I recommend that the Purchasing By-law 2006-127 be amended as set out in section 5.3 of this Report. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Recommended Professional Consulting Services Agreement with Aecom Canada Limited Attachment 2 - By-law to authorize the execution of the Professional Consulting Services Agreement with Aecom Canada Limited Attachment 3 - By-law to amend Purchasing By-law 2006-127 List of I nterested Parties: 912 ATTACHMENT NO,: 1 REPORT NO,: EGD-04H18 PAGE 1 OF 13 AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT dated the 14th day October AD. 2008 -BETWEEN- THE CORPORATION OF TIlE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON (hereinafter called the "Client") THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART -AND- AECOM CANADA LIMITED (hereinafter called the "Consultant") THE PARTY OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Client intends to retain the Consultant to provide Professional Eogineering Services for various Municipal Projects on a continuous basis and as specifically assigned by the Director of Engineering Services the Consultant agrees to furnish professional services in connection therewith; NOW THEREFORE WITNESSETH that in consideration of the covenants contained herein, the Client and the Consultant mutually agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 - GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.01 Retainer The Client hereby retains the services of the Consultant in connection with the specific Projects and the Consultant hereby agrees to provide the services described herein under the general direction and control of the Client In this Agreement the word Consultant shall mean professionals and other specialists employed by the Client, 913 2 1.02 Services The services to be provided by the Consultant and by the Client for the Projects are generally set forth in Article 2. 1.03 Compensation The Client shall pay the Consultant in accordance with the provisions set forth in Article 3. 1.04 Staff and Methods The Consultant shall use current state of the art principles and shall skillfully and competently perform the Services and shall employ only skilled and competent sta<<who will be under the supervision of a senior member of the Consultant's staff. 1.05 Drawings and Documents Subject to Section 3.2.3 of Article 3, drawings and documents or copies thereof required for the Projects shall be exchanged between the parties on a reciprocal basis. Documents prepared by the Consultant for the Client may be used by the Client, for the Projects including "as built" records. The Client has ownership of the drawings. 1.06 Patents All concepts, products or processes produced by or resulting from the Services rendered by the Consultant in connection with a Project, or which are otherwise developed or first reduced to practice by the Consultant in the performance of his Services, and which are patentable, capable of trademark or otherwise, shall be and remain the property of the Consultant. The Client shall have permanent non-exclusive royalty-free license to use any concept, product or process, which is patentable, capable of trademark or otherwise produced by or resulting from the Services rendered by the Consultant in connection with the Project and for no other purpose or project. 1.07 Records and Audit (a) In order to provide data for the calculation off... on a time basis, the Consultant shall keep a detailed record of the hours worked by and salaries paid to his staff employed for the Projects. (b) The Client may inspect and audit the books, payrolls, accounts and records of the Consultant during regular office hours with respect to any item which the Client is required to pay on a time scale or disbursement basis as a result of this Agreement. (c) The Consultant, when requested by the Client, shall provide copies of receipts with respect to any disbursements for which the Consultant claims payment under this Agreement. 914 3 1.08 Suspension or Termination The Client may by providing 30 days notice in writing to the Consultant suspend or terminate the Services or any portion thereof at any stage of the undertaking. Upon receipt of such written notice, the Consultant shall perform no further Services other than those reasonably necessary to close out his Services. 1.09 lndemnilieation The Consultant shall indemoify and save harmless the Client from and against all claims, actions, losses, expenses, costs or damages of every nature and kind whatsoever whieh the Client, his employees, officers or agents may suffer as a result of the negligence of the Consultant, his employees, officers or agents in the performance of this Agreement The Client agrees to hold harmless, indemoify and defend the Consultant from and against any and all claim, losses, damages, liability and costs of defense arising out of or in any way connected with the presence, discharge, release or escape of contaminants of any kind, excluding only such liability as may arise out of the negligence of the Consultant in the performance of consulting services to the Client within this project 1.10 lnsurance and Linalt of Liability The Client will accept the insurance coverage specified in this clause as the limit ofliability of the Consultant. a) Comprehensive General Liability and Automobile Insurance The Insurance Coverage shall be $5,000,000.00 for Commercial General Liability and $5,000,000.00 for Non-Owned Automobile Insurance. The Client shall be added to the Consultant's Comprehensive General Liability and Non-Owned Automobile Insurance as an . Additional Insured respecting insured activities or events related to the performance by the Consultant of its duties under this Agreement. When requested the Consultant shall provide the Client with proof of Comprehensive General Liability and Automobile Insurance (Inclusive Limits) for both owned and non-owned vehicles. b) Professional Liability Insurance The Insurance Coverage shall be in the amount of $5,000,000.00 for Professional Liability Insurance. The Client shall be added to the Consultant's Professional Liability Insurance respecting activities or events related to the performance by the Consultant of its duties under this Agreement When requested the Consultant shall provide to the Client proof of Professional Liability Insurance carried by the Consultant, and in accordance with APEO Act, 1984 and Regulations therein. c) Change in Coverage If the Client requests to have the amount of coverage increased or to obtain other special insurance for a specific Project then the Consultant shall endeavour forthwith to obtain such increased or special insurance at the Client's expense as a disbursement allowed under Section 3.2.3. 915 4 It is understood and agreed that the coverage provided by these policies will not be changed or amended in any way nor cancelled by the Consultant until (30) days after written notice of such change or cancellations has been personally delivered to the Client. 1.11 Contracting for Construction Neither the Consultant nor any person, firm or corporation associated or affiliated with or subsidiary to the Consultant shall tender for the constroction of a Project, or have an interest either directly or indirectly in the constroction of the Project. 1.12 Assignment Neither party may assign this Agreement without the prior consent in writing of the other. 1.13 Previous Agreements This Agreement supersedes all previous agreements, arrangements or understandings between the parties whether written or oral in connection with or incidental to the Project. 1.14 Approval by Other Authorities Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, where the work of the Consultant is subject to the approval or review of an authority, department of government, or agency other than the Client, such applications for approval or review shall be the responsibility of the Consultant, but shall be submitted through the offices of the Client and unless authorized by the Client, such applications for approval or review shall not be obtained by direct contact by the Consultant with such other authority, department of government or agency. 1.15 SpeclaUzed Services The Consultant may engage others for specialized services provided that prior approval is obtained, from the Client and may add a mark-up of not more that 5% of the cost of such services to cover office administration costs when claiming reimbursement from the Client, plus the cost of the edditional insurance incurred by the Consultant for the specialized services. 1.16 Inspection The Client, or persons authorized by the Client, shall have the right, at all reasonable times, to inspect or otherwise review the Services performed, or being performed, under a Project and the premises where they are being performed. 1.17 Publication The Consultant agrees to obtain the consent of the Client before publishing or issuing any detailed information regarding a Project. 1.18 Confidential Data 916 5 The Consultant shall not divulge any specific information identified as confidential, communicated to or acquired by him, or disclosed by the Client in the course of carrying out the Services provided for berein. No such information shall be used by the Consultant on any other project without the approval in writing of the Client. 1.19 Arbitration (a) Any dispute, difference or disagreement between the parties hereto in relation to the Agreement may, with the consent of both parties, be referred to arbitration. (b) No person shall be appointed to act as arbitrator who is in anyway interested, financially or otherwise, in the conduct of the work on the specific Project or in the business or other affairs of either the Client or the Consultant. (c) The award of the arbitrator shall be linal and binding upon the parties. (d) The provisions of the Arbitration Act, S.O., 1991, c.17, as amended shall apply. 1.20 Time The Consultant shall perform the Services expeditiously to meet the requirements of the Client and shall complete any portion or portions of the Services in such order as the Client may require and the Client shall have the right to take possession of and 'use any completed or partially completed portions of the Work notwithstanding any provisions expressed or implied to the contrary. The Client shall give due consideration to all designs, drawings, plans, specifications, reports, tenders, proposals and other information submitted by the Consultant, and shall make any decisions which he is required to make in connection therewith within a reasonable time so as not to delay the work of the Consultant. 1.21 Estimates, Schedules and Staff List 1.21.1 Preparation ofEst1mate of Fees, Schedule of Progress and Staff List When requested by the Client, the Consultant shall within fourteen days of the execution of this Agreement provide, for approval by the Client: (a) A staff list showing the number, classifications and salary ranges of staff andlor hourly rate ranges for Principals and Executives, for which the Consultant win seek payment on a time basis. The Consultant shall relate such information to the particular type of work that such staff is to perform, while employed on Projects. Such list shall designate the member of the Consultant's staff who is to be the liaison person between the Consultant and the Client. 1.21.2 Monthly Reporting of Progress When requested by the Client, the Consultant shall provide the Client with a written report showing the portion of the Services completed in the preceding month. 917 6 ARTICLE 2 - SERVICES 2.1 Consultant's Services for Preliminary Design The Consultant shall provide the services for the preliminary design of projects and such work shall include the following, unIells already covered during a feasibility study: I. Preparation and recommendation of alternative concepts and delligns considering geometries. property, cost and environmental features. 2. Development and recommendation of horizontal and vertical alignments for the Project on a plan scale acceptable to the Client. 3. Proposed typical sections for the roadway, structurell, rights-of-way, entrances, intersecting roads and other cross section elements. 4. Preparation of a design criteria. 5. Existing soils data shall be assembled and evaluated. 6. Preparation and distribution of minutes of Project meetings. 7. Correllpondence with governmental ministries, agenciell and other public authorities for design information. 8. General drsinage requirements. 9. Preliminary property right-of-way requirements. 10. Majority utility installations and adjustments. II. Survey work necessary for the provision of services herein and, a) For the asSellsment and verification of feasibility of engineering alternativell considered for the Project. b) To provide sufficient survey reference points clear of the expected construction area to allow future re-establishment of the alignment proposed for the Project. c) To establish elevation control bench marks clear of the expected construction area sufficient to allow referencing of further detailed elevation information, and the development and control of elevations of the Works to be constructed under the Project. 12. Preparation of structural site plans with necessary geometric design data for structural design pUIposes and preliminary project cost estimates. 918 7 2.2 Client's Services for Preliminary Design The Client shall provide the Consultant with documentation (if available) described as follows: 1. Functional Study or Predesign Investigation undertaken for the WoIle. 2. Access to and the use of existing plans, profiles, utility information, legal documents and correspondence relevant to the Work. 3. Traffic information. 4. Available Traffic or Transportation Study Reports of the area. 5. Available Functional Planning, Preliminary Design Reports and/or drawings of adjoining Projects. 6. General direction of the Consultant in the provision of services and approvals from time to time as necessary during the currency of this agreement. . The Consultant shall be entitled to rely upon the information, direction and approvals provided by the Client pursuant to Clauses (I) to (6) hereof, inclusive, as being accurate, in the performance of the Consultant's services under this Agreement. 2.3 Consultant's Services for Detailed Design The services to be provided by the Consultant in the execution of the design for specific Projects shall include: I. Expertise required for the design of the structure and all roadways and facilities to serve the best interests of the public, with due regard for environmental concerns, capital cost and operating efficiency in accordance with current state of the art and acceptable standards established by the Client and regnlatory authorities. 2. Field survey work required after the design criteria and functional alignment have been established, which shall include all survey work necessary for the estimating of quantities, the detailed setting of alignment and grade to fit controlling natural and artificial topographic and underground features, the design of culvert, ditches, drains and storm sewers and the positioning of all appurtenances associated with the construction of the Project. 3. Investigation and confirmation of the present location of all shove ground utilities, updating of the Client's plans and profiles to show the present location and the proposed location, and preparation of additional drawings required for alternative utility relocation as required by the Client subject to Clause 5 of Section 2.4. Underground utilities are to be indicated on the plans and proflles in accordance with information submitted by the respective utility. 919 8 4, The preparation and submission of preliminary drawings, investigations, and recommendations to the Client, on such alternatives or modifications to the Project that the Consultant in his professional judgment, deems advantageous to the Client. ' 5, The preparation of appropriate plans showing any lands or interests in land required for the Project, 6, Advising the Client of the need to seek permission to enter private lands for investigation purposes, 7. Participation in a reasonable number of meetings for informative, negotiative or presentative purposes with the Client in connection with the services provided under this Agreement, after the establishment of the design criteria and functional alignment. 8, The preparation of contract documents for the Project including the detailed construction drawings, tender quantity forms, material lists, specifications and information to bidders, 9, The preparation of detailed quantity and cost estimates, sundry engineering and materials, 10, The provision of one complete set of tendering documents and one complete set of reproducible drawings for the Project. 11, The preparation of reinforcing steel bar lists for structures, 12. The ~bmission of plans, specifications, schedules, and applications for approval to the client and to appropriate authorities, as required, Attend meetings at the offices of these public authorities to discuss designs and to provide explanations for the purpose of furthering the applications towards approval. \3, Advice and consultation to the Client in the advertising, receiving and evaluation of bids, and awarding of a contract for construction, 2.4 Client's Serviees for Detailed Design The Client shall provide the Consultant with documentation (if available) described as follows: 1. Access to and, where necessary. copies of existing plans, profiles or other topographic information showing or pertaining to existing conditions within the Project area. 2. Registered land plans, legal documents and surveys, where necessary, defining the property limits of existing rights-of-way and other parcels of land affected by the Project, and as required in the acquisition of property and lands for the Project. 3, General direction of the Consultant in the provision of the services, 4. Soils, foundation and hydrological reports where required, for the proper design of the Project, 5. Any information regarding utilities necessary for the preparation of the plans referred to in Section 2.3 in the possession of the Client. 920 9 6. Arrange and make provision for the Consultant's entry and ready access to property (public and private) as well as to the site of the Project, as necessary to enable him to perform his services. 7. Designate in writing an individual to act as his Representative who will transmit instructions to and receive information from the Consultant The Consultant shall be entitled to rely upon the information, direction and approvals provided by the Client pursuant to Clauses I through 5 hereof, inclusive, as being accurate, in the performance of the Consultant's services under this agreement. 