HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-035-08 Cl~-!!Jgton REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE July 7,2008 Resolution #:~ o%, Date: Report #: EGD-03S-08 File#: By-law #: Subject: 2008 MUNICIPAL ROAD AND BRIDGE INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-03S-08 be received; 2. THAT the works listed in the 2008 Municipal Road and Bridge Infrastructure Projects list contained in Report EGD-03S-08 be endorsed as the Municipality's highest priority projects in accordance with the 2008 Municipal Road and Bridge Infrastructure Investment eligibility criteria; 3. THAT this report be forwarded to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation; and 4. THAT the Engineering Services Department proceed to tender and construct the road improvement works in the fall of 2008. Respectfully by, ~ ;%I~ C)/-S>~:..., ~ Reviewed by: Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer Submitted by: A.S. Cannella Director of Engineering Services ASC/Jb June 26, 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 Report #EGD-035-05 Page 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 As announced in the 2008 Budget, the Province of Ontario has implemented a one time $400 million Municipal Road and Bridge Infrastructure Investment program to assist with municipal road and bridge capital investment needs across Ontario. In a letter dated March 31, 2008 (Attachment "1") the Province advised that the Municipality of Clarington has been approved to receive funds in the amount of $1 ,913,794 provided that the money will be used in accordance with the eligibility criteria for the program. On April 21 ,2008 Council approved the recommendations found within report FND-010-08 (Attachment "2") which allowed us to proceed in authorizing a Council resolution to accept the general terms of the program prior to the April 30, 2008 deadline. The next step in qualifying for this funding was to determine which capital works projects are Clarington's priorities according to the guidelines of the program and to ensure that they fit within the $1,913,794.00 budget we have been granted. Staff from both the Engineering Services Department and the Operations Department have now collaborated in the review of Clarington's projects so that we can be ready to proceed when the funding is transferred from the Province on June 30, 2008. In accordance with the program criteria we have reviewed our Pavement Rehabilitation Program data to determine our priorities. Using this data we have determined that rural roads are our highest priority for funding and if all conditions are met staff intends to tender and construct the road improvement works this fall in order to maximize the full value of the investment dollars received. Report #EGD-035-05 Page 3 1.2 Clarinaton's Priority Proiects The projects that we have selected according to the program criteria are as follows: 1) Concession Road #7, from Vannest Road easterly to Old Scugog Rd., including rehabilitation works to bridge structure #99037. 2) Concession Road #6, From Enfield Road to Solina Road. 1.3 Why These Proiects are a Priority The projects on Concession Road #6 and Concession Road #7 (Attachment 3) focus on the declining road, bridge and road allowance conditions on roads that see a large amount of higher speed traffic as east-west routes through Clarington, ultimately tying into the 407. The projects would include road rehabilitation on Concession Rd. # 6 and #7 as well as the rehabilitation of Structure #99037 over the Bowmanville Creek between Holt Road and Old Scugog Road on Concession Road #7. The total estimated cost of these projects is $1,915,000. As Council is aware, there are a number of declining road and bridge structures in Clarington. The aim is to repair these structures in the most cost effective manner by making repairs before the structures have degraded to the point where complete replacement becomes necessary. The type of work we are proposing includes road rehabilitation of both roads as well as overlaying the bridge deck on Concession Rd. #7 with latex modified concrete, replacing deck expansion joints, repairing concrete parapet walls and miscellaneous components. The work also includes conversion to semi-integral approach slabs and expanding asphalt with a 50 mm lift of asphalt. Report #EGD-035-05 Page 4 The road rehabilitation of Concession Road #f3 and Concession Road #7 offers the benefit of improved road safety and reliability, strategic asset management and minimal impact to the environment. The bridge works are important because if a bridge becomes unserviceable it could isolate residents, have public safety impacts and potentially delay emergency response times. Completed together these works may prevent delays and major detours that might result from a less proactive stance towards road, bridge and culvert rehabilitation. By extending the life cycle of our infrastructure through timely capital investment, the frequency of complete removal and replacement is reduced such that impressive savings are achieved through this alone. Furthermore, improved road and structure conditions will reduce the wear and tear to vehicles, satisfying taxpayers and reducing exposure to liability. 1.4 Proiect Breakdown and Costs Concession Rd. #6 From Enfield Rd., easterly to Solina Rd. $580,000 Concession Rd. #7 From approx. Vannest Rd., easterly to Old Scugog Rd. (including bridge structure #99037 $1,335,000 ToW Pnjotlq:fllt;$ ,',"',815_ ,:'.: "";~:~:,,,-':<":;, Report #EGD-035-05 Page 5 2.0 CONCLUSION The total funding allocated by the Province to the Municipality of Clarington under the 2008 Municipal Road and Bridge Infrastructure Investment program is $1,913,794.00. Therefore, based on the project values, condition data, geographic location and the increasing traffic volumes on both Concession Road 6 and Concession Road 7, it is recommended that we use the Provincial funding for the above mentioned projects. At the time of writing of this report, the funds are due to be received at any time along with further reporting and accountability requirements. However, timing is of the essence to obtain Council approval in order to not miss the 2008 construction season. The Director of Finance and the Director of Operations concur with the contents of this report. Attachments: Attachment 1 - March 31, 2008 Letter from MTO Attachment 2 - Report FND-010-08 Attachment 3 - Project area map I ( , Mlnlatry 01 TnInaportat1on 0lIice of the Minister Ferguson Block, 3rll Floor 77 Wellesley SI. West Tolllnlo, OntarIo WA1Z8 416327-9200 www.mlo.gov.on.ca MAR 3 1 2008 His Worship Jim Abemethy Mayor Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3AB M1...... .