HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD Report to Council 2019-05-13Ciarftwu Planning & Development Committee Report to Council Report to Council Meeting of May 21, 2019 Subject: Planning & Development Committee Meeting of Monday, May 13, 2019 Recommendations: • Jennifer Savini, Templeman LLP, regarding Growth Plan Proposed Transition Regulation- OPA 107 Carolyn Molinari, CM Planning Inc., regarding Growth Plan Proposed Transition Regulation- OPA 107 That Staff make written submission with respect to OPA 107 to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to request that the transition regulation for the Growth Plan 2019, and the Greenbelt Plan be reviewed and amended to accommodate minor rounding out in the hamlets in appropriate circumstances. 2• Dale Gibbons, Chair, Courtice Family Concerts in the Park — Request for Exemption to Sign By-law That the request of Dale Gibbons, Chair, Courtice Family Concerts in the Park for an exemption to Municipality's Sign By-law 2009-123 for a two month period commencing June 12, 2019 for the property at 1463 Regional Highway No. 2, be approved. 3• Presentation by Brandon Weiler, Planner II and Paul Wirch, Senior Planner, Regarding Courtice Main Street That the presentation by Brandon Weiler, Planner II and Paul Wirch, Senior Planner, regarding Courtice Main Street, be received for information; and. That Staff be thanked for their work on the Courtice Main Street project. 4• An Application by Lindvest Properties (Clarington) Ltd. To Create a Common Elements Plan of Condominium at Aldridge Lane, Newcastle That Report PSD -026-19 be received; That the Draft Plan of Condominium application submitted by Lindvest Properties (Clarington) Ltd. be supported, subject to the conditions substantially as contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD -026-19; Page 1 Ciarftwu Planning & Development Committee Report to Council That the Durham Region Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -026-19 and Council's decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -026-19 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 5• Lakeshore East GO Train Extension Resolution Whereas in 2011 Metrolinx completed a comprehensive and objective Environmental Assessment (E.A.) for the recommended extension of GO Train Service through Oshawa to Courtice and Bowmanville; And whereas the E.A. considered a number of route options and through public input concluded that the extension along the CP Rail line through Oshawa to Courtice and Bowmanville was the preferred route for both Metrolinx and the local communities; And whereas since 2011, based on the commitment of Metrolinx and the Province to advance the recommended 2011 E.A. route along the CP Rail line, the Region of Durham, the Municipality of Clarington, the City of Oshawa, and the Town of Whitby have undertaken a number of actions such as: flncluding the recommended route and complementary land use policies in the Official Plans and zoning by-laws; fAdvancing development charges, capital expenditures and capital budgets to accommodate the extension; and fAdvancing transit considerations to service the route and proposed stations; And whereas Metrolinx completed a justified business case in 2015 confirming the CP Rail alignment as recommended by the E.A. utilizing their internal business case criteria; And whereas residents and developers have made substantial investments in growth areas identified near the proposed station sites in anticipation that the extension would be delivered along the announced preferred CP Rail line route; And whereas at a May 2, 2019 Town Hall meeting Metrolinx senior staff stated that they had explored four potential extension options as part of an update to the original 2015 business case and that these options would be reviewed with the Region and local communities; For Council Meeting of May 21, 2019 Page 2 Ciarftwu Planning & Development Committee Report to Council And whereas the Region of Durham, Municipality of Clarington, City of Oshawa and the Town of Whitby became aware that new route options were being considered by Metrolinx, other than those that were reviewed in the 2011 E.A. and 2015 business case; And whereas the Council of the Municipality of Clarington continues to support the 2011 E.A. approved route through Oshawa to Courtice and Bowmanville along the CP Rail line as it would result in the following benefits: fThe greatest long term community and economic development benefit; fThe creation of jobs and increased assessment growth; fConnectivity, walkability and opportunities for transit oriented development; fDevelopment on and around the Courtice and Bowmanville station sites; And whereas it is important that any option other than the preferred CP Rail line route be subject to an open and transparent review process where municipal and public input can be provided before any decision is made by Metrolinx; And whereas the Council of the Municipality of Clarington is committed to continuing to work together with Metrolinx and the Province to support the Lakeshore East GO Train Extension; Now therefore be it resolved that: Metrolinx explain the criteria and metrics being used for the updated business case and include the Region and local municipalities in that process; 2. Metrolinx act on the requests set out in the April 29, 2019 letter from Clarington Council; 3. Metrolinx be requested to undertake an open and transparent process to inform local and regional government staff, residents, and businesses related to any potential changes to the alignment and business case; and 4. A copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Region of Durham, the City of Oshawa, the Town of Whitby, all Durham MPP's, all Durham MP's, and all affected business and post -secondary partners. For Council Meeting of May 21, 2019 Page 3 Ciarftwu Planning & Development Committee Report to Council 6• Provincial Flood Task Force Whereas the Province of Ontario has announced the initiation of an internal task force that will consult with municipalities on ways to improve flood resiliency; And whereas the federal, provincial and municipal governments have a joint interest in natural disaster mitigation, climate change adaptation, and the reduction of risks to public safety and infrastructure; And whereas on June 19, 2017, Clarington Council resolved that "the provincial and federal governments be requested to strike a committee to review mitigation and safety plans for the communities fronting the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway" and that "Clarington be invited to participate on the committee"; And whereas the Municipality of Clarington experienced first-hand in 2017 the devastating effects of flooding, and in 2019 is again being impacted by recent and on-going flooding conditions; And whereas the flooding experienced by Clarington residents has resulted in impacts to their private property and presented safety concerns; And whereas the Municipality of Clarington has expended significant staff and financial resources in aiding area residents, ensuring their safety; And whereas the Municipality of Clarington and impacted residents have worked together to learn from past experience and strengthen flood response and resilience, resulting in the development of a flood preparedness guide, as well as the adoption of a Clarington Flood Response Plan and a municipal standard for response during flooding that has been effective during recent flooding events; And whereas climate change modelling done by the Regional Municipality of Durham projects a wetter future climate for Durham Region, and accordingly it is conceivable and reasonable to anticipate future flooding in the community; Now therefore be it resolved that: 1. The Municipality of Clarington Council thanks the provincial government for taking action to better plan for and reduce the impacts of flooding; 2. The provincial task force consider, as part of their work plan, the provision of adequate funding to support the mitigation of flooding and safety planning for flood vulnerable areas of communities; 3. The Municipality of Clarington be invited to participate in the work of the task force to allow for input on what is needed to make our communities more resilient to increasingly frequent flood events; For Council Meeting of May 21, 2019 Page 4 � -N n I # I1' 11 Planning & Development Committee Report to Council 4. The province's internal task force undertake an engagement session in the Municipality of Clarington to hear directly from local residents impacted by flooding in 2017 and now in 2019; and 5. This resolution be distributed to the Premier, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, our local MPPs and MPs, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, and the Regional Municipality of Durham for their endorsement and support. 7• Townhouse/Condominium Air Conditioning Units and other Condensing Units That staff be directed to make it a condition of site plan approval that air conditioning units and other condensing units not be placed in the public street facing side of townhouses, wherever possible. For Council Meeting of May 21, 2019 Page 5