HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-033-08 Cl~illgton REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE July 7,2008 Resolution #:~ rA -~~-O ~ Date: Report #: EGD-033-08 File#: By-law #: Subject: ROUNDABOUT EDUCATION PROGRAM Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-033-08 be received for information. Respectfully by, ()~~~ Reviewed by: Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer Su mitted by: A. . annella Director of Engineering Services ASC/Jb June 26, 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 Report #EGD-033-QS Page 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The Green Road Extension As Council is aware, Green Road southerly from Boswell Drive across the Canadian Pacific Rail (grade separation) to Baseline Road is being constructed as a type B arterial road to allow for significant existing and planned commercial and residential development in the surrounding area (Attachment 1). The project is in Phase I from Baseline to Aspen Springs Drive and Phase 2 from Aspen Springs Drive to Boswell Drive. When completed, Green Road will be a key arterial road and will address the discontinuity in the north-south road network serving the west end of the community in Bowmanville. The Green Road extension will provide traffic relief to parallel arterial roads, especially Martin Road (Regional Road 57), and will provide for improved access, mobility, public transit and emergency service. Green Road which is a type B arterial road was designed to move significant volumes of traffic at moderate speeds from one part of the municipality to another. The desired operating speed is 50 km/h in urban areas. Background studies suggest an interim requirement for two basic lanes, one northbound and one southbound, plus auxiliary left turns at intersections. The Green Road extension has been designed to deal with high volumes of traffic and is expected within a 10 to 15 year time horizon to carry approx. 8 - 10,000 vehicles per day. Initially however, these numbers will be substantially less until the Canadian Pacific subway is completed in approximately 2009. Projected well into the future these numbers may eventually reach as many as 15,000 vehicles per day and to understand what this may look like we should understand that downtown King Street in Bowmanville moves approximately 12- 15,000 vehicles daily. Initially because of lower traffic volumes using a roadway designed to carry higher volumes, vehicle speeds may be an issue. Report #EGD-033-05 Page 3 1.2 Modern Traffic Roundabouts Modern traffic roundabouts have been in widespread use in Europe and the United States because they provide: · Greater level of safety than other types of intersections, such as signalized intersections · Dramatically reduced injury collision rates as opposed to other types of intersections · Lower negative environmental impacts because of the lower delays associated with lower vehicle emissions . Improved aesthetics compared to other types of intersections . The capability to move higher volumes of traffic in a controlled manner 1.3 Clarinaton's First Traffic Roundabouts For the reasons listed above, and after considerable public consultation, two modem roundabouts were included in the design of Green Road from Boswell Drive to Baseline Road. One roundabout will be installed at the intersection of Green Road and Aspen Springs Drive, the other will be installed at the intersection of Green Road and Remington Street in Bowmanville. Both will have an important traffic capacity effect on Green Road while maintaining the functional operation for a two lane road, and therefore, may defer the need to widen the road to four lanes in the future. We expect that they will be open to the public early in September of 2008. Report #EGD-033-05 Page 4 2.0 PUBLIC ACCEPTANCE 2.1 Studies have shown that where roundabouts are introduced into a community for the first time, the majority of the general public is typically apprehensive about their implementation. In Clarington many of our residents will never have encountered a modern traffic roundabout before and in situations like this public acceptance of roundabouts has often been found to be one of the biggest challenges facing a road authority that is planning to install its first roundabout. Most residents will have a natural tendency to resist changes in their driving, walking and cycling environment and it is for this reason that we see public education on the use of roundabouts as critical both before opening to traffic and for several months afterwards. 