HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/22/2008 Clf1!pn General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22,2008 Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, September 22, 2008 at 9:30 a.m., in the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL Present Were: Also Present: Mayor J. Abernethy Councillor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor M. Novak Councillor G. Robinson Councillor C. Trim (left at11 :15 a.m.) CouncillorW. Woo Acting Chief Administrative Officer, M. Marano Deputy Fire Chief, Emergency Services, M. Berney Director of, Engineering Services, T. Cannella Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Deputy Director of Finance, L. Gordon Director of Operations, F. Horvath Deputy Clerk, A. Greentree Clerk II, E. Atkinson Mayor Abernethy chaired this portion of the meeting. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest stated at this meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS Councillor Foster announced the following upcoming events: · Whitecliffe Terrace Retirement home will be hosting a Tickle Me Pink event on September 26th,with the proceeds going to Run for the Cure · Whitecliffe Terrace Retirement home will have a box located in the lobby on September 25th for clothing and blanket donations for a daycare of about 60 children . Courtice Business Association met on September 1 yth and one concern raised was with regards to the proposed median strip to be installed in front of the Whitecliffe buliding General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 Councillor Novak announced the following events she attended over this past week: · Durham Agricultural Committee hosted their farm tour on September 16th · The Region of Durham evening event for long-term service and retirees on September 18th · Clarington Older Adults Association Gala Dinner on September 19th · Grand Re-Opening of Langes Photos on September 20th · The ball tournament at Memorial Park on September 20th in support of Lukes Place Councillor Hooper announced the following up coming events: · Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is hosting it's annual festival on September 23rd at Camp Samac · Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority will be celebratin~ it's 50th Anniversary celebrations at Cullen Gardens on September 25t Councillor Robinson announced the following event: · Orono BIA hosted a Chili Cook Off with the proceeds donated to the local food bank Councillor Woo announced the following events: · He attended the Grand Re-Opening of Boston Pizza on September 1 yth · The Bowmanville Eagles Hockey team hosted the Ontario Junior Hockey Tournament at Rickard Recreation Complex on September 19th through to September 21 st · Dan Carter will be at the Chapters Book store between 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. on September 22nd to promote his new book · Durham Regional Soccer Association is hosting their awards dinner at the Bowmanville Indoor Soccer Facility on September 24th · Clarington Blooms 2008 winners of the Apple Blossoms awards will be announced on September 24th · Clarington Squash Club will be hosting a tournament at the Clarington Fitness Centre on September 2yth · Family Safety Day will be held at Fire Station #1 from 10 - 4 on Saturday September 27th MINUTES Resolution #GPA-507-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Cornmittee held on September 8, 2008, be approved. CARRIED - 2. General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 PRESENTATIONS There were no presentations. DELEGATIONS Terra Sayer, Canadian Red Cross, rescheduled to address the Committee at the General Purpose and Administration meeting scheduled for October 6, 2008. Jaison Gibson addressed the Committee regarding the concept of a Public Nature Credit Program. He would like to see the local government and the public rally together and work with nature to help solve some of the problems with the environment. As an incentive for land owners to participate, the Municipality of Clarington could provide a tax credit to the land owners at the end of the year. With the cost of living increasing, price of food and gas rising rapidly, Mr. Gibson has planted a shared garden on his family's farm to share with his neighbours. Mr. Gibson would like to have the Municipality promote shared gardens and he would like to see at least ten in the area next year. Mr. Gibson informed the Committee he will be back every two weeks to present new ideas and anyone wishing to contact him with their suggestions can do so byemailinghimatblacklabstudio@hotmail.com. Stephen Hogg addressed the Committee regarding trailer and boat storage on his property. Mr. Hogg felt the complaints with regards to his property were not valid because he had not yet had any trailers or boats stored on his property. He did state that he had put a sign on his front lawn indicating his intentions but nothing was stored. Mr. Hogg had contacted the Planning Department over a year ago and felt the cost to apply for rezoning was too expensive and he was not guaranteed this request would be approved. He is concerned that having his property rezoned from agricultural to commercial will have a significant impact on his taxes. Mr. Hogg would like to see a permit system implemented, with some reasonable fee structure. He feels this is a reasonable request, if the permit holders are not in compliance with the by-laws then their permits can be revoked and not renewed. He would like to meet with Planning staff to