HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-018-08 Cl~iJJgron REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Monday September 8, 2008 Resolution #6PA-lJL1;>-o2?' Meeting: Date: Report #: FND-018-0~ File#: By-law #: Subject: CREATING JOBS, BUILDING ONTARIO FUNDING Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: . 1. THAT Report FND-018-08 be received; i 2. THAT Council approve the allocation of the Creating Jobs, Building Ontario funding to the follQ\Ning priority projects: COST: $1,500,000 1,500,000 310,000 60,000 46,299 50,000 $3,466,299 3. THAT Premier Dalton McGuinty be thanked for providing additional much needed funding to address infrastructure needs; and 4. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any necessary agreements and/or by-laws to facilitate the receipt of funds. NT/hjl Reviewed bye) ~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. REPORT NO.: FND-018.~8 , I PAGE 2 Background and Comm,nt: 1.0 In May 2008, the Provincial government passed the Investing in Ontario Act whereby any unan~cipated provincial year-end surpluses can be used to address priority public need~ as well as reduce the province's accumulated deficit. 1.1 For 2007-08, muni~ipalities were identified as priority public needs. Future recipients will be identified by the province based on provincial priorities. 1.2 The surplus for 20Q7 -08 is sufficient to enable $1.1 billion in funding to municipalities to support infrastructure investments. The Municipality of Clarington will rece,ve $3,466,299. All funds will be likely be advanced to municipalities at thlll end of September, 2008. 1.3 The funds are speqifically to be used for capital purposes. Each municipality has flexibility and discr~tion to spend its allocation on its own capital priorities. Accountability: 2.0 Municipalities will bl:! subject to accountability requirements including: Reporting on how the funds were used, Provincial right to independent audit verification, and Provincial right to recover funds if they are not used for capitall purposes. Critical Aging Infrastruc~ure: 3.0 As Council is awarEil, the Municipality of Clarington has been very fortunate to receive several typ~s of infrastructure funding from the upper levels of government. The federal government has provided gas tax fundiflg for the last several years whic~ will continue into the future. This funding is primarily only eligible to be used 9n roads and bridges. There is some opportunity for energy retrofitting. The prbvince approved an application based grant to Clarington for a portion of the Newqastle Branch of the Clarington Library. The Province has also provided funding in! 2008 under a Roads and Bridge Infrastructure Program. 3.1 With the exception of the application based Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative received fq,r the Library, all other grant funding initiatives have been designed primarily to address road and bridge infrastructure projects. These are definitely much neEjded projects. Both Engineering and Operations are involved in this category and emphasize the need for continued sustained support. However, there hall been no opportunity to address significant aging infrastructure probl~ms with the Municipality's existing substantial building portfolios. . REPORT NO.' FND..,.+ PAGE 3 3.2 Future federal gas tax funds will continue to be primarily dedicated to Roads and Bridges and the B~i1ding Canada Fund (still to be determined from a Municipal perspective) also appears to be dedicated to roads and related p~ojects. The Creating Jobs, Buil~ing Ontario funding opportunity from the Province may be the only opportunity fo~ some time to come to address critical aging building infrastructure. 3.3 Many of our municipal buildings now or will very soon need renov:ations to enable them continue to meet today's expectations. The average age of our community buildings is 91 yearts old. We are very fortunate with the support of the many volunteers who are, responsible for the operation of these community buildings and the support of Council over many years, that our buildings are vibrant part of community they serve. The roof at the Orono Arena has reached its life cycle and it is at a stage Where ongoing maintenance is timely and will hOt result in inconvenience to the users. This will be similar to Newcastle Memorial arena which is scheduled ,for replacement by 2011. Recommended Projects; Newcastle Fire Hall 4.0 As Council is awarer, the Newcastle Fire Hall is a less than ideal design and in an aging condition to $rvice the needs in Newcastle and surrounding areas. It has been identified for future replacement and expansion for many years in the Development Charllles Background Studies and Fire Master Plans. Based on the legislative requirements under the Development Charges Act, any replacement component cannot pe funded from Development Charges. In this case, in the recent Development Charges Update, $1,500,000 of the estimated $4,500,000 cost is attributable to the replacement share component of the building. As the time horizon is approaching for replacement of this facility, 'it is recommended that ~he $1.5 million non-growth component that would otherwise have to be funded through the tax levy or other source of funding be financed from the Creating Jobs, Building Ontario funds. Darlington Sports Complex 4.1 5.0 As previously indicated through various staff presentations, the Darlington Sports Complex is an agin$] facility requiring significant upgrades to ensu,re accessibility for our patrons and the health and safety of the public and staff alike. This project was included in the capital forecast for 2009 in the 2008 budget process with tax levy as the ,only source of financing available. Through the Community Services Department's strategic plan process, a facility assessment was completed detailingithe capital requirements to keep the facility operational from a short term (8 to 10 years) perspective. , REPORT NO.: FNO-Q1S.ls , PAGE 4 5.1 Although the facility assessment report indicates an estimate of $1,674,000 to complete the requi~ed work, staff is recommending a revised tota~ project estimate of $1,830,000 to incorporate design work and contingencies in dealing with an aged buildirng. Therefore it would be necessary to utilize $1,500,000 of the grant funding s~pplemented by $330,000 in the Community Services Department 2009 ~pital budget. Orono Arena 6.0 While monitoring hCjls been ongoing for some time, the roof at the Orono Arena has recently been i~entified as needing complete replacement due to rapidly deteriorating condit,ons. The cost of this project is estimated at $;310,000 and is recommended to by financed through the Creating Jobs, Building Ontario grant. Bowmanville Museum 7.0 Some work is need~d at the Clarington Museums- Bowmanville location pertaining to the balcony and eavestroughs. The total cost is esti!llated at $60,000. Municipal Administrativ~ Centre 8.0 As a safety issue, the surface of the concrete steps, ramp and terrazzo landings needs to be remov$d, the heating cable reinstalled, and the areas resurfaced to the original conditiqn. The cost is $80,000. $46,299 will be allocated from the Creating Jobs, Buil41ing Ontario funding with the balance in future budgets. Orono Library 10.0 The roof and eavestrough need to be replaced at this location at an estimate of $50,000. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED PROJECTS: 11.0 . PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Newcastle Fire Hlall Replacement Darlinqton Sports Complex Upqrade Orono Arena Roof Replacement Bowmanville Museum Municipal Adminiistrative Centre Orono Library TOTAL COST: $1,500,000 1,500,000 310,000 60,000 46,299 . 50,000 $3,466,299 I REPORT NO.: FNO-018.Q8 PAGE 5 Conclusion: 12.0 Staff have identifie~ in the preceeding section some important priorities with respect to aging b~i1ding infrastructure owned by the Municipality, Staff have focused on existing buildings that will require significant upgrades and related financing in the near future. The funding from the province is a response to repeated Municipal! calls for assistance pertaining to infrastructurt1l deficits. Roads and related 'infrastructure have not been included here, not because of lack of need, but d\ile to the opportunity for funds in that category from other grant sources that have rhOt been available from a building perspective. 9.1 Any questions pertaining specifically to the detailed project should be directed to the appropriate Department Head. 9.2 It is important to note that the timing for undertaking the above prbjects, once approved by CounCCil, may be somewhat lengthy. There are factors affecting each project, due tll its nature, that will impact upon the commencement of the project. For example, the fall ice season is soon commencing so works cannot be undertaken during prime seasons. There is not an identified completion deadline attached .0 the provincial funding. 9.3 It is recommendedithat Council approve the projects identified so that the funds are earmarked and projects can be planned and co-ordinated in an orderly fashion. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREBT, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169