HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSD-013-08 Cl~-/l]glon REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE June 16, 2008 Resolution #: -t\P-4~ '3Lt 1- 03 Date: Report #: CSD-013-08 File#: By-law #: Subject: SUPPLEMENTARY RATES AND FEES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CSD-013-08 be received; 2. THAT the Supplementary Rates and Fees Report CSD-013-08, as outlined in Attachment #1, be approved; and 3. THAT the Corporate Membership Program be renamed the Group Membership Program and that the program be available to any group of 10 or more individuals purchasing a membership at the same time. SUbmit~e bJ;~AY{ /J1Uoh~ Joseph P. Caruana Director of Community Services {)'t!. CO \ ~ Reviewed by: ' Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer JPCfsmfwg CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-5506 REPORT NO.: CSD-013-08 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1,1 The Community Services Department completes a full review of rates and fees on a bi-annual basis. In June 2007, Council received Report CSD-008-07 Schedule of Rates and Fees 2007/08 - 2008/09. Fee increases for most programs and services for September 1&12008 were approved in Report CSD- 008-07. From time to time it is necessary for a supplemental report in order to deal with specific issues or changes that are required ahead of the scheduled bi- annual report, as is the purpose of this supplementary report. 1,2 With the opening of the Newcastle & District Recreation Complex scheduled for later this year, program development has now occurred and as a result there are a number of new programs proposed that currently do not have established rates, This supplementary report will propose rates for new programs developed for the Newcastle & District Recreation Complex as well as a few minor additions to address specific departmental needs. 1,3 In the development of proposed fees staff take into account the direct costs to provide the program/service, current fees for existing similar programs/services, and where possible, a comparison of similar programs in neighbouring municipalities. 2.0 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES 2,1 The chart below identifies new programs for the Newcastle & District Recreation Complex with a brief description and a proposed fee: Prbgrall1/Ser\lice Age .." >. ,.' "- .... < t .... .',., ," I'> Youth Dodgeball 9-13 years Building on team skills in a fun and $28 active environment. This program incorporates the different types of dodgeball such as King's Court, Elimination, and Survivor. Youth 6-12 years Instructional focus, will teach $34 BasketballNolleyball participants rules of the game, different techniques, maneuvers and sportsmanship, Kids in Action 5-8 years A variety of sports will be played in $28 this program. Program will focus on introduction to sports, fun and safetv. Sports Club 9-12 years A variety of sports will be played in $28 this program, Program emphasis on teamwork, sportsmanship, fun and safety, Jr, Badminton 6-12 years Participants will learn the rules and $34 skills of badminton, REPORT NO.: CSD-013-08 PAGE 3 Salsa Babies 6 months - 1 Salsa Babies offers a great workout, $120 year a chance to socialize with other moms, and an opportunity to introduce one's child to music and movement. Diaper Fit 6 months - 2 Enjoy participating in an Aquafit $81 years class with your little one right beside you! This course is designed to provide an opportunity for the adult to participate in the exercise class and involve the child as much as possible, for a fun and different workout. Water Explorers 4 months - 5 An opportunity for parents and $75 years children to have fun, play water games and activities, develop new skills and explore through a series of theme-based stations each week. Networking with other participants and their oarents is Dart of the fun! Friday Fun 6-12 years For the child who is interested in $2.75 per visit some after school water fun. Facilitated by qualified staff, children will participate in water games and activities, develop new skills and explore through a series of theme- based stations each week. Participants must be comfortable in the water. Successful completion of Red Cross Swim Kids Level 1 (or eauivalent abilities) is reauired. Aquatic Adventure 8-13 years Offers skill-based activities with a $75 strong emphasis on fitness. Each week a new skill or activity will be introduced, including Water Polo, Water Volleyball, Fitness Relays, Obstacle Courses and more. Participants must be comfortable in . the deep end. Red Cross Swim Kids Level 3 (or equivalent abilities) recommended. Adult Volleyball 18+ years A great way to keep fit and meet $60 new people. Each evening will consist of rules, safety and basic skills such as bumping, spiking and servina in a recreational seltina. Adult Basketball 18+ years This is a supervised but non- $60 instructional program. Games will be olaved and refereed. Adult Floor Hockey 18+ years This program is geared for the $60 hockey lover and is geared toward non-comoetitive olav. Adult Drop in 18+ years Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton $4 per visit 1.5 hrs REPORT NO.: CSD-013-08 PAGE 4 2.2 The chart below identifies new departmental programs/services that have been developed since the last rates and fees report but are not specific to the Newcastle & District Recreation Complex: Progr<lrli/Service Age ~..... pe$Criptj6n T. ~UI1el,2QQ.8 ..... .... ...... F'roPO$!l~ High Five- 16 + ye<lrs - G<lin <I b<lsic underst<lnding of the $60 Principles of HIGH FIVE" QU<llity Assur<lnce He<llthy Child Process for children's sport and Deveiopment recreation - Design an activity plan th<lt enhances a child's healthy development - Practice tips and skills th<lt can be applied to building healthy relationships in