3.0 CLARINGTON'S PUBLIC EDUCATION PROGRAM 3.1 We are uniquely fortunate in Clarington in that the roundabouts on Green Road will be opened long before the high volumes of traffic will begin. This gives us time to allow the public to get used to the roundabouts and gives us time to phase in an education program. Our education program will include: · Meetings with emergency services agencies including the police, fire and ambulance · Consultation and education sessions with key user groups such as school boards, local area residents, staff, Council, insurance companies, Durham Region Transit, driver education schools and visitor/tourism information centers · A roundabout web page on the Clarington website · Educational brochures Report #EGD-033-05 Page 5 · Advertisements in publications such as our Community Guide and local newspapers · Roundabout awareness signs · Traffic Control Signs 3.2 Emeraency Services In May of 2008 staff met with police and fire personnel to talk about where, when and why roundabouts will be introduced within Clarington. Roundabouts have been designed to move large transport trucks (WB-19, WB21) and can easily handle large fire trucks. In addition there is a concrete apron for larger vehicles which provides additional space. The roundabout will be 5m and the concrete apron 3.5m, providing 8.5m of paved width (Attachment 2). This design results in an entrance speed of 40 km/hr and an operational speed of 25 km/hr and is in use in other Regions and has therefore been tested. Clarington's roundabouts will be available for testing before they open and adjustments can be made if necessary. Emergency services and Operations staff will be offered on-site and in-house training prior to the opening of both roundabouts and afterwards as deemed necessary. 3.3 Consultation and Education Sessions Education sessions began in May of this year when a presentation was made to the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee (CTMAC). In June a presentation was made to all non-affiliated staff at the Municipal Administrative Centre. Council will be kept fully informed and consultations will be held with key user groups such as school boards, insurance companies, driver education schools and others. In September staff will be present at the Family Safety Day which is to be held at Bowmanville Fire Station #1. Report #EGD-033-05 Page 6 3.4 Roundabout Web Paae A roundabout education web page will be designed and added to the Municipality of Clarington's web site to provide our residents with important information about our roundabouts and to educate them in their proper use. The Region of Waterloo for example has an excellent educational video and links to animated demonstrations about how to approach and navigate through a roundabout. Resources such as this will be made available on our website along with contact information for Engineering staff who can answer any questions our residents may have. 3.5 Educational Brochures A roundabout education brochure will be distributed to school children, key stakeholders and to anyone who would like further information about how to negotiate a roundabout. The brochure will contain information for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists and will direct residents to the roundabout web page for further information. 3.6 Advertisements Advertisements will be placed in Clarington's Community Guide and local area newspapers prior to the opening of the roundabouts and will direct residents to our web page and to appropriate staff. 3.7 Roundabout Awareness Sians In advance of the opening, staff will place roundabout awareness signs on roads approaching the new roundabouts. The signs will indicate that roundabouts are coming and provide the Municipality's web site address and a telephone number for staff who can answer their questions. It should also be noted that the roundabouts will be fully barricaded prior to the official opening to prevent the public from using them before they are fully operational and before the public has been properly educated. Report #EGD-033-05 Page 7 4.0 CONCLUSION The construction of Green Road from Boswell Drive southerly to Baseline Road as a type B arterial road, including a grade separation with the Canadian Pacific Railway will prove to be of great benefit to the Municipality. This section of Green Road will facilitate the movement of significant volumes of traffic from one part of the Municipality to another but requires that we look carefully at the need to balance operating speeds and traffic volume efficiencies while maintaining that public safety is our main priority. The construction of modem traffic roundabouts in a "greenfield" situation, as can be found at two locations on the Green Road extension, is a proven tool used to influence speeds and provide a greater level of safety than other types of intersections. Initially however, residents are typically resistant to changes in their driving, walking and cycling environment and a full roundabout education program will be important both to promote public acceptance and to maximize public safety. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Site Map Attachment 2 - Roundabout Design '~., ~\ ~?-:. ~~~ ~ Q:- -""' ~ f- I \ ~ ~~6)::; ~ ~rn ~ r- ~~ ~.I!1I ~ ~~\.;:-\ i 3TIt~ 'J< 5 ~ ~ tl \ , ~ 'G ~ Ii:::: \ :\ ~ == 5= -~~~'\\~ ./ == ~== _~ ,Y /. / == o=:::: =~ .-<\\\\\ - \-U - ?=~ ~,,~ --- 8 I>~ . r "'" ~ ----=rmm ~ " ~~\\ r ill I. . lJ.lillI 0 -<"\ \ \ \ \ \y I j f- ~ == ~ >-. -/ ~ E'" ~ ~V.// / i =~ ~ ~ ~@M~Brid~IA~riu;;Yi!j !!I:' i ~IT \J~ Bonn~castleDrive ~p y ~ Proposed ~ Villi I I I ! ~ ~I\ \ \ I ! 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