HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-073-08 Cl!Jl-YJglon REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION Reso\\A\;on*~PA-41 (,.-0& Monday, July 7,2008 Report #: PSD-073-08 File #: PLN 37.3.2 By-law #: Subject: NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN IMPLEMENTATION COMMUNITY LIAISON GROUP RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-073-08 be received; 2. THAT the Terms of Reference for the Newcastle Village Community Improvement Plan Community Liaison Group be ACCEPTED and that a Council Liaison be APPOINTED; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed for this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Reviewed by: 0 ,n... () Q..::::6...Ju. David J. Crome, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P. Franklin Wu Director, Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer IUFUdf 23 June 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-073-08 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On January 29th, 2007 Council approved the preparation of a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for Newcastle Village. The terms of reference for the study called for a Community Focus Group, which was formed in March of 2007. 1.2 The Community Focus Group assisted in guiding the study to its completion in early 2008. Council approved the Community Improvement Plan on April 21st, 2008. The Notice of the adoption of the CIP was advertised in accordance with the Planning Act. No appeals to the Plan were submitted and Council's decision became final and binding on June 3'd. 1.3 This Community Improvement Plan allows the Municipality to provide incentives to business owners and property owners in the Community Improvement Plan area. It also includes recommendations for works by the Municipality. 1.4 Part of the recommendations of the CIP was the formation of a Community Liaison Group that would advise the Municipality during the Plan's implementation, much the same as the Community Focus Group had, and act as a conduit for communication with Newcastle Village residents and business operators. 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE COMMUNITY LIAISON GROUP 2.1 The Community Liaison Group is structured similar to the Orono CIP Liaison Group. The Group's mandate is limited to implementation issues and ongoing awareness of the CIP. The recommended size is 5-6 people and it is anticipated that they would meet 3-4 times per year. 2.2 Part of the implementation of the Community Improvement Plan is the ongoing co-ordination between the various community organizations. The Municipality of Clarington and the Board of Trade have developed a working relationship and have established communication with many of the stakeholders during the process. This communication is essential to the success of the CIP. 2.3 The terms for reference for the Community Liaison Group (Attachment 1) is provided for information. The terms of reference provide Council with the option of appointing a Council representative. 2.4 Advertisements for volunteers to sit on the Liaison Group will be placed in the Clarington This Week and the Orono Times and will be posted on the municipal website. As per the terms of reference, the Director of Planning Services would appoint representation from a cross-section of the community. REPORT NO.: PSD-073-08 PAGE 3 2.5 Staff recommend that Council accept the Terms of Reference for the Community Liaison Group and that a Council liaison be appointed to assist with the ongoing implementation of the Newcastle Village CIP. It is anticipated that the first meeting of the Community Liaison Group will be held this summer. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Terms of Reference List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Rod McArthur Gabrielle Bell Gord Lee George Rickard J. Arthur Wynn Gail Rickard Myno Van Dyke Valentine Lovekine, a.c. Theresa Vanhaverbeke Dave Clark Tenzin Gyaltson Randall St. Denis Carl D. Good Sheila Hall Cathy Abraham Rob Kloosterman Mike Cook Doug Holweg Peter Sainovski Attachment 1 To Report PSD-073-08 TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE COMMUNITY LIAISON GROUP For the Implementation of the NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN Backaround On April 21st, 2008 Clarington Council approved the Community I ment Plan (CIP) for Newcastle Village's commercial core which is centered aroun venue. The approved CIP for Newcastle Village describes the vision statement Newcastle Village maintains a vibrant and stro 0 ection t promising opportunities to businesses, resid d visitors. To assist with the implementation of the Cl community volunteers would be sought from and business owners, and residents, including th Newcastle Village. Representa ith knowle cultural/recreational and economic welcomed. keholder gro roperty tside the core urba environmental, social/historic, wcastle Village will also be Mandate n Group (NVCLG) will ensure that the CIP are being pursued. The NVCLG will mmunity perspective, regarding the ity lmprov an and will bring to the table their unique NVCLG will assist in communication with the public, both wcastle Village, to ensure that the implementation tools ed in the community. The members of the group shall nership with the Municipality and the Clarington Board of Trade ewcastle Village. Scope of Activiti The NVCLG, in fulfilling its mandate, is to provide advice to the Municipality and communicate information back to their respective stakeholder groups, where appropriate regarding the CIP implementation. The Committee will review information associated with the implementation of the CIP and provide comment on the success of the CIP implementation. Further to this, the NVCLG members will be active in the community, ensuring that both residents and business owners are well-aware and able to access the implementation tools outlined in the CIP. While individual members of the NVCLG may represent various interest groups, the opinions and positions taken by the members and the NVCLG are not binding, in whole or in part, on either Clarington Councilor the groups they represent. District Historical Society Membership The NVCLG is a volunteer Committee and shall consist 0 of Planning Services shall seek to appoint membe Newcastle Village stakeholders, including, but n o Newcastle Village BIA executive membe o Newcastle Village business operator o Newcastle Village resident o Newcastle Village Community o Clarington Heritage Committee a representative Members may re Liaison to interest. Council may appoint a Council atives from both the Planning Services hall be appointed to sit on the Committee as embers will be asked to assist at specific stages of the CIP Members a the NVCLG must be willing to commit the time required to information provided, as well as be open-minded to various of other members of the NVCLG. Openings for membership shall be sought from stakeholder groups and also from the community focus group who assisted with the CIP. Members will be formally appointed by the Director of Planning Services. Newcastle Village Community Liaison Group- Terms of Reference 2 The Council representative shall sit as the interim Chair. The NVCLG will select a Chair and Vice-Chair from among its membership. The Chair shall provide leadership to the NVCLG, ensure that the NVCLG carries out its mandate, and act as the primary liaison between the NVCLG and Staff. If an individual member is unable to attend a meeting he/she may r Chair to send an alternate at least 24 hours in advance of the m the Director of Planning Services of any member who is ab and may request that the member be removed from advise the Director of the resignation of any memb to the NVCLG to fill any vacancies as required. Meetinas est permission from the . The Chair shall advise ree consecutive meetings The Chair shall also Technical Support Municipal staff will provide, administr Term ofthe Committee The term of the Commi . on the 1 st of August ,1st of August 2008 and ending Village Hall Community. The NVCLG shall roximately four times per calendar year. The Chair in da for each meeting. k on a consensus basis with a quorum being set at 3 members. cannot be reached and there are divergent opinions on issues, formal votes may b a by the Chair with each member having one vote. Decisions will be carried by a majority of the members present. Reportina The NVCLG indirectly reports to Council through the Director of Planning Services. The NVCLG will be expected to review and make comments from time to time regarding the degree Newcastle Village Community Liaison Group- Terms of Reference 3 of success to which the CIP is achieving. The NVCLG's comments may be included in staff reports forwarded to or presented to Council on matters pertaining to the CIP area. Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality It is understood that NVCLG members who are residents of Newcastle Village will be affected by the proceedings and topics of discussion regarding the implem ation of the CIP; this in itself does not constitute a conflict of interest. However, ember who lobbies for improvements that would be of an individual rather than a c conflict of interest and refrain from the debate and deds' to the public. Should a they will be required to ute presentation, question and public at the meeting will be at the discretion It is further understood that the discussion and' in confidence by all members of the NVCLG. Deleaations to NVCLG Newcastle Village Community member of the public wish to make re register in advance of th and wil answer period on th of the Chair. Newcastle Village Community Liaison Group- Terms of Reference 4