HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-05-08[EariuGiuiE ]h�ums Clarington Museums & Archives Meeting of the Board: April 10, 2019 MAC Meeting Room 1C, 163 Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: A. Foster, S. Middleton, M. Morawetz, S. Reiner, M. Ross, K. Warren, H. Ridge (ED), G. Anderson 1. Call to Order: K. Warren, Chair of the Board, called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: S. Reiner Seconded by: A. Foster THAT: The agenda be approved. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: None 4. Adoption of Previous Minutes: Moved by: S. Reiner Seconded by: M. Morawetz THAT: The minutes be approved with corrections in the reports section, b) Membership, where the subject of the discussion was actually whether keeping memberships was necessary, and that A. Anderson, as read in Regrets, should have read G. Anderson. MOTION CARRIED 5. Business Arising from Minutes: None 6. Correspondence: None. 7. Announcements: M. Morawetz passed out Door's Open Clarington and Door's Open Ontario pamphlets to all in attendance, and encouraged everyone to attend. She also mentioned that Door's Open Clarington was still looking for volunteers for June 8th. She thanked the Museum for assisting with research and hoped that the Museum will 1of3 continue to be involved in the event. S. Middleton stated that on June 1St, Newcastle United Church will be holding a cemetery tour. M. Morawetz said that Eldad United Church was doing something similar. 8. Reports: a) Finance: A question was raised regarding financial forecasting for the Museum, and whether current operations are sustainable. H. Ridge said that the financial statements could look different from last year due fluctuations in donations and sponsorships for several exhibits. H. Ridge asked if the Board would like the Museum's bookkeeper to attend a future meeting. It was decided that financial statements from past years will be assessed in order to get a more complete picture first. b) Programming: A question was raised regarding the Museum's participation in this year's Maple Fest. H. Ridge explained that it was quite successful with a new approach to the downtown festivals. A full report will be included in the June Program Report. A question was asked about annual events that the Museum offers, and if they had retained their value to the community. K. Warren mentioned that Canada Day and Edwardian Christmas were the two largest events, pulling in the most people, but also were historically low revenue streams. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: M. Ross THAT: The all Reports of May 2019 be received. MOTION CARRIED 9. Strategic Plan Working Group: S. Reiner explained that CMOG was aware that some organizations were feeling rushed with the need for a better strategic plan, so they allowed organizations to either give a 2 -year plan, or the full 5 -year plan. S. Reiner told the board that the Strategic Planning Group had decided to prepare a 2 year plan which would provide the basis for the 5 year plan that the Museum would have to complete in the future. She said that the Group would have a draft plan ready for the June board meeting. In order to gain more input for the strategic plan, the Group would be holding a workshop for Museum staff this month. Meetings with other community stakeholder groups will be held for the future 5 -year strategic plan. 10. New Business a) M. Morawetz asked for the board's approval to have staff be involved in Door's Open Clarington if they wished. The event is volunteer driven, but in the past, the Museum has allowed paid staff to attend and assist. The board gave its approval and H. Ridge will discuss with staff where they are most needed for the event. b) K. Warren and H. Ridge discussed their phone call with J. Roantree, a past Museum donor who had inquired about the Museum's current collections policy. 2of3 c) S. Reiner raised a discussion for the Board that in a previous Strategic Plan Working Group meeting, the group had discussed the resource constraints of the annual Canada Day celebration. The Museum's Canada Day event involves a heavy expenditure of staff, volunteers and event funding. Issues include all staff working on a statutory holiday, which is costly; and historically, weather has played a large part in the attendance of the event as it is held primarily outside. There have also been issues with too much or too little food, as well as difficulty finding volunteers as it is a long weekend. Food trucks have been suggested as a solution for both finding volunteers and issues related to food sourcing and sales. It was discussed that there may be issues relating to permits, and it could be difficult due to timing to explore this avenue for 2019. There was a suggestion of contacting a local pizza chain restaurant to discuss the possibility of selling slices. All ideas would be considered for the event, and an update will be provided for the next meeting. 11. In Camera None 12. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting: The next meeting will be held on June 12, 2019 at 7 p.m. Location: MAC Meeting Room 1 C, Bowmanville Library 13.Adjournment: Moved by: A. Foster Seconded by: M. Ross THAT: The meeting be adjourned at 7:44 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives 3of3