HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-052-08 ClNiJlglon REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE September 22,2008 Resolution #: ~fft-51'f-O~ Date: Report #: COD-052-08 File#: By-law #: Subject: CL2008-10, VEHICLES FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-052-08 be received; ., ! 2. THAT Colombo Motors LP, Woodbridge, Ontario, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2008-10 for the supply of vehicles required by the Clerks, Operations and Community Services Departments; be awarded the contract as follows: Item No. Description Part COne (1) Light Duty 4WD Crew Cab Short Box Pick-up Truck Part E Four (4) 4WD Long Box Pick-up Trucks Total Award (Plus G.S.T) Bid Amount $25,215.82 $131.049.58 $156265.40 3. THAT Section Part B and Part Dare re-tendered as no bid submissions were received; 4. THAT Section Part A, Part F and Part G are re-tendered as the bid submissions received do not meet the Municipality of Clarington's specifications; and 5. THAT the funds required in the amount of $156,265.40 (plus G.S.T.), be drawn from accounts as follows: Department & Account Number Clerk's Department - 2008 Capital Budget Account #110-19-388-81904-7401 Operations Department - 2007 Capital Budget Account #110-36-388-83642-7401 Account #11 0-36-388-83650-7401 Amount $25,215.82 $32,762.39 $65,524.80 Community Services Department- 2008 Capital Budget Account #110-42-388-84205-7401 Total Funds Available $32.762.39 $156265.40 REPORT NO.: COD-052-08 Submitted by: MM/JB/BH/km PAGE 2 Reviewed by: Fr nklin Wu f Chief Admin'istrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 2 REPORT NO.: COD-052-08 PAGE 3 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1.1. Tender CL2008-1 0 Vehicles for Various Departments was advertised and issued with bids being received as per Schedule "A" attached. 1.2. For clarification, this tender was issued early in the model year and as a result not all dealers were in a position to provided firm prices. In other cases dealers simply missed the opportunity. As a result the number of bids was limited. 2. ANALYSIS 2.1 Representatives from Operations and Purchasing met to discuss the bid submissions and specifications. 2.2 On review of the bids it was determined that vehicles bid for Part A, F and G do not meet specifications as required by respective Departments. The Operations Department has determined that the specification deficiencies for Parts A, F and G would negatively affect the overall performance of the vehicle. Therefore, the recommendation is not to award the contract to the low bid but to re-tender these units utilizing similar specifications in order to secure prices from dealers who can offer units in the range required. 2.3 As no bids were received for Part Band D, these units are being re-tendered now that dealers are in a position to price the units competitively. In the case of Part B, All Wheel Drive Cargo Van, only General Motors produces a vehicle meeting the all wheel drive requirement. Consequently, bidding will be limited to that manufacturer. Discussions with Ford, Chrysler and General Motors indicate that competitive prices are available for Part D - Light Duty 4WD Crew Cab Pick up. 2.4 As the bids for Parts C - Light Duty 4WD Crew Cab Short Box Pick-up and Part E - 6,800 # GVW 4 WD Long Box Pick-up meet our specifications and pricing is 3 REPORT NO.: COD-052-08 PAGE 4 acceptable, the recommendation is to award Part C and E to Colombo Motors LP, Woodbridge, Ontario. 2.5 References for Colombo Motors LP, Woodbridge, Ontario have been checked and are satisfactory. 3. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 3.1. The required funds for this acquisition total $156,265.40 (plus G.S.T.), and fall within the allocated 2007 Capital Budget for Operations and 2008 Capital Budget for Clerk's Department and Community Services. 3.2 Part C for one (1) Light Duty 4WD Crew Cab Short Box Pick-up Truck is for the Clerk's Department and represents a new vehicle. 3.3 Part E for four (4) 6800 G.v.w. Four Wheel Drive Long Box Pick-up Truck is being allocated between the Operations Department (three (3) vehicles) and the Community Services Department (one (1) vehicle). 3.4 The three (3) 6800 G.V.W. Four Wheel Drive Long Box Pick-up Truck for Operations are replacing vehicle #00511, 00566 and 00567. 3.5 The one (1) 6800 G.v.W. Four Wheel Drive Long Box Pick-up Truck for Community Services represents a new vehicle. 4. CONCLUSION 4.1 To award Part C and Part E to Colombo Motors LP, Woodbridge, Ontario whose bids meet all terms, conditions and specifications of tender CL2008-10 for one (1) Light Duty 4WD Crew Cab Short Box Pick-up Truck and four (4) 6800 G.v.W. Four Wheel Drive Long Box Pick-up Truck for Parts C and E respectively, 4.2 To re-tender Part B All Wheel Drive Cargo Van and Part D Four Wheel Drive, HD Crew Cab Short Box Pick-up Truck as no bid submissions were received; 4 REPORT NO.: COD-052-08 PAGE 5 4.3 To re-tender Part A, Four Wheel Drive, HD Extended Cab Short Box Pick-up Tnucks, Part F, 16,000 G.v.w. Crew Cab and Chassis with dump body and hoist and Part G 16,000 G.v.w. Cab and Chassis with dump body and hoist as the bid submissions received do not meet the Municipality of Clarington's specifications. 5. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES 5.1. This report has been reviewed for recommendation by the Purchasing Manager, with the appropriate departments and circulated as follows: Concurrence: Director of Operations Municipal Clerk Director of Community Services Attachments: Attachment 1 - Schedule "A", Bid Summary 5 III W ....I U i: w > III ~ 0 ii: ~ u.. 0 >- ~ ~ w ~ > <( :J ..9! ::i! w ::;, ::i! 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