- 1'r1INporta BuI8lU 1kI mlnlstnt I!cItIoe Ferguson, 3" 81age 77, rue WelI..1ey ouest T_ (Ontario) M7A lZ8 416327-9200 -.mto.gov.on.ca ATTACHMENT NO.: I. REPORT NO.: EGD-035-08 Ulti Ont.to Dear Mayor Abemethy: Re: 2008 Municipal Road and Bridge infrastructure Investment As announced in the 2008 Provincial Budget, I am pleased to advise you that the Municipality of Clarington has been approved to receive funds in the amount of $1,913,794 towards your municipal road and bridge capital investment needs. Addressing municipal road and bridge capital investment needs is an important part of maintaining and improving the province's transportation networX, economic success and Ontarians' quality of life. To this end, the approved funds Will be transterred to you by June 30, 2008, at which time the province will also provide details on reporting requirements and other accountability related requirements. These requirements Will include as a minimum a description of the types of eligible expenditures for which the funding is intended, and ftlqubamtlfll ~ ai'lltlllllep(jrofi how-ffiiJUnds'~ii8re used. In addition, the province reserves audit rights to ensure that funds were used for the purpose intended and to recover funds if it is determined that they were not used, or will not be used for the intended purpose. The prOvince also requests the following additional information: > An authorizing bylaw/council resolution from the Municipality of Clarington which should be dated no later than April 30, 2008. The bylaw/council resolution should reference: . That the $1,913,794 allocated to the Municipality of Clarington by the province Will be used for municipal road and bridge capital investment needs; . That a final summary report detailing expenditures, use of provincial funding, and outcomes achieved shall be submitted to the ministry and the ministry may request an independent audit of the project; and . Any funds intended for the project that are not used in accordance with rehabilitation of municipal road and bridge capital investment needs or the terms outlined above wiD be -loh....... p~ APR 2 lOOt.12 MUNICIPALITY OF CLAAINGTON FINANCE 1503 ATTACHMENT NO.: t REPORT NO.: EGD-035-08 C!fJIillgton REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday April 14, 2008 Resolution #: Report #: FND-010-08 File#: By-law #: Subject: 2008 MUNICIPAL ROAD AND BRIDGE INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-010-08 be received; 2. THAT the Municipality confirms that the $1,913,794 allocated to the Municipality of Clarington by the Province of Ontario will be used for municipal road and bridge capital investments needs; 3. THAT the Municipality agrees to provide.a final summary report detailing expenditures, use of provincial funding and outcomes received and acknowledges that the Ministry of Transportation may request an independent audit of the project; 4. THAT the Municipality of Clarington acknowledges that any funds intended for the project that are not used in accordance with the rehabilitation of municipal roads and bridge capital investment needs or the terms of the grant funding will be retumed to the Ministry in accordance with the terms of the grant funding; 5. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign any necessary by-laws to receive this funding; 6. THAT this report be copied to Jim Bradley, Minister of Transportation; and 7 . THAT Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, Jim Bradley, Minister of Transportation and John O'Toole, MPP Durham, be thanked for this much needed funding for infrastructure for the Municipality of Clarington. Submitted by: Nancy -r; ylor, .'A., CA, Director of Financerrreasurer '. ReViewedbC ~-~ Franklin Wu. Chief Administrative Officer. NT/hjl 1501 REPORT NO.: FNO..Q10..QS PAGE 2 BACKGROUND: 1.0 The 2008 Ontario Budget announced that the Province would provide $400 million for municipal roads and bridges capital investment needs outside of Toronto. 1.1 In a letter dated March 31, 2008 (Attachment "A"), the Municipality of Clarington received notification that it has been approved to receive funds in the amount of $1,913,794 towards municipal road and bridge capital investment needs. 1.2 A condition of the funding as outlined in the attached letter includes a council resolution acknowledging certain conditions; The purpose of this report is to comply with this request by the April 30, 2008 deadline. CONCLUSION: 2.0 It is recommended that the general conditions be agreed to by Council in order to secure the one-time provincial funding. A further report will be forthcoming to Council to authorize the projects to be undertaken. Attachments: Attachment "A" -letter from Ministry ofTransportation Interested Parties: Jim Bradley, Minister Ministry of Transportation Office of the Minister Ferguson Block, 3rd Floor 77 Wellesley 51. West Toronto, Ontario M7A 128 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPAlITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVlllE, ONTARIO l1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-41ii9 1502 ::::j (') :J: m r r (') [j r,) ,,"l ___.Y"ashington Ro ~, , r,:) '.' 4 roo,' Holt Road C :::J g <0 r- .. :> "",;',r.~ ,,<~\ .....(/\ \ ''''V'i. \... )>;;U -1m ~"tJ 00 J:;;U :s:-I mm zG) -19 ZO o~ . I WO co o ~ OJ ~ [Tl ,- o ~ [Tl '- c: :> <t> N Ol N o o 00 . '" '" '" '" o 18 o '" ... () g - '" "' "' o :> :0 o .. '" '" '" ~ CD '" '" '" .. Lan maid Road 18 '" '" '" ~ Vannest Road '" '" o '" I'" [ I~ '" CD 8 '" '" Werry Road CD ~ g 18~' -- B ~ /J) o !: Z )> CD '" g '" Regional Rd 57 CD '" '" '" ~ '" CD o '" '" ~ 51 ,.. 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