all areas of programming for children - Learn to create environments and spaces lh<lt foster he<llthy child develonment Kinder C<lmp 4-6 ye<lrs A Day Camp for young campers. $130 (Summer and E<lch week children will participate in ($135 effective March Bre<lk) games, songs, cr<lfts, sports, outdoor September 1108) <lctivities and fun. Child Supervision 6 months - 5 B<lbysitting service provided at the 1.5 hrs - $4 ye<lrs Courtice Community Complex for 15 hrs - $36 Fitness Centre members and facility users. Gymn<lsium N/A 1 hour rental Adult $20 Rent<ll (SCA) Youth $15 Shinny 55+Nouth 55+Nouth 10 visit pass $36 Adult Shinny Adult 10 visit pass $54 2.3 In the fall of 2007, in an effort to respond to customer requests and to continue to increase the fitness centre membership base, two running programs and sports team personal training were introduced on a trial bases. In the short term, these programs and services have proven to be successful and therefore staff is recommending that Council approve the following rates: Learn to Run (Beginner & Intermedi<lte) A program designed to take particip<lnts from walking to running <I 5 km distance (beginner) <lnd <I 10 km distance intermediate. A progr<lm designed to <lssist individuals in m<lking the tr<lnsition from shorter distance runs through to the h<llf m<lrathon distance. $60 Progr<lm/Service Age H<llf M<lrathon $160 '. REPORT NO.: CSD-013-08 PAGE 5 Sports Team Training Packa es Basic Trainin - Youth Under 18 Team training offered in the studio/ 10-15 players multipurpose room only $54.00/hour -Additional players $4.50 each up to a maximum of 18 players Adult 18 + years 10-15 players $1 08/hou r -Additional piayers $9.00 each up to a maximum of 18 la ers Flex Package- Youth Under 18 Team training offered in the studio/ 10-15 players multipurpose room and on the gym floor $106.25/hour -Additional players $7.10 each up to a maximum of 18 players Adult 18 + years 10-15 players $200.00/hour -Additional players $13.33 each up to a maximum of 18 la ers 2.4 Finally, as recommended in the recently adopted Community Services Department Strategic Plan, staff is actively working to improve new member and retention rates. At this time, staff is proposing a change to the Corporate Membership Program. 2.5 The Corporate Membership Program has been in place since the early 1990's and was developed to increase membership sales to the business community. The Corporate Membership Program offers a discounted fee to employees of the same company where 10 or more employees purchase a membership at the same time. Recently, there has been interest expressed by other organizations or groups of people who are interested in a similar program. At this time staff is recommending that the Corporate Membership Program be extended to include any group of 10 or more individuals purchasing a membership at the same time and that the Program be renamed, Group Membership Program to reflect this change in scope. -. REPORT NO.: CSD-013-08 PAGE 6 3.0 CONCLUSION 3.1 In an effort to maintain quality programs and services at an affordable price the Community Services Department will continue to monitor rates and fees. Staff will bring back a full review of all departmental rates and fees in June 2009. Attachment #1-Supplementary Rates and Fees CSD-013-08 ATTACHMENT #1 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT PROPOSED RATES AND FEES EFFECTIVE JUNE 23, 2008 Rates include GST where applicable New programs that will occur at the Newcastle & District Recreation Complex: Program/Service Unit 2007/08 2008/09 2008/09 Current~ Armrc:rved proposed Youth Dodgeball 10 hrs New New $28 (lhrXIO wks) Youth 10 hrs New New $34 BasketballN olleyball (lhrXIO wks) Kids in Action 10 hrs New New $28 (I hr X 10 wks) Sports Club 10 hrs New New $28 (I hr X 10 wks) Jr. Badminton 10 hrs New New $34 (1 hr X 10 wks) Salsa Babies 10 hrs New New $120 (lhrXIO wks) Diaper Fit 10 hrs New New $81 (lhr X 10 wks) Water Explorers 10 hrs New New $75 (lhrXIO wks) Fridav Fun Per visit New New $2.75 Aquatic Adventure 10 hrs New New $75 (1 hr X 10 wks) Adult Volleyball 15 hrs New New $60 (1.5 hrs X 10 wks) Adult Basketball 15 hrs New New $60 (1.5hrs X 10 wks) Adult Floor Hockey 15 hrs New New $60 (1.5 hrs X 10 wks) Adult Drop in 18+ New New $4 Basketball, Per visit Volleyball, Badminton . New Departmental Programs/Services: Prograrn!SerVice Unit 2()0710S 20()S109 , ... .... "-', .. . CllI'f~ntR.ate AplliQv~d .. .. ..... High Five - 7 hours New New $60 Principles of Healthy Child Development Kinder Camp 37.5 hrs New New $130 (Summer and (7.5 hrs X 5 ($135 effective March Break) days) Sept 1/08) Child Hour New New 1.5 hrs - $4 Supervision Pass 15 hrs - $36 Gymnasium Hour Adult $20 rental (SCA) . Youth $15 Shinny 10 Pass New New $36 55+/Youth 10 visit pass Adult Shinny 10 Pass New New $54 New programs at the Courtice Fitness Training Facility: Prograrn!Service Age Description Leam to Run (Beginner & Intermediate) A program designed to take participants from walking to running a 5 km distance (beginner) and a 10 km distance intermediate). A program designed to assist individuals in making the transition from shorter distance runs throu h to the $60 Half Marathon $160 - Sports Team Training Packa es Basic Training- Youth Adult Flex Package- Youth Adult Under 18 10-15 players 18 + years 10-15 players Under 18 10-15 players 18 + years 10-15 players half marathon distance. Team training offered in the studio/ multipurpose room only Team training offered in the studio/ multipurpose room and on the gym floor $54.00/hour -Additional players $4.50 each up to a maximum of 18 players $108.00/hour -Additional players $9.00 each up to a maximum of 18 la ers $106.25/hour -Additional players $7.1 0 each up to a maximum of 18 players $200.00/hour -Additional players $13.33 each up to a maximum of 18 players