HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-093-08 Cl!J!ilJglOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE -!Ie R ~-\iG't\ ~ PA - 5d1-0 <6 Monday, September 22, 2008 cst:) Meeting: Report #: PSD-093-08 File #: S-C-2008-0001 By-law #: Subject: APPLICATIONS FOR DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION TO PERMIT THE DEVELOPMENT OF THREE INDUSTRIAL BLOCKS APPLICANT: ONTARIO POWER GENERATION INC. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: I 1. THAT Report PSD-093-08 be received; 2. THAT the application continue to be precessed to address outstanding issues and any concerns raised at the public meeting; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Reviewed by: David . Creme, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. kin Wu, Director of Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer TW/CP/df/av 11 September 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-093-0B PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Ontario Power Generation Inc. 1.2 Proposal: The proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision includes three blocks for industrial development and a block for the widening of Highway 401 associated with the proposed Highway 407 interchange. 1.3 Area: 24.91 hectares (61.55 acres) 1.4 Location: The subject lands are located within the Clarington Energy Park, south of Highway 401 and South Service Road and east of Osbourne Road (Attachment 1). 2.0 BACKGROUND " j 2.1 On August 8, 2008 Sernas Associates, on behalf of Ontario Power Generation Inc. Limited, submitted a draft plan of subdivision application. This application would permit an industrial subdivision containing three industrial blocks, and a block for the proposed Highway 407 interchange. The applicant intends to develop the site with administrative office building(s) and facility/building(s) related to the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station. I 2.2 The following studies and reports were submitted in support of the application: . Phase One and Two Environmental Site Assessment Report . Functional Servicing Report . Traffic Impact Study . Stage I &11 Archaeological Assessment . Geotechnical Investigation (Soils Report) These reports have been circulated to the appropriate agencies for review and comment. 3.0 LAND CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 3.1 The subject site is currently vacant and was previously used for agriculture. The site slopes gently from north to south. REPORT NO.: PSD-093-08 PAGE 3 3.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North - South - East - West - Highway 401 and South Service Road Industrial - automobile recycling facility Agricultural/Public Utility IndustrialNacant automobile auction facility 4.0 PROVINCIAL POLICY 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement The application is consistent with the Employment Area policies of the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). Planning authorities are required to promote economic development and competitiveness by: . providing for an appropriate mix and range of employment (including industrial, commercial and institutional uses) to meet long-term needs; . providing opportunities for a diversified economic base, including maintaining a range and choices of suitable sites for employment uses which support a wide range of economic activities and ancillary uses, and take into account the needs of existing and future businesses; . planning for, protecting and preserving employment areas for current and future uses; and . ensuring the necessary infrastructure is provided to support current and projected needs. 4.2 Provincial Growth Plan The Provincial Growth Plan stresses the importance of ensuring an adequate supply of land for a variety of appropriate employment uses. Municipalities are encouraged to designate and preserve lands within settlement areas in the vicinity of existing major highway interchanges, for manufacturing, warehousing, and associated retail, office and ancillary facilities, where appropriate. In planning lands for employment, municipalities will facilitate the development of transit-supportive, compact built form and minimize surface parking. Greenfield areas are required to achieve a minimum density target not less than 50 residents and jobs combined per hectare. They are to be planned, and designed in a manner that: . contributes to creating complete communities; . creates street configurations, densities, and an urban form that supports walking, cycling, and the early integration and sustained viability of transit services; REPORT NO.: PSD-093-08 PAGE 4 . provides a diverse mix of land uses, including residential and employment uses, to support vibrant neighbourhoods; . creates high quality public open spaces with site design and urban design standards that support opportunities for transit, walking and cycling. 5.0 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5.1 Durham Reaional Official Plan The lands are designated as Employment Area within the Durham Regional Official Plan. Lands designated as Employment Area permit the development of Business Parks comprising of corporate offices oriented to and serving the business community, research and development facilities and light industries. The proposed uses appear to conform to the Plan. 5.2 Clarinaton Official Plan The subject lands are designated as Business Park in the Clarington Official Plan and Prestige Employment Corridor and Light Industrial 1 within the Clarington Energy Business Park Secondary Plan. The proposed Energy Drive is designated as a Type C Arterial. The remaining streets will be classified as Local Roads. Both the Prestige Employment Corridor and Light Industrial 1 designations support the development of business offices, which is consistent with the applicant's proposal. The proposal will be reviewed in accordance with the urban design guidelines prepared for the Clarington Energy Business Park Secondary Plan. 6.0 ZONING BY-LAW 6.1 Within Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 as amended the lands are zoned "Holding - Energy Park Prestige ((H) M02)" and "Holding - Energy Park Light Industrial ((H) ML 1)". A Zoning By-law amendment to remove the Holding symbol will be required in order for development to proceed. 7.0 PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 7.1 Public Notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site. Public Meeting signs were installed on the property. No inquiries on the application were received at the time of writing this report. REPORT NO.: PSD-093-08 PAGE 5 8.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 Comments have been received from a number of circulated departments and agencies. 