HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-17 MinutesMUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CLARINGTON FIREARMS SAFETY COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Clarington Firearms Safety Committee held on November 17, 2003 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 11C. Present Were: Greg Farant John McKelvey John Almond Ron Alldred Tom Vendrasco Tracy Adams John Payne Regrets From: Gord Robinson Eric Atkins Richard Stephenson Craig Greentree MINUTES 1. Tom called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 2. Tom Vendrasco Co -Chaired the meeting of the Committee. 3. General Discussion Letters from Richard Stephenson and Eric Atkins: John Almond stated that he would not like to see the information contained in the letter from Richard and Eric be inputted into the report. John Payne feels that the insert from Richard and Eric is obsolete. He also feels that there is no and never has been an issue regarding the safety of hunters. Permission Slips: Tom Vendrasco spoke on behalf of Gord Robinson regarding permission slips from land owners. Gord would like to see hunters without permission slips to be fined by MNR. John Almond replied with, the Municipality has no authority to ask the MNR to fine hunters and that it would not hold up in court. The MNR will not enforce such a fine. CLARINGTON FIREARMS -2- SAFETY 2 - SAFETY COMMITTEE November 18, 2003 Dogs running at large: John Almond says that hunters dogs running on Crown Lands do not need to be licenced and they are not concerned running at large. Hunting dogs that are running at large on private property are trespassing and the hunter will be fined. Discussion for Report to Council: Greg Farrant suggested to make by-law clear for hunters. Improve maps for hunters so that there is less confusion and to enhance the ability for law enforcement. Tom Vendrasco suggested to amend existing by-law 2001-098 2.2(a) with exemption for farmers that are land locked to be able to hunt or euthanise animals on own property. Greg Farrant also included that the Criminal Code of Canada Section 86(1) be included in the report. Also that Bill C-469 (National Fish and Wildlife Heritage Commission) should be included in the report and note that this Bill will be reintroduce in Jan but as a different bill number. 4. Adjournment Next scheduled meeting will be for February 23, 2004 at 7:00. CHAIRMAN SECRETARY