HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-072-08 Cl!Kiggron REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Qe:,o\~\-iOfl ~f;PA-4IS-D~ Monday July 7, 2008 Meeting: Report #: PSD-072-08 File #: PLN 23.2.5 By-law #: Subject: GO RAIL SERVICE EXTENSION TO BOWMANVILLE FEASIBILITY STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-072-08 be received; 2 THAT Council adopt the following resolution: Whereas the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan supports transit-oriented development and has designated the Bowmanville West Town Centre Area as the concentration of high density and commercial development on the premise of the development of the GO Station; Whereas the expansion of the Darlington Station, the Clarington Energy Park, future transit facilities in association with the proposed 407-401 link reinforces the need for a GO Train Station in Courtice reflecting Clarington's Official Plan; Whereas these transit-oriented planning policies of the Municipality of Clarington are also reflected in the Regional Official Plan; Whereas the transit-oriented policies and land use designations of the Municipality's Official Plan for the lands adjacent and in close proximity to the proposed GO Station implement the policies of the Places to Grow Plan as well as the principles of the Green papers released by Metrolinx in preparation of the Regional Transportation Plan;, Whereas the Bowmanville GO Station will become the gateway to areas east of the GT A to include Peterborough, Lindsay, Cobourg, Port Hope and beyond; Whereas the extension of GO rail service to Bowmanville is one of the early priorities of Provincial Government as reflected in the 2020 Move Ontario plan; and, REPORT NO.: PSD-072-08 PAGE 2 Therefore be it resolved That the Boards of Directors for GO Transit and Metrolinx be urged to: 1. Select and fund an alignment for the extension of GO rail service into Bowmanville that utilizes the CPR rail corridor to support the current transit-supportive land use plans reflecting the principles of a mobility hubs, builds on the existing infrastructure and development of the Bowmanville West Town Centre and utilizes the lands previously acquired by GO Transit and; 2. Make provision for a GO rail station in Courtice that can serve the Darlington Generating Station, the Clarington Energy Business Park and other industrial lands in Courtice with consideration for coordinating with the future transit infrastructure in the 407 East Durham link 3. THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Directors for GO Transit, the Board of Directors for Metrolinx, the Regional Municipality of Durham, and all constituent municipalities in the Region of Durham. me, .C.I.P., R.P.P. lanning Services Reviewed by: O~ ~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer COS'sn 2 July, 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVlllE, ONTARIO l1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-072-08 PAGE 3 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of the report is to provide Council with an update and request Council direction on the extension of GO train service to Clarington. As part of this report, we also bring Council up-to-date on the Regional Transportation Plan process by Metrolinx and the Plan's recommendations for Clarington, particularly the proposed GO expansion to Bowmanville. A more detailed report on the Regional Transportation Plan will be prepared for Council's consideration once Metrolinx releases the Draft Regional Transportation plan in the summer of 2008. The format has been written following the chronology of the major milestones to bring GO Train Service to Clarington. 2.0 BACKGROUND Planning for GO Rail Service to Clarington In December 1993, GO Transit completed an Environmental Assessment report titled "GO Train Service Expansion Program-Oshawa West to Oshawa East Study". This study considered expansion of the GO train service to the east side of Oshawa with a proposed station in the vicinity of the Holiday Inn on Bloor Street near Grandview Street. The EA also provided for a rail yard in Courtice for the storage and maintenance of trains in off-peak hours. The Municipality carried out a feasibility study titled Go Station Location Study. This Study was completed in May 1994. The consultants for the Municipality undertook a comparative analysis of different sites in Bowmanville along the C.P. Rail corridor that would be suitable for a GO Station. The study determined that the Martin Road West Side would be the preferred location. The study also looked at an intermediate station in Courtice and recommended a location northwest of the intersection of Courtice Road and the CPR corridor. Clarington Official Plan This Study took Place while the current Official Plan for Clarington was being prepared as part of the original Bowmanville West Town Centre Study. As a result, the GO Location Study recommendations were included in the Official Plan. The Clarington Official Plan as adopted in 1996 by the Municipality and approved by the Region of Durham included the designations for two GO train stations, one in south Courtice and one in the Bowmanville West Town Centre Area along the CP rail line corridor. These designations are also reflected in the Regional Official Plan. The locations are in the Plan's Land Use map for Bowmanville and Transportation Map for Courtice. REPORT NO.: PSD-072-08 PAGE 4 Figure 1 - Land Use Bowmanville Urban Area ~_-.J__~ ___ . . . \ ST WRENCE AND HUDS~ ~...