8.2 Hydro One, Rogers Cable, and Clarington Emergency & Fire Services, offered no concerns or objections on the proposal. Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. and Bell Canada offered no objections on the proposal and asked that standard conditions be included in the conditions of draft approval. 8.3 The Ministry of Transportation provided comments with respect to potential concerns and/or issues related to the proposal and the future Highway 401/407 East Link interchange and related roadwork. The Ministry advised that the 407 East Environmental Assessment (EA) is nearing completion with an anticipated submission date of June, 2009. The timing for a decision is under the control of the Federal and Provincial approving agencies and is expected to take at least a year, if not longer. Once approval is received property acquisition and detail design will likely take another two years to complete. Based on this, the earliest construction start of the interchange between Highway 401 and the 407 East Link is expected to be mid-late 2012. In order to ensure the safe and efficient movement of traffic during construction it is imperative that Clarington, Ontario Power Generation and the Ministry work closely to ensure a coordinated effort is achieved. The property requirements for the construction of the Highway 401/407 East Link interchange and the relocation of the South Service Road as shown on the Draft Plan and described as Block 4 appears to be sufficient. However, please note that the preliminary design has not been finalized and some minor refinements may still be required due to grading and stormwater management requirements. The ministry is striving to have the property requirements finalized by late 2008. The Ministry's Traffic Section provided detailed comments on the Traffic Study which have been forwarded to the applicant's agent to address in subsequent submissions. The Ministry plans to re-instate the South Service Road throughout the entire length of the 401/407 East Link Interchange area from Courtice Road to Holt Road. The Ministry needs to review Ontario Power Generation's stormwater management plans for the subject site. Staff has forwarded a copy of the Functional Servicing Report to the Ministry for their review. The Ministry requires a 14 metre setback from the southern limit of the future Ministry of Transportation property line after road widenings have been taken for the relocation of South Service Road and the Highway 401/407 East Link Interchange. No permanent structures are permitted to be built within this area. If at all possible the siting of the Ontario Power Generation building should be well south of the ministry's right-of-way. Consideration should be given to having landscaping and/or parking between the building and our right-of-way. REPORT NO.: PSD-093-08 PAGE 6 Illumination should be directed away from Highway 401 and the South Service Road. Signage requirements and location will have to be reviewed by the Ministry also. 9.0 STAFF COMMENTS j 9.1 The applicant has indicated that they intend to consolidate existing office space leased throughout the area to the Clarington Energy Business Park by 2011. They intend to design a green facility with the potential to obtain a LEED rating (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). This would not only assist in meeting many of the "Energy, Water and Waste" and "Building Design and Construction" policies of the Clarington Energy Business Park Secondary Plan, it would also afford a 50 percent rebate on Development Charges. Green technologies being considered include the use of grey water for toilet flushing and irrigation, green roof design and enhanced infiltration by reducing the area of impermeable surfaces. At this time, a site plan application has not been submitted. 9.2 The Municipality is nearing completion of a Master Drainage Plan (MOP) for the Clarington Energy Business Park. This plan must be completed in order for this application to proceed. The MOP will detail an overall plan for how stormwater management in the Energy Park will be controlled both on and off the site. The stormwater management ponds are intended to service all of the lands within the park. Stormwater that cannot be handled within the ponds will have to be managed on site by the landowner. 9.3 The applicant intends to service the development with sanitary sewer by connecting to the recently completed Courtice Water Pollution Control Plant (CWPCP). Water services will be provided through a connection into South Service Road at Maple Grove Road and an existing stub west of Osbourne Road just north of the CN rail line. 9.4 It is assumed that Block 4 is of an adequate size to meet the needs of both the Highway 401/407 interchange and South Service Road. The notation on the south boundary of Block 4 needs to be revised to acknowledge the inclusion of the future location of South Service Road. 9.5 Zoning By-law 84-63 contains a general provision which defines a zone boundary as a property line. The applicant is aware that Blocks 1 and 2 straddle zone boundaries and will take the regulations for each zone category into consideration when establishing buildings and uses on the lands through the site plan approval process. If necessary, the applicant may require a minor variance or rezoning if the location of the zone boundaries is not consistent with their proposed use and building layout. 10.0 CONCLUSIONS 10.1 The purpose of this report is to satisfy the Public Meeting requirements under the Planning Act and taking into consideration the outstanding comments, staff respectfully request that this report be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report. REPORT NO.: PSD-093-08 PAGE 7 Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Keith and Shirley Crago Linda Gasser Bill Collie, Ontario Power Generation Inc. Nick Mensink, Sernas Associates Attachment 1 To Report PSD-093-0~ fl :e " o U ~ ~~ - Q. .. :Iii " o ;> .. .. o ... ~~ 8- o ~ II.. i . ~ ~ c.i .5 c 0 c ~ 0 "iij GI .... "> c Q ~ GI Q C) Cjl ::I ... GI co lI) ~ Q ... Q 0 N c II. 0 III 0 ii: ";: t/) III = - c E 0 C 0..: GI C ~ 0 ~ . ~ . I I \\ ~ ~ ~\ II) I '" I f- I C) \ --.J \ I ~ L I - - ~ ,v, 133~lS ,8, 133~lS <: s ~ - C) ~ J ~ U) 'x _0 I I lr) w ........ u t<'J t3 ~ :!:~ ",ll 1,;;,1 a ~~ o~ I " ~ ~~ ~~ Ct: I~I <: ~ a 0 0 a:: ij~ e C) C) ~ " , Isl c..J ~ w . ~i ., >- u L II~I <0 U "8- ~ >- ~. " f- 0 rr: 'it co !WI ~a7 ~ ~I w I~I <: 0 (/) '"' Q ~ ~u ~ ""' ~ f-C) ~ III; ~ iE ! " . 1121 C)l:: 0 ~ :0 ~ ,0 0 ;; _0 18'1 --.J ~ 0 "' . (/) <0:'" ~'* - ~~ g~ I I z: c[ ...J ~ ilS ~:l! Ill,!; I I ,. ~ B'ej e '- I I ~ ::;~ tJ C) " Q Ct: I (5u118!X3) 0\10<1 3N<1n08S0 II ,r... " I I'" ~ I 0 ~ I ~ I I~ / ., '0 I .~ 0 ~ I--.J 0 , I ~ / ~ 0 I ~ ~ E I I 0 I I ;; ~ / 5 ~ ~ , . 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