2.5 Consultant's Services for Construction Administration The Consultant, on behalf of the Client, provides a review of the work during construction. The Contractor is responsible for discharging his obligations under the terms and conditions of the construction contract. The performance of the Contract is not the Consultants responsibility nor are his review services rendered for the Contractor's benefit. The Contractor is responsible for the quality of the work. It is understood that only work which has actually been seen during examination of representative samples can be said to have been appraised, and comments on the balance of the work are assumptions based upon extrapolation. The extent of the Consultant's duties of general review are as follows: <a) Administrative Services I. Consultation in the tendering of a contract for Projects. 2. The review, modification and approval of the Contractor's construction schedule, the processing of progress and final payment certificates for the work, and the preparation and submission of work progress reports to the Client at such time and in such form and detail as the client may require. 3. The review and checking of formwork drawings and proposed construction methods as warranted, to ensure that the Contractor's drawings and methods comply with the design requirements for the Project. 4. Consideration and recommendation in respect to altematives of construction methods or material proposed by the Contractor, and preparation of change orders. 5. Review shop drawings submitted to the degree necessary to ensure they conform with the design requirements and contract documents. 6. Recommend on the validity of charges for additions or deletions and recommend on the issue of change orders. (b) Field Administration I. Direction of the Consultant's field staff, and review of the Contractor's work to ensure compliance with the plans and specifications. 921 10 2. Surveying and field stakeout for the layout control points, and calculation of pay quantities for the work. 3. Calculation and recording of quantities, and the preparation of progress and final payment certificates prescribed by the Client, together with the compilation of such survey notes, diaries, records and reports substantiating such certificates during constroction and on completion of the work. 4. Arranging, preparing and shipping for testing materials supplied by the Contractor for incorporation in the work, and the review of test results and judgment of acceptability of said materials. 5. On-site tests during the constroction of the work to verify acceptability according to the specifications. 6. The assignment of the necessary field inspectors to perform such field operations necessary in the provision of the foregoing construction administration services. 7. Investigating, reporting and recommending on unusual circumstances which may arise during construction. 8. Carrying out final inspection at the conclusion of the constroction contract. 9. The preparation and submission to the Client of one complete set of reproducible, revised contract drawinga showing the'as constructed' Project, to the extent requested by the Client and to the extent possible from information provided by the Contractor or otherwise patently visible. Consultant is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of field change information supplied (or to have been supplied) by persons not in the Consultant's employ. 2.6 Client's Services for Constrnelion Administralion The Client shall provide the Consultant with the following services notwithstanding that, should the Client be unable to provide any of the services hereunder, they may be assigned to the Consultant. I. Supplementary factors governing the Contractor's operations, such as by-laws, property considerations, maintenance of public services and traffic. 2. General direction of the Consultant in the provision of the services. 3. Arrange and make provision for the Consultanfs entry and ready access to property (public and private) as well as to the site of the work, as necessary to enable him to perform his Services. 4. Designate in writing an Individual to act as his Representative, who will transmit instructions to, and receive information from, the Consultant. 922 11 The Consultant shall be entitled to rely upon the information, direction and approvals provided by the Client pursuant to Clauses 1 through 4 hereof, inclusive, as being accurate, in the performance of the Consultant's services under this Agreement. 2.7 Consultant Services for Review of Plans of Subdivision and Development Site Plans The Consultant shall review and provide comment to the Client on Plans of Subdivision and Site Plans prepared by Developers andlor their Consultant. The extent of the review shall be as directed by the Client. 2.8 Consultant Services The Consultant shall provide advisory services and prepare reports as directed to assist the Client on projects as requested. This may include surveying, negotiations to purchase property, computer services, road needs study, development charges, transportation reports, master stormwater drainage reports or anY project associated with Engineering, Architectural and Urban Planning disciplines. 2.9 Environmental Assessments The Consultant shall perform duties and prepare reports as required under Provincial Regulation of the Environmental Assessment Act. ARTICLE 3 - FEES AND DISBURSEMENTS 3.1 Defmitions For the purpose of this Agreement, the following definitions shall apply: (a) Payroll Cost Payroll Cost is defined as hourly salary plus payroll burden of26.32% to cover vacation, statutory holidays, health and medical insurance, group life and disability insurance, company and Canada pension employer contributions, Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Insurance, but excluding bonuses or profit abaring. 3.2 Basis of Payment 3.2.1 Fees Calculated on a Time Basis The Client shall pay the Consultant a fee, calculated on a time basis, for that part of the Services described in Article 2. Fees on a time basis shall be as follows: (a) Staff on normal assiguments - Payroll Cost plus 70%. Time Expended All time expended on assiguments, whether in the Consultant's office, at the Client's premises, or elsewhere, and including travel time, shall be chargeable. This also includes, but is not 923 12 limited to, stenographic and clerical staff engaged in the preparation of docwnents such as reports, and specifications. 3.2.2 Computer Services Computer services, except where a computer is used for design under the percentage fee scale or for the Consultant's normal office administration, shall be considered a reimbursable expense. 3.2.3 Reimbursable Expenses !o addition to the fee, the Consultant shall be reimbursed at cost for all expenses properly incurred by him in connection with projects, including but not limited to: vehicle use charges, travelling and living expenses, long distance telephone charges, teletype and telegraph charges, printing and reproductions, progress photography, advertising for tenders, special delivery and express charges, overtime premium costs, and the cost of providing and maintaining site offices, supplies and equipment, approved special consultations, subsurface investigations, legal surveys, chemical and physical tests. 3.3 Payment 3.3.1 Fees Calculated on a Time Basis The Consultant shall submit an invoice to the Client for all Services completed in the immediately preceding month. !oterest at the annual rate of Nil per month on overdue accounts. 924 13 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused to be executed these presents by their officers properly authorized in that behalf on the day and year first above written. CONSULTANT: AECOM CANADA LIMITED Per: Name: Office: Per: Name: . Office: J/W e have the authority to bind the Corporation. CLIENT: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF cLARlNGTON Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk We have the authority to bind the Corporation. 925 ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: EGO-041-08 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2008-XXX being a by-law to authorize the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington to execute an Agreement for Professional Consutting Services between the Municipality of Clarington and Aecom Canada Limited WHEREAS at its meeting on October 14th, 2008, Council of the Municipality of Clarington received and approved Report EGO-041-08 entitled "TSH merger with Aecom Canada - Amendments to Agreement for Professional Consulting Services with TSH and related amendments to the Purchasing By-law"; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VEO THAT the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Mayor and Municipal Clerk on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington are authorized to execute an Agreement for Professional Consulting Services between the Municipality of Clarington and Aecom Canada Limned in the form and with the content of the Agreement contained in Attachment 1 to Report EGO- 041-08. By-law read a first and second time this 14th day of October, 2008. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 14th day of October, 2008. Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 926 ATTACHMENT NO.: 3 REPORT NO.: EGD-041-08 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPAUTY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2008-XXX being a by-law to amend the Purchasing By-law 2006-127 WHEREAS at its meeting on October 14, 2008, Council of the Municipality of Clarington received and approved Report EGD-041-08 entttled "TSH merger with Aecom Canada- Amendments to Agreement for Professional Consutting Services with TSH and related amendments to the Purchasing By-law"; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. THAT Section 1 of the Purchasing By-law 2006-127 be deleted and replaced with the following: "Aecom Canada Agreement - means the Agreement for Professional Consulting Services between the Corporation and Aecom Canada Limited dated September 29, 2008." 2. THAT Section 28 of the Purchasing By-law 2006-127 be amended by deleting "TSH Agreement" from its heading and text and replacing these references with "Aecom Canada Agreement" wherever the term "TSH Agreement" appears. By-law read a first and second time this 14"' day of October, 2008. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 14"' day of October, 2008. Jim Abemethy, Mayor Patti L Barrie Municipal Clerk 927 ClJJ!mglOn REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 6, 2008 Resolution #: Report #: EGD-043-08 File #: B.01.10.030 By-law #: Subject: VELTRI GARDENS SUBDIVISION, BOWMANVILLE, PLAN 40M-21 07, 'CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE' AND 'ASSUMPTION BY-LAWS', FINAL WORKS INCLUDING ROADS AND OTHER RELATED WORKS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-043-08 be received; 2. THAT the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the Final Works, which include final stage roads and other related Works, constructed within Plan 40M-2107; and 3. THAT Council approve the by-laws attached to Report EGD-043-08, assuming certain streets within Plans 40M-2107 and 10M-800 as public highways. Respectfully by, S"bm_ by /Iff~ A.S. Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services (/)~,~/ Reviewed by: '- ~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer ASC/NAC/dv September 23, 2008 928 REPORT NO.: EGD-043-08 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington entered into a Subdivision Agreement, registered October 10, 2002, with Veltri And Son Limited to develop lands by plan of subdivision, located in Bowmanville and described as Plan 40M- 2107 (Attachment 1). The agreement required the developer to construct all roadworks, including hot-mix paving, sidewalks, curb and gutter, street trees, a storm drainage system and streetlights, hereinafter referred to as the 'Works'. 1.2 The Subdivision Agreement provides for the separation of the Works into four (4) stages: a) Initial Works; b) Street Liahtina Svstem; c) Final Works; and d) Stormwater Manaaement Svstem (not applicable) 1.3 The Initial Works and Street Liahtina Svstem were issued 'Certificates of Completion' and subsequent 'Certificates of Acceptance' by the Director of Engineering Services, as per the maintenance requirements set out in the Subdivision Agreement. 1.4 The Final Works were issued a 'Certificate of Completion' dated May 1, 2006. This initiated a one (1) year maintenance period, which expired on May 1,2007. The Works have been re-inspected and, although the developer has experienced delays in completing the repair works, all deficiencies have now been rectified to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. 1.5 It is now appropriate to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the Final Works. The Subdivision Agreement requires Council approval prior to the issuance of the 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the Final Works. 929 REPORT NO.: EGD-043-08 PAGE 3 1.6 Further to the issuance of a 'Certificate of Acceptance', by-laws are required to permit the Municipality to assume certain streets within Plan 40M-2107 and adjacent plan 10M-BOO as public highways (Attachments 2 and 3). Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Proposed By-law Attachment 3 - Proposed By-law 930 U I I-- r- Borland Court_ --------' Herriman Street - /I I ( - - - - - Concession St E II .. I II (- - .. I Cl ~ I I 'I:J , \ c .. Trudeau Drive ------ ~ ----- J: I- --..; I = ~Jl0 - a; I-- - - I-\-- e "'I = - - ~ - Ul Plan - '- ~ Orr Court t:::. - ~ loveLtane .. 10M-BOO ~~ /- .0 = - :::i I II , , \2 = ;; - I- UAleJaJd~vd I I I - ~~ I 1\ Mer~field Court I I ,I Veltri Gardens I~;\ Carlisle Avenue Subdivision V III t-- [J Plan 40M-2107 - - ~ 1:: f::::= '-- = 0 = ~/ u = "'- - ~" - = 'iij - ~ == .0 == ~~ /1/ "iii - Cl ~ - - r-- ~C1Il r",r'"1fl ""Ilea I r:;<!.:/--jr(llllllllill II :~E ' - IV L~ ~ i=r~ -:~~{ W~e '>>~4C11 nUb\!l!Ii ,""",. s 'hi!: , , ffiJlIHIIIffij !II "~ ~ C0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~5 ~'SUbject ~~;1~e ~~~~ 'il Site .r ~~ DRAWN BY: E.L. DATE: September 24, 2008 ~~~~ ~ REPORT EGD-043-08 ;( ~ II>' ' q I KEY MAP ATTACHMENT NO.1 931 / BOWMANVILL~\jJ]Ef]!SiilllISt. G:\Attachments\40M-21 07 ,mxd t "'I<.,.,,\~'V ~ r C, ATTACHMENT NO.2 REPORT NO: EDG-043-08 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY.LAW 2008. XX Being a By-law to establish, layout and dedicate certain lands as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington. The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT the blocks shown on Plan 10M-SOD, and listed below in this section, all being in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, are hereby established, laid out, and dedicated by the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington as public highways: Block 83 Block 84 Block 85 BY -LAW read a first and second time this y;:yfh day of xxxxx 2008. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this >Ctf!h day of xxxxx 2008. Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 932 ATTACHMENT NO.. 3 REPORT NO.: EGD-043-08 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2008- XX Being a By-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington. The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby enacts 8i follows: 1. THAT the streets and blocks shown on Plans 40M-21 07 and 10M-BOO, and listed below in this section, all being in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, are hereby accepted by the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington as public highways, and assumed by the said Corporation for public use: Plan 40M-2107: Marchwood Crescent Trudeau Drive Plan 10M-8oo: Block 83 Block 84 Block 85 BY-LAW read a first and second time this xih day of xxxxx 2008. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this xxltl day of xxxxx 2006. Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie. Municipal Clerk 933 Cl!Jrpn REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 6, 2008 Report #: EGD-044-08 File #: B.02.11.002 By-law #: Subject: NEWCASTLE MEADOWS SUBDIVISION PHASE 2, BOWMANVILLE, PLAN 40M-1911 'CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE' AND 'ASSUMPTION BY-LAWS', ROADS AND ABOVE GROUND SERVICES INCLUDING ROADS AND OTHER RELATED WORKS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-044-08 be received; 2. THAT the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the Roads and Above ground Services, which include roads and other related Works constructed within Plan 40M-1911; and 3. THAT Council approve the by-laws attached to Report EGD-044-08, assuming certain streets within Plan 40M-1911 as public highways. Respectfully, 2)~_~~ Submitted by: Anthony Cannella, CET. Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Director of Engineering Services Chief Administrative Officer NAC/ASC/dv September 29, 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 934 REPORT NO.: EGD-044-08 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The former Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, now the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, entered into a Subdivision Agreement, registered November 22, 1991, with Newcastle Meadows Inc. (subsequently taken over by Valiant Property Management, being a successor to the original Owner) to develop lands by plan of subdivision, located in Bowmanville and described as Plan 40M-1911 (Attachment 1). The agreement required the developer to construct all roadworks, including hot-mix paving, sidewalks, curb and gutter, street trees, a storm drainage system and streetlights, hereinafter referred to as the 'Works'. 1.2 The Subdivision Agreement provides for the separation of the Works into two (2) stages: a) Storm Sewer Svstem; and b) Roads and Above Ground Services 1.3 The Storm Sewer Svstem was issued a 'Certificate of Completion' and subsequent 'Certificate of Acceptance' by the Director of Engineering Services, as per the maintenance requirements set out in the Subdivision Agreement. 1.4 The Roads and Above Ground Services was issued a 'Certificate of Completion' dated October 1, 2004. This initiated a two (2) year maintenance period, which expired on October 1, 2006. The Works have been re-inspected and, although the developer has experienced delays in completing the repair works, all deficiencies have now been rectified to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. 1.5 It is now appropriate to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the Roads and Above Ground Services. The Subdivision Agreement requires Council approval 935 REPORT NO.: EGD-044-08 PAGE 3 prior to the issuance of the 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the Road and Above Ground Services. 1.6 Further to the issuance of a 'Certificate of Acceptance', by-laws are required to permit the Municipality to assume certain streets within Plan 40M-1911 as public highways (Attachments 2 and 3). Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Proposed By-law Attachment 3 - Proposed By-law 936 "- ~ ~ - c--- c-.----J ~ - - ---- I--- ~ ~ KV; ~ c--- - ~~~\\""~V jT " ~ - \\ ~\\ <\ ~ 1;) - - - e .. - .. c- .. ~{W~ Ul c- .. - ~ .. c- .. " 1Il ~Plan 40M-1911 . .. ~ - E' c- I <I: f-- .. .c Newcastle Meadows Subdivision I-- ::i f-- .. \\!h~ I-- L ~>-- !=- .. \ - ~ ! 