discuss any options. Richard Ward addressed the Committee regarding taxes. Mr. Ward would like something done from the Committee with his delegations, other than "received with thanks." He requested a current tax breakdown of his property taxes, indicating the amount paid for garbage pick up and any penalty charges. Mr. Ward requested an explanation as to why he has been denied the request to have his property rezoned, which he explained was requested a few years ago during the official plan review. -3- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 Councillor Novak chaired this portion of the meeting. PUBLIC MEETING (a) Subject: Applicant: Report: Application for Draft Plan of Subdivision Approval Ontario Power Generation Inc. PSD-093-08 Tracey Webster, Planner, Planning Services Department provided a verbal report supported by a Powerpoint presentation pertaining to Report PSD-093-08. No one spoke in opposition to Report PSD-093-08. Richard Ward spoke in support of the recommendations contained in Report PSD-094-08. Mr. Ward stated this type of development should be encouraged as it promotes job creation not just in Clarington but also in the Durham Region. Mr. Ward requested that Council strongly support this type of development. Nick Mensink, Sernas Associates, was present on behalf of the applicant to address any concerns or questions raised at the public meeting. There were no questions or concerns raised. Mr. Mensink will continue to work with staff and looks forward to a subsequent report this fall. (b) Subject: Application to Amend the Zoning By-Law 84-63 Applicant: 564069 Ontario Inc. Report: PSD-094-08 Richard Holy, Senior Planner, Planning Services Department provided a verbal report supported by a Powerpoint presentation pertaining to Report PSD-094-08. No one spoke in opposition to or support of Report PSD-094-08. Glen Genge, DG Biddle & Associates, was present on behalf of the applicant to address any concerns or questions raised at the Public Meeting. There were no questions or concerns raised. Mr. Genge advised they are willing to work with all of the issues, stated in the Report, through the site plan process. (c) Subject: Application to Amend the Clarington Official Plan, Zoning By-Law 84-63 and for an Approval of a Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision Applicant: Smooth Run Developments and Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited Report: PSD-095-08 Cindy Strike, Planner, Planning Services Department provided a verbal report supported by a Powerpoint presentation pertaining to Report PSD-095-08. -4- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 Doug Rombough spoke in opposition to the recommendations contained in Report PSD-095-08. Mr. Rombough is a resident of the area and has several concerns. He provided the Committee with a presentation showing the history of his house and the surrounding area. He is concerned the new development is not in keeping with the historic look of the area. Mr. Rombough is concerned with the number of houses proposed for this site and the impact it will have on the traffic flow. Mr. Rombough feels his residence will be the most adversely affected by this development. Therefore, he requested an increase to the buffer area to be greater than ten meters and that evergreens be planted around his property for further enhancement; that the number of housing units be decreased and the lots sizes increased; and that the development be constructed so it does not affect the water flow in the year-round stream flowing across his property. He would like to see the park sizes and the number of parks increased. Robert Franssen spoke in opposition to the recommendations contained in Report PSD-095-08. Mr. Franssen expressed concerns over the impact this development will have in future years on the water and sewer treatment for the Village of Newcastle. He enquired if there would be an arm or an overpass installed at the rail tracks on Arthur Street. Mr. Franssen has traffic concerns, he would like to see turning lanes implemented and possibly the widening of Arthur Street. The southbound access to the 115/35 needs to be addressed as well. Mr. Franseen would like to have more parks, especially baseball diamonds developed in the area, and would like to see a police station built in Newcastle to help deal with the increase of population and resulting increase in enforcement needs. Pastor Brouwer, Crossroads Christian Assembly Church, spoke in opposition to the recommendations contained in Reoport PSD-095-08. He expressed concerns that there are no places of worship within this proposed development. He is opposed to the road closure for North Street which is the street in front of his church. He has concerns that the proposed changes would cause the public to take short cuts to McDonald's and believes that putting a gate up is not an option as there has to be public access to this road at all times. He would like to see Regional Rd. 17 remain as it is. Helen HuDocin spoke in opposition to the recommendations contained in Report PSD-095-08. Ms. HuDocin is an owner of a century home on Concession #3. Ms. HuDocin informed the Committee she has concerns regarding the increase in traffic and the proposed exits this development will have on North Street. She is currently experiencing problems getting out of her driveway because of traffic and this will only add to the problem. No one spoke in support of Report PSD-095-08. - 5. General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 Bryce Jordan, Sernas & Associates, was present on behalf of the applicant to address any concerns or questions raised at the Public Meeting. He informed the Committee this is a large development covering 280 acres and will be implemented in stages to keep pace with infrastructure. Mr. Jordan informed the Committee the water issues raised at this Public Meeting will be reviewed and Mr. Rombough will be kept informed. Resolving the traffic and road issue with regards to the North Street closure and re-alignment of Regional Rd #17 will take cooperation between the developers, Ministry of Transportation, the Region and the Municipality of Clarington. Mr. Jordan will look into the increasing the buffer size and the parks. Resoultion #GPA-508-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the Committee recess for 10 minutes. CARRIED The meeting reconvened at11 :30 a.m. PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT APPLICATIONS FOR DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION TO PERMIT THE DEVELOPMENT OF THREE INDUSTRIAL BLOCKS APPLICANT: ONTARIO POWER GENERATION INC. Resolution #GPA-509-08 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Mayor Abernethy THAT Report PSD-093-08 be received; THAT the application continue to be processed to address outstanding issues and any concerns raised at the Public Meeting; and THAT all interested parties listed Report PSD-093-08 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. CARRIED PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT BY 564069 ONTARIO INC. TO PERMIT ADDITIONAL PARKING FOR A SUPERMARKET EXPANSION Resolution #GPA-51 0-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Report PSD-094-08 be received; .6- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 THAT the proposed amendment to Zoning By-law 84-63 to permit additional parking for a 929 sq.m. supermarket expansion be approved and that the by-law as contained in Attachment 3 to Report PSD-094-08 be passed; and THAT the Region of Durham, all interested parties listed in Report PSD-094-08, and any delegations at the Public Meeting be advised of Council's decision. CARRIED PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT PROPOSED NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLAN FOR VILLAGE NORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD IN NEWCASTLE APPLICATIONS TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW AND FOR APPROVAL OF DRAFT PLANS OF SUBDIVISION APPLICANTS: SMOOTH RUN DEVELOPMENTS (METRUS DEVELOPMENTS INC.) BROOKFIELD HOMES (ONTARIO) LIMITED Resolution #GPA-511-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Mayor Abernethy THAT Report PSD-095-08 be received; THAT the application to amend the Clarington Official Plan COPA 2005-008, submitted by Smooth Run Developments and Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited continue to be processed including review of comments received at the Public Meeting; THAT the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2005-0003 and application for rezoning, ZBA 2005-042 submitted by Smooth Run Developments continue to be processed including review of comments received at the Public Meeting; THAT the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2005-0004 and application for rezoning, ZBA 2005-043 submitted by Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited continue to be processed including review of comments received at the Public Meeting; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-095-08 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. CARRIED -7. General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 Councillor Foster chaired this portion of the meeting. ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. - REQUEST FOR EASEMENT Resolution #GPA-512-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report EGD-039-08 be received; and THAT the By-law attached to Report EGD-039-08 as Attachment 1, be passed to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk, on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington, to execute documents considered necessary by the Municipality's Solicitor for the Municipality of Clarington to transfer a perpetual easement for a nominal consideration to Hydro One Networks Inc. to permit the location, repair, maintenance and replacement of a Switch Gear Box on Part 1 shown on Plan 40R-25551 containing terms satisfactory to the Director of Engineering Services, conditional on Claret Investments Limited and 1361189 Ontario Limited paying the Municipality's reasonable costs for legal services and disbursements. CARRIED OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. EMERGENCY AND FIRE SERVICES DEPARTMENT There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. Councillor Hooper chaired this portion of the meeting. CLERK'S DEPARTMENT HERITAGE DESIGNATION BY-LAW AMENDMENT Resolution #GPA-513-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report CLD-025-08 be received; - 8 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 THAT the by-law attached to Report CLD-025-08 as Attachment NO.1 to amend the designation of 19 King Street East, Bowmanville, be forwarded to Council; THAT the Municipal Clerk be authorized to carry out all actions necessary to complete the process of amending the property designation pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.O.18 and detailed within Report CLD-025-08; and THAT the property owner, the Clarington Heritage Committee and the Ontario Heritage Trust be advised of Council's decision. CARRIED Mayor Abernethy chaired