~~ .........r ~~........... ~....."'. . BASELINE ROAD ~~':.'::::::;.-y ~'_.~~.~~~~ ~.............. .............. ..... .....".."...."...... .............".......... H1GHw.'AY "'''''''7-.;., ................:.;.;................. .... 40 ......... ____ .~......... 1 ....~ -~.;;..:;:....:....- \ -.......... ........:....::.,.......;.;.;.;.,........"........... ......;.;.;..... .---~.........................."............ ....................... ............. .... ............. ......... ............. .............. .... \ .-:;;::~i:::\::.. ......................:.:..::.-.:.:.......,..;;.;..:...;.;;.;<... rJ · . '--- Figure 2 - Transportation - Courtice Urban Area 827 REPORT NO.: PSD-072-08 PAGE 5 Acquisition of Land in Bowmanville by GO Transit In 2004, the GO Board approved the purchase of 13.5 acres north and south of the rail corridor in the Bowmanville West Town Centre area for the future GO Station. In 2006, GO developed the northern part for a Park and Ride facility. 1I'Il"l., t tt' f.' * \'-Lo_ I - I , - . '. :,.~:- !' '. " ~.: i '". ... : ,I . : 'f. 6& u. ..... ~ .. . . ."" -, o , , P' _~ .. ~ ~ - . ... dl < . . . . :t . o Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan In 1994, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington adopted the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan. In the recent Commercial Policy Review, adopted by amendment in 2006, additional residential, mixed-use and commercial f100rspace was approved. Council envisions the area as a focal point of activity and identity for our residents through the establishment of a mix of higher density uses. One of the key foundations for this vision has been the proposed development of the GO Station in Bowmanville and making the area the commercial hub for Clarington. 828 REPORT NO.: PSD-072-08 PAGE 6 The Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan policies encourage higher densities to maximize the accessibility to public transit and the proposed GO Station. Therefore, the Secondary Plan designates those sites in closest proximity to the future GO station as Mid Rise High Density Residential. This designation is also mirrored south of the tracks in the Aspen Springs neighbourhood. Council has designated and approved many higher density mid- rise developments along Aspens Springs based on the proximity to the GO Station. As part of the implementation for the Secondary Plan and during the negotiations with the developers in the Bowmanville West Town Centre area, staff developed a streetscape plan for the area the makes emphasis on pedestrian and transit- oriented development. The following illustration highlights the interrelations between the GO site and the adjacent residential and commercial developments. , \ CJ Existing Residential D Proposed Residential _ Existing Commercial _ Proposed Commercial .. Existing Institutional _ Proposed Institutional - BowmanviIJe West Town Centre Streetscape Implementation Project Mea Bowmanville West Town Centre Streetscape Implementation Project Area Provincial Transportation Priorities - Metrolinx 829 REPORT NO.: PSD-072-08 PAGE 7 Provincial Transportation Priorities ~ Metrolinx The 2006 Provincial Places to Grow Plan makes a major emphasis on the development of transit supportive communities and on intensification of existing urban areas. The plan also speaks to the goal of achieving a balance of jobs and housing to reduce commuting times and to increase the modal share for transit, walking, and cycling. The Plan also promotes Transit as seen as a key component of sustainability. Prior to the Provincial elections in June 2007, the Premier of Ontario unveiled the program MoveOntario 2020 that would have the largest investment in public transit in Canada. The Number 4 project outlined by the Premier in the MoveOntario 2020 program is the GO Lakeshore East rail line extension from Oshawa to Bowmanville. The provincial government assigned the implementation of the MoveOntario 2020 program to the Greater Toronto Transportation Authority (GTTA) now known as Metrolinx. Metrolinx is currently in the process of preparing a Regional Transportation Plan that will be available for public review in the summer of 2008. In February 2008, Metrolinx issued a series of green papers as the first Phase of the Regional Transportation Plan One of these papers ~MobilityHubs - contained the key planning and design attributes (e.g. proximity to high-density residential areas, walking and cycling access) for the development of station sites. This definition of Mobility Hubs complements Council's vision developed more than ten years ago for the development of the Bowmanville West Town Centre through the Secondary Plan for the area. Staff has been participating as a member of the technical advisory groups and attending the different workshops and meetings with regional staff. As part of the MoveOntario 2020, in March of 2007, the Prime Minister and the Premier of Ontario announced a new initiative, Public Transit Capital Trust 2008. The program is designed to