11111111 t~\\~~ hili 11'1'% \ \~~ I-- I-- ~ 0- ~- I-- ~ ~ ~ ~oG~O~ - ~ u ~ ~ :--i I" - l:= ~ ~ \---l II () I - - , ~ 6--1 -- - .. ~ --~ f:::::: - ~ PI ~ - Daley Avenue I-- --- '/j - "1 - ---' Clayton Crescent - /,,\ II I 7 - ~ \ Hogan Crescent I-- I-- f-- "y f-- f.--- \ L-J I~ = == = '\ Meadowview Boulevard L....... = ~I f-= J:- - - /' = :I: 1 \ II I - - I-- " ~\ - -~\ 0 "tl I-- ~v ~IIIIII -p - \ r-- ~ I-- I- ~ _ f-CD L,-- ~ - Sunicrest Boulevard t r- - - - -~ - 11 R r- I \ Concession RdIT:~,L I I I] rill N ~ I 1111~-J1q~ w~ · 1l I '/::<> CI Site ~ S I a:: I ~ :s -~ , . u m ~~_ I rl ~ Ul . . :3. ~ j \~. . i DRAWN BY: EL DATE: September 29,2008 , ~W';ANVIL'~A~I . . i~ ,KEY MAP. REPORT EGD-044-08 ATTACHMENT NO.1 937 G:\Attachmen "0"_ ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 f~EPORr NO.: EGD"044-03 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2008- XX Being a By-law to establish, layout and dedicate certain lands as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington. The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT the blocks shown on Plan 40M.1911, and listed below in this section, being in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, are hereby established, laid out, and dedicated by the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington as public highways: Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 7 BY-LAW read a first and second time this 'X:Jth day of xxxxx 2008. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 'X:Jth day of xxxxx 2008. Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L Barrie, Municipal Clerk 938 ATTr-\Ct-!~lEr'rr NO. 3 r.:EPOrrT r-jQ' EGD-G44-08 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2008- XX Being a By-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington. The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT the streets and blocks shown on Plan 40M-1911, and listed below in this section, being in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, are hereby accepted by the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington as public highways,. and assumed by the said Corporation for public use: Longworth Avenue Clayton Crescent High Street Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 7 BY-LAW read a first and second time this JOCh day of xxxxx 2008. BY -LAW read a third time and finally passed this JOCh day of xxxxx 2008. Jim Abemethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 939 ClfJlmgron REPORT EMERGENCY AND FIRE SERVICES GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Meeting: Date: October 6, 2008 Report #: ESQ-013-08 File # 10.12.6 By-law # Subject: MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - ST. MARYS CEMENT INC. (CANADA) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report ESD-013-08 is received; 2. THAT the conditions outlined in the attached Memorandum of Understanding with SI. Marys Cement Inc. (Canada) for Fire Department Training purposes, be endorsed by Council; and 3. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into the attached Memorandum of Understanding with St Marys Cement Inc. (Canada) for Fire Department Training purposes. Submitted by: dJ~J / /' Reviewed by:Q ~~k~ ranklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Gordon Weir, AMCT, CMM111 Director of Emergency & Fire Services GW:sr CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T(90S)623-3379 F (90S)623-6Sq5J 01 REPORT NO. ESD 013-08 PAGE 2 1. BACKGROUND AND REPORT Full time firefighters now perform Rope Rescue which requires special conditions for training pu rposes. For some time staff has been searching for a location that would offer firefighters a realistic training ground. The use of SI. Marys Cement Inc. (Canada) gives us the opportunity to train in scenarios that include conveyor belts, pits and buildings with various heights. Aller numerous meetings with Tony Merlin, Safety and Health Coordinator, St, Marys Cement Inc. (Canada) an agreement was reached for the ongoing use of the SI. Marys property for Rope Rescue training. 2. CONCLUSION It is therefore recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into the attached Memorandum of Understanding with SI. Marys Cement Inc. (Canada) for Fire Department Training purposes. Attachment: Memorandum of Understanding with SI. Marys Cement Inc. (Canada) 1102 Memorandum of Understanding Between St. Marys Cement Inc. (Canada), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Province of Ontario and having its head office located at 55 Industrial Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4G 3W9 and The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Ontario; located at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6; and having its Emergency & Fire Services Headquarters located at 2430 Highway No.2, Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3K9. Dated September 19, 2008 1. Introduction In the spirit of community cooperation, this memorandum of understanding (UMOU") relates to an understanding between SI. Marys Cement Inc. (Canada) (hereinafter referred to as "St. Marys") and the Clarington Emergency & Fire Services Department (hereinafter referred to as "Clarington" or "CEFS") regarding Clarington's use of 51. Marys' Bowmanville Cement Plant located at 400 Waverley Road 5, Bowmanville, ON Ll C 3K3 ("Bowmanville Plant") for fire department training purposes. Clarington used 51. Marys' Bowmanville Plant for fire department training on June 20, 2006. Clarington recently approached 51. Marys, requesting a long-term arrangement enabling Clarington to use the Bowmanville Plant for on-going fire department training ("Training Sessions") In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree to the following terms: 2. Term of the Training Sessions The term of this agreement will continue until written notice by either party, as provided for in this agreement. The term of this agreement will continue until written notice by either party, as provided for in this agreement. 3. licensed Area Areas to be used for the Training Sessions (the "Licensed Area") must be approved by 51. Marys through 51. Marys' Safety Coordinator at least two (2) weeks in advance of any Training Session. 4. Grant of Licence St. Marys grants to Clarington a non.exdusive licence to occupy the Licensed Area at the Bowmanville Plant for occasional use from time to time for the purpose of the Training Sessions for the Term of this MOD. 51. Marys will at all times maintain its rights to use, access the Licensed Area or refuse any type of training that it feels would be detrimental to the company. Page 1 of5 1103 5 Municipality of Clarington Responsibilities 5.1 Licence Fee: No licence fee shall apply during the term of the MOD. 5.2 Clarington will: 5.2.1 only use the Licensed Area for the purpose set out above; 5.2.2 bear all costs and expenses associated with their use of the Licensed Area whatever they may be, provided they result from CEFS or actions of any other party associated with the CEFS Training Session; including directly' related costs for the c1ean.up of the Licensed Area due to spills, etc. as well as directly related costs that have been pre-approved by CEFS Management and expenses for any services, materials or personnel associated with or required for its use of the Licensed Area; 5.2.3 provide at least two (2) weeks written notice of each training session to the Bowmanville Planfs Safety Coordinator. 5.2.4 at all times be subject to and strictly comply with all orders, rules and regulations of St. Marys, and ensure that all employees, volunteers or representatives are at all times dressed appropriately., that the Licensed Area is clean, and that there is no accumulation of rubbish within the Licensed Area; 5.2.5 ensure that Training Session participants conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times; 5.2.6 ensure that each Training Session is supervised and conducted by fully qualified and competent trainers at all times; 5.2.7 provide for "Rope Rescue Training" or any other mutually agreed upon training exercises, sufficient proof to SI. Marys' Safety Coordinator that each Training Session participant has been trained and certified competent in rope rescue tedmiques or other required mutually agreed upon certification for agreed training exercises while such training exercises are being conducted within the Licensed Area. Sufficient proof must be supplied prior to initial use for each participant and any subsequent participants partaking thereafter. Sufficient proof being a signed training record from the organization performing the training signifying that the individual(s) have successfully completed basic training in "Rope Rescue Techniques" including both theory and practical competent demonstration of those techniques. 5.2.8 permit St. Marys' management to enter and inspect the Licensed Area at any time; 5.2.9 release and indemnify St. Marys from and against any and all losses, claims, suits and demands arising from injury or damage to persons or property suffered by itself, its employees, agents or invitees incurred during Oarington's occupation of the Licensed Area or while they (or any of them) are within or 'upon the lands or premises of St. Marys, except when such injury, loss or damage is occasioned by the negligence or wilful misconduct of St. Marys, its employees, contractors or agents; 5.2.10 not assign or transfer authority under this MOU; and 5.2.11 leave the Licensed Area in the state found prior to training and, at its expense, remove any equipment or other personal property it has brought upon the lands and premises of SI. Marys and make good any damage caused by the installation or removal of any such equipment or personal property; 5.2.12 ensure that all Training Session participants attend a SI. Marys Safety and Environment Site Orientation prior to the first scheduled Training Session and thereafter on an annual basis. Page 2 of 5 1104 6. St. Marys' Responsibilities 6.1 5t. Marys will provide to Training Session participants, the 51. Marys Safety and Environmental Site Orientation as per Section 5.2.12, at a mutually agreed upon time, at no cost to the municipality. 6.2 St. Marys will not unnecessarily interfere with activities while the training is underway. 7. Termination 7.1 St. Marys may terminate this MOD by written notice in case Clarington: (a) fails or refuses to comply with the reasonable orders or requests of St. Marys' management; (b) permits any conduct or act which in the reasonable opinion of St. Marys' management is improper or renders it inadvisable that Clarington should be allowed to continue carrying on activities under this MOU, or (e) fails to comply with the terms and conditions of this MOU. In such event, St. Marys may remove Clarington's property using reasonable care from the Licensed Area and shall not be liable in damages or otherwise by reason of any such actions. 72 The Municipality of Clarington may terminate this MOU for any reason with thirty (30) days notice in writing to 51. Marys. 8. Assumption of Risk, Release and Indemnity; Limitation of Liability 8.1 Clarington agrees to and hereby assumes all risk and any injuries to its employeesl agents and representatives and any injuries they may cause to others, or damage to property, while the Clarington Fire Department is at the Bowmanville site while undertaking training. Clarington further releases, remises, and forever discharges and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless on behalf of itself, directors, officers, agents, employees, assigns and successors, St. Marys, together with its. present and former directors, officers, agents, employees, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally for all manner of actions, causes of action, suits, demands, and claims whatsoever in connection with all and any injuries, including death or negligence to it, or such damages to its property, which may occur during the above-noted activities, except when such injury, loss or damage is occasioned by the negligence or wilful misconduct of St. Marys, its employees, contractors or agents. 8.2 St. Marys will make reasonable efforts to accommodate Clarington's requests and to abide by any agreed upon schedule. However St. Marys will not be liable for any non-fulfillment of this MOU if attributable, directly or indirectly, to the closure of or inability to access the Licensed Area or the lands and premises of St. Marys, fire, act of God, public enemy, strikes or other labour disputes, the authority of the law, or any other cause beyond its reasonable control. In addition, St. Marys shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential damage, even if it has been advised of the possibility of the occurrence of the foregoing. 9. Insurance 9.1 Before commencing any Training Sessions at the Bowmanville Plant, Clarington shall obtain and continuously carry during the Term of the MOU, at its own expense and cost, the following insurance with limits not less than those specified in the respective items. Clarington also agrees to provide to S1. Marys 30 days written-notice regarding any material changes adversely affecting the Page 3 of5 1105 coverage(s) or amendments restricting coverage or cancellation of any such policy or policies. 9.1.1 Workplace safety insurance in compliance with workplace safety legislation at the place of work, including payments due thereunder, with respect to its employees conducting or participating in Training Sessions. 9.1.2 Automobile liability Insurance Automobile Liability insurance in respect of licensed vehicles shall have limits of not less than $2,000,000 inclusive per Occurrence of bodily injury, death, and damage to property, covering all licensed vehicles owned or leased by Clarington, and endorsed to provide St. Marys not less than 90 days notice in writing in advance of any cancellation, change or amendment restricting coverage. 9.1.3 A Comprehensive General Liability Policy containing the following terms and conditions, namely: (i) A combined single limit of $ 5,000,000 for each occurrence or accident (which can be a combination of Comprehensive General Liability and ExcessfUmbrella Liability); (ii) Coverage in an occurrence basis against bodily injury (including death at any time resulting there from) sustained by any person or persons and damage to or destruction of property including loss of use caused by an occurrence or accident arising from any Training Sessions. (iii) Coverage for the following: (a) Broad Form Blanket Cpntractual Liability for liability assumed under the Agreement and any other agreements relating to this MOU; (b) Broad Form Property Damages; (c) Personallnjury Liability; (d) Non-owned Automobile coverage for a limit of $ 5,000,000 for licensed motor vehicles used by Clarington; (e) Cross liability and severability of interest clause. (iv) This policy shall include St. Marys and their representatives as additional insured, extend to cover employees, agents, officers and directors of such additional insured. 9.2 Clarington shall provide St. Marys' Safety & Health Coordinator with certificates of insurance in a form satisfactory to St. Marys' Safety & Health Coordinator upon execution of this MOD and thereafter at least once annually. 10. Miscellaneous This MOU shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable in such Province, excluding any rule or principle of the conflict of laws which might refer such construction to the laws of another jurisdiction. Each party irrevocably submits and agrees to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Ontario with respect to any matter related to this MOD. If any provision 0 f this MOD is unenforceable or deemed void by law, the remainder of the MOU will prevail. Each party will comply with all applicable laws in the performance of their respective obligations under this MOU. This MOU shall enure to the benelit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. This MOU may be executed in counterparts which taken together, shall form one agreement. An executed counterpart of this MOU may be delivered by facsimile transmission. Page 4 of 5 1106 By having authorized representatives sign below, the parties indicate their agreement with the foregoing. ST. MARYS CEMENT INC. (CANADA) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ~dLtl- . . By: ~~'r~ Tony Merlin Safety & Health Coordinator D~~dL~);(?,. 'I am authorized to bind the corporation: Page 5 of 5 By: Jim Abernethy Mayor Date: By: Patti L. Barrie Municipal Clerk Date: 'We are authorized to bind the corporation.' 1107 ClfJlmgron REPORT Meeting: EMERGENCY AND FIRE SERVICES GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 6, 2008 Report #: ESD-014-08 File # 10.12.6 By-law # Subject: MASTER FIRE PLAN UPDATE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report ESD-014-08 is received for information; and 2. THAT the Master Fire Plan Update and the presentation of Mr. Claudio Covelli be referred to staff for consideration in the 2009 budget process. Submitted by: dJ v tj.-- GOrdon Weir, AMCT, CMM111 Director of Emergency & Fire Services Reviewed b(/)~-t~ ~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer GW:sr CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-65~1 08 ESD-014-08 Page 2 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 In the General Purpose and Administration meeting of February 16, 2004 Council received the Master Fire Plan, prepared by Claudio Covelli of Dillon Consulting Limited. In consideration of the recommendation to move the Municipality closer to the Provincial O.F.M. 10 in 10 Guideline (10 men on scene in 10 minutes) the Municipality has hired 13 firefighters, although the number of new recruits fall short of what the consultant recommended, as the Municipality tried to balance the needs to provide other useful services. As a result of the delay, the Proposed Timing Recommendations in the original Master Fire Plan are skewed and staff felt it was necessary to update the Master Fire Plan. This review is also timely to coincide with the recently completed Development Charge By-law. 1.2 In view of the new growth experienced through the last few years and in view of the deferred schedule in hiring additional firefighters, an update of the 2004 Master Fire Plan was deemed necessary. 