HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-088-08 ClaIf L'adingt~ RE!PORT PLANNING SERVICES Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING Monday, September 8, 2008 l2eso\u\1on * t1 ~(-)-li -n- diS Meeting: Report #: PSD-088-08 File No's: SVA 2008-0001 By-Iaw#: Subject: MINOR VARIANCE TO SIGN BY-LAW 97-157 APPLICANT: TIM HORTONS, NEWCASTLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-088-08 be received; 2. THAT the application for Minor Variance to the Municipality ,of Clarington Sign By-law 97-157, submitted by Jay Summers for Tim Hortons Newcastle, to permit an increase in the number of permitted signs, for a stand-alone building on a multiple business site, from two (2) wall signs to three (3) wall signs, with a maximum size of 2.9 m2 for the third wall sign, be APPROVED; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. avid J. Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services RevieWedbY:O~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer PW/CP/av/df 26 August 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-088-08 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Jay Sunilmers for Tim Hortons Newcastle 1.2 Owner: 131964 Ontario Limited 1.3 Proposal: To vary ~he Sign By-law (97-157) to permit an increase in the number of permitteid signs, for a stand-alone building on a multiple business site, from two (2) wall signs to three (3) wall signs with a maximum size of 2.9 m2 for the third wall sign. 1.4 Location: 361 King Avenue East, Unit 12, Newcastle 2.0 BACKGROUND ANq PROPOSED VARIANCE 2.1 Tim Hortons operates a franchise in Newcastle Village within the retail plaza located at the southeast comer of King Avenue East and Brookhouse Drive. The Tim Hortons is located in a stand-alpne building that includes a drive-through window located in the northwest corner of ttje site. Currently, Tim Hortons has two (2) wall identification signs, located on the north iIInd east elevations, as well as signage on the group identification sign (pylon sign) for the plaza. 2.2 On June 5, 2007, Planning Staff received.a sign permit application from Tim Hortons of Newcastle to add a third identification sign to the roof of their western building elevation. An initial review of th~ application by staff found the sign type, size and the total number of signs to not be in cpmpliance with the requirements of the Sign By-law. 2.3 Due to the signage requirements enforced by the franchisor, the applicant took over a year to re-evaluate their needs and determine what form of signage might satisfy the intent of the Sign By-law requirements while still maintaining the Tim Hortons corporate signage requirements. 2.4 On July 21, 2008, the Municipality received an application for a Minor Variance to the Sign By-law which requested an increase in the maximum number of permitted identification signs. 'The proposed sign was reduced to 2.9 m2 and the proposed location was revised to the west wall of the restaurant instead of the roof. 3.0 SIGN BY-LAW PROVISIONS 3.1 The provisions of the Sign By-law permit the following for any stand-alone business located on a multiple l>usiness site: . One (1) group, i identification sign on the site; . Two (2) wall or. window signs; and . One (1) additional sign on each canopy to a maximum of three (3) canopy signs. REPORT NO.: PSD-088-08 PAGE 3 4.0 APPLICANT'S RATIONALE 4.1 The applicant has sljated that their business requires increased visibility for traffic travelling east on King Avenue East which would be facilitated by a sign on the west elevation of the building. The two (2) existing wall, identification signs face north and east. Due to the restaurant's close proximity to the street line these two (2) wall, identification signs are only visible from the north and from the east. The applicant believes that the group identification sign (pylon sign) is partially obstructed to east bound traffic by the restaurant and is therefore only visible as one is driving past the restaurant and not as one approaches the entrance to the plaza. View of Tim Hortons from eastbound lane of King Avenue !East approximately 70 metres from the King Avenue plaza entrance. 5.0 STAFF COMMENTS 5.1 The subject property is located on the south side of King Avenue East on the eastern edge of downtown N~wcastle. The business is located on a mutli-tenant commercial property with entrances from King Avenue and from Brookhouse Drive. The applicant's restaurant is a stand-alone business in the northwest corner of this property. 5.2 The restaurant has b~en designed with the dining area and the front building fayades facing north to King Avenue East and into the plaza, to the east and south. The design of the restaurant locates the service side of the restaurant along the western elevation. REPORT NO.: PSD-088-08i I PAGE 4 5.3 The speed limit alo'lg King Avenue East up to the plaza, in which the applicant's restaurant is located,: is 50 km/hr. While travelling east along King Avenue East the restaurant's identifica.ion signs have limited visibility for motorists. 5.4 The Sign By-law perl1ilits stand-alone businesses on multi-tenant properties to have two (2) wall identification ~igns in addition to signage on the group identification sign. The intent of this section of the Sign By-law is to permit an additional wall sign on an alternate building elevation where the type and location of the building provides that more than one side of the building is made visible to the public. The Sign By-law permits that wall sign$ may occupy up to 10% of the wall area. At 2.9 m2 the proposed third wall sign, to be Installed along the western elevation, will occupy less than 4% of the wall area. Staff i believe that the intent of the By-law will still be maintained by approving a third wall identification sign, to a maximum of 2.9 m2, to be installed along the western elevationJ 6.0 CONCLUSION 6.1 Based on the comments provided in this report, it is respectfully recommended that the minor variance to tM Sign By-law to permit an increase in the number of permitted signs, for a stand-alo~e unit on a multiple business site, from two (2) wall signs to three (3) wall signs, with a maximum size of 2.9 m2 for the third wall sign, be APPROVED. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Sign Illustration Attachment 3 - Wall Elevatiqn Interested parties to be notified of Committee and Council's decision: Jay Summers 131964 Ontario Limited Attachmenl1 To Report PSD-088-08 Lot 27 Lot 26 /' "- I 7 GRAHAM COURT t- w 1/ w O' t- I en O' <( Z 0 )- ) ::; t- RESNIK ORIVE r-- w W t- O' W "- t- w OATLEY COURT / en O' H O' t;; ::J W Ii' I ~\ u. ~ u. I <( :J ::J <( 0 t:=C ::; CHALLENGER COURT ANOREW STREET I I 361 KING AVENUE EAST / \-- KING AVENUE ,\ HARMER ORIVE t- O' ::J 0 0 w en 0 ~ - ::; I-- - <( - :J t- W --' W > ~ w i>: w O' 0 > ---~ t;; (') i>: __v z 0 z sz w DS 0 :5 en t- ::J U. 0 BLOOM AVENUE <( O' I " 0 OJ 0 ~ O' OJ 0 i 0 IV c: en ~ rn \~ 0 '" I I I <: RAVEY STREET rn ( I I I \ '\ .. 361 King Avenue East NEWCASTLE KEY MAP SVA 2008-0001 N C o III III Q) U C o U .... c .2 III III Q) U C o U >1'11' Attachment 2 To Report PSD-OBB-OB JI t . .... . .. CD ~-I+ .~/L 6 - .&~ 838 ~:! ~" e ~lIil ~ ~;;o ~:t ~';! G ~ < i ~ . ~ . ~ o ~ " ! . a .~ =:t. . '9: --G --G . ~ lLW OOSI . ~g d . " -illI -ill] Attachment 3 To Report PSD-088-08 z o >= < > W ..J W I- ~ :3 il ~ . -'" '"