this portion of the meeting. CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT CL2008-10, VEHICLES FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Resolution #GPA-514-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report COD-052-08 be received; THAT Colombo Motors LP, Woodbridge, Ontario, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2008-10 for the supply of vehicles required by the Clerk's, Operations and Community Services Departments; be awarded the contract as follows: Item No. Part C Description Bid Amount Part E One (1) Light Duty 4WD Crew Cab Short Box Pick-up Truck Four (4) 4WD Long Box Pick-up Trucks Total Award (Plus G.S.T) $25,215.82 $131,049.58 $156.265.40 THAT Section Part B and Part Dare re-tendered as no bid submissions were received; THAT Section Part A, Part F and Part G are re-tendered as the bid submissions received do not meet the Municipality of Clarington's specifications; and - 9- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 THAT the funds required in the amount of $156,265.40 (plus G.S.T.), be drawn from accounts as follows: Department & Account Number Clerk's Department - 2008 Capital Budget Account #110-19-388-81904-7401 Operations Department - 2007 Capital Budget Account #110-36-388-83642-7401 Accou nt #110-36-388-83650-7401 Amount $25,215.82 $32,762.39 $65,524.80 Community Services Department- 2008 Capital Budget Account #110-42-388-84205-7401 $32,762.39 Total Funds Available $156.265.40 CARRIED CL2008-33, ONE (1) SIDE LOADING COMPACTOR Resolution #GPA-515-08 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report COD-053-08 be received; THAT Haul-All Equipment, Lethbridge Alberta, with a total bid in the amount of $130,489.65 (plus G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2008-33, be awarded the contract to supply one (1) Side Loading Compactor, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Operations Department; and THAT the funds required in the amount of $130,489.65 (plus G.S.T.) be drawn from Operations Department 2008 Capital Account # 110-36-388-83616-7401 as follows: 2008 Budget Amount $120,000.00, Additional Funds from Development Charge Reserve Fund $9,441.00 and Operations Equipment Reserve Fund $1,049.00. CARRIED CL2008-29, TWO (2) 60,000 G.V.W. TANDEM DIESEL DUMP TRUCKS WITH PLOW EQUIPMENT Resolution #GPA-516-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Report COD-055-08 be received; - 10 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 THAT Winslow-Gerolamy Motors Limited, Peterborough, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $353,272.32 (plus G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2008-29, be awarded the contract to supply two (2) 60,000 G,V.w. Tandem Diesel Dump Trucks with Plow Equipment, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Operations Department; and THAT the funds required in the amount of $353,272.32 (plus G.S.T.) be drawn from the Operations 2008 Capital Budget Account 110-36-388-83642-7401. CARRIED FINANCE DEPARTMENT AGGREGATE RESOURCE ACT Resolution #GPA-517-08 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report FND-019-08 be received for information. CARRIED ANNUAL LEASING REPORT - 2008 Resolution #GPA-518-08 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report FND-020-08 be received for information. CARRIED CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. UNFINISHED BUSINESS DELEGATION - JAISON GIBSON - REGARDING PUBLIC NATURE CREDIT PROGRAM Resolution #GPA-519-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the delegation of Mr. Jaison Gibson be received with thanks. CARRIED - 11 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 DELEGATION - STEPHEN HOGG - REGARDING TRAILER & BOAT STORAGE ON HIS PROPERTY Resolution #GPA-520-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the delegation of Mr. Stephen Hogg be referred to the Director of Planning Services for further review and consideration. CARRIED DELEGATION - RICHARD WARD - REGARDING TAXES Resolution #GPA-521-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the delegation of Mr. Richard Ward be received; and THAT the Director of Finance be directed to provide Mr. Ward with a letter detailing a breakdown of his outstanding property taxes including penalty charges. WITHDRAWN Resolution #GPA-522-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the delegation of Mr. Richard Ward be received; THAT the Director of Finance be directed to provide Mr. Ward with a letter detailing a breakdown of his outstanding property taxes including penalty charges. for the previous 5 year period; and THAT the correspondence be sent to Mr. Ward via registered mail. CARRIED AS AMENDED (See following motion) - 12 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes September 22, 2008 Resolution # GPA-523-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the foregoing resolution be amended to add the following: "THAT the Director of Planning Services be directed to provide Mr. Ward with correspondence explaining in simple terms the requirements to be met to consider a rezoning of his property; and THAT this correspondence be sent to Mr. Ward via registered mail." CARRIED The foregoing Resolution #GPA-522-08 was then put to a vote and carried as amended. OTHER BUSINESS There were no items dealt with under this section of the agenda. COMMUNICATIONS There were no items dealt with under this section of the agenda. ADJOURNMENT Resolution #GPA-524-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the meeting adjourn at12:10 p.m. CARRIED -13 -