2. COMMENTS 2.1 Much of the content of the original Master Fire Plan remains intact. Timing recommendations to hire additional firefighters have been adjusted and aligned with the updated Development Charge By-law. Staff will continue to work to develop a business plan to deal with the recommendations in the updated Master Fire Plan. 3. CONCLUSION It is recommended that the Master Fire Plan Update and any comments, be referred to the Director of Emergency and Fire Services who, in co-operation with the Director of Finance and staff, will prepare a business plan to deal with the recommendations found in the report. Once the business plan has been completed it will be forwarded to Council for review and comment. Attachment: Master Fire Plan Update 1109 CWilJgron REPORT CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 6, 2008 Report #: CLD-026-08 File#: By-law #: Subject: AMEND APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CLD-026-08 be received; 2. THAT By-law 2007-216 appointing parking enforcement officers for 180 West Beach Road be amended to include all Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority properties with the Municipality of Clarington; 3. THAT the by-law attached to Report CLD-026-08 be forwarded to Council for approval; and 4. THAT the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be advised of Council's actions. Submitted by: o~~ Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer PLB*LC CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 1301 REPORT NO.:CLD-026-08 PAGE 2 of2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority received Council approval in 2007 for members of their staff, Mike Hyrnyk, Harry Hirschfeld, Todd Backus, Ben DeWaal and Jason Maas to be appointed as Parking Enforcement Officers in order to enforce the provisions of the Clarington Traffic By-law on vehicles parking on their property located at 180 West Beach Road, in the Municipality of Clarington. The Conservation Authority has now approached the Municipality and requested that the officers' authority be extended to include all CLOCA properties within the Municipality. This will allow the Conservation Authority to effectively deal with its own properties over time as they develop and expand. RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended that the by-law appointing the Conservation Authority staff as Parking Enforcement Officers be expanded to include all CLOCA properties ATTACHMENT: 1 By-law to Appoint Parking Enforcement Officer for Private Property INTERESTED PARTIES: Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority 100 Whiting Ave., Oshawa, Ontario L 1 H 3T3 1302 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2008- Being a By.law to amend By-law 2007-216 Being a By-law to appoint individuals as Parking Enforcement Officers for Private Property WHEREAS Section 15(1) of the Police Services Act R.S.O. 1990 Chapter P15, authorizes a Council of any Municipality to appoint one or more persons who shall be peace officers for the purpose of enforcing the by-laws of the Municipality; and WHEREAS the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority has requested that those Officers listed in By-law 2007-216 be allowed to enforce the provisions of the Traffic By-law of the Municipality of Clarington on all properties owned or controlled by the Conservation Authority. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby enacts as follows: 1. By-law 2007-216 section 1 is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Mike Hyrnyk, Harry Hirschfeld, Todd Backus, Ben DeWaal and Jason Maas are hereby appointed as Parking Enforcement Officers for the sole purpose of enforcing the Traffic By-law of the Municipality of Clarington on all property under the ownership and jurisdiction of the Central Lake Ontario ConsefVation Authority located within the Municipality of Clarington. 2. This By-law shall come into full force and effective immediately on the day of Final passing by Council. 3. This appointment as a Parking Enforcement Officer shall remain in effect for the duration of their term of employment with the Central Lake Ontario Conservation. BY-LAW read a first time this day of 2008. BY.LAW read a second time this day of 2008. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 2008. Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 1303 c/!J!ilJgton REPORT CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 6, 2008 Report #: CLD-028-08 File#: By-law #: Subject: QUARTERLY PARKING REPORTS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CLD-028-08 be received; and 2. THAT a copy of Report CLD-028-08 be forwarded to the Bowmanville Business Centre for their information. Submitted by: O~~ Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer PLB*LC*kb CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO l1 C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 1304 REPORT NO.: CLD-028-08 PAGE 2 of 2 BACKGROUND The following pertinent statistical information relates to Parking Enforcement activities for the months of January through June 2008 and is provided herein for the information of Committee and Council. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Parking Report for the 1st Quarter of 2008 Parking Report for the 2nd Quarter of 2008 1305 PARKING ENFORCEMENT QUARTERL Y REPORT #1 - 2008 ATTACHMENT #1 to Quarterly Parking Financial Report TICKETS ISSUED AGENCY QUARTER 1, 2008 YEAR TO DA TE YEAR TO DA TE YEAR TO DA TE 2008 2007 2006 P.E. Officers 1,261 1,261 853 1,432 Police 2 2 6 5 Public Works 3 3 0 0 Group Four 34 34 19 19 Aspen Springs 14 14 13 36 243 King SI. 0 0 N/A N/A Secu ritas 0 0 0 34 ProSecurity 8 8 30 134 Fire Services 0 0 0 0 REVENUE Meters $14,104.50 $14,104.50 $16,936.00 $18,612.00 Permits $864.45 $864.45 $798.00 $879.75 Fines $15,930.00 $15,930.00 $12,169.00 $22,591.00 MTO Chargeback $1,311.75 $1,311.75 $(1,814.50) 1,559.25 $28,Q8a;~9'. ;t;; 1ST APPEARANCES Total Conducted 21 21 22 27 # Tickets Cancelled 13 13 20 21 # Tickets Upheld 8 8 4 7 # Requests for Trial 0 0 3 5 # Tickets Disputed 22 22 24 28 1306 PARKING ENFORCEMENT QUARTERL Y REPORT #2 - 2008 ATTACHMENT #2 to Quarterly Parking Financial Report TICKETS ISSUED AGENCY QUARTER 2, 2008 YEAR TO DA TE YEAR TO DA TE YEAR TO DA TE 2008 2007 2006 P. E. Officers 810 3,071 1,287 2,266 Police 8 10 9 13 Public Works 0 3 0 0 . Group Four 23 57 30 25 Aspen Springs 17 31 31 57 243 King SI. 0 0 N/A N/A Securitas 0 0 0 88 Pro Security 0 8 39 309 Fire Services 0 0 0 0 ..... ...> rrrL1,1l~8 .' . . 1.....LJ....'~lt':c.......... . ,..1.1"0,1"", 11> .....; '....'~~:s..;...2..0IT/....... 'LL<L> 1.. ...... ... "'7:;'.:L..... 1....1-.')..0;;,".... REVENUE Meters $24,903.00 $39,007.50 $32,966.00 $38,361.00 Permits $1,231.70 $2,096.15 $1,795.50 $2,678.90 Fines $21,417.00 $37,347.00 $18,474.00 $41,323.00 MTO Chargeback $1,311.75 $2,623.50 $3,316.00 $3,318.75 . TQIilL ~EJ!.I?Nf.ii;. ... .'.$-J9,91,lJ.Sq 1ST APPEARANCES Total Conducted 33 54 34 68 # Tickets Cancelled 29 42 30 56 # Tickets Upheld 8 16 6 14 # Requests for Trial 0 0 0 7 # Tickets Disputed 37 59 36 70 1307 CJ. fi ~~ REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 6th, 2008 Resolution #: Report #: COD-054-08 File#: By-law #: Subject: PRICE HEDGING AGREEMENTS (COMMODITIES) STATEMENT OF POLICIES AND GOALS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-054-08 be received; and 2. THAT Commodity Price Hedging Agreements, Statement of Policies and Goals for the Municipality of Clarington, as detailed in Schedule S, and required under the Municipal Act prior to entering into any hedging agreements be approved. Reviewed by O~ ,~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer MMIJDBlkm CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 1401 REPORT NO.: COD-054-08 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 In the coming months the municipality will be undertaking a review of its energy requirements and consumption with a view to reducing consumption through the use of energy efficient equipment and conservation. In addition, we will be reassessing our procurement strategy with a view to minimize cost and reducing risk of increased and fluctuating cost due to market volatility. Products included in the review will be electricity, natural gas and possibly fuel (gasoline, diesel and heating oil). 1.2 One of the options available to us to assist with achieving the above is the opportunity to enter into long term supply contracts (hedging agreements). However, in order to take this approach and remain compliant with the Municipal Act we are required to establish a hedging policy as follows: "Section 6.1 of Ontario Regulation 653/05 of the Municipal Act 2001 requires that before a municipality passes a by-law authorizing a commodity price hedging agreement, the Council of the Municipality shall adopt a statement of policies and goals relating to the use of financial agreements to address commodity pricing and costs." A copy of Regulation 653/05 is attached as Schedule "A". 1.3 The recommended Statement of Policies and Goals, attached as Schedule "8", will address the above. 2.0 COMMENTS 2.1 Regulations 653/05 Section (2) sets out the following matters to be considered when preparing the statement of policies and goals: (1) The types of projects for which commodity price hedging agreements are appropriate. (2) The fixed costs and estimated costs to the municipality resulting from the use of such agreements. (3) Whether the future price or cost to the municipality of the applicable commodities will be lower or more stable than they would be without the agreements. 1402 REPORT NO.: COD-054-08 PAGE 3 (4) A detailed estimate of the expected results of using such agreements. (5) The financial and other risks to the municipality that would exist with, and without, the use of such agreements. (6) Risk control measures relating to such agreements, such as, I. credit exposure limits based on credit ratings and on the degree of regulatory oversight and the regulatory capital of the other party to the agreement, II. standard agreements, and III. ongoing monitoring with respect to the agreements. 2.2 Under the recommended policy the Director of FinancefTreasurer, Director of Corporate Services and the Manager of Purchasing have a number of responsibilities as follows: (1) Treasurer The Treasurer is responsible for determining whether a particular commodity price hedging agreement is advantageous for the Municipality and shall consider or complete the following: a) a need to protect pricing of a commodity that is in a market subject to fluctuation; b) an analysis that confirms the benefits and cost savings to the Municipality; c) that the financial position of the Municipality will be enhanced by use of such an agreement; d) that the all-inclusive contracted price and cost to the Municipality of the associated commodity will be lower and/or more stable than it would be without the agreement; e) determine the financial and other risks to the Municipality that would exist with the use of such an agreement and if such a risk would be lower than the financial and other risks to the Municipality that would exist without such an agreement; and f) ensure ongoing monitoring in conjunction with the Corporate Services Department with respect to the commodity price hedging agreements. 1403 REPORT NO.: COD-054-08 PAGE 4 (2) Director of Corporate Services The Director of Corporate Services will be authorized to: a) enter into contracts for the purpose of engaging a Contract Agent in accordance with the Municipality's Purchasing Policies; b) enter into commodity price hedging agreements, co-signed by the Directors of Finance and Corporate Services, as deemed appropriate; c) execute commodity procurement contracts, co-signed by the Directors of Finance and Corporate Services, execute and enter into commodity transactions in accordance with the policy; d) meet with the Treasurer, as required, and provide written reports regarding the past performance of commodity price hedging agreements, future strategies and other issues as requested; e) notify the Treasurer, in writing, of any significant changes in the commodity price hedging philosophies or policies and organization; f) provide an annual list of commodity price hedging agreements and such other information as may be requested by the Treasurer. (3) Manager of Purchasing The Manager of Purchasing, under the direction of the Director of Corporate Services will be authorized to: a) develop a prudent commodity procurement mix and specific procurement objectives and policies; b) act as Director of Corporate Services designate and as necessary execute commodity procurement contracts and enter into commodity transactions in accordance with the policy; 1404 REPORT NO.: COD-054-08 PAGE 5 c) assist the Director of Corporate Services, meet with the Treasurer, as required, and provide written reports regarding the past performance of commodity price hedging agreements, future strategies and other issues as requested; d) advise or make recommendations to the Director of Corporate Services and Treasurer with respect to any significant changes in the commodity price hedging philosophies or policies and organization; e) maintain a list of commodity price hedging agreements and such other information as may be required for submission to the Treasurer, 2,3 As noted in Section 1 above, it is anticipated that the municipality will be entering into new agreements in the not to distant future for the purchase of natural gas and electricity, In each case the goal will be to ensure continuous supply and product at a competitive price and avoid the cost fluctuations brought about by a volatile market. With the increasing cost of oil it may be necessary to enter into long term supply agreements for vehicle and heating fuel in order to ensure supplies and stabilize prices. In anticipation of this possibility, petroleum products have been included in the proposed policy, 3.0 CONCLUSION 3,1 The Regulation and by extension the proposed policy requires a high standard for monitoring, analysis, risk assessment and reporting for the municipality, 3,2 With the introduction of a new Hedging Policy coupled with evolving procurement strategies the Municipality will be in a position to move forward and deal with energy acquisitions as required, Attachments: Attachment 2 - Schedule "A", Regulation 653/05 Attachment 1 - Schedule "8", Statement of Policies and Goals 1405 SCHEDULE "A" Municipal Act, 2001 Loi de 2001 sur les municipalitl\s ONTARIO REGULATION 653/05 DEBT-RELATED FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AND FINANCIAL AGREEMENTS Consolidation Period: From January J. 2007 to the e.Laws currency date. Last amendment: O.Reg. 604/06. This Regulation is made in English only. Skip Table of Contents CONTENTS INTERPRETATION L b :>., ~ .i. .2, 2- .& 2., .l!1 lL Interpretation BOND FORWARD AGREEMENTS Bond forward agreements Statement of policies and goals re bond forward agreements Report on hond forward agreements COMMODITY PRICE HEDGING AGREEMENTS Commodity price hedging agreements Statement of policies and goals re commodity price hedging agreements Report on commodity price hedging agreements LEASE FINANCING AGREEMENTS Lease financing agreements, capital undertakings Statement of policies and goals re lease financing agreements Advice to council re lease financing agreements Report on lease financing agreements INTERPRETA nON Interpretation 1. (I) In this Regulation, "bond forward agreement" means a fmancial agreement described in section 2; "commodity" means, whether in the original or a processed state, an agricultural product, a forest product, a prodnct of the sea, a mineral, a metal, a hydrocarbon fuel, electricity, a precious stone or other gem and other physical goods but does not include chattel paper, a document of title, an instrument, money or securities; "commodity price hedging agreement" means a fmancial agreement described in section 5; "lease financing agreement" means a financial agreement described in section 8. O. Reg. 653/05, s. I (I). (2) For the purposes of this Regulation, a lease fmancing agreement has a material impact on a municipality if the costs or risks associated with the agreement significantly affect the municipality's debt and financial limit determined in accordance with Ontario Regulation 403/02 (Debt and Financial Obligation Limits) made under the Act, or would reasonably be expected to have a significant effect on that limit. O. Reg. 653/05, s. I (2); O. Reg. 604/06, s. I. BOND FORWARD AGREEMENTS Bond forward agreements 2. (I) A municipality that has passed a by-law authorizing the issue or refinancing of debentures denominated in Canadian currency may enter a bond forward agreement in order to minimize the cost or risk associated with the debentures because of fluctuations in interest rates. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 2 (I). (2) A bond forward agreement shall provide for the following mailers: 1. Borrowing and selling one or more debt instruments issued by the Government of Canada or the Province of Ontario ("government debt instruments"). 1406 SCHEDULE "A" 2. Buying back the government debt instruments. 3. SpecifYing a settlement day, which is a specified future date or the date on which a specified future event occurs. 4. Requiring a settlement payment to be payable on the settlement day if there is a difference between the price at which the government debt instruments are sold as described in paragraph I and the price at which they are bought back as described in paragraph 2. 5. Specifying that delivery of a document evidencing the government debt instrument is not required under the agreement. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 2 (2). (3) A municipality sball not enter a bond forward agreement if the total value of the principal of the government debt instruments borrowed and sold as described in paragraph I of subsection (2) exceeds the total value of the principal of the debentures whose cost or risk the agreement is intended to minimize. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 2 (3). (4) A municipality that enters a bond forward agreement shall monitor the value of the government debt instruments described in paragraph I of subsection (2) on each business day after the agreement is executed and before the settlement day described in paragraph 3 of subsection (I), but the municipality shall not obtain the information about the value of the instruments from any person who has a [mancial interest in the agreement or in the instruments. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 2 (4). (5) A municipality sball not enter a bond forward agreement under which the settlement day described in paragraph 3 of subsection (2) is 60 days or more after the day on which the agreement is executed. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 2 (5). . (6) A municipality shall not enter a bond forward agreement under which the settlement payment exceeds the difference in price described in paragraph 4 of subsection (2). O. Reg. 653/05, s. 2 (6). (7) A municipality shall not enter a bond forward agreement except with a bank listed in Schedule I, II or III to the Bank Act (Canada) and only if the bank's long-term debt obligations on the day the agreement is entered are rated, (a) by Dominion Bond Rating Service as "A(high)" or higher; (b) by Fitch Ratings as "A+" or higher; (c) by Moody's Investors Service Inc. as "AI" or higher; or (d) by Standard and Poor's as "A+" or higher. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 2 (7). (8) A municipality shall not sell or lend a bond forward agreement. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 2 (8). (9) If the bond forward agreement relates to debentures to be issued or refinanced for the purposes of another municipality, the interested municipalities may enter one or more agreements relating to the costs of the bond forward agreement and relating to other matters arising from the bond forward. agreement. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 2 (9). (10) A municipality shall not use the proceeds from a bond forward agreement except for the following purposes: 1. To pay the interest or repay the principal of the debentures to which the agreement relates. 2. For any purpose for which the debentures were issued. 3. To pay the interest or repay the principal of any outstanding temporary borrowing made under section 405 or 406 of the Act in connection with the debentures. 4. To pay the interest or repay the principal of any other outstanding borrowing by the municipality for a capital expenditure. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 2 (10). Statement of policies and goals re bond forward agreements 3. (I) Before a municipality passes a by-law authorizing a bond forward agreement, the council of the municipality shall adopt a statement of policies and goals relating to the use of bond forward agreements. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 3 (I). (2) The council of the municipality shall consider the following matters when preparing the statement of policies and goals: 1. The types of projects for which bond forward agreements are appropriate. 2. The fixed costs and estimated costs to the municipality resulting from the use of such agreements. 3. A detailed estimate of the expected results of using such agreements. 4. Risk control measures relating to such agreements, such as, i. credit exposure limits based on credit ratings and on the degree of regulatory oversight and the regulatory capital of the other party to the agreement, 11. standard agreements, and iii. ongoing monitoring with respect to the agreements. 2 1407 SCHEDULE "A" 5, The financial and other risks to the municipality that would exist with, and without, the use of such agreements, 0, Reg. 653/05, s. 3 (2), Report on bond forward agreements 4. (I) If a municipality has entered any bond forward agreements in a fiscal year, the treasurer of the municipality shall prepare and present to the municipal council once in that fiscal year, or more frequently if the council so desires, a detailed report on all of those agreements. 0, Reg, 653/05, s, 4 (I). (2) The report must contain the following information and documents: I. A statement comparing the expected and actual results of using bond forward agreements during the period of the report. 2. A statement by the treasurer indicating whether, in his or her opinion, all of the bond forward agreements entered during the period of the report are consistent with the municipality's statement of policies and goals relating to the use of bond forward agreements, 3, Such other information as the council may require. 4, Such other information as the treasurer considers appropriate to include in the report. 0, Reg, 653/05, s, 4 (2), COMMODITY PRICE HEDGING AGREEMENTS Commodity price hedging agreements 5. (I) A municipality that has entered, or plans to enter, an.agreement under Part II of the Act for the supply of a commodity required for a municipal system may enter into one or more financial agreements to minimize the cost or financial risk associated with incurring debt for the commodity, O. Reg, 653/05, s, 5 (I), (2) The [mancial agreement must fix, directly or indirectly, or enable the municipality to fix the price or range of prices to be paid by the municipality for the future delivery of some or all of the commodity or the future cost to the municipality of an equivalent quantity of the commodity, O. Reg, 653/05, s. 5 (2), (3) Subject to subsection (4), the municipality shall not sell or otherwise dispose of the financial agreement or any interest of the municipality in the agreement. O. Reg, 653/05, s, 5 (3), (4) The municipality may sell or otherwise dispose of a financial agreement or an interest of the municipality in the agreement if, in the opinion of the treasurer of the municipality, the sale or disposition is in the best interests of the municipality and if either of the following conditions is satisfied: I. The sale or disposition is part of a transaction for the sale of real property by the municipality relating to a change in the use of the property by the municipality. 2, The municipality has ceased to carry on any activity relating to the municipal system for which the commodity was being acquired, 0, Reg, 653/05, s, 5 (4), Statement of policies and goals re commodity price hedging agreements 6. (I) Before a municipality passes a by-law authorizing a commodity price hedging agreement, the council of the municipality shall adopt a statement of policies and goals relating to the use of [mancial agreements to address commodity pricing and costs, 0, Reg, 653/05, s, 6 (I). (2) The council of the municipality shall consider the following matters when preparing the statement of policies and goals: I. The types of projects for which commodity price hedging agreements are appropriate. 2, The fixed costs and estimated costs to the municipality resulting from the use of such agreements. 3, Whether the future price or cost to the municipality of the applicable commodities will be lower or more stable than they would be without the agreements, 4, A detailed estimate of the expected results of using such agreements, 5, The [mancial and other risks to the municipality that would exist with, and without, the use of such agreements, 6. Risk control measures relating to such agreements, such as, 1. credit exposure limits based on credit ratings and on the degree of regulatory oversight and the regulatory capital of the other party to the agreement, ii. standard agreements, and iii. ongoing monitoring with respect to the agreements, O. Reg, 653/05, s. 6 (2). Report on commodity price hedging agreements 3 1408 SCHEDULE "A" 7. (I) If a municipality has any subsisting commodity price hedging agreements in a fiscal year, the treasurer of the municipality shall prepare and present to the municipal council once in that fiscal year, or more frequently if the council so desires, a detailed report on all of those agreements. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 7 (I). (2) The report must contain the following information and documents: 1. A statement about the status of the agreements during the period of the report, including a comparison of the expected and actual results of using the agreements. 2. A statement by the treasurer indicating whether, in his or her opinion, all of the agreements entered during the period of the report are consistent with the municipality's statement of policies and goals relating to the use of financial agreements to address commodity pricing and costs. 3. Such other information as the council may require. 4. Such other information as the treasurer considers appropriate to include in the report. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 7 (2). LEASE FINANCING AGREEMENTS Lease financing agreements, capital undertakings 8. (I) A municipality may enter lease financing agreements for the purpose of obtaining long-term financing of a capital undertaking of the municipality. O. Reg. 604/06, s. 2. (2) If a lease fmancing agreement described in subsection (I) includes terms that require, or may require, the municipality to make payments after the expiry of the term for which the council authorizing the agreement was elected, sections 9,10 and II apply to the agreement. O. Reg. 604/06, s. 2. (3) A lease financing agreement must include a schedule of all fixed payments, if any, required by the agreement and that may be required by any extension or renewal of the agreement. O. Reg. 604/06, s. 2. Statement of policies and goals re lease financing agreements 9. (I) Before a municipality passes a by-law authorizing a lease financing agreement, the council of the municipality shall adopt a statement of policies and goals relating to the use oflease financing agreements. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 9 (I). (2) The statement of policies and goals, (a) must include a discussion of the financial and other risks to the municipality of using lease fmancing agreements; and (b) may provide for a category of lease financing agreements composed of agreements which, in the opinion of both the council of the municipality and the treasurer, would not result in a material impact for the municipality. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 9 (2). Advice to council re lease financing agreements 10. (I) Before a municipality enters into a lease financing agreement, the municipality shall, (a) have its treasurer prepare a report with a recommendation, assessing, in the opinion of the treasurer, the costs and financial and other risks associated with the proposed agreement, including, (i) a comparison between the fixed and estimated costs and the risks associated with the proposed agreement and those associated with other methods of fmancing, (ii) a statement summarizing, as may be applicable, the effective rate or rates of fmancing for the agreement, the ability for agreement payment amounts to vary, and the methods or calculations, including possible financing rate changes, that may be used to establish that variance under the agreement, (iii) a statement summarizing any contingent payment obligations under the agreement that in the opinion of the treasurer would result in a material impact for the municipality, including agreement termination provisions, equipment loss, equipment replacement options and guarantees and indemnities, (iv) a summary of the assumptions applicable to any possible variations in the agreement payment and contingent payment obligations, and (v) any other matters the treasurer or council considers advisable; (b) obtain legal advice and financial advice with respect to the proposed agreement; (c) consider if the scope of the proposed transaction warrants obtaining legal advice or financial advice with respect to the proposed agreement that is from a source independent of the source ofthe advice mentioned in clause (b); (d) advise in writing the regional municipality of which it forms a part of the proposed agreement before the agreement is entered into, in the case of a lower-tier municipality; and 4 1409 SCHEDULE "A" (e) consider and give its assessment of the report prepared under clause (a), including whether, in its opinion, the costs of financing for the proposed agreement are lower than other methods of financing available to the municipality, and whether the risks associated with the proposed agreement are reasonable. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 10 (I). (2) The costs and risks associated with a proposed lease fmancing agreement in a report made under subsection (I) shall be assessed as of the date the report is made. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 10 (2). (3) At any time after a report under subsection (I) is made, but before the proposed lease financing agreement is entered into, if the treasurer becomes of the opinion that a changed circumstance with respect to the proposed agreement may result in a material impact for the municipality, the treasurer shall as soon as is reasonably possible update the report and present the updated report to the council. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 10 (3). (4) A report made under subsection (1) shall summarize the information required by that subsection for the entire term of the proposed lease fmancing agreement, including any possible extensions or renewals. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 10 (4). (5) Despite this section, a municipality may enter into a lease fmancing agreement without complying with the requirements of subsection (1) if, (a) the statement of policies and goals for lease fmancing agreements includes the category referred to in clause 9 (2) (b); and (b) in the opinion of the treasurer and the council, the proposed agreement is within that category, and its costs and risks, in combination with all the others agreements of that category entered into or proposed to be entered into in that year by the municipality, would not result in a material impact for the community. O. Reg. 653/05, s. 10 (5). (6) In this section, "costs" includes the costs of any advice obtained under clause (I) (b) or (c). O. Reg. 653/05, s. 10 (6). Report on lease financing agreements II. (I) If a municipality has one or more lease financing agreements subsisting in a fiscal year, the treasurer of the municipality shall prepare and present to council of the municipality once in that fiscal year, or more often if the council so desires, a detailed report containing the information described in subsection (2). O. Reg. 653/05, s. 11 (I). (2) The detailed report mentioned in subsection (I) shall contain, (a) a description of the estimated proportion of the total fmancing arrangements of the municipality that is undertaken through lease financing agreements to the total long-term debt of the municipality and a description of the change, if any, in that estimated proportion since the previous year's report; (b) a statement by the treasurer as to whether, in his or her opinion, all lease fmancing agreements were made in accordance with the statement of leasing policies and goals adopted by the municipality; and (c) any other information that the council may require or that, in the opinion of the treasurer, should be recorded. O. Reg. 653/05, s. II (2). Back to top 5 1410 ClJJJilJgtoo Schedule "B" COMMODITY PRICE HEDGING AGREEMENTS STATEMENT OF POLICIES AND GOALS September 2008 Interpretation This policy is to be interpreted and applied in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Act, 2001 ("the Act") and any regulations passed thereunder (''the regulations"). Terms used in this policy have the meanings applicable to those terms in the corresponding sections of the Act and the regulations. Definitions For the purpose of this Statement of Policies and Goals, the following definitions shall apply: a) "Commodity" means electricity, natural gas and/or petroleum products (fuel). b) "Contract Agent" means an independent individual or organization acting on behalf of the Corporation as an independent contractor external to the Municipality to provide advice on price hedging strategy, commodity related reporting and when authorized to execute agreements and transactions. c) A "price hedging agreement" means a financial agreement to minimize the cost or financial risk associated with the purchase of a commodity. Purpose of Statement This Statement of Policies and Goals (the "Policy") provides the framework relating to the use of financial agreements to address commodity price hedging by the Municipality of Clarington. Statement 01 Policies and Goals Page 1014 1411 The Municipality of Clarington ("Municipality") will consider commodity price hedging agreements as a means of fixing, directly or indirectly, or enabling the Municipality to fix the price or range of prices to be paid by the Municipality for the continuous supply and future delivery of some or all of a commodity, where it is advantageous for the Municipality to do so. Delegation of Responsibilities The Director of FinancefTreasurer or designate ("Treasurer") is responsible for the financial administrative matters pertaining to commodity price hedging. The Treasurer may delegate certain administrative duties and/or responsibilities to internal staff. The Director of Corporate Services or designate ("Director") is responsible for the procurement and contractual administrative matters pertaining to commodity price hedging. The Director may delegate certain administrative duties and/or responsibilities to internal staff and external agents. Director of FinancefTreasurer The Treasurer is responsible for determining whether a particular commodity price hedging agreement is advantageous for the Municipality and shall consider or complete the following: a) a need to protect pricing of a commodity that is in a market subject to fluctuation; b) an analysis that confirms the benefits and cost savings to the Municipality; c) that the financial position of the Municipality will be enhanced by use of such an agreement; d) that the all-inclLlsive contracted price and cost to the Municipality of the associated commodity will be lower and/or more stable than it would be without the agreement; e) determine the financial and other risks to the Municipality that would exist with the use of such an agreement and if such a risk would be lower than the financial and other risks to the Municipality that would exist without such an agreement; and f) ensure ongoing monitoring in conjunction with the Corporate Services Department with respect to the commodity price hedging agreements. Statement of Policies and Goals Page 2 of 4 1412 Director of Corporate Services The Corporate Services Director or designate is authorized to: a) enter into agency agreements and/or contracts with Contract Agents in accordance with the Municipality's Purchasing Policies; b) enter into commodity price hedging agreements, co-signed by the Directors of Finance and Corporate Services, as deemed appropriate; c) execute commodity procurement contracts and transactions, co-signed by the Directors of Finance and Corporate Services, in accordance with the policy; d) meet with the Treasurer, as required, and provide written reports regarding the past performance of commodity price hedging agreements, future strategies and other issues as requested; e) notify the Treasurer, in writing, of any significant changes in the commodity price hedging philosophies or policies and organization; f) provide an annual list of commodity price hedging agreements and such other information as may be requested by the Treasurer. Manager of Purchasing The Manager of Purchasing, under the direction of the Director of Corporate Services will be authorized to: a) develop a prudent commodity procurement mix and specific procurement objectives and policies; b) act as Corporate Services Director's designate and as necessary execute commodity procurement contracts and enter into commodity transactions in accordance with the policy; c) assist the Corporate Services Director, meet with the Treasurer, as required, and provide written reports regarding the past performance of commodity price hedging agreements, future strategies and other issues as requested; d) advise or make recommendations to the Corporate Services Director and Treasurer with respect to any significant changes in the commodity price hedging philosophies or policies and organization; and Statement of Policies and Goals Page 3 of4 1413 e) maintain a list of commodity price hedging agreements and such other information as may be required for submission to the Treasurer. Contract Agent The Contract Agent will be authorized to act within the scope of delegated authority under any executed contract and/or Agency Agreement and provide a number of services to the Municipality, which may include: a) assisting the Manager of Purchasing in developing a prudent commodity procurement mix and specific procurement objectives and policies; b) monitoring, analyzing and reporting on the Municipality's commodity purchases, financial position and supporting the Manager of Purchasing with respect to commodity procurement related matters; c) assisting in the selection of commodity suppliers; d) meeting with the Manager of Purchasing, as required; and e) entering into commodity transactions or commodity procurement agreements on behalf of the Municipality with commodity suppliers and/or distribution utilities when so directed and authorized by the Manager of Purchasing, Treasurer and Director of Corporate Services and where a proper Agency Agreement has been executed with the Municipality. Statement of Policies and Goals Page 4 of4 1414 ~~!IlmglOn REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 6th, 2008 Report #: COD-056-08 File#_ By-law # Subject: CL2008-15, CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-056-08 be received; 2. THAT Rutherford Contracting Ltd, Gormley, Ontario with a total revised bid in the amount of $466,403.96 (Excluding G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender CL2008-15, be awarded the contract for the Construction of Aspen Springs, Bowmanville, Ontario as required by the Engineering Department; 3. THAT funds required in the amount of $489,724.16 (which includes $466,403.96 tendering and contingencies) be drawn from Engineering 2008 Capital Account #110-32-325-83305-7401 with the budget shortfall to be financed from the Park Development and Related Facilities Development Charges Reserve Fund in the amount of $13,250.64 and from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund in the amount of $1 ,473.52; 4. THAT the attached By-law marked Schedule "A" authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the n ssary agreement be approved. Reviewed by: ~-::C0LC Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Submitted by: MM\NT\JDB\km CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 1415 REPORT NO.: COO-056-oS PAGE 2 1. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1.1. Tender specifications were provided by Daniel J. O'Brien & Associates for the Construction of Aspen Springs, Bowmanville, Ontario, as required by the Engineering Department. 1.2. Tenders were advertised in local papers, as well as electronically. Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as per tabulation, Schedule "C" attached. 2. ANALYSIS 2.1 All bids received exceeded the budget estimate by a significant amount. A review of the scope of work identified a number of components and section that could be reduced or eliminated to reduce the project cost. The following recommendations include a reduced scope of work as permitted by the tender, and said changes will not significantly impact on the project. 2.2 After further review and analysis of the bids by the Engineering Department, Daniel J. O'Brien & Associates and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Rutherford Contracting Ltd, Gormley, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the Construction of Aspen Springs, Bowmanville, Ontario. A copy of the recommending memos from the Department of Engineering and the consultant Daniel J. O'Brien & Associates, are attached as Schedule "B". 2.3 The low bidder has previously perfonmed satisfactory work for the Municipality of Clarington. 2.4 Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Engineering. 3. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 3.1. The total project cost of $489,724.16 includes $466,403.96 tendering and contingencies. The Engineering 2008 Capital Account #110-32-325-83305-7401 included a budget of $475,000.00. This results in a budget shortfall of $14,724.16. As this project is development charges related, $13,250.64 of the shortfall can be funded from the PClr~ 1 6 REPORT NO.: COD-056-08 PAGE 3 Development and Related Facilities Development Charges Reserve Fund and the balance of $1,473.52 from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund. 3.2. The funding will be provided as noted above and as outlined in the memo from Engineering Services, marked Schedule "B". 3.3. As was mentioned during the 2008 budget process, two parks (Knox and Aspen Springs) were included to be funded from the Park Development and Related Facilities Development Charges Reserve Fund but there were not sufficient funds at the time of budget to cover the full cost of both. Moving ahead with the second park (Aspen Springs) depended upon the amount of collections for development charges as the year progressed. The collections have been monitored and sufficient funds have been collected to permit the completion of Aspen Springs Park on the basis of a revised scope of work. This issue will also impact projects in the 2009 capital budget. 4. CONCLUSION 4.1. That the low compliant bidder, Rutherford Contracting Ltd, Gormley, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the Construction of Aspen Springs, Bowmanville, Ontario. 5. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES 5.1. This report has been reviewed for recommendation by the Purchasing Manager, with the appropriate departments and circulated as follows: Concurrence: Director of Engineering Attachments: Attachment 1 - Attachment 2 - Schedule "A", By-law Schedule "B", Memo from Peter Windolf & Letter from Daniel J. O'Brien & Associates Schedule "C", Bid Summary Attachment 3 - 1417 Schedule "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2008- Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Rutherford Contracting Ltd, Gormley, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Construction of Aspen Springs Park, Bowmanville. Ontario. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal. a contract between. Rutherford Contracting Ltd. Gormley, Ontario. and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of ,2008. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of ,2008. Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 1418 Cl~mgron MEMO TO: Jerry Barber, Purchasing Manager FROM: Peter Windolf, Park Development Manager DATE: September 23, 2008 SUBJECT: Aspen Springs Neighbourhood Park Construction Tender CL2008-15 The Engineering Services Department has reviewed the recommendation provided by Daniel J. O'Brien & Associates and offers the following comments: In 2008 the Municipality approved $475,000.00 for the construction of Aspen Springs Neighbourhood Park. We concur with the recommendation to award the contract to Rutherford Contracting Ltd. in the amount of $466,403.96 exclusive of G.S.T. for the park development project. Rutherford Contracting Ltd. has successfully completed several park development projects for the Municipality in recent years. A contingency amount of approximately 5% is carried forward. Construction inspection and contract administration will be done by municipal staff. The Engineering Services Department advises the following Municipal breakdown for the above referenced project: Total Project Value Project Breakdown $489,724.16 2008 Approved Budget Amount $475,000 Aspen Springs Neighbourhood Park Construction 110 32 325 83305 7401 Additional Funding Required $14,724.16 1419 Aspen Springs Neighbourhood Park Construction CL2008-15 2 Sept 19,2008, We recommend award of the project with the additional funding to be financed from the Park Development and Related Facilities Development Charges Reserve Fund in the amount of $13,250,64 and from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund in the amount of $1.473,52, Attached for your files is the recommendation provided by Daniel J. O'Brien & Associates. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, Regards, Y~\-0~ Peter Windolf, OALA, csrA" Manager Park Development Idv Attachment Cc Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 1420 1.1._ ~. September 30, 2008 Mr. Jerry Barber, C.P.P.O, Purchasing Manager Municipality of Clarington Daniel J. O'Brien ASSOCIATES LTD. LA'\nSCJ\P!; ARCllrmcrs 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON LIC 3A6 Re: Tender CL2008-15. Construction of Aspen Sprines Neiehbourhood Park Dear Mr. Barber, We have reviewed the copy of the bid submitted to the Municipality ofClarington for the construction of Aspen Springs Neighbourhood Park. Following this review we are recommending that this contract be awarded to the low bidder Rutherford Contracting Ltd., with a total bid of $466,403.96 (excluding GST). Rutherford Contracting has successfully completed many other projects for the Municipality of Clarington and we are confident they will be able to perform the work as required. Sincerely, Daniel J. O'Brien O.A.L.A., C.S.L.A. Principal Landscape Architect Tel: (905) 985-4466 Web: www.obrienassociates.ca Email: danielobrienassociates@bellnet.ca Daniel J. O'Brien & Associates Ltd. Landscape Architects 180 Mary Street, Port Perry, Ontario, L9L IB7 Member Ontario Association of Landscape Architects Canadian Society of Landscape Architects 1421 SCHEDULE "Cn Municipality of Clarington BID SUMMARY TENDER CL2008-15 CONSTRUCTION OF ASPEN SPRINGS PARK BIDDER TOTAL BID GST Excluded $554,048.50" REVISED BID GST Excluded $466,403.96 Rutherford Contracting Ltd. Gormle , ON Ron Robinson Ltd. Bowmanville, ON Royalcrest Paving & Contracting Ltd. Toronto, ON "Reflects arithmetic corrections $648,538.41 $548,231.60 $618,038.53 $531,399.31 1422 CI!1lmgron REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 6, 2008 Resolution #: Report #: COD-057 -08 File#: By-law #: Subject: Cl2008-34, SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION OF VARIOUS TREES & STUMP GRINDING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-057-08 be received; 2. THAT Maple lane Nurseries & landscape, Bowmanville, Ontario, with a total bid price of $27,995.00 (excluding G.S.T.), for the supply, delivery and installation of various trees for the Municipality of Clarington being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of the Tender CL2008-34 (Part A), be awarded the contract to supply, deliver and install various trees, as required by the Municipality of Clarington Operations Department; 3. THAT Maple lane Nurseries & landscape, Bowmanville, Ontario, with a total bid price of $5,445.00 (excluding G.S.T.), for stump grinding requirements for the Municipality of Clarington being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of the Tender Cl2008-34 (Part B), be awarded the contract to provide stump grinding requirements, as required by the Municipality of Clarington Operations Department; 4. THAT pending satisfactory pricing and service the contract be extended for a second and third year; and 5. THAT the funds required in the amount of $33,440.00 (plus G.S.T.) be drawn from Operations Department 2008 Operating Account #100-36-325-10115-7163. 1423 REPORT NO.: COD-057-08 PAGE 2 Submitted by: Reviewed by: ~.:...~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer MM\JB\BH CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 2 1424 REPORT NO.: COD-057-08 PAGE 3 1. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1.1. Tender CL2008-34 for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Trees & Stump Grinding Requirements for the Municipality of Clarington was advertised and issued with bids being received as per Schedule "A" attached. 1.2. The tender was divided into two parts, Part A is for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Trees and Part B is for Stump Grinding requirements. 2. ANALYSIS 2.1. Maple Lane Nurseries & Landscape, Bowmanville, Ontario, submitted the low bid. The low bid meets the specifications outlined in the tender. 2.2. Maple Lane Nurseries & Landscape has previously performed work for the Municipality of Clarington and provided satisfactory service. 3. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 3.1. The required funds for this acquisition total $33,440.00 (plus G.S.T.), and falls within the allocated 2008 Operations Operating Budget. 3.2. The funds in the amount of $27,995.00 for Part A Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Trees and $5,445.00 for Part B Stump Grinding Requirements will be drawn from be drawn from Operations Department 2008 Operating Account # 100-36-325-10115-7163. 3 1425 REPORT NO.: COD-057-08 PAGE 4 4. CONCLUSION 4.1. To award the contract to Maple Lane Nurseries & Landscape, Bowmanville, Ontario being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of CL2008-34 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Trees & Stump Grinding Requirements for the Municipality of Clarington. 5. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES 5.1. This report has been reviewed for recommendation by the Purchasing Manager, with the appropriate departments and circulated as follows: Concurrence: Director of Operations Attachments: Attachment 1 - Schedule "A", Bid Summary 1126 Schedule "A" Bid Summary Tender CL2008-34 BIDDER .. PARTA-TOTALBID PART B - TOTAL BID (ExcludinQ GST) (Excluding G$T) Maple Lane Nurseries & Landscape $27,995.00 $5,445.00 Bowmanville, ON Cressman Tree Maintenance & Landscaping Ltd. $31,025.00 $11,240.00 Cobourg, ON Iron Trio Inc. Concord, ON $35,995.00* NO BID Total Tree Service Inc. Whitby, ON NOBID $5,480.00** *bid submission revised due to arithmetic error **improper bid, unit pricing not submitted 1427 CI~ilJglOn REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: October 6, 2008 Resolution #: Report #: COD-059-08 File#: By-law #: Subject: Review of Clarington.net, Publication Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-059-08 be received. Submitted by: rie Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.O. Director of Corporate Services Reviewed by( )~~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer MM/JC/gj ORPORATlON OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-5506 1428 REPORT NO.: COD-059-08 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND During the 2008 budget deliberation process, Council received report # COD- 001-08 (2007 Advertising Review). Although the focus of the report was the corporate newspaper advertising program, it also included a discussion about publishing a corporate/municipal newsletter. As a result, the following resolution (GPA-028-08) was proposed and later ratified at the January 28, 2008 meeting of Council. "THA T Report COD- 001-08 be received for information; THA T $ 20,000 be added to the Advertising Budget to allow for the publication of a quarterly communique: and, THA T a status report on the publication be provided to the Genera/ Purpose and Administration Committee in the fall of 2008. " Subsequent to this meeting a new line account was created for the purpose of keeping the costs of the corporate newsletter (Clarington.net) separate for easy monitoring and tracking. All expenses (printing and postage) are charged to Account 100-16-161-00000-7187. FEBRUARY MAY AUGUST NOVEMBER' Clarington.net EXPENSES: ISSUE PRINTING PAGES EXPENSE 4 $ 2,237.38 8 $ 3,522.45 8 $ 3,641.25 8 $ 3,830.00 POSTAGE HOUSEHOLDS EXPENSE 29,106 $ 3,314.58 29,202 $ 3,325.52 29,350 $ 3,201.32 29,76iT $ 3,238.00 TOTAL EXPENSE $ 5,551.96 $ 6,847.97 $ 6,842.57 $ 7,068.00 $ 26,310.00 1 November expenses are projected based on: no further increase in page count; no more than the projected 0.41% increase in the number of households; and, circulation only increases to 30,500 copies to accommodate projected household count. 2 Source _ Canada Post Household Counts Chtto:/Iwww.canadaoost.ca/coc2/addrm/hh/currenVindexo/coALL-e.aso 1429 REPORT NO.: COD-059-08 PAGE 3 Note that the number of households receiving the newsletter increased from 29,106 in February to 29,767 for the November issue - an increase of almost 2.5% (+661 residences). To accommodate this, the November publication copy run will increase to 30,500 from the planned 29,500 - which will have an impact to the 2008 current budget allocation. 2.0 KEY POINTS Page count increased with the May issue due to the volume of material provided by municipal departments, municipal agencies (library, museums, visual arts centre) and community groups/organizations. Transportation fees paid to Canada Post were not paid for the August issue as the printer provided the service at a significantly lower cost. It was confirmed with all post offices that the material was received and delivered. This includes the Port Hope Post Office from which the eastern side of Clarington's mail (e.g. Kendal, Newtonville) is delivered. The publication is also available online (htto:/Inewsletter.clarinaton.net). Additional copies (difference between # printed and # delivered to Canada Post) are available in the lobby of the Municipal Administration Centre, and the branches of the Clarington Public Library. The publication is delivered to any resident in Clarington who has NOT registered with Canada Post to not receive unaddressed ad mail- which is the postal classification given to the Clarington.net. The "Consumer's Choice" program was introduced by Canada Post (July 2, 1997) and respects the consumers' wish not to receive unaddressed material. There are five exemptions under the Program: . House of Commons mailings . Elections Canada mailings . Provincial Chief Electoral Officers' mailings . Municipal electoral mailings . Community newspapers. 1430 REPORT NO.: COD-059-08 PAGE 4 3.0 OBSERVATIONS Non-municipal contributors love the publication as it assists them in promoting their programs and services at no cost. Most (if not all) do not have budgets that would enable them to access newspaper publications such as Clarington This Week and the circulation of the Orono Weekly Times. The timeline from initiating email (requesting material submissions) to final publication is approximately 3 weeks - in theory. In practical terms, given the workflow of the Communications Division, the time line is closer to 8 weeks. Community Services, Communications & Tourism and Emergency & Fire are the largest (most consistent) municipal contributors. 4.0 COMMENTS/SUMMARY The publication appears to be very well received by the residents but it would be helpful to have documentation to support this assessment. To achieve this, staff recommends that the Municipality implement a media habits survey in 2009 which would include the Clarington.net publication. Not only the survey provide information on the public's reception of the municipal publication, it would also provide the Municipality with some insight into the public's preferred media - radio, television, print, and/or internet - for getting the information they require. Advertising would both increase expenses and decrease expenses. There would have to be a balance between the costs of printing (because advertising would definitely increase the number of pages per issue) and the revenue generated. The revenue would have to cover the cost of printing, mailing and advertising sales (commission). More notable would be the change in the production timeline which would increase to incorporate advertising sales with design and placement requirements. With the publication of the November issue, the original budget ($20,000) will be overspent by approximately $ 6,500. 