HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-05-09Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Thursday, May 9, 2019 Members Present: Eric Bowman Tom Barrie, Brenda Metcalf John Cartwright Les Caswell Henry Zekveld Councillor Zwart Ted Watson Regrets Guests Staff: Ben Eastman Jennifer Knox Don Rickard Richard Rekker Kristy Kilbourne, Senior Planner, Region of Durham Amy Burke, Planning Services Brenda welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. Adoption of Agenda 019-11 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Les Caswell "That the Agenda for May 9, 2019 be adopted" Carried Approval of Minutes 019-12 Moved by John Cartwright, seconded by Eric Bowman "That the minutes of the April 11, 2019 meeting be approved" Carried Presentation: Kristy Kilbourne provided an introduction to Envision Durham, the municipal comprehensive review (MCR) of the Region of Durham Official Plan. Agriculture and Rural System Discussion Paper released March 5, 2019 and comments are due by June 3. The MCR will include updating of rural and agricultural mapping to ensure conformity with provincial policy. Key trends and influencing factors being examined include the modernization and diversification of farming, rural business growth, loss of rural land, rural/urban compatibility issues, urban agriculture, climate change and renewable energy. A range of agriculture -related policy and mapping considerations have been identified. Joint consultation is being held for the agriculture/rural discussion paper and the update of the Region's Agricultural Strategy. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington May 9, 2019 Agricultural -education was identified by the AACC as a gap in the discussion paper and in existing Regional policy. The Committee raised concern with the reporting approach for the loss of agricultural land (1 % since 2003). This represents approximately 5000 acres, a significant amount. The AACC also had concerns about the loss of rural land from the 407 and links being factored into that total loss of rural land. There needs to be a balance between land needs for estimated population growth and the need for a viable and sustainable agricultural system. Kristy Kilbourne informed the AACC that a land needs assessment has been initiated as part of the MCR and will be reported on once completed. A Growth Management Discussion Paper will be released in June. In addition to the MCR, Kristy Kilbourne informed the AACC of the on-going update to the Region's Woodland Conservation By-law. The AACC indicated that the update needs to give consideration to properties where property owners have large areas of ash trees infested with Emerald Ash Borer. The by-law should address disease and pest removals. The Environment/Greenlands Discussion Paper and the updates to the regional Woodland Conservation By -Law are anticipated to be completed in the fall of 2019. Business Arising None Correspondence, Council Items and Referrals Greenbelt Farmers — Sustaining Soil Health: New report released by the Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation. Highlights 14 farmers in the Greenbelt who are using a variety of practices to improve their soil health, including Bowmanview Farm (Eric Bowman and family) in Enniskillen. View report at https://www.greenbelt.ca/greenbelt farmers. The Real Dirt on Farming in Clarington: Clarington Board of Trade column in Clarington This Week, April 17, 2019 - https://www.durhamregion.com/opinion-story/9279514-the- real-dirt-on-farmina-in-clarinaton/. Liaison Reports: DAAC: Nothing to report. Next meeting May 14, 2019. DRFA: Members meeting with Region of Durham Staff in May regarding Farm 911 — The Emily Project. Approximately 70 attendees at the April 25 information session held at Solina Hall regarding the proposed Agri -food Education and Event Centre. A feasibility study is underway for a permanent agricultural resource centre. Four potential sites have been short-listed for further evaluation, including Camp 30 in Clarington. CBOT: Annual General Meeting held on April 25. AACC member, Jennifer Knox, sworn in as President and Kirk Kemp as Vice President. CBOT's next Farm Familiarization Tour will take place at Almet Farms on May 31, 2019. New Business Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington May 9, 2019 Doors Open Clarington 2019: June 8, 2019, 10:00 am — 4:00 pm. 10th anniversary tour featuring agricultural heritage east of Bowmanville. www.doorsopenclarington.com. Pickering Airport Agricultural Leases: General discussion of the challenges associated with the current lease structure and the need for longer terms to incent investment by the leasing farmers. Future Agendas Brianna Ames of Fairlife (Coca-Cola) suggested as a speaker given the development of the milk processing plant in Peterborough (85 million) which hopes to source Canadian milk next year. Faye has e-mailed and called her with no response. Aaron Bowman — presentation in July John Cartwright moved to Adjourn. Next Meeting: Thursday, June 13, 2019 @ 7:30 pm - - Tracey Webster and Amy Burke will attend regarding ZONE Clarington, the Municipality's comprehensive zoning by-law review, to discuss Minimum Separation Distance (MDS). MDS Workbook has been provided to AACC members. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington May 9, 2019