support the role public transit plays "in easing traffic congestion in urban areas and contributing to cleaner air and lower greenhouse gas emissions". In the announcement, both the Prime Minister and the Premier indicated that one of the goals of this program would be to "accelerate the extension of the GO Transit line from Lakeshore East to Bowmanville". Following this announcement, in April 2008, the GO Board authorized a feasibility Study for the Oshawa East Service Extension and New Rail Maintenance Facility. The study will consider extending the service from the existing Oshawa GO Station to Bowmanville including three potential commuter stations. The study will analyze the options of either using the CPR or CN corridors. The feasibility Study is to be concluded by December 2008. Following these announcements and initiatives, in May 2008, Metrolinx released two white papers as part of the development of the Regional Transportation Plan. In the Preliminary Directions and Concepts White Paper, Metrolinx presented three different test concepts. In each concept, the GO Train service is extended REPORT NO.: PSD-072-08 PAGE 8 to Bowmanville following the CPR line, north of the 401. Metrolinx suggests that the Bowmanville station be designated as a Major Transit Interchange! Potential Gateway Hub. On June 25th of this year, the Provincial Minister of Transportation announced a new six-month environmental assessment process to fast track transit projects. As part of the announcement GO Transit stated that the first two projects to procced under the new rules would be ,GO Train service to Milton and the extension of GO Train service from Oshawa to Bowmanville. 3.0 DISCUSSION On May 12, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington authorized staff to proceed with the review of the Clarington Official Plan. One of the key components of the review is the implementation of the Policies of the Places to Grow Provincial Plan. These policies direct municipalities to develop transit friendly communities. As noted in the Introductory Discussion Paper, our current Official Plan review will place an emphasis on sustainable development, transit accessibility, and intensification to support transit. This supports the overall principles of sustainability and transit-oriented development established in the Official plan adopted in 1996 and the more recent Secondary plan for the Bowmanville West Town Centre. The GO Feasibility Study to expand the rail service to Clarington includes the analysis of using either the CN or the CPR corridor. As the expansion of the GO Rail Service to Clarington becomes more imminent, it is important that Council reinforce its policies for GO Transit to use the CPR corridor, north of the Highway 401. This alignment provides the best service to Clarington's urban areas, close connections to the Regional transit spine on Highway 2 and would support Council's position established in the current Clarington Official Plan. It would ensure that the planning policies and investment carried out by both the public and private sectors in the Bowmanville West Town Centre is maximized and support by the development of the GO Train Station in the area. The expansion of the Darlington Nuclear Station and the future development of the Energy Park strengthen the case for an intermediate station in Courtice as highlighted in our Official Plan. And GO Train service station should be coordinated with the transit plans for the 407-401 highway link, which proposes and end of corridor transit facility and the southerly end of the East Durham Link. The location and development of GO Train stations are a key component of an interregional transit system that will benefit the residents of Clarington but could also provide new ways to access jobs in the Courtice Employment Area, including the Darlington Nuclear Generation Station. The development of the station itself and the related land uses and densities on lands immediately adjacent to the station require careful planning, as they become transportation hubs and people gathering places offering great opportunities for further REPORT NO.: PSD-072-08 PAGE 9 development. As a result, we should now proceed and start working with GO Transit and Metrolinx for the land use and infrastructure planning for two GO Train stations being planned for Clarington by following the design principles of the Metrolinx Mobility Hubs Green Paper. 4.0 RECOMMENDATION During the period that GO Transit is conducting a Feasibility Study for the extension of GO Rail service to Bowmanville, Clarington Council should clearly outline its views on the alignment of the rail service in Bowmanville. Given the current planning and investment made to date in Clarington, although the transition from the CN to the CP alignment will present additional capital costs for the project, the long term benefit of following such an alignment provides better service to urban areas and a better coordination with local and regional bus service. It provides the opportunity to truly realize the vision of the Bowmanville West Town Centre as a mixed-use, higher density centre with access to good transit services. Therefore we respectfully recommend that Council adopt a resolution in support of the CP Rail alignment.