1431 REPORT NO.: COD-059-08 PAGE 5 Controllable costs (printing) are stabilized provided that the publication does not exceed the current 8-page count. The total number of copies printed will be increased to 124,000 (31,000 copies/issue) for 2009 to accommodate the increasing number of households that Canada Post delivers to. The cost of postage ($0.106/piece) for the increased distribution will also be factored into the 2009 budget proposal. It is recommended that the publication continue at 4 issues for the 2009 budget year. The projected 2009 expense, based on the 2008 actual expense incurred, will be included in the budget estimates for Council consideration in budget deliberations. 1432 Cl!Jlmglon REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 6lh, 2008 Report #: COD-060-08 File#_ By-law # Subject: RFP2008-2, GARNET B. RICKARD RECREATION COMPLEX LEASE SPACE - COMMUNITY CARE DURHAM Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-060-08 be received for information; and; 2. THAT staff report back to Council on the results of the negotiations with Denrain International Inc. Submitted by: ~ i arano, H.B.Sc., C.M.O., Director of Corporate Services Reviewed by: (~)~~~~. Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer MMIJDBlkm CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905}623-4169 1433 REPORT NO.: COD-060-08 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1.1. At their meeting of July 14th Council adopted recommendations authorizing staff to proceed with negotiations with Community Care Durham for the lease of approximately 5005 square feet of space at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreations Complex, formerly Total Hockey Museum. 1.2. Provision was also made for the possibility that negotiations with Community Care Durham could fail and authorization was provided to allow staff to proceed with negotiations with the alternate proponent, Denrain International Inc. and further, that staff report back to Council on the results of the negotiations. 2. COMMENTS 2.1. Discussions with Community Care Durham began immediately following Council approval of the staff report. 2.2. The first priority was the identification of renovations needed to complete the conversion from museum space to office space. Several visits were made to the site to discuss access, layout and changes to the structure. 2.3. Community Care Durham completed a space design of the facility in order to have an updated estimate of cost provided by a contractor before moving to the final design phase. 2.4. In their original proposal Community Care Durham estimated their costs to be in the area of $150,000.00 to $200,000.00. This estimate was based largely on past renovations. The new estimate provided by the contractor and based on the space design was approximately $300,000.00 and this did not include professional fees for architectural services and telephone. 1434 REPORT NO.: COD-060-0S PAGE 3 2.5. The above construction estimate exceeded the Community Care Durham budget estimate by a significant amount putting the project out of reach. Accordingly, Community Care Durham withdrew their proposal. A copy of their letter is attached as Schedule A. 2.6. As provided in the staff report to Council staff approached Denrain International Inc. to determine their interest in pursuing their proposal. Denrain International Inc. has responded favourably to the invitation and the first meeting to discuss the dry land training facility project is scheduled for October 2, 2008. The facility will cater to athletes of all ages and will focus on core training, coordination, cardio, strength and agility training. Although the focus will be on hockey, other sports such as lacrosse, track and field, football, ringette, rugby and baseball will be covered. 2.7. If and when negotiation is completed with Denrain International staff will bring forth a report for Council consideration. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Schedule "A", Community Care Durham letter 1435 COPE Mental Health Program Individual Support Group Support Education Home Support Program Meals on Wheels Transportation Accessible Van Friendly Visiting Foot Care Clinics Luncheon QuI T elephon€ ReassClrance Home Maintenance Home Help Respite Program Adult Day Programs In.Home Respite Offices Serving Ajax-Pickering Brock Clarington Oshawa 80u909 Uxbridge Whitby Charitable Reg.# 11R8S 'VJ):, RROOOI Volunteer and become an everyday hero . A I in/v,; Will rAf..]il.lf:1 Ll<~f':rc~ ~ Community Care Durham ATTACHMENT #1 September 23, 2008 Oshawa Centre 419 King Slreet West, Suite #605 Oshawa, ON L1J 2K5 Tel: 905-404.2224. Fax: 905.404.2241 www.communitycaredurham.on.ca Mr. Jerry Barber The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Manager Purchasing Office 40 Temperance Street Bowrnanville, ON LlC 3A6 Dear Jerry: On June 5, 2008, Community Care Durham submitted a proposal to the Municipality of Clarington to lease 5005 square feet of space at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex. Based on feasibility drawings, and a rough estimate from a contractor familiar with this type ofrenovation, the cost to improve this space for our needs far exceeds our estimate as outlined in section 3 (Design & Leasehold hnprovernents) of the proposaL As a result, Community Care Durham's Board of Directors did not approve the relocation. Thank you for considering Community Care Durham; however, we regret to inform you that we must withdraw our proposal to lease the entire 5005 square feet. In section 2 of the proposal (Proposed use of space and fit within the complex), we mentioned that partial occupancy is an option ifthe Newcastle Adult Day Program was not re- located. If this is a possibility, we would be agreeable to discuss sharing the proposed space with another tenant. Sincerely, ~...~- Barbara Murcott Director, Administration & Fin(lIlce cc: George Acorn, Clarington Sandra McKee, Clarington Brent Farr, Community Care Durham Sally Barrie, Community Care Durham Jennifer Rusaw, Community Care Durham Helping people live at home 1436 Cl!J!inglOn REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: MONDAY, OCTOBER 6,2008 Resolution #: Report #: FND-021-08 File#: By-law #: Subject: LIST OF APPLICATIONS FOR CANCELLATION, REDUCTION, APPORTIONMENTS OR REFUND OF TAXES Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-021-08 be received; and 2. THAT the attached list of applications for cancellation, reduction, apportionments or refund of taxes be approved. RevieWedbY:O~~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer NMT/MWF/MAM/hjl 1501 REPORT NO.: FND..()21.08 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND Pursuant to Sections 354, 356, 357 and 358 of the Municipal Act, 2001, C25, a list of applications for cancellation, reduction, apportionments or refund of taxes is presented to Committee for its review and approval. Section 357(3 & 4) indicates that the Council shall hear and dispose of every application not later than the 30th day of April in the year following the year in respect of which the application is made. The last day for making application for the previous year's tax reduction is the 28th day of February in the following year. More specifically, under Section 354, the Treasurer shall recommend to Council that outstanding taxes be stricken from the roll. To strike taxes from the roll it must be by reason of a decision under Section 357 or 358, or of a decision of a judge of any court or that the taxes are uncollectible. An application for a cancellation, reduction or refund may be made for one of the following reasons: . Ceased to be liable to be taxed at rate it was; . real property becomes exempt; . razed by fire, demolition or otherwise; . damaged by fire, demolition or otherwise (substantially unusable) . removal of a mobile unit; . sickness or extreme poverty; . gross or manifest clerical error; and . repairs/renovations preventing normal use of period of 3 months. The 357 and the 358 process begins when an application is prepared by either the Regional Assessment Office or the Tax Department. The neighbourhood assessor will perform an on-site inspection of the property. The assessor will verify the reason for the application, the period of time, for which the tax relief is claimed, and the amount and type of assessment that is affected. The application is then sent back to the Tax Department where the actual tax adjustment is calculated and the taxpayer's account adjusted. 1502 REPORT NO.: FND-021-oS PAGE 3 Section 356, deals with severances or divisions into parcels. These parcels of land were taxed in blocks in the year(s) prior to severance/consolidation. Taxes are being apportioned to the individual properties which are now severed/consolidated. Therefore, tax amounts are removed from one roll number and applied to another roll number as determined by MPAC. The total amount of taxes to be written off, for January 1 to August 31, 2008, as shown in this report total $15,159.66. Attachment: Attachment "A" - Write-Off Report Jan. 1 to Aug. 31,2008. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 1503 Attachment "A" ~ e ~ ~ w Ii "C e e e e e e " - a e e e e e e e e a ~ - 0 0 0 0 0 0 "C Cl. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E e E E E co '" '" '" '" '" '" ~ '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" "; "!! co co co co co co .\i ~ (3 ~ .\i .. .. co co co co co co co co .. :2 :2 :2 :2 :2 :2 )( )( :2 :E :2 :E :2 :E :E :2 )( (3 ii ~ ~ .. .. .. "0 "0 "0 "0 "0 "0 g .. e ~ ~ "0 "0 "0 "0 "0 "0 "0 "0 e Cl. e e e> e e .. ~ .. c( " " " " .. .. ~ E E .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. E 0 e e e e e e W 0 W 0 co 0 0 e e c c c c C c .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ii '" '" .c ~ :g co co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co co 0 !:! !:! ~ 0 0 0 Ii 0 l: " u 0 !:! !:! ~ ~ !:! ~ !:! u ~ "ii Gl Gl u "0 " "0 "0 "0 ! .. Gl ! a: ~ Ol "c "c ~ J:l Ol Ol Ol Ol " " " " u u Ol E Ol E E E ~ ~ u u " u " u " u ~ e e e e c c (3 ~ (3 Ol 0 c!l Ol C C C C C c e c I! I! I! l! l! l! c c 0 c Ol .. l! l! l! l! l! l! l! l! .. ~ ~ Ol ~ ~ ~ 0 i 0 i c( i i Cl. Cl. Ol Ol Ol .. Ol ~ ~ ~ Cl. > > 0 0 a. e e > > > > ~ e Ol ~ Ol Ol .. 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NT/RB/hjl 1507 REPORT NO.: FND-022-08 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND: 1.0 On November 2007 the Province announced the formal requirements for Year 8 (2007) of the Municipal Performance Measures Program (MPMP). 1.1 The required measures have been filed with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and are included as Schedule "A". 1.2 The Province has mandated that these measures be published for taxpayers by September 30, 2008. The information will be posted on the Municipality's website and were presented at the Clarington Board of Trade Annual Mayor's event, September 30, 2008. 1.3 The provincial objectives of the MPMP are to enhance accountability to taxpayers, increase taxpayer awareness and share best practices between municipalities. The information is intended to be used as a tool to gauge improvements in service delivery year over year. CONCLUSION: 2.0 It is recommended that the Municipal Performance Measures Program results for 2007 be received for information. Attachments: Schedule "A" - Performance Measures for 2007 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 1508 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2007 RESULTS Efficiency Measure Operating costs for governance and corporate management as a percentage of total municipal operating costs. Objective Efficient municipal government. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results The formula for the local government measure was changed in 2007 to align it with the formula for operating costs used by other efficiency measures. SLC 91 0205 13 Financiallnfonnation Return. Fire Services Efficiency Measure Operating costs for fire services per $1,000 of assessment. Objective Efficient fire services. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results Additional firefighters were hired in 2007 as part of an ongoing effort to address staffing issues on a composite force. Fonnulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. SLC 91 1102 13 Financiallnfonnation Retum. 1509 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2007 RESULTS Roads Efficiency Measure Operating costs for paved (hard top) roads per lane kilometre. Objective Efficient maintenance of paved roads. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. SLC 91 210713 Financial Information Return. Efficiency Measure Operating costs for unpaved (loose top) roads per lane kilometre. Objective Efficient maintenance of unpaved roads. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. SLC 91 2108 13 Financial Information Return. Efficiency Measure Operating costs for winter maintenance of roadways per-lane kilometre maintained in winter. Objective Efficient winter maintenance of roads. -----~-_._---------_._._-_.- ......----.---------..--.-.....----------.-----..-------.--.-----.--.-..------...------------ -----~-----_._-- Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results 2007 winter season had extremely harsh winter conditions with significant snow accumulation and a large number of ice/flash freeze conditions. Winter call outs increased from 52 calls in 2006 to 89 calls in 2007. Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. SLC 91 2204 13 Financial Information Return. 2 1510 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2007 RESULTS Effectiveness Measure Percentage of paved lane kilometres where the condition is rated as good to very good. Objective Pavement condition meets municipal objectives. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results Increasing costs of asphalt products has reduced the amount of work that can be accomplished within the same funding envelope. . SLC 92 2152 07 Financiallnforrnation Return. Effectiveness Measure Percentage of winter events where the response met or exceeded locally determined municipal service levels for road maintenance. Objective Appropriate response to winter storm events. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results The Operations Department continues to closely monitor weather forecasts including the Provincial Road Weather Information System (RWIS) which accurately predicts each hour anticipated precipitation, air and pavement temperature, dew point temperature (the moment fog occurs) and wind speed/gusts, and respond accordingly. SLC 92 2251 07 Financial Information Return. 3 1511 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2007 RESULTS Storm Water Efficiency Measure Operating costs for urban storm water management (collection, treatment, disposal) per kilometre of drainage system. Objective Efficient urban storm water management. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. In 2006, the definttion of kilometres of drainage system was redefined to eliminate connections; catch basins were retained. Reported by municipalities wtth a separate storm water system. SLC 91 3207 13 Financial Information Return. Efficiency Measure Operating costs for rural storm water management (collection, treatment, disposal) per kilometre of drainage system. Objective Efficient rural storm water management. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results Formuias for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. In 2006, the definition of kilometres of drainage system was redefined to eliminate connections; catch basins were retained Reported by municipalities with a separate storm water system. SLC 91 3208 13 Financiai Information Return. 4 1512 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2007 RESULTS Parks and Recreation Efficiency Measure Operating costs for parks per person. Objective Efficient operation of parks. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. SLC 91 7102 13 Financiallnfonmation Return. Efficiency Measure Operating costs for recreation programs per person. Objective Efficient operation of recreation programs. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results In 2007. a portion of recreation administration expenditures was allocated to recreation- programs from recreation- facilities. Formulas for aU efficiency measures were changed in 2005 10 improve the definition of operating costs. This measure is based on total population, not the population participating in recreation programs. SLC 91 720213 Financiallnlormation Return, 5 1513 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2007 RESULTS Efficiency Measure Operating costs for recreation facilities per person. Objective Efficient operation of recreation facilities. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results In 2007. a portion of the recreation administration expenditures was allocated to recreation- programs from recreation- facilities. Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. SLC 91 7303 13 Financiai information Return. Efficiency Measure Operating costs for recreation programs and recreation facilities per person (Subtotal). Objective Efficient operation of recreation programs and recreation facilities. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. This measure represents a subtotal and is automatically completed when a municipality reports one or more efficiency measures for parkS and recreation. SLC 91 7305 13 Financial Information Return. 6 1514 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2007 RESULTS Effectiveness Measure Total kilometres of trails. SLC 92 7152 05 Financial Information Return. 2007 .225 2006 .191 2005 .123 2004 .113 Effectiveness Measure Total kilometres of trails per 1,000 persons. Objective Trails provide recreation opportunities. SLC 92 7152 07 Financial Information Return. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results Effectiveness Measure Hectares of open space (municipally owned). SLC 92 7155 05 Financiallnforrnation Return. 2007 2006 4.485 4.506 Effectiveness Measure Hectares of open space per 1,000 persons (municipally owned). Objective Open space is adequate for population. SLC 92 7155 07 Financiallnforrnation Return. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results 7 1515 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2007 RESULTS Effectiveness Measure Total participant hours for recreation programs per 1,000 persons. Objective Recreation programs serve needs of residents.. Notes & Key F'actors for Understanding Results This measure was redefined in 2005 to exclude special events. The denominator of this measure is total population divided by 1,000 and does not represent the number of participants in recreation programs. SLC 92 7255 07 Financiallnfonmation Return. ..... Effectiveness Measure Square metres of indoor recreation facilities (municipally owned). SLC 92 7356 05 Financial Information Retum. 2007 312.130 2006 309.713 Effectiveness Measure Square metres of indoor recreation facility space per 1,000 persons (municipally owned). Objective Recreation facility space is adequate for population. In 2006, the measure for recreation facilities was split into a measure of indoor recreation facilities and a measure of outdoor recreation faciiity space. The new measures are defined as municipally owned facilities. SLC 92 7356 07 Financiallnfonmation Retum. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results Increase of square meters of indoor recreation facility space due to 465 square meter expansion at one facility. 8 1516 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2007 RESULTS ..... Effectiveness Measure Square metres of outdoor recreation facility space (municipally owned). SLC 92 7359 05 Financial Information Return. 2007 37.621 2006 22.006 Effectiveness Measure Square metres of outdoor recreation facility space per 1,000 persons (municipally owned). Objective Recreation facility space is adequate for population. In 2006, the measure of recreation facilities was split into a measure of indoor recreation facilities and a measure of outdoor recreation facility space. The new measures are defined as municipally owned facilities. SLC 92 7359 07 Financiallnforrnation Return. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results Addition of a 1,338 square meters outdoor lacrosse bowl. 9 1517 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2007 RESULTS Libraries Efficiency Measure Operating costs for library services per person. Objective Efficient library services. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. SLC 91 740313 Financial Information Return. Efficiency Measure Operating costs for library services per use. Objective Efficient library services. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results Formulas for all efficiency measures were changed in 2005 to improve the definition of operating costs. SLC 91740413 Financial Information Return. 10 1518 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2007 RESULTS , . Effectiveness Measure Library uses per person. Objective Increased use of library services. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results SLC 92 7460 07 Financiallnformalion Return. Effectiveness Measure Electronic library uses as a percentage of total library uses. Objective Better information on library usage. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results SLC 92 7461 07 Financial Information Return. Effectiveness Measure Non-electronic library uses as a percentage of total library uses. Objective Better information on library usage. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results SLC 92 7462 07 Financial Information Return. 11 1519 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2007 RESULTS Land Use Planning Effectiveness Measure Percentage of new residential units located within settlement areas. Objective New residential development is occurring within settlement areas. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results SLC 92 8170 07 Financial Information Return. In 2007, the measure for the location of new development was redefined for greater accuracy. Effectiveness Measure Percentage of land designated for agricultural purposes which was not re-designated for other uses during the reporting year. Objective Preservation of agricultural land. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results SLC 92 8163 07 Financial Information Return. 12 1520 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Performance Measurement Program. 2007 RESULTS Effectiveness Measure Percentage of land designated for agricultural purposes which was not re-designated for other uses relative to the base year of 2000. Objective Preservation of agricultural land. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results SLC 92 8164 07 Financial Information Return. Effectiveness Measure Number of hectares of land originally designated for agricultural purposes which was re-designated for other uses during the reporting year. Objective Preservation of agricultural land. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results SLC 92 8165 07 Financial Information Return. 13 1521 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Municipal Perfonnance Measurement Program. 2007 RESULTS Effectiveness Measure Number of hectares of land originally designated for agricultural purposes which was re-designated for other uses since January 1, 2000. Objective Preservation of agricultural land. Notes & Key Factors for Understanding Results SLC 92 8166 07 Financial Information Return. 14 1522 Cl~i!]gron REPORT CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 6, 2008 Report #: CAO-10-08 File: By-law #: Subject: Corporate Strategic Business Plan 2007.2010 2008 Progress Report Recommendation It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CAO-10-08 and the attached 2008 Progress Report be received for information. Submitted bY:O ~ -.::.- 0... 'Xt Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer Attach. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-5717 1601 REPORT NO.: CAO-10-QS PAGE 2 REPORT: 1. The Corporate Strategic Business Plan was completed in May 2007 through the collaboration between Council members and senior staff. The Plan sets out six major business focuses for the Municipality and identifies numerous strategies and action items to be implemented throughout the term of this current Council. 2. Prior to carrying out the many action items, a significant amount of time was devoted to prioritize them and to phase them over the four-year time frame in consideration of the available resources. Staff wishes to advise that we are now well on our way to implement the many action items identified in the Plan and is pleased to provide the attached Progress Report summarizing the status of each of the action items. 3. The works necessary to carry out the many action items are continuous in most instances and staff expect more will be accomplished in the next couple years. In any event, staff will report to Council on an annual basis as to our ongoing efforts to implement the Plan and thank Members of Council for their support and feedback. 1602 ~ .EE c>>.!:-gba>.g .5"'0 m <q'"5 (j) "oQ)c:~-g.... c: a. 0 ..c ~ ,,20'--002 CD c>.m UJ c: > Q) 0 0 .- we::: (tI z-o "0 ",a. ~=.~m-n 'Q)=~~JQ .c .~ .a '0' .:&.~ G.l ...... L... '- Cf) (;; c: Q) a. ctI t:Do:8i3~a.. .5 'i:: g CJ) LL ~ c: .2 ctI::JcjWc:,Q 2:ffi'E'a."'O'~O> ~~80fijbl~ '" e: '0 e: :::I - ",$ e: '" '0 c: .~ $ ~m e: e: 0'" ;:: "'C m~ffi a. Q) - 0 o E Q) 'C a; '" E '" >-wc Q) Q...t: ~ Cl ,E ~ ., ~ .. co Co .. " c .. "u co >.1) ~.!. .. 0 c .. .. Co - c .. E Co o a; i; Cl ui '" .. 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'" a. 11::0 o ~ c: o U c: :J .C' o u .5 c: .2 ro .2' u; Q) > .5 ~ ~ .c c: 0) 4i '00 -g; :::l';: ro 1/).9 'E CIl o .c I/) >- CIl ~ _$ c: CIl I/) Q)~Q) >U):.w m Q) 'c Q) U :J "C C E "S: ~ E e'C a.. Q) 8 ~ :J .. C E '0 E! -tll i C E a. 0.- C I! a; = >:1:: '" = 'tl " 1612 Cfmillgton MEMO PLANNING SERVICES TO: Mayor and Members of Council FROM: David J. Creme, Director of Planning Services . DATE: October 1, 2008 SUBJECT: PROPOSED SHOPPERS DRUG MART - COURTICE APPLICANT: EDWARD WHITING FILE: ZBA2008-0015 At the September 8, 2008 meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report PSD- 087-08 was received and the application was to continue to be processed having regard for the comments received at the meeting or in writing. The Committee also directed staff to submit a report to the Committee for October 6th, 2008. Since the meeting, staff met with Valiant Property Management, who had raised concerns and requested a meeting with staff. There were other concerns raised by adjacent landowners and the proponent is now addressing those issues. By a separate letter, the applicant has now requested that the application be considered at a later time to allow them additional time to address the issues raised at the public meeting. Staff would concur with this request. It is recommended that Council pass the following resolution: That the correspondence dated September 25, 2008 from Eldon Theodore of MHBC Planning and the memo from the Director of Planning Services dated October 1, 2008 be received for information and that a report on the rezoning application to permit a Shoppers Drug Mart at the comer of Varcoe Road and Highway 2 in Courtice be forwarded to the General Purpose and Administration Committee at the earliest possible opportunity. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours truly, c-:;\X%~~ O<"<9avid Crome '\ DJC:sn cc. Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer ~ttf'B8~;~aretef1< . CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 TF 1-800-563-1195 F 905-623-0830 1901 111 l\;1HBC " i..u./ 7050 Weston Road, Suite #230 Woodbridge. Ontario L4L 8G7 T: (905) 761.5588 F: (90S) 761.5589 Toll Free: 1 (800) 813.9204 www.mhbcplan.com Ian F. MacNaughton MA, FCIP, RPP Bernard P. Hermsen BES, MClF. RFP Paul R. Britton BES. MClF, RFP W. Brent Clarkson MA, MClF, RFP James D. Parkin BES, MClF. RFP Carol M. Wiebe BES Kris Menzies BES, MCIP, RFP David A. McKay BES. MCIP, RFP Brian A. Zeman BES. MCIP, RFP Offices in: . Kitchener . Vaughan . London . Kingston . Barrie City, Town and Rural Planning Municipal Plans and Studies Land Development Urban Design I Community Planning Landscape Architecture Natural Resource and Aggregate Planning Expert Evidence and Mediation Project Management September 25,2008 C. Anne Greentree Deputy Clerk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON. L 1 C 3A6. Dear Ms. Greentree; RE: REZONING APPLICATION TO PERMIT A SHOPPERS DRUG MART AND SECOND STOREY OFFICE SPACE - EDWARD WHITING (C/O SHOPPERS REAL TV INC.) - FILE NO.: D14.ZBA200S-G015 - OUR FILE Y565W Further to your letter of September 17, 2008 referencing resolution #GPA-476-08 (Attached), please accept this letter as our formal request to postpone the submission of a report to the General Purpose Administration meeting of October 6"', 2008. This postponement is required in order to provide additional time to work with Municipal Staff to resolve a number of the outstanding issues raised at the public meeting, specifically issues raised by adjacent landowners. This postponement will also provide additional time to work with Municipal Staff to ensure that the wording of the implementing Zoning By-law is satisfactory. Once we are confident that these matters have been addressed, we will request that staff proceed with submitting the necessary report to the next available General Purpose Administration Meeting. Please confirm that this request can be accommodated. Yours truly, MHBC PLANNING C~L Eldon C. Theodore, BES, MCIP, RPP c. Peter Kulkarni, David McKay, Richard Holy, Carlos Salazar 1902 ~ C ..-.--"....I''t'" i , "' \....J- September 17, 2008 Edward Whiting clo Kim Johnson 40 Worthington Drive Courtlce, ON L 1 E 3A4 Dear Mr. Whiting: RE: REZONING APPLICATION TO PERMIT A SHOPPERS DRUG MART AND SECOND STOREY OFFICE SPACE APPLICANT: EDWARD WHITING (C/O SHOPPERS REAL TV INC.) FILE NO.: D14.zBA200804015 At a meeting held on September 15, 2008, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington approved the following resolution #GPA-476-08: "THAT Report PSD-087-08 be received; THAT the Rezoning application to permit a Shoppers Drug Mart and second storey office space, continue to be processed and that Staff consider the comments received in writing or at the Public Meeting prior to finalizing the application; THAT Staff be directed to submit a report to the Committee at the General Purpose Administration meeting scheduled for October 6, 2008; and THAT any interested parties or delegations be advised of Council's decision." Yours truly, /J ~~fl C( nne reentree, BA, CMO Deputy Clerk CAG"mea c: See attached Distribution List CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO L lC 3A6 T ~cBOO3-3379 E. Whiting 2 DISTRIBUTION LIST Peter Kulkarni, Shoppers Realty Inc. / David McKay, MDBC Planning Robert Hann, Halloway Holdings Limited Randy Jeffrey, Birchdale Investments Limited Jim & Lorraine Ewen Beth Kelly, Valiant Property Management David Crome, Director of Planning Services September 17, 2008 1904 ClfJ!il1gron MEMO PLANNING SERVICES TO: Mayor and Members of Council FROM: David J. Creme, Director of Planning Services DATE: October 2,2008 SUBJECT: APPLICATIONS BY PORT DARLINGTON LAND CORPORATION (THE KAITLlN GROUP) TO AMEND THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AND PERMIT A DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION ON THE LANDS BETWEEN BENNETT ROAD AND LAMBS ROAD ON THE WATERFRONT FILE NOS.: COPA 2002-006; DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION S-C-2002-02 AND ZBA 2002-002 At the September 8, 2008 General Purpose and Administration (GPA) Committee meeting, Report PSD-091-08 was tabled to the next GPA Committee meeting of October 6, 2008 to provide Council time to better understand the Report, the financial impact study and concerns raised during at the meeting. Staff undertook to meet with the applicant to review the issues. A meeting with the applicant could not be arranged until October 1st, 2008. Staff need additional time to consider further the matters discussed at the meeting. Accordingly, it is recommended that Report PSD-091-08 remain tabled. Staff will be preparing an Addendum report for a future GPA meeting. ~o~ ~\oo:..v ~avid J. Crome DJC:sn cc: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer ~i~dftI!~4;MwnlOipafil€lerk Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 TF 1-800--563-1195 F 905-623-0830 1905 DRAFT LIST OF DELEGATIONS GPA Meeting: October 6, 2008 (a) Stephen Hogg, Regarding Report PSD-099-0S (b) Libby Racansky, Regarding Report PSD-102-DS (c) Richard Ward, Regarding Taxes and Receive for Information (d) Beth Kelly, Valiant Property Management, Regarding Rezoning Application to Permit a Shoppers Drug Mart (e) Markus Lise, Regarding The Sea to Sea Bike Tour (f) Nick Mensink, Semas Associates, Regarding Report PSD-1 DO-OS 601 C@r#]gron MEMO CLERK'S DEPARTMENT To: From: Date: Subject: Mayor Abernethy and Members of Council Anne Greentree, Deputy Clerk October 3, 2008 GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA - OCTOBER 6,2008 - UPDATE Please be advised of the following amendments to the GPA agenda for the meeting to be held on Monday, October 6,2008: 6. DELEGATIONS See attached Final List Mr. James r h has submitted the attached correspondence for your information, in opposition.to Re ort PSD-1 00-08. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 FINAL LIST OF DELEGATIONS GPA Meeting: October 6, 2008 (a) Stephen Hogg, Regarding Report PSD-099-08 (b) Libby Racansky, Regarding Report PSD-102-08 . (c) Richard Ward, Regarding Taxes and Receive for Information (d) Markus Lise, Regarding The Sea to Sea Bike Tour (e) Nick Mensink, Sernas Associates, Regarding Report PSD-100-08 Atkinson, Ellen From: Barrie, Patti Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 8:56 AM To: Atkinson, Ellen Subject: FW: Zoning by law 84-63 Objection Please include this letter with your memo. Patti L. Barrie, CMO Municipal Clerk -----Original Message----- From: .1 _ __ __ Sent: Friaay, October 03, 2008 3:27 AM To: Barrie, Patti Cc: Crome, David; Pellarin, Carlo; Webster, Tracey; MayorsExternalMailGroup; Trim, Charlie Subject: Zoning by law 84-63 Objection Friday October 3 2008 Attention: Mayor and Council Subject: Registration of objection to: ZBA2008-0004- General Amendment to Zoning By-law 84-63 Regarding Recreational Vehicle Parking and Accessory Buildings and Structures This objection is specifically related to the provisions of the subject By-law in respect to the Recreational Vehicle Parking. It should be noted that I was advised the staff report would be available online for review late Thursday afternoon and as of Friday at the time of this letter it is still not available. I believe that this has put me at a disadvantage as I am not able to review the report prior to expressing my objection. I am not able to attend a meeting on a Monday at 9:30 am Oct 6 and the following week I am New York on business. At the outset I would like to state that I am the owner of a recreational vehicle and would not suffer any damage or inconvenience as a result of passage and implementation of the By-law amendment. I have been parking my trailer on my property at 30 Shipley Avenue and have done so since its purchase in June 2006. This summer, to the knowledge of the By-law department, I upgraded and widened my driveway to better accommodate the trailer and paid the fees for the widening and application. Accordingly, I have "grandfather" rights to continue parking the trailer at this location should any amendment effect a prohibition the practice. Thus my concern and objection is related to what I consider an unnecessary prohibition against anyone in the municipality who acquires a recreational vehicle or decides to park a previously acquired one at their residence. As we are all well aware, economic conditions are not what one might consider the best and no one needs additional expenses. With exceptions, recreational vehicles allow their users to go places and do things- as a family- that might otherwise be impossible. Is there going to be an equal 10/3/2008 consideration to reduce property taxes for those who will be forced to seek a private storage facility? Now, if the parking prohibition were to be implemented anyone affected by it would have to secure a parking spot outside the area of prohibition. There are a few approved and tax paying businesses that provide parking at, roughly speaking, about $600 per annum. There are also unlicensed locations were rental parking is available as a sideline to another activity such as farming. Added to this would be the cost in dollars and time to bring the vehicle "home" to be prepared and loaded for an outing. I fully support any action to ensure that my fellow citizens are not subjected to significant inconvenience from the practices of their neighbors. In my research for preparation of this objection I found situations that should most certainly be rectified. In one case a large sailboat was parked in a driveway and its lowered mast blocked the Sidewalk in front of the house. Such things must be prohibited and neighbors must be able to exit their driveways without having their sightlines dangerously restricted. At present our By-laws require certain standards be maintained, amongst others, in respect to the parking area. These must be enforced. At time of writing I have no knowledge as to why the amendment is being proposed and is it being proposed because there are hundreds of documented complaints or a handful, I formally request an answer to this point as well. I have had discussion with several other trailer owners both boat and travel trailer and my sense is that it will be fairly simple to gain wide scale support to oppose this proposed amendment. If this amendment is going to continue I would request notification of the key timelines and dates so that I am able to arrange and organize the objections in a timely manner. Yours sincerely, James Darrach "Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt." Abraham Lincoln 1 0/3/2008